IIMRP 0.8 MW-BOQ Solar PV Enquiry PDF
IIMRP 0.8 MW-BOQ Solar PV Enquiry PDF
IIMRP 0.8 MW-BOQ Solar PV Enquiry PDF
8M W
Solar PV Plant at IITM Research Park (Phase - 2 Buildings)
Venue of Tender submission & opening : IIT Madras Research Park, Kanagam Road, Taramani,
Chennai - 600113
Sr.No. Details Page Nos
2 Summary 13-14
7 Scope of Work 16
8 Preamble to BOQ 17
9 Specification (Electrical) 18
13 Declaration 28
IIT Madras Research Park
Tender Notice
COO, IIT Madras Research Park invites sealed tenders for the above work as per the enclosed schedule
of quantities, specification, list of materials and as per the terms and conditions
A. Submission of Tender :
The f irst e nvelope will contain the Earnest M oney D eposit, s econd w ill contain Technical B id a nd the
third will be the price bid. The rates should be valid upto 90 d ays from the date of opening of price bid.
Also the rates should be inclusive of alltaxes, duties excluding service taxes for supply, installation, testing
and commissioning of the Solar Power Plant at the place.
b) The Tender should be forwarded in the official letter head of the tenderer.
d) The Earnest Money Deposit in the form of the Demand Draft should be placed in a separate
envelope along with the tender duly marked as,” Earnest Money Deposit
Tender document duly signed on each page should be enclosed in second envelope which should be
f–The t hird en velolpe shall co ntain t he t ender where i n t he r ates for t he various items in t he
format enclosed shall be quoted.
11. The rate quoted should be inclusive of the cost of materials, labour, transportation,Sales Tax,
Excise Duty, Cess, Sales Tax on works contract, VAT but exclusive of
The tenderer shall fulfill the following condition to get pre-qualified in the tender;
Bidder must have total installed capacity of at least one 0.65 MW in off-grid or grid connected solar
Bidder’s Turnover should be more than 4 crores in Solar PV business in any one year
of last three financial years. This should be certified by the auditors of the bidder.
The Earnest Money will be returned to the unsuccessful tenderer after the intimation of
rejection of the tender is sent. The Earnest Money will be retained in the case of the
successful tenderer and will get converted as a part of Security Deposit for the due
a. Revokes the tender or increases the earlier quoted rates within the validity period.
b. Refuses, delays to sign and execute the contract after tender is accepted.
c. Does not commence the work within the time specified in the letter of intent/work order
a. If the contractor does not quote any of the item / sub-item in the tender
b. If the contractors makes any correction in the tender documents without any notification .
Execution of Work :
1. The work should commence within the period specified from the date of the receipt of work order or
the date that may be indicated in the work order.
2. The work should be completed as specified from the date of commencement of the work or within
the time limit that may be indicated in the work order.
3. Time allowed for execution of work, as specified in tender, shall be the essence of the
4. If the tenderer commits default in commencing the work, as required by the work order and
found that the date stipulated cannot be adhered to, IITMRP shall be entitled without
prejudice to any other rights or remedies available to terminate / rescind the contract.
5. If the tenderer fails to carry out the work within the stipulated time mentioned in the work
order, IITMRP will have liberty to impose a penalty @ 1% of the total contract value per week of
delay subject to a maximum of 10%, without prejudice to other remedies
6. However, if IITMRP is convinced that the delay in execution of the work is beyond the
circumstances created by the tenderer, they may grant extension of the same to the extent
justified based on the request of the tenderer. In such case liquidated damages will
be levied for the balance period, if any as provided as per the condition of the tender.
7. If t he t enderer f ails t o c ommence t he w ork w ithin t he d ays a s s pecified f rom t he da te of re ceipt of
intimation for c ommencement of t he w ork and / or t he contractor fails to show progress i n e xecution o f
work and IITMRP feels the work cannot be completed within the stipulated time, IITMRP will have the
right to terminate the contract by giving 10 days notice to the contractor.
