Portserver Ts 8/16: User Guide

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User Guide

PortServer TS 8/16

 Digi International Inc. 2003.
Digi, Digi International, the Digi logo, the Digi Connectware logo, the Making Device Networking Easy logo, Digi One,
PortServer, and RealPort are trademarks or registered trademarks of Digi International, Inc. in the United States and other
countries worldwide. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s

Chapter 1 Introduction
Setup Overview ..................................................................................... 7
About Entering Commands on the Command Line ............................... 8
Supported Devices ................................................................................ 8
About This Guide................................................................................... 8
Other Documents in the Library.............................................................8
About Configuration Methods ................................................................ 9
Configuration Prerequisites ................................................................. 10

Chapter 2 Configuring the IP Address

Options for Configuring the IP Address and Mask .............................. 11
Device Support: Digi Port Authority-Remote and ARP-Ping for IP
Address Configuration .............................................................................. 11
Configuring the Ethernet Interface with Digi Port Authority-Remote ...11
Configuring the IP Address Using ARP-Ping....................................... 12
Configuring the Ethernet Interface from the Command Line ............... 13
Configuring an IP Address using DHCP and RARP............................ 14

Chapter 3 Configuring Ports for RealPort

About RealPort .................................................................................... 15
Configuring Ports: Web Interface ........................................................ 15

Chapter 4 Configuring Ports for Printers

Configuration Considerations .............................................................. 19
Configuring Ports for Printers: Web Interface...................................... 20
Tips for Telnet and rsh Printing ...........................................................20
Configuring a Port for Direct-Access Printing ...................................... 20

Chapter 5 Configuring Ports for Modems

Tips on Configuring A Modem ............................................................. 23
Configuring Ports for Modems: Web Interface .................................... 23
Commands for Configuring Ports for Modem Connections .................24
Related Information ............................................................................. 24
Configuring A Hunt Group ................................................................... 24

Contents 3
Chapter 6 Configuring Ports for Terminals and Computers
Configuring Ports for Terminals: Web Interface .................................. 27
Commands for Configuring Ports for Terminals .................................. 27
Port Defaults........................................................................................ 27
Related Information ............................................................................. 27
About Computer Connections ............................................................. 28

Chapter 7 Configuring PPP

Configuring Inbound PPP Connections: Command Line..................... 29
Configuring Outbound PPP Connections: Command Line.................. 31

Chapter 8 Configuring Autoconnection

About Autoconnection .........................................................................35
Configuring a Port for Autoconnection: Web Interface ........................ 35
Commands for Configuring Autoconnection by Port or by User.......... 35
Configuring a User for Autoconnection: Web Interface ....................... 35
Configuring TCP Socket Communication ............................................ 36
Configuring UDP Multicast .................................................................. 37

Chapter 9 Configuring IP Routing

Configuring Static Routes....................................................................41
Configuring Dynamic Routes Using RIP.............................................. 42
Configuring Proxy ARP........................................................................ 43

Chapter 10 Configuring the Digi Device for IA (Industrial Automation)

About Modbus ..................................................................................... 45
Modbus Configuration Procedure: Web Interface ...............................45
Configuring the User-Defined Protocol................................................ 46

Chapter 11 Configuring Security Features

Controlling Access to the Configuration .............................................. 47
Controlling Access to Inbound Ports ................................................... 47
Controlling Access to Outbound Ports................................................. 48
Controlling Access to the Command Line ........................................... 48
Using RADIUS to Authenticate Users ................................................. 49
Issuing User Passwords ...................................................................... 52
Configuring SSH Version 2 for Secure Communication ...................... 52
Controlling Access to Services ............................................................ 53
SSL Support ........................................................................................ 54

Chapter 12 Configuring DNS

About the Domain Name System ........................................................ 55
Configuration Procedures....................................................................56

4 Contents
Chapter 13 Configuring SNMP
About SNMP and the device server Agent .......................................... 57
Configuration Procedure: Web Interface .............................................58

Chapter 14 Configuring Users

About Configuring Users ..................................................................... 59
Configuration Methods ........................................................................ 59
Common User Features ...................................................................... 59
Configuring a User: Web Interface ......................................................60
Commands for Configuring a User ......................................................60

Chapter 15 Configuring Console Management

About Console Management ............................................................... 61
Configuring Ports................................................................................. 61
Configuring SSH..................................................................................61
Accessing Attached Devices ............................................................... 63
Securing Console Access....................................................................65
Power Management ............................................................................ 66
Configuring Port Buffering ................................................................... 69
Configuring User Menus...................................................................... 69

Chapter 16 Managing the OS and Configuration

Upgrading the Firmware ...................................................................... 71
Copying the Configuration to and from a Remote Host....................... 71
Resetting Device Server Configuration to Defaults ............................. 72
Commands for Resetting the Configuration to Defaults ...................... 73

Chapter 17 Troubleshooting
Symptom: PortServer TS 8/16 Does Not Boot .................................... 75
Symptom: Cannot Telnet to the PortServer TS 8/16 ........................... 75
Symptom: Trouble Accessing a Port ................................................... 76
Procedure: Running the POST Using the LEDs.................................. 77
Procedure: Running the POST from a Terminal.................................. 77
Verifying TFTP on a UNIX System ......................................................78
Troubleshooting TFTP Problems......................................................... 78
Resetting PortServer TS 8/16 Configuration to Defaults ..................... 79
Command Line Procedure................................................................... 79
Front Panel Procedure ........................................................................ 79
Verifying the PortServer TS 8/16 IP Address ...................................... 79
Checking for Duplicate IP Addresses .................................................. 80
Pinging an IP Address .........................................................................80
Verifying the Network Cabling ............................................................. 80
Verifying the RealPort Process: AIX.................................................... 81

Contents 5
Verifying the RealPort Process: HP-UX .............................................. 81
Verifying the RealPort Process: Linux ................................................. 81
Verifying the RealPort Daemon: SCO ................................................. 81
Verifying the RealPort Process: Solaris............................................... 82
Verifying the RealPort Service: Windows NT ...................................... 82
Verifying the RealPort Service: Windows 2000 ................................... 82
Checking and Changing Port Configuration ........................................82
Digi Contact Information ...................................................................... 84

Chapter 18 Specifications
Specifications ...................................................................................... 85
FCC Part 15 Class A ........................................................................... 88
ICES 003 Class A................................................................................ 89
Digi Contact Information ...................................................................... 89

Index......................................................................................................... 91

6 Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction
Setup Overview
This section provides an overview of the setup process.
Step A: Plan
Before beginning setup, consider the following:
• How to assign an IP address to the Digi device’s Ethernet interface,
which can be accomplished in a number of ways. See "Configuring
the IP Address" on page 11.
• How to configure serial ports. A key consideration is whether to use
RealPort. Other considerations include the type of peripheral that
will connect to the port and the peripheral’s cabling requirements.
See "Configuring Ports for RealPort" on page 15 and the online
RealPort driver documentation and Cable Guide, both of which are
on the Access Resource CD.
• The various ways that your Digi device can be configured. See
"About Configuration Methods" on page 9 and "Configuration Pre-
requisites" on page 10 for more information.

Step B: Set Up the Hardware

1. Connect the device to power and to the network.
2. Connect peripherals to serial ports. See the Cable Guide on the Access
Resource CD.

Step C: Install and Setup Digi Port Authority-Remote

Digi Port Authority-Remote is a utility that provides one of the ways to
configure an IP address and also provides port monitoring. See the Digi
Port Authority-Remote Device Monitor Setup Guide, which is on the
Access Resource CD.
Step D: Configure an IP Address
There are a number of ways to configure an IP address. See "Configuring
the IP Address" on page 11 for more information.
Step E: Configure Ports
See the following for more information:
• "Configuring Ports for RealPort" on page 15
• "Configuring Ports for Printers" on page 19
• "Configuring Ports for Modems" on page 23
• "Configuring Ports for Terminals and Computers" on page 27

Chapter 1 Introduction 7
Step F: Configure Other Features as Required
See the following for information on setting up other features:
• "Configuring PPP" on page 29
• "Configuring Autoconnection" on page 35
• "Configuring IP Routing" on page 41
• "Configuring Security Features" on page 47
• "Configuring DNS" on page 55

About Entering Commands on the Command Line

If you use the command line, you will find the commands needed within
each chapter. For detail such as syntax, parameters, range, variables, or
applications see the Digi One/PortServer TS Command Reference found
on the Access Resource CD.

Supported Devices
This manual provides information on the following Digi devices:
• PortServer TS 8
• PortServer TS 16

About This Guide

This guide provides the following:
• Configuration and administration procedures
• Configuration examples

This manual is intended for the person responsible for configuring and
administering device server. It assumes that this person has experience
configuring network devices and is familiar with networking concepts.
This manual provides step-by-step instructions for configuring and
administering device server’s main features. It does not address how to
configure every option, provide complete information on commands, or
discuss hardware installation. These topics are covered in other
documents in the device server library.

Other Documents in the Library

Here is a list of the other documents in the library:
Device Server Quick Start Guide
The guide that comes in the package with the device server covering the
first steps necessary to get your device server up and running.

8 Chapter 1 Introduction
Digi One/PortServer TS Command Reference
This online manual, available on the Access Resource CD, provides
complete information on commands.
RealPort Setup Guides
These online manuals provide information on setting up servers for
RealPort software.
Digi Port Authority - Remote Device Monitor Setup Guide
This online manual provides information on installing and using Digi Port
Authority - Remote software.
Online Help for the Web UI
This context-sensitive online help provides information on configuration
fields used with web browser configuration interface.

About Configuration Methods

Use this section to learn about configuration methods.
Configuring the device server from an Attached Terminal
With this method, you cable a terminal or PC running terminal emulation
software to a device server port and then use the command line to enter
commands. This method allows you to configure all features. It requires,
however, that you and the device server be in the same location. Some
users find it advantageous to configure the device server IP address this
way and then use one of the other methods for the rest of the configuration.
Configuring the device server from a Telnet Session
With this method, you Telnet to the device server and use the command
line to complete configuration tasks. The only disadvantage to this method
is that you have to configure the device server with an IP address before
you can Telnet to it.
Configuring the device server from the Web Interface
The great advantage to this method is ease of use. This method requires
that you configure the IP address before you can access the configuration
from the web interface, however, some features cannot be configured this
Downloading a Configuration File
With this method, you configure a Digi device and then do the following:
1. Download an existing configuration file to a host system.
2. Edit the file with specific configuration using a text editor.
3. Upload the file to the device server.
This an excellent method for maintaining highly similar configuration files
for multiple Digi devices. The disadvantage is that the device server
requires some configuration steps, such as the IP address, to be
completed before it can be used.

Chapter 1 Introduction 9
Configuration Prerequisites
Accessing the Command Line from a Locally-Connected Terminal
Use this procedure to access the command line and the configuration from
a terminal connected to one of the device server’s serial ports.
1. Connect a terminal or PC to a serial port on the device server. For a
Windows HyperTerminal connection, use the cable that came in the
2. Configure the parameters of the terminal or terminal emulation software
to work with the Digi serial port. The default port settings are:
• VT 100 emulation
• 9600 baud
• 8-bit character
• 1 stop bit
• No parity
3. Log on as the root user. The default password is dbps.

Log On as Root from the Command Line

1. At the log on prompt, enter root.
2. Enter the default password dbps.

Accessing the Command Line from a Telnet Session

Use this procedure to access the command line and the configuration from
a Telnet session. This procedure assumes that you have configure the Digi
device with an IP address already. See "Configuring the IP Address" on
page 11.
1. To Telnet to the device server, enter the following command from a
command prompt on another networked device, such as a server:
telnet ip-address
where ip-address is the device server’s IP address
Example: telnet
2. Log on as the root user. The default password is dbps.

