Exception Handling

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Exception Handling:

Q)What is the difference between Error and Exception?
Error is a problem in java applications.
There are two types of errors in java.
1.Compile time Errors
2.Runtime Errors
1.Compile time errors:
These are problems identified by the compiler at compilation time.
In general, There are three types of compile time errors.
1.Lexical Errors: Mistakes in keywords,..
EX:int i=10; ----> Valid
nit i=10; ----> Invalid
2.Syntax Errors: Gramatical Mistakes or syntactical mistakes.
EX: int i=10;---> Valid
i int 10 ; --> Invalid
3.Semantic Errors: Providing operators inbetween incompatible types.
EX: int i=10;
int j=20;
int k=i+j; ----> Valid
EX: int i=10;
boolean b=true;
char c= i+b;----> Invalid.
Note: Some other errors are generated by Compiler when we voilate JAVA rules and
regulations in java applications.
EX: Unreachable Statements, valriable might not have been initialization
,possible loss of precision,....

2.Runtime Errors:
These are the problems for which we are unable to provide solutions programatically
and these errors are not identified by the compilers and these errors are occurred
at runtime.
EX: Insufficient Main Memory.
Unavailability of IO Components.
JVMInternal Problems.
Exception is a problem, for which we are able to provide solutions programatically.
EX: ArithmeticException
Exception: Exception is an unexpected event occured in java applications at runtime
, which may be provided by users while entering dynamic input in java applications,
provided by the Database Engines while executing sql queries in Jdbc applications,
provided by Network while establish connection between local machine and remote
machine,.....causes abnormal termination to the java applications.

There are two types of terminations in java applications.

1.Smooth Termination
Terminating program at end is called as Smooth termination.

2.Abnormal Termination
Terminating program in the middle is called as Abnormal Termination.

In general, Exceptions are providing abnormal terminations, these abnormal

termionations may crash local operating systems , these abnormal terminations may
provide hangedout situations to the network,.....

To overcome the above problems we have to handle exceptions properly, to handle

exceptions properly wew have to use "Exception Handling Mechanism".

Java is a Robust programming language, because,

1.Java is having very good memory management system in the form of Heap Memory
Management system , it is a dynamic memory management system, it allocates and
deallocates memory for the objects at runtime.
2.Java is having very good exception handling mechanisms, JAVA has provided very
good predefined library to represent and handle almost all the frequently generated

There are two types of exceptions in Java.

1.Predefined Exceptions
2.User defined Exceptions

1.Predefined Exceptions
These Exceptions are defined by JAVA programming language and provided along Java
-- Diagram----

There are two types predefined Exceptions.

1.Checked Exceptions
2.Unchecked Exceptions

Q)What is the difference between checked exceptions and Unchecked Exceptions?

Checked Exception is an exception recognized at compilation time, but, not occured
at compilation time.

Unchecked Exceptions are not recognized at compilation time, these exceptions are
recognized at runtime by JVM.

Note: In Exceptions Arch, RuntimeException and its sub classes and Error and its
sub classes are the examples for Unchecked Exceptions and all the remaining classes
are the examples for Checked Exceptions.

There are two types of Checked Exceptions

1.Pure Checked Exceptions
2.Partially Checked Exceptions

Q)What is the difference between Pure checked exception and Partially Checked
If any checked exception is having only checked exceptions as sub classes then this
exception is called as Pure Checked Exception.
EX: IOException

If any Checked Exception contains atleast one sub class as unchecked exception then
that Checked Exception is called as Partially Checked Exception.
EX: Exception , Throwable

Predefined Exceptions Overiview:

In java applications, when we have a situation like a number is devided by zero
then JVM will rise Arithmetic Exception.
class Test
public static void main(String[] args)
int i=10;
int j=0;
float f=i/j;

If we run the above program then JVM will provide ArithmeticException with the
following Exception message.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero

at Text.main(Test.java:7)

The above exception message is devided into the following three parts.
1.Exception Name: java.lang.ArithmeticException
2.Exception Descrioptioun: / by zero
3.Exception Location : Test.java:7


In java applications, when we access any instance variable and instance methods by
using a reference variable contaiuns null value then JVM will rise
class Test
public static void main(String[] args)
java.util.Date d=null;

If we run the above code then JVMwill provide the following exception details.
1.Exception Name : java.lang.NullPointerException
2.Exception Description: --- No description----
3.Exception Location: Test.java:6

