Dice Addition Subtraction Lesson Plan
Dice Addition Subtraction Lesson Plan
Dice Addition Subtraction Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Basics
• K.ATO.1 Model situations that involve addition and subtraction within 10 using objects, fingers, mental images,
drawings, acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, and equations.
• K.ATO.2 Solve real-world/story problems using objects and drawings to find sums up to 10 and differences
within 10.
• K.ATO.3 Compose and decompose numbers up to 10 using objects, drawings, and equations.
• K.ATO.5 Add and subtract fluently within 5.
-Essential Question:
How do you find the sums (or differences)? When else is it important to add and subtract accurately?
TSWBAT reinforce addition and subtraction skills and provide practice with addition and subtraction facts within 5.
-Required Materials/Equipment/Technology/Community Resources:
• Dice
• Counters
• Smartboard
-Prior Knowledge/Connections:
How to add, subtract, and count using dice.
-Required Vocabulary:
• Sum
• Difference
• Add
• Subtract
• Strategy
-Grouping Strategy:
Large Group
Small Group
-Instructional Strategies/Methods:
Direct Instruction
Cooperative Learning
Discovery Learning
Graphic Organizers
Role playing
Activity Plan
1. Warm-up/Review/Connections:
Students will be at the carpet and move to a video that practices counting to 100 by 1s.
2. Introduction to Content/Explanation:
Students will sit on their spots at the carpet, and I will ask the students questions about addition and subtraction.
• When adding numbers together, do the numbers get bigger or smaller?
• When subtracting numbers from one another, do the numbers get bigger or smaller?
• What is the answer to an addition problem?
• What is the answer to a subtraction math problem?
3. Presentation/Model the Learning Process:
• I will use the smartboard to demonstrate how to play the Dice Addition and Subtraction Game.
o When back at their seats, students will be in pairs.
o Each person will role the die.
o During addition: students will add the two numbers together
o During subtraction: students will subtraction the two numbers
o Whichever partner has the highest number gets a counter
o When one partner gets to 10 counters, they win!
• I will begin with addition and then demonstrate subtraction also.
4. Scaffolded/Guided Concrete Practice (May include collaborative work or discussion with peers):
I will have two students come to the smartboard and play a few rounds to make sure that they understand the concept
of the game. I will repeat this when I explain the subtraction version of the game.
5. Independent Concrete Practice/Application:
Students will transition back to their seats, gather their supplies and begin playing the addition version of the game.
After 8-10 minutes has passed, I will get the students’ attention and direct them to the subtraction version.
6. Assessment:
While the students are playing the game, I will be walking around monitoring and assessing students using a checklist.
This checklist will show whether or not the student understands the content of the lesson and concept of what is
happening in the game.
7. Wrap-up/Concluding Activity: Students will put their materials in the center of the table, and put their hand on their
head when they are finished doing so. I will then review what was learned throughout the lesson. I will again ask the
questions that I asked at the beginning of the lesson, making sure each of them can be answered correctly.
• When adding numbers together, do the numbers get bigger or smaller?
• When subtracting numbers from one another, do the numbers get bigger or smaller?
• What is the answer to an addition problem?
• What is the answer to a subtraction math problem?