Seniority List With LT

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From: Tol
The Chief Commissioner of The Secretary to CCLA,
Of Land Administration, Chief Commissioner of Land Adminastration,
And the Special Chief Secretary Hyderabad. Telangana State
Andhra Pradesh, Vijayawada.

CCLA Lr .No.Ser.t(1)/1956/2015 dated: 12.04.2017

Sub:-Public Services-APCS(Ex. BR) rules 1992- Deputy Collectors_ provisional

Seniority List of Deputy Collectors for the years from 1992 to 2014
(up to 1,6.2014) issued-Objections if any invited Received-Government
directed to dispose of the objections-Examined and disposed duly
Communicating reasons- regarding.
Ref :-1) CCLA'S Proceedings No.Ser.t(1)/1956/2015 Dated: 13.2.2017
2) covt Memo.No1302L/54/Set.t9t)/2017-1, Revenue(ser.I)Dept
Date*6 .4 .2017 .
3) CCLA'S Proceedings. No. Se r.I(t)1t956/2OLS ,Dated:10.4.2017.

am to invite attention to the reference last cited, wherein the seniority
List of Deputy Collectors from 1992 to 2014 up to 1.0.2014 has been flnalised and
issued orders. Further to inform that the replies to the objections filed by certain
Deputy Collectors/SGDC being communicated to all the concerned in Andhra
Therefore, it is to request to communicate ttre replies to the objections
filed by the Deputy Collectors (are enclosed herewith) along with final seniority list
in Telangana State and obtain certificate from the District Collectors concerned to
that effect.

Yours faithfully
Sd/-8. Rama Rao
Secretary to CCLA

// Attested/ /
i !^*-^--b4
)b.,Addifional Assistant-C6ffimissroner
Office of the Chief Commissioner of
Land Adminishation, A. P, Vijayawada.
CCLA Proceedinqs No.Ser.l (1) i1956/2015, dated:10.04.2017
Sub:-Public Services -Andhra Pradesh Civil Services (Ex.Br)Rules1992 Deputy -
Collectors - Provisional Seniority List of Deputy Collectors for the years from
1992 to 2014 (up to 01.06.2014) issued - objections if any invited received
Government directed to dispose of the objections - Examined and disposed
duly communicating reasons - Regarding .
Ref: -1)G.O.Ms.No. 1 066, Revenue (Ser. l) Department dated 05. 1 0. 1 992
2)G.O.Ms.No '1343 Revenue (Ser. l) Department dated :22|12.2003.
3)G.O.Ms. No. 1 404 Revenue (Ser. l) Department dated:26.09.2006.
4)G.O.Rt.No.1088, Revenue (Ser. l) Department dated:07.1 1.2016.
5)G.O.Rt. No. 1 1 89, Revenue (Ser. l) Department dated:26. 1 2.201 6.
6)G.O.Ms.No 60, Revenue (Ser.l) Department dated:06.02.2017.
7)CCLA Proceed ings No. Ser. I ( 1 ) I 1 956120 1 5, dated:1 3.02.20 17
8)Govt., Memo No.13021l54lSer.l(1)12017-1 , Revenue (Ser-t) Dept., dated

The Provisional Seniority List (inter-se seniority) of Deputy Collectors was prepared
on par with rules in vogue, withstanding to the Court Cases pending and also examining
the interim orders granted by the Hon'ble High Court of Judicature and Hon'ble
Administrative Tribunal from time to time. Subsequently, notification was issued calling for
objections from the Deputy Collectors of both the States of Andhra Pradesh and
Telangana on the Provisional Seniority. ln response, numerous objections / queries were

2. Further, in exercise of the powers conferred under Government. Memo.No.13O21l

S4lSer.l('l)12017-1, Revenue (Ser.l) Department Dated:06.04.2017 in continuation to G.O.
Ms.No.950, Revenue (Ser-l) Dept., dated 20.07.2006, whereby the Government have
permitted to dispose of the objections received from the Deputy Collectors on Provisional
Seniority List. The Objections thus received have been meticulously examined as per
rules in vogue and some of the objections were allowed and necessary / relevant changes
in the Provisional inter-se seniority list have been made. Other objections which are
contrary to rule position and law cannot be considered.

3. For the reasons cited supra, individual replies to objections are hereby
communicated to all the concerned along with Final Seniority List of Deputy Collectors,
subject to outcome of various Court Cases pending before Hon'ble Judicial lnstitutions.

SdlAnil Chandra Punetha

Enclosure: Statement of disposal of objections.
All the lndividuals concerned (Under certificate of posting).
All the District Collectors in A.P State with a request to publish the Final seniority List of
Deputy Collectors in the notice boards of District Collectorates, Special Collectors &
R.D.Os office and submit the certificate to that effect.
The Spl.CS & CCLA, Telangana with a request to publish the Final seniority List of
Deputy Collectors in the notice boards of District Collectorates & Special Collectors,
RDOs office and furnish the certificate to that effect. lt is also requested to publish the
Final Seniority List in Telangana State Gazette.
The VC&MD,MUDA,Machilipatnam with a request to display in the notice board and
Produce certificate to that effect.
The Commisioner,CRDA,GunturA/ijayawada with a request to display in the notice board
and produce certificate to that effect.
Copy submitted to the Special Chief Secretary to Government, Revenue(Ser.l)
Department, A.P., Secretariat, Velagapudi.
Copy submitted to the Special Chief Secretary to Government, Revenue(Ser.l)
Department, T.S., Secretariat, Hyderabad.
Copy submitted to the Government Pleader for Services, Hon'ble High Court of Judicature,
for State ofAndhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
Copy to the State Editors, A.P. and Telangana Gazetters for publishing the Final Seniority
List of Deputy Collectors.


