Design Practices in Harmonic Analysis Studies Applied To Industrial Electrical Power Systems

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ETASR - Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 3, No.

4, 2013, 467-472 467

Design Practices in Harmonic Analysis Studies

Applied to Industrial Electrical Power Systems

S. F. Mekhamer A. Y. Abdelaziz S. M. Ismael

Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Electrical Engineering Division,
Ain Shams University Ain Shams University ENPPI
Cairo, Egypt Cairo, Egypt Cairo, Egypt
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—Power system harmonics may cause several problems, increase system reliability, enhance operation economics, avoid
such as malfunctions of electrical equipment, premature unwanted equipment failure and process downtimes [1].
equipment failures and plant shutdowns. Accordingly, mitigation Nowadays, industrial electrical systems contain a valuable
of these harmonics is considered an important target especially amount of nonlinear loads. Accordingly, power system studies
for industrial applications where any short downtime period may for industrial plants should contain harmonic analysis studies
lead to great economic losses. Harmonic analysis studies are beside short circuit, load flow and motor starting studies. The
necessary to analyze the current and voltage harmonic levels and harmonic analysis studies for the industrial systems are
check if these levels comply with the contractual or international discussed in [2], but the author did not focus on the guidelines
standard limits. If the studies reveal that the preset limits are
of the harmonic study. Also the authors did not introduce the
exceeded, then a suitable harmonic mitigation technique should
be installed. Harmonic analysis studies in the industrial electrical
various international standards that set the limits of the
systems are discussed in many references. However, a harmonic distortions.
comprehensive procedure for the steps required to perform a The goals of this paper can be summarized as follow:
harmonic study is rarely found in the literature even though it is
strongly needed for design engineers. This paper provides a 1. To highlight the purpose of a harmonic analysis study
comprehensive procedure for the steps required to perform a
2. To highlight some guidelines for harmonic analysis studies
harmonic study in the form of a flowchart, based on industrial
research and experience. Hence, this paper may be considered as 3. To provide a comprehensive description of the procedure
a helpful guide for design engineers and consultants of the required to perform a harmonic study
industrial sector.
4. To introduce the international standards limits for the
Keywords-harmonic analysis study; distortion; point of harmonic distortions
common coupling (PCC); variable frequency drive (VFD);
Nowadays, the applications of the nonlinear loads in the
I. INTRODUCTION industrial plants grow rapidly and the percentage of these loads
Due to the dramatic increase in the usage of nonlinear loads may be in the range of 30% to 50% of the total plant load.
in industrial applications (mainly regarding Variable Frequency Accordingly, the effects of harmonics within the electrical
Drives or VFDs), the power system harmonics problems has system and their impact on the electric utility and neighboring
gain in significance, representing a big obstacle against the plants should be examined to avoid equipment damage and
wide application of VFDs although they enhance system plant shutdowns. The following cases may necessitate
efficiency and provide great energy saving. The power system performing a harmonic study [3]:
harmonics cause many harmful effects including:
1. During the design stage of a project, if the amount of the
 Overheating of generators, motors, transformers, and nonlinear loads exceeds 25% of the total loads on a bus or
power cables that lead to early equipment failures a system, a harmonic analysis study is required to check
the compliance with the contractual/ international
 Failure of capacitor banks harmonic limits
 Nuisance tripping to protection relays 2. To solve harmonic-related problems such as failure of
 Interference to communication systems and sensitive electrical equipment or malfunction of protective relays
electronic devices 3. If an existing plant is going to be expanded and a
Accordingly, the mitigation of the power system harmonics significant amount of nonlinear loads is going to be added,
is of great importance in industrial electrical systems in order to then a harmonic analysis study is required to verify the
plant performance after the addition of these loads Mekhamer et al.: Design Practices in Harmonic Analysis Studies Applied to Industrial Electrical …
ETASR - Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 3, No. 4, 2013, 467-472 468