Accessing the Configuration from the Web Interface

Use this procedure to access the configuration from the web interface. This
procedure assumes that you have configured the Digi device with an IP
address already. See "Configuring the IP Address" on page 11.
1. Access the device server from a web browser by specifying the device
server’s IP address in the URL window.
2. Log on as root. The default password is dbps.

10 Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Configuring the IP Address
Options for Configuring the IP Address and Mask
The device server IP address can be configured using the following
• With Digi Port Authority-Remote, a Digi utility
• By updating the ARP table on a server and then pinging the Digi
device (called ARP-Ping)
• From the command line using the set config command (Configuring
the Ethernet Interface from the Command Line)
• Using a RARP server
• Using a DHCP server
The IP address and mask can also be changed using the web interface.
This method, however, does not work for the initial IP address

Device Support: Digi Port Authority-Remote and ARP-Ping for IP Address Configuration
Not all Digi devices can use Digi Port Authority-Remote and ARP-Ping for
IP address configuration. To determine if you can use these features, find
the hardware label on your Digi device and then use the table below to
determine whether this feature is available:
Device Part Number Revision Required
Digi One IA RealPort 50000764-01 F or higher
Digi One RealPort 50000723-01 J or higher
PortServer TS 2 50000723-02 J or higher
PortServer TS 4 50000723-03 G or higher
PortServer TS 8 50001208-01 B or higher
PortServer TS 16 (desktop) 50001207-01 E or higher
PortServer TS 16 50001185-01 C or higher

Configuring the Ethernet Interface with Digi Port Authority-Remote

Use this section to configure an initial IP address, subnet mask, and default
gateway using Digi Port Authority-Remote. This procedure cannot be used
to change the IP address, but only to assign the initial IP address. It also
cannot be used if a DHCP server is active.
Starting Point
This procedure assumes the following:
• That your Digi device supports this feature. See "The IP address
and mask can also be changed using the web interface. This

Chapter 2 Configuring the IP Address 11

method, however, does not work for the initial IP address
configuration." on page 11.
• That your Digi device is connected to the Ethernet network.
• That the Digi device has DHCP client turned on. This is the default
setting and it will be on unless it was turned off.
• That you do not have a DHCP server to serve IP address. If you do,
use the DHCP procedure. See "Configuring an IP Address using
DHCP and RARP" on page 14.
• That you have installed Digi Port Authority-Remote version 2.01.11
or later. For information on installing Digi Port Authority-Remote, see
the Digi Port Authority Remote Device Monitor Setup Guide, which
is on the Access Resource CD.

1. Run Digi Port Authority-Remote.
2. If Digi Port Authority-Remote is not set for ADDP, choose ADDP as the
Discovery Protocol.
3. Click Discover.
A list of Digi devices appears. Systems with IP addresses of
need IP addresses.
4. Select a device from the list and then click Configure.
5. Supply an IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway and then
choose OK.
Digi Port Authority-Remote configures the IP address, subnet mask, and
default gateway.

Configuring the IP Address Using ARP-Ping

Use this section to configure an IP address by manually updating a server’s
ARP table and then pinging the Digi device.
Note: The ARP-Ping command assigns the IP address you designate but also
assigns default subnet mask and gateway addresses. It is necessary to
change the subnet mask and gateway addresses.

Starting Point
This procedure assumes the following:
• That your Digi device supports this feature. See "The IP address
and mask can also be changed using the web interface. This
method, however, does not work for the initial IP address
configuration." on page 11.
• That your Digi device is connected to the Ethernet network

1. Record the MAC address of the Digi device. It’s on the back of the unit.
2. Access a server on the same subnet as the Digi device.

12 Chapter 2 Configuring the IP Address

3. Manually update the server’s ARP table using the Digi device’s MAC
address and the IP address you want assigned to the Digi device. The
following is an example of how this is done on a Windows NT 4.0
arp -s 00-00-9d-22-23-60
4. Ping the Digi device using the IP address just assigned. The following is
an example:
The ping will probably time out before there is a response from the Digi
5. Wait a few seconds and then ping the Digi device again.
The Digi device replies to the ping, indicating that the IP address has
been configured.

Configuring the Ethernet Interface from the Command Line

This section discusses how use the command line to configure an IP
address, mask, and default gateway for device server’s Ethernet interface.
Manual Configuration Procedure
1. To ensure that the IP address you configure is permanent, turn DHCP
off by entering the following command:
set config dhcp=off
2. To configure an IP address for the Ethernet interface, enter the
following command:
set config ip=ip-address
where ip-address is the IP address for the Ethernet interface
Example to Set IP Address
set config ip=
3. To configure a subnet mask, enter the following command:
set config submask=mask
where mask is the subnet mask for this subnetwork
Example to Set Subnet Mask
set config submask=
4. To configure a default gateway, enter the following command:
set config gateway=ip-address
where ip-address is the IP address of the default gateway
Example to Set Gateway Mask
set config gateway=
5. Reboot the Digi device at the prompt using the following command:
boot action=reset

Manual Configuration Example

In this example set config commands configure the Ethernet interface and

Chapter 2 Configuring the IP Address 13

the boot command reboot the Digi device, which is required for the address
change to take affect.
set config ip= submask= dhcp=off
set config gateway=
boot action=reset

Configuring an IP Address using DHCP and RARP

About DHCP and RARP
When the device server boots, it transmits a DHCP request and a RARP
request. This continues until an address is assigned.
To use RARP or DHCP follow these steps:
1. Set up an entry for an address on a DHCP or RARP server. If you
intend to use RealPort, do the following:
• Reserve a permanent IP address.
• Record the IP address. You will need it when you configure the
RealPort driver.
2. Power on the device server.
The DHCP or RARP server assigns the device server an IP address.

14 Chapter 2 Configuring the IP Address

Chapter 3 Configuring Ports for RealPort
About RealPort
This section provides a brief introduction to RealPort.
What is RealPort?
RealPort is a feature that allows network-based host systems to use the
ports of the device server as though they were the host system’s own ports,
appearing and behaving as local ports to the network-based host.
RealPort Advantages
RealPort provides the following advantages:
• It expands the number of ports available to the host system.
• It enables device server ports to be treated as if they were directly
connected to the host, which means they use all standard operating
system interfaces that control baud rate, parity, stop bits, and flow
• It enables host administrators to do most of the required
configuration on the host, the system with which the administrator is
most familiar.
• It dramatically reduces host CPU overhead because multiple
terminal or printer sessions are multiplexed over the same TCP/IP

Configuring the RealPort Software

You must install and configure RealPort software on each host that will use
RealPort ports. See the RealPort documentation for more information.
Configuration Options
You can configure the device server for RealPort using the web interface.
For information on using the web interface, see "Configuring Ports: Web
Interface" on page 15.

Configuring Ports: Web Interface

Use this procedure to configure a port from the web interface.
1. Access the web interface by entering the device server IP address in a
browser’s URL window.
2. Log on to the device server as root.
The default password is dbps.

Chapter 3 Configuring Ports for RealPort 15

3. From the main menu, select Setup Wizards > RealPort.

4. To complete configuration, choose Next and then follow the prompts.

5. To return to the main Ports menu, choose Ports from the Menu again.

16 Chapter 3 Configuring Ports for RealPort

6. To complete RealPort setup, install and configure the RealPort driver.
See the appropriate RealPort setup guide on the Access Resource CD.
To configure Secure RealPort, see set config securerealport in Digi One/
PortServer TS Command Reference.

Chapter 3 Configuring Ports for RealPort 17

18 Chapter 3 Configuring Ports for RealPort
Chapter 4 Configuring Ports for Printers
Configuration Considerations
You should be aware of the following considerations if you intend to
configure device server to handle printers.
Using RealPort
RealPort, a feature that allows network-based host systems to use the
ports of the device server as though they were the host system’s own ports,
is an easy and efficient way for printers to use device server ports. For
information on this option, see "Configuring Ports for RealPort" on page 15.
Flow Control Tips
Here are some tips to ensure that your printer performs as expected:
• If flow control is necessary, ensure that the printer and device server
use the same flow control scheme.
• Some printers that use hardware flow control issue the DTR (data
terminal ready) signal when they are ready for data. If so, the DTR
pin on the cable from the printer must be wired to an input on the
device server port (usually CTS) that can be used for flow control.

Using the lpd Protocol

Here are some tips for configuring the print spooler on your UNIX system
when you intend to print using the lpd protocol to a printer attached to
device server:
• The number of copies option with lpr is not supported.
• Banner pages are not supported.
• The device server’s DNS name or IP address is the remote system’s
• Queue names must conform to the following conventions:
— Begin the queue name with one of the following character
strings: (a) Use ASCII if you want device server to substitute
carriage return and line feed characters for each line feed the
system sends. (b) Use raw if no substitution should be
— After the queue name, insert an underscore character and the
number of the device server port to which the printer is attached.
— If you want to use either of the following options, specify an
additional underscore and then the letter that identifies the
option: (a) Use f to append a form feed character to the end of
each file in a print job (b) Use d to add a Ctrl-d to the end of each
file in a print job. (This is often required by PostScript printers.)

Chapter 4 Configuring Ports for Printers 19


String Result
ascii_1 Prints to port 1 and translates CR to CR/LF.

ascii_8_f Prints to port 8, translates CR to CR/LF and prints a form feed at the
end of the job.
raw_1_d Prints to port 1 with no translation and appends a Ctrl-d to the end of
the print job.

Configuring Ports for Printers: Web Interface

1. Access the web interface by entering the device server IP address in a
browser’s URL window.
2. Log on to the device server as root. The default password is dbps.
3. From the main menu, click Configure > Ports.
4. Choose the port from the port column.
5. Ensure that the Device Type is Printer.
6. Make other changes to the configuration as required. Use the online
help for information.
7. If you want to apply this configuration to multiple ports, choose Clone,
select the ports for this configuration, and then choose Continue.
8. Click Submit.
9. To return to the main Ports menu, choose Ports from the left navigation

Tips for Telnet and rsh Printing

Here are some tips for handling Telnet and rsh printing:
• If line feed and carriage return problems occur, try supplying a set
line command that specifies onlcr=on. This converts carriage
returns to carriage return/line feeds.
• If you want tab characters (ASCII character 9) converted to 8
spaces, use a set line command that specifies otab=on.

Configuring a Port for Direct-Access Printing

Direct access printing allows Telnet users on the LAN to access a port and
to issue print commands directly to the printer. This section describes the
two ways users can access a printer directly and explains how to configure
the port to support each method.
Method 1: Specifying Port Numbers in the Telnet Command
This method allows users to issue Telnet commands that identify the
correct port by using TCP port numbers. Users identify the type of
connection and port number by specifying one of the following:

20 Chapter 4 Configuring Ports for Printers

For this connection type... Identify the port by specifying...
2000 plus the number of the port.
Example: 2002 for port 2.

2100 plus the number of the port.

Example: 2102 for port 2.

User Command Example 1

In this example, a user from the host server, specifies a standard Telnet
connection on port 2 of a device server using IP address
cat myfile | telnet 2002

User Command Example 2

In this example, a user, from the host server, specifies a raw Telnet
connection on port 2 of a device server using IP address
cat myfile | telnet 2102
• Note: To specify a hunt group in the command instead of an
individual port, use the group number specified on the group field of
the set ports command that configured the port. See the Digi One/
PortServer TS Command Reference.

