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9th Science
9th Science
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Table of Contents
2 Motion 21
3 Light 40
4 Matter around us 66
Learning Objectives
Light year
The nearest star alpha
Astronomical unit centauri is about 1.34 parsec
Parsec from the sun. Most of the
Light year: It is the distance travelled by stars visible to the unaided
light in one year in vacuum and it is equal eye in the night sky are within 500
to 9.46 × 1015 m. parsec distance from the sun.
Info bits
In Tamil Nadu, people still use some
common length scales other than
SI units. It is advisable to know the
relationship between SI units with
these length scales.
Figure 1 Astronomical unit One feet = 30.4 cm, one meter =3.2 feet.
One inch = 2.54 cm, one meter is
approximately equal to 40 inches.
1 AU is equal to 14,95,97,871 These length scales are still used in
km or approximately equal hardware shops to measure house hold
to 150 million km or 1,500 things like pipes, wood. Carpenters
lakhs km. still use inch scale.
was taught mathematics and science jaw are fixed perpendicular to the bar.
by his father who was a lawyer and These are named as fixed jaws. To the
engineer. He worked much of the right of the fixed jaws, a slider with an
time as an engineer, working on the upper and a lower moveable jaw is fixed.
fortifications of various cities. Like The slider can be moved or fixed to any
many other mathematicians and position using a screw. The Vernier scale
scientists of that period, Vernier worked is marked on the slider and moves along
on cartography and on surveying. His with the movable jaws and the slider.
interest in surveying led him to develop The lower jaws are used to measure
instruments for surveying and this the external dimensions and the upper
prompted the invention of a precise jaws are used to measure the internal
instrument called Vernier caliper. dimensions of objects. The thin bar
attached to the right side of the Vernier
scale is used to measure the depth of
1.6.2 Description of Vernier
hollow objects.
The Vernier caliper consists of a thin 1.6.3 Usage of Vernier caliper
long steel bar graduated in cm and mm. The first step in using the Vernier caliper
This is the main scale. To the left end is to find out its least count, range and
of the steel bar an upper and a lower zero error.
Jaws Main Scale
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Vernier Scale
Zero error
Unscrew the slider and move it to the
left, such that both the jaws touch each
other. Check whether the zero marking of Figure 3 Positive zero error
the main scale coincides with that of the Negative zero error
Vernier scale. If they are not coinciding
with each other, the instrument is said
to posses zero error. Zero error may be Negative zero error
positive or negative. If the zero mark of Now look at the Figure 3(b). You can see
the Vernier is shifted to the right, it is that zero of the vernier scale is shifted to
called positive error. On the other hand, if the left of the zero of the main scale. So,
the Vernier zero is shifted to the left of the the obtained reading will be less than the
main scale zero marking, then the error is actual reading. To correct this error we
negative. should first find which vernier division
is coinciding with any of the main scale
Positive zero error divisions, as we found in the previous
case. In this case, you can see that sixth
Figure 3(a) shows the positive zero error.
line is coinciding. But, to find the negative
From the figure you can see that zero of the
error, we can count backward (from 10).
vernier scale is shifted to the right of zero
So, the fourth line is coinciding. Therefore,
of the main scale. In this case the reading
negative zero error = ‒4×LC = ‒4×0.01 =
will be more than the actual reading.
‒0.04 cm.
Hence, this error should be corrected. In
order to correct this error, find out which
vernier division is coinciding with any Example:
of the main scale divisions. Here, fifth Calculate the positive and negative error
vernier division is coinciding with a main from the given Figure 4.
Main Scale
Zero Correction:
If error is positive the we should subtract
0 5 10
Vernier Scale 0 5 10 that error value. If error is negative, we
(a) No zero error should add that error value.
Main Scale Main Scale
0 1 0 1 For example, let us calculate the correct
0 5 10 0 5 10 reading, if the main scale reading is 8 cm,
Vernier Scale Vernier Scale
zero error = +0.08cm zero error = -0.06cm
vernier coincidence is 4 and positive zero
(b) Positive zero error (b) Negative zero error error is 0.05 cm,
Figure 4 Zero error
Solution: The correct reading = 8 cm + (4 × 0.01cm)
– 0.05 cm = 8 + 0.04 – 0.05 = 8 – 0.01 =
Case (a): Zero of the vernier scale and 7.99 cm
zero of the main scale are coinciding with
each other. So there is no zero error.
Let us try another one. The main scale
Case (b): The zero of veriner scale is shifted reading is 8 cm and vernier coincidence is
to the right from the zero of the main 4 and negative zero error is 0.02 cm, then
scale. It is positive error. The 8th division the correct reading:
of vernier scale coincides with one of the = 8 cm+(4×0.01 cm)+(0.02 cm)
main scale divisions. So the positive error = 8+0.04+0.02 = 8.06 cm.
= (8×0.01cm) = 0.08 cm.
We can use Vernier caliper to find
Case (c): The zero of veriner scale is shifted different dimensions of any familiar object.
to the left from the zero of main scale. It is If the length, width and height of the object
negative error. The 4th division of vernier scale can be measured, volume can be calculated.
(6th from backward) coincides with one of For example, if we could measure the inner
the main scale divisions. So the negative zero diameter of a beaker (using appropriate
error = ‒(6×0.01cm)= ‒0.06 cm. jaws) as well as its depth (using the depth
Once you are able to calculate the probe) we can calculate its inner volume.
zero error, you can get the correct reading
using the formula: Example:
Calculate the diameter of the sphere which
The correct reading = Main scale reading is shown in the Figure 5. Assume the scale
+ (VC × LC) ± (Zero correction) has no zero error.
The diameter (D) of the sphere = the slider, which calculates and displays
Main scale reading (MSR) + (Vernier scale the measured value. The user need not
coincidence (VC) × least count (LC))± manually calculate the least count, zero
ZE. In this case the zero of the vernier error etc.
scale is right after the main scale reading
1.1. So the main scale reading is 1.1 cm.
The vernier scale coincidence is 7. The 1.7 Screw Gauge
least count is 0.01 cm. The diameter of the
sphere = 1.1 cm + (7 × 0.01cm)‒0 = 1.1 + Measurements made with a Vernier caliper
0.07 = 1.17 cm. can be made in centimetre only. Hence to
measure the length and thickness of very
1.6.4 Digital Vernier caliper
small objects we use a screw gauge. This
instrument can measure the dimensions
Today, we are living in a digital world upto 1/100th of a millimetre or 0.01 mm.
and the digital version of the vernier With the screw gauge it is possible to
callipers are available now. Digital Vernier measure the diameter of a thin wire and
caliper (Figure 6) has a digital display on the thickness of thin metallic plates.
Activity 1
Find the inner diameter and the depth of a tea cup with Vernier caliper. Record the
observation in the table given below.
Average (D)
r = D/2 2 V = p r2 h
Average (h)
On the cylinder parallel to the axis of the Least count of a screw gauge
screw there is a scale which is graduated The distance moved by the tip of the screw for
in millimetre called Pitch Scale (PS). One a rotation of one division on the head scale is
end of the screw is attached to a sleeve. The called the least count of the screw gauge.
head of the sleeve (Thimble) is divided
into 100 divisions called the Head scale. Least count of the instrument (L.C.)
The end of the screw has a plane Value of one smallest pitch scale reading
surface (Spindle). A stud (Anvil) is Total number of Head scale division
attached to the other end of the frame,
just opposite to the tip of the screw. The
screw head is provided with a ratchat LC= =0.01 mm
arrangement (safety device) to prevent the
user from exerting undue pressure. Zero Error of a screw gauge
When the plane surface of the screw and
the opposite plane stud on the frame area
brought into contact, if the zero of the
head scale coincides with the pitch scale
axis there is no zero error (Figure 8).
Figure 9 Positive Zero Error Rotate the head until the coin is held
firmly but not tightly, with the help of
Negative zero error the ratchat
When the plane surface of the screw and Note the reading of the pitch scale
the opposite plane stud on the frame are crossed by the head scale (PSR) and
brought into contact, if the zero of the the head scale division that coincides
head scale lies above the pitch scale axis, with the pitch scale axis (HSC)
the zero error is negative (Figure 10). The width of the coin is given by PSR
For example, the 95th division coincides with
+ CHSR (Corrected HSR). Repeat the
the pitch scale axis, then the zero error is
experiment for different positions of
negative and is given by
the coin
ZE = – (100 – n) × LC
Tabulate the readings
ZE = – (100 – 95) × LC
= – 5 × 0.01 The average of the last column
= – 0.05 mm readings gives the width of the coin
The zero correction is + 0.05mm.
Activity 2
1. Metre [m] The metre is the basic unit of length. It is the distance light travels, in a
vacuum, in 1/299792458th of a second.
2. Kilogram [kg] The kilogram is the basic unit of mass. It is the mass of an international
prototype in the form of a platinum-iridium cylinder kept at Sevres in France. It is now
the only basic unit still defined in terms of a material object, and also the only one with
a prefix [kilo] already in place.
3. Second [s] The second is the basic unit of time. It is the length of time taken for
9192631770 periods of vibration of the Caesium-133 atom to occur.
4. Ampere [A] The ampere is the basic unit of electric current. It is that current which
produces a specified force between two parallel wires which are 1 metre apart in a
5. Kelvin [K] The kelvin is the basic unit of temperature. It is 1/273.16th of the thermodynamic
temperature of the triple point of water.
6. Mole [mol] The mole is the basic unit of a substance. It is the amount of the substance
that contains as many elementary units as there are atoms in 0.012 kg of carbon-12.
7. Candela [cd] The candela is the basic unit of luminous intensity. It is the intensity of
a source of light of a specified frequency, which gives a specified amount of power in a
given direction.
8. Farad [F] The farad is the SI unit of the capacitance of an electrical system, that is, its
capacity to store electricity. It is rather a large unit as defined and is more often used as a
9. Joule [J] The joule is the SI unit of work or energy. One joule is the amount of work done
when an applied force of 1 newton moves through a distance of 1 metre in the direction
of the force.
10. Newton [N] The newton is the SI unit of force. One newton is the force required to give
a mass of 1 kilogram an acceleration of 1 metre per second2.
11. Ohm [Ω] The ohm is the SI unit of resistance of an electrical conductor. Its symbol is the
capital Greek letter ‘omega’.
12. Pascal [Pa] The pascal is the SI unit of pressure. One pascal is the pressure generated by
a force of 1 newton acting on an area of 1 square metre. It is rather a small unit as defined
and is more often used as a kilopascal [kPa].
13. Volt [V] The volt is the SI unit of electric potential. One volt is the difference of potential
between two points of an electical conductor when a current of 1 ampere flowing between
those points dissipates a power of 1 watt.
14. Watt [W] The watt is used to measure power or the rate of doing work. One watt is a
power of 1 joule per second. Electrical power V × I = W.
Vernier is a visual aid that helps the user to measure the internal and external diameter of the object.
This activity helps the students to understand the usage better
Step 1. Type the following URL in the browser or scan the QR code from your mobile.
Youcan see“Vernier caliper” on the screen.
Step 2.The yellow colour scale is movable. Now you can drag and keep the blue colour
cylinder in between. Now you can measure the dimension of the cylinder. Use the
+ symbol to drag cylinder and scale.
Step 3. Now go to the place where you can enter your answer. An audio gives you the
feedback and you can see the answer on the screen also
V. Assertion and reason type 5. Assertion (A): The distance between
1. Assertion (A): The SI systems of two celestial bodies is measured in
units is the improved system of units the unit of light year
for measurement. Reason (R): The distance travelled by
Reason (R): The SI unit of mass is the light in one year is one light year
kilogram a. Both A and R are true but R is not
a. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct reason
the correct reason b. Both A and R are true and R is
b. Both A and R are true and R is the correct reason
the correct reason c. A is true but R is false
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false but R is true
d. A is false but R is true
VI. Comprehensive type
2. Assertion (A): The skill of estimation
is important for all of us in our daily Read the passage and answer the
life. questions given below.
Reason (R): The skill of estimation Mass is the amount of matter contained
reduces our consumption of time in an object. Measurement of mass helps
a. Both A and R are true but R is not us to distinguish between a lighter and a
the correct reason heavier body. Beam balance, spring
b. Both A and R are true and R is balance and electronic balance are used
the correct reason to measure mass of different objects. The
c. A is true but R is false SI unit of mass is the kilogram (kg). But
d. A is false but R is true different units are used to measure the
3. Assertion(A): The scientifically mass of different objects. E.g. weight
correct expression is “ The mass of (mass) of a tablet is measured in
the bag is 10 kg” milligrams (mg), weight of a student is
Reason (R): In everyday life, we use the measured in kilogram (kg) and weight of
term weight instead of mass a truck with goods is measured in metric
a. Both A and R are true but R is not tons. 1 metric ton is equal to 10 quintals
the correct reason and 1 quintal is equal to 100 kg. 1 gram is
b. Both A and R are true and R is equal to 1000 mg.
the correct reason 1. The value of 1 metric ton is equal to
c. A is true but R is false
a. 1000 kg b. 10 quintals
d. A is false but R is true
c. 10,00,000 g d. 100 kg
4. Assertion (A): 0 °C = 273.16 K. For
2. How will you measure the weight of
our convenience we take it as 273 K
after rounding off the decimal a tablet?
