Syllabus 2019-Igcse Pisq

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. GRADE 8 (2019-2021)

Long Term Planning IGCSE Islamiyat

Prepared by Subject Teacher: Masood ur Rehman

Grade: 8
Subject: Islamiyat Centralized Annual Plan of Islamiyat
September 2019 to May 2021
Course Book: Cambridge O level Islamiyat By Dr Habib Ur Rehman

Rubrics for 14 mark questions

1- Read a question and understand the demand of the question
2- Underlines key requirements of the question
3- Addresses each requirement fully in the answer
4- Describes with detail and emphasis on the question focus
5- Reports events giving detail, in sequence, remaining closely aligned with the question.
6- Gives reasons for events, actions. Uses examples and details that are pertinent
7- Evaluates the effects of events, actions, speech, movements.

Good knowledge. Correct facts.

All main facts must be included
Answer must be specific not general
Describes in good sequence and detail
Answer must be relevant
Explains application in life
Evaluates with good reasons
References must be given
References must be relevant
Clear link of reference with the topic
Answer must substantial
Each point has separate paragraph.

. GRADE 8 (2019-2021)

General Academic Skills

1. Answer is well developed.

2. Each point is given in a separate paragraph.

3. The paragraph begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop.

4. Spelling, grammar, hand writing must be neat and correct.

5. An introductory line (stem) and conclusion are clearly written.

6.The part (a)’s and (b)’s should be clearly distinguishable from each other.

7.Appropriate beginning and conclusion.

8th Term 1-2018

Topics to be covered in this term

Paper 1 Paper 2
Quran Passages Hadiths
1,2,3,4,5,11 1,2,3
History and nature of Quran (chapter 2) History and nature of hadith (Chapter 6)
Features of Makki and Madni Surahs Authenticity of hadith
Stages of revelation of Quran 610 to 632 CE Classification of hadith
Compilation of Quran Compilation of hadith
Masnad and musannaf ahadith
Life of The Prophet (SAW) 6 authentic books

. GRADE 8 (2019-2021)

Conditions of Arabia
Birth to Call Pillars of Islam
Prophet (SAW) as the Last messenger of Allah Shahadah
First Islamic community Articles of faith
Scribes of divine revelation Tawhid

8th Term 2-2019

Topics to be covered in this term

Paper 1 Paper 2
Quran Passages Hadiths
6,7,12 6,7,8,9,10
History and nature of Quran (chapter 2) History and nature of hadith (Chapter 6)
Use of Quran in legal thinking Use of hadith in legal thinking
Importance of Quran in thought and action Importance of Hadith in thought and action
Ijma and Qiyas
Pillars of Islam
Life of The Prophet (SAW) Salat
Life at Mecca Zakat
First Islamic community Articles of faith
Mother Khadija (SAW) prophets and Jihad

Abu Bakr (RA)

. GRADE 8 (2019-2021)

8th Term 1-2019

Month: Sep 2019

Topic General Objectives Assessment Questions Assessment Target Academic Skills
QP1,2,3 Identify which passages from Demonstrates a wide and
the Qur’an talk about God’s a) Briefly explain main thorough understanding of what 1. An introductory line
characteristics theme(s) in this passage. these teachings mean for (stem) and conclusion are
• Describe various b) Briefly explain the Muslims today and how these clearly written.
characteristics of God, e.g. His importance of these theme(s) teachings are presented
Oneness (tawhid) in a Muslim’s life today. specifically in these suras. 2. Well-developed theme
• Have some knowledge of the and importance. Just
Arabic of the passage as well 2-Recognises the significance mention of the theme not
as the English. of the theme mentioned in part enough.
3. All themes should be
3-Can reason, evaluate and mentioned.
discuss in a thoughtful, mature.
4. The paragraph begins
4-Likely to quote Qur’an verses with a capital letter and
and Hadiths to support and ends with a full stop.
illustrate the themes made.
5. Spelling, grammar, hand
writing should be neat and

Articles of Faith: Identify the main Articles of (a)Associating partners Students will be able to Describe, Application,
Tawhid faith, namely belief in God, (shirk) is opposed to believing evaluation, reasoning
including what Muslims believe in the oneness of God Part a Describe the benefits of
about him (tawhid) and can be divided zakat for the Muslim community What the question is
into three main categories. asking must be kept in
Describe each category.

. GRADE 8 (2019-2021)

write about who zakat was mind and answers must be

b) Does belief in angels make given to and what the rate is linked to the question.
a Muslim’s faith stronger? which was not asked for by the
Give reasons for your question. 3-4 well developed
answer. M/J 2017 P22 reasons
Focus their answer on the
benefits of zakat to the Muslim
community and included points
about how it fosters
brotherhood, equality and
goodwill in society the higher
levels were achieved.