4. If a capacitor bank is installed in any electrical networks b. Ballasts of discharge lamps, the discharge lamps like
that contain many nonlinear loads, then a harmonic mercury vapor, high-pressure sodium and fluorescent
analysis is required to check the possibility of resonance lamps are dominant sources of the third harmonic
occurrence currents.
c. Transformer harmonics, transformers create harmonics
III. GUIDELINES FOR HARMONIC ANALYSIS STUDIES when they are overexcited. In addition, the transformer
inrush currents may contain some even harmonics, but the
A. Harmonic Sources duration is rather limited.
All nonlinear loads are defined also as harmonic sources, as
d. Generator harmonics, voltage harmonics are created from
clearly shown in Figure 1, because they draw non-sinusoidal
the synchronous generators due to the non-sinusoidal
currents when a sinusoidal voltage is applied. The nonlinear
distribution of the flux in the air gap. Selection of suitable
load acts as a source of harmonic currents in power system,
coil-span factor (called also pitch factor) can significantly
thus causing voltage distortions at the various system buses due
reduce the voltage harmonics from the generators.
to the harmonic voltage drops across the system impedances.
2) Power Electronic Devices:
There are various power electronic devices that cause harmonic
problems such as:
a. Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) used in fans and
b. Switched mode power supplies (SMPS), used in
instruments and personal computers
c. High voltage DC transmission stations (HVDC)
d. Static VAR compensators
e. Uninterruptable power supply systems (UPS)

Fig. 1. Effect of a nonlinear load on the current waveform f. Battery charger systems
g. Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS)
To perform a harmonic study, the design engineer must
identify the available harmonic sources and the harmonic h. AC and DC arc furnaces in steel manufacturing plants
currents generated by these harmonic sources. There are three
options available for the design engineer to determine the B. Resonance
harmonic currents, as described below: The inductive reactance increases as the frequency increases as
a. To measure the generated harmonics from each harmonic follow:
source (time-consuming option, applicable only in case of
existing plants) X  2. .F .L 
L 
b. To calculate the generated harmonic currents by using
suitable mathematical analysis (may require extensive
XL: Inductive reactance
manual and time-consuming calculations)
F : System frequency
c. To use typical values based on computerized softwares L : Inductance
libraries or based on the available data from the nonlinear
load's manufacturer While the capacitive reactance decreases as the frequency
increases as follows:
Practically, options (a) and (c) are the most used options
and provide reasonable results. X  1 / ( 2. .F .C ) 
C 
The following are the main sources of harmonics in
industrial applications [4]: where:
XC: Capacitive reactance
1) Saturable Magnetic equipment: C : Capacitance
There are various saturable magnetic equipment that cause
harmonic problems such as: Due to the opposite characteristics of the inductive and
a. Rotating machines, rotating machines like induction capacitive reactances, there must be a frequency at which XL
motors may act as sources of the third harmonic currents equals XC. This condition of equal and opposite reactances is
when they are operating in abnormal or overloaded called “resonance”. Most of the power system elements are
conditions. inductive. Accordingly, the presence of shunt capacitors used Mekhamer et al.: Design Practices in Harmonic Analysis Studies Applied to Industrial Electrical …
ETASR - Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 3, No. 4, 2013, 467-472 469

for power factor correction or harmonic filtering can increase D. Power System Modeling:
the probability of resonance occurrence. There are two types of At the presence of harmonics, the electrical system
resonance, the series resonance and the parallel resonance. The elements models must be updated to encounter for the presence
harmful effect of the series resonance may be the flow of of higher frequencies in the system rather than the power
excessive harmonic currents through the network elements. frequency (50 Hz or 60 Hz). Details for electrical system
These excessive currents cause nuisance tripping to the elements models under harmonics distortions can be found in
protection relays, overheating of cables, motors, and [3].
transformers and premature failure to the electrical equipment.
The harmful effect of the parallel resonance may be the
E. Types of Analyses Performed during the Harmonic
presence of excessive harmonic voltages across the network
elements. These excessive harmonic voltages cause dielectric
breakdown of the electrical equipment’s insulation [3]. There are two main types of analyses that could be performed
during harmonic analysis [2]:
1) Series Resonance:
The series resonance occurs when an inductor and a a. Current and voltage distortion analysis, in which the
capacitor are connected in series and they resonate together at a individual and total current and voltage harmonic
certain resonance frequency. An example of the series resonant distortions are calculated at the various buses then the
circuit is shown in Fig. 2. This AC circuit is said to be in results are compared with the relevant contractual limits.
resonance when the inductive reactance XL is equal to the b. Impedance versus frequency analysis, in which a plot of
capacitive reactance XC. the system impedance at various buses is plotted against
the frequency. This analysis is important in predicting the
system resonances prior to energizing the electrical
system. A peak in the impedance plot indicates a parallel
resonance while a valley in the impedance plot indicates a
series resonance.