In case of termination of the contract, the payment if any, due to the contractor will be released only on
completion of the entire project. The amount that may be spent for completion of the balance work will be
recovered from the money due to the contractor.
8. All the materials and workmanship shall be of the kind described in the schedule of
quantities / specifications and in accordance with relevant BIS codes and as per directions of
the Engineer-in-charge.
9. The tenderers shall submit originals vouchers / challans etc., for verification of actual
10. The tenderer shall submit manufacturers’ test certificates for all important materials and in
case if so desired by IITMRP will have to carry out testing of materials brought on site at
their own cost in any institute / laboratory / site of works as desired by the Engineer-in- charge.
11. The tenderer shall not at any time do, cause or permit any nuisance on the site/ do anything
which shall cause unnecessary disturbances or inconvenience to the occupants / visitors at site
12. The quantities indicated in the bill of quantities are approximate and the quantities may vary
as per the site conditions / requirements. The rate quoted should be firm for the deviated
13. The tenderer’s workers will not be allowed to stay at the work site.
14. The contractor has make his own arrangement for drinking water, toilet facilities etc for the workers.
15. Electricity may be supplied by IITMRP at specified charges considering EB charges and DG expenses.
16. In case of any damage to the existing structure, the tenderer should rectify the same free of
17. IITMRP will have the liberty to modify the design to a reasonable limit. No extra charges
18. The tenderer should protect the work till its completion and handing over against any possible
19. The tenderer has to make arrangements for cleaning the work site every day and on completion of the
work from the work area at his cost.
20. The tenderer should provide samples of the materials for approval of IITMRP and the samples will be
kept in the custody of the Engineer-in-charge.
21. Wherever possible the work has to be carried out at the factory of the contractor and the items
22. The tenderer should make necessary arrangement for inspection of the items made at his
factory / work place by the Engineer-in-charge. The tenderer should complete fabrication and
other works at factory and only assembling work and the finishing may be carried out at the
23. The tenderer should abide by the rules and regulations for the premises especially on the
working hours, entry to the workers to the premises, interpersonal relation with the staff
24. The tenderer should arrange a qualified technical supervisor at site during the course of the
entire work. The tenderer should not change the supervisor till completion of the work.
25. The workmanship should be of high quality / standard and the decision of the Engineer-in – charge /
Consultant shall be final in the regards.
26. The tenderer should not apply primer / putty work / paint or any other finishing material
before inspection and certification of the wood work by the Engineer – in – Charge
27. The tenderer should not engage any person prohibited by the law for execution of the job.
28 The tenderer should carry out the work strictly as per the specification and as directed by the
Engineer-in- Charge.
29. All the materials proposed to be used should have the approval of IITMRP
30. The materials required for the work should be purchased only from the manufactures
directly or from the approved dealers. Confirmation for the same may be submitted if so
31. The tenderer should strictly follow the approved colour scheme for wiring.
32. The dismantled material / debris should be removed from the site daily and be transported out
33. The tenderer should make his own arrangement for storage of materials. IITMRP may
provide some space subject to availability (uncovered) within the premises for storage
purpose. Materials only as per requirement are to be stored at site. Security for the material
34. Any damage / loss will be rectified at the cost & risk of the tenderer.
35. The tenderer has to maintain a book for instructions from the Engineer-in-charge.
36. All the electrification work shall be carried out by the licensed electrician under the
supervision of licensed electrical contractor. After completion of the work, they shall submit
the test certificate for the electrical work carried out by them.
E. Payments :
4. 5% of the value of each running bill will be deducted towards security deposit.
5. The final bill will be released on satisfactory completion of the entire work and on
completion of all the terms and conditions / obligations spelt out and on proper submission of
6 The Security Deposit shall be refunded after the completion of the defect liability period of 12
months from the actual date of completion of the work.