tr. 8^-".--'-- t"4-

ditional Assistant Comririssioner
Office of the Chief Commissioner of
Land Administration, A. P, Vijayawada.

sub:-Public services - Andhra pradesh civil services (Ex,Br)Rules1992 Deputy

collectors - Provisional Seniority List of Deputy collectors for years from 1992
to 2014 (up to 01.06.2014) issued and objections called for Final Seniority
list of Deputy Collectors issued - Regarding.
Read: -1 )G.O. Ms. No. 066, Revenue (Ser. l) Department dated 05. 1 O. 1 992

2)G. O. Ms. No. 343 Revenue (Ser. ) Departm enl dated:22.12.2003.

1 I

3)G.O. Ms. No. 1404 Revenue (Ser. l) Department dated:26.09.2006.

4)G.O.Rt.No.1088, Revenue (Ser. l) Department dated:07.1 1.2016.
5)G.O. Rt.No. 1 1 89, Revenue (Ser. l) Department dated:26. 1 2.201 6.
6)G.O.Ms.No.60, Revenue (Ser.l) Department dated: 06.02.2017.
7)CC LA Proceed ings No. Ser. I ( 1 )/1 956 t201 dated:1 3.02.2O17 .
8)Government Memo No.1302 1 tl4lSer.t(1)t2017-l,Revenue (Ser-t) Dept.,
dated: 06.04.2017
g)CCLA Proceedings No.Ser.t (1)t1956t2015, dated:10.04.2017

The Provisional Seniority List (inter-se seniority) of Deputy Collectors was prepared
on par with rules in vogue, withstanding to the court cases pending and also examining
the interim orders granted by the Hon'ble High Court of Judicature and Hon'ble
Administrative Tribunal from time to time. Subsequently, notification was issued calling for
objections from the Deputy Collectors of both the States of Andhra Pradesh and
Telangana on the Provislonal Seniority. ln response, numerous objections / queries were
2. Further, in exercise of the powers conferred under Government. Memo. No.
13021/54/Ser.l(1)12017-'1, Revenue (Ser.l) Department dated:06.4.2017 in continuation to
G.O.Ms.No.950, Revenue (Ser-l) Dept., dated 20.07.2006, whereby the Government have
permitted to dispose of the objections received from the Deputy Collectors on Provisional
Seniority List, the Objections received from the Deputy Collectors have been meticulously
examined as per rules in vogue. Some of the objections were allowed and necessary /
relevant changes in the Provisional inter-se seniority list have been made. Accordingly
reasons for dismissal of objections are communicated to concerned Deputy Collectors.

3. Thereby, the draft seniority list of Deputy Collectors from1992 to 2014 (up to
01.06.2014) issued vide reference 7th cited is hereby finalized. The same is subject to
outcome of Court Cases pending before various Hon'ble Judicial lnstitutions.
SdlAnil Chandra Punetha

Enclosure: Final seniority list of Deputy Collectors.

All the lndividuals concerned (Under certificate of posting).
All the District Collectors in A.P State with a request to publish the Final seniority List of
Deputy Collectors in the notice boards of District Collectorates, Special Collectors &
R.D.Os office and submit the certificate to that effect.
The Spl.CS & CCLA, Telangana with a request to publish the Final seniority List of
Deputy Collectors in the notice boards of District Collectorates & Special Collectors,
RDOs office and furnish the certificate to that effect. lt is also requested to publish the
Final Seniority List in Telangana State Gazette.
The VC&MD,MUDA,Machilipatnam with a request to display in the notice board and
produce certificate to that effect.
The Commisioner,CRDA,GunturA/ijayawada with a request to display in the notice board
and produce certificate to that effect.
copy submitted to the c.hief secretary to Government, Revenue(Ser.r)
-sngcigr Velagapudi.
Depa(ment, A.p., Secretariat,
copy submitted to the cr'iei becLtary to Government, Revenue(ser.r)
-speciar Hyderabad.
Department, T.S., Secretariat,
copy submitted to the Government preader for Services,
Hon'bre High court of Judicature,
for State ofAndhra pradesh, Hyderabad.
copy to the state Editors, A.p. and rerangana Gazetters
for pubrishing the Finar Seniority
List of Deputy Collectors.



Final Seniority List of the Deputy Collectors working in the combined State of Andhra
Pradesh with effectfrom 1992 to 2014 (i.e., up to 01.06.2014)

