Atos GCM Model - English
Atos GCM Model - English
Atos GCM Model - English
1 with direction.
Possesses sufficient oral
and written
equipment and
standards applicable to
tasks set.
communication skills for
effective dialogue with
colleagues and
Works in a supervised Has considerable Performs a broad range Has a systematic, Acquires a basic Is able to absorb rapidly
environment and is autonomy over own of varied work activities disciplined and appreciation of the and apply new relevant
subject to frequent activities. Rarely has in a wide variety of analytical approach to wider field of own information as required.
review. supervisory or technical contexts, some of them all work undertaken. Is expertise outside own
project responsibility. complex and non- able to plan, schedule specialisation and
routine. and monitor own work understands how own
within a limited time role relates to other
horizon, using roles in own area and to
effectively applicable the employing
methods, procedures organisation as a whole.
tools, equipment and
standards with only
occasional reference to
Demonstrates effective
oral and written
communication ability
covering all routine
activity and contacts.
Works under general May provide advice and Performs a broad range Has a systematic, Forms a good Is able to absorb rapidly
direction within a clearly guidance to less of complex professional disciplined and appreciation of the and apply effectively,
defined accountability experienced colleagues or specialist work analytical approach to wider field of the own new relevant
framework. and undertake elements activities in a wide problem solving. expertise outside own information as required.
of supervision. variety of contexts. Is able to plan and specialisation and
control own work, understands how own
selecting and utilising role relates to other
effectively appropriate roles in the own area
methods, procedures, and to the business
tools, equipment and activities of the
standards, to meet all employer or client.
targets set.
Demonstrates effective
oral and written
communication skills in
formal as well as
informal settings.
Works under broad Provides advice and Performs work which Takes a structured and Develops an Takes initiative to keep
direction. Has guidance on specialist requires the application effective approach to understanding of the skills up to date and
responsibility for work matters. May supervise of a significant range of own work and relationship of own maintain awareness of
performed and decisions the work of others. fundamental principles demonstrates leadership specialisation or area of developments in the
taken. in a variety of contexts. potential. responsibility to the industry sector.
Is able to analyse, employing organisation
diagnose, design, plan, as a whole and takes
execute and evaluate customer requirements
work to time, cost and fully into account when
quality targets, making proposals
exhibiting thorough and/or carrying out
familiarity with available work.
methods, procedures,
tools, equipment and
standards associated
with own area of
specialisation and
making correct choices
from alternatives.
Is able to communicate
effectively, both orally
and in writing, with
clients, customers,
colleagues and
Works to agreed Uses experience to Performs work which Demonstrates Demonstrates a good Takes initiative to
objectives. Has full make informed requires the application leadership skills on a understanding of the ensure technical or
responsibility for quality decisions on selection of a significant range of regular basis. relationship of own specialized skills and
of work performed, and execution of all fundamental principles Demonstrates effective specialisation or area of specialisations are kept
either as a manager or relevant approaches in a wide and often communication, both responsibility to the up to date in line with
as a specialist. across a wide field, unpredictable variety of orally and in writing, employing organisation industry developments.
either in a management contexts. with subordinates, as a whole and takes
or advisory capacity. colleagues, clients and customer requirements
customers at all levels, fully into account when
both formally and making proposals
informally. and/or carrying out
Has full responsibility Has a significant Performs a broad and Provides leadership in a Shows a mature Shows initiative and
for defined areas of medium to long term challenging variety of wide variety of specialist understanding of the makes time available to
activity, either as a effect on a specific area work, some areas and relationship of own ensure general technical
manager, specialist or of the employing unpredictable and non- situations.Demonstrates specialisation and/or or specialist
consultant. organisation. Influences routine, which requires effective project responsibilities competencies and
policy formation the creative application communication, both to the employing specialisations are kept
relevant to own area(s) of a wide range of orally and in writing, organisation as a up-to-date in line with
of expertise. specialist and/or with subordinates, whole.Is able to propose industry developments.
management principles. colleagues, clients and specialist solutions
customers including within the scope of own
producing major expertise which fully
reports, preparing, take into account the
organising and needs of all those who
delivering presentations will come into contact
using appropriate tools with the operational
and techniques, and products or services.