Reason (R): To convert a temperature a. kg b. g
on the Celsius scale you have to add c. mg d. None of these
273 to the given temperature
a. Both A and R are true but R is not VII. Very short answer type
the correct reason 1. Define measurement.
b. Both A and R are true and R is 2. Define standard unit.
the correct reason
c. A is true but R is false 3. What is the full form of SI system?
d. A is false but R is true 4. Define least count of any device.
5. What do you know about pitch of screw X. Long answer type
gauge? 1. Explain a method to find the
6. Can you find the diameter of a thin thickness of a hollow tea cup.
wire of length 2 m using the ruler 2. How will you find the thickness of a
from your instrument box? one rupee coin?
VIII. Short answer type 3. Find out any ‘ten words’ related to
measurement from the grid.
1. Write the rules that are followed in
writing the symbols of units in SI A C C U R A T E V B
system. N U O P I E R R E E
2. Write the need of a standard unit A B N I S N I R R A
3. Differentiate mass and weight L I S T C D A O N M
4. What is the measuring unit of the O T T C R F L R I B
thickness of a plastic carry bag? G Z A H E H S M E A
5. How will you measure the least count
of vernier caliper?
IX. Numerical Problem K E L V I N O T E C
1. Inian and Ezhilan argue about the light
year. Inian tells that it is 9.46 × 1015 m
andEzhilanarguesthatitis9.46×10 12 km. XII. Activity - 6
Who is right? Justify your answer. Complete the flow chart
2. The main scale reading while
measuring the thickness of a rubber
ball using Vernier caliper is 7 cm and
the Vernier scale coincidence is 6.
Find the radius of the ball.
3. Find the thickness of a five rupee
coin with the screw gauge, if the
pitch scale reading is 1 mm and its
head scale coincidence is 68.
4. Find the mass of an object weighing 98 N.
1. Units and measurements – John Richards, S. Chand publishing, Ram nagar, New Delhi.
2. Units of Measurement - Past, Present and Future. International System of Units -
Gupta, S. V. eBook ISBN 978-3-642-00738-5 DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-00738-5
3. Complete physics(IGCSE) - Oxford University press, New York
4. Practical physics – Jerry. D. Wilson – Saunders college publishing, USA
h t t p : / / w w w. n p l . c o . u k / r e f e r e n c e / http://www.edinformatics.com/math_
measurement-units/ science/units.htm
http://www.splung.com/content/sid/1/page/ https://www.unc.edu/~rowlett/units/dictA.html
units ht t p s : / / s t u d y. c om / a c a d e my / l e s s on /
1. Measurement and Measuring Instruments 20
2 Motion
Learning Objectives
by another person. For example, trees on vector quantity having both magnitude and
roadside would appear to move backward direction. It is also measured in metre in SI
for a person travelling in a car while the same system.
tree would appear to be at rest for a person
standing on road side.
Activity 2
2. Motion 22
2. Motion 23
Speed Velocity
It is the rate of change of distance It is the rate of change of displacement
It is a scalar quantity having It is a vector quantity having both magnitude
magnitude only and direction
It is measured in ms-1 in SI system It is also measured in ms-1 in SI system
Speed in any direction would Velocity can have both positive and negative
be a positive quantity, since the values. If velocity in one direction is assumed
distance in any direction is a to be positive then the velocity in the opposite
positive quantity. direction would be a negative quantity.
Velocity can have zero value also, even for an
object under motion.
initial velocity, the velocity increases understand certain things about time and
with time and the value of acceleration is position.
Case 2: If v < u, i.e. if final velocity is less than 2.6.1 The distance – time graph
initial velocity, the velocity decreases with for uniform motion
time and the value of acceleration is negative.
It is called negative acceleration. The following Table shows the distance
walked by Surya at different times.
2. Motion 24
2.6.2 The distance time graph
X axis 1cm = 5 minute
Y axis 1cm = 500 metre
for non uniform motion
We can also plot the distance – time graph for
2000 s2
accelerated motion (non uniform motion).
{ Table given below shows the distance
Distance (metre)
s1 C
travelled by a car in a time interval of two
S2 1000
S1 500
t1 t2
Time (second) Distance (metre)
5 10 15 20 25 30 X
S1 S2
Time (minute) 0 0
equal intervals of time. We can therefore
2 1
conclude that Surya walked at a constant
speed. Can you find the speed at which 4 4
Surya walked, from the graph? Yes, you
can. The parameter is referred to as the 6 9
slope of the line. 8 16
Time (Second) Velocity of the Car (ms-1) The area ABCDE can also be calculated
by considering the shape as trapezium.
0 0
Area of the quadrangle ABCDE can also
5 9 be calculated by calculating the area of
10 18 trapezium ABCDE. It means
15 27 S = area of trapezium ABCDE
20 36 = ½ × sum of length of parallel sides
× distance between parallel sides
25 45
S = ½ × (AB + CE) × BC
30 54
2. Motion 26
In the case of non uniformly accelerated Chennai to Trichy and discuss the
motion, distance – time graph, velocity – questions given below:
time graphs can have any shape as shown in
Figure below: What is the total distance between
Chennai and Trichy?
How long did the bus take for the full
Was the speed of the bus constant?
Did the bus halt for a while during
the journey?
If it halted, how long was the halt?
Simply, by looking at the inclination
of the graph line, can you tell when
the speed was the greatest?
Study the velocity – time graph of the What was the maximum speed that
car and answer the following questions: the bus attained during the journey?
What was the maximum value of
velocity during the journey?
Was the velocity constant during any The magnitude of
part of the journey? If so, when was it? instantaneous velocity is
What was the maximum value of equal to the instantaneous
acceleration during the journey? speed at the given instant.
When did it occur? The speedometer of an automobile
When did the car slow down?
measures the instantaneous speed of
the automobile. In a uniform motion in
What was the value of acceleration one dimension, the average velocity =
during the period between 10th and instantaneous velocity. Instantaneous
12th hour? velocity is also called velocity and
instantaneous speed also called simply
Activity 6 speed.
s = ut + ½ at2 (2)
2. Motion 28
2. Motion 29
Square Pentagon
Hexagon Heptagon
2. Motion 30
2. Motion 31
1. Motion an object’s change in position
2. Distance is a scalar quantity that refers to “how much length an object has covered”
during its motion
3. Displacement is an object’s change in position, only measuring from its starting position
to the final position
4. Speed the rate of motion at which the object moves (distance/time)
5. Velocity the speed of an object in a particular direction
6. Acceleration change in velocity either magnitude or direction
7. Circular motion circular motion is a movement of an object along the circumference of
a circle or rotation along a circular path
8. Centripetal force a force which acts on a body moving in a circular path and is directed
towards the centre
9. Centrifugal force a force, arising from the body’s inertia, which appears to act on a
body moving in a circular path and is directed away from the centre
10. Gravity a force of attraction between object and the centre of Earth, due to their masses
Newton’s second law says a force acting on the object either change it’s direction or acceleration or both. F=ma
This activity proves that:
Step 1. Type the following URL in the browser or scan the QR code from your mobile.Youcan see
a wheel barrow full of load on the screen. Below that you can see two sets of people also.
Step 2. Place different number of peoples on both the side of the rope. Click go. According
to the force given by the people the wheel barrow moves to anyone of the side. If the
number of people is equal on both the sides the load will not move.
Step 3. By changing the number of people you can see the force and motion.
2. Motion 33
2. Motion 34
2. Motion 35
2. Motion 36
2. Motion 37
2. Motion 38
Centrifugal force
2. Motion 39
3 Light
Learning Objectives
3. Light 40
Activity 1
mirror should be atleast half of your height. From the above figure,
Height of the mirror= Your height/2
total height of the person = HF =
Find out HE + EF (3)
Using a metre scale, measure your height total height of his image = H′F′ = H′E′ +
in centimetre. Now find out the height of E′F′ (4)
the mirror to see your entire body. These two heights are the same. (Can
you prove it?)
More to Know
Moreover, from (1) and (2),
Let an observer HF stand at a distance ‘x’
Height of mirror = CM′ + CM = +
in front of a plane mirror MM′. The image
H′F′ of the observer is formed at the same = . i.e., half of his height
distance ‘x’ behind the plane mirror. The
image H′F′ of this observer will be of the
Note: The requirement remains the
same size as that of the observer.
same regardless of the distance x of the
observer from the mirror.
3. Light 44
by a concave mirror we need to look at four Rule 4: A ray incident at the pole of the
specific rules. mirror gets reflected along a path such that
the angle of incidence (APC) is equal to the
3.3.1 R
ules for the construction angle of reflection (BPC) (Figure 8).
of image formed by
spherical mirrors
From each point of an object, number of rays
travel in all directions. To find the position
and nature of the image formed by a concave
mirror, we need to know the following rules.
Rule 1: A ray passing through the centre
of curvature is reflected back along its Figure 8 Angle of incidence equal to angle
own path (Figure 5). of reflection
Activity 3
Figure 7 Ray travelling through the Keep a lighted candle between the
principal focus (F) and pole (P) of a
principal focus
3. Light 45
concave mirror. Can you see an enlarged Position of the image: Between the
image of the candle on the mirror? Now principal focus F and centre of curvature C.
keep the candle away from P, beyond C. Nature of the image: Real, inverted and
You can obtain an image of the candle on smaller than object.
a screen. Case – III: When the object is at the centre
What is the type of image formed of curvature (Figure 12).
by a plane mirror? Can you catch that
image on a screen?
3.5.1 R
ay diagrams for the
formation of images
We shall now find the position, size
and nature of image by drawing the ray
diagram for a small linear object placed
on the principal axis of a concave mirror Figure 12 Object at the centre of curvature
at different positions.
Case–I: When the object is far away (at Position of the image: The image is at the
infinity), the rays of light reaching the concave centre of curvature itself.
mirror are parallel to each other (Figure 10). Nature of the image: It is i) Real,
ii) inverted and iii) same size as the
Case – IV: When the object is in between
the centre of curvature C and principal
focus F (Figure 13).
3. Light 46
Case – V: When the object is at the principal Case – VI: When the object is in between
focus F (Figure 14). the focus F and the pole P (Figure 15).
3. Light 47
3.5.2 S
ign convention for Distances measured in the direction
measurement of distances of incident light are taken as positive
We follow a set of sign conventions called the and those measured in the opposite
cartesian sign convention. In this convention direction are taken as negative.
the pole (P) of the mirror is taken as the All distances measured perpendicular
origin. The principal axis is taken as the x axis to and above the principal axis are
of the coordinate system (Figure 16). considered to be positive.
All distances measured perpendicular
to and below the principal axis are
considered to be negative.
3. Light 48
3.5.4 Linear magnifi cation (m)
Magnification produced by a spherical
mirror gives the how many times the image
of an object is magnified with respect to
the object size. =
It can be defined as the ratio of the
height of the image (hi) to the height of
∴ Image distance v = 30cm (negative
the object (ho).
sign indicates that the image is on the left
side of the mirror)
∴ Position of image is 30 cm in front of
the mirror
The magnification can be related to object 2. Nature of image: Since the image is
distance (u) and the image distance (v) in front of the mirror it is real and
3. Size of image: To find the size of
the image, we have to calculate the
Note: A negative sign in the value of
magnification indicates that the image is real. Object distance u = − 15cm
A positive sign in the value of magnification Image distance v = − 30 cm
indicates that the virtual image.
Sample Problem 1 m = −2
Find the size, nature and position of We know that, m =
image formed when an object of size
1 cm is placed at a distance of 15 cm from Here, height of the object = 1 cm
a concave mirror of focal length 10 cm.
1. Position of image −2 =
Object distance u = − 15 cm (to the left of
= −2 x 1
Image distance v =? = − 2 cm
Focal length f = − 10 cm (concave mirror)
The height of image is 2 cm (negative sign
Using mirror formula
shows that the image is formed below the
principal axis).
Sample Problem 2
An object 2 cm high is placed at a distance
of 16 cm from a concave mirror which
produces a real image 3 cm high. Find the
position of the image.
3. Light 49
= Think
Stellar objects are at an infinite
= − 1.5
distance; therefore the image formed by
We know that, m= a concave mirror would be diminished,
and inverted. Yet, why do astronomical
here, object distance u = − 16 cm telescopes use concave mirror?