Fig. 2. AC circuit representing an example for the series resonance
If a harmonic analysis study is required to be performed
2) Parallel Resonance: due to any of the cases described in section (II), the following
The parallel resonance occurs when an inductor and a steps should be followed:
capacitor are connected in parallel and they resonate together at a. Obtain the electrical system one-line diagram and
a certain resonance frequency. There are many forms of highlight the available nonlinear loads, capacitor banks
parallel resonant circuits. A typical parallel resonant circuit is and medium voltage cables of long length within the
shown in Figure 3. This circuit is said to be in parallel industrial system.
resonance when XL=XC similar to the series resonance.
b. Highlight the point of common coupling (PCC) which is
the point that connects the industrial network with the
utility or with the neighboring plant.
c. Highlight the in-plant system buses that are expected to be
affected from harmonic distortions.
d. Gather the harmonics-related data of all nonlinear loads
Fig. 3. AC circuit representing an example for the parallel resonance within the plant.
e. Obtain, from the utility company, the relevant data of
C. Tools of performing a harmonic analysis study: current and voltage harmonics at the contractual PCC
The harmonic analysis study can be performed by any of the including the minimum and maximum short circuit fault
following tools: levels and the permissible limits on voltage and current
harmonics because the allowable harmonic limits vary
a. Manual calculations, which are limited to small-size from country to country.
networks since they are very complicated and susceptible
to errors. f. Model the electrical network using any of the
commercially available softwares such as the electrical
b. Field measurements, which are often used as a transient analyzer program (ETAP).
verification of the design, or as a preliminary diagnosis of
a field problem. g. Perform the harmonic analysis for the electrical network
at the various possible operating scenarios.
c. Digital computer simulations, which nowadays are the
h. Check the individual and total voltage and current
most convenient and economical method for analyzing
distortion levels at the interested system buses and at the
system harmonics
PCC. Mekhamer et al.: Design Practices in Harmonic Analysis Studies Applied to Industrial Electrical …
ETASR - Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 3, No. 4, 2013, 467-472 470

i. Check the harmonic frequency spectrum, which is a plot VI. INTERNATIONAL HARMONIC STANDARDS
of each individual harmonic value with respect to the The purpose of imposing strict limits on the harmonics
fundamental value versus frequency. emissions is to ensure that the current and voltage distortions at
j. If the harmonic distortion results exceed the allowable the PCC are kept sufficiently low. Thus, the other customers
limits, select an appropriate harmonic mitigation solution connected at the same point are not disturbed. The international
and the optimum insertion point for that solution. Further standards related to harmonic distortion limits can be classified
details about this point are introduced in section (V). as follows:
k. Re-perform the harmonic analysis study after adding the A. Standards specifying limits for individual nonlinear
harmonic mitigation technique to ensure compliance with
the contractual / international harmonic limits.
 IEC 61000-3-2 [7], which specifies the current harmonic
An extensive literature review over the past twenty years limits for low voltage equipment that has an input current
leads to the fact that there is no single article that summarizes less than 16 A.
the steps required to perform a harmonic analysis study even
though the importance of this procedure for the design  IEC 61000-3-12 [8], which specifies the current harmonic
engineers. The comprehensive flowchart presented in Figure 4 limits for an equipment that has an input current between
provides this novel helpful approach. 16A and 75A
 IEC 61800-3 [9],which specifies the electro-magnetic
V. SELECTION OF THE HARMONIC FILTER'S INSERTION POINT compatibility (EMC) requirements of the adjustable speed
Even if the design engineer selects the optimum harmonic drive systems
mitigation technique for his plant, among the available
harmonic mitigation solutions in the market [5], then the filter As noticed, the above standards are for small rating and low
insertion point should be studied carefully as it greatly affects voltage harmonic loads only. In addition, the above standards
system performance [6]. As shown in Figure 5, the possible do not set limits on the overall distribution network.
filter insertion points can be classified into three categories as
follow: B. Standards specifying limits for electrical networks
 IEEE 519-1992 [10], this document introduces many
A. Local Harmonic Mitigation useful recommended practices for harmonics control in
In this mode of mitigation, the shunt type (passive or electrical networks. This document is widely used in the
active) harmonic filter is directly connected to the nonlinear industrial sector and many consultants/clients use the
load terminals. This mode is efficient if the number of limits indicated in it as contractual limits within their
nonlinear loads is limited and the power of each nonlinear load specifications.
is significant compared to the total plant power. Circulation of  IEC 61000-3-6 [11], this specification performs an
harmonic currents in the electrical network is avoided, thus the assessment of the harmonic emission limits for distorting
harmonic impact on the upstream network elements is loads in medium voltage and high voltage power systems.
minimized. Up till now, this specification is not widely used in the
industrial sector because it is rather new (punlished in
B. Semi-Global Harmonic Mitigation 2008).
In this mode of mitigation, the shunt type (passive or
active) harmonic filter is connected to the input of the LV sub-  British engineering recommendation G5/4-1 [12], this
distribution switchboard. Accordingly, the filter treats several document provides some helpful engineering
sets of nonlinear loads. This type of compensation is ideal in recommendations for establishing the allowable harmonic
presence of multiple nonlinear loads each having low rated limits of the voltage distortions in the United Kingdom.
power. A practical example of this mode is found in
commercial buildings where a harmonic filter may be found on VII. IEEE 519-1992 HARMONIC LIMITS
each floor of the building.
A. Harmonic current distortion limits
C. Global Harmonic Mitigation Harmonic current distortion limits are introduced in the
This mode of mitigation is more concerned with meeting IEEE 519-1992. A summary of these current harmonic limits is
the contractual harmonic limits at the (PCC) than the reduction shown in Table I. Setting limits for the current harmonic levels
of the in-plant harmonics. The major drawback of this protects the utility company and the other utility consumers
mitigation mode is that the harmonic currents are allowed to connected on the same feeder.
circulate in the electrical network. Thus, the various electrical where:
elements within the plant will be subjected to harmful ISC : maximum short circuit current at PCC
harmonic impact.
I1 or IL: maximum demand load current (fundamental
frequency component) at PCC Mekhamer et al.: Design Practices in Harmonic Analysis Studies Applied to Industrial Electrical …
ETASR - Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 3, No. 4, 2013, 467-472 471


