UP Quota Courses

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CAMPUS/PROGRAM BA Linguistics BS Chemistry Q

Note: Q - Quota Porgram BA Malikhaing Pagsulat sa BA Community Development

Filipino U.P. Los Baños BS Computer Science Q
U.P. College Baguio BS Materials Engineering (5 BS Agribusiness Management BS Economics Q
BS Biology Q yrs) BS Agricultural Chemistry (5 BS Fisheries (Fisheries
BS Computer Science Q BS Mathematics Q yrs) Business Management)
BA Communication BS Mechanical Engineering (5 BS Agricultural Economics BS Fisheries (Fish Processing
BA Language & Literature yrs) Q BS Agricultural Engineering (5 Tech.)
BS Mathematics BS Metallurgical Engineering yrs) BS Fisheries (Marine
BS Physics (5 yrs) BS Agriculture Fisheries)
BA Social Sciences BS Mining Engineering (5 yrs) BS Applied Mathematics BS Food Technology Q
BS Molecular Biology & BS Applied Physics BA History
Biotechnology Q BS Biology BA Literature
U.P.E.P. Pampanga B Music (5 yrs)* BS Chemical Engineering (5 BS Management
BS Business Management BA Philosophy yrs) Q BA Political Science Q
BA Economics B Physical Education BS Chemistry BA Psychology Q
BA Psychology BS Physics (5 yrs) BS Civil Engineering (5 yrs) Q BS Public Health Q
BA Political Science Q BA Communication Arts BA Sociology
BA Psychology Q BS Computer Science Q BS Statistics Q
U.P. Diliman BS Psychology Q BS Development
BA Anthropology BA Public Administration Communication
BS Applied Physics (5 yrs) B Secondary Education BS Economics Q
BA Araling Pilipino BS Social Work BS Electrical Engineering (5
BS Architecture (5 yrs) Q BA Sociology yrs) Q U.P. Mindanao
BA Art Studies BA Spanish BS Food Technology BS Applied Mathematics
BS Biology Q BA Speech Communication BS Forestry BS Architecture
BA Broadcast Communication B Sports Science (5 yrs) BS Human Ecology BS Biology
Q BS Statistics BS Industrial Engineering (5 BA Communication Arts
BS Business Administration Q BA Theater Arts* yrs) Q BS Computer Science
BS Business Administration & BS Tourism BS Mathematics BA English (Creative Writing)
Accountancy (5 yrs) Q BS Mathematics and Science BS Food Technology
BS Business Economics Q Teaching BA Social Sciences
BS Chemical Engineering (5 BS Nutrition
yrs) Q BA Philosophy
BS Chemistry ________________ BA Sociology
BS Civil Engineering (5 yrs) Q Q Quota program BS Statistics
BS Clothing Technology * The College of Music, D Veterinary Medicine (6 yrs) Q Quota program
BA Communication Research College of Fine Arts and the ** A screening examination
BS Community Development BA Theater Arts program of will be given by the College of
BS Community Nutrition the College of Arts and Dentistry after the second
BA Comparative Literature Letters year to determine fitness
BS Computer Engineering (5 require their prospective U.P. Cebu College and manual dexterity.
yrs) Q freshmen who qualify through BS Biology *** The College of Nursing
BS Computer Science Q the UPCAT to pass a talent BS Management Q requires its prospective
BS Economics Q test to determine their B Fine Arts (Painting) freshmen who qualify through
BS Electrical Engineering (5 suitability for the profession. BS Computer Science the UPCAT to pass an
yrs) Q BA Mass Communication interview and/or an aptitude
BS Electronics & Note: Unless otherwise BS Mathematics test. Only qualifiers who
Communications Engineering indicated in parenthesis, an BA Political Science belong to the upper 40% of
(5 yrs) Q undergraduate degree is BA Psychology their graduating class will
B Elementary Education ordinarily earned after four be admitted.
BA English Studies years
BA European Languages of studies. U.P. Tacloban College Note: Unless otherwise
BS Family Life & Child BS Accountancy (5 yrs) Q indicated in parenthesis, an
Development U.P. Manila BS Biology undergraduate degree is
BA Filipino BA Behavioral Sciences BS Management ordinarily earned after four
BA Film & Audio-Visual BS Biochemistry Q BA Communication Arts years
Communication BS Biology Q BS Computer Science Q of studies.
B Fine Arts* BS Computer Science Q BA Social Sciences
BS Food Technology D Dental Medicine (6 yrs)** (Economics)
BS Geodetic Engineering (5 BA Development Studies BA Social Sciences (Political
yrs) BS Industrial Pharmacy (5 Science) Non-Baccalaureate Programs
BS Geography yrs) BA Social Sciences
BS Geology BS Nursing Q *** (Psychology) Certificate in Fine Arts
BA History BS Occupational Therapy Q Certificate in Music
BS Home Economics BA Organizational Certificate in Visual Arts
BS Hotel, Restaurant & Communication U.P. Visayas Certificate in Sports Studies
Institution Mgmt.Q BS Pharmacy BS Accountancy (5 yrs) Q Certificate in Theater Arts
BS Industrial Engineering (5 BA Philippine Arts BS Applied Mathematics Certificate in Forestry
yrs) Q BS Physical Therapy (5 yrs) Q BS Aquaculture Diploma in Creative and
B Interior Design BA Political Science BS Biology Q Performing Musical Arts
BA Journalism BS Public Health Q BA Broadcast Communication Sertipiko sa Malikhaing
B Landscape Architecture BA Social Sciences (Area Q Pagsulat sa Filipino
B Library & Information Studies) BS Business Adm.
Science BS Speech Pathology Q (Marketing) Q

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