Substituting the value, we get
3.6.1 R
ules for the construction
− 1.5 =
of image formed by
v = 16 × (− 1.5) spherical mirrors
3. Light 50
Rule 3: A ray of light going towards the principal The ray OA parallel to the principal
focus of a convex mirror becomes parallel to axis is reflected along AD. The ray OB
the principal axis after reflection (Figure 19). retraces its path. The two reflected rays
diverge but they appear to intersect at
I when produced backwards. Thus II′
is the virtual image of the object OO′.
It is virtual, erect and smaller than the
Activity 4
Figure 19 Rule 3
Draw a ray diagram with the object at
Rule 4: A ray of light which is incident different positions in front of the convex
at the pole of a convex mirror is reflected mirror. Observe the size, nature and
back making the same angle with the positions of image in each case. What
principal axis (Figure 20). do you conclude?
Activity 5
=- = x
3.6.3 Uses of convex mirrors
Convex mirrors are used as rear-view
mirrors in vehicles. It always forms a
virtual, erect, small-sized image of the More to know by observation
object. As the vehicles approach the 1) Have you ever seen the dish antenna
driver from behind the size of the image used at your home? What is the
increases. When the vehicles are moving shape of the antenna? Is it convex or
away from the driver, then image size concave? Why?
decreases. A convex mirror provides a
much wider field of view* compared to 2) Look around your environment.
plane mirror. Observe all the spherical objects
(having reflecting surfaces) and
(* field of view – it is the observable area as seen record your observation (for example
through eye / any optical device such as mirror) soap bubble).
3. Light 52
3. Light 53
Activity 7
3. Light 55
Sample problem 4
emergent ray. You may observe that the
emergent ray is parallel to the direction of The speed of light in air is 3 × 108ms-1
the incident ray. Why does it happen so? and in glass it is 2 × 108ms-1 what is the
The extent of bending of the ray of light refractive index of glass.
at the opposite parallel faces AB (air-glass
interface) and CD (glass-air-interface) µ = =
a g
of the rectangular glass slab is equal and
opposite. This is why the ray emerges
parallel to the incident ray. However, Sample problem 5
the light ray is shifted sideward slightly.
What happens when a light ray is incident Light travels from a rarer medium to a
normally to the interface of two media? denser medium. The angles of incidence
Try and find out. and refraction are respectively 45° and 30°.
Calculate the refractive index of the second
Refraction through Rectangular glass slab: medium with respect to the first medium.
http://www.freezeray.com/flashFiles/ Angle of incidence i = 45°
Angle of refraction r = 30°
3.7.6 S
peed of light in different
µ =
1 2
Light has the maximum speed in vacuum µ =
1 2
and it travels with different speeds in
different media. The speed of light in = =
some media is given below.
1 2
µ = 1.414
Substance Speed of Refractive
light(ms ) index(µ)
In general 1µ2 =
Point the laser pointer at different The angle of incidence inside the
angles and note its path denser medium must be greater than
At some angle, you will see that the light that of the critical angle.
gets reflected within the water itself.
This is called total internal reflection. Recall
1. Write the relation between the
Total internal reflection: https://www.
youtube.com/watch?v=axwDkA9PrgI angle of incidence and the angle of
3.8.1 When does total internal 2. What is the unit of refractive index?
refl ection takes place? 3. Which has higher refractive index:
water or glass?
When light travels from denser medium into
a rarer medium, it gets refracted away from 4. When does refraction take place?
the normal. We know this. While the angle 5. When does total internal reflection
of incidence in the denser medium increases take place?
the angle of refraction also increases and it
3.8.3 T
otal internal refl ection in
reaches a maximum value of r = 90º for a
particular angle of incidence value. This angle nature
of incidence is called critical angle (Figure Mirage: On hot summer days, when you are
26). Now the refracted ray grazes the surface travelling on a straight road have you seen
of separation between the two media. the patch of water on the road which keeps
The angle of incidence at which moving ahead as you approach it? This is
the angle of refraction is 90º is called the an illusion sometimes in the desert or over
critical angle. hot roads. Especially in summer, the air
near the ground becomes hotter than the air
at higher levels. The refractive index of air
increases with its density. Hotter air is less
dense, and has smaller refractive index than
the cooler air. If the air currents are small,
that is, the air is still, the optical density of
different layers of air increases with height.
As a result, light from an object such as a
car (See Photo), passes through a medium
Figure 26 Critical angle whose refractive index decreases towards
When the angle of incidence exceeds the the ground. Thus, a ray of light from such
value of critical angle, the refracted ray is an object successively bends away from
not possible, since r > 90º the ray is totally the normal and undergoes total internal
reflected back to the same medium. This reflection, if the angle of incidence for the air
is called as total internal reflection. near the ground exceeds the critical angle.
3. Light 57
Diamond: Diamonds are known for their is higher than that of the cladding. Optical
spectacular brilliance. Do you know the fibres work on the phenomenon of total
reason for their brilliance? It is mainly internal reflection. When a signal in the
due to the total internal reflection of form of light is directed at one end of
light inside them. The critical angle for the fibre at a suitable angle, it undergoes
diamond – air interface ( =24.4º) is repeated total internal reflection along the
very small; therefore once light enters a length of the fibre and finally comes out at
diamond, it is very likely to undergo total the other end.
internal reflection inside it. Diamonds Optical fibres are extensively
faces in nature rarely exhibit the brilliance used for transmitting audio and
for which they are known. It is the video signals through long distances.
technical skill of a diamond cutter which Moreover, due to their flexible nature,
makes diamonds to sparkle so brilliantly. optical fibers enable physicians to look
By cutting the diamond suitably, multiple and work inside the body through tiny
total internal reflections can be made to incisions without having to perform
occur. surgery.
Optical fi bres Recall
Optical fibres are bundles of high-quality 1. What are the examples of total
composite glass/quartz fibres. Each fibre internal reflection in nature?
consists of a core and cladding. The 2. What are the uses of total internal
refractive index of the material of the core reflection?
3. Light 58
Key words
1. Light Light is a form of energy which produces the sensation of sight
2. Ray of Light Line drawn in the direction of propagation of light
3. Laws of reflection
i) Angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection
ii) The incident ray, the normal to the point of incidence and the reflected ray, all lie
in the same plane
4. Plane Mirror Mirror with a flat (planar) reflective surface
5. Spherical Mirror A reflecting surface which is a part of a sphere whose inner or
outer surface is reflecting
6. Concave Mirror Part of a hollow sphere whose outer part is silvered and/or inner
part is the reflecting surface
7. Convex Mirror Part of the hollow sphere whose inner part is silvered and/or outer
part is the reflecting surface
8. Centre of curvature The centre of the hollow sphere of which the spherical mirror
forms a part is called centre of curvature
9. Radius of curvature The radius of the hollow sphere of which the spherical mirror
forms a part is called radius of curvature
10. Pole The midpoint of the spherical mirror is called the pole
11. Aperture The diameter of the circular rim of the mirror is called the aperture of
the mirror
12. Principal axis The normal to the centre of the mirror is called the principal
13. Principal focus The point on the principal axis of the spherical mirror where the
rays of light parallel to the principal axis meet or appear to meet after reflection
from the spherical mirror
14. Focal length The distance between the pole and the principal focus of the
spherical mirror is called focal length. ; Where R is the radius of curvature
of the mirror
3. Light 59
15. Mirror equation The relation between u, v and f of a spherical mirror is known as
mirror formula
16. Magnification m =
−image distance v
object distance u
so m =
17. Refraction of light the bending of light when it passes obliquely from transparent
medium to another is called refraction
18. Laws of refraction
The incident ray, the refracted ray and the normal to the surface separating two
medium lie in the same plane
The ratio of the sine of the incident angle (∠i) to the sine of the refracted angle
(∠r) is constant
i.e. = constant
19. Total internal reflection When the angle of incidence exceeds the value of critical
angle the refracted ray is impossible, since r > 90º refraction is impossible the ray
is totally reflected back to the same medium (denser medium). This is called as
total internal reflection
3. Light 60
3. Light 61
3. Light 62
3. Light 63
4. What is meant by magnification? 4. Light enters from air into a glass plate
Write its expression. What is its sign having refractive index 1.5. What is
for the the speed of light in glass?(Speed of
a) real image b) virtual image light in vacuum is 3 × 108 ms-1)
5. Write the spherical mirror formula (Ans: 2 × 108 ms-1)
and explain the meaning of each 5. The speed of light in water is
symbol used in it. 2.25 × 108 ms-1. If the speed of light
in vacuum is 3 × 108 ms-1, calculate
VIII. Long answer type the refractive index of water.
1. a) Draw ray diagrams to show how (Ans:1.33)
the image is formed, using a concave
mirror when the position of object X. Cross word puzzle
is i) at C ii) between C and F iii)
between F and P of the mirror. 1
b) Mention in the diagram the position
2 3
and nature of image in each case.
2. Explain with diagrams how refraction 5
of incident light takes place from
a) rarer to denser medium b) denser 7
to rarer medium c) normal to the
surface separating the two media.
3. State and verify laws of refraction
using a glass slab. 6
3. Light 64
1. Light ray emerges from water into air. Draw a ray diagram indicating the change in
its path in water.
2. When a ray of light passes from air into glass, is the angle of refraction greater than
or less than the angle of incidence?
3. What do you conclude about the speed of light in diamond if you are told that the
refractive index of diamond is 2.41?
Amazing fact
Did you know that some organisms can make their own light too? This ability is called
bioluminescence. Worms, fish, squid, starfish and some other organisms that live in the
dark sea habitat glow or flash light to scare off predators.
I. www.Physics.org
II. https://elearning.cpp.edu/learning-objects/optics/spherical-mirrors/
III. https://www.geogebra.org/m/aJuUDA9Z
IV. https://www.edumedia-sciences.com/en/media/362-concave-mirror
V. http://www.animations.physics.unsw.edu.au/light/geometrical-optics/
VI. https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/bending-light/latest/bending-light_en.html
VII. http://www.splung.com/content/sid/4/page/snellslaw
VIII. http://interactagram.com/physics/optics/refraction/
IX. https://faraday.physics.utoronto.ca/PVB/Harrison/Flash/Optics/Refraction/
3. Light 65
4 Matter Around Us
Learning Objectives
The atomic fact is: “All things This is yet another example of
are made of atoms – tiny little particles Brownian motion. Air is made of tiny
moving around continuously, attracting particles that move around. These moving
each other when they are a short particles bump into dust particles making
distance apart, but repelling when they them move irregularly or dance. Air
are squeezed very close.” particles are tiny to be seen. Hence, we
can see only dust particles.
The Most Important These observations led to the kinetic
Discovery particle theory of matter. According to this
theory all matter is made up of tiny particles
Richard Feynman, a very and these particles are in constant motion,
famous and extraordinary scientist which possesses kinetic energy.
(1918-1988) had said: The most ‘Kinetic’ means motion, based on
important scientific discovery of the last this we are going to describe the differences
ten thousand years is the Atomic Fact! in the properties of solids, liquids and gases
and the changes in states of matter.
Activity 2
4. Matter Around Us 68
4. Matter Around Us 69
2. Are held together by weak forces of 4. Have a lot of kinetic energy and can
attraction; move freely in all directions.
3. Have more kinetic energy than the
particles of solids; 4.6.2 Why do gases not have
4. Are free to move throughout the
fixed volume?
medium by colliding over each other. Since the particles in gases are far apart
there is a lot of space between them.
4.5.2 Why do liquids have fixed Therefore, they can be forced to get closer
volume? or in other words can easily be compressed.
The particles in liquids are slightly away
from each other compared to solids. They
are packed quite closer to each other.
Moreover the forces of attraction between
them help to stay together. Thus liquids
cannot be compressed and they have fixed
4. Matter Around Us 70
Changes in States of
4.8 Matter and the Kinetic
Activity 4 Particle Theory
4. Matter Around Us 71
4.9 Melting
Let us observe the variation of temperature
A substance absorbs heat energy and of the solid while it is heated at regular
it melts. The temperature at which a intervals of time. We can continue heating
substance melts is called as melting till entire solid melts and a little beyond.
point. Different substances have different If we plot a graph of temperature versus
melting points. Hard substance such as time, we get a melting curve as shown
diamond also melts. below.
