1.1 Project Summary
1.1 Project Summary
1.1 Project Summary
Aim: To implement a software application which involves the planning, monitoring, and
control of peoples (men power), process and events that occur during the project
development session.
Software is used in any organization, to coordinates the project management activities
during the project (Exterior or Interior planning/execution) session and manages the
project task assigned to different employee/trainee in different department of an
organization. Finally it involves the report generation of different project development
activities. The project management activities involve assigning and managing the
employee tasks, meeting establishment, messaging services etc. The system shall be used
with any number of users at the same time and shall not degrade in the performance.
In terms of the project (designing of the Interior/Exterior layout of structure) is follows
the some similar step of S/W Engineering process, like a requirement specification,
analysis, designing and implementation of the design. So here project involves the deep
analysis of the project management concepts, which includes the number of meeting with
the company’s employees. The different methodologies of the project development have
been studied during the development session and select the best according to our context.
Regular meeting with our project guide the requirement prepared specification documents
for the next phases of the project development. By the observation in the organization,
We found some problems which is easily handle by the computer, like after completion of
one phase of the project then assignment go to some other department can be take the
more time, so overall project development can be take the more time. Reading and
reviewing the requirements, the different analysis model is prepared for the proper
designing of the system. Each document is then used in the different designing modules
such as database designing, OMT analysis and algorithm design. After the end of the each
phase of our project development, the meeting with the project guided was held for the
feedback and the improvement process. The guide the implementation is then started
approved once the work.
The purpose of this project is to plan, control, and manage the different activities of the
project development session. In another words there will be a centralize control and
monitor over the different projects running into the organization. It is intended to any
organization that are usually involves in the long term project about 1 to 2 years of time
duration. The project will keep track of each of the project activities, which might be the
part of the project development. The project is designed to provide the task distribution
of the large project among the many people round about 20 - 30 employee as well as
trainee of an organization. Their project assignment details are stored into the system
database for their future evolution. The project is able to distribute the project assignment
in different level of organization. One of the important intentions of this project is that it
will divide the project in three different levels. The first level is milestones which is abstract
partition of the whole project in three different levels. These milestones are assigned to
particular departments assignment, which shall again divided into the employee
Another important function of the project is to provide the security on the different
milestones or phases of the projects. The next intention is that if any of the assignment is
lagging by its deadline, all the people which come at the seniority level with respect to the
responsible person on that assignment shall automatically receive the notification message
of this situation. The project also enables the user to record the meeting schedules.
In addition to this feature, the project is also design to provide the inbuilt messaging
services, monthly and quarterly assignments reports. The messaging services enable the
user to send and receive the message from and to the employee, which are registered into
this system. There is no any intention to provide the global messaging services. It is limited
to the group of people in the organization. The reporting services enable the user to take
the hard copy in very good format, which shall describe the project and its activities in
The project is also keep track on the total execution coasting of the project. Another
feature of this system is that, organization taking the backup of its data (Designs of the
structure) 4 times in the year, so whenever management need to refer the past project at
that time it is very difficult for them to identify that, what particular project is resides in
which CD’s, or where is its last modified backup. So this is handled by this system.
Assignment of the work for particular labor agencies at that time we need to identify its
past record or total work load at this time for that agencies. For the very big or commercial
project organization issuing the tender for the different material agencies and all the
agencies are beading for that tender, and this beading process is handled at the
organization for the particular time. Agencies are changing his prices many times within
the time period.
1.3.1 Context
APMS is a project management system which could be a part of any organization which
handle its resources efficiently and optimal.
1). AN APMS shall facilitate the user to enter the details about the
organizations and details of projects.
General role specification on the system which shall provide the access
rights on the system access. This role is associated with the designation of
Designation creation, department creation and employee registration.
The project information like starting date, ending date, approximately
ending date etc.
The project role specification in the different projects. This role identifies the
user’s rights on different projects. The role may be project leader or team
2). AN APMS shall facilitate the user to divide the project into different
milestones and its subtask assignments.
3). APMS shall facilitate the user to track the project as per the role of
The administrator shall have the full access on the project as well as its
The project leader shall have full access on the project on which he is assign
as project leader.
Employee or trainee does not occupy any rights on any phases of this project
The rights may be change any time as per the requirement once
the it is configured in the system.
4). AN APMS shall facilitate the user to generate the reports of the projects as
well as different employee’s and department’s assignments.
Project detail with full division tracking.
Employee evolution points report on different project.
