WernerEtAl 2011 IsTheResilienceOfEpiphyteAssemblages
WernerEtAl 2011 IsTheResilienceOfEpiphyteAssemblages
WernerEtAl 2011 IsTheResilienceOfEpiphyteAssemblages
Abstract. Field studies have shown a wide array of responses of vascular epiphyte diversity to human disturbance-assem-
blages of disturbed habitats range from largely unchanged to severely impoverished when compared with intact forest. This
variability is not well understood. We explored the hypothesis that the relative impoverishment of disturbed-habitat epiphyte
assemblages is a function of local climate, by analyzing the available literature on epiphyte diversity on isolated trees as a
model system. We found that assemblages of moist and moderately seasonal areas experience considerably stronger impov-
erishment than those of aseasonally wet or distinctly dry areas. We argue that the integrity of the vertical microclimatic
gradient is more crucial for the maintenance of epiphyte diversity in moderately seasonal forests than in distinctly dry or
aseasonally wet forests.
Key words: diversity, fragmentation, isolated trees, land-use change, mesoclimate, species density, species richness, tropical forest,
vascular epiphytes
ture, and in their degree of structural differences from pies are usually low and open and cannot provide
their various potential vegetations. Parameters of pronounced microclimatic buffering (Graham &
potential influence on epiphytes include type and Andrade 2004), it may be assumed that their epi-
degree of disturbance, host-tree age, vegetation struc- phytes must be sufficiently well-adapted to persistent
ture (e.g. stand height, canopy openness) and result- drought, even in situations of increased exposure
ing microclimate, substrate quality and quantity (e.g. such as experienced on ITs. To explore the hypoth-
availability of large horizontal limbs, humus and esis that the relative impoverishment of vascular epi-
bryophyte mats), dispersal constraints, and local phyte assemblages is a function of local climate, we
climate (mesoclimate). Many of these factors are compared studies on epiphyte diversity on ITs and
difficult to quantify, and information on very few of mature forest trees at Neotropical sites.
them has been regularly provided, much less ana-
lyzed, in papers addressing the epiphyte assemblages METHODS
of non-primary habitats. This circumstance has We screened the available literature on epiphyte di-
hampered comparisons, rendering land-use change versity on ITs and, where needed, gathered addi-
effects poorly understood and unpredictable. tional information on site characteristics by contact-
Isolated trees (hereafter termed “ITs”) scattered ing the respective authors. We restricted our survey
in anthropogenic land-use matrices constitute key- to studies on vascular epiphyte assemblages that give
stone structures that offer refuge, enhance connectiv- species numbers for entire trees. To ensure consis-
ity, and provide nuclei of regeneration for many tency, several studies had to be excluded from analy-
groups of forest organisms (Manning et al. 2006, sis due to major differences in sampling area (Wil-
Zahawi & Augspurger 2006). Moreover, they offer liams-Linera et al. 1995, Nkongmeneck et al. 2002),
an excellent model system for studying the effects limited taxon sampling (Dunn 2000, Cascante-
human disturbance on epiphytes. ITs can be viewed Marín et al. 2006), or the lack of a local baseline (e.g.
as the “ultimate”, smallest possible forest fragment Gonçalvez & Waechter 2003, Poltz & Zotz 2011).
(Williams-Linera et al. 1995, Gove et al. 2009), be- Ultimately, seven studies allowed for meaningful
ing exposed to maximum edge effects and poten- comparisons and were included in our analysis
tially constrained colonization. Unlike degraded or (Hietz-Seifert et al. 1996, Flores-Palacios & García-
secondary forests, ITs do not differ between sites in Franco 2008, Nöske et al. 2008, Köster et al. 2009,
the relative degree of their physical exposure, neither Werner & Gradstein 2009, Larrea & Werner 2010,
do they differ from undisturbed forest in important Köster et al. in press) (Table 1). To characterize the
host parameters like age, surface area, or bark char- mesoclimate for each of the sites, we calculated an
acteristics, unless biased in size or taxonomic com- index of aridity, dividing monthly precipitation by
position. monthly potential evapotranspiration (PET) (UNEP
Epiphyte community changes following land-use 1992). PET was calculated following the Thornth-
change have often been attributed primarily to waite method (Thornthwaite & Mather 1957) as:
changes in microclimate (e.g. Barthlott et al. 2001, PETTh = 3.65 × 10 -4d(t)I -1[10T(t)]a
Hietz 2005, Nöske et al. 2008). Epiphytes are known where d(t) is the total monthly daylight in hours,
for their high and fine-tuned humidity requirements, and T(t) is the monthly mean temperature. The two
being linked more closely to the atmosphere than variables I and a are empirically derived functions of
terrestrial biota (e.g. Kreft et al. 2004, Poltz & Zotz mean annual temperature. Our analysis focused on
2011). The relative degree to which epiphyte assem- species density, here defined as the number of species
blages become species-poorer following disturbance per host tree of comparable size. The “relative
may be linked to local climate. In aseasonally wet impoverishment” of ITs is given as the percentage of
(perhumid) regions, epiphyte diversity on ITs may reduction in mean epiphyte species density on ITs
not be as strongly affected by desiccation stress as in relative to forest trees. For each of the studies we
areas of intermediate humidity, where a large share also calculated the qualitative Sørensen index as a
of the epiphytic flora depends on the maintenance measure of floristic similarity between forest and ITs
of a mesic microclimate by intact forest canopies from published species lists or unpublished own
during dry periods. In various arid regions of the data using Estimate 8.2 (Colwell 2006). Polynomial
Neotropics we observed that ITs often harbor a rela- regression was done with Xact 8 (Scilab, Hamburg,
tively intact epiphytic flora. Because dry forest cano- Germany).
