34 Social Work-Unit-01 PDF

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Social work is a problem solving

KEY CONCEPTS profession that is committed to
1.1 Psycho-social Problems improve the quality of human life
1.2 Social Work as a Problem Solving by imparting various intervention
Profession techniques and strategies which
are scientifically proved and
1.3 Misconceptions about Social Work
artistically applied. This chapter
1.4 Scope and Objectives of Social Work
provides you an opportunity to
1.5 Social Work as a Profession discuss the importance of a
1.6 Skills and Qualities of a Social Worker professional approach towards
problem solving process.

1.1 Psycho-Social Problems

Let us read the Diary of Meenu

Today, I woke up late. As my mom was sick, I slept very late

after finishing all household work. Oh My God! I don't

know how I managed to finish cooking, cleaning and all

mess! Again late for school .... I was asked to give

explanation for being late and not wearing polished

shoes. On top of that, I had class test in the second period

for which I could hardly prepare due to the conditions at

home. I feel so tensed up.......


Have you faced any similar problems in your life? Write and then share your
• ......................................
We face numerous problems such as tension, anger, frustration, stress, illness,
alcoholism etc. in our day to day life!
Why these are called a problems? Try to define a problem.
• ......................................
Anything that casuses difficulty to an individual or even a group of persons may be
termed as a problem. In the same manner, unsatisfied needs or wants may also
result in problems. Problems can be broadly categorised into physical, mental and

Can you list out some problems coming under each of these categories?
• Physical problems ......................................
• Mental problems ......................................
• Social problems ......................................
Physical problems are those problems that affect our body. e.g. cancer, fever, pain,
disability etc. Problems that affect the mental realm, such as stress, depression,
excessive anger are examples of psychological or mental problems. Some social
problems affect individual as well as the people around them; e.g. alcoholism, crime,
unemployment, riots etc.
Think about solving these problems! Is it easy? Is it possible to solve these
problems in a single step? No, it is impossible! Common people use their own

strategies to solve these problems, but those strategies may not be scientific and
may have many limitations. That resulted in the emergence of a scientific
profession to solve psycho social problems.
From the social work perspective, problems are generally interrelated. It ranges
from simple to complex. Every problem has numerous solutions. But individuals
and communities are confused with the problem and its solutions. Social work
profession also helps the client to choose the right solutions which are most
appropriate to the client. This profession helps the client to understand the
problem and to cope with it. It also prevents the onset of similar problems in
If you are rejected by your classmates. How would you feel?
• ......................................
You would feel a sense of inferiority, alienation, depression etc. These feelings

would influence your social relations; so we can term these problems as psycho-
social. Psycho-social problems may affect an individual’s mental health. The term
psycho-social refers to psychological and social factors that influence personality.
Individuals with psycho social disorder frequently experience difficulty in social
functioning. Social factors such as socialization, peer pressure, parental support,
cultural and religious back ground, socio-economic status and inter personal
relationships help to shape the personality of an individual.
However, social work is a very dynamic profession that does not limit itself to
problems alone; it goes on to empower the client systems to handle preventive and
promotional initiatives. In the context of social work, client systems include
individuals, groups and communities.
Some problems occur at group level. Group level problems may happen in families,
neighbourhood or among friends. Gang behaviour is a typical example of group
level problem.


Have a close look at this

picture. Have you ever
seen any situation like
this? Is it advisable? Not
at all! Have you
experienced any similar
situation due to the
influence of the friends?
Can you list out some
common issues due to
peer pressure?

• ................................
We can find various issues around us such as poverty, unemployment,
environmental pollution, illiteracy, unhealthy socio-political situations etc.
Observe the table given below and try to fill it up as categorized below
Individual Problems Group Level Problems Community Problems
• Fear of examination • Group violence • Poverty
• ........................ • ........................ • ........................

• ........................ • ........................ • ........................

• ........................ • ........................ • ........................