Coasting report for project.
Agencies report which getting the total work from the project.
Individual department task and employee task detail.
Drawings are issued to agencies for the project.
5). An APMS shall have the automatic message informer which shall inform
the seniors when certain unaccepted events occur during the project
development. i.e., deadline exceed by the time, assignment complete etc.
6). In the APMS shall have the messaging services to bridge the
communication gap.
End of Chapter 1
Management remains a very necessary activity when computer based system and products
are building. Building computer software is a complex undertaking because there is always
groups of logic integrated with each other to meet certain requirements and even if the
logic has been developed according to requirements are always subject to changes. The
simple says is that every thing is permanent except change. That’s why the project needs
to be managed.
The project planning involves estimation attempt to determine how much money, how
much effort, how many resources and how much time will take to build a specific system
or product. In simple state it would never possible to build a house how much you are
about to spend. A project plane is produced as management activities commence. The
plan defines the process and plane to be conducted, the people who will do the work, and
the mechanism for assigning risk, controlling change and evaluating quality. We had
followed the following project management concepts during our project development
sessions, which are already adopted by the software engineering.
2.2.1 Introduction
Because software, like all capital, is embodied knowledge, and because that knowledge is
initially dispersed tactic, latent, and incomplete in large measure, software development
is a social learning process. The process is dialogue in which the knowledge that must
become the software is brought together and embodied in the software. The process
provides the interaction between user and designers, between users and evolving tools,
and between designers and evolving tools and technology. It is an interactive process in
which the evolving tool itself serves as the medium for the communication, with each new
round of the dialogue electing more useful knowledge from the people involved.
Due to the reason different processes approach is used in different phases of software
development we have used number of different process models such as waterfall model,
OMT methodology, UML, testing strategy etc.
If you do not analyze, it’s highly likely that you will build very elegant software.
Solution is that solves the wrong problem. The result is wasted time and money, personal
frustration, and unhappy customers. In this phase we identified data, functional and
behavioral requirements and by electing information from the company’s management
department. Requirements are refined and analyzed to assess their clarity, completeness
and constituency. A specification incorporating a model of the software is created and then
validated by both our project guide and management department. We studied different
analysis methodology such as OMT, UML. The models developed are object modeling,
dynamic modeling and functional modeling which follow the OMT and UML concepts.
We would not attempt to build a house with out blueprint, would we? We have risk
confusion, errors and other environment problems. Computer software is considerably
more complex then a house; hence we need a blueprint – the design. This phase begins
with the requirements model. We work to transform this model four levels of design
details; the data structure, database, the system architecture, component design and
finally GUI designing. Also according to the OMT methodology, we also design the object
framework, which would be deployed during the implementation phase.
Once you design the system the remaining work is work is to implement the designed
data in this phase we started by implementing the database on the database server and
then implement the business logic, which is designed during the object modeling. The
application GUI implementation, component implementation is the next step in these
Testing often accounts for more project effort then any other software engineering activity.
If it conducted haphazardly, time is wasted, unnecessarily efforts are expanded, and even
worse, errors sneak through undetected. It would there fore seem reasonable to establish
a systematic strategy for testing software. Testing begins “the small and progress to the
large”. By this we mean that early testing focuses on a single component and applies white
–and black box tests to uncover errors in program logic and function. After individual
components are tested they must be integrated. Testing continues as the software is
This is final stage for the project development process, which follows the waterfall model.
In this phase of the software development session integrate the previously developed
document. Finally install the software project in real world of computer profession. OMT
During the selection of the right methodology for this project we found that OMT (object
modeling technique) would be useful to model a system from three related but different
viewpoints, each capturing the important aspects of the system. This methodology helps
us to represent the whole system in three different viewpoints of the modeling system.
The object modeling represents the “static data” aspect of the system. The dynamic model
represents the temporal, behavioral, “control” aspect of the system. The three kinds of
model separate a system into orthogonal views that can be represented and manipulated
with a uniform notation. The key benefits are that software engineering methodology is a
process for the organized production of software, and OMT methodology entire software
life cycle. Testing and maintenance is also supported by the OMT but was not used by us.
Some of the important concept of the in the OOT are the abstraction, encapsulation and
Abstraction is the tactic of stripping an idea or object of its unnecessary accompaniments
until you are left with its essential, minimal form. A good abstraction clears away
unimportant details and allows you to focus and concentrate on the important details.
