Water Resources Engineering

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 Water resources engineers approaches the water supply structures and procedures for
human consumption and with the removal of water for safety purposes.
 Water resources engineering is a civil engineering specialty that focuses on water supply,
irrigation and disposal of waste. It also addresses water control methods to avoid damage
and disasters related to water.
 It focuses on land and water resource use and management in rural and urban watersheds.
 It concerns collection and management of water; the branch is connected with
hydrology, environmental science, meteorology, geology, resource management; it is
closely related to the design of pipelines, water supply network, drainage facilities and
 Water resources engineering is related to vast areas in analyses on abundance, scarcity,
and conservation of terrestrial waters.
 A growing population and the need for clean water require Water Resources Engineers to
develop ecologically sustainable and economically viable solutions.
 To ensure that the development of new water supplies does not disrupt natural processes,
students design and develop creative solutions to protect groundwater, soil, wetlands,
streams and lakes.
 Fluid mechanics provides a mechanical basis to water resources engineering. The main
principles utilized are principles of mass conservation, momentum conservation, and
energy conservation. To derive a mathematical solution, there is not only the application
of basic principles or basic mathematical equations but also initial or boundary
conditions. Because water resources engineering is concerned with waters in the
hydrosphere of the earth, much knowledge is needed about earth sciences to determine
boundary conditions in real problems in water resources engineering. The requirement of
familiarity with earth sciences shows distinction of water resources engineering from
fluid mechanics which has been developed in other areas of engineering, for instance,
fluid mechanics in mechanical engineering, in aeronautics, in chemical engineering, and
so on.
Traditional branches of water resources engineering are classified into hydraulics for
rivers, hydrology for rivers, and maritime hydraulics.
 Hydraulics for River
River hydraulics provides knowledge of the prediction of water stage and of flow velocity
under various conditions, for instance, flow behaviors during flood and backwater curves
upstream or downstream of weirs and dams. Such information is vital for design of various
hydraulic structures. Flow behaviors in irrigation canals are also analyzed by hydraulics.
Detailed velocity estimation along a bank is needed for design of, for instance, revetment
works, groins, and so on.
 Hydraulics for Pipe Flows
This branch of hydraulics has been developed in association with water supply, sewerage
works, and hydropower generation. Basic equations used for analyses are the same as those
for open channel flows but boundary conditions become different because pipe flow has no
free surface.
 Fluvial Hydraulics
Fluvial hydraulics provides the fundamental knowledge to understand river morphology.
 A water resource engineer should be ready to work worldwide as a designer, planner,
manager or investigator for consultancy companies, municipalities, conservation
officials, study organizations and public agencies.
 A Water resource systems is that something we rely on day to day basis of our life.
Without these water resource systems we cannot live. Some of the water systems and
their works are:

Reservoirs: To control water

Canals: For transferring water

Irrigation Channels: For agriculture development

Water Towers: In order to give pressure to the water supply to reach your tap.

Hydro-Electricity power: Which is reliable than wind and solar energy.

During drought conditions the water stored in dams can be released for irrigation and
drinking purpose.

During floods, water which is in TMC-thousand million cube amount can be diverted
from low lying areas can reduce the effect of damage.

Each and every aspect above discussed is very important and plays a vital role in our
everyday life.

McGinty, N. (n.d). Job Description of a Water Resource Engineer. Retrieved from Chron:
Study.com. (n.d). Retrieved from Study.com:
Tamai, N. (n.d). "Water Resources Engineering". Civil Engineering. Vol. 1:3-4
University of Guelph. (n.d). Retrieved from University of Guelph:

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