The document provides a syllabus for a course on repairing LED and LCD TVs. It covers 25 sessions over 4 weeks that include topics such as identifying TV parts, basic electronics, troubleshooting common components like resistors and capacitors, repairing power supply boards, addressing backlight issues, and fixing motherboards and T-Con boards. Students will learn through both practical lessons and lectures to develop skills in tracing circuits, measuring voltages, soldering components, and using tools like multimeters and oscilloscopes to diagnose and repair TV faults.
The document provides a syllabus for a course on repairing LED and LCD TVs. It covers 25 sessions over 4 weeks that include topics such as identifying TV parts, basic electronics, troubleshooting common components like resistors and capacitors, repairing power supply boards, addressing backlight issues, and fixing motherboards and T-Con boards. Students will learn through both practical lessons and lectures to develop skills in tracing circuits, measuring voltages, soldering components, and using tools like multimeters and oscilloscopes to diagnose and repair TV faults.
The document provides a syllabus for a course on repairing LED and LCD TVs. It covers 25 sessions over 4 weeks that include topics such as identifying TV parts, basic electronics, troubleshooting common components like resistors and capacitors, repairing power supply boards, addressing backlight issues, and fixing motherboards and T-Con boards. Students will learn through both practical lessons and lectures to develop skills in tracing circuits, measuring voltages, soldering components, and using tools like multimeters and oscilloscopes to diagnose and repair TV faults.
The document provides a syllabus for a course on repairing LED and LCD TVs. It covers 25 sessions over 4 weeks that include topics such as identifying TV parts, basic electronics, troubleshooting common components like resistors and capacitors, repairing power supply boards, addressing backlight issues, and fixing motherboards and T-Con boards. Students will learn through both practical lessons and lectures to develop skills in tracing circuits, measuring voltages, soldering components, and using tools like multimeters and oscilloscopes to diagnose and repair TV faults.
WEEK -1 1 INTRODUCTION Tips What is LCD&LED TV? Types of LCD & LED TV Various sizes of LCD and LED TV and its difference What is the difference between LCD & LED TV? How TV works? 2 LCD TV PARTS IDENTIFICATION Tips LCD TV disassembling and assembling practical LCD TV various parts identification 1.LCD screen 2.Power supply board –SMPS 3.CCFL Backlight inverter board 4.T-con board 5.MOTHERBOARD 6.Speakers 7.Power switch and other switch board 3 BASIC ELECTRONICS PRACTICAL introduction what is difference between electrical and electronics What is current and volt? What is difference between AC and DC? AC current/volt, DC current /volt Difference between normal electronics and SMT electronics What is multimeter? How use multimeter? 4 RESISTOR PRACTICAL What are resistor and its working function? Types of resistor Resistor colour coding Difference between normal resistor and SMT resistor How find smd resistor value? And its checking method Resistor soldering practice 5 CAPACITOR PRACTICAL What are capacitor and its working function? Types of capacitor Difference between normal capacitor and SMT capacitor How find capacitor value? And its checking method Capacitor Farad checking method High volt capacitor soldering practice 6 INDUCTOR AND TRANSFORMER PRACTICAL What are inductor and its working function? Types of inductor Inductor checking method What are transformer and its working function? Types of transformer Step-down transformer checking method Step-up transformer checking method WEEK-2 7 DIODE PRACTICAL What are diode and its working function? Types of diode –rectifier diode,zener diode,LED,schottky diode What is bridge diode? and its function Difference between normal diode and SMT diode diode checking method and soldering practice How remove bridge diode from SMPS? How remove and fixing Schottky diode from SMPS? 8 TRANSISTOR practical What are transistor and its working function? Types of transistor-mosfet,PNP and NPN Difference between normal transistor and SMT transistor Mosfet and NPN checking method and soldering practice 9 LED TV PARTS IDENTIFICATION PRACTICAL LED TV disassembling and assembling practical LED TV various parts identification LED light string replace method 1.LCD screen 2.Power supply board –SMPS 3.LED Backlight DRIVER board 4.Backlight LED string 5.T-con board 6.MOTHERBOARD 7.Speakers 8.Power switch and other switch board 10 LCD & LED TV SMPS PRACTICAL 1.SMPS power supply board 2. What is SMPS? 3.Various types of LCD –LED TV smps power supply 4.Smps functional block diagram 5.External AC-DC Adapter circuit diagram and its troubleshooting tips 11 SMPS SECTION PRACTICAL 1.LCD TV SMPS complete circuit diagram explanation/tracing and fault finding with troubleshooting tips 2.SMPS Primary rectifier circuit tracing and fault finding 3.SMPS Secondary rectifier circuit tracing and fault finding 4.STR type SMPS and PWM type SMPS difference and explain 5.SMPS troubleshooting tips a. Power Fail for LCD TV or LED TV [TV Dead condition] b.LCD TV stand by light not ON c.SMPS Standby LED Blinking d.SMPS Standby LED ON then OFF Student practical PRACTICAL WEEK-3 12. SMPS Board Voltage checking PRACTICAL How clear SMPS excess Dc current through Test bulb? How check SMPS primary section high voltage? How check SMPS low output DC voltage? 13. LCD TV Backlight problem-CCFL LIGHT PRACTICAL What is inverter? And CCFL light LCD TV backlight inverter circuit fault finding with troubleshooting tips CCFL LIGHT replacing from LCD Screen LCD TV CCFL Backlight checking by Universal inverter.