To write about how zakat

stimulates investment and
discourages hoarding. On the
whole, this was a well
answered and popular

Part (b) To giveresponses of

how fasting helps Muslims to
realise the plight of the poor
etc. and likewise for zakat.
To go on and say that it makes
them also realise that God has
given them many bounties and
that they appreciate these and
thank God for them and feel
closer to Him

To say by fasting and giving

zakat they develop taqwa.

. GRADE 8 (2019-2021)

Features of Makki Characteristics and main N/A N/A

Surahs - R themes
Features of Madni Characteristics and main N/A N/A
Surahs - R themes

Month: Oct 2019

Topic General objectives Assessment questions Assessment target Academic skills
Chapter 2:Nature  Identify the contents of the N/A N/A N/A
and structure of Quran.
the Quran- R  Comprehend its nature and
 Describe the way in (a) Write an account of the ways Students should be able to For (a)
which the Qur’an was in which the Qur’an was For (a) Paragraph 1:
revealed to the Prophet revealed to the Prophet between Describe the ways in which the Introduction.
Muhammad the years 610 and 632. [10] O/N Quran was revealed, why in Paragraph 2,3,4: Here
 Discuss the way in which 2009 bits and on different places. include description of the
Stages of the people in Makka ways with examples.
revelation of the responded to the revelations Explanation with
Quran(Revelation  Discuss how this affected examples, of revelation
of Quran 610-632) the early Muslim community in bits and on different

Paragraph 5: Convincing

 Describe the ways in which Students should be able to For (a)

the authenticity of Hadith is For (a) Paragraph 1:
judged. Define Isnad and Matn with Introduction.
Authenticity of
Hadith (Sanad and  Describe the qualities (a)Write a descriptive account of examples. Paragraph 2,3,4: Here
required to be a reliable the terms isnad and matn of a Explain the criteria of both include explanation of
transmitter and say why Hadith and the role they play in terms. the criteria.
these qualities were establishing the genuineness of
a Hadith.

. GRADE 8 (2019-2021)

important for transmitting Their importance in Evaluate their role in

hadith. (isnad criteria). establishing the genuineness establishing the
 Describe the characteristics of a Hadith. genuineness of hadith.
of Matn required to make a For (b) Paragraph 5: Convincing
hadith reliable. (b) How does the Muslim Describe by giving examples conclusion showing the
community benefit by having from daily life. importance of genuine
genuine compilations of Give evaluative statements compilations of Hadiths.
Hadiths? and provide detailed For (b)
explanation to prove the Reason with examples
importance of genuine from daily life the
compilations of hadith in practical impact of
Muslim community. following genuine
compilations of Hadiths.
Support your argument
by describing how
Muslims may suffer if
they do not have/follow
genuine hadiths.
Students will be able to (a) What are the different Students should be able to For part a:
Describe different types of types of Hadiths? How is each For (a) Paragraph 1: well
hadiths by explaining the Hadith classified into the Describe different types of developed introduction of
criteria of classifying each different types? [10] O/N 2012 hadiths by explaining the the types
hadith into different types. P22 criteria of classifying each Paragraph 2:Criteria for
hadith into different types. both Sanad and Matan in
Also will be able to describe For (b) separate paragraph.
Classification of by giving examples from daily Describe by giving examples
Hadith life of an individual Muslim from daily life of an individual 2. Each type well
Give evaluative statements Muslim elaborated in a separate
and provide detailed (b) Giving one example, Give evaluative statements paragraph.
explanation to prove the explain how the Sunna is and provide detailed
importance following Sunnah important in a Muslim’s life explanation to prove the 3. The paragraph begins
today. today. [4] importance following Sunnah with a capital letter and
today. ends with a full stop.

. GRADE 8 (2019-2021)

4. Spelling, grammar,
hand writing are neat and

5. An introductory line
(stem) and conclusion
are clearly written.

For (b)
Examples of Importance
with reasons. Needs
explanation. Just
mention of examples is
not enough.

Month: Nov 2019

Topic General Objectives Assessment Questions Assessment Target Academic
 Identify Hadiths which a) Describe its teachings Students should be able to
are related to a Muslim’s about what Muslims For (a) 1. An
individual conduct believe. Explain with evident clarity the belief introductory line
 Identify the main underlying the teaching. (stem) and
teachings in the Hadith b) Describe how Muslims Concise explanation to support your conclusion are
about what Muslims can put these teachings into points. clearly written.
Hadith 1,2 believe action. For (b)
 Discuss how these Describe by giving examples which may 2. Well-
Hadith help Muslims be practically done or can be thought of. developed
understand how they Support with other relevant quote/s from theme and
should act Quran or hadith. importance.
Just mention of

. GRADE 8 (2019-2021)

 Discuss their significance the theme not

in thought and action in enough.
 Write about major 3. All themes
teachings in the Hadith should be
you have to study in the mentioned.
4. The
begins with a
capital letter
and ends with a
full stop.