Melting points of a few substances Melting Curve
Substance Melting point/oC
Oxygen ‒219
Sodium 98
Iron 1540
Diamond 3550
4. Matter Around Us 72
4. Matter Around Us 73
More to Know
Boiling Point The normal boiling point of water is
Atmospheric pressure = prevailing 100oC at NTP. But if you try to boil an egg
pressure of the system while camping in the Rocky Mountains
at an elevation of 10,000 feet, you will
When a liquid is heated, it eventually find that it takes longer time for the egg
reaches a temperature at which the to cook because water boils only at 90oC
vapour pressure is large enough that in this altitude. In theory, it is impossible
bubbles form inside the body of the liquid. to heat a liquid to temperatures above its
This temperature is called the boiling normal boiling point.
point. Once the liquid starts to boil, the Before microwave ovens
temperature remains constant until entire became popular, however, pressure
liquid has been converted to a gas. cookers were used to decrease the
4. Matter Around Us 74
amount of time it took to cook food. of the atmosphere is only 526 mmHg.
In a typical pressure cooker, water At these elevations, water boils when its
can remain a liquid at temperatures as vapour pressure is 526 mmHg, which
high as 120 o C, and food cooks in as occurs at a temperature of 90 oC.
little as one-third the normal time. To Pressure cookers are equipped
explain why water boils at 90 o C in the with a valve that lets gas escape when the
mountains and 120 o C in a pressure pressure inside the pot exceeds some fixed
cooker, even though the normal value.
boiling point of water is 100 o C, we
have to understand why a liquid boils. This valve is often set at 15 psi,
By definition, a liquid boils when the which means that the water vapour
vapour pressure of the gas escaping inside the pot must reach a pressure of
from the liquid is equal to the 2 atm before it can escape. Because
pressure exerted on the liquid by its water doesn’t reach a vapour pressure
surroundings. of 2 atm until the temperature is 120 oC,
it boils in this container at 120oC. Since
The normal boiling point of water the temperature of water is higher,
is 100 C because this is the temperature
cooking is done faster. The concept of
at which the vapour pressure of the above facts can be understood by the
water is 760 mmHg, or 1 atm. Under Gay-Lusaac’s law.
normal conditions, when the pressure
of the atmosphere is approximately
760 mmHg, water boils at 100oC. At
10,000 feet above sea level, the pressure Vaporisation curve of a liquid
4. Matter Around Us 75
4. Matter Around Us 76
4. Matter Around Us 77
Effect of Pressure
on Gases
4. Matter Around Us 78
The Kelvin scale is named after the If the pressure is increased still further,
Belfast-born, Glasgow University the particles are brought in very close to
engineer and physicist William Lord each other that the attractive forces are
Kelvin (1824–1907), who wrote of the strong enough to hold them in place in
need for an “absolute thermometric a three-dimensional arrangement. The
scale”. liquid then becomes a solid.
For conversion of temperature scale
More to Know
0 0C = 273.16 K (273 K for convenience)
Test Yourself
90 0C 363 K
? 283 K
63 0C ?
25 0 C ?
? 303 K LPG – Liquefied Petroleum Gas
It is highly inflammable hydrocarbon
We have seen that in gases the particles are gas. It contains mixture of butane and
apart and there is only very weak forces propane gases. LPG, liquefied through
of attraction between them. If pressure is pressurisation, is used for heating,
applied on a gas the particles are brought
cooking, auto fuel etc.
in close contact with each other. The
attractive forces eventually become strong
enough to hold the particles close together, But, increase in pressure alone cannot
and the gas condenses to the liquid state. bring about change of states from gas to
liquid to solid. Apart from high pressure,
low temperature is also necessary for a gas
to be converted into liquid. You may learn
more about this in higher classes.
To Summarise
4. Matter Around Us 79
4.15 of Matter Based
on Composition
As we know already,
the matter is classified
into pure substances
and mixtures. From the
chemistry point of view,
pure substances are those
which contain only one
kind of particles whereas impure substances Let us now try to recall our idea of elements
contain more than one kind of particles. and compounds.
While elements and compounds are
considered to be pure substances, mixtures 4.16 Element
are considered as impure substances.
Let us look at a few examples. An element contains atoms of the same
kind. It cannot be further broken into
SOLID LIQUID GAS simpler particles of matter by chemical
ELEMENT Sodium Bromine Hydrogen methods of action, heat, light or
electricity. Elements combine chemically
COMPOUND Sodium Water Carbon to form compounds. When they are mixed
chloride dioxide physically they form mixtures.
4. Matter Around Us 80
Contains only one Contains more than
kind of atoms one kind of atoms
It is a pure It is not a pure
substance substance
Cannot be broken Can be broken
In modern periodic table down further in to down further in to
there are 118 elements simpler substances simpler substances
known to us, 92 of which by chemical by chemical
are naturally occurring methods methods
while the remaining 26 have been Has definite Has definite
artificially created. But from these physical and physical and
118 elements, billions of compounds chemical properties chemical properties
are formed- some naturally occurring
and some artificial. Isn’t that We can classify matter as pure and
amazing? impure substances
Characteristics of Pure
Homogenous Heterogenous
4.19.1 Homogenous and
Are the constituents distinguishable? Can
heterogeneous mixtures you see them separately despite mixing?
Let us try to differentiate a homogenous Now wave a magnet over the mixture.
mixture from a heterogeneous mixture What do you observe?
In a homogeneous mixture the components Next take a pinch of salt and dissolve in
are uniformly mixed and it will have single water.
What do you get? Can you see the salt
In heterogeneous mixture are not mixed particles?
thoroughly or uniformly, and it will have
Record all your observations.
more than single phase.
Conclusion – The mixture of iron filing
Mix some Iron filings and common salt in
and salt is heterogeneous. While the
a glass plate. Observe.
salt solution is homogenous.
Let us now try to differentiate a true never settle down. In the case of oil
solution from colloidal solution and and water we first get a cloudy mixture
suspension. which separates into layers after a
while. In the case of flour mixed with
Let us go to the kitchen shelf and pick water we get a very turbid mixture
up bottles containing sugar, oil and rice and fine particles slowly settle down
or wheat flour. at the bottom after some time. We can
call the first mixture as homogeneous
Now let us add one tea spoon full of mixture and a true solution. The second
each one to a glass of water and stir well. one was apparently homogeneous
Leave it aside for about ten minutes. for a while but separated into layers,
Let us observe and enter leaving behind some cloudiness. This
is called a colloidal solution. The third
one is heterogeneous and is called a
suspension in which the particles settle
down at the bottom.
Homogeneous Heterogeneous
mixtures mixtures
Components Components are not
are uniformly uniformly mixed
our observations in the table below. mixed and it and it will have more
will have single than single phase. Are
Observations phase, E.g. Alloys, called suspensions.
salt solution, E.g. chalk in water,
Water + W a t e r Water + lemonade, petrol in water, sand
sugar + oil flour petrol etc. in water, etc.
Mixture- No boundaries There are visible
Clear/ of separation boundaries between
cloudy/ between the the components.
turbid components. Has Have two or more
single phase. distinct phases.
seen/seen Components are Components are
invisible to naked visible to naked eye.
Particles eye.
settle down/
did not They will be in Can be a solid-
settle down solid, liquid or in liquid or solid-gas or
the gaseous phase. liquid- gas or solid-
We can see that in the case of sugar we solid, or liquid-
get a clear solution and the particles liquid mixtures.
4. Matter Around Us 84
4. Matter Around Us 85
4. Matter Around Us 86
Examples of emulsions
Milk, butter, cream, egg yolk, paints,
Foam and Solid foams: when gas dispersed cough syrups, facial creams, pesticides etc.
in a liquid is called a foam. E.g. soap are some common examples of emulsions.
bubbles, carbonated beverages etc.
4. Matter Around Us 87
Types of emulsions
The two liquids mixed can form different
types of emulsions. For example, oil and
water can form an oil in water emulsion,
where the oil droplets are dispersed in
water, or they can form a water in oil
emulsion, with water dispersed in oil.
More to Know
Have you seen colourful rainbow
patches on a wet road? When oil drops
in water on road, it floats over water and
forms a rainbow. Find out why.
Separation of
4.21 Mixtures
4. Matter Around Us 88
4. Matter Around Us 89
Separation of insoluble solids from the solid gets deposited at the bottom of the
liquids tube and the clear liquid (supernatant) is
decanted. E.g. this is used to separate plasma
Filtration and Decantation: You are (the liquid) from blood.
already familiar with these methods. The
illustrations given below will help you to
recall these important techniques.
More to Know
There are several types of filters: water
Activity 6
filters, air - conditioning filters, automobile
Identify whether the given substance is filters and carbon filters. In the case of
mixture or compound and justify your colloids, special filter papers are used.
They are called as ultra-filters, which have
micro pores than ordinary filter papers
and will allow only tiny impurities to
S. Substance Mixture/
pass through them and not the colloidal
No. compound particles. Dialysis is an important method
1 Sand and water of filtration for purifying colloids.
2 Sand and iron
3 Concrete
4 Water and oil
5 Salad
6 Water
7 Carbon dioxide
8 Cement
9 Alcohol
4. Matter Around Us 90
milk to produce skimmed milk and in boiling points differ by more than
separation of blood components & urine 25 K. Also by this method, brackish
components in forensic science. Medium water can be distilled.
sized centrifuges are used in washing Procedure: A distillation flask is fixed
machine to wring water out of fabrics with a water condenser. A thermometer
is introduced into the distillation flask
through a one-holed stopper. The bulb of
the thermometer should be slightly below
the side tube.
The brackish water (sea water) to be
distilled is taken in the distillation flask
and heated for boiling. The pure water
vapour passes through the inner tube of
the condenser. The vapours on cooling
condense into pure water (distillate) and
are collected in a receiver. The salt are left
behind in the flask as a residue.
4. Matter Around Us 91
4. Matter Around Us 92
Fractionating column
Solvent extraction is an
old practice done for years.
It is the main process in
perfume development and it
is also used to obtain dyes from various
4. Matter Around Us 93
4. Matter Around Us 94
Key words
4. Matter Around Us 95
Points to Remember
1. Celsius Scale a scale of temperature in which 0° represents the melting point of ice and
100° represents the boiling point of water.
2. Colloid A system in which finely divided particles, which are approximately 1 to 1,000
millimicrons in size, are dispersed within a continuous medium in a manner that prevents
them from being filtered easily or settled rapidly.
3. Compounds A pure, macroscopically homogeneous substance consisting of atoms or
ions of two or more different elements in definite proportions that cannot be separated
by physical means. A compound usually has properties unlike those of its constituent
4. Elements A substance composed of atoms having an identical number of protons in
each nucleus. Elements cannot be reduced to simpler substances by normal chemical
5. Emulsion a colloid in which both phases are liquids: an oil-in-water emulsion.
6. Fahrenheit Scale a scale of temperatures in which 32° represents the melting point
of ice and 212° represents the boiling point of pure water under standard atmospheric
pressure. Compare Celsius scale.
7. Force of attraction The first force that causes attraction is the gravitational force.
According to Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation every object in the universe attracts
every other object in the universe. Gravity is an attractive force since any object with
mass will experience a force of attraction from other objects with mass.
8. Gas an air-like fluid substance which expands freely to fill any space available, irrespective
of its quantity.
9. Kelvin Scale a thermodynamic temperature scale based upon the efficiencies of ideal
heat engines. The zero of the scale is absolute zero. Originally the degree was equal to
that on the Celsius scale but it is now defined so that the triple point of water is exactly
273.16 kelvins.
10. Liquid a substance that flows freely but is of constant volume, having a consistency like
that of water or oil.
11. Matter physical substance which occupies space and possesses rest mass, especially as
distinct from energy.
12. Mixtures A composition of two or more substances that are not chemically combined
with each other and are capable of being separated.
13. Solid Solid is one of the four fundamental states of matter (the others being liquid,
gas, and plasma). In solids molecules are closely packed. It is characterized by structural
rigidity and resistance to changes of shape or volume.
14. Absorption is the process by which atoms, molecules, or ions enter a bulk phase (liquid,
gas, solid). Absorption differs from adsorption, since the atoms/molecules/ions are taken up
by the volume, not by surface. Examples: absorption of carbon dioxide by sodium hydroxide.
15. Adsorption is the adhesion of atoms, ions or molecules from a gas, liquid or dissolved
solid to a surface. This process creates a film of the adsorbate on the surface of the
16. Centrifugation is sedimentation of particles under the influence of the centrifugal force
and it is used for separation of superfine suspensions. At centrifuging forces up to 10 000
times greater than gravity force are used, and at ultracentrifuge up to 600 000 times as
17. Distillation the separation of the constituents of a liquid by boiling it and then condensing
the vapor that results. Distillation can be used to purify water or other substances, or to
remove one component from a complex mixture, as when gasoline is distilled from crude
oil or alcohol from a mash.
18. Filtration is any of various mechanical, physical or biological operations that separate
solids from fluids (liquids or gases) by adding a medium through which only the fluid
can pass. The fluid that passes through is called the filtrate.
19. Retention factor The Rf value is defined as the ratio of the distance moved by the solute
(i.e. the dye or pigment under test) and the distance moved by the solvent (known as the
Solvent front).