Existing plant
Existing or 1. Evaluate the results of the harmonic
new plant
study then select the optimum
technical and economic harmonic
New plant mitigation technique.
2. Select the optimum insertion point
for the selected harmonic
1. Gather all the required 1. Define the harmonic sources within the mitigation technique.
data about the existing plant. 3. For a new plant, Implement the
harmonic sources. 2. Define the ratio of the nonlinear loads with selected harmonic mitigation
2. Make a survey about the respect to the total plant loads as follow: technique in the network model
harmonic related Ratio = nonlinear loads (KVA) / total plant then re-perform the harmonic
.problems within the plant loads (KVA analysis study.
4. For an existing plant, model
3. Define the PCC.
electrical network of the plant after
4. Perform site harmonic adding the selected harmonic
measurements at the PCC mitigation technique then perform
and at the system buses the harmonic analysis study.
that contain the major No Ratio of nonlinear
nonlinear loads. loads with respect
to the total plant
loads ≥ 25%

Harmonic analysis is
not required Yes


Harmonic Analysis is required. Perform the following steps:

1. Obtain the electrical system one-line diagram and highlight the available nonlinear loads, capacitor
banks and long medium voltage cables within the industrial system.
2. Highlight the point of common coupling (PCC).
3. Highlight the in-plant system buses (or switchgears) that are foreseen to be affected from harmonic
4. Gather the required equipment data, ratings and the harmonics related data of all the plant
nonlinear loads.
5. Obtain, from the utility company, the relevant data of current and voltage harmonics at the
contractual PCC including the minimum and maximum short circuit fault levels and the
permissible limits on voltage and current harmonics.
6. Model the electrical network using any of the commercially available softwares such as the
electrical transient analyzer program (ETAP).
7. Perform the harmonic analysis for the electrical network at the various possible operating
8. Check the individual and total voltage and current distortion levels at the interested system buses
and the PCC to ensure compliance with the contractual / international harmonic limits.