1.2 Social Work as a Problem Solving Profession

The social life of the modern world is characterized by numerous problems. The
consumeristic and profit-oriented approaches of the present society bring about drastic
consequences in social life. Problems like isolation, poverty, unemployment, migration,
family disintegration, sexual violence, atrocities against women, suicide, substance
abuse, communalism, terrorism, child abuseetc. are on the increase. Solution to these
problems on a scientific basis is essential to ensure peaceful social life.
How did people treat these problems in the past? Discuss with elders.
• ......................................
Many people give alms to solve problems like poverty and unemployment. Do you
think such charitable activities can solve these problems and make the people


We have been practising these types of charity for centuries to help the poor and
vulnerable, still the problems exist. These activities provide only temporary solutions
to their problems. The complexity and magnitude of such problems in modern times
demand systematic approaches. Professional social work makes people
independent rather than dependent. When it was observed that the problems require
scientific approaches for the proper and effective management, a new system of
scientific intervention came into existence, i.e. social work.
Basically social work is a helping activity which adopts scientific and systematic
approaches to address the issues of individuals, groups and communities and it
empowers the society. It is the only profession which studies social problems, its

origin, interrelation etc. and provides systematic solution to such problems. Hence,
the present day social life demands a scientific and professional approach to solve
social problems.

Check your progress

List out various problems you notice around us.
2. Write some examples for community problems.

1.3 Misconceptions about Social Work

Examine the following pictures and identify the activities.

a. …............................ b. …............................

c. …............................
Do you think the above activities are social work? Why?
• ......................................


Let us discuss what social work is.

Some people have a misconception that social work is Sramadan, alms-giving,
religious activity, charity work etc. But, social work does not come under this
category; because no knowledge or formal training is required to practise such
activities. Social work is often wrongly regarded as selfless, non remunerative,
character-building or religious activity. Many politicians, religious leaders and
philanthropists like Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda, Mother Theresa etc.
are regarded as social workers by the common man. Though they are great people
who have influenced millions, in a strict sense they are not professional social
Social work, as a profession and scientific discipline, is of recent origin. Common

men are not aware of the significance of social work. A Social Worker is a trained
person who receives remuneration for his services like any other professions.
Social work is a helping activity which aims at enabling individuals, families, groups
and communities to become self reliant. Social work is based on certain principles
and philosophy that help to practise it with scientific knowledge and skills. It
requires education and training for any person to practise it.

1.4 Scope and Objectives of Social Work

Social work is a professional and academic discipline that seeks to improve the

quality of life and well being of an individual, group or community. Intervention

at individual, group and community level is undertaken in social work. Relationship
is the key tool of social work. It promotes study, diagnosis, research and resource

mobilization. Social work simply means ‘help people to help themselves’. We can
introduce social work through the Chinese proverb "Give a man a fish, and you
feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime”.
This proverb means that equipping/preparing someone for a job is of greater
benefit than a one-off hand out.
Social work in its various forms addresses the multiple, complex transactions
between people and their environments. Its mission is to enable all people to
develop their full potential, enrich their lives, and prevent dysfunction. Professional
social work is focused on problem solving and development. Social workers are
agents of change in society and in the lives of individuals, families and communities
they serve. Social work is an interrelated system of theory and practice.
According to Walter.A.Friedlander (1955), “Social work is a professional service
based on scientific knowledge and skill in human relation, which assists the


individuals alone or in groups, to obtain social and personal satisfaction and

According to Indian Conference of Social work (1957), “social work is a welfare
activity based on humanitarian philosophy, scientific knowledge and technical skills
for helping the individual, group or community to live a rich and full life.”

A. Scope of Social Work

The scope and relevance of social work is growing tremendously in the present
scenario due to the complexity of the modern world. The result of modernization
requires reshuffling to meet the needs of the changing world. This social
responsibility is vested in the profession of social work, which is equipped to meet

the demands of the ever changing situations. It has its own techniques, tools and
a strong theoretical back ground to support it. In the present context, social work
profession become more relevant.
Professional social workers practise in a variety of settings; including case
management, medical and psychiatric social work, counselling, family and child
welfare, youth welfare, welfare of the weaker section, grass root advocacy
organizations, community health agencies, management agencies, police
departments, correctional agency settings, community development setting,
teaching, school setting, social welfare agency setting, industrial agency setting,
gerendological settings and environmental issues, crisis intervention etc.
Career opportunities for social workers are increasing day by day at national and
international level. Some of the national and international level opportunities of the

social workers are listed below.

NACO (National Aids Control Organization), CAPART (Council for
Advancement of People’s Action and Rural Technology), CSWB (Central Social
Welfare Board), CRY (Child Relief and You), Child line, MINDS Foundation –
Treating mental illness in India, and Oxfam India. These offer wide job
opportunities within India.
UNICEF (United Nations International Children Emergency Fund), WHO
(World Health Organiation), ILO (International Labour Organization), Oxfam,
Ford Foundation, Action Aid, CARE (Co operative America Relief Everywhere),
DESH (Deepam Educational Society for Health), DFID (Department for
International Development), World Vision, The Oak Tree Foundation, SOS
(Save Our Souls), Help Age International, etc. are offering tremendous
opportunities for social workers abroad.