sl. Name of the Deputy Collector Date of seniority Remarks

No. Sri/Smt. assigned
1. P. Raja Rao 01 .09.1992 Promotee
2 T.S.Param Jyothi 01 .09 1992 Promotee
T.Jaya Rao 01 .09.1992 Promotee
4 S.S.Jones 01 09.'1992 Promotee
q Shaik Madina Saheb 01 09 1992 Promotee
6 M.Viswanadham 01 .09.1992 Promotee
7. N.Sreenivasa Rao 01 .09.1992 Promotee
8 D.Anjaneyulu 01 .09 1992 Promotee
9 lqbal Ahmed 01 .09.1 992 Promotee
10 N.Shankaraiah 0'l .09 1992 Promotee
11. Fathe Khan 01 .09 1992 Promotee
12. P.V.Ramana Murthy 09.12.1993 Promotee
13 N. Butchi Reddy 09.12.1993 Promotee
14. M.Satyanarayana Murthv 09. 1 2. 1993 Promotee
15 J.Krishna Mohan 09.12.1993 Promotee
16. L. Rama Chandra Reddy 09. 1 2. 1993 Promotee
17. A. Rachaiah 09. 1 2. 1993 Promotee
18 K. C. Ramulu 09.12.1993 Promotee
'19. V.V.Subba Rao 09 121993 Promotee
20. L. K.John (Smt) 09. 12 1993 Promotee
21. K.Shankar Reddy 09 121993 Promotee
22. C. S. Satyanaravana 09 121993 Promotee
a.) J.Janardhana Rao 09 12.1993 Promotee
24. V.Sundharshan 09 12.1993 Promotee
A. Dinakar Babu 09 12.1993 PDC
26 G. S. R. K. R.Viiava Kumar 09. 1 2. 1993 PDC
27. K.Sreenivasulu 09. 1 2. 1993 PDC
(K.S.Srinivasa Raiu)
10 K.R.B.H.N. Chakaravarthi 09. 1 2.1993 PDC
29. B Sridhar 09. 12.1993 PDC
JU G.Kishan 09.12.1 993 PDC
31 M.Giriia Sankar 09 121993 PDC
G.Ravi Babu 09 121993 PDC
JJ, M. Raqhunandhan Rao 09 121993 PDC
34. T.Chiranqeevulu 09 121993 PDC
G. D. Priyadarshini 09 121993 PDC
Jb Ch.Viiaya Mohan 09.12.1993 PDC
N.Krishna 09. 1 2. 1993 PDC
K.Venkata Ramana 09 12 1993 PDC
39. S.Sunder Raiu 09. 1 2. 1993 PDC
40. T.Viiaya kumar 09. 12.1 993 PDC
41. P.V.Rami Reddy 09 121993 PDC
42. E.Sridhar 09. 12. 1 993 PDC
43. Mohd. Abdul Azeem 09.12.'1993 PDC
44 M.Jaqannadham 09 121993 PDC
45. K.Venkateswarlu 09.12 1993 PDC
46 T. K.Sreedevi 09 121993 PDC
47. l.Samuel Anand Kumar 09 121993 PDC
48 V. Karuna 09 121993 PDC
49. B. Balamaya Devi 09. 12.1993 PDC
50 Anitha Ramachandran 09.12.1993 PDC
K. V. Satayanaravana 09.12.1993 PDC
52. K. Nirmala 09.12.1993 PDC
53. M.Aruna Kumar 09. 1 2. 1993 PDC
54 M. Padma 09 121993 PDC
55. P. Usha Kumari 09 121993 PDC
56 P A Shoba 09 121993 PDC
57. K.Harshavardhan 28.12.1994 PDC