20. Solution a solution is a homogeneous mixture composed of two or more substances.
21. Solute a solute is a substance dissolved in another substance, known as a solvent.
22. Supernatant denoting the liquid lying above a solid residue after crystallization,
precipitation, centrifugation, or other process.
23. Suspension A suspension is a heterogeneous mixture in which solute-like particles settle
out of a solvent-like phase sometime after their introduction. We use the terms ‘solute-like’
and ‘solvent-like’ because we are dealing with a heterogeneous mixture, while the terms
solute and solvent refer to homogeneous solutions.
4. Matter Around Us 98
tate whether the following V. Very Short answer
statements are true or false. 1. Why is it possible to row a boat in water
If false give the correct but not pass through a wooden fence?
statement 2. How gaseous pressure arises?
a) Liquids expand more than gases on 3. Define Sublimation.
heating. 4. Which state of matter has the highest
b) A compound cannot be broken into kinetic energy?
simpler substances chemically. 5. A few drops of ‘Dettol’ when added to
c) Water has a definite boiling point and water the mixture turns turbid. Why?
freezing point.
VI. Short answer
d) Buttermilk is an example of
heterogeneous mixture. 1. Why are gases easily compressible
e) Aspirin is composed of 60% Carbon, whereas solids are incompressible?
4.5% Hydrogen and 35.5% Oxygen 2. Hold a ‘smiley ball’ and squeeze it.
by mass. Aspirin is a mixture. Can you compress it? Justify your
III. Match the following 3. Which of the following are pure
substances? Ice, Milk, Iron,
S.No A B Hydrochloric acid, Mercury, Brick
and Water.
i Element Settles down on
4. Oxygen is very essential for us to
live. It forms 21% of air by volume. Is
ii Compound Impure substance it an element or compound?
5. You have just won a medal made
iii Colloid Made up of
of 22-carat gold. Have you just
procured a pure substance or impure
iv Suspension Pure substance substance?
i Sand and camphor Ink Distillation
ii Acetone and water Miscible liquids Chromatography
iii Pigments Immiscible liquids Separating funnel
iv Salt and water Mixture of two solids Fractional distillation
v Water and kerosene Soluble Sublimation
publishing ISBN: 9789352590421
2. Materials, Matter and Particles A Brief History By (author): Michael M Woolfson
(University of York, UK) ISBN: 978-1-84816-459-8 ISBN: 978-1-908978-23-3 (ebook)
3. Suresh S, Keshav A. “Textbook of Separation Processes”, Studium Press (India) Pvt.
Ltd (ISBN: 978-93-80012-32-2), 1-459, 2012.
4. Biochemical Techniques Theory and Practice Paperback – 2005 by Robyt J.F. ISBN 10:
0881335568 / ISBN 13: 9780881335569 Published by Waveland Press, Inc., Prospect
Heights, IL, 1990
4. Matter Around Us 102
1. https://schools.aglasem.com/1747
2. http://www.chem1.com/acad/webtext/pre/pre-1.html
3. https://chem.libretexts.org/Core/Analytical_Chemistry/Qualitative_Analysis/
4. http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/P671
5. http://www.chemteam.info/ChemTeamIndex.html
Chalk chromatography
6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loakplUEZYQ
7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Zosz9T_EPA
8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8r8hN05xXk
5 Atomic Structure
Learning Objectives
Laws of Chemical
5.1 combination
J J Thomson said that like plums in Alpha (a), beta (b) and gamma(g)
pudding the negatively charged electrons rays are emitted during the radioactive
are dotted here and there in a positively decay of an atom. The alpha and beta
charged sphere. According to this ‘plum rays consist of actual matter form, while
pudding’ model, an atom is considered gamma rays are electromagnetic waves.
to be a sphere of uniform positive charge The alpha particles which are the main
and electrons are embedded into it. constituent of the alpha radiation
are made up of two protons and two
neutrons. An alpha particle is identical
MORE TO KNOW: RADIOACTIVITY with a Helium nucleus. Hence it is
In 1896, Henri Becquerel arranged in positively charged and has mass equal
his cupboard, a packet of uranium salt to a Helium atom.(He2+). Beta particle is
beside an unexposed photographic negatively charged and is identical with
plate. Several days later, he took out the electron. Gamma rays have no charge.
plate and developed it. To his surprise, Rutherford used a stream of alpha
he noticed that the photographic plate particles for his experiment which is
had been exposed without having been discussed below.
exposed to the light. Having repeated
this experiment, he concluded that
some stream of particles came out from
Uranium. Today we call them as alpha 5.3 Discovery of Nucleus
Know your Scientist
E. Rutherford (1871-1937)
was born at Spring Grove
on 30th August 1871. He
was the ‘Father’ of nuclear
physics. He is famous for
his work on radioactivity
and the discovery of the
nucleus of an atom with
the gold foil experiment. He got the Nobel
Prize in chemistry in 1908. He was the
first to produce Tritium in 1934.
In 1905, Ernest Rutherford along with the repulsive force of positive charge,
his scholars Hans Geiger and Ernest Marsden if the charge is evenly distributed in an
came up with an interesting idea to test the atom. As you probably know, according
Thomson’s model. In Thomson’s model recall to Coulomb’s law, the less concentrated a
that the charges are symmetrically distributed. sphere of electric charge is, the weaker is
Suppose you shoot a highly energetic positively its electric field at its surface.
charged particle smaller than an atom, to Atoms are so small that you cannot
collide at an atom, what do you expect? As pick them one by one to be kept as a target
the incoming particle is positive, it should be and shoot alpha particles. Gold as you
repelled by the positive atom. This is because may know is a highly malleable metal and
you know that ˝like charges repel each other.˝ can be made in to a very thin layer.
If according to plum pudding model, the
positive charge of atoms is evenly distributed; They arranged an experimental
it should be very small at each point inside set up. A natural radioactive source that
the atom. But as the energy of the incoming emitted highly energetic alpha particles
particle is higher than the repulsion at the was chosen. The source was kept inside
point of contact, the particle should overcome a lead box with a small hole in it. Alpha
the repulsion and penetrate the atom. particles came out of the source in all
directions. Those particles which hit the
Once it is inside the atom, the walls of the box were absorbed by it. Only
positively charged particle is repulsed on all those alpha particles that were emitted
sides with the same force. Assuming that atom in the direction of the hole could escape.
is a uniformly positively charged mass with These rays of alpha particles followed a
random moving electrons, the particle should straight line.
come out of the other end of the atom almost
undeflected. Some of the electrons inside
the atom could attract the positively charged
particle and make small change in the path.
Therefore it can be predicted that deviation if
any, be less than a small fraction of a degree
and is negligible. A thin gold foil, about 400 atoms thick,
was kept on the path of the alpha particle.
They also kept a circular screen coated
with zinc sulphide surrounding the foil.
When an alpha particle hit the screen, it
would produce fluorescence glow in the
point where they struck the screen. From
the point on the screen, one can infer
the path taken by the alpha particle after
penetrating the gold foil. The whole set up
was kept inside a vacuum glass chamber, to
5.3.1 Rutherford’s α–ray avoid alpha particles from interacting and
getting scattered by air molecules.
scattering experiment
The experiments were repeated
Alpha particles are positively charged for reproducibility. Each time when
it possess adequate energy to overcome the experiment was conducted, they
computed and tabulated the angle of the nothing dense or heavy enough inside the
rays of alpha particle after it hits the gold gold atoms to deflect the massive alpha
foil. They observed the following. particles from their paths. However, what
(i) Most of the fast moving α-particles Rutherford actually observed did not
passed straight through the gold match his prediction. These observations
foil. indicated that a new model is needed to
account for the evidences gathered in the
(ii) Some α particles were deflected by experiment.
small angles and a few by large angles.
Rebound of alpha particle was
(iii) Surprisingly very few α particles
impossible under the Thomson model.
completely rebounded.
The alpha particle could have been
deflected at 180° only if the positive
charge was concentrated at a point rather
than dispersed throughout the atom. If
all the positive charge of the atom was
concentrated at a small area inside the
atom, only then, the electrostatic repulsion
would be strong enough to bounce them
back at 180°.
Now two observational evidence
were before Rutherford and his team
The experiments showed that most of the 1) Most of the particles passed are not
alpha particles behaved as expected, but deviated as there was no obstruction
there was a small discrepancy. Out of every to their path: This should imply that
2000 particles that got scattered, just one was most part of the atom is empty
deflected by a full 180°. That is, they simply
2) Some alpha particle was deflected
retraced their path after hitting the gold foil.
You know that change of direction is possible right back; implying that the positive
only if a strong enough force acted against charge should be concentrated at the
the direction of the motion of the particle. centre of atom.
Protons are positively charged. The elementary particles such as protons and
Protons repel each other because of their neutrons are collectively called as Nucleons.
like charges. Hence more than one proton Why are atoms neutral? Because an atom
cannot be packed in a small volume to contains the same number of protons and
form a stable nucleus, unless neutrons are electrons and hence it’s neutral.
present. Characteristics of fundamental particles
Neutrons reduce the repulsive force The physical and chemical properties of
between the positively charged protons elements and their compounds can be
Activity 7
But the special properties of radioactive isotopes make them useful to us in various fields.
Atoms are so tiny their mass
Structure of Aluminium atom: (13 electrons) number cannot be expressed
K shell = 2 electron, L shell = 8, M Shell in grams but expressed in
–3 amu (atomic mass unit). New
So its electronic configuration is 2, 8, 3 unit is U Size of an atom can be measured
in nano metre (1nm=10−9m)Even though
atom is an invisible tiny particle now-a-
days atoms can be viewed through SEM
that is Scanning Electron Microscope.
For getting a basic idea about the electron picture of electron distribution is entirely
distribution around the nucleus we can different from what we have shown here.
draw schematic diagrams as shown below. Schematic diagrams for Atomic
As you learn more about atomic structure Structure of Elements (first 20)
you will come to know that the real
Activity 11
Activity 12
The numbers which designate and You will learn more details about this in
distinguish various atomic orbitals and higher classes.
5. Atomic Structure 125
Key words
Points to Remember
Rutherford’s alpha-particle scattering experiment led to the discovery of the atomic nucleus.
Rutherford’s Planetary model of an atom proposed that nucleus of an atom is in the
centre and electrons revolve around this nucleus.
Neils Bohr’s atomic model explained the stability of an atom.
J.Chadwick discovered presence of neutrons in the nucleus.
The atomic number of an element is the number of protons or electrons in an atom.
Mass number of an element is the total number of protons & neutrons.
Valence electrons are the electrons in the outermost orbit.
Valency is the combining capacity of an atom.
Isotopes are atoms of the same element, which have same atomic number but
different mass numbers.
Isobars are the atoms of the different element of same mass number but different
atomic number.
Isotones are the different element having same number of neutron but different
atomic number and mass number.
Simple diagrammatic representation may be used to depict electronic configuration
of various elements.
Quantum numbers designate an electron in an orbital.
1. Atom the smallest component of an element, and is also a nucleus with neutrons,
protons and electrons.
2. Atomic mass the mass of an atom of a chemical element expressed in atomic
mass units. It is approximately equivalent to the number of protons and neutrons
in the atom (the mass number) or to the average number allowing for the relative
abundances of different isotopes.
3. Atomic number the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom, which is
characteristic of a chemical element and determines its place in the periodic table.
4. Electron a stable subatomic particle with a charge of negative electricity, found in
all atoms and acting as the primary carrier of electricity in solids.
5. Isotope each of two or more forms of the same element that contain equal
numbers of protons but different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei, and hence
differ in relative atomic mass but not in chemical properties; “some elements have
only one stable radioactive isotope”.
6. Isobar each of two or more isotopes of different elements, with the same atomic
7. Isotone one of two or more atoms having an equal number of neutrons but
different atomic numbers.
8. Mass number the total number of protons and neutrons in a nucleus.
9. Neutron a subatomic particle of about the same mass as a proton but without an
electric charge, present in all atomic nuclei except those of ordinary hydrogen.
10. Orbitals Atomic orbitals are regions of space around the nucleus of an atom where
an electron is likely to be found. Atomic orbitals allow atoms to make covalent
bonds. The most commonly filled orbitals are s, p, d, and f.
11. Proton a stable subatomic particle occurring in all atomic nuclei, with a positive
electric charge equal in magnitude to that of an electron.
12. Quantum number a number which occurs in the theoretical expression for the
value of some quantized property of a subatomic particle, atom, or molecule and
can only have certain integral or half-integral values.
13. Radical molecule that contains at least one unpaired electron. Most molecules
contain even numbers of electrons, and the covalent chemical bonds holding the
atoms together within a molecule normally consist of pairs of electrons jointly
shared by the atoms.