In java applications, when we insert an element to an array at a particular index
value and when we are trying to access an element from an array at a particular
index value and if the specified index value is in out side of the arrays size
then JVM will rise an exception like "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException".
class Test
public static void main(String[] args)
int [] a={1,2,3,4,5};

If we run the above program then JVM will rise an exception with the following
Exception Name : java.lang.ArrayindexOutOfBoundsException
Exception Description: 10
Exception Location: Test.java: 6

In java applications, we are able to keep sub class object reference value in
super class reference variable, but, we are unable to keep super class object
reference value in sub class reference variable. If we are trying to keep super
class object reference value in sub class reference variable then JVM will rise an
exception like "java.lang.ClassCastException".
class A
class B extends A
class Test
public static void main(String[] args)
A a=new A();
B b=(B)a;

If we run the above code then JVM will rise an exception with the following
Exception Name: java.lang.ClassCastException
Exception Description: A can not be cast to B
Excepttion location: Test.java: 12

5.ClassNotFoundException :
In java applications, if we want to load a particular class bytecode to the memory
with out creating object then we will use the following method from java.lang.Class

public static Class forName(String class_Name)throws ClassNotFoundException

EX: Class c=Class.forName("A");
When JVM encounter the above instuction, JVM will search for A.class file at
current location, at java predefined library and at the locations refered by
"classpath" environment variable, if the required A.class file is not identified at
all the locations then JVM will rise ClassNotFoundException.
class A
System.out.println("Class Loading");
class Test
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
Class c=Class.forName("AAA");
If we run this code the JVM will provide the following exception details.
1.Exception Name: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
2.Exception Description: AAA
3.Exception Location: Test.java: 12
6.InstantiationException 7.IllegalArgumentException
In java applications, if we load class bytecode by using
"Class.forName(-)" method then to create object explicitly we have to use the
following method from java.lang.Class class.

public Object newInstance()

EX: Object obj=c.newInstance()

When JVM encouter the above code then JVM will search for 0-arg constructor and
non-private constructor in the loaded class. if 0-arg constructor is not
availabnle, if parameterized construcvtor is existed then JVM will rise
"java.lang.instantiationException". If non-private constructor is not available, if
private constructor is available then JVM will rise

class A
System.out.println("Class Loading");
A(int i)
System.out.println("Object Creating");
class Test
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
Class c=Class.forName("A");
Object obj=c.newInstance();

If run the above code then JVM will provide an exception with the following
1.Exception Name : java.lang.InstantiationException
2.Exception Description: A
3.Exception Location:Test.java: 17

class A
System.out.println("Class Loading");
private A()
System.out.println("Object Creating");
class Test
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
Class c=Class.forName("A");
Object obj=c.newInstance();

If we run the above code then JVM will rise an exception with the following details
1.Exception Name : java.lang.IllegalAccessException
2.Exception Decrition: Test class can not access the members of class A
with the modifier "private".
3.Exception Location" Test.java: 17
'throw' keyword:
'throw' is a java keyword, it can be used to rise exceptions intentionally as per
the developers application requirement.

throw new Exception_Name("----Exception Description-----");

class Test
public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception
String accNo=args[0];
String accName=args[1];
int pin_Num=Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
String accType=args[3];
System.out.println("Account Details");
System.out.println("Account Number :"+accNo);
System.out.println("Account Name :"+accName);
System.out.println("Account Type :"+accType);
System.out.println("Account PIN Number:"+pin_Num);
if(pin_Num>=1000 && pin_Num<=9999)
System.out.println("valid PIN Number");
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid PIN Number, enter Valid 4
digit PIN Number");

D:\javaapps>javac Test.java
D:\javaapps>java Test abc123 AAA 1234 Ssavings
--- Account details with out Exception-----

D:\javaapps>java Test abc123 AAA 123 Savings

--- Account details are displayed with Exception-----

---Account details----
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid PIN Number, enter
valid 4 digit PIN number
at Test.main(Test.java:17)

There are two ways to handle exceptions .

1.By using 'throws' keyword.
2.By using try-catch-finally block.

1.'throws' keyword:
It is a Java keyword,it can be used to bypass the generated exception from the
present method or constructor to the caller method (or) constructor.