Method 1 Configuration
There is no special configuration required to set up a port for this type of
direct access. Simply configure the port for a printer. See "Configuring a
Port for Direct-Access Printing" on page 20 for more information.
Method 2: Using Alternate IP Addresses
This method provides similar functions to method 1, except it assigns an IP
address to a port.
Method 2 Configuration
To configure an alternate IP address, do the following:
• Configure the port for a printer. See Configuring a Port for Direct-
Access Printing on page 20 for more information.
• Supply a set altip command that specifies the following:
set altip group=port-number ip=ip-address
— port-number is the actual port number of a device server port
— IP-address is the unique IP address of a port on the device server
Command Line Example
set ports range=2 dev=prn
set line range=2 baud=9600 csize=8 stopb=1 parity=n
set flow range=2 cts=on rts=on ixon=off ixoff=off

Chapter 4 Configuring Ports for Printers 21

set altip group=2 ip=
The following example displays a file on port 2 whose unique IP address is
cat myfile | telnet

22 Chapter 4 Configuring Ports for Printers

Chapter 5 Configuring Ports for Modems
Tips on Configuring A Modem
Here are some tips on configuring modems to work with device server:
• Configure the modem so that DCD goes high when it receives an
incoming connection request.
• Configure the modem to answer an incoming call only when DTR is
high, and to drop the line when DTR goes low.
• For bidirectional connections, it is advisable to configure the non-
volatile parameters in the modem for incoming calls. Also configure
the modem to reset to these parameters when DTR is dropped.
• Configure the modem to lock the serial line speed at the highest
baud rate the modem will accept for reliable data transfer because
the device server cannot switch the baud rate of the serial line on a
per call basis without reconfiguration.
Note: You may want to consider connecting modems using RealPort, a feature that
allows network-based host systems to use the ports of the device server as
though they were the host system’s own ports. It is an easy and efficient way
for modems to use device server ports. For information on this option,
see"About RealPort" on page 15.

Configuring Ports for Modems: Web Interface

Use this procedure to configure a port for a modem from the web interface.
1. Access the web interface by entering the device server IP address in a
browser’s URL window.
2. Log on to the device server as root.The default password is dbps.
3. From the main menu, click Configure > Ports.
4. Click the port from the port column.
5. Configure the correct device type. Click Modem in for inbound modem
connections, Modem out for outbound connections, and Modem for
bidirectional connections.
6. Make other changes to the configuration as required. Use the online
help for information.
7. If you want to apply this configuration to multiple ports, click Clone,
select the ports for this configuration, and then click Continue.
8. Cick Submit.
9. To return to the main Ports menu, click Ports from the menu again.

Chapter 5 Configuring Ports for Modems 23

Commands for Configuring Ports for Modem Connections
For configuring ports for modem connections use the following commands
found in the Digi One/PortServer TS Command Reference :
• set ports
• set line
• set flow

Related Information
• If you intend to run PPP traffic over this modem connection, see
"Configuring PPP" on page 29.
• For information on setting up the port for autoconnection, see
"Configuring Autoconnection" on page 35 of this manual and the set
ports command in the Digi One/PortServer TS Command
• If you do not know the operating parameters required by the
modem, see the modem documentation.
• For correct cable information of the connection between the device
server serial ports and modems, see the Digi One/PortServer Cable
• For more information on configuring dialer and login scripts, see the
set script command in the Digi One/PortServer TS Command

Configuring A Hunt Group

A hunt group is a group of ports sharing one common IP address and
differs from altip where one port has its own unique IP address. A hunt
group is desireable when you have many ports, but do not have the
available IP addresses or simply prefer to use one IP address for a group
of ports. When a user Telnets into the hunt group’s IP address and the first
port is busy, the user is seamlessly bumped to the next available port.
In configuring the PortServer for a hunt group, the port numbering must
start higher than the total number of PortServer serial ports available.
To configure a group of ports for a hunt group, do the following:
1. Enter the following command to create the hunt group:
set ports range=range group=port_number
2. Enter the following command to set the IP address for the hunt group:
set altip group=port_number ipaddress

Command Line Examples

The following example displays the configuration for 16 serial ports in a
hunt group with their collective IP address being
set ports range=1-16 group=65
set altip group=65 ip=
A user who Telnets to this IP address is automatically connected to the first

24 Chapter 5 Configuring Ports for Modems

available hunt group port.

Chapter 5 Configuring Ports for Modems 25

26 Chapter 5 Configuring Ports for Modems
Chapter 6
Configuring Ports for
Te r m i n a l s a n d C o m p u t e r s
Configuring Ports for Terminals: Web Interface
Use this procedure to configure a port from the web interface.
1. Access the web interface by entering the device server IP address in a
browser’s URL window.
2. Log on to the device server as root. The default password is dbps.
3. From the main menu, choose Configure > Ports.
4. Choose the port from the port column.
5. Ensure that the Device type is set to Terminal.
6. Make changes to the configuration as required. Use the online help for
7. If you want to apply this configuration to multiple ports, choose Clone,
select the ports for this configuration, and then choose Continue.
8. Choose Submit.
9. To return to the main Ports menu, choose Ports from the Menu again.

Commands for Configuring Ports for Terminals

• set ports
• set line
• set flow

Port Defaults
• VT-100 emulation
• 9600 baud
• 8-bit characters
• 1 stop bit
• No parity
• Software flow control

Related Information
• For information on the set line, set ports, and set flow commands,
see the Digi One/PortServer TS Command Reference.
• For information on configuring terminal ports for autoconnections,
see, "Configuring Autoconnection" on page 35.
Note: The set line settings must match the settings of the attached terminal or

Chapter 6 Configuring Ports for Terminals and Computers 27


About Computer Connections

Configuring computer connections is very similar to configuring terminal
connections, which is discussed on page 27. Consequently, this section
simply discusses the differences between these connection types.
Starting Point
This section assumes that
• You are logged on as root
• You know the attributes, such as baud rate and parity, of the PC that
will be connected to this port

Configuring Typical PC Connections

To configure a port for a directly-connected PC, where the PC always
initiates the connection, configure the connection as you would a terminal
connection, except on the set ports command do the following:
• Specify dev=min if you have a 10-pin null modem cable to support
this type of connection.
• Specify dev=term if you do not have a 10-pin null modem cable
Consider defining the serial connection as a PPP link. See "Configuring
PPP" on page 29 for more information.

28 Chapter 6 Configuring Ports for Terminals and Computers

Chapter 7 Configuring PPP
Configuring Inbound PPP Connections: Command Line
Use this section to configure simple inbound PPP connections from the
command line. For information on fine-tuning PPP connections, see the set
user command in the Digi One/PortServer TS Command Reference.
Note: CHAP authentication works between two Digi devices. CHAP will be negoti-
ated to PAP for all other connections

1. To configure the port for a modem, enter the following command:
set ports range=range dev=device
where range is the port or ports and device is one of the following:
• min for inbound only modem connections
• mio for bidirectional modem connections.
See the set ports command in the Digi One/PortServer TS Command
Reference for more information.
Example: set ports range=3 device=min
2. To configure flow control for the ports, enter the following command:
set flow range=range flow-control=scheme
where range is the port or ports and flow-control=scheme is the flow control
required for this connection. Typically, for modem connections RTS and
CTS are on.
set flow range=3 ixon=off ixoff=off rts=on cts=on
See the set flow command in the Digi One/PortServer TS Command
Reference for more information.
3. To configure the baud rate for this connection, enter the following com-
set line range=range baud=bps
where range is the port or ports to configure and bps is the line speed in
bits-per-second. Typically, you can set this to 115000 bps for modem
set line range=3 baud=115000
4. To create an inbound PPP user, enter the following command:
set user name=name protocol=ppp netservice=on
where name is a name to assign the PPP user

Chapter 7 Configuring PPP 29

set user name=pppin protocol=ppp netservice=on
5. To configure an IP address for the remote PPP user, enter the following
set user name=name ipaddr=ip-address
• name is the user’s name
• ip-address is one of the following: (a) A standard IP address in dot-
ted decimal format. (b), which means the remote user will
supply the IP address. (c) ippool, which means that the user will be
assigned an IP address from an IP address pool. See the set ippool
command in the Digi One/PortServer TS Command Reference.
set user name=pppin ipaddr=ippool
6. If you used the IP address pool option in the previous step, specify the
following subnetwork mask using the following command: (a mask of is required)
set user ipmask=
7. To configure an IP address for the local end of the PPP connection,
enter the following command:
set user name=name localipaddr=ip-address
where name is the user’s name and ip-address is the IP address to assign
to the local end of the PPP connection. This address must be unique. That
is, no other user can be assigned this address and it cannot be the IP
address for the Ethernet interface.
set user name=pppin localipadr=

Configuring Inbound PPP Connections: Example

This example shows a very simple PPP inbound configuration. Here are
some points on this configuration:
• The port is set up for inbound connections (dev=min).
• RTS and CTS are used for flow control.
• The baud rate has been set to 115000 bps.
• The user has been configured to use an IP address pool
set ports range=3 device=min
set flow range=3 ixon=off ixoff=off rts=on cts=on
set line range=3 baud=115000
set user name=pppin protocol=ppp netservice=on
set user name=pppin ipaddr=ippool
set user name=pppin localipadr=

30 Chapter 7 Configuring PPP

Configuring Outbound PPP Connections: Command Line
This section describes how to configure outbound PPP connections. Use it
to configure outbound only connections or to configure the outbound
portion of bidirectional connections.
Note: CHAP authentication works between two Digi devices. CHAP will be negoti-
ated to PAP for all other connections

1. To configure the port for a modem, enter the following command:
set ports range=range dev=device
where range is the port or ports and device is one of the following:
• mout for outbound only modem connections
• mio for bidirectional modem connections.
See the set ports command in the Digi One/PortServer TS Command
Reference for more information.
Example: set ports range=3 device=mout
2. To configure flow control for the ports, enter the following command:
set flow range=range flow-control=scheme
where range is the port or ports and flow-control=scheme is the flow control
required for this connection. Typically, for modem connections RTS and
CTS are on.
set flow range=3 ixon=off ixoff=off rts=on cts=on
See the set flow command in the Digi One/PortServer TS Command
Reference for more information.
3. To configure baud rate for this connection to the modem, enter the fol-
lowing command:
set line range=range baud=bps
where range is the port or ports to configure and bps is the line speed in
bits-per-second. Typically, you can set this to 115000 bps for modem
set line range=3 baud=115000
4. If you do not want to use the Digi-supplied dialer script (genmdm) and
login script (loginscript), which work for most applications, use the set
script command to create your own scripts.
See the set script command in the Digi One/PortServer TS Command
Reference for more information.
5. If you do not want to use the Digi-supplied outbound device (gendialer),
which works for most applications, enter the following command:
set device name=name ports=ports dialer=name
• name=name is the name for this device
• ports are the ports to associate with this device

Chapter 7 Configuring PPP 31

• dialer=name is the name of a dialer script, either the Digi-supplied
script or a user-created one
6. To create a PPP user, enter the following command:
set user name=name protocol=ppp
where name is the name of the PPP user
set user name=pppout protocol=ppp
7. To configure this user for outbound connections, enter the following
set user name=name outgoing=on device=device
where device is either the Digi-supplied device or the outbound device
created earlier in this procedure
set user name=pppout outgoing=on device=gendialer
8. To configure an IP address for the local end of the PPP connection,
enter the following command:
set user name=name localipaddr=ip-address
where name is the user’s name and ip-address is one of the following:
• , which means that the user will request an IP address from
the remote server.
• A specific IP address, which means that the Digi device will attempt
to use this IP address. The remote server must agree to this
set user name=pppout localipadr=
9. To configure a telephone number to dial to reach the outbound user,
enter the following command:
set user name=name n1=telephone-number
where name is the user’s name and telephone-number is the number to
dial to reach the user. You can enter this number as digits only, with
dashes (-) separating digits, or with commas.
set user name=pppout n1=4452624

This example shows a very simple outbound PPP configuration. Here are
some points on this configuration:
• The port is set up for outbound connections (dev=mout).
• Flow control is set to Hardware.
• Default device and scripts are used
set ports range=3 device=mout
set flow range=3 ixon=off ixoff=off rts=on cts=on

32 Chapter 7 Configuring PPP

set line range=3 baud=115000
set user name=pppout protocol=ppp
set user name=pppout dialout=on outgoing=on device=gendialer
set user name=pppout localipadr=
set user name=pppout n1=4452624

Chapter 7 Configuring PPP 33

set user Description Example
Causes a packet to be Filter causes incoming packets from an IP address
passed or blocked to be accepted and packets from all other IP
addresses to be blocked
Causes the Digi device to Filter that notifies the log anytime an ICMP packet
logpacket send a message to the log is handled

Packet Type Type Identifier

Echo reply 0
Destination unreachable 3
Source quench 4
Redirect 5
Echo request 8
Time exceeded for a datagram 11
Parameter problem on a datagram 12
Timestamp request 13
Timestamp reply 14
Address mask request 17
Address mask reply 18

34 Chapter 7 Configuring PPP

Chapter 8 Configuring Autoconnection
About Autoconnection
The autoconnection feature allows you to configure a user to access the
device server and then be automatically connected to a host on the LAN.
You can implement autoconnection in the following ways:
• By port where all port users are automatically connected to the
same host. The device server is completely transparent to them.
• By user where a user is required to log on and may be required to
supply a password, but once the user is authenticated, an automatic
connection to a host is made.

