Fruit Ripening Using PGR
Fruit Ripening Using PGR
Fruit Ripening Using PGR
By :
Nahdlini Salma Sabila (B1B017002)
Pratiwi Kusuma K (B1B017007)
Mellya Rizki P (B1B017031)
Fakhri Naufal R (B1B017022)
Group :2
Entourage : D1
Assistant : Juniar Susiani
A. Background
Plant growth regulator (PGR) has a very important role for plant growth and
development. Growth regulating substances or plant hormones (Phyto hormones) are
non-nutrient organic compounds, small amounts of PGR can stimulate, inhibit and
can change plant physiology. Plant growth regulators make an important contribution
in the world of agriculture. An understanding of the function and role of hormones in
plant growth and development is a must to learn. Because using these hormones must
be done properly (Wirasaputra et al., 2017).
Fruits have an important source of vitamins, minerals, and other substances in
supporting nutritional adequacy. Fruits can be consumed raw or cooked. The fruit
consumed is fruit that has reached the mature level. Increasing ripe fruit yields in
quality and quantity can be cultivated with certain substances, among others, with
ethylene growth regulators. Ethylene can be found in fruit ripening or even
preventing the production and activity of ethylene in fruit storage businesses.
Ethylene is known in ripe fruit by ropica fruit carriers during shipping from Yamaika
to Europe in 1934, further cooking bananas emit gas which can also spur ripening
rippled fruit. Since then ethylene (C2 = H2) has been used as a means of ripening
fruit in industry (Abidin, 1985).
Banana fruit is a tropical fruit that is very popular with people because it
tastes good and sweet when cooked, but the availability of ripe bananas on the
market is very lacking and the maturity of bananas is usually not uniform. The
ripening process of bananas is a process of accumulating sugar by overhauling starch
into a simpler compound. Unlike fruit in general, it accumulates sugar directly from
the assimilate delivery resulting from photosynthesis in leaves which is generally
sent to other organs in the form of sucrose (Anderson & Beardall, 1991). Kepok
bananas in the Philippines are known as banana saba, while in Malaysia it is known
as banana nipah. The fruit is delicious to eat after being processed first. The shape of
the fruit is rather flat so that sometimes called sprawl fruit. The weight of the order
can reach 14-22 kg with the number of combs 10-16. Each comb consists of 12-20
pieces. When ripe the skin color is full yellow fruit (Wirasaputra et al., 2017).
B. Purpose
A. Material
The tools that e used in this practical lab activity are Measuring glass, stir bar,
beaker glass, and an analytical scale.
The material that we used in this practical lab activity are kapok bananas,
Ethrel (2 chloroetylphosphonic acid), papers, and distilled water.
B. Methods
A. Result
Figure 4.1 Banana 0 ppm 5 days Figure 4.2 Banana 300 ppm 5
Figure 4.3 Banana 900 ppm 5 days Figure 4.4 Banana 600 ppm 5
Figure 4.5 Banana 0 ppm 7 days Figure 4.6 Banana 300 ppm 7
Figure 4.7 Banana 900 ppm 9 days Figure 4.8 Banana 600 ppm 9
B. Discussion
Practically the ripening of fruit uses bananas as an object to see the effect of
ethylene in fruit ripening. Ethylene concentrations used were 0 ppm, 300 ppm, 600
ppm and 900 ppm. Based on the results of the practicum, bananas which have been
soaked with ethrel which show that the fruits given ethylene treatment with a
concentration of 900 ppm ripen faster than with a treatment of 0 ppm, 300 ppm and
600 ppm, all fruits ripen on the third day with soft fruit texture and yellow , while the
aroma appears on the third day. The higher the concentration used the faster the
process of ripening of bananas. This is because at a concentration of 900 ppm
bananas have decreased protein content and damage to the mitochondria so that the
respiratory and ATP production also decreases, besides that bananas are a fruit group
that has a high starch content so that during storage 2-3 days the banana still contains
starch 20- 30%, but after 4-5 days the starch content will drop by approximately 4%
(Kusumo, 1984).
Palmer (1971), argues that the maturity indicator of a banana is the fruit's skin
color changes from green then begins to turn yellow and begins to increase ethylene.
Real changes are changes in water content, respiration rate, acidity, carbohydrate,
pectin, protopectin, and tannin.