In Java applications, 'throws' keyword will be used in method declarations,not in

method body.

In Java applications,�throws� keyword allows an exception class name,it should be

either same as the generated exception or super class to the generated exception.It
should not be subclass to the generated Exception.

'throws' keyword allows more than one exception in method prototypes.

In Java applications,�throws� keyword will be utilized mainly for checked


Ex:void m1() throws RuntimeException{

throw new ArithmeticException();
Ex:void m1() throws FileNotFoundException{
throw new IOException();

Void m1() throws NullPointerException,ClassNotFoundException{
Void m1() throws IOException,FileNotFoundException
Status:Valid , Not Suggestible

If we specify any super exception class along with throws keyword,then it is not
necessary to specify any of its child exception classes along with �throws�

NOTE:In any Java method,if we call some other method which is bypassing an
exception by using �throws� keyword,then we must handle that exception either by
using �throws� keyword in the present method[Caller Method] prototype or by using
�try-catch-finally� in the body of the present method[Caller method].

Void m1() throws Exception{
Void m2(){
catch(Exception e){

void m1() throws Exception{
void m2() throws Exception{

import java.io.*;
class A{
void add() throws Exception{
Void concat() throws IOException{
throw new IOException();
class Test{
public static void main(String args[]) throws Throwable{
A a=new A();
Internal Flow:
If we execute the above program,then JVM will recognize throw keyword in concat()
method and JVM will rise an exception in concat() method, due to throws keyword in
concat() method prototype, Exception will be bypassed to concat() method call that
is in add(), due to throws keyword in add() method Exception will be bypassed to
add() method call , that is , in main() method, Due to 'throws' keyword in main()
method Excepotion will be bypassed to main() method call , that is, to JVM, where
JVM will activate "Default Exception Handler" , where Default Exception Handler
will display exception details.

Q)What are the differences between �throw� and �throws� keywords?

1.'throw' keyword can be used to rise the exceptions intentionally as Per the
application reqirement.

'throws' keyword is able to by pass the exception from the present method to the
caller method.

2.'throw' keyword will be utilized in method body.

'throws' keyword will be used in method declarations or in method prototype (or) in

method header part.

3.'throw' keyword allows only one exception class name.

'throws' keyword allows more than one exception class name.

In Java application �throws� keyword is not really an exception handler,because
�throws� keyword will bypass the exception handling responsibility from present
method to the caller method.
If we want to handle the exceptions,the location where exceptions are generated
then we have to use �try-catch-finally�.

catch(Exception_Name e){

where the purpose of try block is to include a set of exceptions , which may rise
an exception.
If JVM identify any exception inside "try" block then JVM will bypass flow of
execution to "catch" block by skipping all the remaining instructions in try block
and by passing the generated Exception object reference as parameter.

If no exception is identified in "try" block then JVM will execute completely "try"
block,at the end of try block, JVM will bypass flow of execution to "finally" block

The main purpose of catch block is to catch the exception from try block and to
display exception details on command prompt.

To display exception details on command prompt,we have to use the following three


It will display the exception details like Exception Name,Exception Description and
Exception Location.

If we pass Exception object reference variable as parameter to
System.out.println(-) method then JVM will access Exception class toString() method
internally,it will display the exception details like Exception name,Exception

Where getMessage() method will return a String contains the exception details like
only Description of the exception.
class Test{
public static void main(String args[]){
throw new ArithmeticException("My Arithmetic Exception");
catch(ArithmeticException e){
java.lang.ArithmeticException:My Arithmetic Exception
at Test.main(Test.java:7)

java.lang.ArithmeticException:My Arithmetic Exception

My Arithmetic Exception

Where the main purpose of finally block is to include some Java code , it will be
executed irrespective of getting exception in "try" block and irrespective of
executing "catch" block.

Q)What is the difference between "final","finally" and "finalize" in JAVA?

1."final" is a keyword it can be used to declare constant expressions.
There are three ways to use final keyword in java applications.

a)final variable:It will not allow modifications over its value.

b)final methods:It will not allow method overriding.
c)final class:It will not allow inheritance, that is, sub classes.

2.finally block:It is part of try-catch-finally syntax,it will include some

instructions,which must be executed by JVM irrespective of getting exception from
try block and irrespective of executing catch block.

3.finalize():It is a method in java.lang.Object class,it will be executed just

before destroying objects inorder to give final notification to the user about to
destroy objects.