Configuring a Port for Autoconnection: Web Interface

This section describes how to configure a port for autoconnection from the
web interface.
1. Access the web interface by entering the device server IP address in a
browser’s URL window.
2. Log on to the device server as root. The default password is dbps.
3. Select Configure and then Autoconnect from the menu.
4. Configure the port as required. Use the online help for more informa-
5. To return to the main Ports menu, choose Ports from the Menu again.

Commands for Configuring Autoconnection by Port or by User

See the complete list of commands in the Digi One/PortServer TS
Command Reference. The commands needed for autoconnection either by
port or by user will be under the following commands in the Command
Reference on your Access Resource CD.
• set ports
• set user

Configuring a User for Autoconnection: Web Interface

1. Access the web interface by entering the device server IP address in a
browser’s URL window.
2. Log on to the device server as root. The default password is dbps.
3. Select Configure and then Users from the menu.
4. Choose Add User.
5. Enter a name and then choose Submit
6. Choose the new user from the Name column.

Chapter 8 Configuring Autoconnection 35

7. Configure the user. Be sure to specify the following: (1) Default Access:
Autoconnect (2) Enable Autoconnect (3) The IP address that will be the
destination for the autoconnect user (4) A Destination TCP port number,
which determines the type of connection for this user (such as 23 for
8. Choose Submit.
9. To return to the main User menu, choose User from the Menu again.

Configuring TCP Socket Communication

TCP socket communication enables serial devices to communicate with
each other over an Ethernet network as though they were connected by a
serial cable.
This section describes how to use the web interface to configure this Digi
device for the following:
• Inbound connections, that is, connections that are initiated by the
device on the other side of the network
• Outbound connection, that is, connections that are initiated by the
device connected to the serial port

Procedure for Configuring Inbound Socket Communication

1. Access the web interface by entering the device server IP address in a
browser’s URL window.
2. Log on to the device server as root. The default password is dbps.
3. From the main menu, choose Configure > Port.
4. From the Port configuration screen, set the Device type to Printer,
adjust other serial port communication parameters as required by the
connected device, and then choose Submit.
5. Choose Advanced, check Binary Mode and then choose Submit.

Procedure for Configuring Outbound Socket Communication

1. Access the web interface by entering the device server IP address in a
browser’s URL window.
2. Log on to the device server as root. The default password is dbps.
3. From the main menu, choose Configure > Port.
4. From the Port configuration screen, set the Device type to Modem In,
adjust other serial port communication parameters as required by the
connected device, then choose Submit.
Note: The Terminal type field does not matter.

5. To configure the port to launch an automatic connection, choose

6. Choose Enable Autoconnect
7. Specify the IP address of the slave.

36 Chapter 8 Configuring Autoconnection

8. Specify a TCP port to use for this connection. If this is a connection to a
serial port on another Digi device and you have not changed the base
socket service, use the following conventions to specify a TCP port
For This Type of
Specify ... Example

Telnet 2000 + port number To specify port 1, use 2001

Raw connection 2100 + port number To specify port 2, use 2102

9. If you want the autoconnection to launch immediately, choose Force

10. Choose Binary Mode.
11. When you complete the configuration process, choose Submit.
Note: For more flexible base socket configuration, see socket parameter in
set config in Digi One/PortServer TS Command Reference.

Configuring UDP Multicast

The Digi One and PortServer TS devices are devices capable of UDP
multicast. UDP multicast is used to send serial data over an Ethernet cable
to one or many hosts at the same time. UDP is a connectionless protocol,
meaning UDP does not need a protocol, but is sending data without any
form of acknowledgement or error correction. Up to 64 devices can receive
a UDP multicast at one time. Both the transmitting and receiving devices
must be configured properly for UDP multicast to work.
This section describes how to use the web interface to configure this Digi
device for the following:
• Inbound connections, that is, connections that are initiated by the
device on the other side of the network
• Outbound connection, that is, connections that are initiated by the
device connected to the serial port

Procedure for Configuring Outbound Socket Communication

1. Access the web interface by entering the device server IP address in a
browser’s URL window.
2. Log on to the Digi One/PortServer TS as root. The default password is
3. From the main menu, choose Configure > Port.
4. From the Port configuration screen, set the Device type to Printer,
adjust other serial port communication parameters as required by the
connected device, and then choose Advanced.
Note: The serial parameters for two connecting devices must match meaning if one
device is set for 9600 bps, the other device must be set for the same rate.

Chapter 8 Configuring Autoconnection 37

5. Choose UDP serial... at the bottom of the page. The UDP Serial Config-
uration page is displayed.

6. Fill in the requested information and choose Add destination at the bot-
tom of the page.
See the Help section for additional information on the settings.
7. Scroll to the bottom of the page. Under Description, choose upddest1.
8. Enter the requested information and choose Submit.
You can change the Description as desired. The IP address is the desti-
nation device server’s address and the UDP port uses a base socket
number of 2100 for UDP. The first port would be port number 2101.
9. Repeat these steps until you have added the necessary destinations.

Procedure for Configuring Inbound Socket Communication

1. Access the web interface by entering the Digi One/PortServer TS IP
address in a browser’s URL window.
2. Log on to the Digi One/PortServer TS as root. The default password is
3. From the main menu, choose Configure > Port.

38 Chapter 8 Configuring Autoconnection

4. From the Port configuration screen, set the Device type to Printer,
adjust other serial port communication parameters as required by the
connected device, and then choose Submit.

Chapter 8 Configuring Autoconnection 39

40 Chapter 8 Configuring Autoconnection
Chapter 9 Configuring IP Routing
Configuring Static Routes
This section describes how to configure device server for static routes.
Related Information
See the set route command in the Digi One/PortServer TS Command
To configure a static route over a PPP link, enter the following command:
set route net=addr mask=mask metric=hops wanname=interface
• addr is either the IP address of a system to be reached over this
route or the network address of the subnet that is to be reached on
this route
• mask is the mask to use for interpreting the IP address.
• metric is the number of hop to the destination
• interface is either ether if this route is over the Ethernet interface or
the name of a user if the route is over a PPP link
• gateway is the IP address of the device that is the next hop to the

Example: Route Using the Ethernet Interface

In this example, a route to a subnet is created over the Ethernet interface.
Key features include the following:
• The address on the net field is a subnetwork address, not the IP
address of a specific device
• The wannane=ether, indicating that this route is over the Ethernet
• The metric field indicates that packets to this subnet will pass
through two routers
• The gateway field indicates that all packets using this route are to be
forwarded to the device at IP address
set route net= mask= metric=2
wannname=ether gateway=

Example: Route Using a PPP Link

In this example, a route to a subnet is created over a PPP interface. Key
features include the following:

Chapter 9 Configuring IP Routing 41

• The address on the net field is IP address of a specific device, not a
subnetwork address
• The wan name is the name of a PPP user.
• The metric field indicates that packets to this subnet will pass
through two routers
• The gateway field indicates that all packets using this route are to be
forwarded to the device at IP address
set route net= mask= metric=2
wannname=ppp1 gateway=

Configuring Dynamic Routes Using RIP

This section describes how to configure device server for dynamic routing.
Related Information
See the set forwarding command in the Digi One/PortServer TS Command
Starting Point
This procedure assumes that you have signed on as root and have or will
configure modems, modem scripts, devices, and filters for routes that use
serial lines.
1. Configure the links over which routed packets and RIP updates will be
• To enable routing over the LAN to which device server is attached,
no routing-specific configuration is required.
• To enable routing over PPP links be sure to use the netrouting field
on the set user command to configure how device server handles
RIP updates. You can configure the link so that device server does
any of the following with RIP updates:
— Both sends and receives them (netrouting=both)
— Sends them only (netrouting=send)
— Receives them only (netrouting=receive)
— Neither sends nor receives them (netrouting=off)
2. Configure the device server for dynamic routing with a set forwarding
command that specifies state=active.

Example: Dynamic Routes

In this example, which shows only those commands and command fields
pertinent to routing, device server is configured for dynamic routing using
RIP. But to prevent RIP updates from being sent across the PPP link, the
set user command that defines the link specifies netrouting=off.

42 Chapter 9 Configuring IP Routing


Digi Device


set forwarding state=active poisonreverse=on splithorizon=on

set user name=link1...netrouting=off

Configuring Proxy ARP

This section describes how to configure device server for Proxy ARP.
Related Information
See the set forwarding command in the Digi One/PortServer TS Command
Starting Point
This procedure assumes that you have signed on as root and have or will
configure modems, modem scripts, devices, and filters for routes that use
serial lines.
1. Configure the links over which packets will be routed using a set user
command. This command must specify (on the ipaddr field) a specific
IP address for the remote system using the Proxy ARP service.
2. Configure device server for Proxy ARP by supplying a set forwarding
command that specifies the following:
• state=passive
• proxyarp=on

In this example, device server provides Proxy ARP services to a remote

Digi Device

set user name=link1...ipaddr=
set forwarding state=passive proxyarp=on

Chapter 9 Configuring IP Routing 43

44 Chapter 9 Configuring IP Routing
Chapter 10
Configuring the Digi Device for IA
(Industrial Automation)
About Modbus
Modbus is a protocol that defines how devices in an industrial automation
(IA) environment communicate. It specifies that a controlling unit, called a
master, manages one or more units, called slaves. The protocol specifies
that only the master may initiate communication. Slaves may only respond.
The protocol defines the structure of Modbus messages, determines how
the master requests information from the slave or specifies an action for
the slave to take, defines how the slave is to respond, specifies addressing
conventions, and deals with many of the other details required for
communication to occur. Modbus defines two encoding schemes, Modbus
ASCII and Modbus RTU. Each Modbus device uses one or the other.
Designed to function over a serial communication cable, Modbus has been
extended in recent years to function over an Ethernet network using
Modbus/TCP, which defines a method of encapsulating Modbus ASCII or
Modbus RTU messages in IP packets for transport over the network.
The extermely flexible Digi implementation includes support for Modbus
ASCII, Modbus RTU, Modbus/TCP, and two other methods of transport
over a network, TCP socket and UDP socket communication. The
implementation enables multiple network-based masters to concurrently
initiate communication with serial-based slaves using any of the supported
network protocols.