Abstraction is the important software principle. A well-designed class exposes a minimal
set of carefully considered methods that provide the essential behavior of the class in an
easy-to-use manner. Unfortunately, creating good software abstraction usually require a
deep understanding of the problem and its context, great clarity of thoughts, and plenty
of experience. In short Abstraction is Selective Ignorance.
The purpose of abstraction is not to be vague, but to create a new semantic level in which
one can be absolutely precise.
Encapsulation can be defined as the “the packaging of a collection of items. Encapsulation
encompasses the responsibility of class, including attribute and operations, and the states
of the class, as defined by specific attribute value. There are two important aspects of the
1. Combining the data and function in the single entity and
2. Controlling accessibility of the entity members
Inheritance: inheritance is the one of the key differentiator between conventional and
OO systems. Inheritance is the process in which the properties and methods are inherits
to another class of the system without writing the simple code even. This is the reusable
concept that can help to develop the application code with the fewer burdens. UML
To represent the object modeling technique, which we followed, we used one standard
known s UML (UNIFIED MOIDELINF LANGUAGE). James Rambaugh has collaborated to
combine the best feathers of their individual object-oriented analysis and design method
into unified method. The result called the Unified Modeling Language.
The unified modeling language is the general- purpose visual modeling language that is
used to specify, visualize, construct, and document the artifacts of a software system.
It captures the decisions and understanding about system that must be constructed.
2.3.1 Objectives
Once the product objectives and scope are understood, the next step is to consider the
deadline of the project, and the team members who are working on a project. With in a
limited time and limited human power, partitioning it into the milestones shall develop the
project. A software process provides the framework from which a comprehensive plane for
software development can be established. A small number of framework activities are
applicable to all software projects, regardless of their size or complexity. A number of
different task sets, tasks, milestones, work products and quality assurance points-enables
the framework activity to be adapted to the characteristics of the software project and the
requirements of the project team.
We conduct planned and controlled software projects for one primary reason it is the only
known way to manage complexity. We divide the whole project activities into the following
milestones, which shall be achieved in sequence.
This is only for the entire purpose of the software development not for the client or
customers. This is the sequence in which we would like to develop the project.
Each of this milestones shall be completed with in the limited time which is indicates in
the estimated ending field in the table. The related activity for the specific milestones is
listed in the project activity column. This is the over all sketch of the whole project
development process which we indented to plane and succeed in that approximately 99%
of accuracy.
The next session shows the team management, which we had followed in out project.
In order to build a complex system, many software engineering tasks occur in parallel,
and result performed during none task my have a profound effect on work to be conducted
in another task. These interdependencies are very difficult to understand the without a
schedule. It’s also virtually impossible to access progress on or large software project
without a detailed schedule.
The software engineering tasks dictated by the software process model are refined for the
functionality to be built. Effort and duration are allocated to each task and a task network
is created in manner that enables the software team to meet the delivery dead line
established. For the project scheduling: compartmentalization, interdependency, time
allocation, effort validation and defined responsibilities.
5 Develop delivery timeline Project scheduling, estimate time line Estimated time
chart for project completion line charts and
effort allocation
6 Object model designing Analyze the objects, identify the right Object
objects, object relation ships etc. modeling
followed by
7 Event identification and Identify the events, report of sequential Events trace
sequences diagrams of events documentation
8 Sate diagram State identification, dynamic modeling Dynamic
of states modeling
9 Identify the functions, Tracing the inputs to system, tracing Predefine
inputs and outputs the outputs of system, etc outputs and
20 Review modular code Check the function of each web page, Testing
each object class modules
21 Test component modules to Debug the modules, prepare test cases, Test case
product specifications report the error resolve efforts etc. reports
22 Identify anomalies to Check whether the module of develop Unit testing
product specifications code works as per the requirements or approval
23 Modify code Chang the code; report the changes, re Refined code
debugging of changed code
24 Retest modified codes Retesting of each modified code once -
30 Prepared documents Report generation -
31 Prepare new required Report generation Final project
documents report
Inter dependency
In above table there are different tasks of different project development phases are
defines. The inter dependency of each compartmentalized activity or task must be
determined. Some tasks must occur in sequence while others can occur in parallel. Some
activates cannot commence until the work product produced by another is available. The
activity can occur interdependently.
Each task to be scheduled must be allocated some number of work units. In addition, each
task must be assigned a start date and a completion date that are a function of the
interdependencies and whether work will be conducted one full-time or part time base.
