Understanding Specifications For Precision Multimeters: Application Note
Understanding Specifications For Precision Multimeters: Application Note
Understanding Specifications For Precision Multimeters: Application Note
specifications for
precision multimeters
Application Note
Digital multimeters are the work- you must be confident that your From this formal definition we
horses of the electronics industry. readings accurately reflect reality. can draw the characteristics of
Almost all of the electronic This application note discusses good specifications:
products we use in our personal some of the thinking behind DMM • Completeness – any factor
and professional lives are built or specifications and spec sheets. It that impacts uncertainty is cov-
serviced using multimeters. defines the various elements of ered, including operating limits
Different DMM applications DMM specs and gives tips on how such as humidity, altitude, or
require different degrees of to apply them. vibration
attention to specs. A technician • Clarity – all efforts should be
checking a logic power supply Specifications and the made to make the specifica-
can use his trusty bench DMM spec sheet tions straightforward
confidently to verify that the • Objectivity – does not attempt
Whenever we take a measure-
supply is within a few percent to mislead for the sake of
ment with any meter, we’re
of 5 V. However, when the job promotion
gambling. We’re gambling that
requires testing critical circuits, A well-written specification
the instrument is going to give
checking precision components, should maintain the same level
us the “real” reading. Fortunately,
making fine adjustments in of integrity as a medical chart or
it’s a very safe bet that a quality
production, verifying compli- bank statement. Manufacturers
multimeter will deliver readings
ance with industry standards, must stand firmly behind their
that coincide with reality. Specifi-
or taking measurements outside specs and you should fully expect
cations quantify the confidence of
the controlled environment of the that the information you are get-
getting accurate readings and the
lab, then you’ll need to evaluate ting is accurate and complete.
risk of seeing inaccurate readings.
specifications carefully. On the spec sheet, you should
A specifications document is
A solid understanding of see measurement uncertainty
a clearly written description of
specifications is critical when specs and modifiers that affect
an instrument’s performance.
you’re evaluating the suitability of the uncertainty. You will also see
It should quantify an instru-
DMMs for an application, or when operating limits that constrain
ment’s capabilities objectively
under well-defined operating the environment in which the
conditions. uncertainty specifications will
hold true. These are stated in
numerical values (e.g. humidity)
or with reference to international
standards (shock and vibration).
First let’s take a closer look at
how we quantify measurement
Where do uncertainty
specifications come from?
The main job of a DMM
specification is to establish the
measurement uncertainty for any
input in the instrument’s range.
The spec answers the question,
“How close is the value on the
meter display likely to be to the
actual input to the meter?”
F ro m t h e F l u k e D i g i t a l L i b r a r y @ w w w. f l u k e . c o m / l i b r a r y
Meter manufacturers bet their normal distribution curve cen-
reputations on how a large popu- tered at 10 V.
lation of instruments is going to Using experimentation and
behave for the duration of calibra- experience, instrument designers
tion cycle. (A typical calibration set specifications by assuming a
cycle is one year.) Instrument normal distribution and find-
engineers and metrologists use ing the standard deviation for
laboratory testing and carefully a significant number of design
applied statistics to set the specs. samples. Adopting a normal
DMM specifications apply to a distribution allows us to relate
particular model (i.e. design), not standard deviation to the per-
to any individual instrument. centage of readings that occur, 9.9200 9.9400 9.9600 9.9800 10.0000 10.0200 10.0400 10.0600 10.0800
Any single instrument of a par- by measuring the area under the
ticular design should perform well curve. Figure 1: A normal distribution with a mean of 10 volts and standard
within the specification, espe- deviation 0.02 volts.
68 % of the readings will be
cially toward the beginning of its within 1 standard deviation of
calibration cycle. A model’s specs the mean
are based on testing a significant
sample of products and analyz- 95 % of the readings will fall discussed how we make sure
ing the collected data from the within 2 standard deviations of we’re all talking about the same
instruments. the mean volt, ohm or amp. DMMs must
If we take measurements of trace their measurement perfor-
99.7 % of the readings will fall
a nominal input from, say, 50 mance back to national laboratory
within 3 standard deviations of
instruments of the same design, standards.
the mean
we are going to get a range of DMMs are usually calibrated
readings. Many of the instruments Statisticians refer to these per- using multifunction calibrators
will have the same readings, but centages as confidence intervals. like the Fluke 5700A or Fluke
we would expect some varia- They might say, “We are 95 % 9100. But there are usually a
tion due to normal uncertainty. confident that a reading will not number of links between the
For example, we can record the be more than 2 standard devia- DMM and national standards,
readings from 50 Fluke Model tions of the actual value.” including calibrators and transfer
xyz DMM’s hooked up to the same In the simple example above standards. As you move through
precision calibrator outputting the chain between your DMM
10 volts. We will record a narrow 1 standard deviation corresponds and the national standards lab,
spread of readings around 10 to ± 0.02 V the calibration standards become
volts. We can calculate the mean 2 standard deviations corresponds increasingly accurate. Each
(average) of all the measure- to ± 0.04 V calibration standard must be
ments, which we would expect to traceable to national standards
3 standard deviations corresponds through an through an unbroken
be 10 V. We can also calculate the to ± 0.06 V
standard deviation of the read- chain of comparisons, all having
ings (Equation 1). So the questions for the manu- stated uncertainties.
facturer become, “How many So the uncertainty of a DMM
standard deviations do we use depends on the uncertainty of the
for our spec?” “What confidence calibrator used to calibrate it. Most
interval do we use to build our DMM specs are written assuming
specs?” The higher the number two things:
of standard deviations, the lower • The DMM has been calibrated
Equation 1. N = sample size the probability that an instru- using a particular model of
X = measurement ment will fall out of spec between calibrator, usually specified in
The standard deviation is a calibrations. The manufacturer’s the DMM service manual.
measure of the “spread” of the internal engineering standards • The calibrator was within its
sample of measurements, outward will determine how many stan- operating limits and traceable
from the mean. This measure of dard deviations are used to set to national standards.
spread is the basis of uncertainty the spec. Fluke uses a confidence This allows a DMM manufacturer
specifications. of 99 %, which corresponds to to include the uncertainty of the
If we plot the number of times 2.6 standard deviations on a calibrator in the DMM uncertainty
each reading occurs, we should normal distribution. specs. If you see an uncertainty
see a bell-shaped normal distri- listed as “relative” this means
bution. (Almost all measurements Traceability and the uncertainty in the calibrator
follow a normal distribution, specifications output has not been considered
including those made with simple So far we have described how and it must be added to the DMM
instruments like rulers and mea- much uncertainty we can expect uncertainty.
suring cups.) Figure 1 shows a from a DMM, but we have not
2 Fluke Corporation Understanding specifications for precision multimeters
Temperature affects the per- thermal effects. Table 1 shows the
National Standards (e.g. NIST)
formance of every component in elements of a DMM specification
an instrument—from the simplest and gives examples for each.
Standards resistor to the most elegant
integrated circuit. DMM design- Signal
Protection Convertor
variation. This ability to operate at
In-house various temperatures is captured Amplifiers and
Standards in a specified operating range Signal Conditioning
and is often accompanied by a Figure 3: Simplified DMM analog signal path for dc volts measurement.
temperature coefficient. (More on
this later.) Example
Multimeter uncertainties cannot Baseline uncertainty