Modbus Configuration Procedure: Web Interface

1. Access the web interface.
2. Sign in as root. The default password is dbps.
3. Choose Setup Wizard > Industrial Protocols.
4. Use the wizard to complete configuration tasks. Here are a few tips:
• Configure the serial port for the serial communication parameters
(baud rate, data bits, parity and stop bits) required by the connected
IA device.
• Choose Modbus ASCII or Modbus RTU as the serial port protocol,
depending on the requirements of the IA device connected to the
• If you configure the port for a slave, you do not have to configure a
network-based master. Communication with the master just works.
(If the master is connected to a serial port, it must be configured,

Chapter 10 Configuring the Digi Device for IA (Industrial Automation) 45

• If you configure a port for a master and the slaves are located on the
network, TCP sockets, UDP sockets, and Modbus/TCP are all sup-
ported. Use the protocol required by the master.

Configuring the User-Defined Protocol

Digi One\PortServer TS 2/4 MEI devices support what Digi calls the “user-
defined” protocol, which is any IA serial-port protocol with the following
• All message packets are bounded by fixed header and trailer
• Each protocol request is followed by a single response.

1. Access the web interface.
2. Sign in as root. The default password is dbps.
3. Choose Setup Wizard > Industrial Protocols.
4. Use the wizard to complete configuration tasks. Here are a few tips:
• Configure the serial port for serial communication parameters (baud
rate, data bits, parity and stop bits) required by the connected IA
• Choose User-defined as the serial-port protocol.
• If you configure the port for a slave, you do not have to configure a
network-based master. Communication with the master just works.
(If the master is connected to a serial port, it must be configured,
• If you configure a port for a master and the slaves are located on the
network, TCP sockets and UDP sockets are supported options.

46 Chapter 10 Configuring the Digi Device for IA (Industrial Automation)

Chapter 11 Configuring Security Features
Controlling Access to the Configuration
Controlling access of device server restricts access to the configuration by
defining the following types of users:
• The root user, who has unlimited access to device server com-
mands. He or she can view any configuration table and change any
configuration parameter. The root is identified by the user name
root and must supply a password to be authenticated. The default
root password is dbps. You should change this password immedi-
• Regular users, who have much more restricted access to device
server commands. Regular users can view some configuration
tables and can change some configuration parameters related to
their own sessions and passwords. See the Digi One/PortServer TS
Command Reference for information on the limitations placed on
regular users for each command.

Controlling Access to Inbound Ports

This section describes methods of controlling access to inbound serial
ports. An inbound port is one defined on the dev field of the set ports
command for one of the following device types:
• term (used to define terminal connections)
• min (used to define incoming modem connections)
• mio (used to define bi-directional modem connections)
• hdial, hio (used to define computer connections)

Default Access Restrictions

The default configuration for inbound ports is that a login and password are
required to access them.
Options for Removing Access Restriction
The login and password requirement for inbound ports can be changed by
• The port so that it does not require a login and password. In this
case, no one is required to supply a login or password.
• Specific users so that they do not require a password. In this case,
some users do not supply passwords, and others are required to.

Procedure for Changing a Port’s Access Requirements

To configure a port so that no one has to login or specify a password,

Chapter 11 Configuring Security Features 47

supply a set logins command that specifies the following:
set logins range=range login=off passwd=off

set logins range=1-2 login=off passwd=off

Procedure for Changing a User’s Access Requirements

To configure a user so that he or she does not have to specify a password
when accessing an inbound port, supply a set user command that specifies
the following:
set user name=name password=off
where name is a name to identify the user
set user name=user1 password=off

Controlling Access to Outbound Ports

This section describes methods for controlling access to outbound serial
ports. An outbound port is one defined on the dev field of the set ports
command for one of the following device types:
• prn (used to define printer connections)
• mout (used to define outbound modem connections
• mio (used to define bi-directional modem connections)
• host (used to define host connections)

Default Access
The default for outbound ports is unlimited access.
Restricting Access to Outbound Ports
Use the set auth command to restrict access to outbound ports. See the
description of the set auth command in the Digi One/PortServer TS
Command Reference for more information.
CHAP Authentication for PPP Users
CHAP authentication can be used to restrict PPP user access to outbound
ports. For more information on CHAP configuration, see the set user
command in the device server Command Reference.

Controlling Access to the Command Line

This section describes how to restrict access to the device server
command line.
Method 1 Autoconnection
The autoconnection feature allows you to configure a user to access the

Chapter 11 Configuring Security Features 48

device server but then be automatically connected to a host on the LAN.
You can implement autoconnection in the following ways:
• By port where all port users are automatically connected to the
same host. The device server is completely transparent to them.
• By user where a user is required to login and may be required to
supply a password, but once the user is authenticated, an automatic
connection to a hosts made.
For information on configuring autoconnection, see "Configuring
Autoconnection" on page 35.
Method 2: Menus
Menus select destination systems without having to access the device
server command line. For information on configuring menus, see the
description of the set menu command in the Digi One/PortServer TS
Command Reference.

Using RADIUS to Authenticate Users

This section provides a description of RADIUS and explains how to
configure device server to use RADIUS. Digi device and terminal servers
are capable of authenticating reverse Telnet users with RADIUS. The
Service-Type attribute of the RADIUS server must be defined correctly for
the Digi devices to grant access.
What is RADIUS?
RADIUS (remote authentication dial-in user service) is a method of
maintaining a database of profiles of dial-in users. These profiles can
include login and password information, as well as other user attributes.
RADIUS Components
RADIUS requires two components, an authentication host server and client
protocols. The device server implements the client protocol. A host must
implement the authentication server application.
RADIUS Table Key
The numbers in the following tables have the following meaning:
# Meaning
0 This attribute must not be present.
0+ Zero or more instances of this attribute may be present.
0-1 Zero or one instance of this attribute may be present.
1 Exactly one instance of this attribute must be present.

RADIUS Attributes (RFC 2138) Supported

The following attributes are supported in the Digi device server RADIUS

Chapter 11 Configuring Security Features 49

client implementation.
Request Accept Reject Challenge # Attribute
1 0 0 0 1 User-Name
0-1 0 0 0 2 User-Password
0-1 0 0 0 3 CHAP-Password
0-1 0 0 0 4 NAS-IP-Address
0-1 0 0 0 5 NAS-Port
0-1 0-1 0 0 6 Service-Type
0-1 0-1 0 0 7 Framed-Protocol
0-1 0-1 0 0 8 Framed-IP-Address
0-1 0-1 0 0 9 Framed-IP-Netmask
0 0-1 0 0 10 Framed-Routing
0 0+ 0 0 11 Filter-Id
0 0-1 0 0 12 Framed-MTU
0+ 0+ 0 0 13 Framed Compression
0+ 0+ 0 0 14 Login-IP-Host
0 0-1 0 0 15 Login-Service
0 0-1 0 0 16 Login-TCP-Port
0 0-1 0 0-1 27 Session-Timeout
0 0-1 0 0-1 28 Idle-Timeout

RADIUS Accounting Attributes (RFC 2139)

The following RADIUS accounting attributes are supported in the Digi
device server.
# Attribute # Attribute
0-1 User-Name 0-1 Login-TCP-Port
0 User-Password 0-1 Session-Timeout
0 CHAP-Password 0-1 Idle-Timeout
0-1 NAS-IP-Address 1 Acct-Status-Type
0-1 NAS-Port 0-1 Acct-Delay-Time
0-1 Service-Type 0-1 Acct-Input-Octets
0-1 Framed-Protocol 0-1 Acct-Output-Octets
0-1 Framed-IP-Address 1 Acct-Session-Id
0-1 Framed-IP-Netmask 0-1 Acct-Authentic
0-1 Framed-Routing 0-1 Acct-Session-Time
0+ Filter-Id 0-1 Acct-Input-Packets
0-1 Framed-MTU 0-1 Acct-Output-Packets
0+ Framed-Compression 0-1 Acct-Terminate-Cause
0+ Login-IP-Host 0-1 Port-Limit
0-1 Login Service

How RADIUS Works

Here is how authentication works when device server is configured for

Chapter 11 Configuring Security Features 50

• A user logs into device server.
• device server collects login information and then checks to see if the
user is in the local database of users.
• If the user is in the local database, device server handles authenti-
• If the user is not in the local database, device server submits an
authentication request to the RADIUS server.
• The RADUIS server does one of the following:
— If the user is validated, it passes this information to other devices
and the user is permitted access.
— If the user is not validated, the RADIUS server returns an access
reject message to device server, which then denies access to
the user.
Configuring RADIUS: Web Interface
Use this section for information on configuring device server as a RADIUS
client from the web interface.
1. Access the web interface by entering the device server IP address in a
browser’s URL window.
2. Log on to the device server as root. The default password is dbps.
3. From the main menu, choose Configure > RADUIS.
4. Configure the RADIUS client as required. Use the online help for infor-
mation on configuration fields.
5. When you complete configuration, choose Submit.

Configuring RADIUS: Command Line

To configure device server to function as a RADIUS client, supply a set
radius command that specifies the following:
• run=on
• The IP address of the primary RADIUS server (on the primary field).
The primary server is the first server to which authentication
requests are sent.
• A password (on the secret field)
Note To use a secondary RADIUS server, supply a second set radius command that specifies run=on,
the IP address of the secondary server (on the secondary field) and another password for the
secondary server (on the secret field).

RADIUS Command Line Configuration Example

set radius run=on primary= secret=J9CxegpP

Chapter 11 Configuring Security Features 51

Issuing User Passwords
This section discusses how to issue user passwords.
Related Information
See the newpass and set user commands in the Digi One/PortServer TS
Command Reference.
Starting Point
This procedure assumes that you have signed on as root and already
configured the user to whom you will be issuing a password.
1. Issue a newpass command that identifies the user (on the name field)
to whom this password will be issued.
2. When the system prompts you for a new password, type in the pass-
word and then press Enter.
3. When the system prompts you to enter the new password again, type it
in and then press Enter.

Configuring SSH Version 2 for Secure Communication

This section discusses how to configure a user for SSH version 2
Password Protection
To configure simple password authentication for an SSH user, no SSH-
specific configuration is required. Simply configure a user by entering the
following commands:
set user name=name password=on
newpass name=name
where name is a user name
set user name=ssh-user1
newpass name=ssh-user1

Using a Public Key

To enable public key authentication and to associate a public key with a
user, enter the following command:
set user name=name loadkey=host:key
• name is the name of a user
• host is either an IP address or DNS name of a host running TFTP
that holds

Chapter 11 Configuring Security Features 52

•key is the name of a file that contains the DSA public key. If your
host’s implementation requires a complete path to the file, specify
the path here as well.
set user name=secure loadkey=

Making Reverse SSH Connections to Ports

The convention used to identify a port for a reverse SSH connection to a
Digi device is to use 2500 + the port number. See the examples that follow
for more information.
Note: Only PortServer TS 8/16 supports reverse SSH version 2 server.

Example: Reverse SSH Connection to Port 1

ssh 2501

Example: Reverse SSH Connection to Port 4

ssh 2504

Controlling Access to Services

This section describes how to disable services, such as Telnet and Rlogin,
for inbound users, which means that they cannot access the Digi device
using those services. This feature allows you to turn off individual services
or to specify a security level, which means that all services not included in
that level are turned off.
Services that Can Be Turned Off
The following services can be turned off.
• RealPort
• Reverse TCP
• Reverse Telnet
• Remote login
• Remote shell
• Telnet

Service Levels
These are the secure access levels:

Chapter 11 Configuring Security Features 53

• Secure, which means that SSH is the only service available to
inbound users
• High, which means that SSH, HTTP, HTTPS, SNMP, and RealPort
services are available to inbound users
• Normal, which means all services are available
• Custom, which means you can select services to turn off.
The default service level is normal, which means that all services are
Use this topic for information on using the web interface to turn services off.
1. Access the device server from a web browser by entering the Digi
device’s IP address in the URL window.
2. Log on as root. The default password is dbps.
3. From the main menu, choose Secure Access.
4. Use the wizard to disable services that you do not want to make avail-
able to inbound users. Use the context sensitive help for information on
configuration fields.

