How Is Your Day - General Statements: Questions
How Is Your Day - General Statements: Questions
How Is Your Day - General Statements: Questions
A very common question you will run into is,
"How are you doing?"
"How is your day going?"
"What are you doing now?"
To answer these types of question, you must remember that you are talking
about what is currently going on now, so you must use the present tense.
"I'm enjoying the beautiful weather without any worries in the world."
"I'm playing a video game on my computer because I have nothing to do."
"I'm at the grocery store buying ingredients for tonight's dinner."
"I'm at the gym working out."
As you can see, each sentence is starting with, 'I am' instead of 'I will be' or 'I
was.' We will discuss past tense and future tense in the next sessions.
Person B: "No. I have one more semester, but it would be great to have a job
lined up."
Person A: "I didn't know you play pool. Are you having fun?"
Person B: "I'm having a great time. How about you? What are you doing?"