Q)Find the output from the following programs?

class Test{
public static void main(String args[]){
System.out.println("Before Try");
System.out.println("Inside Try");
catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("Inside Catch");
System.out.println("Inside Finally");
System.out.println("After Finally");
Before try
Inside try
Inside finally
After finally

class Test{
public static void main(String args[]){
System.out.println("Before Try");
System.out.println("Before Exception in try");
float f=100/0;
System.out.println("After Exception in try");
catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("Inside Catch");
System.out.println("Inside Finally");
System.out.println("After Finally");
Before try
Before exception in try
Inside catch
Inside finally
After finally
Q)Find the output from the following program?
class A{
int m1(){
return 10;
catch(Exception e){
return 20;
return 30;
class Test{
public static void main(String args[]){
A a=new A();
int val=a.m1();
NOTE:finally block provided return statement is the finally return statement for
the method

Q)Is it possible to provide "try" block without "catch" block?

Yes,it is possible to provide try block with out catch block but by using "finally"
class Test{
public static void main(String args[]){
System.out.println("Before try");
System.out.println("Before Exception inside try");
int i=100;
int j-0;
float f=i/j;
System.out.println("After Exception inside try");
System.out.println("Inside finally");
System.out.println("After Finally");
Status:No Compilation Error.
Before try
Before exception inside try
Inside finally
Exception in thread �main� java.lang.ArithmeticException:/by zero
at Test.main(Test.java:11)

Reason:When JVM encounter exception in try block,JVM will search for catch block,if
no catch block is identified,then JVM will terminate the program abnormally after
executing finally block.

Q)Is it possible to provide "try" block with out "finally" block?

Yes,it is possible to provide "try" block with out "finally" block but by using
"catch" block.
catch(Exception e){

Q)Is it possible to provide try-catch-finally

a)inside try block,
b)inside catch block and
c)inside finally block
Yes,it is possible to provide try-catch-finally inside try block,inside catch block
and inside finally block.
catch(Exception e){
catch(Exception e){

catch(Exception e){
catch(Exception e)

catch(Exception e){
catch(Exception e){

Q)Is it possible to provide more than one catch block for a single try block?
Yes,it is possible to provide more than one catch block for a single try block but
with the following conditions.
1.If no inheritance relation existed between exception class names which are
specified along with catch blocks then it is possible to provide all the catch
blocks in any order.If inheritance relation is existed between exception class
names then we have to arrange all the catch blocks as per Exception classes
inheritance increasing order.
2.In general,specifying an exception class along with a catch block is not giving
any guarantee to rise the same exception in the corresponding try block,but if we
specify any pure checked exception along with any catch block then the
corresponding "try" block must rise the same pure checked exception.

catch(ArithmeticException e){
catch(ClassCastException e){
catch(NullPointerException e){
Status:Valid Combination
catch(NullPointerException e){
catch(ArithmeticException e){
catch(ClassCastException e){
status:Valid Combination

catch(ArithmeticException e){
catch(RuntimeException e){
catch(Exception e){

catch(Exception e){
catch(RuntimeException e){
catch(ArithmeticException e){

throws new ArithmeticException("My Exception");
catch(ArithmeticException e){
catch(IOException e){
catch(NullPointerException e){

throw new IOException("My Exception");
catch(ArithmeticException e){
catch(IOException e){
catch(NullPointerException e){

Custom Exceptions/User Defined Exceptions:

Custom Exceptions are the exceptions,which would be defined by the developers as
per their application requirements.
If we want to define user defined exceptions then we have to use the following
1.Define User defined Exception class:
To declare user-defined Exception class,we have to take an user-defined class,which
must be extended from java.lang.Exception class.
Class MyException extends Exception
2.Declare a String parametrized constructor in User-Defined Exception class and
access String parametrized super class constructor by using "super" keyword:
class MyException extends Exception{
MyException(String err_Msg){
3.Create and Rise exception in Java application as per the application requirement:

throw new MyException("My Custom Exception");
catch(MyException me){

class InsufficientFundsException extends Exception

InsufficientFundsException(String err_Msg)
class Account
String accNo;
String accName;
String accType;
int balance;