SSL Support
The device server supports communication over the Secure Socket Layer
(SSL). Applications running on networked systems and devices can initiate
secure communication with a device connected to a Digi serial port by
using the SSL TCP port.
Setting Up for SSL Connections
No device server configuration is required to use SSL unless the
application cannot use the default SSL TCP port, which can be changed
using the sockets field on the set config command. See the Digi One/
PortServer TS Command Reference for more information.
Initiating an SSL Connection with a Digi Device
The formula for determining the correct TCP port is the following:
base socket + port + 600. See the following examples, which use the
default base socket (2000), to clarify how this works.

To Connect to ... Use This Command ... Example

Port 1 telnet ip-address 2601 Telnet 2601
Port 2 telnet ip-address 2602 Telnet 2602

54 Chapter 11 Configuring Security Features

Chapter 12 Configuring DNS
About the Domain Name System
This section discusses key concepts of the domain name system.
Purpose of DNS
The domain name system maps domain names to information associated
with these names, such as IP addresses.
DNS Components
DNS components include:
• A distributed database consisting of domain names and associated
• A hierarchical system of domain name servers that maintain the
database and use it to respond to requests for information about a
particular domain name, such as its IP address
• Domain name resolvers that
— Accept requests from users
— Satisfy information requests by building and submitting properly
formulated queries to one or more name servers or by retrieving
information from a local host file
— Return information to users
— Cache information for future use
Types of Name Servers
There are two types of name servers in the domain name system:
• Local servers maintain information for resources within a local zone.
It is up to individual network administrators to determine the scope
of a local zone.
• Root servers maintain information in higher-level domains than do
local servers.
Typically, when a user requires information about a domain name, the
resolver queries a local server. If local servers cannot provide the
information, root servers are queried next.
Naming Conventions
Each node in the domain name system has a globally unique domain name
that consists of its own name, which is called a label, and the labels of all
superior nodes.
DNS Name Example
Here is an example of a domain name. Note that labels are separated by

Chapter 12 Configuring DNS 55

In this example, mn07 is part of the higher-level domain called

Configuration Procedures
Procedure for Using a Name Server
To configure a DNS server, enter the following command:
set config domain=domain myname=name dns=ip-address
• domain is the domain in which the device server will reside
• name is a DNS name for device server
• ip-address is the IP address of a name server
set config domain=digi.com myname=poe dns=

Procedure for Using a Host File

Use this section to configure the host table, which maps IP addresses to
host names.
Enter the following command
set host name=name ip=ip-address
• name is the name the host
• ip-address is the IP address of the host

In this example, three IP address-to-name mappings are configured
set host name=poe ip=
set host name=gary ip=
set host name=toni ip=

56 Chapter 12 Configuring DNS

Chapter 13 Configuring SNMP
About SNMP and the device server Agent
This section introduces SNMP and network management in TCP/IP
networks, and it describes the device server agent. It discusses the
• Network management components
• The SNMP agent
• SNMP traps
• The device server agent’s MIB support
• The device server agent’s supported traps

Network Management Components

The TCP/IP network management architecture contains the following
• Managed nodes such as host systems, routers, terminal and com-
munications servers (such as device server) and other network
• One or more network managers (also called network management
stations), which are the points from which the network is managed
• Agents that reside on managed nodes and retrieve management
information and communicate this information to network managers
• The network management protocol, SNMP, which governs the
exchange of information between the nodes and stations
• Management information, which is the database of information
about managed objects. This database is called the management
information base (MIB).

SNMP Management Agent

Each managed node contains at least one agent—a component that
responds to requests from the network manager—that retrieves network
management information from its node and notifies the manager when
significant events occur.
SNMP Traps
A mechanism defined by SNMP is called a trap, which is a report or “alarm”
from a managed node to an SNMP manager that a significant event has
MIB Support
The agent supports the following MIBs:

Chapter 13 Configuring SNMP 57

• Read-write for MIB II (RFC 1213), which is an Internet-standard
MIB, consisting of managed objects from the systems, interfaces, IP,
ICMP, TCP, UDP, transmission, and SNMP group
• Read-write for the character-stream devices using SMIv2 MIB (RFC
• Read-write for the RS-232-like hardware devices MIB (RFC 1659)
• Read-write for the device server IP Network Control Protocol of the
Point-to-Point Protocol MIB (RFC 1473)

Message Support
The SNMP agent supports the Set, Get, GetNext, and Trap messages as
defined in RFC 1157. These messages are used as follows:
• Set, which means set the value of a specific object from one of the
supported MIBs
• Get, which means retrieve the value of a specific object form one of
the supported MIBs
• GetNext, which means retrieve the value of the next object in the
• Trap, which means send traps to the manager when a particular
type of significant event occurs

Supported Traps
The agent can send traps when any of the following occur:
• Cold starts (device server initializes)
• Authentication failures
• Login attempts
• Current threshold for power management
• Temperature threshold for power management
• Link up

Configuration Procedure: Web Interface

1. Access the web interface by entering the device server IP address in a
browser’s URL window.
2. Log on to the device server as root.
Note: The default password is dbps, which should be changed. See the newpass
command in the Digi One/PortServer TS Command Reference for information
on changing passwords.

3. Select Configure and then SNMP from the menu.

4. Fill in the configuration fields and then click Submit.
For additional information, see the Digi One/PortServer TS Command Reference
set snmp.

58 Chapter 13 Configuring SNMP

Chapter 14 Configuring Users
About Configuring Users
Although it is not required, the device server is often configured to
accommodate the requirements of particular users. Typical configurable
user attributes include the following:
• Whether the user is required to supply a password
• Autoconnection attributes, such as the system to which the user
should be automatically connected at login
• The interface the device presents the user, such as a menu or com-
mand line
• Whether the user has access to outbound ports
For information on configuring PPP users, see "Configuring PPP" on page

Configuration Methods
You can configure users in the following ways:
• With the web interface.
• With the set user command. See the set user command in the Digi
One/PortServer TS Command Reference.
• With a RADIUS server. See the set radius command in the .

Common User Features

This section discusses common user-related features. For a complete list,
see the set user command in the Digi One/PortServer TS Command

Feature Description set user Field

Determines the times and days the user can
access the device server.
accesstime accesstime
This feature is not configurable from the web
Automatically connects the user to the host
specified on the autohost field using the ser-
vice (TCP port) defined on the autoport or autoconnect
auto autoservice fields. autohost
connect Autoconnection can also be implemented by autoport
port instead of by user.
This feature is configurable from the web

Chapter 14 Configuring Users 59

Defines the type of access the user is
restricted to. Menu, command line, autocon-
Default nect, and outgoing and netservice are the
types. defaultaccess
access type
This feature is configurable from the web
Defines the menu that is to be presented to a
Menu user with menu access.
access This feature is configurable from the web
Defines the number of outbound ports a user
connected over the LAN can access at one
Port access time. maxsessions
This feature is not configurable from the web
There are too
many fields to list
PPP Defines PPP-related parameters for the user. here. See the set
user command for
more information.
Routing Defines whether RIP routing updates are for- netrouting
updates warded over the link to this user.

Configuring a User: Web Interface

Use this section to configure users with from the web interface.
1. Access the web interface by entering the device server IP address in a
browser’s URL window.
2. Log on to the device server as root. The default password is dbps.
3. Select Configure and then Users from the menu.
4. Choose Add User.
5. Enter a name and then choose Submit
6. Choose the new user from the Name column.
7. Configure the user as required.
8. Click Submit.
9. To return to the main User menu, click User from the Menu again.

Commands for Configuring a User

Use the commands listed below as well as find specific examples and
complete parameters from the Digi One/PortServer TS Command
• set user (name=)
• newpass to assign a password
• default access=menu to configure a user for a menu
• autoconnect to automatically connect a user
• remove to remove a user from the user table

60 Chapter 14 Configuring Users

Chapter 15 Configuring Console Management
About Console Management
The device server can be configured to remotely manage network devices,
such as routers, switches, power units, and servers, which usually provide
EIA-232 serial ports for management. Using the device server and TCP/IP
utilities like reverse Telnet and SSH2, network administrators can access
consoled serial ports from a single station over the LAN. Power
management also enables the network administrator to control and monitor
power units and the devices attached to them from a single location. The
SSH2 feature secures access to ports and devices as defined by the
network administrator.
To set up Console Management for the PortServer 8/16, you will do the
• configure.the serial ports
• configure SSH2 to control access to ports and devices
• configure power units and accessability
• configure port buffering
• configure user menus

Configuring Ports
The device server serial ports must be configured properly before they will
support console management. To configure the serial ports for console
management, do the following:
1. From a web browser, login to the Portserver TS as root (default pass-
word is dbps). Make the following changes from the Configure > Ports
2. For each port connected to a device that will be managed, change the
device type setting for the port to Printer (prn).
Default device type setting for all ports: terminal (term)
3. Ensure that the port and the device to be managed are using the same
flow control scheme and other port parameters.
Default settings are: software flow control, 9600 bps, 8 bits, None for
parity, 1 stop bit.

Configuring SSH
The device server supports SSH version 2. Users can connect using a
variety of SSH clients that are available. There are three authentication
options you can choose from to validate users. These options are local
authentication, SSH authentication, and RADIUS authentication. There is
no special configuration for local authentication. For how to configure your

Chapter 15 Configuring Console Management 61

device for RADIUS authentication, see the chapter on Configuring
RADIUS. See the following section on how to configure SSH for
If you want to use SSH2 connections and use an SSH public key for
authentication, do the following:
Device Firmware Version
PortServer TS 8 82000684c or higher
PortServer TS 16

• enter the following command

set user name=name loadkey=host:key
• name is the name of a user
• host is either an IP address or DNS name of a host running TFTP
• key is the name of a file that contains the DSA public key. If your
host’s implementation requires a complete path to the file, specify
the path here as well.
set user name=secure loadkey=
Note: Use the table to determine whether your Digi product supports SSH2 connec-
tions using a public key for authentication.

62 Chapter 15 Configuring Console Management

Example: SSH2 and Menu Access
In this example, a Digi device is configured to use an SSH2 public key, and
it presents a menu to the administrator, from which he or she will select a
device to manage.
Key aspects of this configuration include the following:
• Two ports to which the managed devices are connected specify
dev=prn, a device type that does not spawn a login from the Digi
• A menu specifies connect commands, which when selected provide
connections to ports 1 and 2 and the managed systems. The menu
also specifies a menu table index number of 6 (on the range param-
eter), which is then linked to a user with the set user command
set ports dev=prn range=1-2
set line baud=19200 range=1-2
set menu name=menu1 t1="Console Management Menu" range=6
set menu name=menu1 range=6 m1="Connect to System 1" c1="connect
set menu name=menu1 range=6 m2="Connect to System 2" c2="connect
set user name=admin1 defaultaccess=menu menu=6 password=on
set user name=admin1 loadkey=
newpass name=admin1

Accessing Attached Devices

Telnet is a direct connection to another device on the network. Once a user
is connected to the device with a telnet session, they can connect to a
specific port. Use the following procedure to initiate a telnet session:
telnet ipaddress
An example is:
At the command prompt, the user can connect directly to a port by entering
the following command:
connect portnumber
An example is:
connect 4
This command initiates a telnet session on port 4. Other methods for
accessing ports using a telnet session are through Custom Menus and

Telnet Direct to a Port (Reverse Telnet)

Where Telnet is a direct connection to a device, reverse telnet is a direct
connection to a device’s serial port from the network. In the example below,

Chapter 15 Configuring Console Management 63

a user connects directly to serial port 4 on a PortServer. Reverse telnet
uses a socket numbering scheme starting with 2000 plus the port number.
telnet 2004
A reverse telnet session can be authenticated on a Digi device with a
RADIUS server.
Note: Ports must be configured for console management before they can be used
for reverse telnet or reverse ssh. See "Configuring a Port for Autoconnection:
Web Interface" on page 35.