58. A.Sharath 28.12.1994 PDC

60 P.Bhaskara 15.12.1994 PDC
60 L.Sharman 15 12.1994 PDC
61. D.Venkateswara Rao 15 12.1994 PDC
62. M.Hari Jawahar Lal 21 .01 .1995 PDC
OJ, T.Babu Rao Naidu 28.12.1994 PDC
64. M. Rama Rao 27 12.1994 PDC
65 M. Champalal 28.12.1994 PDC
bb. K.Gladys Jacob PDC
o/_ K Sarada Devi 24 01 .1995 PDC
68 Bharathi Lakhpathi Naik 21.12.1994 PDC
(8. Bhadramma)
69. J.Murali 1 2.03.1 996 PDC
70. Ch.Sridhar 30.04.'1996 PDC
71. M.V.Seshaqiri Babu 06 03.1996 PDC
72. B.Viziendra 14 03.1996 PDC
t3 D.Muralidhar Reddy 1 5.03.1 996 PDC
74 B.Lakshmikantam 14.03.1996 PDC
K Kanna Babu 06.03 1996 PDC
76. K.Satvanaravana 06.04.1996 PDC
77. K Yakub Naik 21.01.1998 PDC
78. P.Venkatrama Reddy 1 5 03.1 996 PDC
79. K.Surendra Mohan 06.03 '1996 PDC
80. B.Rama Rao 29.03.1996 PDC
81. S.Sri Devasena 21 01 1998 PDC
82. A.Surva Kumari 21 .03.'1996 PDC
oa T. K. Rama Mani 23.09.1996 PDC
30 01 2002
84. G. Rekha Rani 23.09 1996 PDC
85. P.Nageswara Rao 0'1 .1 1 .1996 Promotee
86 K. Balanarasimha 01 11.1996 Promotee
87. V. Narasimha 01 111996 Promotee
88. l.Subbarami Reddy 01 .12.1996 Promotee
ao P.V.Mohiddin Basha 01.12.1996 Promotee
90 B.Madhusudhan 01 12 1996 Promotee
91. V. Narasimha Reddy 26.12.1996 Promotee
o, V.Mohan Rao 01 .01 .1 997 Promotee
93 M.Pratap Reddy 01 01.1997 Promotee
94 N.Naravana 01 01 1997 Promotee
95. N.Satyanarayana o1.02.1997 Promotee
9b. G. Janardan Rao 01.02.1997 Promotee
97. M. Ravindra Reddy 01 .02.1997 Promotee
98 P.Kishan 07.03.1 997 Promotee
99 B. Uppalaiah 01 .04.1 997 Promotee
100. P.Venkatranqaiah 01 04 1997 Promotee
101 . D. Malleswar 01 .05 1997 Promotee
102 L Kesava Rao 01 .05.1997 Promotee
103. T. Ramarao 01.06 1997 Promotee
104. A Viiaya Mohan 01 09 1997 Promotee
105. K/M Veeraswamy 01 .09 1997 Promotee
106. P. Ramakrishna Rao 0'l .09.1997 Promotee
107. M. Gopal Naik 01 09.1997 Promotee
108. K. Maranna 01 09 1997 Promotee
109. T. Ramulu 01 .09 1997 Promotee
1 10. J. Aqumaiah 01 .09.1997 Promotee
111. A. Komaraiah 0'1 .09.1997 Promotee
112. L Naqaiah 1 9 09.1 997 Promotee
1 13. D. Madhava Rao 19.09 1997 Promotee
114 K. Narayana 01 .'1 0. 1 997 Promotee
1 15. M.P. Bhusanam 01 10.1997 Promotee
1'16. P.S. Prakash Rao 01 .10 1997 Promotee
117. G.C. Saraswatamma 01 09.1998 Promotee
118 K.Papava 01 .09.1998 Promotee
'l '19.
Sankar Chauhan 0'l .09.199E Promotee
120. Ch. Naqamani 01 .09.1998 Promotee
121. M. Krishnamma 01 09.1998 Promotee
122. R.Shankar 01 .09 1998 Promotee
tl3 N. Tulasi Raman 01 .09 1998 Promotee
124 A. Venkateswarlu 01 .09.1998 Promotee
125. T. Janaki Ramarao 01 .09 1998 Promotee
126. P. Buchareddy 01 09 1998 Promotee
127. M.Jayamma 01 101998 Promotee
128. M. R. Srinivasa Reddy 0'l.11.1998 Promotee
129. R. Linoareddy 01.11.1998 Promotee
'130. A. Ranqareddy 01.11.1998 Promotee
131 M. Latchaiah
. 01.111998 Promotee
132. G. Ramachandra Rao 01 121998 Promotee
133. P. Madhusudan Rao 01.12.1998 Promotee
134 KVN Chary 01 121998 Promotee
135 P. Kondareddy 01 .01 1999 Promotee
136. K.Venkatadri 01 01 1999 Promotee
137. K.Saraiah 0'1 02 1999 Promotee