14. Valency: the property of an element that determines the number of other atoms
with which an atom of that element can combine.
Atoms are building blocks. They are made of neutrons, protons and electrons.
This activity help the students to explore more about atoms and its components.
Step 1. Type the following URL in the browser or scan the QR code from your mobile.You can see on the screen.
Click that.
Step 2. Select atom. Atomic orbit you can see with multiple options. Select protons, neutrons and electrons to
their respective places. According to their numbers name of the elements appear on the periodic table.
You can also find out whether the selected element is neutral or charged(ions)
Step 3. click“symbol”now. When you arrange electrons, neutrons and protons on the
orbits you can see the name of the element, it’s atomic number, atomic mass and
number of electrons.
Step 4. Third option is games. It’s an evaluation one to test your understanding
Clues: Across:
1. Electrons present in the outermost
1. Helium Nuclei (Particle)
2. This pair of atoms are ____
2. Positive Charge mass at the core of
3. An atom that does not have neutron
the atom
4. Scattering of α particles in the gold
3. An atom whose valency is zero
foil experiment
b) Copy the following and write the names of the laws and their simple definitions in the
space provided.
XIV. Unlock
protons neutrons
a. 11 23
Electronic configuration
Learning Objectives
Activity 1
Step -1
It is easy and fun. Take four or five
earthen cups or small pots and fill them
with soil from a field. Add a little cow
Helianthus annuus dung to the soil. Make sure the cups have
a hole at the bottom. Label them as A, B,
and C. Put some seeds of green gram in
all the cups, water them daily. As soon as
the seeds sprout, select a shoot of same
height from each of the cups. Remove all
the other shoots from the cups.
Desmodium gyrans
You will need a rectangular box with
These movements are triggered by an a small window in one of its sides. A
external stimuli. Unlike animals, plants shoe box would be ideal. Cut a 1 × 1 cm
may not move on their own from one window in one side. When the shoots
location to another, but can move their are 10 cm long, cover the plants in all the
body parts for getting sunlight, water and cups except cup A with the rectangular
nutrients and are sensitive to external box. When covering the cups, place the
factors like light, gravity, temperature etc. box such that opening in each of them
face different directions. Keep all the
cups including ‘A’ in open sun light.
More to Know
In Desmodium gyrans (Indian telegraph Step-3
plant), the compound leaf shows three
leaflets, one terminal large leaflet and two Wait for three to four days. Remove
very small lateral opposite leaflets. The the box and look at the plants again.
two lateral leaflets move up, move back Are the plants tilted? To which side are
and then move down and finally back to the plants tilted? With opening facing
the original position showing rhythmic different direction, did all the plants tilt
movement. Desmodium gyrans is also the same direction?
called the dancing plant. This plant was
used by Indian scientist Jagadish Chandra Compile the results and discuss
Bose for his experiment. with your friends.
Negative phototropism
(positively geotropic)
Activity 2
Experiment to demonstrate
Info bits
i) Take pea seeds soaked in water
Tropism allows plant to get the best overnight.
conditions for its survival.
ii) Wait for the pea seeds to germinate.
Tropic movements are slow,
iii) Once the seedling has grown put it
directional movements towards
in a box with an opening for light
or away from the stimulus and it
on one side.
depends on growth.
iv) After sometime, you can clearly
Nastic movement is an immediate
see how the stem has bent and
grown towards the light.
Info bits
Some halophytes produce negatively
geotropic roots (E.g. Rhizophora). These
roots turn 180° upright for respiration.
Activity 3
Water or gravity?
When a seed germinates the primary shoot, Experiment to demonstrate
(plumule) goes up while the primary Geotropism
root, (radicle) goes down. What stimulus i) Two Clinostats are taken and a
is making the primary root to go down? potted plant on each is fixed on a
Is it gravity or water that is principally horizontal position.
responsible for the direction of the growth
ii) One Clinostat is rotated and the
of a primary root? We can do an interesting
other is kept stationary.
experiment to find out for ourselves.
Observations made after sometime will
What do you need? Glass trough, show that the shoot of the plant fixed on
sand, flower pot, plugged at the bottom, the stationary clinostat bends upwards
pea or bean seeds and water. showing negative geotropism and the
root bends downwards showing positive
How to do?
1. A glass trough is taken and is filled
But there is no bending in the
with sand. A flower pot containing
root and shoot of the plant fixed on
water, plugged at the bottom is kept
the rotating clinostat. This is due to the
at the centre of the glass trough.
fact that gravitational stimulus is not
2. Soaked pea or bean seeds are placed unilateral as it affects the sides of the
around the pot in the sand, what do rotating organs equally.
we observe after 6 or 7 days?
What do you observe? It will be observed
that radicle has grown towards the pot
and moisture instead of growing vertically
What do you conclude? It proves that
primary root is positively hydrotropic
and that hydrotropism is stronger than
geotropism in this case.
6. Living World of Plants - Plant Physiology 137
More to Movement
6.5 than Growth
Photonasty in Dandelion
Carbon dioxide
Minerals Water
C6H12O6 (C6H12O6)n
Glucose Starch
Joseph Priestley
Info bits
Structurally chlorophyll resemble
haemoglobin but differ with the central
Scientists have discovered
Aim: To show that sunlight is necessary a brilliant emerald green
for photosynthesis. sea slug, Elysia chlorotica
What do you need? potted plant, black that was photosynthetic to
paper, boiling water, alcohol and iodine produce energy. The sea slug consumes
solution. alga Vaucheria litorea, which is not
fully digested. Instead, the algae
How to do? remain in the creature’s system and
continue to provide food for the slug
A potted plant is placed in a dark room for through continued photosynthesis.
about 2 days to de-starch its leaves. One
of its leaves is covered with the thin strip
of black paper as shown in the picture.
make sure that the leaf is covered on both
6.6.3 Transpiration
The loss of water in the form of water
vapour from the aerial parts of the plant
body is called as transpiration. There are
three types of transpiration:
1. Stomatal transpiration - This is the
most dominant form of transpiration
being responsible for most of the The leaves have tiny, microscopic holes
water loss in plants. It accounts for called stomata. Water evaporates through
90-95% of the water transpired from these stomata. Each stomata is surrounded
leaves. by guard cells. These guard cells help in
2. Cuticular Transpiration – This type regulating the rate of transpiration by
of transpiration is responsible for opening and closing of stomata.
the loss of water in plants via the Typically, only 0.1 percent of
cuticle. water taken up by the plant is used by
3. Lenticular Transpiration – This the plant for producing carbohydrates.
type of transpiration is the loss of That is, if a plant absorbs one litre of
water from plants as vapor through water, only one millilitre will be used to
the lenticels. The lenticels are tiny produce carbohydrate. The remaining 999
openings that protrude from the millilitres evaporates from the leaf. You
barks in woody stems and twigs as will be able to see how much water a plant
well as in other plant organs. releases in the air.
6. Living World of Plants - Plant Physiology 144
1. Tropism Growth movement whose direction is determined by the direction of
the stimulus.
2. Phototropism The unidirectional movement of a plant part to light stimulus.
3. Geotropism Response of a plant part to gravity stimulus.
4. Hydrotropism Response of a plant part to water stimulus.
5. Thigmotropism Response of a plant part to touch stimulus.
6. Chemotropism Response of a plant part to chemical stimulus.
7. Nastic movement Non-directional, response of a plant part to stimulus.
8. Thigmonasty The non-directional movement of a plant part in response to the
touch of an object.
9. Photonasty The non-directional movement of a plant part in response to the
10. Photosynthesis The process by which plants prepare their food material.
11. Transpiration The loss of water in the form of water vapour from the aerial parts
of the plant body.
12. Stomata Minute opening on the leaves.
Column A Column B
10. Cover the tip of the shoot with tin VII. Assertion and reason
foil cap and light it from the side as 1. Assertion (A): If the plant part moves
shown in the given picture. What in the direction of gravity, it is called
would you expect to happen? Why? positive geotropism.
Reason (R) : Stem shows positive
a) A and R are incorrect
b) A is incorrect, R is correct
c) A is correct, R is incorrect
11. In the given photosynthetic d) Both A and R are correct
experiment, what will happen to the
2. Assertion (A): The loss of excess
leaf closed with black paper in starch
test? Why? water from the aerial parts of the
plant in the form of water vapour is
known as transpiration.
Reason (R) : Stomata of the leaf
perform transpiration.
a) A and R are incorrect
b) A is incorrect, R is correct
c) A is correct, R is incorrect
d) Both A and R are correct
1. Plant physiology by Devlin and Witham first Indian edition 1986.
2. Modern practicals botany B.P. Pandey vol. II. New print 2003.
3. Plant physiology by V.K. Jain first edition 2003.
1. http://web.mit.edu/esgbio
2. http://www.cellbiol.com/bioinformatics_web_development
3. http://www.bioedonline.org/
4. http://www.biology.arizona.edu/default.html
5. https://www.gbif.org/
Living World of Animals -
7 Diversity in Living Organism -
Kingdom Animalia
Learning Objectives
divisions - those with true tissues and those 1. Grade of organization – Animals
without true tissues. The group of animals are grouped as unicellular or
that lack true tissues are called as Porifera. multicellular based on the number
It is seen that the jelly fish and star of cells.
fish have radial symmetry, while if we look 2. Symmetry – It is a plane of
at flatworm, roundworm, rotifer, snail, arrangement of body parts. Radial
earthworm, grasshopper and peacock symmetry and bilateral symmetry are
have bilateral symmetry. the two types of symmetry (Figure 3).
Info bits
If a moon jelly fish loses its limb, it
rearranges the remaining limbs until
they are symmetrically placed around
its body so it can swim more efficiently.
Phylum - Coelenterata
or Cnidaria
Phylum: Platyhelminthes
7.6 - (Flat worms)
Phylum - Nematoda
Aschelminthes (Round worms)
More to Know
Taeniasis is an intestinal infection in mammals caused by an adult tape worm. Due to
intake of partially cooked pork meat.
More to Know
Deworming is treatment for Ascaris infection. National Deworming day is observed on
February 10th every year in India
More to Know
Filariasis or Elephantiasis is caused by Wuchereria bancrofti. It leads to the swelling of
legs and groin due to the accumulation of excess of lymph.
Phylum - Annelida -
7.8 (Segmented Worms)
Info bits
Copepods are tiny crustaceans (like shrimp) that live in the sea. They are the only
creatures known to have only one eye.
Centipedes Millipedes
They are fast hunters. They come out There are about 8,000 different species of
at night and feed on animals such as millipedes. They live in the soil and feed
slugs, woodlice and earwigs. They grasp mainly on rotting plants. The segments
them with their fangs and kill them of their skin overlap to protect them and
with poison. Female centipedes lay their some can curl up into balls. Millipedes
eggs in the soil and guard them fiercely have two pairs of legs on each segment.
against predators. There are 2,800 species This name means “thousand legs”
of centipedes and they are found all but, most millipedes have only about
over the world. Giant centipedes over a hundred. The longest have 750 pairs.
30 cm (12 inches) long live in rain forests. Millipedes curl into tight balls when
Centipede means ‘hundred legs’ but most they are disturbed. Pilli millipedes look
species have only 30 pairs. like woodlice but have more legs.
Centipede Millipede
Activity 3
Phylum Mollusca -
7.10 (Soft Bodied Animals)
Garden Snail
7. Living World of Animals 166
Phylum Echinodermata
7.11 - (Spiny Skinned
Sea Lily
More to Know
Ornamental Echinoderms
7.12.1 S
ub-phylum Acraniata -
The Prochordates are considered as the
forerunner of vertebrata. Since they do not
have a cranium or skull they are referred
Amphioxus (Cephalochordate)
to as Acrania. The classification of the
Prochordates is based on the nature of
the notochord. The Phylum Prochordata
is classified into three sub phyla namely
Hemichordata, Cephalochordata and
Super Class
7.14 The Chinese giant
Tetrapoda salamander Andrias
davidians is the largest
Animals having four limbs or descended amphibian in the world.
from four-limbed ancestors. Its length is about five feet and eleven
inches. It weighs about 65 kg, found in
7.14.1 Class: Amphibia Central and South China.
The transition from aquatic to terrestrial
living is clearly indicated in the Class
Amphibia. They are the first vertebrates to
live on land with dual adaptation to live in
aquatic and land environments. This double
life is expressed as amphibious. The body is
divisible into head and trunk. In frogs, hind
The arrow poison frog, Triturus
limbs have webbed feet. The skin is moist and
helveticus found in Cuba, is the
glandular usually without scales. Respiration
smallest amphibian in the world. Its
is effected by gills, skin, bucco-pharynx and
length varies from 8.5 – 12.5 mm.
lungs. The heart is three chambered with
two auricles and a single ventricle. Sexes are
separate. Fertilization is mostly external and
the larva is a tadpole which metamorphoses
into an adult.
