DLL Gen Math Week 3
DLL Gen Math Week 3
DLL Gen Math Week 3
Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and
if needed, additional lessons exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed
using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance
and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrates understanding of key concepts of functions.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to accurately construct mathematical models to represent real- life situations using functions.
C. Learning Determines the: Graphs rational functions. Solves problems involving Solves problems
Competencies/Objectives (a) intercepts, (b) zeroes; M11GM –Ic-2 rational functions, equations, involving rational
and (c) asymptotes of and inequalities. M11GM-Ic- functions, equations, and
rational functions. 3 inequalities. M11GM-Ic-
M11GM-Ic-1 Solves problems involving 3
rational equations. M11GM Solves problems
– Ic-3.1 involving rational
inequalities. M11GM –
List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and learning. Ensure that there is a
mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages General Mathematics by General Mathematics by 1. GENERAL 1. GENERAL
Frelie B. Tan- Faylogna pp. Frelie B. Tan- Faylogna pp. MATHEMATICS MATHEMATICS by
47- 59. 62-68. by Orlando A. Orlando A. Oronce pages
Oronce pages 57 – 57 – 76
76 2. CollegeAlgebra by aul
2. CollegeAlgebra by Rees et al pages 117 –
Paul Rees et al 122
pages 117 – 122 3. General Mathematics
3. General TG by Orlando Oronce
Mathematics TG by pages 39– 41
Orlando Oronce 4. MSA Advanced
pages 39– 41 Algebra by Gerard
4. MSA Advanced Alferez pages 44 -45
Algebra by Gerard
Alferez pages 44 -
5. Additional Manila Paper, pentel pen. Manila paper, pentel pen
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Let the students give the Recall on how to find the x Ask the students if they have Have a recall on the
lesson or presenting other properties of rational and y- intercept, asymptotes their own real life situations previous topic. What you
the new lesson functions. and the domain and range of that involves rational have learned yesterday
rational functions. equations. Let them prepare on our activity?
their problems to be used in
the group activity.
B. Establishing a Present to the students the What are the steps in What are the steps in solving Give the difference of
purpose for the zeroes of rational function, sketching the graph of a word problems? rational equation and
lesson x- intercept, y- intercept and rational function? What is the importance of rational inequality. (Call
asymptote. finding solutions in our own a student to answer it
problems? orally.)
C. Presenting Let the students find the x The class is given two The teacher will present the Present the given
examples/instances and y intercepts of the rational functions. They will topic on solving problems problem that involves
of the new lesson following rational functions. use their prior knowledge on involving rational equations. rational inequality.
1. f(x) = x + 2 finding the intercepts, A box with a square base
2x – 1 asymptotes, zeroes that will is to have a volume of 8
2. f(x) = 1 lead them in sketching the cubic meters. Let x be the
x graph. length of the side of the
square base and h be the
height of the box. What
are the possible
measurements of a side of
the square base if the
height should be longer
than a side of the
square base?
D. Discussing new Guide the students in Given the rational functions: Let the students go to their Discuss the same on what
concepts and solving for the x and y 1. f(x) = 1/x respective group. They will are the steps in solving
practicing new skills intercept. 2. f(x) = 1/x2 prepare a short yell to word problems.
#1 To find the x – The class is divided into four recognize them if they are
intercept, equate groups. called for reporting.
then function to
zero, then solve for
x , so the x –
intercept is a point
whose coordinate is
To find the y-
intercept, let x
equals zero, then
solve for y, so the y-
intercept is a point
whose coordinate is
( 0,y).
E. Discussing new Give additional concept to They will be assigned on From the members of the Guide the students to
concepts and the students that the zeroes their task. group, they will choose two answer the problem.
practicing new skills of rational functions are Group 1 will determine the given problems and they
#2 values of x that makes the preliminary activity of will give the solution written
function or y equals zero. sketching the graph like in the manila paper.
Let the students identify the finding the x and y –
x and y intercept of the intercept, vertical and
given rational function horizontal asymptotes and
given earlier. zeroes of number 1.
Group 2 will also do the
preliminary activity for
number 2.
Group 3 will make a table of
values and sketch the graph
of number 1.
Group 4 will make a table of
values and sketch the graph
of number 2.
F. Developing mastery How to solve the vertical All the outputs will be posted The students will prepare In their respective group,
(Leads to Formative asymptote? on the board. For Group 3 themselves for their report they will formulate their
Assessment) Equate the and Group 4 let the students and also they will prepare own word problems that
denominator to zero, observe the graph, let the their output by group. involves rational
then solve for x. students find the difference inequality.