Defects if any noticed during the defect liability period shall be made good by the contractor at no
extra cost.
8. The items of indicated in the BOQ are approximate and may vary as per actual requirement. .
9. It is possible that certain extra items of work may come up during the course of work. The
payment for such items will be made based on Market rate analysis. A component of 15% on t he cost of
material (actual purchase cost / market price without any wastage) and labour will be considered towards
profit and other overheads.
10. The bill should be attached with all necessary measurements, sketches, joint measurements (ifany).
F. Escalation:
2. No claim on account of fluctuation of rates of material and labour will be entertained during
the course of work – (from the date of acceptance of the Tender till issue of completion
1. The tenderer should ensure adherence of all statutory requirements under the State and
Central Rules in force and other local bodies for smooth and timely completion without any
additional cost.
2. The tenderer shall comply with the provisions of all the rules and regulation in respect of
labours engaged at site (such as Contract Labour {Regulation & Abolition} Act, 1970,
Minimum Wages Act, Apprentice Act and all other labour laws as may be enforced from time
to time by the Government Authorities) for execution of work, procurement of material for
completion of the entire project. IITMRP shall not be held responsible for any penalty on
failure of any of the labour regulations or on failure of any compliance of any rule in force.
3. The tenderer shall strictly comply with the provision of Sales Tax (both State & Central),
Excise Duty, etc. All the duties / taxes with respect to the work should be borne and paid by
the tenderer himself. IITMRP shall not be responsible for any payment/ penalty on this
4. For the goods are manufactured at the tenderers office / site, the tenderer has to pay Central
Excise and has to produce Excise Invoice Copy for removal of goods from the
manufacturing site. In case the goods are manufactured or produced at the site then Excise
Invoice showing that the Central Excise has been paid should be submitted to IITMRP
5. The tenderer should submit a statement confirming that all duties / taxes of every nature
covered under the contract have been paid and the tenderer shall indemnify the IITMRP
6 The tenderers should submit an affidavit / Declaration on payment of Central Excise as per
7 The tenderer should also submit, when required, a copy of the declaration filed with the
Central Excise for the last financial year.
8 The tenderers are required to take Contractor’s All Risk insurance policies (CAR
Policies) with respect to the work within one week from the receipt of the work order
and the workmen with an Indian Insurance Company in the joint name of
the IITMRP and the Tenderer from the day of commencement of work till the defect liability
9 The value of the work to be insured would be 125% of the contract value.
10 The CAR policies should have additional coverage under 3 party liabilities and maintenance
period. The liabilities should be One Lakh Rupees per accident and the number of accidents
should be infinity. The maintenance period shall be the defect liability period as per the terms
of the contract. The photocopies of the premium receipt and the policies should be submitted
11. The tenderer has also to insure their workers under Workman’s compensation Act- 1923.
12 IITMRP will have the right to protect its interest either by taking insurance directly or by any action
that may deem fit on account of the tenderer and recover the same from the tenderer incase the tenderer fail
to do so.
1. The tenderer should enter into an agreement as per the articles of agreement on stamp paper
2. The tenderer shall not sublet the work without written approval from IITMRP
3. The tenderer should co-ordinate with all the other contractors for execution of the project.
4. The tenderer should set out the layout at site before commencement of work and obtain approval to the
same from IITMRP
5. The contractor should arrange for sufficient light & power point required for entire project at
his cost.
6. The tenderer should clear the site within 7 days of virtual completion of work of all material
7The tenderer should arrange scaffoldings / ladders for proper execution of work, also to
ensure safety of the workers as per the relevant provisions of the law.
8The tenderer should submit rate analysis for the extra/deviated items of work before
9The tenderer should submit samples of the material proposed to be used for the approval of
10. The tenderer should prepare mock-up of the items for the approval of IITMRP
11. In case the tenderer is a partnership firm, any change in the constitution of the firm shall take
place only with the prior approval of IITMRP during the contract period.
