Project Profile On Multipurpose Computer Centrecyber Cafe PDF

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Khadi and Village Industries Commission Mumbai


Introduction :
Computers have changed complete global scenarie of work and business. Today computers are
widely used in each and every aspect of life. Apart from data processing, training and educational
purpose computers have wide ranging commercial use coupled with internet. Through internet many
commercial activities such as e-mail, browsing, web browsing , e-commerce are possible.
Personnel computer is still out of reach of a common man in our country due to high cost. In such a
situation cyber cafes or multipurpose computer centers have recognized the need for the need o
connectivity and are offering various packages at affordable prices. Apart from the IT enabled
services the project also envisages the use of computer center for other computer related activities
such as data processing job and training activities for getting special customers. In general low
startup cost, quick returns is the big attraction of the project.


2 Project Cost :
a Capital Expenditure
Land : Own
Work shed in sq.ft rented 0 Rs. -
Equipment : Rs. 308,000.00
Computer-Pentium IV., Intel IV 1,7/1.8/1.9 GHz and above 256 Cache/128 DDR RAM/Intel 845 Chipset
based Motherboard/AGP 4 X32 MB Graphics/40 GB HDD/1.44 MB FDD/52 x CD ROM with Multi Media
Kit with speakers/Scroll Mouse/Multi-media 107 Keys key board/15"VGA Colured Monitor (Digital) and
Internal 56.6 KBPS Modern, 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Card, Mini Tower Cabinet/2 Serial, 2 USB, 1
Parallel, 1PS/2 Mouse Parts with Preloaded Software Window 2000/XP Home and Anti Virus,
Networking components, Other Hardware & Cards, CAble, Modern & Internet Connection, Scanner,
Laser Printer, CD Printer, UPS(500 VA/600 VA) Office equipment & furniture, Pre-operative expenses.

Total Capital Expenditure Rs. 308,000.00

b Working Capital Rs. 228,000.00
TOTAL PROJECT COST : Rs. 536,000.00

3 Estimated Annual Production Capacity: (Rs. in 000)

Sr.No. Particulars Capacity in No./Q. Rate Total Value
1 Multipurpose computer center/cyber 48000.00 200.00 948.12
café-DTP,Trg,IT services
TOTAL 48000.00 200.00 948.12

4 Raw Material : Rs. 240,000.00

5 Labels and Packing Material : Rs. 40,000.00

6 Wages (2-Skilled & 1-unskilled) : Rs. 240,000.00

7 Salaries (1-Manager) Rs. : 120,000.00

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8 Administrative Expenses : Rs. 100,000.00

9 Overheads : Rs. 75,000.00

10 Miscellaneous Expenses : Rs. 60,000.00

11 Depreciation : Rs. 30,800.00 .

12 Insurance : Rs. 3,080.00

13 Interest (As per the PLR)

a. C.E.Loan : Rs. 40,040.00

b. W.C.Loan : Rs. 29,640.00

Total Interest Rs. 69,680.00

14 Working Capital Requirement :

Fixed Cost Rs. 323,120.00

Variable Cost Rs. 624,640.00

Requirement of WC per Cycle Rs. 236,940.00

15 Cost Analysis
Sr.No. Particulars Capacity Utilization(Rs in '000)
100% 60% 70% 80%
1 Fixed Cost 323.12 193.87 226.18 258.50
2 Variable Cost 625.00 375.00 437.50 500.00
3 Cost of Production 948.12 568.87 663.68 696.00
4 Projected Sales 1280.00 768.00 896.00 1024.00
5 Gross Surplus 331.88 199.13 232.32 265.50
6 Expected Net Surplus 301.00 168.00 202.00 235.00
Note : 1.All figures mentioned above are only indicative.
2.This is model project profile for guidence
3.Cost of Project, and its profitability will be changed depends on the area, availability
of raw Material, man power, power requierement and various other factors etc..

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