138. V. Pedda Babu Rao 01 02 1999 Promotee
139 K. Kedari 01 .03 1999 Promotee
140. llaiah 01 03 1999 Promotee
141 M.Lakshmi Narayana Sastry 01 .03.1999 Promotee
142. Suianamma 01 03 1999 Promotee
143. T. Seetharamaiah 01 .03.1999 Promotee
144. K.Surya Narayana Rao 01 03 1999 Promotee
145. D.Dasaradha Reddy 01 .03.1999 Promotee
146. B. Sriramulu 01 .09 1999 Promotee
147. J. Latchanna 01 .09 1999 Promotee
148. K.Veeramallu 01 .09 1999 Promotee
149 M. Pentaiah 01 .09.1999 Promotee
150. M.A.Khalique 01 .1 0.1999 Promotee
151 P.AnantMiah 01.11 1999 Promotee
152. Ram kishan Rao 0'l .'1 1 .1999 Promotee
153 C.Venkata Reddy 01 121999 Promotee
154. V. Narasinqa Rao 01 121999 Promotee
155 P.A. Krishna Rao 01.01 2000 Promotee
156 R. Narasaiah 01.01.2000 Promotee
157 K.Ananda Rao 01.o2.2000 Promotee
t3d T. Rama Rao 01.02.2000 Promotee
159 M.Krishnaiah 25.04.2000 Promotee
160 K.Veeraiah 25.04.2000 Promotee
161 . Kasinath Rao 25.04.2000 Promotee
162 G.Aniamma 25.04.2000 Promotee
163 Sartazbabu 25.04.2000 Promotee
164. M.A. Moiz 25.04.2000 Promotee
tb5. L.Harilal 01 05.2000 Promotee
166. M. Govind 01 06.2000 Promotee
167. P.Ch. Rama kotaiah 01.06.2000 Promotee
168. M.A. Rauf 01.09.2000 Promotee
'169. Ch.Mohanrao 01.09.2000 Promotee
170. M. Ramkishan Rao 01 10 2000 Promotee
171 Y.Satvanandam
. 01 .10.2000 Promotee
172. K. Harnath 01 10 2000 Promotee
173. S.Obula Naik 01 .1 1 .2000 Promotee
174. P. Parthasarathi Rao 01 11 2000 Promotee
175. lmtiaz Ahmed 30 11 2000 Promotee
176. A. L. Balachandraiah 01.12.2000 Promotee
177. J. Subbaryudu 01 .02.2001 Promotee
178. K. Waheed Khan 01.02.2001 Promotee
179. K. Narsinq Rao 01.02.2001 Promotee
180. N. Kotireddy 02.o3.2001 Promotee
181 . P. Yerraiah 02.o3.2001 Promotee
182. S. Muralidharrao 01.04 2001 Promotee
'183. R.Subramanyam 16.04 2001 Promotee
1e ia )oo.1 Promotee
1 M.SuryanaraYana
84 Promotee
185 M.A. Haleem Promotee
18 04.2001
186 htl Qr rndar Pai Promotee
18 04.2001
187. t\l Dam. cr rhhamma Promotee
88 (. Damodar Reqql- 18 04.2001
189. B. Chandra Mohan
90 N.Gnaneswar Rao TI9I I IUTEE
9'1 --sM.BandrNawaz Hussain 18.04.2001 rl(.)lllul,Ec
192. Ch.Appala SwaEY- rlolll(]Llru
193. v., r, vYrqr
P Prakashrao 18.04 200',I
194. '18 04 2001 rIOI I IUIEC
r o( a Aniaiah
n ka.ha\rar26 18 04.2001
196. Promotee
L L,aa7l [r.7eeal 18.04.2001
197. ^i Promotee
198. O.Seshaiah Promotee
[I A n' r..laar 18.04 2001
199 Promotee
01 .09 2001
200. I\ri-, Hac<an Ali Balo Promotee
01 .09.2001
201. Q.,6.1 V^r rcr rf PDO
202. Promotee
01 .10.2001
203. I K.sathaiah rI UII IUIEg
204TJ Bhoomaiah, TI UI I IUIEC
205 G.Ganapathi Rao TIOIIIUtI'E
206 Sk. Ahmed Moinuddin rtQIIlurvE
Venkata Ratnam 12.11 2001
207 rIUII I(,tgl'
-Smt. o1 .12.2001
208. V. Papaiah
209. t1 Am.rin.lar Promotee
210. P. Venkata Ramulu Promotee
211. VJR Sharma rI UII IUTEE
212. P. Seetha Ramulu rlolllul.trs
05.03 2002
213 Promotee
05 03 2002
214. ir/l l\l.vaom Promotee
.l Janaki Reddv 01 04 2002
01.04.2002 Promotee
216. B.Panth I'tO I I9LEE
217 nr.l khri, Kr rtr rhttddin 01.04.2002 I