12. The tenderer should submit shop drawings for all the items for the approval of IITMRP
13. The tenderer should remove the rejected work / materials immediately on receipt of
instruction to do so.
14. The tenderer has to ensure safety of the premises and the work till handing over of the same
15 The tenders should submit the As-built drawings of the entire work together with the final
Time of Completion 90 days from the date of commencement of
Liquidated damages 1 of the total contract value per week subject to the
interim certificate
Validity of the offer 90 days from the date of opening the tender.
accidents infinite.
handing over.
For (Name and address of the Contractor) (Seal) Signature of the Tenderer
To IITMRP Chennai
Dear Sirs,
We refer to the tender dated ____________ for __________ We hereby confirm that we have
complied with all formalities in the performance of our Contract for the supply of goods and
services under all statutes governing the same, Central, State or Local. We further confirm that
we have paid all taxes and duties including sales tax and excise duty in respect of the goods and
We agree to indemnify and keep you indemnified against any claim or demand and all loss, costs,
charges and expenses incurred or suffered by you as a result of any claim being made by any
person in respect of our obligation under the said tender for payment of taxes, duties or
Yours truly,
Date : ______________
Scope of Work:
Before quoting and submission of tender, intending vendors should visit the
site to examine whether installation of the solar plant is possible to obtain the
desired output.
a. Electrical Safety Certificate from Central Electricity Authority is to be arranged by the
contractor. Any liaison work with TNEB any other authority is in the scope of work
b. Overall Layout plan is to be prepared by the contractor and submit for approval.
c. Design and Optimization is to carried out by the successful contractor. Design details to be
d. After delivery of Solar modules, joint inspections of the materials are to made .
e. Supply & Installation of mounting structures. Since the mounting structures are to be
installed on Roof- Top, load of the structures are to be submitted along with Technical Bid
of the Tender
f. Supply, Installation and commissioning of Solar Power Conditioning Unit (Solar Inverters).
h. Installation of DC/AC cabling in the entire plant. The cables shall be of ISI Marked. Make
i. Earthing for solar panels, Inverters, Control Room, LT Panel. No OF Cu plates and it’s size,
earth continuity conductors shall be as per IS and NEC and to be mentioned in technical bid.
j Commissioning of the Entire plant. Before commissioning, steps are to be t aken to integrate with
Mains are to be mentioned in the technical bid of tender
k. T he t enderer s hould g ive f ull de tails of S olar M odule Cl eaning A rrangements a long w ith de tails o f
equipment which will be part of the contract.
The work proposed is to be carried out at the Office premises mentioned on the cover page (no.1)
of the tender. The quality of work proposed should have the best workmanship. The contractor
should ensure that only the first quality materials mentioned in the list of material is purchased
1. The work should be carried out in such a way that the existing structure is not disturbed.
2. Any difference / discrepancies in the specification should be clarified with the Engineer in
charge before submitting the tender. The Engineer in charge will have the liberty to modify
the specification to a reasonable limit to suit the basic concept during the course of work; the
tenderer should carry out such work with out any extra cost.
3. In case of any major modification such items will be considered as an extra item. Payment for
such items will be paid based on the Engineering rate / Market rate analysis. 15% of the total
4. The contractor should co-ordinate with the other contractors employed at the site for smooth
flow of work.
1. 250 Wp Multi-crystalline S olar M odule f rom reputed supplier to meet the efficiency requirement
which is an over riding requirement.
3. 72 cells module with Low iron anti refractive coated glass gains additional 2% energy.
7 Modules t hat ha ve passed f our t imes repeated r eliability t est (four t imes t han I EC s tandards:IEC
61215). Manufacturer test certificates to be submitted.25 Years t rue l inear pow er output warranty.