64 Chapter 15 Configuring Console Management

SSH Direct to a Port (Reverse SSH)
Reverse ssh is the same as a reverse telnet session except the
communication session is encrypted. Reverse ssh uses the socket
numbering scheme of 2500 + the port number. In the example below, the
user establishes a connection to port 12 on a Digi device.
ssh 2512
Users on a Linux system should use the following example for reverse ssh.
ssh -lroot -p2512

Alternate IP Addresses
If you want to simplify access to the ports, do the following to access a port
from a workstation on the LAN. You can assign IP addresses to each port
that will be connected to a managed device, which allows the administrator
to Telnet directly to the port without specifying a TCP port number. See the
set altip command in the Digi One/PortServer TS Command Reference for
more information.
In this example, the device server is configured with
• Alternate IP addresses using set altip commands, which assign IP
addresses to ports 1 and 2. This enables direct access to one of
these ports with a Telnet command that specifies one of the IP
• Password protection on ports 1 and 2. This is done with the set auth
command that leaves all hosts to login by specifying the ip address
set ports dev=prn range=1-2
set line baud=19200 range=1 unrestricted=name ip=
set auth login=1-2 range=2
set altip group=1 ip=
set altip group=2 ip=

User Command
In this example, a user Telnets to port 1 using an IP address. The user will
be required to log in before access to the port is granted.

Securing Console Access

The device server provides the user with the ability to obtain secure and
reliable access to console ports. Access to ports can be restricted in three
1. User
Users can be setup with menu access, whereby the user is limited to
the options presented in the menu. A port can also be assigned a spe-

Chapter 15 Configuring Console Management 65

cific User ID (UID). Access to the port is then restricted to that particu-
lar user.
2. Protocol
Protocols supported by the device server can be turned off to restrict
the ways users can access ports. For example services such as telnet
and http can be turned off with SSHv2 being the only method available
to access.
3. Source IP
Ports can also be restricted by the source IP of the computer wanting
For details on configuring these options, refer to Chapter 11, or the see
description of the following commands in the Digi One/PortServer TS
Command Reference.
• set ports uid=
• set secureaccess
• set auth

Power Management
The web interface provides a quick, easy method for adding and
configuring remote power control units to the PortServer TS 8/16. The
PortServer TS 8/16 gives an administrator access to remote power units on
the network enabling the administrator to reset a device(s) or turn them on
or off. Once a power unit has been added, it can be configured and
managed in three different ways. Users, console groups, and device
names are the three different ways to manage the power units. Individual
users are authorized to manage one or more outlets. Users assigned to a
console group manage one or more ports and the power units attached to
those ports. Users assigned by device name manage all devices having a
specific name such as router or Cisco. The three management options a
user has are to turn a device on, off, or reset a device or devices.

Configuring Power Units

To add and configure a power unit on a Digi PortServer TS 8/16, do the
1. Enter the device server’s IP address in a browser’s URL address bar.
Use the username root and the default password dbps to login.
2. From the menu, choose Configure > Power > select the Add Power Unit
3. Fill in the requested fields for port number, power unit manufacturer,
number of outlets, and choose
Submit. The power unit has been added and you are returned to the
Power Unit Configuration page.
Note: The port number entered is the port on the PortServer TS which
is connected to the power unit.

66 Chapter 15 Configuring Console Management

4. To configure the power unit, choose Edit Power Unit hyperlink under the
power unit you have added.
5. Choose the manufacturer, enter the number of outlets, and set the
alarm thresholds. Choose Submit.
The power unit is configured.
Note: The alarm theshold monitors the electric current on an outlet. It
warns the user by sounding an audible warning when a specific amper-
age level is reached on an outlet.
Devices Supported: The Digi PortServer TS 8/16 supports the following
Baytech power units: RPC 4, 6, 10, 12, 16, 18, 22, 27, and 28. See the
Baytech website for further details at: http://www.baytech.net.

Configuring Users
Individual users must already be entered in the system before they can be
assigned to the power units. You can add users by going to Configure >
Users and filling in the required fields. To assign a user to a power unit, do
the following:
1. From the menu, choose Configure > Power > and the Outlet you are
configuring. The Outlet is listed in the Plugged Into column.
2. In the Power Management Users section, select Assign User.
3. From the drop down menu, choose the user you want to assign to man-
age the power unit.

Chapter 15 Configuring Console Management 67

4. Choose Submit to save your configuration.

Configuring Console Groups

To assign groups to the power units, do the following:
1. From the menu, choose Configure > Power > and the Outlet you are
configuring. The Outlet is listed in the Plugged Into column.
2. A configuration screen appears. In the Console Group field select a
group from the pull down menu to assign the group to the Outlet. The
Device Name and Plugged Into fields are already filled by the configura-
tion utility.
3. In the Power Management Users section, check the boxes to assign
control either by the device name, the console group, or both. If none
are selected, users assigned to this device may only manage this
device, rather than a group of devices.
The Power Management options become accessible only when a Con-
sole Group or Device Name have been assigned.
Choose Submit to save your configuration.
For additional console settings, see set powerunit in the Digi One/
PortServer TS Command Reference.

Configuring Device Names

1. From the menu, choose Configure > Power > and the Outlet you are
configuring. The Outlet is selected from the Plugged Into column.
2. Enter the name you want to assign to control the Outlet in the Device
Name field.
If information is already present in the field, highlight the field and enter
the new information.
3. In the Power Management Users section, check the boxes to assign
control either by the device name, the
console group, or both.
If none are selected, users assigned to this device may only manage
this device, rather than a group of devices.

68 Chapter 15 Configuring Console Management

The Power Management options become accessible only when a Con-
sole Group or Device Name have been assigned.
4. Choose Submit to save the configuration.

Configuring Port Buffering

Note: Port buffering is supported on PortServer TS 2/4 MEI and PortServer TS 8/16
devices only.

Serial ports store data or information in what are called buffers. Buffers are
helpful to administrators who use them to monitor events on a system. If a
system unexpectedly goes down, the administrator can look in a logfile
(buffer) to find out what caused the system to go down. The buffers serve
to diagnose network and device problems.
To configure a port for port buffering, do the following:
1. From the web interface, choose Configure > Port Buffering.
2. Select the port you want to configure.
Choose On to turn on buffering, select the size of the buffer, and choose
Note: Buffers can only be viewed by administrators from the web interface

Configuring User Menus

The web interface configuration utility provides an easy method for
configuring user menus. The menus can be designed to give users access
to specific devices or ports. To configure a menu from the web browser,
login to the Digi device server as root (default password is dbps) and
choose Configure > Menus.

Chapter 15 Configuring Console Management 69

70 Chapter 15 Configuring Console Management
Chapter 16 Managing the OS and Configuration
Upgrading the Firmware
This section describes how to upgrade the firmware, which can be done
from the web interface using HTTP or FTP.
HTTP or TFTP Upgrade Procedure
If your hardware is okay, make sure you are running the latest firmware
version available. Check the Digi Support site (http://ftp.digi.com/support/
firmware) for the latest firmware and/or POST updates for your device
1. Download a copy of the firmware file.
2. Access the Digi device server’s web interface by entering the Digi
device server’s IP address in a browser’s URL window and log on (User
Name root, Password dbps).
3. Choose Update Firmware from main menu.
4. Browse to the location on your system where the firmware has been
saved, select the correct file, and click Update.
Do not leave
your 5. Reboot the device when prompted.
browser until 6. Access the Digi device server’s web interface and verify on the Informa-
you are
prompted to
tion Page that the Firmware version has been successfully updated.
Command Line
If you want to use the command line to upgrade firmware, use the boot
command. See the Digi One/PortServer TS Command Reference for more

Copying the Configuration to and from a Remote Host

This section discusses copying the configuration to a remote host and from
a remote host, which means you can configure the Digi device remotely by
entering commands in a text file and then copying the file to the Digi
When To Use Remote Configuration
Typically, you use remote configuration when you have several device
servers with similar configurations and want to keep a master configuration
on a remote host, from which you can easily create variations for
downloading to individual device servers.
Rules for Editing a Configuration file
Here are some rules for editing a configuration file on a remote host:
• Edit the file with any text editor.

Chapter 16 Managing the OS and Configuration 71

• Each line of the file must start with a set command, such as set user
or set line. In other words, do not let commands wrap to the next line
if your editor supports this function.

HTTP Procedure
1. Access the web interface by entering the device server IP address in a
browser’s URL window.
2. Log on to the device server as root. The default password is dbps.
3. From the main menu, choose Admin > HTTP CpConf.
4. To copy a file from the host you are on do the following:
— Choose Browse, select the file, and then choose Submit.
— Follow the prompts to complete this procedure.
5. To copy a file to a remote host, do the following:
— Right click on the Download current config link.
— Choose Save Target as
— Specify a file name and then choose Save.
6. Follow the prompts to complete this task.

TFTP Procedure
1. Ensure that TFTP is running on the remote host.
2. Access the web interface by entering the device server IP address in a
browser’s URL window.
3. Log on to the device server as root. The default password is dbps.
4. From the main menu, choose Admin > TFTP CpConf.
5. Choose either Copy configuration to a TFTP server or Copy configura-
tion from a TFTP server.
6. Specify an IP address and a file name and then choose Submit.
7. Follow the prompts to complete this task.

Command Line
If you want to use the command line to copy the configuration to and from a
remote host, use the cpconf command. See the Digi One/PortServer TS
Command Reference for more information.

Resetting Device Server Configuration to Defaults

Use this topic to reset the device server configuration to defaults.
Note: This procedure causes the device server to lose all configuration changes. If
you have a complex configuration, contact Digi before performing for informa-
tion on saving your configuration.

1. Use a pen, the point of a paper clip, or some other device to press the
recessed button on the front panel.
2. While holding down the button, power on the device server.

72 Chapter 16 Managing the OS and Configuration

3. When the 1-5-1 LED pattern is displayed, release the button.
The device boots up.

Commands for Resetting the Configuration to Defaults

Use the revert command to reset the configuration to factory defaults or the
latest version stored in NVRAM. See the Digi One/PortServer TS
Command Reference for complete information.
Note: You can also use the range field on this command to define a range of ports
with the serial, port, line, flow, keys and login options.

Chapter 16 Managing the OS and Configuration 73

74 Chapter 16 Managing the OS and Configuration
Chapter 17 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g
Symptom: PortServer TS 8/16 Does Not Boot
Use the information provided in this discussion when PortServer TS 8/16
will not complete the boot cycle.

Things to Try See ...

• "Running PortServer TS 8/16 Hardware
Check for hardware Diagnostics" on page 76
• "Running PortServer TS 8/16 POST" on page 77
Check for TFTP problems if • "Verifying TFTP on a UNIX System" on page 78
PortServer TS 8/16 is • "Troubleshooting TFTP Problems" on page 78
booting from a TFTP host.

