Major Issues in Data Mining: V. Saranya Ap/Cse Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology, Virudhunagar

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Major Issues in Data Mining

V. Saranya
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology, Virudhunagar
• Issues
– Mining Methodology
– User interaction
– Performance
– Data types.
Mining Methodology & User
Interaction Issues
1. Mining different kinds of knowledge in
 Different users-different knowledge-different way
(with same database)
2. Interactive Mining of knowledge at multiple
levels of abstraction.
 Focus the search patterns.
 Different angles.
4. Data mining query languages and ad hoc
data mining
 High level data mining query language
 Conditions and constraints.
3. Incorporation of background knowledge.
 Background & Domain knowledge.
5. Presentation and visualization of data mining
 Use visual representations.
 Expressive forms like graph, chart, matrices,
curves, tables, etc…
6. Handling noisy or incomplete data.
 Confuse the process
 Over fit the data (apply any outlier analysis,
data cleaning methods)
7.Pattern evaluation- the interestingness
 Pattern may be uninteresting to the user.
 Solve by user specified constraints.
Performance Issues
• Efficiency and scalability of data mining algorithms.
 Running time.
 Should be opt for huge amount of data.
• Parallel, Distributed and incremental mining
 Huge size of database
 Wide distribution of data
 High cost
 Computational complexity
 Data mining methods
 Solve by; efficient algorithms.
Diversity of data Types Issues
• Handling of relational and complex types of
One system-> to mine all kinds of data
Specific data mining system should be
• Mining information from heterogeneous
databases and global information systems.
 Web mining uncover knowledge about web
contents, web structure, web usage and web

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