How To Setup A Kali Linux Hacking Station On Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
How To Setup A Kali Linux Hacking Station On Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
How To Setup A Kali Linux Hacking Station On Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
In this quick guide we are installing A Kali Linux Hacking Station On Raspberry Pi 3
Model B+.
To access the hacking station we are enabling SSH and auto longing for lightdm, for
remote desktop connection i am installing Vino VCN.
Last we are installing and configuring WiFI Pumpkin a rouge access point platform.
1.3 Download and run Win32DiskImager our a similar application to load the image on the
SD card.
1.4 Insert the SD card to the Raspberry Pi and power on the device.
2.2 Scan your local network with Nmap to get the Raspberry’s IP address.
2.4 The default credentials is root for login and toor for the password.
4.3 Delete the comment characters (“#”) and change the autologin user to be “root”.
4.6 Use the settings menu on the desktop to turn off the power savings options and lock
screen options.
sudo reboot
5.2 Download and run the script below to configure the Vino server installation.
# Download and unpack the script and run the commands bellow
sudo cd 3a836c60f010bf655f82a99064341993
sudo nano
sudo chmod +x
sudo ./
5.3 The installation script will create a auto start file for VINO “vino-
sudo /root/.config/autostart/vino-server.desktop
5.4 Display listing sockets, Vino listening port is TCP port 5900.
5.5 Edit the desktop resolution on startup, open the “boot” directory and edit the
“config.txt” file.
cd /boot/
5.6 Uncomment the “framebuffer_width” and the “framebuffer_height” parameter and set the
resolution to 1024.
## framebuffer_height
## Console framebuffer height in pixels. Default is display height minus
## overscan.
5.8 Confirm that the VNC server is working by connecting to the server with a VNC
Step 6: Configure WiFi Connection
sudo /etc/network/interfaces
auto wlan0
allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-ssid "YourNetworkName"
wpa-psk "YourPassword"
sudo reboot
cd WiFi-Pumpkin/
sudo wifi-pumpkin
Optional 2: Install Bully
cd bully*/
cd src/
sudo make
We have installed a Kali Linux Hacking Station on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, enabled SSH
and remote “desktop” connection.
Check out the Ethical Hacking notes for more Kali Linux quick guides.