Every task that is scheduled should be assigned to specific team members.
The next sheet shows the time line chart, which indicated the dependencies, estimated
ending dates and starting dates or each tasks.
End of Chapter 2
This chapter is indented to describe the different type of user and their characteristics
according to the software, hardware and software specification which shall be used during
the software deployment. If you are a person who needs to learn or know about the project
and its functions only you may skip this chapter, because it is actually for those people
who is interested to purchase this software and used for its entire organization. This
chapter helps you to calculate your estimate when you actually deployed this software in
your organization.
As this software is used in the commercial field with highly educated people and the very
big business firm there is not doubt that the user may not have the basics understanding
of the computer knowledge. But the user may not know the concepts, which we had
implemented in this software, so that each user shall have the following basics knowledge,
so that he/she can effectively use this software.
Users should have the awareness of the project access and his responsibility in his
According to the project leader Mr.Ashish Patel, there are mainly five types of user who
will this software in different context.
This user maintains the security, make the project entry in the system, can define the
milestones, can define the department tasks, can create employee tasks, can rollback the
works and can evaluate the employee and make sure that the system keeps running
efficiently. This user can create the project leader, Department head, team leader and can
remove any employee from the system. This user has a full access on the system database.
Project Leader
This leader has a full access on the project, which is running under his responsibility. The
administrator of the system creates this user. Project leader can divide the project into
the project milestone, can create the department work, can create assign the employee
work. These users can rollback the department as well as employee works. He can define
the team leader for the department work, or even remove the employee from the system.
The user has only access in the database which comes under his assigned projects.
Department Head
This user shall have all the access on the department’s assignment. This user is defined
by the administrator. He define the employee’s work, can rollback the employee’s work.
He can define the team leader for the specific type of department work. He can change
the employee on a particular task.
Team Leader
This user shall have all the access on the particular team which is associated with one of
the department tasks. The user is defined by the department head, project leader, and
administrator of the system. The team leader is interface between project management
and developers. The team leader is responsible for ensuring that a task is allocated and
monitored to completion. The team leader is responsible for ensuring that development
staff follow project standards, and adhere to project schedules.
This user shall not have the access on the database. He can only change the status of his
assignment. He is not able to rollback his own assignment, rather he can only send the
request to his senior faculty of the organizations.
If you decide to use this software into your organization, you may require following
minimum resources to deploy this application. These are very minimum requirement to
start and run the application, but if you can effort higher resources then listed, the
performance would be better. The first table shows the hardware specification, and the
very next table list the software requirements.
Network Card Server/Client 100 MBPS duplex
Software needed on the Client : Microsoft dot net frame work 1.1
Crystal report 8.0
SQL server 2000 Client component
The written word is a wonderful vehicle for communication, but it is not necessarily the
best way to represent the requirements for computer software. Analysis modeling uses a
combination of text and diagrammatic forms to depict requirements for data, function and
behavior in a way that is relatively easy to understand, and more important,
straightforward to review for correctness, completeness and constancy.
To validate software requirements, we need to examine them from a number of different
points of view. Analysis modeling represents in three ‘dimensions’ thereby increasing the
probability that errors will be found, that is inconsistency will surface, and that omissions
will be uncovered.
In this chapter data, functional and behavioral requirements are modeled using a number
of different diagrammatic formats. Data modeling defines data objects, attributes, and
relationships functional modeling indicates how data are transformed within a system.
Behavioral modeling depicts the impact of events. Once preliminary models are created,
they are refined and analyzed to assess their clarity, completeness and consistency. The
analysis start from studying the different systems which also somewhat design on the
concept on which are working. The number of reference we searched to let us understand
the concepts and what we really needed to developed. There are number of meetings we
attend to get the exact requirement for this system.
Management remains a very necessary activity when a large project is going to be built
particularly if it involves a many people working over a relatively long time. Project
management is a process of planning, organizing and managing the tasks and resources
to accomplish the defined objective, usually within limitations on time, resources or cost.
A project plan can be simple, for example, a list of tasks and their start and finish dates
written on notepad. Or it can be complex, for example thousands of interdependent tasks
and resources with a million-dollar budget.
Whether simple or complex, however all project consist of following major phases:
1) Define the project
2) Build the Milestones
3) Monitor the Project plan
4) Control the project activities
5) Commit the project activities
6) Finalizing the project
The more successful these phases are, the greater your chance of a successful project.