14. LED TV LED Backlight problem PRACTICAL
What is LED backlight Driver? How work LED Backlight Driver Circuit? And its tracing with troubleshooting method LED Backlight driver circuit output voltage checking method How Remove and Fix LED Light from LED STRING? How check LED Backlight through power supply?
Backlight inverter troubleshooting tips Students smps board circuit tracing practical 16 STUDENT SMPS BOARD SOLDERING AND DE SOLDERING WITH PRACTICAL CHECKING PRACTICAL Remove and fixing Transformer/Bridge rectifier diode/Fuse/Schottky Diode/Power Mosfet and High volt capacitor 17 Smps doubt clearing class PRACTICAL WEEK-4 18 LCD –LED TV MOTHERBOARD PRACTICAL What is LCD TV Motherboard? and its various Brands of motherboard parts identification [Samsung/LG/sony/Panasonic etc.] LCD TV Motherboard Functional Block diagram explain LCD TV motherboard IC’s List Power supply ic’s 1.Stand by LDO regulator ic [5V to 3V] Ic part number-1084/1085/AZ1117 2.Tuner DC-DC controller ic 3.DDR RAM LDO Regulator 4.MAIN CPU [MCU+SCALER+VIDEO PROCESSOR] 5.ROM IC 6.DDR RAM IC 7.AUDIO AMPLIFIER IC 8.HDMI CONTROLLER IC and etc.. 19. MOTHERBOARD SECTION-1 PRACTICAL Motherboard IC’s datasheet download and explain How to trace motherboard tuner circuit problem with troubleshooting tips 20. MOTHERBOARD SECTION-2 PRACTICAL a. How to check motherboard standby regulator circuit with troubleshooting tips to check and tracing memory and audio regulator circuit with troubleshooting tips 21 MOTHERBOARD SECTION-3 PRACTICAL How check and tracing LCD screen power supply circuit with troubleshooting tips 22 LCD SCREEN SECTION PROBLEMS PRACTICAL a. Vertical lines b.Horizantal lines c.poor LCD Images d.How check LCD screen panel through -LVDS TESTER e.LCD Screen Datasheet explain 23 MOTHERBOARD FAULT FINDING THROUGH CRO PRACTICAL LCD TV No Display Problem, But LCD TV standby LED is ON a. How check CPU clock crystal through CRO? [14.3Mhz/24Mhz] b. How check CPU core voltage? c. How check motherboard various section voltage? 24 LCD TV MOTHERBOARD ROM FLASHING PRACTICAL a. No display problem for LCD-LED TV b. When switch ON TV –but TV company logo still shows[Samsung/LG or sony] c. LCD Tv Setting menu problems d. LCD Tv standby LED ON, but motherboard image are not processing e. LCD Screen resolution problem f. LCD screen Ghost image problem g. LCD Screen double image problem h. Unknown faults How flashing ROM chip through ROM PROGRAMMER
a. what is T.con board b.T.con board general fault finding c.various T.con board and its parts identification d.various T.con board common problems and symptoms