5. Spelling,
grammar, hand
writing should
be neat and

Describe the way in which the Give an account of how the Students will be able to First paragraph:
earliest companions Qur’an was compiled in the Stem with brief
started their compilations, and years following the Part a background of
how they judged the Prophet’s death. [10] . the compilation.
authenticity May/June 2010 Give a detailed description of the
Explain why the first compilation of the Qur’an under both Second
Compilation of community of Muslims Caliphs. paragraph: Role
Quran Describe the way in which it thought it was necessary to of Abbu Bakr
was compiled into book form compile the Qur’an. [4] Mention the compilation under Abu Bakr’s Umar and
May/June 2010 period, with mentioning the battle of Hazrat Zaid
Identify the main Yamama, Services of Utman
personalities involved in the Third
compilation Write about the revelation and the scribes paragraph:
writing verses on bones, etc.

. GRADE 8 (2019-2021)

Explain why it was collected 3 steps taken

and compiled into a book by Hazrat Zaid
For part (b)
Discuss the importance of Able to offer insightful reasons for the Fourth
making compilations of the need to compile the Qur‘an, e.g. that the paragraph: Role
Quran. Qur‘an needed to be compiled for future of Umar (RA)
generation who would not learn it by heart
or would not have Arabic as their first Linking
language and the fact that the compilation vocabulary,
allows Muslims to have access to the correct
Qur‘an in all times and places without any grammar,
changes. coherence.

Able to repeat some description from (a) For part b

e.g. the loss of hafiz and merely add that Can reason,
Caliphs feared the Qur’an would be lost, evaluate and
without any explanation of the implications discuss in a
of the Qur’an being lost and why it was thoughtful,
then compiled. mature.

Describe the
reason. Just
mention of the
reason ids not

Identify the main (a) Write a brief account Part a

personalities involved in the about the tasks carried out Students will be able to
compilation. by the Scribes of the
revelation at the time of the write briefly about the Prophet narrating
Scribes of Divine
Identify their life history and Prophet. [10] the verses to the scribes, or wrote mainly
services for compilation. about the compilation at the time of the
(b) Explain the importance Caliphs.
of the principles employed
by the compilers of the

. GRADE 8 (2019-2021)

Qur’an at the time of the Write about the scribes, who they were
Caliphs. [4] May/June 2014 and the duties they performed, including
(11) writing letters, that they wrote the verses
on various materials and that the Prophet
verified them.

Part b

Will be able to give a narration of the

events surrounding the compilation of the
Qur’an rather than the importance of the
principles employed, e.g. compiling it in
the dialect of Quraysh to ensure
authenticity or checking written copies with
those who had memorized the Qur’an.

1-Describe the way in which A)Write an account of the For part a

the earliest companions parts that make up a Students will be able to
started their compilations, and Hadith, and describe the
how they judged the checks made by the Mention that the Hadiths consist of two
authenticity of the isnad and collectors of the Hadiths to main parts, the chain of narrators (isnad)
matn ensure the accuracy of their and the text (matn).
collections. [10] May/June
2015 2058 21 To give a detailed account of them.
2- Identify the main categories Be able to describe in some detail how
Compilation of
of Hadith b)Why was it important to the compilers of Hadiths compared matn
3-Discuss the importance of check the accuracy of of the Hadith with reason, the Qur’an and
making compilations of Hadith. Hadiths? [4] other authentic Hadiths to ensure that it
agreed with the main Islamic principles.
4-Describe the way in which it
was compiled into book form. Able to mention the fact that isnads were
closely checked as well as the credentials
5-dentify the main of the narrator when selecting a Hadith for
personalities involved in the the authentic collections could also be
compilation. mentioned in the answer. How the

. GRADE 8 (2019-2021)

compliers went about collecting and

6-Explain why it was collected authenticating the Hadiths could also be
and compiled into a book given in the answer.

For part b
Will be able to mention that the Prophet
was sent as a guide and is a role model for
all Muslims to follow in order to lead a
good Muslim life.

Will be able to say that Muslims need to

know what the Prophet said as his words
also elaborate the teachings of the Qur’an
and help not only in daily life but in
formulating laws etc. If authentic Hadiths
were mixed up with the weak or fabricated
Hadiths than the Muslims would be led
astray. It was therefore important to verify
the authenticity of the Hadiths so that
Muslims could live their lives in line with
the correct teachings of the Prophet.