taking a leading role in
meetings and
Has full professional Has a substantial impact Performs work which is Demonstrates Demonstrates an Takes initiative to keep
responsibility, either as on the profitability or mainly non-routine and competence in key extensive knowledge in both own and
a functional manager, operating efficiency of often includes strategic areas of management the own area (IS, F&A, subordinates skills up to
specialist or senior the employing decision making and/or and leadership expertise HR etc) and its date and maintain
consultant, and is held organisation(s). Has a the large-scale including exploitation in both own awareness of
fully accountable for all significant influence on deployment of methods, communication, staff and other organisations. developments in the
decisions taken. policy formation. processes and tools. direction and industry.
motivation, financial
planning and control,
quality management,
risk analysis and the
achievement of targets.
Has authority and Has a critical influence Performs work which is Exhibits strategic Exhibits a broad and Takes initiative to keep
responsibility for on the success of the largely non-routine and management and deep knowledge of own both own and
significant areas of a employing is concerned, typically, leadership skills at the area (IS, F&A, HR etc.) subordinates skills up to
field of expertise, organisation(s). Is with the formulation of high levels and in a coupled with equivalent date and to maintain
typically as an director, responsible for policy strategy and policy, the wide variety of contexts. knowledge of the awareness of and, in
senior manager or formation. effective deployment of Is able to understand, activities of those own area of expertise,
principal consultant At Level 9, influence is methods, processes and explain and present businesses and other contribute at the
Is held fully accountable brought to bear at tools of a field of complex ideas to both organisations making highest level to
for own decisions and board or equivalent expertise, the use or specialist and non- use of that expertise. developments in the
actions, and those of level in major public or exploitation of within specialist audiences at Is able to understand industry.
subordinates. private organisations. one or more all levels up to the and communicate the
organisations of these highest in a persuasive potential impact of new
methods, processes and and convincing manner. developments on
tools and/or the Is able to analyse and organisations and
advancement of explain the risks individuals who use (or
expertise knowledge. involved in using, or not may come to use) the
using, specialist specific products and/or
solutions to business or services.
Has authority and Has a critical influence Performs work which is Exhibits strategic Exhibits a broad and Takes initiative to keep
responsibility for on the success of the largely non-routine and management and deep knowledge of own both own and
significant areas of a employing is concerned, typically, leadership skills at the area (IS, F&A, HR etc.) subordinates skills up to
field of expertise, organisation(s). Is with the formulation of high levels and in a coupled with equivalent date and to maintain
typically as an director, responsible for policy strategy and policy, the wide variety of contexts. knowledge of the awareness of and, in
senior manager or formation. effective deployment of Is able to understand, activities of those own area of expertise,
principal consultant At Level 9, influence is methods, processes and explain and present businesses and other contribute at the
Is held fully accountable brought to bear at tools of a field of complex ideas to both organisations making highest level to
for own decisions and board or equivalent expertise, the use or specialist and non- use of that expertise. developments in the
actions, and those of level in major public or exploitation of within specialist audiences at Is able to understand industry.
subordinates. private organisations. one or more all levels up to the and communicate the
organisations of these highest in a persuasive potential impact of new
methods, processes and and convincing manner. developments on
tools and/or the Is able to analyse and organisations and
advancement of explain the risks individuals who use (or
expertise knowledge. involved in using, or not may come to use) the
using, specialist specific products and/or
solutions to business or services.
Executive Is fully accountable for Has a critical influence Thinking and acting Exhibits strategic Exhibits a broad and Facilitates and
level the area managed. Is on the success of the within strategic management and deep knowledge of own encourages learning and
responsible for Group or business in objectives, policies and leadership skills that area and good development
managing all resources which the jobholder fills company goals set by enable the full understanding of the opportunities within
and working out the a key position. Is the Management Board. integration and business and industry to area of responsability
strategy for the responsible for policy supervision of all deal with business and cross-border. Takes
operation managed. formation/deployment. functions, which are issues in a broader initiatives to keep both
Usually member of usually diverse in nature client, market and own and subordinates
management team(s). and decisive in inspector perspective. skills up to date.
achieving the overall Contributes through Reinforces the Group
objectives of the general managerial values and vision by
company or business knowledge and setting the highest
operation. expertise (generalist) or standards
through highly
specialized managerial
knowledge and
expertise (specialist).