Final Research
Final Research
Final Research
variety of tasting refreshing authentic, pearl milk drink tea, made from 100% freshly
brewed loose-leaf teas. Infinitea established in 2010 they become popular because they
serves different flavors of milktea like, Almond Milktea Medium, Dragon Milktea Medium
and Pearl Green Milktea Medium. That is why the Infinitea become different and
interesting. Infinitea is the top and fast growing milktea top in the Philippines with 200
shops nationwide.
Gong cha is another milktea shop that is also popular. Gong cha is a South Korean
owned Taiwanese drink shop franchise. In 2017 Gong cha was sold to Gong cha Korea,
internationally. Gong cha milktea were made with fresh and high-quality ingredients.
Sweet and chewy boba pearl with perfect sweetness and fragrance tea to quench your
thirst. Gong cha means we take customers as “Emperor” and only provide them the best
The researchers chose this topic since Infinitea Milktea and Gong cha are very
popular and they are both direct competitors. The researchers wants to determine the
consumers buying behavior on selected milktea stores in Muntinlupa City which is Gong
Statement of the problem
The main thrust of research study is to determine the consumer’s buying behavior
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents of Gong cha and Infinitea?
1.1 Gender
1.2 Age
1.3 Occupation
1.4 Income
1.5 Education
2. What is the buying behavior of the customers in cultural profile in terms of:
3. What is the buying behavior of the customers in social profile in terms of:
Significance of the study
This study will able to contribute research study the difference between the two
trending beverages. Furthermore, this research study can be a guide for those who want
Students: It can help them to have knowledge especially ABM students who want to start
a business and they can use this research study as a guide to innovate a product that
Unemployed Person: This research study can help them to have a job and start a
Future Researchers: This research study can help them in getting resources data that
Business Owner: This research study will help other business owner top have a lot of
Employees: This research study can help an employees in matter of having a job or an
Scope and Delimitations
This study only focused on determining consumers buying behavior. This was
measured in terms of the personal influences, cultural influences and social influences.
The researchers limited the respondents to 100 customers at each stores (total of 200
Definition of Terms
Milk Tea – refers to several forms of beverage found in many cultures, containing some
combination of tea and milk. Beverages vary based on the amount of each of these key
ingredients, the method of preparation, and the inclusion of other ingredients (varying
Gong Cha – means we take customers as ‘Emperor’, and only provide them the best
service and products. Gong cha selects the premium tea leaves and other high-quality
ingredients. Experienced tea master carefully infuse the tea indifferent temperatures and
golden ratios.
Infinitea – serves a wide variety of tasty and refreshing authentic pearl milktea drinks for
all you fanatics out there. Guaranteed made from 100% freshly brewed loose-leaf teas of
high quality for an overall healthier lifestyle. We also serve variety of coffees, frappes,
socialmedia sites such as Linkedln an facebook, when using tools such as dig and
An entity, in most cases, is an individual. However, this profile can also be defined for a
Demographic Profile – is a tool used by marketers so that they may be as efficient as
possible with advertising products or services and identifying any possible gaps in their
corporate spying.
Business – is the activity of making one’s living or making money by producing or buying
Customers- is the recipient of a good, service, product or an idea- obtained from a seller,
vendor, or supplier via a financial transaction or exchange for money or some other
valuable consideration.
Consumer behavior- is the study of individuals, groups, or organization and all the
activities associated with the purchase, use and disposal of goods and services, including
the consumer’s emotional, mental and behavioural responses that precede or follow
these activities.
consumer behavior may be defined as the process and activity when the consumers
use to evaluate, purchase or dispose goods and services to satisfy their needs (Loudon
and Bitta, 1993; Solomon et al.,2002; Hoyer and Maclnnis 1997, p.3).
According to Fill (2002), the advertising is important and the main factor as it can
inform or remind the audiences about the existence of the brands and also influence
one of the primary criteria for creating an advertisement. Entertainment is used as a tool
remembered by consumers rather than a boring one. Therefore, it can be said that
Kumar & Raju (2013) have found that advertisements are able to change the
Reference Group
Studies on reference group influence varies from men to women where gender is
Kanuk, 1996)).
between housewives and students, housewives were seen to be less susceptible than
students to group influences for variety of products (Park & Lessig, 1977).