TABLE 1. Site characteristics and vascular epiphyte diversity on isolated trees (ITs).
Los Tuxtlas SE Mexico 100 rare 24.5 4700 3.41 30-35 28 165 ** 83 20d n.s. 0.74
et al. 1996
Köster et al.
Bilsa NW Ecuador 550 common 23.5 3100e 2.80 30-35 5-15 52 n.s. 318 36 ** 0.80
in press
Köster et al.
Otonga NW Ecuador 2000 common 15.6 2550 3.07 25-30 5-25 52 n.s. 322 36 ** 0.77
Werner &
seas. not
Gradstein Jerusalén N Ecuador 2300 16.9 530 0.60 5-8 80 n.s. 8 4 n.s. 0.77
common applicable
values for entire study (forest trees and ITs combined).
“Effect of distance to forest” is marked by asterisks where epiphyte species numbers on ITs drop with increasing distance from closed forest. “Relative impov-
erishment” is the reduction in mean epiphyte species density (species per tree) on ITs relative to forest trees; asterisks mark significant differences in species
density between habitat types. Significance levels: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, n.s. = not significant. See original publications for details on statistical analyses.
excluding two forest plots where mean tree size was substantially smaller than in ITs. Species density values controlled for taxonomic identity of host trees at
the same site: 0.61 (Quercus spp., inner crowns only; Flores-Palacios & García-Franco 2004); 0.87 (Liquidambar macrophylla, entire trees taken at 0.3 m dbh;
Flores-Palacios & García-Franco 2006).
d deduced from the linear regression equations (species no. vs. dbh at dbh = 0.5 m) given by Hietz-Seifert et al. 1996.
e pers. comm. L. Carrasco (Bilsa) and H.F. Greeney (SierrAzul) respectively.
from Werner 2008.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION rainfall of 530 mm, species density on ITs was similar
to adjacent forest (Werner & Gradstein 2009).
We found that responses of vascular epiphyte assem-
In spite of the limited number of studies available
blages on ITs differed widely between studies (Fig. 1).
In two aseasonally wet areas of SE Mexico and NE for this analysis, the data suggests that, as predicted,
Ecuador, species density on isolated trees was not the response of vascular epiphyte assemblages to dis-
significantly reduced relative to forest trees of similar turbance does indeed vary systematically with meso-
size (Hietz-Seifert et al. 1996, Larrea & Werner climate. A strong, significant decrease in species
2010). In contrast, at two moist study sites in NW density on ITs was observed only in the studies with
Ecuador with a moderately pronounced dry season intermediate humidity conditions, whereas both the
but frequent fogs throughout the year, epiphyte di- aseasonally wet and distinctly arid sites were little
versity was distinctly lower on ITs compared with affected (Fig. 1, Table 1). Thus a continuous supply
forest trees. Both at Bilsa (Köster et al. in press) and of moisture at perhumid sites appears to facilitate
Otonga (Köster et al. 2009), species density on ITs suitable growth conditions for a large number of epi-
was 36% lower. At a slightly seasonal moist forest in phyte species on ITs, even though post-disturbance
SE Ecuador, species density on ITs was over 80% turnover in species composition may be considerable
lower (Nöske et al. 2008, Werner 2008). This species- (e.g. Larrea & Werner 2010; compare also Sørensen
rich site regularly experiences short but pronounced indices in Table 1). In contrast, much lower species
dry spells induced by foehn winds (Emck 2007). ITs numbers were found under moderately moist, slight-
at an even more seasonal and drier site in eastern ly seasonal conditions, where many taxa depend on
Mexico showed a moderate decline in species density the protection by an intact canopy during periods of
(Flores-Palacios & García-Franco 2008). Finally, in a drought. Where the forest canopy is opened up, vapor
perarid forest area in northern Ecuador with annual pressure deficits increase strongly during dry spells
(e.g. Laurance 2004), which may result in high mor-
tality among resident moist forest epiphytes (Werner
2011). In dry forests, where the vertical microclimate
gradient is poorly developed even in intact stands
(Graham & Andrade 2004), disturbance appears to
result in relatively low declines in species numbers.
We suggest that the effective adaptations to drought
which are essential for dry forest epiphytes promote
their persistence on ITs. This notion is supported by
the paucity of epiphytic understory specialists re-
corded for tropical dry forests. In coastal Ecuador, for
instance, Gentry & Dodson (1987) found 41 species
of understory specialists among vascular epiphytes in
a wet forest, but none in a seasonal, semi-deciduous
moist forest. A corresponding pattern has been found
by Hietz & Hietz-Seifert (1995a, b) in montane
eastern Mexico. However, the most fragile, shade- or
moisture-demanding taxa of any local community are
unlikely to flourish in the multiple edge environment
FIG. 1. The relationship between humidity (given as of ITs (e.g. Poltz & Zotz 2011), and the β-diversity
an index of aridity) and the relative impoverishment of IT assemblages tends to be reduced (Flores-Palacios
in mean epiphyte species density (species number per & García-Franco 2004, 2008; Hietz 2005, Larrea &
tree) on isolated trees (ITs) relative to trees in intact Werner 2010; but see also Köster et al. 2009).
forest. Case studies: (1) Werner & Gradstein 2009; Factors other than mesoclimate cannot readily
(2) Flores-Palacios & García-Franco 2008; (3) Nöske explain the observed hump-shaped pattern of species
et al. 2008; (4) Köster et al. in press; (5) Köster et al. impoverishment (Fig. 1). Differences in host-tree size
2009; (6) Hietz-Seifert et al. 1996; (7) Larrea & between habitat types were controlled for by restrict-
Werner 2010. The stippled line reflects 2nd-degree ing sampling to a certain range of stem diameter at
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p = 0.13). species numbers against dbh (Hietz-Seifert et al.
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