Organization usually involves into number of projects and each projects are involve
number of employee. There might be possible that one employee has the different project
role on one project and different project role on second project. The concept is represented
into the following figure.
Organization contains the number of different project which are usually having very long
time schedule. Project’s work is assigned to the different departments of organization.
Each department has department head that is responsible for the assignment submitted
into his department. Again the department’s work is given to the different employee
working in that department who is only responsible for his work submitted to him. This is
the project assignment configuration into the organization. Now once the project
assignment completes or during the project assignment there are some different role
comes into the picture which shown in the figure name is people hierarchy.
People hierarchy is the level of different project role of employee on the different projects.
The description of each role is as follows:
Administrator: is able to access all the projects and all its phases running into the
organizations and is at the top of the project role.
Project Leader: is able to access only the projects on which are assigning as the project
leader and all that project phases. He can be restricted by the system
Department Head: is able to access all the assignment submitted into his department
which are belongs to the different projects.
Employee: is only the responsible for the task assign to him which is belongs to any
department assignments.
Project Milestones
Dept. Assignments
Emp. Assignments
Projects which are submitted into organization are divided into the different phases and
each phases is assign to specific employee who is only responsible for that phases and
even also responsible for the phases which belongs to that phases. The description of each
phase is as follows.
Project Milestones: To achieve the project successfully the organization will divide the
project into the project milestone. Project milestone is not assigned to employee
or to the department. It is the small module of the whole projects. Project leader
of this project and system administrator is responsible for this activity.
Department Assignment: Once the milestone is defined it is partitioned into different
department tasks and submitted into the departments. Project leader, system
In any of the organization, the project managers usually have difficulties in the following
activities of the project management.
1. Project planning and distribution
2. Co ordination and communication
Project planning and distribution: In organization there are numbers of project running
simultaneously. Consider at least 10 projects are running simultaneously. There are
numbers of department are there in a company. Each department involve in different
project for a specific phase of project. Some of the departments are working
simultaneously on a project work some of them are dependently work on the project. In
departments there are number of employee working on the project, they are may be
independently work or may be in team work.
So that it would be very complex to plan and manage the project especially when many
peoples are involve in the long time project. One shall always have to manually
communicate with his senior for his completion or incompletion task. This case might
humiliate the whole project work if it would not manage correctly.
Another thing is that usually in long time project, the project team member has to go out
from the organization for the project work. How he will communicate with the people who
are at the long distance and require the reports from each other. This would be difficult if
they are using Existing E-mail services because team member are dynamically change
during the different projects.
So that to engulf this problems, let we have centralized control, centralized monitor on a
different project to resolve the above problem during the project development session.
Let the system plan and distribute the project milestones.
Let the system control the changes occur in the project tasks and project activities.
Let the system bridge the communication gap during the whole project
development session.
Consult with the users: To understand the specific requirement of organization and users
few employees or organization were interview may times. This interview resulted in user
specific and view point oriented requirements. At the first time we interviewed Mr. Nikhil
koringa who is the owner of the Organization and Mr. Vasudev Sheta who is the end use
cum external guide.
Internet: During the analysis we surfed many web sites, to collect the information about
the Architectural project management, but there is no any useful link after all spending
more times we find some of the link which will give the idea of how actual project can be
managed? Attributes
1.4.11 The system shall allow storing the reason for Medium High
deleting the department task.
1.4.12 The system shall record the rollback information High High
about the department as well as employee and
store the following information. New Completion date High High Reason for roll backing High High Rollback by Medium Medium
SRS 1.5 Monthly target reporting and assignment
1.5.1 The system shall view the monthly targets to Medium High
specific department.
1.5.2 The system shall view the monthly targets to High High
specific employee.
1.5.3 The system shall generate the monthly task report Medium High
of department as well as employee with the
following details. Task name Medium High Starting date Medium High Completion date Medium High Extended Date Medium High
SRS 1.6 Quarterly Target assignment and reporting
1.6.1 The system shall view the quarterly target to High High
specific department.
1.6.2 The system shall view the quarterly target of a High High
specific employee.
1.6.3 The system shall generate the quarterly task Medium High
report of a particular department as well as the
employee with the following details. Task Name Medium High Starting date Medium High Completion Date Medium High Extended Date Medium High
SRS 1.7 Messaging Services
1.7.1 The system shall allow the project leader, Medium Medium
employee to pass the message of different type.