According to Shah (2010), Every society possesses some form of social class
which is important to the marketers because the buying behavior of people in a given
social class is similar. In this way marketing activities could be tailored according to
different social classes. Here we should note that social class is not only determined by
income but there are various other factors as well such as: wealth, education,
occupation etc.
A. Demographic Factors and Consumer Buying Behavior
customer’s buying behavior are the internal factors including age, gender, income,
occupation, education, family size, and religion, race, generation, nationality and social
class, so the market is divided based on these factors. And these factors are the basic
factors to differentiate customer groups as the customer wants, preferences and usage
1983 Francken Consumers are satisfied with the product or service will
generate repeat purchase intention.
2010 Shiffman & Performance in the search for, purchase, use and evaluate
Kannk the behavior of products and services to meet the demand.
According to Flynn (1995), age is a very important demographic factors that
influences on the decision making process on the purchase behavior because natural
factor, easy to measure and use it a lot of social science theories. People of different age
have different needs and wants and buy different goods and services over their life time.
Dunne and Lusch (1999), the accomplishment in the education field is the most
reliable index for the income potential, attitudes and the way of spending of a person.
Acton (2005) stated that the consumer purchase behavior is defined as “consumer buying
Engel (et al., 1993) declared that consumer buying behavior is directly related to
the consumption of products and services which are triggered by the decision-making
process before and after. He also expressed that the purchase behavior of the narrow
explanation refers to the buying behavior of individuals substitutes the exchange of goods
or services in money or money. East (et al., 2008) said that purchase behavior have been
accepted that most repeat purchase decision are done as a habit and often his range of
This part of our study will be able to show you the research design, sample,
Research Design
The main goal of the descriptive research is to describe data and characteristics
To obtain facts about the customer’s buying behavior on selected milktea stores.
There is a need for interpreting the meaning of the data gathered. In this study, the
resources of information.
The Sample
appropriate sampling in the study and went to the respondents in Festival Mall Alabang,
Muntinlupa City. To explain to them the content of the questionnaire, so that they will be
able to understand and answer the question given. The respondents of this study were
The Instrument
researchers give survey questionnaire form to the respondents and they choose their
In table 1, it contains of the gender of the respondents and their age. Their
contains of the time of drinking Milktea of the respondents. The way of drinking Milktea
if they want to drink it hot or cold and lastly, the reference of the kind of tea or the flavor
of Milktea they want to drink. In table 3, it’s all about the social profile of the
respondents. The reference group on Milktea of the respondents. The marketing form of
advertisement on Milktea and lastly, the preferred companion when drinking Milktea of
the respondents.
Data Gathering Procedure
1. The researchers gives a letter of approval in the managers of Infinitea and Gong cha
2. The researchers wrote a letter that will be signed in approval of evaluators that will be
Female 57 57 Female 57 57
The table above shows the gender of the respondents. Gong cha and Infinitea has
respectively. It means that, female used to drink and buy milktea than male.
Male Female
The graph shows the percentage of the gender of the respondents of Gong cha and
Infinitea. Female got 57% while male got 43% which mean that most of the respondents
are female.
The table shows the age of the respondents. In Gong cha, 42 of respondents are 15-20
years old, 27 of the respondents are 21-25 years old , 13 respondents are 26-30 years
old , 8 of the respondents are 31-35 years old , 3 respondents has the age of 36-40 years
old, 4 respondents are 41-45 years old , 1 respondent is 46-50 years old, there’s no
respondents at the age of 51-55 years old and 2 of the respondents are 56-60 years old
with a total of 100 respondents. It means that age between 15-20 years old are fond of
drinking Milktea than in other age. In Infinitea, 38 respondents are 15-20 years old, 37 of
the respondents are 21-25 years old , 12 respondents are 26-30 years old, 5 respondents
are 31-35 years old, there are also 5 respondents that are 36-40 years old, 1 respondent
is 41-45 years old, 1 respondent is 46-50 years old, there’s no respondents in the age of
51-55 years old and lastly only 1 respondent is at age of between 56-60 years old with a
total of 100 respondents. It means that age between 15-20 years old are fond of drinking
30 26-30
25 31-35
15 46-50
Gong cha Infinitea
The figure above represents the percentage of the Age of the Respondents of Gong cha.