1. Become a Soft Fruit Skin and Fruit Meat
The ripening process in bananas is softly marked by fruit flesh. This is due to
the dissolution of insoluble protopectin to be practically soluble. The substances are
derivatives of polyalgalactic acid and found in the form of protopectin, pectin,
pectinic acids and pectic acids. When the fruit ripens, the soluble pectate and
pectinate content increases, while the total amount of pectate decreases. This
tendency is also present in bananas. In the change in pectin, the fruit's toughness
decreases, so the fruit becomes soft.
2. Amylum rollout
Hydrolysis Amylum is perfect by acids or specific enzymes on polysaccharides
to produce monosaccharides or derivative compounds increase in sucrose, glucose
and fructose during maturation.
3. Changing Fruit Skin Color
The first fruit maturity color is the loss of green. Yellowing of a banana occurs
due to the loss of chlorophyll without or only a small amount of pure carotenoid
formation. Some authors report that the enzyme chlorophilase is responsible for the
breakdown of chlorophyll. The hydrolytic activity of chlorophyllase which breaks
down chlorophyll is part of phytol and porphyrin nuclei. Chlorophyll, especially in
an acidic atmosphere, can also silence Mg ++ ions in the center of the porphyrin
group and turn into feophytin, then a color change occurs. But not the loss of color.
4. Change of Aroma
Maturation usually increases the amount of simple sugars that give a sweet
taste, decreases organic acids and phenolic compounds which reduce the taste of
sepet and acid, and increase the volatile substances which are the typical member
flavors. Changing fatty acids during maturation banana. The results show that the
fruit contains acetic acid, propionate, isobutane, and isivalate both in free and bound
forms. The free content of isobutanic, butyric and isovaleric acids increases rapidly
and the time of attachment coincides with the arising of the fruit aroma.
According to Abidin (1985) the factors that influence the activity or work of
ethylene, namely, temperature, high temperature (> 35ºC), ethylene formation does
not occur. Optimum temperature of ethylene formation (tomatoes, apples) 32ºC
while other fruits are lower. Second, Mechanical and infectious wounds, broken fruit,
bruises, abrasions during transport of fruit, so ethylene will center on that part, be
eaten and become caterpillar nests. Third, radioactive rays, the use of radioactive
rays can stimulate the formation of ethylene. an example of a fruit which is
illuminated by gamma rays of 600 krad can accelerate the formation of ethylene, if
given at pre-climatic. However, if at climatic time, the use of this radiation beam can
inhibit production of methylene. Fourth, The presence of O2 and CO2, if O2 is
lowered and CO2 is increased, the ripening process is inhibited. And if anaerobic
conditions do not occur, ethylene formation does not occur. Fifth, Interaction with
auxin hormone, when auxin concentration increases, ethylene will also increase.
Sixth, The level of maturity, the mechanism of ripening fruit by ethylene begins with
protein synthesis at a normal maturation level. Protein is synthesized as soon as
possible in the ripening process. According to Abidin (1985) namely
Concentration, higher concentration, the fruit will ripen quickly, KMNO4, KMNO4
functions as ethylene scavanger that captures ethylene gas so that the ripening
process is rapid, Addition of carbide, addition of carbide causes ethylene
concentration to increase causing fruit ripening speed, ethelene gas, with the
presence of ethylene gas can accelerate fruit ripening. Fruit ripening is an
unavoidable and irreversible physiological process during which the overall fruit
quality radically changes. In just a few days, fruit quality improves until it reaches its
optimum and then declines until the fruit becomes inedible due to overripening.
Stakeholders withinthe supply chainhave tomanage fruit ripening in order to provide
the best fruit quality to consumers (Nordey et al., 2016)
Ethylene is regarded as a multifunctional phytohormone that regulates both
growth, and senescence. It promotes or inhibits growth and senescence processes
depending on its concentration, timing of application, and the plant species. The
application of ethephon, an ethylene releasing compound enhanced ethylene
evolution and increased leaf area of mustard at a lower concentration, while inhibited
at higher concentration (Iqbal et al, 2017)
A. Conclusion
Based on the result and discussion, it can be conclude that the concentration of
Ethrel solution that can accelerate the ripening of fruit is on 900 ppm with
interpretation color and texture change very high in last day also aroma and taste
change high in last day.
B. Suggestion
We suggest that, it would be better if students are more careful when
conducting a series of practical steps so that accurate results are obtained.
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