Info bits
Activity 6
Dimetrodon was a mammal like reptile
with a snail like structure on its back. Often you wake up hearing the calls
This acted as a radiator to cool the body of birds. Have you even tried to
of the animal. identify the birds from their voices?
Make a list of birds you often
observe near your home or school?
Info bits
Info bits
A mole can dig a tunnel 300 feet long
in just one night.
1. Amphibian cold-blooded vertebrate animal of a class that comprises the frogs, toads,
newts, salamanders and caecilians. They are distinguished by having an aquatic gill-
breathing larval stage followed (typically) by a terrestrial lung-breathing adult stage.
2. Annelida a large phylum that comprises the segmented worms which include earthworms
and leeches.
3. Arthropods Phylum Arthropoda; include the members of the Class Crustacea (prawn,
shrimp, crabs), Arachnida (spiders, ticks, mites, scorpions) and Insecta (e.g., mosquitoes,
flies, lice, fleas).
4. Aves a class of vertebrates which comprises the birds.
5. Classification is the arrangement of groups of animals, the members of which have one
or more characteristics in common.
6. Chordata a large phylum of animals that includes the prochordates and vertebrates. They
are distinguished by the possession of a notochord at some stage during their development.
7. Coelom body cavity located between the digestive tract and the body wall.
8. Coelenterata an aquatic invertebrate animal of a phylum that includes jellyfishes, corals,
and sea anemones. They typically have a tube- or cup-shaped body with a single opening
ringed with tentacles that bear stinging cells (nematocysts).
9. Echinodermata a phylum of marine invertebrates which includes starfishes, sea urchins,
brittle stars, crinoids and sea cucumbers. They have five fold radial symmetry, a calcareous
skeleton, and tube feet operated by fluid pressure.
10. Invertebrates animals lacking a vertebral column.
11. Mammals Warm-blooded vertebrate animals that possess hairs, mammary glands and
feed their young ones.
12. Mollusca an invertebrate of a large phylum which includes snails, slugs, mussels and
octopus. They have a soft unsegmented body and live in aquatic or damp habitats and most
kinds have an external calcareous shell.
13. Nematoda a large phylum of worms with slender, unsegmented, cylindrical bodies,
including the roundworms, threadworms and pinworms. They are found abundantly in
soil and water, and many are parasites.
14. Platyhelminthes a phylum of invertebrates that comprises the flatworms.
15. Porifera a phylum of aquatic invertebrate animals that comprises the sponges.
16. Protozoa includes diverse minute acellular or unicellular organisms usually non
17. Pseudocoleomates false body cavity it has a fluid filled body cavity which is not bounded
by true epithelial layers
18. Reptile a vertebrate animal of a class that includes snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles, and
tortoises. They are distinguished by having a dry scaly skin and typically laying soft-shelled
eggs on land.
19. Taxonomy it is the theoretical study of classification including its basic principles,
procedures and rules
20. Toads anurans with less smooth skin than that of frogs, exclusively terrestrial and hop
rather than jump.
14. Excretory organ of tape worm is III. State whether true or false
(a) Flame cells (b) Nephridia 1. Canal system is seen in coelenterates.
(c) Body surface (d) Solenocytes 2. Hermaphrodite animals have both
15. Tube like alimentary canal is male and female sex organs.
found in 3. Nephridia are the respiratory organ
(a) Hydra (b) Earth worm of Annelida.
4. Bipinnaria is the larva of
(c) Starfish (d) Ascaris
16. During ecdysis which of the following
5. Balanoglossus is a ciliary feeder.
is shed off
6. Fishes have two chambered heart.
(a) Chitin (b) Mantle
7. Skin of reptilians are smooth and
(c) Scales (d) Operculum moist
17. Cephalization is related to 8. Wings of birds are the modified
(a) Head formation forelimbs
(b) Gut formation 9. Female mammals have scrotal sacs
VII. Give short answers
1. Give an account on phylum Annelida
2. List the excretory organs of UROCHORDATA
invertebrates in relation to their
3. How is the body wall of coelenterates 2. Find the missing group
4. Differentiate between flat worms and
round worms? PISCES AMPHIBIA
5. Outline the flow charts of Phylum
6. List five characteristic features of fishes
3. Find the correct sequence (3) Have you seen eggs of any
animals? If yes, mention the
(a) Frog Fish Snake Dove Lion
name of its adult
(b) Fish Snake Frog Lion Dove
(4) Name the birds that you could
(c) Fish Snake Frog Lion Crow identify
(d) Fish Frog Snake Dove Lion 5. Visit to a pond ecosystem and collect
the names of animals observed.
4. Visit to the near by garden of your Give answer for the following
school and give the answers for the questions.
following questions
Prepare a list of aquatic and terrestrial
(1) List out the arthropods you have animals found in the pond
observed and give their binomial
names Arrange them under respective
taxonomical group and submit your
(2) What are the harmful animals answer
you have observed?
http://can-do.com/uci/lessons 98/Invertebrates.html
Learning Objectives
8.1.1 Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are organic compounds
composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
in a ratio of 1:2:1. Carbohydrates are the chief
source of energy. Edible sugar, starch, cellulose
More to Know
The major dietary carbohydrates
Class of carbohydrates Components
Monosaccharides Glucose, fructose, galactose
are few examples for carbohydrates. Glucose is malnutrition. They are phenylalanine,
a monosaccharide, edible sugar is a disaccharide valine, threonine, tryptophan, methionine,
and cellulose in vegetables is a polysaccharide. leucine, isoleucine, lysine and histidine.
Sucrose is found in honey, sugarcane 8.1.3 Fats
and fruits. Starch is found in rice, potatoes
and bread. Glycogen is stored in our liver and Fats also known as triglycerides which are
muscles. Plant cell wall is made up of cellulose esters of free fatty acid chains and glycerol.
and other complex organic compounds. Fat is an important foodstuff for many forms
of life and serve in both structural and
metabolic functions. They are a necessary part
8.1.2 Proteins
of the diet of most heterotrophs (including
Proteins are essential nutrients for the humans). Lipases are enzymes involved in
human body. They are one of the building the break down of fats in the small intestine
blocks of body tissue, and can also serve during the process of digestion .
as a fuel source. As a fuel, proteins provide
maximum energy than carbohydrates Essential fatty acids cannot be
which provide 4 kcal (17 kJ) per gram synthesized in the body and provided through
and lipids which provide 9 kcal (37 kJ) diet. There are two essential fatty acids
per gram. The most important aspect and (EFAs) in human nutrition: alpha-linolenic
defining characteristic of protein from a acid (omega-3 fatty acid) and linoleic acid
nutritional standpoint is its amino acid (omega-6 fatty acid).
8.1.4 Vitamins
Proteins are polypeptide chains made
of amino acids linked together by peptide Vitamins are vital nutrients, required
bonds. During the process of digestion, in minute amounts to perform special
proteins are broken down in the stomach functions to maintain a healthy body. An
and small intestine to smaller polypeptide organic chemical compound (or related
by action of proteases. This is crucial for the set of compounds) is
absorption of the essential amino acids that called a vitamin when
cannot be biosynthesized by the body. the organism cannot
synthesize the compound
There are nine essential amino acids
in sufficient quantities,
(EAA) which humans must obtain from
and it must be obtained
their diet in order to prevent protein-energy
through the diet.
8. Health and Hygiene-Food for Living 180
Do you know?
Vitamins Sources Symptoms
Vitamin D Egg, liver, dairy products, Rickets Bow legs, defective ribs,
(Calciferol) Fish, synthesized by the (in children) development of pigeon
skin in sunlight chest
Vitamin B6 Meat, fish, eggs, germs of Dermatitis Scaly skin, nerve disorders
(Pyridoxine) grains and cereals, rice,
Vitamin B12 Milk, meat, liver, pulses, Pernicious Decrease in red blood cell
(Cyanocobalamine) cereals, fish anaemia production, degeneration of
spinal cord
Do you think by skipping your
breakfast, you can concentrate on
your studies?
Kwashiorkar condition
Discuss in classroom: What are the health
implications of skipping meals?
Do you know what happens when
your diet lacks any of these essential
Absence of certain nutrients in our daily
diet over a long period of time leads to
deficiency diseases. This condition is
referred to as Malnutrition.
Healthy Children
Let us study some common deficiency
Protein Energy
8.3 Malnutrition (PEM)
Micro nutrients
Iron Spinach, dates, Important component of Anaemia
greens, broccoli, haemoglobin
whole cereals, nuts,
fish, liver
Iodine Milk, Seafood, Table Formation of thyroid Goitre
salt hormones
Any disease caused by the presence of Prepare a balanced diet chart for a day
excess of vitamin is called as Vitaminosis. to meet your nutritional requirements.
Hyper vitaminosis is a condition of a. Breakfast __________
abnormally high storage of vitamins which
b. Midmorning __________
can lead to toxic symptoms. For Example:
An excess of Vitamin A is called Hyper c. Lunch __________
Vitaminosis A. d. Snacks __________
How to overcome these deficiency e. Dinner __________
A diet containing essential Visit your kitchen. With the help of your
nutrients in right proportion (balanced mother note down the food items that are
diet) is required for normal growth kept in dry condition and food items that
and development and to prevent are stored in fresh condition.
Observe and discuss
Food Pyramid
The food pyramid acts as a nutrition
guide to select the types and proportion
of food for good health. The food items at
the top of the pyramid such as fat, and oil
should be consumed in less quantity when
compared to the food items at the bottom
of the pyramid.
In addition to microbiological
and chemical contamination,
preservatives like excess
salt, sugar and oil also make
food unsafe for consumption and
are linked with non-communicable
diseases such as diabetes, obesity and
heart diseases. What do you think the man in the picture
is doing?
Types of adulterants
Types of
Food control agencies, their standardized mark and their role in food
realized that it was not fresh. So she asked before twelve months from the date of
him to return the packet for a new one. manufacture and standardized marks
What do you think Siddanth should like ISI, AGMARK or FPO printed on
have observed before buying the biscuit the label for each of the items to create
packet? awareness
Activity 4 HOTS
Let each of the student bring any food Is it so?
packet (jam, juice, pickle, bread, biscuit, Cereal is the healthiest way to
etc). Note down the details like name start the day
of the product, manufacturer’s details,
Healthy means low fat.
contents/ ingredients, net weight,
Maximum Retail Price (MRP), date Bottle water is better than tap
of manufacture, date of expiry/best water
Activity 5
Look at the given mind map showing different methods of food preservation. Give one
example for each of the following methods
Points to remember
1. Fatigue extreme tiredness due to mental or physical illness
2. Hygroscopic the property of absorbing moisture from the air
3. Insomnia loss of sleep
4. Microbiology branch of science that deals with the study of microorganisms
5. Muscular cramps sudden and involuntary contractions of one or more
6. Nutrients substance that provide nourishment for normal growth and development
7. Nerve impulse electric signals that travels along a nerve fibre
8. Neurotransmitter chemical substance released at the end of a nerve fibre which
transmits the nerve impulse to the next nerve fibre
9. Nourishment food that you need to grow and stay healthy
10. Osteoporosis a diseases which weakens the bones and makes it brittle
11. Oxidation loss of electrons
12. Paralysis loss of muscle function in any part of our body which can be either
temporary or permanent
13. Shelf life time for which a food can be kept fresh
14. Toxins any poisonous substance produced by bacteria, animals or plants
Deficiency Diseases
Step 1. Type the following URL in the browser or scan the QR code from your mobile.
Step 2. A home of ICMR opens, Select Nutri Guide you can find various nutrients like Vitamins,
Minerals Proteins.
Step 3. Now Click on the Vitamins and you can find different types of Vitamins.
Step 4. Click on any Vitamins button and a new screen will open with Vitamin
chart with Biochemical, RDA, Dietary Sources Signs & Symptoms.
QR Code
nscramble the words in IX. Very short answers
the brackets to complete the 1. Differentiate
sentence a) Kwashiorkar from Marasmus
Salting is a process involving addition b) Macronutrients from
of ____ (aslt) removes the ____ micronutrients
(oitmsuer) content in the_______ (dofo) 2. Give reasons why salt is used as
by the process of _____ (sosisom) and preservative in food.
prevents the growth of__________
3. What is an adulterant?
4. A doctor advices an adolescent girl
who is suffering from anaemia to
ive abbreviations for the include more of leafy vegetables and
following food standards dates in her diet. Why so?
i. ISI ________________ 5. Name any two naturally occuring
ii. FPO _______________ toxic substances in food.
iii. AGMARK __________ 6. What factors are required for the
absorption of Vitamin D from the
iv. FCI ________________
food by the body?
v. FSSAI ______________
X. Short answers
VIII. Assertion and Reason
1. Write any one function of the
Direction: In the following question, a
following minerals
statement of a Assertion is given and a
corresponding Reason is given just below a) Calcium b) Sodium
it. Of the statements given below, mark c) Iron d) Iodine
the correct answer as:
2. Explain any two methods of food
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are preservation.
true and the Reason is the correct 3. Sanjana wants to buy a jam bottle in
explanation of Assertion a grocery shop. What are the things
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are she should observe on the label
true but Reason is not the correct before purchasing it.
explanation of Assertion 4. Give one reason for the following
(c) If Assertion is true but Reason is statements:
false a. Salt is added as a preservative in
(d) If both Assertion and Reason is pickles___________
false b.