No Voltage and current

End harmonic levels
exceed the allowable


Fig. 4. A comprehensive procedure for the steps required to perform a harmonic analysis Mekhamer et al.: Design Practices in Harmonic Analysis Studies Applied to Industrial Electrical …
ETASR - Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 3, No. 4, 2013, 467-472 472

Allowable voltage Special Dedicated
THD systems systems
Voltage THD (%) 3% 5% 10%



Individual voltage Total voltage

Bus voltage harmonic distortion harmonic
(%) distortion (%)
69 kV and below 3% 5%
From 69 kV to 161 kV 1.5 % 2.5 %
161 kV and above 1% 1.5 %

Harmonic analysis studies are necessary to analyze the
current and voltage harmonic levels within any industrial
Fig. 5. Various insertion points for the harmonic filters
electrical system and to check if these levels comply with the
contractual or international standard limits. This paper provides
It should be noted that all the power generation equipment a comprehensive approach for performing a harmonic study,
are limited to these values of current distortion, regardless of presented in the form of a flowchart. In addition, this paper
the actual ISC/I1 ratio. The ratio ISC/IL is the ratio of the short presents the current and voltage harmonic limits used in
circuit current available at the (PCC) to the maximum industrial systems.
fundamental load current. It is recommended that the load REFERENCES
current (IL) be calculated over any (15) or (30) min period and
then averaged over the next (12) month period. [1] M. Z. El-Sadek, Power system harmonics, 2nd edition, Mukhtar Press,
Egypt, 2007
[2] R. G. Ellis, “Harmonic analysis of industrial power systems”, IEEE
TABLE I. HARMONIC CURRENT DISTORTION LIMITS FOR GENERAL Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 417-421,
[3] IEEE Std 399-1997, Recommended practice for industrial and
Odd harmonic order h (%) commercial power systems analysis, ANSI/IEEE, 1997
ISC / I1 harmonic
Individual current harmonic distortion (%) [4] J. P. Nelson, “A Better understanding of harmonics distortions in the
distortion petrochemical industry”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications,
h < 11 11 ≤ h < 17 17 ≤ h < 23 23 ≤ h <35 h ≥ 35 THD % Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 220-231, 2004
< 20 * 4 2 1.5 0.6 0.3 5 [5] S. F. Mekhamer, A. Y. Abdelaziz, S. M. Ismael, “Technical comparison
20-50 7 3.5 2.5 1 0.5 8 of harmonic mitigation techniques for industrial electrical power
50- systems”, MEPCON 2012, Fifteenth International Middle East Power
10 4.5 4 1.5 0.7 12 Systems Conference, Paper ID: 214, Alexandria, Egypt, 2012
100- [6] E. Bettega, J. N. Fiorina, Cahier Technique no. 183: Active harmonic
12 5.5 5 2 1 15
1000 conditioners and unity power factor rectifiers, Schneider Electric, 1st
>1000 15 7 6 2.5 1.4 20 edition, 1999
[7] IEC Std 61000-3-2, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)-Part 3-2:
B. Harmonic voltage distortion limits: Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current ≤16 A
per phase, IEC, 2009
The IEEE 519-1992 defines the allowable voltage harmonic [8] IEC Std 61000-3-12, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)-Part 3-12:
limits at the PCC. Table II summarizes the limits for the low Limits for harmonic currents produced by equipment connected to
voltage systems and Table III summarizes the limits for the public low-voltage systems with input current >16 a and ≤ 75 a per
medium and high voltage systems. phase, IEC, 2011
[9] IEC Std 61800-3, Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems-Part
Where: 3: EMC requirements and specific test methods, IEC, 2004
 Special systems: critical applications like hospitals and [10] IEEE Std 519, Recommended practice and requirements for harmonics
airports control in electrical power systems, ANSI/ IEEE, 1992
[11] IEC Std 61000-3-6, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)-Part 3-6:
 Dedicated systems: systems that contain only nonlinear Assessment of emission limits for the connection of distorting
loads installations to MV, HV and EHV power systems, IEC, 2008
[12] British Engineering Recommendation, Planning levels for harmonic
It is important to highlight that the limits listed in Table III voltage distortion and the connection of nonlinear equipment to
should be used as system design values for normal operation transmission systems and distribution networks in the United Kingdom,
G5/4-1, 2001
conditions (lasting more than one hour). For shorter operation
periods, during start-ups or unusual transient conditions, these
harmonic limits may be allowed to exceed by 50%. Mekhamer et al.: Design Practices in Harmonic Analysis Studies Applied to Industrial Electrical …

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