Power degradation should not be more than 0.8% year on year except 1st year where maximum power
degradation of 2.0%
No. of Cells: 72
Max Power Voltage (Vmp): Should not be less than 37 V
Weight <25Kgs
Cables and a ccessories are re quired f or t he D C cabling, pa nel w iring, ba ttery w iring, cabling o charge
controller, inverter. T he bright a nnealed 99.9% pure bare c opper c onductors ,low c onductor re sistance,
lower he ating. T hese wires s hould be i nsulated w ith a s pecial g rade PVC c ompound f ormulated a nd
manufactured in-house. The skin coloration should offer high insulation resistance and long life.
Structure shall support SPV modules at given orientation absorb and transfer the mechanical
loads to the roof uniformly. The structure should be designed to withstand the wind speed of 200
KMPH. The height of the structure shall be as indicated in the general drawing.
The Module Mounting structure shall be made up of Hot dipped galvanized material. The
minimum thickness of galvanization shall be at least 90 microns. All nuts & bolts shall be made
of very good quality stainless steel. The minimum clearance of the lowest part of the module
Leg assembly of module mounting structure made of different diameter galvanized structure are accepted.
The w ork s hould be completed w ith s upply, fitting f ixing o f c lamps, saddles, nut & bo lts e tc. While
quoting the rate, the bidder may mention the design & type of structure offered. All nuts & bolts shall be
made of very good quality stainless steel.
The s tructure s hall be de signed t o a llow easy re placement of a ny m odule andshall be in line w ith site
The s tructure s hall be d esigned for s imple mechanical and electrical ins tallation. It s hall s upport S PV
modules a t a g iven ori entation, absorb a nd t ransfer t he mechanical l oads t o t he g round prope rly. T here
shall be no requirement of welding or complex machinery at site.
The m anufacturer s hall s pecify i nstallation de tails of t he P V m odules a nd t he support s tructures w ith
appropriate diagrams and drawings.
The f ixing a rrangement o f t he s upporting s tructure t o t he existing c oncrete structural elements shall be
worked out in consultation with IITMRP and got approved before fabrication of the same.
Detailed project execution program shall be submitted along with the offer, the bidder shall
be r esponsible f or ar ranging al l t he t ools/ t ackles and m anpower f or i nstallation a nd
commissioning the entire system.
Materials shall be of the best-approved quality obtainable / available and they shall comply to the
Samples of all materials shall be got approved before placing order and the approved sample
In case of non-availability of materials in metric sizes, the nearest higher size in FPS units shall
be provided with the prior approval of IITMRP for which neither extra will be paid nor any rebate shall
be recovered.
If directed, materials shall be tested in any approved Testing Laboratory and the Test certificate
in original shall be submitted to IITMRP and the entire charges of testing including charges for repeated
tests if ordered shall be borne by the Tenderer.
It s hall b e obl igatory for t he t enderer t o f urnish Ce rtificate, i f de manded by IITMRP f rom t he
manufacturer or the material supplier that, the work has been carried out using their material and
properly stored and the tenderer shall be responsible for its safe custody until they are required on
Specification the quality of materials, workmanship, dimensions etc., shall be as specified herein-
All equipment and facilities for carrying out field tests on materials shall be provided by the
All cables shall be 1100 Volt grade PVC insulated, sheathed with or without steel armoring as
specified and with an outer PVC protective sheath. Cables shall have high conductivity
stranded aluminum or copper conductors and cores colour coded to the Indian Standards.
3.0 All cables shall be new without any kind or visible damage. The manufacturers name,
insulating material, conductor size and voltage class shall be marked on the surface of the
4.1 Cables shall be laid in the routes marked in the drawings. Where the route is not
marked, the contractor shall mark it out on the drawings and also on the site and
obtain the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge before laying the cable. Procurement of
cables shall be on the basis of actual site measurements and the quantities shown in the
4.2 Cables, running indoors shall be laid on walls, ceiling, inside shafts or trenches. Single cables
laid shall be fixed directly to walls or ceiling and supported at not more than 500 mm. Where
number of cables are run, necessary perforated cable trays shall be provided wherever shown.