We should not eat food items
1. Assertion: Haemoglobin contains iron. beyond the expiry date
Reason: Iron deficiency leads to anaemia
2. Assertion: AGMARK is a quality
c. Deficiency of calcium in diet leads to
control agency poor skeletal growth ___________
Reason: ISI is a symbol of quality 5. What are the effects of consuming
adulterated food?
1. Swaminathan M (1995): “Food & Nutrition”, The Bangalore Printing & publishing co
ltd., Vol I, Second Edition, Bangalore.
2. Srilakshmi (1997): “Food Science”, New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishers, Pune.
3. Mudambi .R. Sumathi & Rajagpal M.V (1983), “Foods & Nutrition”, Willey Eastern
Ltd, Second Edition, New Delhi.
4. Thangam.E.Philip(1965): Modern Cookery, Orient Longman, II edition. Vol II,
5. Shubhangini A. Joshi,(1992)’ “Nutrition and Dietetics”Tata Mc Grow- Hill publishing
Company Ltd, New Delhi.
6. Srilakshmi. B – “Nutrition Science”, V Edn, New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishers,
1. http://en.wikipedia.org >wiki> food preservation
2. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/louispasteur
3. http://pfa.delhigovt.nic.in
4. www.fao.org>fao-who-codexalimentarius
9 Computer – An Introduction
Learning Objectives
Generations of Computer
Period Generation Digital
ENIAC- A computer had devices
approximately 18,000
1940-1956 I Generation Vacuum
vacuum tubes. The size
occupied by the ENIAC
could be equivalent to a class room. 1956-1963 II Generation Transistor
data sorting
1964-1971 III Generation Integrated
circuits the data processing
1972-2010 IV Generation Micro Data analysis
processors Data presentation and conclusions
After 2010 V Generation Artificial
Intelligence 9.1.5 Information
The information we get or obtain or
9.1.4 Data receive using the data from the computer
Data is the set of values of qualitative can be used directly.
and quantitative variables. The data that is
fed to the computer can be text, number or
statistics. These data stored in computer
memory cannot be used directly. It has to be
Data processing
The data processing in a computer is
collecting data and converting it into
information according to our needs and EXERCISE
Name of the Experiment Time
To determine the diameter of a spherical body using Vernier Caliper
Apparatus required:
Vernier Caliper, given spherical body ( cricket ball)
Formula: (i) Least count (LC) =1 Main scale division -1 Vernier scale division
LC = 1mm – 0.9 mm
LC = 0.1 mm (or) 0.01 cm
(ii) Diameter of the spherical object (d) = M.S.R. + (VC × LC) ± ZC cm
where, MSR - Main Scale Reading
VC = Vernier Coincide
LC - Least Count. (0.01 cm)
ZC - Zero Correction.
• Find the least count of the Vernier caliper.
• Find the zero correction of the Vernier caliper.
• Fix the object firmly in between the two lower jaws of the Vernier.
• Measure the main scale reading and the Vernier scale Coincidence.
• Repeat the experiment by placing the jaws of the Vernier at different position
of the object.
• Using formula find the diameter of the object.
Average____________________________ cm
Result: The diameter of the given spherical object (Cricket ball) is _____ cm
To find the thickness of the given iron nail
Apparatus required:
Screw gauge and iron nail
(i) Least Count Pitch scale Reading
(LC)= ----------------------------------
No of divisions in the Head scale
(ii) Thickness (t) = Pitch scale Reading (PSR) +
[Head scale coincidence (HSC) x Least Count (LC)] ± zero correction
t= PSR + (HSC × LC) ± ZC
(i) Positive error: If positive error is 5points, for zero correction subtracts 5 points.
t= PSR + (HSC × LC) – ZC
t=PSR + (HSC × LC) -5
(ii) N
egative error: Negative error is 95 points, so (100 -95) =5 points, for zero correction add
5 points
t= PSR + (HSC x LC) + ZC
t=PSR + (HSC x LC) +5
I. To study the path of light through a rectangular slab
II. To measure the angle of incidence, angle of refraction and angle of
emergence and interpret the result.
Materials required:
Glass slab, drawing board, white paper, protractor, a measuring scale,
pins and drawing pins.
Fix a white sheet of paper on a drawing board. Place the rectangular glass slab in
the middle of the paper and mark its boundary as ABCD with the pencil. Remove the
rectangular slab. Draw a thin line PQ directing towards Q and inclined to the face AD of
the glass slab at any angle preferably between 300 and 600. Replace the glass slab exactly
over the boundary marked on the paper.
Fix two pins X1 and X2 vertically about 5 cm apart by gently pressing their heads with
thumb or the line PQ
Observe the images of pins X1 and X2 through the face BC of the rectangular glass slab.
Now Fix two more pins X3 and X4 such that Feet of all the pins appear to be in a straight
line. In other words the pins X3 and X4 are collinear with the images of Pins X1 and X2
Remove the pins and glass slab and mark the position of the Feet of all the four pins. Join
points that mark the position of the pins X3 and X4 and extend the line up to point R
where it meets the face BC Join Q and R as given in figure.
Draw the normal NQM to the face AD, at the point Q and similarly the normal N1RM1
to the face BC at the point R. Measure the angle of incidence < PQN ( <i ), angle of
refraction < MQR (<r) and angle of emergence (M’RS (<e) Record the value in the table.
Repeat the experiment for three more angle of incidence in the angle between 300 and 600
and record your observations.
Result: The path of the light through a rectangular slab is drawn. The angle of refraction and angle of
emergence for various angle of incidence are obtained.
To measure the volume of given colourless and coloured liquids.
Materials required:
Pipette (20ml), sample liquids and beakers
Take a 20 ml pipette. Wash it thoroughly with water and then rinse it with the given
liquid. Insert the lower end of the pipette into the given liquid and suck the solution
slowly till the solution rises well above the circular mark on the stem. Take the pipette
out of the mouth and quickly close it with the fore finger. Take the pipette out the liquid
and keep it such a way that the circular mark on the stem is at the level of the eyes. Now
slowly release the fore finger to let the liquid drop out until the lower meniscus touches
the circular mark on the stem. The liquid in the pipette is exactly 20 ml and this can be
transferred to an empty beaker by removing the fore finger.
Sl. Nature of the
Name of the liquid Colour of the liquid Volume of the liquid
No. meniscus
Exactly 20 ml of various liquids are measured using a standard 20 ml pipette.
1. Keeping the circular mark on the stem of the pipette above or below the level of the eyes
will lead to error.
2. When colored liquids are measured, the upper meniscus should be taken into account.
3. Never suck strong acids or strong alkalis using a pipette.
To identify the given plant specimen and list out its adaptations
1. Mesophytic plant – Tomato or Brinjal plant
2. Xerophytic plant – Opuntia
3. Aquatic plant – Eichhornia sp
4. Insectivorous plant – Nepenthes
The given plants are identified and the following adaptations are noted.
To identify the given vertebrate (chordate) animal and list out the
following adaptations seen in them.
Required specimens:
1. Pisces (Fishes), 2. Amphibian (Frog), 3. Reptiles (Calotes), 4. Aves
(Dove), 5. Mammals (Rat)
The given specimen is identified and the following adaptations are noted
1 Fish
2 Frog
3 Calotes
4. Dove
5. Rat
To detect the adulterants in the given samples
Beakers, glass bowl, spoon, match box
Materials required:
Given sample, pepper (A), honey (B), Sugar (C), chilli powder (D), green peas (E),
• Take 5 beakers with water and name it us A, B, C, D, E.
• Take samples A, B, C, D, E and add to the respective beaker.
• Observe the changes in each beaker.
• Record your observations.
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
1. Measurement அளவீடு
Area பரப்பு
Volume கனஅளவு / பருமன்
Density அடர்த்தி
Velocity திசைவேகம்
Momentum உந்தம்
Acceleration முடுக்கம்
Force விசை
Pressure அழுத்தம்
Energy ஆற்றல்
Mass நிறை
Least count மீச்சிற்றளவு
Zero error சுழிப்பிழை
2. Motion இயக்கம்
Distance த�ொலைவு
Displacement இடப்பெயர்ச்சி
Uniform motion சீரான இயக்கம்
Centripetal force மையந�ோக்கு விசை
Centrifugal force மைய விலக்கு விசை
3. Light ஒளி
Reflection எதிர�ொளிப்பு
Spherical mirrors க�ோளக ஆடிகள்
Real and virtual image மெய் மற்றும் மாயபிம்பம்
Refraction ஒளி விலகல்
Total internal reflection முழு அக எதிர�ொளிப்பு
Optical fibers ஒளி இழை
Plane mirror சமதள ஆடி
4. Matter around us நம்மைச் சுற்றியுள்ள பருப்பொருள்கள்
Matter பருப்பொருள்
Pure substance தூய ப�ொருள்
Elements தனிமம்
Compounds சேர்மம்
Mixture கலவை
Homogenous ஒரு படித்தான தன்மை
Heterogeneous பல படித்தான தன்மை
Evaporation ஆவியாதல்
Melting உருகுதல்
Sublimation பதங்கமாதல்
Colloidal solution கூழ்ம கரைசல்
Gels அரைத் திண்மக் கரைசல்
Pharmacology மருந்தியல்
Crystallization படிகமாதல்
Distillation வடிகட்டுதல்
Absorption உட்கவர்தல், உறிஞ்சுதல்
5. Atomic Structure அணு அமைப்பு
Mass number நிறை எண்
Valence இணைதிறன்
Zero Valence சுழி இணைதிறன்
Atomic number அணு எண்
Nucleus அணு உட்கரு
6. Plants தாவரங்கள்
Phototropism ஒளிநாட்டம்
Geotropism புவிநாட்டம்
Hydrotropism நீர் நாட்டம்
Photosynthesis ஒளிச்சேர்க்கை
Transpiration நீராவிப்போக்கு
Stomata இலைத்துளை
7. Animals விலங்குகள்
Taxonomy வகைப்பாடு
Kingdom உலகம்
Phylum த�ொகுதி
Sub phylum துணைத் த�ொகுதி
Class வகுப்பு
Sub class துணைவகுப்பு
Order வரிசை
Family குடும்பம்
Sub family துணைக்குடும்பம்
Genus பேரினம்
Species சிற்றினம்
Radial Symmetry ஆர சமச்சீர்
Bilateral Symmetry இரு பக்கச் சமச்சீர்
Coelom உடற்குழி
Autotrophic தற்சார்பு
Heterotrophic பிறசார்பு
Ectoderm புறஅடுக்கு
Endoderm அகஅடுக்கு
Mesoglea நடு அடுக்கு
Diploblastic ஈரடுக்கு
Polymorphism பல்லுருவமைப்பு
Flame cell சுடர் செல்
Mantle மேன்டல் உறை
Notochord முதுகு நாண்
Operculum செவுள் மூடி
Poikilothermic Animal குளிர் இரத்த விலங்கு
Homoeothermic Animal வெப்ப இரத்த விலங்கு
8. Food உணவு
Balanced diet சரிவிகித உணவு
Dehydration நீரகற்றல்
Radiation கதிரியக்கம்
Pasteurization பாஸ்டர் பதனம் / பாஸ்டிைர ேசஷன்
Canning கலனடைத்தல்
Preservatives பதப்படுத்திகள்
Adulteration கலப்படம்
9. Computer கணினி
Input உள்ளீட்டகம்
Output வெளியீட்டகம்
Memory unit நினைவகம்
Keyboard விசைப்பலகை
Mouse சுட்டி
Monitor திரையகம்
Science – Class IX
List of Authors and Reviewers
Manohar Radhakrishnan
Gopu Rasuvel
Muthu Kumar This book has been printed on 80 G.S.M.
Gokul Elegant Maplitho paper.
Printed by offset at:
Art Teachers,
Government of Tamil Nadu.
Government College of Fine Arts
Chennai & Kumbakonam.
Uday Info
QC - Gopu Rasuvel
- Karthik Kalaiarasu
- Jerald Wilson
Ramesh Munisamy
A.Sabiah Banu, Sathya