The Soma PDF
The Soma PDF
The Soma PDF
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sundara veerraju
Soma as a metaphorical elixir of immortality
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sundara veerraju
'O Soma,
Soma guarded by that which is meant to cover
you, guarded by him who lives in the high (heaven?),
you stand listening to the pressing stones. No earthly
one eats you.' (RV X.85.4).
Soma has the radical su, to press; pressing is the key
process. Soma is that which is pressed. In the developing
allegory, Soma is seen to be released from the cover, Vritra
or the 'aryan dragon motif or Vritra, who possesses the
waters, using the vajra thunderbolt. Buschardt also observes
that the mountains which are Vritra's body are also the
same on which the Soma plants grow; Vritra-killing and
Soma are one and the same act; Soma-pressing
Soma is
Soma killing signifies making him 'whole' and this is
creation. Vajra is a concept related to the reducing agents:
Lahiri summarizes Buschardt's perceptions succinctly.
"Buschardt traced the origin of the vajra, the weapon with
which Indra kills Vritra, to the cultic implements the
pressing stone used to crush the Soma-stalks,
Soma or pestle.
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sundara veerraju
Soma Soma ma¯al, asemon, asem, electrum may perhaps
denote the same substance that dazzled and drew travellers
of antiquity in search of indus gold. It may perhaps be the
same substance [which required the purificatory 'mineral
waters'] contained in the kaman.d.alu symbols in the icons
of the yaks.a legacy. It may perhaps be the same
substance said to be am°tam which was considered to be
the elixir of life, of immortality. It may perhaps be the
same substance referred to, in sheer poetry, as amritam àyur
hira¯yam. Gold is immortality.
Soma The very justification for the vedic hymns; the
quintessence of the only technological process elaborated in
magnificent poetry and philological excursus in the grand
allegory, the Rigveda.
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