B. Characteristics of Social Work

The main characteristics of social work are:
i. social work is a welfare activity based on humanitarian philosophy.
ii. it respects the worth and dignity of individuals.
iii. it is a professional activity.
iv. it assists individuals, groups and communities to become self relient and inter
v. it promotes adaptability of individuals to social functioning.
vi. social work has a strong scientific base.
vii. it is closely related to psychology and sociology.

viii. it is an activity that helps to cope with problems.
ix. it requires specific knowledg, skills acquired through formal training.
x. it is remunerative.
C. Objectives of Social Work
Objectives are statements of what we are trying to do. Generally, social work has
the following objectives
i. solve psycho-social problems.
ii. fulfil humanitarian needs.
iii. help to resolve with adjustmental problems.
iv. create self sufficiency.
v. strengthen harmonious social relations.

vi. make provision for corrective, preventive and rehabilitative services.

vii. conscientise the community.
viii. change the environment in favour of individual’s growth and development.
ix. ensure social justice and democratic functioning.
x. enhances self esteem.

D. Principles of Social Work

There are certain rules and guidelines that should be followed in any profession for
practising it successfully. These rules and guidelines are called principles.
Principles are the guidelines for action. They are guiding statements which include
general laws or fundamental truths derived from experience and research. They
are universally accepted in the practice of professional social work. So a social
worker has to keep the following principles.

a. Principle of Individualization
Identify the differences in yourself with the students sitting at your right and left side
in the following areas.
• Responses • Way of talking
• Thoughts • Interests
• Attitude
Students behave differently to different situations. Likewise individuals are different
in their capacities, hobbies, emotional maturity, wealth, intelligence, etc. Here the
principle of individualization says that
a social worker should recognize the Do you know!

uniqueness of each individual while
Client is a person who seeks the
trying to help them. A social worker
guidance, assistance or service
should treat each individual and his/ from a professional.
her problem differently.
im Eg. A person seeking the
b. Principle of Acceptance assistance of a lawyer, doctor etc.

What are your immediate thoughts as

you hear these names?
Film star, sex worker, beggar, a person with HIV/AIDS.
• ......................................
The principle of acceptance says that we must accept the client irrespective of his/

her class, creed, position, colour or status. Social Worker should accept the client
as he/she is, with all his/her limitations. Social work believes that every individual
has worth and dignity. Mutual acceptance between the worker and the client is
essential to carry out professional social work. In short, Social Worker displays
an unconditional acceptance of the client.
c. Principle Meaningful Relationship
What is relationship?
• ......................................
Relationship, in social work, is a channel through which growth-oriented changes
are initiated. The relationship between the social worker and the client is known
as rapport. It is considered as the flesh and blood of the social work process. In
social work, rapport between the client and the worker is necessary to provide


services to the client. Relationship is an important tool where the helping process
begins. It is the channel through which the clients are enabled. This professional
relationship includes a mutual process of shared responsibilities, recognition of
one’s rights, acceptance of differences, objectives etc. Social work relationship
is time-bound, goal-oriented, objective and empathetic.
d. Principle of Self –determination
Read the following case:

Vivek had already decided to do legal studies after his plus two course
in humanities. But he joined TTC under the compulsion of his parents.

He was not at all interested in TTC. He failed when the result was

Why did Vivek fail in the examination?

Lack of interest, poor intelligence, unable to concentrate in his study etc. may be
the reasons. The decision to join TTC was not taken by Vivek.
Principle of self determination gives right to self to take decision to solve the
problems faced by the client. Here the worker facilitates the client to take
appropriate decisions for him. He puts different alternatives in front of the client
to solve his problems. Final choice and decisions are left to the client. Responsibility
to take decisions is really vested in the hands of the client.The client himself /
herself bears the pros and corns of his/her decisions. A social worker believes that

the client can findout solutions to his/her problems.

