BMQ2 Consent PDF

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Beliefs about medicines questionnaire (BMQ) Horne, Weinman, Hankins, (1999)

Psychology and Health, 14, 1-24

BMQ –Specific

Your views about medicines prescribed to you.

 I would like to ask you about your personal views about medicines prescribed for
your asthma.
 These are statements other people have made about their asthma medication.
 Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with them by placing a
cross in the appropriate box.
 There are no right or wrong answers. I am interested in your personal views.
 Please only cross one box per question.

1) My health at present depends on my asthma medicines

Strongly agree agree uncertain disagree strongly disagree

2) Having to take asthma medication worries me

Strongly agree agree uncertain disagree strongly disagree

3) My life would be impossible without my asthma medication

Strongly agree agree uncertain disagree strongly disagree

4) Without my asthma medication I would be very ill

Strongly agree agree uncertain disagree strongly disagree

5) I sometimes worry about the long-term effects of my asthma medication

Strongly agree agree uncertain disagree strongly disagree

6) My asthma medication is mystery to me

Strongly agree agree uncertain disagree strongly disagree

7) My health in the future will depend on my asthma medication

Strongly agree agree uncertain disagree strongly disagree

8) My asthma medication disrupts my life

Strongly agree agree uncertain disagree strongly disagree

9) I sometimes worry about becoming too dependent on my asthma medication

Strongly agree agree uncertain disagree strongly disagree

10) My asthma medication protects me from becoming worse.

Strongly agree agree uncertain disagree strongly disagree


 I would like to ask you about your personal views about medicines in general.
 These are statements other people have made about medicines in general.
 Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with them by ticking the
appropriate box.
 There are no right or wrong answers. I am interested in your personal views.
 Please only tick one box per question.

11) Doctors use too many medicines

Strongly agree agree uncertain disagree strongly disagree

12) People who take medicines should stop their treatment for a while every now
and again.

Strongly agree agree uncertain disagree strongly disagree

13) Most medicines are addictive.

Strongly agree agree uncertain disagree strongly disagree

14) Natural remedies are safer than medicines

Strongly agree agree uncertain disagree strongly disagree

15) Medicines do more harm than good.

Strongly agree agree uncertain disagree strongly disagree

16) All medicines are poisons

Strongly agree agree uncertain disagree strongly disagree

17) Doctors place too much trust on medicines

Strongly agree agree uncertain disagree strongly disagree

18) If doctors had more time with patients they would prescribe fewer medicines.

Strongly agree agree uncertain disagree strongly disagree

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