1.7.2 The message can of the following Medium Medium
Req. ID Requirement Name Priority Stability When the employee task is rollback for the new High Medium
completion date the project leader shall have the
notification message When the employee is requested for extending the High Medium
completion date the message shall be forward to
department head, project leader, and Manager. When the employee is removed from a particular High Medium
task by the department head, the message shall
be forward to project leader as well as
Department head. When the project Milestone is changed by the High Medium
project leader the message shall be sent to
administrator. Project milestone date has been exited, the High Medium
message shall be sent to admin. When the evolution point is given to the High Medium
employee, the employee shall receive the
SRS 1.8 Meeting declaration and Maintenance
1.8.1 The system shall allow the project leader to Low Medium
arrange the meeting on specific project
1.8.2 Project leader to involve the specific employee for Low Medium
the meeting.
1.8.3 The system shall automatically send the message Low Medium
about the meeting to the selected employee.
1.8.4 Topics/Reason to be discusses in the meeting. Low Medium
1.8.5 The system shall allow the user to enter the Low Medium
following attributes of the meeting. Project Name Low Medium Meeting Date Low Medium Minutes of Meeting Low Medium Results of Meeting Low Medium Next Meeting Low Medium
1.8.6 The system shall allow change/update the Low Medium
meeting information.
Req. ID Requirement Name Priority Stability Project name Low Medium
1.9.4 The system shall Generate the report of quarterly High Medium
completed task.
1.9.5 The system shall generate the report of whole the High Medium
project task from starting to completed specific
1.9.6 The system shall generate the whole project High Low
activities report. Project name High Low Project ID High Low Department Name High Low Employee List and responsibilities High Low Total Days High Low Tasks Details High Low Meeting Details High Low
SRS 1.10 Evolution Medium
1.10.1 The system shall allow the project leader to Medium High
administrator to give the rank to employee
according to their observation of employee on
particular project.
1.10.2 The system shall allow project leader or Medium High
administrator to view the evolution history of
employee during the task assignment.
1.10.3 The system shall have the facilities to change the Medium High
evolution rank anytime during the project
SRS 2.1 Basic form Designing requirements High High
2.1.1 Form shall have the menu driven facility. Low Low
2.1.2 Forms can’t be highlighted with dark or fast colors. Low Low
2.1.3 The forms shall have the window application Low Low
2.1.4 The information on the form shall be displayed in Medium Medium
the grid layout.
SRS 2.2 Read and unread messages shall be Discriminate High High
Req. ID Requirement Name Priority Stability
SRS 2.3 The extended date should be identified having the High High
different color.
SRS 2.4 The report of the project should be generating in Low Medium
the form of chart layout.
SRS 2.5 The attached documentation shall have the Medium Medium
graphical identification.
SRS 2.6 Before the system start user must be login first. High High
SRS 2.7 The application shall generate the message when High High
wrong user has been entered and allow retrying.
SRS 2.8 On successful login the application shall displayed High Low
the project’s name and code according to the
writes assigned to the log user.
SRS 2.9 If message should be come for particular user, High High
then it is notified by the Status bar icon.
SRS 2.10 The type of message shall be displayed. High High
SRS 2.11 On line help must be provided for some important High High
forms control.
SRS 2.12 The project list form shall display the following High High
information about the project.
2.12.1 Project Code High High
2.12.2 Project leader High High
2.12.3 Involve Department High High
2.12.4 Starting date High High
2.12.5 Ending Date High High
SRS 2.13 Once the project has been completed it should be High Medium
automatically removed from the list.
SRS 2.14 The application shall have the option for the High High
viewing the previous completed/rejected project.
SRS 3 Project Money Payable And Receivables High
3.1 The system should maintain the overall project High Medium
Money Payable And Receivables.
3.1.1 Agencies Name High Medium
3.1.2 Code High Medium
3.1.3 Project Code High Medium
3.1.4 Voucher No. High Medium
3.1.5 Price High Medium
Req. ID Requirement Name Priority Stability
The functional modeling shows how values are computed without regard for sequencing,
decisions, and object structure.
The functional model shows which values depends on which other values and the functions
that relate them. The Functional decomposition diagram describes how the whole systems
are divided in to the sub systems and their hierarchy in the system.
Dataflow diagram are useful for the showing functional dependencies. Functions are
expressed in various ways, including natural language, mathematical equations and
pseudo code.
The processed on a data flow diagram corresponds to activate or actions in the state
diagrams of the class. The flow on a data flow diagram corresponds to the object or
attributes values in an object diagram.