e. Principle of Communication
Communication is the medium through which ideas, emotions, information, etc. are
transferred from one person to other person or groups. Communication is a major
tool as well as a principle to practise social work. A social worker should create
an environment in which the client will feel comfortable to express his/ her feelings.
The clients should be allowed to communicate their problems in their own ways,
so that they may think that they are given due importance.
There are mainly two types of communication such as verbal and nonverbal. Verbal
communication uses words in oral method or in written forms. Non-verbal
communication uses gestures, postures, facial expressions, eye contact and even
silence. Non- verbal communication is equally important to establish and maintain


relationship in social work practice .Thus, the Social Worker should be proficient
in communication, to understand the verbal and non verbal responses of the client.
Communication helps the worker to maintain psychological contact with the client.
f. Principle of Social Functioning
Do you think an HIV-infected client can hold social roles like father, son, husband,
employee etc. in an effective manner?
Every individual has various roles to play in the society. The principle of social
functioning helps the clients to perform well in their social roles. The Social Worker
uses this principle for helping the client to become a responsible and law-abiding
citizen of a nation. The worker facilitates the client to discharge the social functions
properly even in adversities.

g. Principle of Confidentiality
Have you ever disclosed your secrets to anybody? If Yes, to whom?
We express our secrets only to somebody whom we trust.
Every secret is shared with someone only on the basis of trust. The clients also
share their secrets to the worker because of the trust he/she has. This principle
entails the Social Worker to keep the secrecy of information disclosed by the
client. The worker has to assure the client that the information disclosed will remain
The worker has to break the confidentiality in unavoidable situations only. The
information disclosed by the client can be shared with other experts for the client’s
further treatment. If the information disclosed by the clients is harmful to them, or

their family or the entire society, the worker has the responsibility to convey the
matter to the concerned person without revealing the client’s identity. In this
particular situation the social worker acts positively without violating the code of
ethics and social responsibility. In normal situations, the prior consent of the client
is required to share the information.

E. Methods of Social Work

Being a scientific profession social work has its own methodology. Traditionally
the methods of social work are divided as primary and secondary. Primary
methods are social case work, social group work and community organization.
Secondary methods are social action, social welfare administration and social work
research. Observe the given illustration.


Social Work

Primary Secondary
Methods Methods

Social Social Social

Social Group Community Social Welfare Work
Case Work Work organization Action Administration Research

From the above illustrations we can understand that there are primary and
secondary methods in social work. The primary methods make interventions
directly with the clients. At the same time the secondary methods indirectly assist
the primary methods and also help the clients. Let us examine each method.
1. Primary Methods
The primary methods are those methods which directly help the client to solve his/
her problems. The following are the primary methods of social work.
a. Social Case Work (Working with individuals)
Social case work is a unique method of problem-solving. It helps an individual to
solve his psycho-social problems. Here the social worker is concerned with
individual problems only. Here interventions come at the individual level.

Professionally trained Social Worker helps a client with particular problems.

Social case work is a primary method of social work. It is concerned with the
adjustment and development of the individual towards more satisfying human
relationship. According to Bowers, “Social casework is an art in which knowledge
of the science of human relations and skills in human relationships are used to
mobilize capacities in the individual and resources in the community, appropriate
to better adjustment between the client and all or any part of his total environment.”
In social case work a person with a problem comes to a place/agency where a
professionally trained worker helps him through a given process. Social case
work has four components – person, problem, place and process.
b. Social Group Work
In social group work, intervention takes place at group level. The social worker
assists the members of a group to develop capacities and potentialities. The


leadership qualities and personality traits of the group members are developed by
organizing programmes. The growth and development of the group members are
promoted in social group work.
Social group work is a method of social work which develops the ability to establish
constructive relationship in the individuals through group activities. Group experiences
are essential to human beings . Group work helps individual in groups in social agency
settings. The members of the group are helped by a Group Worker who guides the
group members’ interaction in programmes. The group interaction helps an individual
to develop oneself in accordance with abilities and capacities. The individuals are
empowered to mobilize their available resources for their own betterment.

c. Community Organization
List out some issues in your community.
• ......................................
What do we need to solve the problems identified above?