15-20 years old has the higher percentage which is 42%, 46-50 years old has the lowest
percentage which is 1%. Gong cha has a total of 100% of the Age of the Respondents.
The figure of Infinitea shows that 38% is the highest percentage of the age of respondent
which 15-20 years old. There are three same percentages the 41-45 years old, 46-50
years old and 56-60 years old they are all 1% and that’s also the lowest percentage.
Table 1.3. Occupation of the Respondents
Gong cha Infinite
Response Percentage Rank Response Percentage Rank
Student 52 52 1 Student 39 39 1.5
Employee 23 23 2 Employee 39 39 1.5
Professional 12 12 4 Professional 15 15 2
Others 13 13 3 Others 7 7 3
The table above shows the occupation of the respondents, in Gong cha 52 of respondents
there are 13 respondents who respond others which means they have other occupation
or they are pensionaries, with a total of 100 respondents. In Infinitea 39 respondents are
students, 39 responded that they are employee, 15 respondents are professional and 7
The table clearly shows that when it comes on ranking of occupation of the respondents
of Gong cha, rank 1 is student, rank 2 is employee, rank 3 is others and rank 4 is
professional. On the other hand, the ranking of occupation in Infinitea, student and the
employee are rank 1.5, rank 2 is professional and rank 3 is others. Therefore, the
Gong cha
12% Students
52% Professional
The graph of Gong cha shows that 52% of the occupation of the respondents are
students it means that some of the buyers of Gong cha are students it’s because
nowadays milktea is trending in teens , 23% of their buyers are Employee because
employees can afford to buy milktea because they are already working, 12% of their
buyers are professional it’s only 12% because some of the professionals are busy in their
job so they don’t have a time to buy milktea because milktea is trend for teenagers and
young adults and 13% of the respondents respond to others because some of the buyers
of milktea is not only for those students, professionals and employee can also buy it but
15% Students
The graph in Infinitea shows that 39% is the highest percentage which is two, the students
and employee it means that in Infinitea Milktea shop some of their customers are students
and employee and some of their buyers are professionals which is 15% and others that
is 7% only.
Table 1.4 shows the income of the respondents, in Gong cha, 41 respondents has no
have 10,000 to 15,000 income, 6 respondents have 15,000 to 20,000 income and 14
have 10,000 to 15,000, 7 respondents have 15,000 to 20,000, and 8 respondents have
an income of 20,000 and above, there are total of 100 respondents respectively.
The table clearly shows that when it comes on ranking of income of the respondents of
Gong cha, rank 1 is no income/allowance, rank 2 is 10,000 and below, rank 3 is 20,000
and above, rank 4 is 10,000-15,000 and rank 5 is 15,000-20,000. On the other hand, the
is 10,000 and below, rank 3 is 10,000-15,000, rank 4 is 20,000 and above and rank 5 is
15,000-20,000. Therefore, the respondents of Gong cha and Infinitea are mostly have
income of no income/allowance.
41% No income/Allowance
Gong cha 11% 10000-below
The graph shows the percentage income of the respondents in Gong cha. It’s shows there
that 41% is the highest percentage of the respondents that has no income/Allowance,
28% of the respondents has an income of 10,000 below, 11% of the respondents has an
37% No income/Allowance
20% 10000-15000
The figure above shows the percentage of income of the respondents in InfInitea. 37% is
the highest percentage which is the no income/allowance it means that 37% of the
Table 1.5. Education
In table 1.5, It shows there the Education of the Respondents. In Gong cha 21 of the
respondents are high school, 49 respondents are college, 3 respondents are post
are graduate and 5 respondents are undergraduate, with a total of 100 respondents.