Perforated trays shall be mild steel or Aluminum as specified in the schedule of work and
supported on mild steel frame work as shown on drawings or as approved. Cables laid in
built-up trenches shall be on steel supports. Plastic identification tags shall be provided at
every 30 m.
4.3 Cables shall be bent to a radius not less than 12 (twelve) times the overall diameter of the
4.4 In the case of cables buried directly in ground, the cable route shall be parallel or perpendicular
to roadways, walls etc. Cables shall be laid on an excavated, graded trench, over a sand or
soft earth cushion to provide protection against abrasion. Cables shall be protected with brick
or cement tiles on all the three sides as shown on drawings. Width of excavated trenches shall
be as per drawings. Back fill over buried cables shall be with a minimum earth cover of 750
mm to 1000 mm. The cables shall be provided with cables markers at every 20 meters and at
4.5 The general arrangement of cable laying is shown on drawings or may be obtained from
Engineer-in-Charge. All cables shall be full runs from panel to panel without any joints or
splices. Cables shall be identified at end termination indicating the feeder number and the
Panel/Distribution board from where it is being laid. Cable termination for conductors upto 4
sq.mm. may be insertion type and all higher sizes shall have tinned copper compression lugs.
Cable termination shall have necessary brass glands. The end termination shall be insulated
with a minimum of six half-lapped layers of PVC tape. Cable armoring shall be earthed at
both ends.
4.6 In case of cables entering the buildings. It would be done duly only through pipes. The pipes
shall be laid in slant position. So, that no rain water may enter the building. After the cables
are tested. The pipes shall be sealed with M. seal & then tarpaulin shall be wrapped around
4.7 All cables shall be provided with stainless steel/Aluminum cable identification tags at a
maximum distance of 10 m.
5.1 MV cables shall be tested upon installation with a 500 V Meggar and the following readings
2) Insulation Resistance.
All test readings shall be recorded and shall form part of the completion documentation.
6.1 Cables will be measured on the basis of a common rate per unit length indoor or
6.2 Cable trays/racks will be measured on the basis of unit length for individual sizes and shall
6.3 Each cable termination will be measured as one unit for payment. Certain cable sizes are
grouped together and rates shall be furnished against each group. The item shall include the
following :
iii) Installations, testing and commissioning.
6.4 For cables buried under ground excavation shall be paid for, in addition, for the following per
unit volume:
iii) Bricks on all the three sides of cable as shown in drawing/instructed by the Engineer-in-
Name of the work: Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 0.8MW Solar PV Plant at
IITM Research Park (New Buildings)
Bill of Quantity (BOQ)
For supply items and erection works,
Sl No Item Quantity
Unit quote in INR
Rate in INR Amount in INR
1 Supply of Polycrystalline PV Modules Nos 3,075
2 Supply of Fixed Mount Pvarray structures for Nos 800
mounting PV arrays
3 Supply of DC String Combiners (16-in, 1-out) Nos 9
To : IITMRP, Chennai
Dear Sirs,
We / I refer to the tender / contract dated ___________ for . We / I advise that, we / I are /
am covered under the exemption limit prescribed by the Central Excise Act 1944 and no Excise
is payable by us / me on the goods and services supplied to you. We / I further confirm that we /
I have complied with all the formalities in the performance of our contract for the supply of
goods and services and under all statues governing the same, Central, State or local.
We / I undertake that if any taxes and duties including sale tax and Excise duty in respect of
goods and services supplied to you by us / me is payable, the responsibility of paying the same
We / I agree to Indemnify and keep you Indemnified against any claim or demand and all loss,
cost, charges and expenses incurred and suffered by you as a result of any claim being made by
any person in respect of our / my obligation under the said tender / contract for payment of taxes,
duties or otherwise.
Yours truly,
Date : ______________