Account(String accNo, String accName, String accType, int balance)

class Transaction
public void withdraw(Account acc, int wd_Amt)
System.out.println("Transaction Details");
System.out.println("Account Number :"+acc.accNo);
System.out.println("Account Name :"+acc.accName);
System.out.println("Account Type :"+acc.accType);
System.out.println("Transaction Type :WITHDRAW");
System.out.println("Withdraw Amount :"+wd_Amt);
System.out.println("Total Balance :"+acc.balance);
System.out.println("Transaction Status:SUCCESS");
System.out.println("Total Balance :"+acc.balance);
System.out.println("Transaction Status:FAILURE");
throw new InsufficientFundsException("Funds are not
Sufficient in your Account, please enter valid Withdraw Amout");
catch (InsufficientFundsException e)
System.out.println("**********ThanQ, Visit Again*********");
class Test
public static void main(String[] args)
Account acc1=new Account("abc123", "Durga", "Savings", 10000);
Transaction tx1=new Transaction();
tx1.withdraw(acc1, 5000);
Account acc2=new Account("xyz123", "Anil", "Savings", 10000);
Transaction tx2=new Transaction();
tx2.withdraw(acc2, 15000);

JAVA7 Features in Exception Handling:

1.Multi Catch block
2.Try-with-Resources/Automatic Resources Management/Auto close able Resources

1.Multi Catch block:

Consider the below syntax:
catch(Exception e){
If we specify "Exception" class along with catch block then it able to catch and
handle all the exceptions which are either same as Exception or child classes to
Exception, this approach will not handling exceptions individually, it will handle
all the exceptions in the common way.

If we want to handle to the Exceptions separately then we have to use multiple

catch blocks for a single try block.

}catch(ArithmeticException e){
}catch(NullPointerException e){
}catch(ClassCastException e){

If we use this approach then no.of catch blocks are increased.

In Java applications,if we want to handle all the exceptions separately and by
using a single catch block then we have to use "JAVA7" provided multi- catch block

catch(Exception1 | Exception2 |....|Exception-n e){
where Exception1,Exception2....must not have inheritance relation otherwise
Compilation error will be raised.

class Test{
public static void main(String args[]){
/* int a=10;
int b=0;
float c=a/b;
/*java.util.Date d=null;
int[] a={1,2,3,4,5};
catch(ArithmeticException | NullPointerException | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Try-With-Resources/Auto Closeable Resources:
In general,in Java applications,we may use the resources like
Files,Streams,Database Connections....as per the application requirements.

If we want to manage the resources along with try-catch-finally in Java

applications then we have to use the following conventions.
1.Declare all the resources before "try" block.
2.Create the resources inside "try" block.
3.Close the resources inside finally block.

The main intention to declare the resources before "try" block is to make available
resources variables to "catch" block and to "finally" block to use.

If we want to close the resources in "finally" block then we have to use close()
methods, which are throwing some exceptions like IOException,SQLException depending
on the resource by using "throws" keyword,to handle these exceptions we have to use
"try-catch-finally" inside "finally" block.

//Declare the resources

File f=null;
BufferedReader br=null;
Connection con=null;
//create the resources
f=new File("abc.txt");
br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
catch(Exception e){
//close the resources
}catch(Exception e){

To manage the resources in Java applications,if we use the above convention then
developers have to use close() methods explicitly,Developers have to provide try-
catch-finally inside "finally" block,this convention will increase no.of
instructions in Java applications.

To overcome all the above problems,JAVA7 version has provided a new Feature in the
form of "Try-With-Resources" or "Auto Closeable Resources".

In the case of "Try-With-Resources",just we have to declare and create the

resources along with "try"[not inside try block,not before try block] and no need
to close these resources inside the finally block,why because,JVM will close all
the resources automatically when flow of execution is coming out from "try" block.

In the case of "Try-With-Resources",it is not required to close the resources

explicitly,it is not required to use close() methods in finally block explicitly,so
that it is not required to use "finally" block in try-catch-finally syntax.

catch(Exception e){

Where all the specified Resources classes or interfaces must implement

"java.io.AutoCloseable" interface.

Where if we declare resources as AutoCloseable resources along with "try" then the
resources reference variables are converted as "final" variables.

try(File f=new File("abc.txt");
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:nag","system","durga");)
catch(Exception e){

NOTE:In Java,all the predefined Stream classes,File class,Connection interface are

extends/implemented "java.io.AutoCloseable" interface predefinedly.

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