The table clearly shows that when it comes on ranking of the education level of
respondents of Gong cha, rank 1 is college, rank 2 is graduate, rank 3 is high school, rank
4 is undergraduate and rank 5 is post-graduate. On the other hand, the ranking of the
education level of the respondents of Infinitea, rank 1 is college, rank 2 is graduate, rank
3 is high school and post-graduate and rank 4.5 is graduate. Therefore, the respondents
Gong cha 5%
Post Graduate
The figure in Gong cha represents the percentage of Education of the respondents, 49%
of the respondents are college which has the highest percentage, 22% are graduate, 21%
are high school, 5% are undergraduate and the lowest percentage is the post graduate
Infinitea 22%
Post Graduate
5% Graduate
The figure above represents the Education attainment of the respondents, college has
the highest percentage which is 43%, 25% of them are graduate, 22% of them are high
school, 5% of the respondents are post graduate and 5% of them are undergraduate, with
a total of 100%.
Table 2. Cultural Profile of the Respondents
Table 2.1. Time of drinking Milktea
Breakfast 4 4 Breakfast 5 5
Lunch 14 14 Lunch 15 15
Snack 74 74 Snack 75 75
Dinner 8 8 Dinner 5 5
In table 2.1 shows the time of drinking milktea of the respondents. In Gong cha, 4 out of
100 respondents drink milktea in their breakfast, 14 of the respondents’ drink milktea in
lunch, 74 of the respondents’ drink milktea in snack and 8 of the respondents’ drink
milktea in dinner time, while in Infinitea, 5 out of 100 respondents drink milktea in their
50 Breakfast
40 Lunch
Gongcha Infinitea
The figure above shows that the snack has the highest percentage and the breakfast has
the lowest percentage time of drinking milktea. The percentage of the respondents who
drink milktea in their snack is 74% and 4% in breakfast. Gong cha has a percentage of
The figure above shows that the snack has the highest percentage and the breakfast and
dinner has the lowest percentage time of drinking milktea. The percentage of respondents
who drink milktea in their snack is 75% and 5% in breakfast and dinner. Infinitea has a
percentage of 100.
In table 2.2 shows the way of drinking milktea of the respondents. In Gong cha, 5 out of
100 respondents who drink hot milktea and 95 of the respondents drink cold milktea while
in Infinitea, 14 out of 100 respondents who drink hot milktea and 86 respondents drink
Gong cha
Hot Cold
The graph above shows that the cold has the highest percentage and hot has the lowest
percentage way of drinking of the respondents. The percentage of the respondents who
drink cold milktea is 95% and 5% respondents who drink hot milktea, total of 100 percent.
Hot Cold
The graph above shows that the cold has the highest percentage and the hot has the
respondents who drink cold milktea is 86% and 14% of respondents who drink hot milktea,
total of 100%.
In table 2.3 shows the preference kind of tea of the respondents. In Gong cha, 37 out of
100 respondents who preferred black tea and 6 respondents for Oolong tea, 27
respondents for white tea and 3o respondents who preferred other kinds of tea, while in
Infinitea, 40 out of 100 respondents who preferred black tea,25 respondents for white tea,
8 respondents for Oolong tea and 27 respondents who preferred other kinds of tea, for a
25 Black tea
White tea
Oolong tea
15 Others
Gong cha Infinitea
The figure above shows that the black tea has the highest percentage and the Oolong
tea has the lowest percentage of preference kind of tea of the respondents. Gong cha
The figure shows that the black tea has the highest percentage and the Oolong tea has
the lowest percentage of preference kind of tea of the respondents. Infinitea has a
percentage of 100.
Table 3. Social Profile of the Respondents
Gong Infinitea
Response Percentage Rank Response Percentage Rank
Friends/Peers 60 60 1 Friends/Peers 67 67 1
Family 28 28 2 Family 22 22 2
Advertisements 2 2 5 Advertisements 2 2 5
Colleagues 4 4 4 Colleagues 4 4 4
Others 6 6 3 Others 5 5 3
Total 100 100 Total 100 100
In table 3.1 it shows the reference group on milktea of the respondents. In Gong cha 60
4 of them are referred by their colleagues and 6 of them are referred by others, with a
advertisements, 4 of them are referred by their colleagues and 5 of the respondents are
Rank 1 in Reference Group on Milktea in Gong cha is friends/peers has a big influence
to people which they can refer milktea to others to buy and drink, rank 2 is the family
because family can also have a big influence to refer milktea to their family members,
rank 3 is others because the 6 respondents have a different reference group on drinking
milktea, rank 4 is the colleagues because 4 of the respondents choose their colleagues
to be their reference group on drinking milktea while the advertisements were the rank 5.
