AccessHealth Social Determinant Screening 102517

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AccessHealth Spartanburg:
Social Determinants Screening Tool
1. Do you have health insurance?
 Yes  No

2. Have you applied for health insurance through the Marketplace?

 Yes  No

3. What is the last grade you completed in school?

4. If you have a college degree, what in?

5. How would you rate your ability to read?

 Good  Average  Poor

6. How often do you need to have someone help you when you read instructions, pamphlets, or other written materials?
 Always  Sometimes  Never

7. Are you currently employed?

 Yes  No

8. Have you ever served in the military? If yes, how were you discharged?
 Yes  No

8a. If yes, have you applied for VA Benefits?

 Yes  No

9. What are your current living arrangements?

10. How many are living in your household?

11. What is the combined monthly income of everyone living in your household?

12. Have you applied for or do you receive food stamps (SNAP) benefits?
 Yes  No


This resource is a companion to the Center for Health Care Strategies’ brief, Screening for Social Determinants of
Health in Populations with Complex Needs: Implementation Considerations. The brief examines how organizations
participating in Transforming Complex Care (TCC), a multi-site national initiative funded by the Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation, are assessing and addressing social determinants of health for populations with complex
needs. To download the brief and view additional assessment tools, visit

Advancing innovations in health care delivery for low-income Americans |

AccessHealth Spartanburg: Social Determinants Screening

13. Have you applied for: If yes, what is the status of your application?
 Social Security  Disability  SSI  Unemployment

14. How do you currently go to appointments/errands?

15. Do you eat a balanced diet?

 Yes  No

16. Do you exercise? If yes, what type and how often?

 Yes  No

17. Do you currently have a medical home? If yes, where?

 Yes  No

18. What medical problems have you been diagnosed with?

19. What is your plan for managing your condition?

20. Do you have allergies? If yes, please list.

 Yes  No

21. In the past 12 months, have you had any of the following?
 Mammogram  Pap Test  Prostate Exam
 Colonoscopy  Flu Shot  Pneumonia Shot

22. Do you practice safe sex?

 Yes  No

23. Are you currently taking any prescribed or over the counter prescriptions? If yes, please list.
 Yes  No

24. Do you have any issues affording your medications?

 Yes  No

25. Have you been connected to Welvista?

 Yes  No

26. Have you recently been hospitalized or had surgery? If yes, please list.
 Yes  No

26a. If yes, did you receive follow-up care?

 Yes  No

27. When was the last time you visited the emergency room and how often are the visits?

28. When was the last time you saw a dentist?

29. Do you have dental problems now?

Advancing innovations in health care delivery for low-income Americans | 2

AccessHealth Spartanburg: Social Determinants Screening

30. When was the last time you saw an eye doctor?

31. Do you have any vision problems now?

32. Have you ever been treated for a mental health disorder? If yes, when were you treated and at what facility?
 Yes  No

33. Do you smoke or use chewing tobacco? How much?

 Yes  No

34. Do you use alcohol? How much?

 Yes  No

35. Do you use recreational drugs? What and how much?

 Yes  No

36. Have you ever been treated for substance abuse? If yes, when were you treated and at what facility?
 Yes  No

37. Are you a member of a church or spiritual community?

 Yes  No

38. Do you have a friend or family member who can help you through difficult times?
 Yes  No

Advancing innovations in health care delivery for low-income Americans | 3

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