Types of Leadership
Types of Leadership
Types of Leadership
- All nurses whose names appear at the roster of nurses shall be
automatically or ipso facto registered as nurses under this Act upon its
- A certificate of registration/professional license may be issued without
examination to nurses registered under the laws of foreign state or country.
- The requirements for registration or licensing of nurses in said country are
substantially the same as those prescribed under this act.
- The laws of such state or country grant the same privileges to registered
nurses of the Philippines on the same basis as the subject or citizens of
such foreign state or country.
- Is illegal according to the revised penal code. The patient should assume
responsibility for her abortion.
- She should be made to sign a statement relieving the hospital and its
personnel from liability.
�INFANTICIDE - Be very familiar with the Philippine Nursing Law
- Is the killing of a child less than 3 days of age. The mother of the child who - Beware of laws that affect nursing practice
commits this crime shall suffer penalty of imprisonment ranging from 2yrs - At the start of employment, get a copy of your job description, the agency’s rules, regulations and policies
and 4months and 1day to 6yrs. - Upgrade your skills and competence
- Accept only such responsibility that is within the scope of your employment and your job description
- Do not delegate your responsibility to others
�PARRICIDE - Determine whether your subordinates are competent in the work are assigning them.
- Is a crime committed by one who kills her/his father, mother or child whether - Develops good interpersonal relationships with your co-workers, whether they be your supervisors, peers, or subordinates
legitimate or illegitimate, or any of his/her ascendants or descendants or - Consult your superiors for problems that may be too big for you to handle
his/her spouse. - Verify orders that are not clear to you or those that seem to be erroneous
- The doctors should be informed about the patient’s condition
�TYPES OF RAPE - Keep in mind the value and necessity of keeping accurate and adequate records
- Ordinary rape = a forcible penetration of an organ for copulation to another - Patients are entitled to an informed consent
organ for copulation. (eg. Women are only the victim)
- Sexual assault = anything that is forcible inserted to a body orifice with �EVOLUTION OF NURSING LAW
sexual malice. Also form of rape (eg. Hand or an object is being inserted in - Republic act no. 2493 (dated February 5,1915)
the anal. Committed in both male and female) The first law affecting the practice of nursing in the Philippines.
a. Sec. 7 – states that every person desiring to practice nursing in the Philippines shall apply to the director of health for a
�COMMON LEGAL TERMS certificate of registration as a nurse.
- Affidavit = is a written statement made under oath before a notary public or b. Sec. 8 – states that shall be unlawful for any person to practice as a nurse in any of its branches in the Philippines until
other person duly authorized. the proper certificate of registration has been obtained.
- Contempt of court = is the willful disobedience to, or open disrespect for the c. This is also an act that provides for the examination and registration of nurses in the Philippines.
rules of court. - Republic act no. 2808 (dated March 1, 1919)
- Defendant = the person being accused for wrongdoing; the therefore needs An act regulating the practice of nursing profession in the Philippines otherwise known as the nursing law.
to defend themselves. Significance of this law
o The first board examinees for nurses was created - Submission of names of qualified nominees by the accredited professional organization (APO) to the commission, 3 nominees
composed of 3 members appointed by the secretary of per vacancy, not later than three months before vacancy.
interior (1 doctor of medicine as chairman and 2 members - The commission submits to the office of the president two nominees per vacancy not later that two months before the vacancy
who are registered nurses, had experience in the nursing occurs. The appointment must be issued not later than 30 days before scheduled licensure examination.
profession for at least 5yrs of reputable character. Board of nursing
The board has the following powers: M – MAN
1. Issue and revoke certificates of registration for practitioners of A – accredited nursing org (PNA)
the nursing profession. S – seven MAN team (1 chairman, 6 members)
2. Study the conditions affecting the practice of the nursing I – immediately resigned upon appointment
profession in all parts of the Philippines. N – not convicted of any crime
3. Exercise the power conferred by the law to maintain efficient, P – pecuniary interest (absence)
ethical and technical standards in nursing profession. T – ten years nursing practice but 5yrs must be in the Philippines
4. Promulgate regulations governing the nurse examination and C – citizen and resident of republic of the Philippines
standards to be attained. Powers of Board of Nursing
L – licensure exam
- Republic act no. 4007 (dated December 5, 1931) I – issue COR
Reorganization law M – monitor standards of nursing practice
Took effect the conduct of board examination and placed the direct E – education
supervision of the bureau of civil service. C – code of ethics
- Republic act no. 465 H – hear and decides cases of negligence and malpractice
Standardized the fees charge by the examining board. A – accredits different organizations
- Republic act no. 546 G – guides nursing practice in the Philippines.
Reorganized and placed all the board examinees under the direct Added the powers and duties of the board
supervision of the president of the Philippines. Adopt and regulate a code of ethics and code of technical standards for the practice of nursing within one year from the
- Republic act no. 877 (dated June 19, 1953) effectivity of this act.