On the other hand, In Infinitea, rank 1 is the friends/peers because friends/peers can
influence others to buy and drink milktea, rank 2 is family because it can also influence
their family members to try drinking milktea, rank 3 is others because 5 of the respondents
have a different reference group on drinking milktea, rank 4 is colleagues because it also
has influence to others to buy and drink milktea and rank 5 is the advertisement.
60 Advertisements
Gong cha Infinitea
The figure of Gong cha represents the percentage of the reference group on milktea of
the respondents, 60% of the respondents has the highest percentage which is the
friends/peers, 28% were the family, 6% of them were the others, 4% of them are the
colleagues and the lowest percentage is the advertisement that has a 2%, a total of 100%.
In Infinitea, Friends/peers has the highest percentage of the reference group on milktea
of the respondents with a 67%, 22% of respondents were the family, 5% were others, 4%
of them were colleagues and 2% of them were advertisement, with a total of 100%.
Table 3.2. Marketing form of advertisement on Milktea
Gong Infinitea
Response Percentage Rank Response Percentage Rank
Banners 14 14 3 Banners 19 19 2
Newspaper/Magazine 6 6 5 Newspaper/Magazine 10 10 4.5
Internet/Blogs 41 41 1 Internet/Blogs 37 37 1
TV/Radio 5 5 6 TV/Radio 7 7 5
Word of mouth 23 23 2 Word of mouth 17 17 3
Others 11 11 4 Others 10 10 4.5
Total 100 100 Total 100 100
In table 3.3 it shows the marketing form of advertisement on milktea of the respondents.
In Gong cha 14 of the respondents was informed about milktea by the help of banners,
the milktea by the use of internet and watching blogs, 5 of them known the milktea by
word of mouth and 11 of them known the milktea through others, with a total of 100
respondents, while in Infinitea, 19 of the respondents was informed about milktea by the
them known the milktea by the help of internet/blogs, 7 of the respondents known about
milktea by watching TV’s and listening to the radios, 17 of them known about milktea by
the help of word of mouth and 10 of them known about milktea through others, with a total
of 100 respondents
The table clearly shows the ranking of marketing form of advertisement on Milktea of the
respondents in Gong cha, rank 1 is the internet/blogs because through the help of
internet/blogs customers can already know all the informations and benefits of drinking
about milktea, rank 2 is the word of mouth it can persuade others to buy and drink milktea
because of the positive feedbacks of other about milktea, rank 3 is banners because it
will attract potential customers to buy milktea because of its eye catching designs and
35 TV/Radio
30 Word of mouth
25 Others
Gong cha Infinitea
The figure shows the percentage of marketing form of advertisement on milktea in Gong
cha , 41% of the respondents were informed about milktea by the help of internet/blogs
which has a highest percentage, 23% of them known milktea through word of mouth,14%
of them through the help of banners, 11% of them known milktea through others, 6% of
respondents with the lowest percentage known about milktea through the help of
In Infinitea, the figure shows the percentage of marketing form of advertisement, through
the help of internet/blogs it has a highest percentage which is 37%, 19% of them through
the help of banners,17% of hem through the help of word of mouth, the
newspapers/magazines have a 10%, 10% of them known milktea through the help of
others and 7% of them known milktea through TV/Radio, with a total of 100%.
Friends/Peers 60 60 1 Friends/Peers 63 63 1
Officemates 5 5 3 Officemates 6 6 3.5
Family 27 27 2 Family 17 17 2
Schoolmates 3 3 5 Schoolmates 6 6 3.5
Neighbors 1 1 6 Neighbors 2 2 4
Others 4 4 4 Others 6 6 3.5
Total 100 100 Total 100 100
In table 3.3 shows the companion of the respondents in drinking milktea. In Gong cha, 60
out of 100 respondents drink milktea together with their friends/peers, 5 respondents
together with their officemates, 27 respondents together with their family, 3 respondents
together with their schoolmates, 1 respondent together with her neighbors and 4
respondents together with their other companion, while in Infinitea, 63 out of 100
respondents drink milktea together with their friends/peers, 6 respondents together with
their officemates, 17 respondents together with their family, 6 respondents together with
their schoolmates and their other companion and 2 respondents together with their
The table shows that when it comes on ranking of companion when drinking milktea of
60 Family
50 Neighbors
Gong cha Infinitea
The figure above shows that the friends/peers has the highest percentage and the
neighbor has the lowest percentage of companion of the respondents in drinking milktea.