Describe the services of

Six Authentic
compilers and the Reading
books and their
characteristics of the Six
authentic books.
Identify the difference in a)What do Muslims Familiarity with the subject matter and Ditto
Masnad and
between two collection and generally understand by the importance of these two collection.
name of important books on terms: • musannaf and
these collection. musnad Hadiths? [10]

. GRADE 8 (2019-2021)

October/November 2014
2058 21
 Identify which passages from a)Briefly describe the main For Part a 1. An
the Qur’an talk about God’s theme 1-A thorough, well-developed and introductory line
characteristics b) briefly describe the substantial theme. (stem) and
importance of the theme conclusion are
• Describe various relationship 2-Demonstrates extensive, relevant and clearly written.
between God and His highly accurate knowledge about the
messengers. theme with considerable details of the 2. Well-
theme. developed
• Have some knowledge of the theme and
Arabic of the passage as well 3-Likely to quote Qur’an verses and importance.
as the English. Hadiths to support and illustrate the Just mention of
themes made. the theme not
4-The reference is connected to the
answer and not left dangling. 3. All themes
Quranic Passage should be
no.4,5,11 Criteria: mentioned.
Substantial, Comprehensive and
thoughtful description of all mentioned 4. The
themes with relevant references. paragraph
begins with a
capital letter
For part b and ends with a
Demonstrates a wide and thorough full stop.
understanding of what these teachings
mean for Muslims today and how these 5. Spelling,
teachings are presented specifically in grammar, hand
these suras. writing should
be neat and
2-Recognises the significance of the correct.
theme mentioned in part (a)

. GRADE 8 (2019-2021)

3-Can reason, evaluate and discuss in a

thoughtful, mature.

4-Likely to quote Qur’an verses and

Hadiths to support and illustrate the
themes made.

Month: Dec 2019

Topic General Objectives Assessment Questions Assessment Target Academic Skills
Discuss the Religious, Political, 1-Reading from the book To make the students familiar N/A
Social, Moral, economical with the importance of new
Conditions of
conditions 2-Discuss the merits and de merits of Messenger for the society.
the Arabian society before Islam

Identify key events during birth to 1-Reading from the book N/A N/A
Life birth to call, including his relation with 2-Discuss the Prophet’s interaction
Call Quraish before call. with Quraish before call to prophet
‘There is no god but Allah, and Understanding the meaning of Part a
Identify Shahada as main pillar of Muhammad is the Messenger Shahadah and its link with Reading and
Islam including significance of of Allah’. Describe the Muslim other Pillars of Islam. understanding
what it contains. beliefs summarised by the the question is
declaration of faith (shahada). Difference between two parts of important
[10] OCT-NOV 2012 Shahada and the link in
between them Both parts of
(b) Explain how the declaration Shahada should
of faith (shahada) is acted upon be addressed
through the remaining four
pillars of Islam. [4] How the second
part confirms
the Risala of

. GRADE 8 (2019-2021)

(pbuh) in

In part (b)
An evaluative
responses is

Must not be
confused with
Article of faith

Each way should

me well
elaborated in
Identify the belief of the Muslims in Discuss the Muslims belief in Understanding the belief on the Part a
the Seal of Prophet hood and its the Seal of Prophethood. Seal of Prophet hood.
significance 1-First
How this belief effect the Its significance on Muslims paragraph: Stem
Seal of Muslim’s life? belief with introduction
hood./ 2-Second and
Prophet (saw) third paragraph;
as the last Elaboration of
messenger of belief with
Allah Reference to the
Quran and


. GRADE 8 (2019-2021)

Part b
An evaluative
response is

Each way should

me well
elaborated in

 Identify Hadiths which are a) Describe its teachings about what Students should be able to For (a)
related to a Muslim’s Muslims believe. For (a) Identify and
individual conduct Explain with evident clarity the briefly explain
 Identify the main teachings b) Describe how Muslims can put belief underlying the teaching. the main
in the Hadith about what these teachings into action. Concise explanation to support teachings in the
Muslims believe your points. Hadith about
 Discuss how these For (b) what Muslims
Hadith help Muslims Describe by giving examples believe.
understand how they should which may be practically done
Hadith 3,4 act or can be thought of. For (b)
 Discuss their significance in Support with other relevant Start with stem.
thought and action in Islam quote/s from Quran or hadith. Support your
 Write about major teachings argument by
in the Hadith you have to giving examples
study in the syllabus to show the
ways in which
this hadith can
be acted upon.


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