To determine the and let them determine the
horizontal domain and the range of the
asymptote, compare graph.
the degree of the
numerator with the
degree of the
If the degree of the
numerator is less
than the degree of
denominator then
the graph of f has
the line y = 0 or the
x – axis as
If the degree of
numerator and
denominator are
equal then the
graphof f has the
line y = a
where a is the
leading coefficient
of the numerator and
b is the leading
coefficient of the
If the degree of
numerator is greater
than the degree of
denominator then
the graph of f has no
G. Finding practical The teacher will ask the The students have their The group will choose their Let them appreciate the
application of students the following “gallery walk” in which they reporter and will report it to importance of finding
concepts and skills questions: will move from one group to the class. (Rubrics is used.) solutions to any probems
in daily living 1. Do you have electricity another to observe how it is encountered in real life.
connection at home?. perform. How we are going to
2. How about your cope our everyday
neighbors? problems?
3. How much do you
consume in your electricity
monthly? How about
your neighbor? Your
relatives? Were you able
to compare? Is there a
difference? Why do you
think there is?
5. How will you assess the
difference of electricity
consumption in each
H. Making To find the x – To graph rational functions, Steps in Solving Steps in Solving
generalzations and intercept, equate factor the numerator and Word Problems Word Problems
abstraction about then function to denominator(if necessary), Applications Applications
the lessons. zero, then solve for find the intercepts:*x - 1. Read the problem 1. Read the problem
x , so the x – intercepts:zeros of the carefully and make carefully and make sure
intercept is a point numerator y - intercept: f(0), sure the situation is the situation is
whose coordinate is Find the vertical asymptotes thoroughly thoroughly understood.
(x,0). (determine the zeros of the understood. 2. Identify the quantities,
To find the y- denominator, find the 2. Identify the both known and
intercept, let x horizontal or oblique(slant quantities, both unknown, that are
equals zero, then asymptotes). Then, plot and known and involved in the problem.
solve for y, so the y- graph the function unknown, that are 3. Select one of the
intercept is a point involved in the unknown quantities and
whose coordinate is problem. represent it by a variable
( 0,y). 3. Select one of the (letter), and then express
For determining the unknown quantities any other unknown in
asymptotes: and represent it by a terms of this variable, if
Equate the variable (letter), possible.
denominator to zero, and then express 4. Search the problem for
then solve for x. any other unknown information that tells
in terms of this what quantities or
To determine the variable, if possible. combination of them are
horizontal 4. Search the problem equal.
asymptote, compare for information that 5. Often, making a sketch
the degree of the tells what quantities help us to carry out the
numerator with the or combination of steps.
degree of the them are equal. 6. Write an equation
5. Often, making a using the algebraic
sketch help us to expression in the fifth
If the degree of the carry out the steps. step. Carrying through
numerator is less 6. Write an equation calculations with the
than the degree of using the algebraic initial guess sometimes
denominator then expression in the helps to clarify the
the graph of f has fifth step. Carrying relationship between
through variables.
the line y = 0 or the
calculations with 7. Solve the equation
x – axis as the initial guess obtained the sixth step.
horizontal sometimes helps to 8. Check the solution in
asymptote. clarify the the original problem. This
If the degree of relationship step is critical since we
numerator and between variables. want our solution of the
denominator are 7. Solve the equation focus problem rather than
equal then the obtained the sixth the equation we write.
graphof f has the
8. Check the solution
line y = a in the original
b problem. This step
where a is the is critical since we
leading coefficient want our solution of
of the numerator and the focus problem
b is the leading rather than the
coefficient of the equation we write.
If the degree of
numerator is greater
than the degree of
denominator then
the graph of f has no
I. Evaluating learning Determine the x and y – Solve the given word Let the students solve the
intercepts, zeroes and problem: given inequality.
vertical and horizontal 1. Josephine can 1. Mrs. Reyes wanted to
asymptotes of the given complete typing the buy a broom sticks for
rational functions. research project in 6 P25.00 each. The broom
1. f(x) = x days while Cynthia can stick cost
Sketch the graph of
2x + 1 complete it in 4 days. P25.00.However, if she
the given rational
2. f(x) = 2x2 – 3x + 1 If they both work on order more than 15
X -2 the same research broom sticks, it will be
1. f(x) = 1/x + 3
project together, how marked down to P22.00.
2. f(x) = 3x / x +2
long will it take them How much she will pay if
to do the research she will buy 12 broom
project? sticks? 30 broom sticks?
2. A square-base water
tank can hold a volume
of 27 cubic meters
when full.
Let x be the length of
the side of the square
base and h be the
height of the water
tank .What are the
possible measurements
of a side of the square
base tank its height
should be longer than a
side of its base?
J. Additional activities Explain the significance of Give a real life problems that The teacher may give There will be no
for application or asymptote in real life by can be solved using the additional activities or not additional activities to be
remediation showing situations. concept of rational function. depending on the done at home.
understanding of the
REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works?
What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for
you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well?
Why did these
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other