The figure shows that the friends/peers has the highest percentage and the neighbors
has the lowest percentage of companion of the respondents in drinking milktea. Infinite
Based on the result of the data gathered by the researchers, the following
It discusses that majority of the respondents at Gong cha and Infinitea are females
under the age group of 15-20 years old. The results shows that the primary market of
Gong cha and infinite establishment are students because there’s a lot of student that
studying in those milktea stores. Gong cha and Infinitea is in malls like Festival Mall which
is located near at schools. It is a good place for students to study since it is free from
noise and it has a cozy ambiance that is perfect for studying. Since almost of the
respondents Gong cha and Infinitea are students the source of their income comes from
their allowances.
According to Trehan (2009), age is an important factor affecting needs for the
products. The need for products varies with age. If the product is purchased by young
Armstrong (2010) stated, “buyer’s decision are also influenced by his or her
personal characteristics, notably the buyers age and life-cycle stage, occupation,
2. Cultural profile of the customers regarding the time of drinking milktea, way of
drinking tea and the kind of tea the customers preferred most.
It shows that the majority of the respondents both in Gong cha and Infinitea enjoy
drinking tea during snack time since most people are more likely to have time during
their snack period and they prefer to have Milktea on their snack time rather than
drinking ordinary drinks. Most of the respondents prefer their tea cold because of the
hot weather and they drink tea during snack cold tea also make them refresh and
reduces the hot feeling and thirst that they have. Furthermore, the respondents most
likely prefer black tea mainly because of the health benefits and good taste it provides.
Research shows that Black tea are known to lower the risk of cancer.
black tea can substantially reduce the rate of blood pressure variation.
According to Neyes Tani TR, Shariatzade N, Kalayi A, et al. (2010) Regular daily
intake of balck tea improves oxidative stress biomarkers and decreases serum C-
teenagers and they are most likely into trendy things and they always want to fit in any
trending stuff.
They like to discover new things through friends, they recognize milktea through the use
of internet and blogs. Since nowadays the use of internet is very popular and there’s a
lot of blogger who make an article about milktea and every detail about Gong cha and
Infinitea will scatter so easily that will make teenagers aware of those milktea and they
information panacea for consumers. Because of the complexities of the internet and
As Lawfer (2006) stated, “customers who refer their family and friends to your
business are your advocates and their recommendations are more valuable than any
The management may improve its product by creating a healthy and alternative
ingredients to attract other consumers. They can improve their product by creating
a product that even parents and grandparents won’t hesitate to buy since it has an
The management can also put some nutritional facts and benefits about their
products and advertise more about the quality of their products and use internet to
They may low the price of their product so everyone can buy to them, they may
change some ingredients that they usually use and discover organic ingredients
as an alternative to achieve and maintain customer’s cheaper price but high quality
Since their consumers are usually teenagers they can make their store catchy and
instagramable since teenagers nowadays love places that are beautiful and has a
unique features, by that consumers might post it on their social media accounts
The management should not stop to innovate their products and make it trending
so that their customers won’t get tired on products that they offer. Make it unique
The management may offer foods that are compatible in any time like milktea for
breakfast, snack in snack time, milktea and food for dinner. By that milktea stores
The management may offer promotional drinks (e.g. buy 2 take 1 promo, buy 1
galloon of milktea with free foods) they also create a menu that is good for a group
of people this is a market strategy because if they have a menu for a group the
The management should also consider the psychological profile of the customers
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To The Respondents,
The researchers are currently conducting a research study about Consumers Buying Behavior on Selected
Milktea Stores (Gong cha and Infinitea) in muntinlupa City.
The Researchers.
Name (Optional)_________________________
1.3 Occupation
1.4 Income
1.5 Education
_____Graduate _____Undergraduate
_____Hot _____Cold
_____Colleagues _____Others