Agragian Disputes

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Chapter 6 1.

Spanish population in the

Philippines was transient.
2. The market for livestock
products, which haciendas
 In November 19, 1891, Rizal was
offered, remained relatively small
arrived in Hongkong. He stayed in
until the latter part of the Spanish
Hongkong and opened a Medical
colonial period.
3. The Galleon Trade that was
 In December 1, 1891, he wrote to his
based in Manila offered bigger
parents asking their permission to
economic rewards and attracted
return home. And at the same date
more Spaniards. Since Spaniards
Manuel Hidalgo, husband of
lack the interest and inclination
Saturnina sent a letter telling the sad
to develop their lands, religious
news in Calamba.
orders soon took over the task.
 Rizal sends a letter to his family to
give support.
 Students of history agree that conflict Land was acquired through various means:
between his family and the
Dominicans over the hacienda  The lands that Spaniards donated
greatly affects and played a pivotal because of Spiritual benefits
role to the life of Rizal.  The lands or estates that is heavily
mortgaged to the ecclesiastics
(priest) were eventually purchased by
*The origin of the friar estates can be the religious orders themselves.
traced back to land grants awarded
*It was also found that one of the
to Spanish Conquistadores.
contributors of the Friar Estate was a
* 120 Spaniards were given grants
*Sitio de Ganado Mayor- a large Filipinos who is under PRINCIPALES, through
tract of land included in land grant donations and sales.
*Caballerias- a small tract of land
Preoccupation in the estates was varied
included in land grant
3 Reasons why Spanish hacenderos during the early Centuries of spanish

failed to develop their land Colonial rule:

 16th-17th Centuries --> the land was they fail to satisfy these requirements, he
primarily for cattle ranch as well as could face expulsion from the land
farms for subsistence crops
Kasama (sharecropper)- the one who would
 19th Century --> Rice and Sugar
take on tye task of cultivating the soil.
Canes served as main commodities
produced in the Haciendas and Three-tiered System

became important source of income

• Landlords- top
for the religious orders.
• Inquilino- middle
During 16th and 17th century, the social
structure found in haciendas was primarily • Sharecropper- bottom

composed of:
-When the inquilino rented or buy the

1. Lay brother administrators (top), they were hacienda from the religious hacenderos they

under the direct authority of the heads of freed themselves from their social

their religious orders but they are free to responsibilities with the sharecroppers and

make their own decisions on administrative now the inquilinos are the one who has a

affairs. responsibility with the kasama or

2. Cultivating tenants (below), they were
expected to work the land and pay an -However, the sharecroppers benefitted for

annual rent, which was usually a fixed this because they are not engaged with the

amount of harvest and in later centuries, (polo y servicio) force labor that is

money. demanded by the Spanish government that

*Mid 18th century
-The downside of this type of arrangement,
Inquilinato system- under this system, an
however, was that two non-cultivating
individual rented land for fixed annual
groups further diminished the income of the
amount, known as canon.

Inquilino (lessee)- he/she was expected to

render personal services to his landlords. If
-After the inquilino paid his rent to the family became the principal inquilimos of
religious hacenderos and deducted his own hacienda de calamba.
share, the remaining amount of income
Rizal's family rented one of the largest
would then be divided among all the
leased lands, measuring approximately 380
Hacienda De Calamba
-Sugar was a main commodity planted in
Hacienda de Calamba were owned by hacienda
several Spanish laymen. At the year of 1759,
-In 1883, Paciano Rizal wrote that the friars
A Spanish laymen named Don Manuel
were collecting rents without issuing usual
Jaugerui donated the land of hacienda de
Calamba to the Jesuits in exchange that he
will be allowed to live in the hacienda - In 1885, the tenants failed to pay their

monastery for the rest of his life. The jesuits rents. While the rent increased, the price of

was able to claimed the land for only 8 years sugar was so low.

because of the decree ordered by King

-Those who settled their accounts will be
Charles III of spain that the Jesuits should be
marked “paid,” while those who weren’t able
expelled in the philipines. The government
to pay were given ten-day grace period after
turnover the land of hacienda de Calamba
which,the land will be declared “vacant" and
to Jesuit temporalities. By the year 1803, The
the dominican will invite other residents to
government sold the hacienda de calamba
take over the tenancies.
to spanish laymen named Don Clemente de
Azansa for 44,507 Pesos. The latter died in -In 1886, Mariano Herbosa, brother in law of

the year 1833. And the haciend de calamba Rizal wrote that they don’t get a receipt

which was known to be measured at 16,424 every time they pay. Anyway it is valueless as

hectares was brought by the dominicans at it does not state the amount paid. It only

the amount of 52,000 Pesos. By this time, says that the rent for that year has been

many familes migrated to the said hacienda paid, without stating whether it is one

including the ancestors of Rizal. Later, their hundred or one thousand pesos. The receipt
has no signature in the place where the
amount paid ought to be, though it bears
their name. He cannot comprehend why
some are signed and others are not.

Problems continued to escalate in 1887, the

colonial government demanded from the
tenants of the hacienda a report on the
income and production of the estate
because they suspected that the Dominicans
were invading payment of their taxes. The
tenants complied and submitted a report
with the petition authored by Jose Rizal. As a
form of retaliation, the friars began to evict
tenants who refused to pay rent in 1891.
Among those who were exiled were Rizal's
family. The experience affected Rizal deeply
and the increasing despair he felt from the
event would be reflected in his second
novel, El Filibusterismo.

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