Social work intervention at community level is termed as community organization.
The community organization organizes its resources to solve the basic needs of the
community with the participation of the people. The community identifies the
problems and resources with the help of a community organizer (professionally
trained social worker). The problems like water scarcity, sanitation, poverty,
unemployment, pollution, educational needs etc. are usually dealt within community

As a result of the continuous interaction under the guidance of a common organizer

among the community members develop confidence to achieve their needs or
objectives and through cooperative and collaborative attitudes and practices in the

2. Secondary Methods
Secondary methods are those methods which are intended to support the primary
methods of social work. In secondary method the worker indirectly deals with the
client’s problem. The secondary methods of social work are social action, social
welfare administration and social work research.
a. Social Action
Social Action is a secondary method of social work. It finds solution for mass social
issues through propaganda, public opinion and collective support. The solutions


to mass issues are found by legal means and non violent activities. The mass issues
like dowry, environment issues, gender issues etc. are addressed through this

Mary. E. Richmond was the first social worker and writer who coined the word
social action in 1922. She states that social action is the mass betterment through
propaganda and social legislation. Social action is an individual, group or
community effort within the frame work of philosophy and practice of social work.
The aim of social action is to achieve social progress, modification of social policies,
initiating social legislation and welfare services.
b. Social Welfare Administration
What do you understand from the picture given below?

• ......................................
People are gathered in a board room to discuss administrative matters of an
Social welfare administration is used to transform social policy into action. This
method makes use of scientific and administrative techniques in planning,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the welfare programmes.

Social welfare administration is a process of organization and administration of an

institution/organization/project. Social welfare administration refers to those
activities which are undertaken with regard to the systematic execution of social
policies. It includes Planning, Organising, Staffing, Directing, Co-ordinating,
Reporting and Budgeting (POSDCoRB). It is a dynamic art taking human and
physical resources available and blending them to the achievement of some required
goals. The aims of social welfare administration are the progressive achievement
of the well being of human beings.
Social welfare administration requires specialized knowledge. The administrator
should possess sufficient knowledge regarding the agency’s aims, programmes,

methods of social treatment and social resources. Such knowledge enables the
administrator to perform his task.
c. Social Work Research
Let us examine the issues like domestic violence, child abuse , migrant labour etc.
In order to understand these problems we must have scientific and systematic
method to find out their various causes and solutions. Social work research tries
to analyse the causes behind social issues and helps the professional to solve the
problems. Social work research is a systematic approach to assess the
effectiveness of social work interventions. This may be done by an evaluation of
the situation prior to and after the intervention.
The social work research is the systematic and scientific enquiry of a social
phenomenon or a social problem. This will help to find out the real problem and

to formulate specific intervention strategies to solve that problem.

Social work research is different from social science research because it is basically
an action-oriented research which supports the problem solving process. Social
work research tries to say how things happen. It helps to collect necessary facts
which will direct towards solutions.
Social work methods have another clasification namely micro, mezzo and macro.
Micro means dealing the problems of individuals and families, mezzo means dealing
the problem of group. Macro means dealing the problem of a communities.

Check your progress

1. Define social work.
2. Prepare a chart showing the characteristics of social work.
3. Make a short note on the scope of social work in India.


Let us do
Prepare an article on the topic ‘Principles and Objectives of Social
work’ to be published in your school magazine . You must refer to the
materials available on the internet.
Prepare and exhibit a flow chart showing different methods of Social

1.5 Social Work as a Profession

Enlist various professions practised in our society.
• ......................................
Why are these jobs considered as professions?

• ......................................
A profession is a service based on specialized educational training, purpose,
values, authority, knowledge and skill for a direct and definite compensation.
Social work is a profession with specialized knowledge and techniques to solve
problems of individuals, groups and communities. The following are the
characteristics of this profession.
i. Systematic body of knowledge
Like any other discipline, social work also has its own body of knowledge. The basis
of this knowledge is dynamics of human behavior and personality, the psychological
aspects of individual and society, economics, politics, culture, law, environment etc.
ii. Scientific methods, techniques and skills
Social work has scientific methods to identify and solve the psycho social

problems. The scientific methods include steps such as systematic data collection,
analysis, interpretation, interaction, evaluation etc.
Techniques mean tools or instruments used in problem solving process. It uses
counselling, behaviour modification, case study etc as techniques. It also requires
skills like relationship building, communication, observation, listening etc.
iii. Formal authority and acceptance
Social work has wide social acceptance and approval to work with individuals,
families, and communities. The effective social work intervention in the field of
poverty, destitution, suicide, child abuse, violence etc. provide wide range
acceptance for the profession internationally.
iv. Professional education
Professional education is an essential part of the social work. It helps in getting
practical experience by dealing with individuals, groups and communities. Social


work education takes place at higher secondary, graduation, post graduation and
doctoral levels.
v. Remuneration and stability
Adequate remunerations and job security arevessential elements of social work.
vi. Professional associations
People from the same profession organize themselves to update their knowledge,
share their concerns and safeguard the profession. There are national and
international organizations of social workers. National Association of Social
Workers (NASW) of USA, International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW),
National Association of Professional Social Workers in India (NAPSWI),
Association of Schools of Social Work in Kerala (ASSK) and Kerala Association

of Professional Social Workers (KAPS) are some of them.