23.04.2002 Promotee
218. v ^^A^l^ Sr rrvan2ravana Promotee
1lo ).Dmodar ReddY- 01.09 2002
01 09.2002
220. K Damodar Reddy rrollluree
01 09.2002
221. A. Anjaiah
222. M. Sattaiah rI UII IUI.CE
223. M. Sunder
01'10 2002 rI UII IUI.(,E
224. Hari Singh r ::::::-:^
01.10.2002 TIOIIIU[C(,
213. T. Venkateswarlu Hromoree
01 11 2002
226. G.Gopalam Promotee
227. A Acaa^/2d2m Promotee
01 .12.2002
228. M.Amruthamma rl ull luLtrE
229. I Y.sangbabu 22.12.2002
22.12 2002 t'toIIluLstr
zaort-Pr.r. r.rirsi rrtr u u t
C.Eswaraiah 22.12.2002
31 12.2002 rl ul I lulcE
23z f-G.Doraswami rI UI I IUTYg
31 .12.2002
233. lS. Bhogaiah rI UIIIUI.(,E
zctsCdfirhrb*b 01.01 2003 Promotee
235. I M.B.Kameswara Rao rt oII
zJO. R.Chennaiah
01.02 2003
01.02.2003 rrolTlutee
l5t _ G.Subbarayudq TIOIIIUI,CC
01 .04.2003
238. APrakash @ Kesalg rtOTI]Ultrtr
239. G. Srinivasa Rao 01 04 2003
01.05 2003 Promolee
z4u Rao
01.0b.zuuJ Promotee
241. -ARamamohana Promotee
01 .05.2003
01 05.2003 l'romolee
243. G.Elizbeth Promotee
244. S.Dhanalaxmi
01 05.2003
17.05.2003 Hromoree
245. Y. Venkateswar Rao Promotee
246 D.Viswanadham 01.09 2003
01 09 2003 Promotee
247 K. Lakshmi Narayana
01 09.2003 i'romolee
248. M.Gangaiah
01.09.2003 Promotee
249 P.Peraiah
01.09.2003 Promotee
250 S Lakshmanna
01.09.2003 Promotee
251. D.Dasaradha
01 09.2003 Promotee
252. Ch.Mokshalingam
01.09.2003 Promotee
253. G.Atchyuta Rao
01 .09 2003 Promotee
254 K.Masthan Rao
. 30 09.2003 Promotee
A. Kullayappa
01 10 2003 Promotee
256. E. Siva Kumar
01 .1 '1 .2003 Promotee
B.Prakasa Rao
31.12.2003 Promotee
258. B Lingaiah
01 02.2004 Promotee
259 P.M.J.Babu
01.02.2004 Promotee
260. C h. Prasada Rao
01.03.2004 Promotee
26t. B. Bala Subrahmanyglq-
01 03.2004 Promotee
162 V.Anandam
o r ro-.a'rardhana Rao 01.04 2004 Promotee
01 .o4 2004 Promotee
264. N.Ramesh Kumar
20.04.2004 Promotee
265. G.Mahesh
01 05 2004 Promotee
266. B.Yadaqir
01.09.2004 Promotee
2b/. Murthy
01.09.2004 Promotee
268 -PRamakrishna
G.Krishna Kishore
02.09.2004 Promotee
269 P Raja Rao
30 09.2004 PDC
270. S.Sulochana
01 .11.2004 Promotee
271. B. Sanjeeva Rao
o1 11.2004 Promotee
272. N.Balaii Singh
01.11.2004 Promotee
273 UCG Naqeswara Rao
274. N.C. Rajanna zooq I Promotee
275. M. Ramadas Naidu O1.O92OO5| Promotee
276 A. KumaraswamY O3OS.ZOOSI Promotee
277. I l{r rmzr aoogzoos I PtgrnglCg
278 T.Vee ra brahm a ia h Y1ZZOOS I Promotee
)70 31.12 2005 Promotee
31 .12.2005 Promotee
280 T.Johnson
31.12.2005 Promotee
/61_ Shariff
31 .12.2005 Promotee
282. R.Rajan
-MdHasim 31j22005 Promotee
283. M.Ravindra Babu
0'1.03.2006 Promotee
284 M.Venkateswara Rao
01.05.2006 Promotee
285. S.Nagabhushan Rao
o Q D^ iL',m.r 23 05.2006 Promotee
27.05.2006 PDC
287 Dr.K.Lakshmi
20 07 2006 YUW
288 C.Lakshmi
01.09.2006 Promotee
289 T.Manikyala Rao
290 B.Prabhakara Chowd4Y- 01.09.2006
xl^^6.1^,6r. P./r 01 11.2006 Promotee
292. ch Prabhakara Rao 31.12.2006
31.12.2006 Promotee
zga Tu Venkateswarlu
31 .12 2006 Promotee
29+TA.Ramakrishna ReddY Promotee
291 Bl.chennukesava Rao 31 .12.2006
296. -l
I K.Dharma ReddY- 01.01.2007
01 01 2007 Promotee
297. I R.Chandrasekhar
25 01.2007 PDC
2I&-fMvenugopal ReddY
22.01.2007 PDC
zgs Tivrney Krishna Reoav
g00TKJenkata Ramana Reddy 22.O2.2007 PDC
15 02.2007 PDC
eOt. I Cn.Sniva Lingaiah PDC
502. I N.Prabhakar ReddY 22.01.2007
25.01.2007 PDC
3OlTVl/enkateswarlu PDC
aoa.l M.P.Hanumantha Rao 25.01.2007
29.01.2007 PDC
305 P.Ranjit Basha
14 02.2007 PDC
3oe-fsoelliRao PDC
307.D.Amoy Kumar 22.01.2007
25.01.2007 PDC
308 K.Madhavilatha
25 01 2007 YUW
aogTc.cnrist Kishore Kumar PDC
3loTMGauthami 17.02.2007
20.01.2007 PDC
3'11. P.Prasanthi
21 01 2007 PDC
312. K.Hymavathi
313. M.Viiaya Suneetha 22.01 .2{'J|'J t PDC
20 01.2007 PDC
314 P.Arun Babu
12 02 2007 PDC
J tc. K.Sreenivasulu
12 02.2007 PDC
316. B.Lavanya Veni
23.01.2007 PDC
317. M. Haritha
01 02.2007 Promotee
318 D.Markandeyulu
01.03.2007 Promotee
319. U. Ramaswami
11.O3 2007 Promotee
320. Gangadharam
M.Mohana Raju 01.04.2007 Promotee
01 05 2007 Promotee
322. A. Jagadeesh
01.06.2007 Promotee
323. M.Sudharshana ReddY
09.09.2007 Promotee
324. G. Prameelam ma
09.09.2007 Promotee
325. P.Mohana Reddy
09.09.2007 Promotee
326. G.Nirmala Devi
V.R Mani 09.09.2007 Promotee
09.09.2007 Promotee
328. Shaik Shalomon Raj
aro G.V.Jayaramaiah 07 10.2007 Promotee
01.11.2007 Promotee
330. M.Seshavathi
B.Bhavani Das 01.12.2007 Promotee
01 12.2007 Promotee
332. P.Jaqadeswara Chary
01.12.2007 Promotee
333. V.Venkata SubbareddY
334. Ch.Penchala ReddY 31j2.2007 Promotee
31 .12.2007 Promotee
335. D. Subhashchandra Bose
336. G.Joshi Babu 31.12.2007 | Proqq!9e
337. M.Rahemuddin lt.l2.zoot I Promotee
JJO, M.Raqhava Rao 31j22007 Promotee
339. L P.Hector Hemasagar 31.12.2007 Promotee
340. I D.Venkata Reddy 01 01 2008 Promotee
341 . D.Sudarshanam 01.01 2008 Promotee
08 09.2008 PDC
342. S.Bharqavi
a A,)
P. Raianikantarao 0'l .1 1 .2008 Promotee
344 Ch. Bhanu prasad 01 .1 1 2008 Promotee
345. K.Madhusudhan 01.11.2008 Promotee
04 'l 1.2008 PDC
346. K.Swarnalatha
347. Y. Narasimha Rao 01.12.2008 Promotee
348 V.Hanumantha Rao o1 12.2008 Promotee
30.12.2008 PDC
349. B. R.Ambedkar
350. K.Prabhakar Srinivas 31.12.2008 Promotee
351. M.Jitendra 31.12.2008 Promotee
352 M.Lal Singh 31 .12.2008 Promotee
353. B.Rami Reddy 31 12.2008 Promotee
354 N. Kumari 31.12.2008 Promotee
355 A.Siri 04 06.2009 PDC
,2 EA
J.Venkata Murali 31.07 2009 PDC

