Major Issues in Data Mining: V. Saranya Ap/Cse Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology, Virudhunagar
Major Issues in Data Mining: V. Saranya Ap/Cse Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology, Virudhunagar
Major Issues in Data Mining: V. Saranya Ap/Cse Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology, Virudhunagar
V. Saranya
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology, Virudhunagar
• Issues
– Mining Methodology
– User interaction
– Performance
– Data types.
Mining Methodology & User
Interaction Issues
1. Mining different kinds of knowledge in
Different users-different knowledge-different way
(with same database)
2. Interactive Mining of knowledge at multiple
levels of abstraction.
Focus the search patterns.
Different angles.
4. Data mining query languages and ad hoc
data mining
High level data mining query language
Conditions and constraints.
3. Incorporation of background knowledge.
Background & Domain knowledge.
5. Presentation and visualization of data mining
Use visual representations.
Expressive forms like graph, chart, matrices,
curves, tables, etc…
6. Handling noisy or incomplete data.
Confuse the process
Over fit the data (apply any outlier analysis,
data cleaning methods)
7.Pattern evaluation- the interestingness
Pattern may be uninteresting to the user.
Solve by user specified constraints.
Performance Issues
• Efficiency and scalability of data mining algorithms.
Running time.
Should be opt for huge amount of data.
• Parallel, Distributed and incremental mining
Huge size of database
Wide distribution of data
High cost
Computational complexity
Data mining methods
Solve by; efficient algorithms.
Diversity of data Types Issues
• Handling of relational and complex types of
One system-> to mine all kinds of data
Specific data mining system should be
• Mining information from heterogeneous
databases and global information systems.
Web mining uncover knowledge about web
contents, web structure, web usage and web