Was enacted as an entirely new law created by the Filipino Nurses Recognize specialty organization in coordination with accredited professional organization.
Associated (PNA) namely: Ms. Abdulia Kabigtingas Chairman;Dean Licensure examination and registration
JV Sutejo and Conchita Ruiz. The act was sponsored by Sen. Specific dates of examination has been deleted.
Geronima Pecson. Specific dates of examination – not earlier than 1 month and not later than 2months after the closing of each semestral
The purpose is to “regulate the practice of nursing in the term.
Philippines and to set up provisions for the registration of the Specific age of applicants has been deleted.
nurses for the establishment and maintenance of standards of Ratings
nursing education and practice.” Specific number of times an examinee may take the licensure examination has been deleted.
- Republic act 1080 (dated June 15, 1954) Removal examination shall be taken within 2yrs after last failed examination.
An act declaring the bar and BOARD OF EXAMINATION as “Civil Laws and organizations protecting nurses
service examination” International labor organization convention 149
ILO recommendation 1977
-Rpublic act no. 9173 (dated October 21, 2002) International council of nurses
An act providing for a more responsive nursing profession repealing Philippine nurses association
for the purpose RA # 7164, otherwise known as the Philippine Code of ethics for nurses
Nursing Act of 1991. Magna carta for health workers (RA 7305)
Legal basis of professional nursing practice Philippine nursing law
Defines nursing, set standards for the nursing profession and give Philippines constitution
guidance in the scope of practice.
Contains general statements of appropriate nursing actions �CONTINUING EDUCATION IN NURSING
Protect the general public. Master’s Degree
�BOARD OF NURSING - Prepares leaders in nursing who will influence the practice and study of the nursing profession.
- The board is now composed of chairman and six members instead of a Doctoral Degree
chairman and four members. - Prepares nurses for positions such as:
1. Administrators of nursing colleges 10. Sharing or allocation of resources – applies when resources are scanty or very limited.
2. Nursing research specialists
3. Consultants of nursing services �ETHICAL DILEMMAS
4. Nursing education programs or hospital services Artificial insemination
Continuously improve the quality of registered professionals by updating - Is a procedure or process whereby the fertilization of an egg is the result of the sperm being introduced into the female
them with latest scientific/technology/ethical trends in the practice of reproductive system other than the natural, that is, other than the sexual act or intercourse.
Support to lifelong learning in the enhancement of competencies of
professionals. In vitro fertilization
Deliver quality CPD activities aligned with the Philippine Qualifications - Laboratory procedure whereby one or a few eggs are surgically taken from a woman’s ovary, fertilized with sperm in a petri dish,
Framework for national relevance and global competitiveness. and transferred to and implanted in the woman’s uterus, hoping for a normal pregnancy to happen.
Human cloning
�NURSING ORGANIZATIONS - Refers to the production of one or more living human beings that are genetically identical to an original human being.
Ang Nars Contraception
Association of Deans of Philippine Colleges of Nursing (ADPCN) - Is any act done before, during, or after the act of intercourse that purposely frustrates begetting of new life.
Association of Diabetes Nurse Educators of the Philippines (ADNEP)
Association of Nursing Service Administrators of the Philippines (ANSAP)
Association of Private Duty Nurse Practitioners Philippines (APDNPP)
Critical Care Nurses Association of the Philippines (CCNAP)
Gerontology Nurses Association of the Philippines (GNAP)
Military Nurses Association of the Philippines (MNAP)
Mother and child nurses association of the Philippines (MCNAP)
National league of Philippine government nurses (NLPGN)
Occupational health nurses association of the Philippines (OHNAP)
Operating room nurses association of the Philippines (ORNAP)
Philippine hospital infection control nurses association (PHICNA)
Philippine nursing informatics association (PNIA)
Philippine nursing research society (PNRS)
Philippine oncology nurses association (PONA)
Philippine society of emergency care nurses (PSECN)
Renal nurses association of the Philippines (RENAP)
Society of cardiovascular nurse practitioners of the Philippines (SCVNPPi)
Philippine association of public health nursing faculty
Psychiatric nursing specialist foundation of the Philippines
Integrated registered nurses of the Philippines (IRNUP)
1. Beneficence – means to do good and not do harm
2. Non-maleficence – one ought not to inflict evil or harm
3. Autonomy – means self-determination
4. Justice – refers to the obligation be fair to other people
5. Stewardship – not harm our body because it is God’s not ours
6. Totality – body should function as a whole
7. Fidelity – refers to the obligation to be faithful to the agreements,
commitments and responsibilities that one has made to oneself and others.
8. Veracity – refers to telling the truth or not intentionally deceiving or
misleading patients
9. Respect – treat all individuals as persons with rights with or without