1.6 Skills and Qualities of a Social worker

What do you mean by skill?

List out some skills you possess
• ......................................
Cycling, swimming, driving etc. are some skills that a person possesses. Skill is the
ability to do an action effectively. It is developed and sharpened through training
and practice. Social worker also has to acquire certain skills. Some of them are:
• Communication • Leadership • Observation
• Analytical and diagnostic • Organization • Administration

• Liasoning • Resource mobilization

• Intervention • Building relationsship
Observe the illustration given below and understand the skills that a social worker
needs to practise his profession.

Building Leadership Commu-

relationship nication
Intervention Observation
Resource Analytical and
mobilization diagnostic
Liasoning Administ- Organization


Qualities of social worker

Social worker should have some qualities to intervene with individuals, groups and
communities. They are:
• Self awareness • Social awareness
• Decisiveness • Empathy
• Positive attitude • Emotional maturity
• Self confidence • Flexibility
• Trustworthiness • Honesty, respect to others, tenacity etc.

Check your progress

1. Why is social work considered as a profession?
2. List out various skills required for a social worker.
Let us do
Your panchayat president says that he is a social worker. As a
social work student can you agree with his opinion? Conduct a
debate on it.
Visit a social work setting and observe the skills and qualities of a
professional social worker.

Let us sum up
This chapter introduces the concept of psycho-social problems and discusses Social

work as a problem solving approach. After discussing the misconceptions related to

Social work, the chapter presents the concept of Social work, its definition, scope,
characteristics, objectives, principles, skills and qualities essential for Social Worker.
Social work is a professional service which helps people to solve psycho social problems
in a scientific manner. There are many misconceptions about social work like it is charity,
social service, philanthropic activity, ‘sramadaan’, alms giving etc. , but we understand
that social work is none of these, but a professional service that make use of scientific
systematic techniques.
Hence social work is a welfare activity based on humanitarian philosophy, scientific
knowledge and technical skills in dealing with individual, group and community to live a
rich and full life. The seven pillars of social work –its principles –individualization,


acceptance, self determination, meaningful relationship, communication, confidentiality

and social functioning is discussed here.
Social work make use of different methods of practice at micro, ,mezzo and macro
levels and uses social case work, social group work, community organization, social
action, social welfare administration and social work research in dealing with various
Social case work is a method in which problem solving take place at individual level on
a one to one basis. Social group work is a method of social work which develops the
ability of establishing constructive relationships in the individuals through group activities.

Community organization is another method of social work where community organizes
its resources to solve its basic needs with people’s participation in a co-operative and
collaborative manner.
Social action addresses mass social issues through propaganda, public opinion and
collective support. Social welfare administration transforms social policy into action by
using scientific and administrative techniques. Social work research is a systematic and
scientific enquiry of a social phenomenon or a social problem.

An attempt is made here to identify the characteristics of a profession and how far it is
applicable to social work. We also discuss skills needed for Social work practice like,
communication, leadership, observation, analysis, diagnosis, organization etc. and also

qualities like self-awareness, empathy, and decisiveness, positive attitude etc. that a Social
Worker should necessarily possess.

Learning Outcomes
 Identify and differentiate various psycho-social problems, their magnitude and
 Perceives social work as a scientific problem-solving profession.
 Disseminates various facts related to social work and dispel misconceptions.
 Internalises the definition, scope, characteristics, objectives, principles and
methods of social work.
 Familiarises with professional social work and its skills, techniques and


Evaluation Questions
1. In a public meeting a politician states that Mother Theresa and Mahatma Gandhi
were great social workers in India. Do you agree with this statement? Justify your
2. Complete the illustration given
Social Work


Social im Welfare

3. Prepare a chart showing the characteristics of social work as a profession.

4. ‘Principles are guidelines for action’. Suggest some important principles which are
essential for practising social work profession.
5. List out the essential skills of a social worker.
6. Fill in the circle showing the qualities of a social worker.


7. Point out the major characteristics of social work.

8. Objectives are statements about what we are trying to do. List out some major
objectives of social work?
9. Make a short note on characteristics of a profession.

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