357. S. Rama Sundar Reddy 22.08.2009 PDC

358. M.Satya Sarada Devi 03.09.2009 PDC
359. Narayana Reddy 31.07.2009 PDC
360. S.Harish 31 07.2009 PDC
361 G. Ravi 31.08 2009 PDC
302. V.Veera Brahmaiah 15 08.2009 PDC
363. A.Shyam Prasad 01.08.2009 PDC
364. K.Nikhila 06.08.2009 PDC
365. Aisha Masrat Khanam 07 08 2009 PDC
366 Gummala Ganesh Kumar 10.08.2009 PDC
367 K.Sneha 14 08 2009 PDC
368 P.Sampath Kumar 03.08.2009 PDC
369. G.Raja Kumari 31 07.2009 PDC
B. Navya 21.08.2009 PDC
371. S.Sangeetha SatyanaraYana 21 08.2009 PDC
372. SK Yasmeen Basha 05.08.2009 PDC
373. K.Javachandra Reddy 0 ! .10.2009 Promotee
374. V.Anandarao 01.11.2009 Promotee
375. Ronanki Kurmanath 15.1 1 .2009 PDC
376 M.Naqaraiu 19.11 2009 Promotee
377. S. Bheeshmanand 19 11 .2009 Promotee
378. B. Bala Krishna 19.1 1 .2009 Promotee
379. J. Lakshmi Narayana 19.1 1 .2009 Promotee
380 V.R. K. Prabhakara Rao 19.1 1 .2009 Promotee
J6 l. B Venkata Ratna Kumar 19.1 1 .2009 Promotee
J.Radhakrishna Murthy 19.1 1 .2009 Promotee
JOJ, K. Abraham 19.1 1 .2009 Promotee
384. S. Raiesekar 19.1 1 .2009 Promotee
385. S.Venkata Rao 19.1 1 .2009 Promotee
386. K.Naqeswara Rao 19.'l 'l .2009 Promotee
387. V.Suryanaravana 19.1 I .2009 Promotee
388 K.Mary Kamala Kumari 19.1 1 .2009 Promotee
Y.V. Seshu Prasad 19.1 1 2009 Promotee
"AO '19.'l 1 .2009
390 Ch.Rama Laxmi Promotee
391. Ganqaram 19.1 1 .2009 Promotee
?o, P. Krishna Mohan Reddy '19.1 'l .2009 Promotee
?o2 M Ramachandra Rao 19.1 1 .2009 Promotee
394. B.Subba Rao 01 122009 Promotee
395. E. Naravana 01 12.2009 Promotee
G.Surender Reddy 01.12.2009 Promotee
207 V.Viiava Kumari 01.12.2009 Promotee
398. G.Sujatha 01.12.2009 Promotee
399. B. Chenqala Rao 01.12.2009 Promotee
400 G.Narasimhulu 01.12.2009 Promotee
401 G.Venkatesham 01.12.2009 Promotee
402. M.Padma Rao 01.12.2009 Promotee
403 H.Gopinath 01.12.2009 Promotee
404. T.Appa Rao 01 12.2009 Promotee
405. K. Naryana Reddv 01.12.2009 Promotee
406. Ramachandra Reddy 01.12.2009 Promotee
407. D.Venu Gopal 01.12.2009 Promotee
408 G. Kamala 01.12.2009 Promotee
409 L.Ramesh Gupta 01.12.2009 Promotee
410. V.R.Chandra Mouli 01.12.2009 Promotee
411 M.Suryanarayana 01.12.2009 Promotee
412. Sri A.Ravinder Reddy 01.12.2009 Promotee
413 B.Venkataya 01.12.2009 Promotee
414 K.E.John Wesley 01.12 2009 Promotee
415. M.Venkateswara Rao 01.12.2009 Promotee
416. Sri P.Sheshadri 01.12.2009 Promotee
417. B.Surya Rao 01.12.2009 Promotee
418. A.Sree Ramachandra Murthy 01.12.2009 Promotee
419 V. Naqanna 01 12.2009 Promotee
420. K.Rama Rao 01.12.2009 Promotee
421. C.V. Laxm i 01.12.2009 Promotee
P.Raja Ram o1 12.2009 Promotee
423 B.H.S.Venkata Rao 01.12.2009 Promotee
424. J.Shiva Shanker 01 12.2009 Promotee
425 P.Tulasi Rani 01 12.2009 Promotee
426. S.Sundar Abnor 01.12.2009 Promotee
427. Ch Lakshmaiah 01.12.2009 Promotee
C.Sriram Reddy 01.12.2009 Promotee
429 K.Raivalakshmi 01 .10.2010 Promotee
430. A.H.Nirmal Kanthi Wesly 09 10 2010 PDC
431. Ch.Vinaymohan 16.11.2010 Promotee
432. V.Ashok Kumar 16.1 1 .2010 Promotee
433. Nambaiah(SC) 16.11.2010 Promotee
434. Kum. D. Jamulamma 16.11.2010 Promotee
435. J.Siva Srinivas 16 11.2010 Promotee
436 N.Rahmathulla 16.11.2010 Promotee
437. P.Suresh 16 11.2010 Promotee
438. K.V.Suresh Babu 16.11.2010 Promotee
439. B.Sanieevaiah (SC) 16 11 2010 Promotee
440. S. Padmakar (SO) 16 11 .2010 Promotee
441. V.Venkateshwar Rao 16 11 2010 Promotee
442 A.Manohar 16.11.2010 Promotee
443. D.V.Ramanareddy 16.11.2010 Promotee
444. K.Madan Mohan Rao 16.11 2010 Promotee
445 M.Garudaiah (ST) 16.11.2010 Promotee
446. K.Raiender 16.11.2010 Promotee
447. R. Mohan Reddy 16.11 2010 Promotee
448. N. Raghunath Rao 16 11.2010 Promotee
449 Sreevatsa Kota 06.02.2011 PDC
450 P.Vithal 01.09.201'1 Promotee
451. R.Sai Visweswar Rao 01 .09 2011 Promotee
452 S K. Naqeswara Rao 26 09.2011 Promotee
453 S.Venkata Subbaiah 26 09.2011 Promotee
454. Ch. Bharati Devi 26.09.2011 Promotee
455 J.Sudhakar Rao 01 .10.201 I Promotee
456 S.Yadagiri 31 12.2011 Promotee
457. S.Venkateswara Rao 31 .12.2011 Promotee
458 V. L.Surender Karan 31 .12.2011 Promotee
459. Reg.Sankara Rao 31 .12.2011 Promotee

460 G. Gopi 31.12.2011 Promotee

461. P.Srinivasulu 31 122011 Promotee
462 Sri K. Prasada Rao 31.12 2011 Promotee
463 G. Sainath 31 .12 2011 Promotee
464. S.Prabhakar Reddy 31 .12.2011 Promotee
465 G.Prakash Neelakantham 31.12 2011 Promotee
466. A. Raieshwar Reddy 31 .12.2011 Promotee
467. M Hanumanth Reddy 31 12.2011 Promotee
468. D.V. L. R. M. Ellaram ma 01.01.2012 Promotee
469 B.Srinivasa Rao 0s 05.2012 PDC
470 R.Govinda Rao 07 05.2012 PDC
471. N.Tej Bharath 07.05.2012 PDC
472 B.Chandra Sekhar 02.o5.2012 PDC
473. Ch.Priyanka 02.05.2012 PDC
474. J.Aruna Sri 05.05.2012 PDC
475 G.Chakradhar Rao 02.o5.2012 PDC
476. D.Haritha 03.05 2012 PDC
477. G.Jaya Sree 01.12 2012 Promotee
478 A. Ravindera Babu 01.12.2012 Promotee
479 S. Chinna Ramudu 01.12.2012 Promotee
480. P Satyanarayana Reddy 31 12.2012 Promotee
481 N.Satyanarayana 01 .01 2013 Promotee
482. I P.Wilsonbabu 04.01 .2013 Promotee
483 S.Sarala Vandanam 04.01.2013 Promotee
484 M Ram Kishan 01 02.2013 Promotee
485 Ch.Narasing Rao 01.02.2013 Promotee
486. S.V. S. Subbalaxmi 01.04.2013 Promotee
487. Gajanna 01.04 2013 Promotee
488. P Ravinder Reddy 01.o4.2013 Promotee
489 G.Nagesh 23.04.2013 Promotee
490 K.Naqa Babu 23.04.2013 Promotee
491. M Jyothi 23.04.2013 Promotee
492. A Sudershan 23.04.2013 Promotee
493. K. Ramulu 23.04.2013 Promotee
494. P.Venkateswariu 23.04.2013 Promotee
495. N. Seethamahalakshm i 23.04.2013 Promotee
496 V. Naqa Raia Rao 23.O4.2013 Promotee
497. P. Babu Rao 23.O4.2013 Promotee
498 M. Samaia 23 04.2013 Promotee
499 I P.Subbarao 23 04.2013 Promotee
500. I R.Srilatha 23 04.2013 Promotee
501 PVL Narsimha Rao 23.O4.2013 Promotee
502 N.B. Khasim 23.04 2013 Promotee
503 I K.Gattaiah
23 04.2013 Promotee
504 T.A. Jayachandra 23.O4.2013 Promotee
505. P.Sreeramachandra Murthy 23.04.2013 Promotee
506 l. Venkateswara Reddy 23.O4.2013 Promotee
507 A.Prabhakar Rao 23.04.2013 Promotee
508. N.Satyanarayana 23.O4.2013 Promotee
509 P Sai Baba 23.04.2013 Promotee
5'10 P.Chandrashekar 23.O4.2013 Promotee
51 '1. Smt B Krishna Bharathi 23.04.2013 Promotee
512. G.V. Venkatesham 01 .05 2013 Promotee
513. SK. lsmail 06.05.2013 Promotee
514. K. Padmavathamma 01.09.2013 Promotee
515. P. Rajaram 01 .09.2013 Promotee
516. D.Vijaya Kumari 01 09.2013 Promotee
517. A. Nagendra 02.09.2013 Promotee
5'18 U.Achyuta kumari 01 .10.2013 Promotee
5'19 P. Tejsekhar 01 .1 1 .2013 Promotee
520. V.V.Subbaiah 01.11 .2013 Promotee
521. D. Balaji Naik 01.12.2013 Promotee
E1a G.Anjaneyulu 01.12.2013 Promotee
523 G. Nageswara Rao 01.12.2013 Promotee
524. A. Prabhavathi 17.12.2013 Promotee
A.)E G.Dharma Rao 01.0'l .2014 Promotee

SdlAnil Chandra Punetha



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tt\-Additional Assistant Commrssroner

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