Resetting the device to "Resetting PortServer TS 8/16 Configuration to

configuration defaults. Defaults" on page 79

If you cannot resolve the "Digi Contact Information" on page 84

problem, contact Digi.

Symptom: Cannot Telnet to the PortServer TS 8/16

Use the information provided in this discussion to troubleshoot network
This discussion assumes that the PortServer TS 8/16 itself is working, that
is, that it completes the boot cycle.

Things to Try See ...

Verify the IP address.
This procedure ensures that "Verifying the PortServer TS 8/16 IP Address" on
you are using the right IP page 79
address to Telnet to the
PortServer TS 8/16.

Check for duplicate IP

This procedure ensures that "Checking for Duplicate IP Addresses" on page 80
two devices are not using
the same IP address.

Chapter 17 Troubleshooting 75
Things to Try See ...
See if you can ping the IP
address. If you can ping the
address, but cannot Telnet to
it, you probably have a "Pinging an IP Address" on page 80
firewall problem. See the
Firewall documentation for
more information.
Verify the network cabling. "Verifying the Network Cabling" on page 80

If you cannot resolve the

problem, contact Digi. "Digi Contact Information" on page 84

Symptom: Trouble Accessing a Port

Use this procedure if you are having trouble accessing a PortServer TS 8/
16 port. The specific problem might be that you cannot logon from a
terminal or the printer or modem is not working properly. The Digi Port
Authority-Remote utility is helpful in the troubleshooting process for
determining the port signal status. SeeConfiguring the Ethernet Interface
with Digi Port Authority-Remote.
This discussion assumes the following:
• That the PortServer TS 8/16 itself is working, that is, that it com-
pletes the boot cycle. If it is not, see "Symptom: PortServer TS 8/16
Does Not Boot" on page 75.
• That the network is working. This is only pertinent if all ports are not
working and the malfunctioning ports are RealPort ports. The dis-
cussion in "Symptom: Cannot Telnet to the PortServer TS 8/16" on
page 75 goes through the steps of validating the network connec-


Things to Try See

If this is a RealPort port and
all ports are not working,
ensure that the RealPort "Verifying the RealPort Process: AIX" on page 81
process is running.
Verify PortServer TS 8/16 "Checking and Changing Port Configuration" on page
port settings. 82

Verify the cabling to the See the Digi One/PortServer Cable Guide for
peripheral information.

Running PortServer TS 8/16 Hardware Diagnostics

Use this topic to run hardware diagnostic procedures to validate the

76 Chapter 17 Troubleshooting
PortServer TS 8/16.
1. Connect a terminal to a PortServer TS 8/16 port.
2. If the port is still using the default configuration, configure the terminal to
use the following settings (Otherwise, configure the terminal to match
the port configuration):
• VT-100 emulation
• 9600 baud
• 8-bit characters
• 1 stop bit
• No parity
3. Reboot the PortServer TS 8/16.
4. When the front panel LEDs are all lighted, hold the Reset button and
press the v key. You may release the button when the serial port begins
to output test results.
5. When the Hardware Diagnostics Menu appears, select a test to

Running PortServer TS 8/16 POST

Use these topics to run PortServer TS 8/16 power on self test to validate
the PortServer TS 8/16 hardware.

Procedure: Running the POST Using the LEDs

1. Power on the PortServer TS 8/16.
2. Use the following table to interpret the output from the LEDs.

If ... Then ..
The power LED blinks A DHCP error has occurred and the PortServer TS 8/
immediately after POST 16 was not assigned an IP address.

Any of the other four LEDs

blink immediately after A hardware component failed.

Procedure: Running the POST from a Terminal

1. Connect a terminal to the first serial port on the PortServer 8/16.
2. If the port configuration was changed, configure the terminal to match
the port settings. If the port is still using the default configuration,
configure the terminal to use the following settings:
• VT-100 emulation
• 9600 baud
• 8-bit characters
• 1 stop bit
• No parity

Chapter 17 Troubleshooting 77
3. Reboot the PortServer TS 8/16 and press v when the LEDs begin to
POST output appears on the terminal screen.

Verifying TFTP on a UNIX System

Use this procedure to verify that TFTP is working correctly on your UNIX
Note: This procedure, which uses a TFTP transfer of the Digi Device’s boot image
between two UNIX hosts, enables you to compare the size of the boot image
before and after it is transferred, enabling you to determine if TFTP is working

1. Access a root prompt on the UNIX host.

2. Make sure that you are not in the /tftpboot directory.
3. Enter this command:
tftp ipaddress
where ipaddress is the IP address of the UNIX host.
A TFTP prompt appears.
4. At the prompt, enter the following command:
5. Enter this command at the TFTP prompt:
tftp > get tftp_file_name
where tftp_file_name is the name of the Digi Device’s boot image
in the /tftpboot directory.
6. Enter this command at the TFTP prompt to exit TFTP:
tftp quit
7. Compare the size of the original file against the transferred file using
this command:
ls -l tftp_file_name /tftpboot/tftp_file_name
If the file sizes match, TFTP is working properly.

Troubleshooting TFTP Problems

Here are some things to check if you encounter TFTP problems.
• Verify that the /tftpboot directory exists and has read, write and exe-
cute (777) permissions with this command: ls -1 /tftpboot
• If necessary, use this command to create the directory:
mkdir /tftpboot
• If necessary, use this command to change permissions of the direc-
tory to read, write and execute:
chmod 777 /tftpboot
• Verify that the file /tftpboot/ftp_file_name exists and has read and
execute permissions with this command:
ls -l /tftpboot/ftp_file_name
where ftp_file_name is the name of the firmware boot image
• If necessary, use this command to change permissions of the file to
read and execute:

78 Chapter 17 Troubleshooting
chmod 666 /tftpboot/ftp_file_name
• Verify that the inetd.conf file is properly configured for tftp by display-
ing the file /etc/inetd.conf. An entry similar to this should be uncom-
tftp dgram udp something
where something will vary with each operating system.
• For controlled TFTP access, make sure that the file /etc/tftpac-
cess.ctl exists and verify that it only allows access to public directo-
ries. If this file is not present, tftp will allow full access. A sample file
is located in the directory /usr/lpp/tcpip/samples.
• Restart the inetd process with these two commands:
ps -ef | grep inetd
This will report back the inetd process number.
Kill -1 inetd_PID
Where inetd_PID is the process number for the inetd process
reported by the previous command.

Resetting PortServer TS 8/16 Configuration to Defaults

Use this topic to reset the PortServer TS 8/16 configuration to defaults.
Note: This procedure causes the PortServer TS 8/16 to lose all configuration
changes. If you have a complex configuration, see the cpconf command in the
Digi One/PortServer TS Command Reference for information on backing up
your configuration. The PortServer also resets to the DHCP default setting
and loses its IP address during the reset process. Use DPA-Remote to find
and configure your device. DPA-Remote can be found under Software on the
Software and Documentation CD or from www.support.digi.com under
Support Tools. You will need to re-assign an IP address after the reset and
reboot procedure.

Command Line Procedure

1. Log on to the PortServer TS 8/16 as root.
2. Issue the following command:
boot action=factory

Front Panel Procedure

1. Power on the PortServer TS 8/16
2. While the PortServer TS 8/16 is still booting, press and hold (for about
10 seconds) the white button on the front panel.

Verifying the PortServer TS 8/16 IP Address

Use this procedure to check the IP address on the PortServer TS 8/16.
1. Connect a terminal to a PortServer TS 8/16 port.
2. If the port is still using the default configuration, configure the terminal to
use the following settings (Otherwise, configure the terminal to match
the port configuration):
• VT-100 emulation
• 9600 baud

Chapter 17 Troubleshooting 79
• 8-bit characters
• 1 stop bit
• No parity
3. Press Enter to get a logon prompt from the PortServer TS 8/16.
4. Log on to the PortServer TS 8/16.
5. Use the set config command to verify the PortServer TS 8/16 IP

Checking for Duplicate IP Addresses

Use this procedure to ensure that the PortServer TS 8/16 and another
device are not using the same IP address.
1. From another system on the network, use the ping command to deter-
mine if the IP address is in use. The following is the command syntax:
ping ip-address
2. Do one of the following:
• If there is no response to the ping, exit this procedure and return to
the symptoms section of this section. Two devices using the same
IP address is probably not a problem.
• If there is a response, continue with this procedure.
3. Turn the PortServer TS 8/16 off and then ping again.
4. Do one of the following:
• If there is a response to the ping, there is another device using that
IP address, so assign one of the devices a new IP address.
• If there is no response, turn the PortServer TS 8/16. Another device
is not using the IP address assigned PortServer TS 8/16.

Pinging an IP Address
Use this procedure to deterrmine if a system can be reached from across a
Attempt to ping the PortServer TS 8/16 from another system on the
network. Here is the format of the command:
ping ip-address

Verifying the Network Cabling

Use this procedure to troubleshoot network cabling problems.
1. Check the Ethernet cable. Verify the following:
• The Ethernet cable is connected securely at both ends.
• The Ethernet cable is pinned correctly.
• The quality of the cable is sufficient for the cable length and the
cable environment. Common Category 5 Unshielded Twisted Pair
cabling can generally be run 300 meters at a speed of 10 Mbps and

80 Chapter 17 Troubleshooting
150 meters at higher speeds. Consult an Ethernet cable manufac-
turer for a recommended cable for your configuration.
2. Verify your Ethernet hub. See your Ethernet hub manual.

Verifying the RealPort Process: AIX

1. Type the following:
lsdev -Cc nts
2. If the sa devices are not in an available state, type the following from
the AIX prompt:
mkdev -1 sa#
where # is the number of the Digi Device.

Verifying the RealPort Process: HP-UX

1. Verify that RealPort is running on the HP-UX operating system by
ps ef| grep drp
If you see an entry for each Digi Device similar to the following, the
RealPort process is running.
root 2254 1 0 Dec 13 ? 0:03/sbin/drpd 1 root 2049 1 0
Dec 13 ? 0:01/sbin/drpd 1
2. If the daemon is not running, enter this command at a root prompt:
3. Answer the prompts as appropriate.

Verifying the RealPort Process: Linux

The RealPort daemon (process) controls communication between the
RealPort driver module and your Digi Devices across the network. One
daemon must remain in the background for each Digi Device, maintaining
the communication link. You should not need to start the daemon by hand.
The dgrp_cfg_node program does this automatically.
However, to determine whether any RealPort daemons are currently
running on your system, as well as to determine which Digi Device each
daemon is communicating with, you can execute the following command:
ps ax | grep drpd
For more information about the RealPort daemon, see the drpd man page
that is installed with the driver package.

Verifying the RealPort Daemon: SCO

Use this topic to verify that the RealPort daemon is running on a SCO Unix
or SCO OpenServer operating system.
1. At the root prompt, enter the following command:
ps ef| grep ncxd
If the RealPort Daemon is running, you should see an entry for each Digi
Device similar to the following.

Chapter 17 Troubleshooting 81
root 2254 1 0 Dec 13 ? 0:03/etc/necd -d /dev/cts0 -n
root 2049 1 0 Dec 13 ? 0:01/etc/necd -d /dev/cts0 -n
2. If you do not see this information, restart the daemon by doing the
a. Modify the /etc/rc2.d/S86ncxa file with the appropriate IP addresses.
b. Reboot the server.

Verifying the RealPort Process: Solaris

Use this topic for information on verifying that the RealPort process is
running on a Solaris system.
1. Type the following command:
ps -ef|grep ncxd
2. If the information that appears is not correct, do the following:
a. Modify the /etc/rc2.d/S26realport file with the appropriate IP
b. Reboot the UNIX server.

Verifying the RealPort Service: Windows NT

Use this procedure to verify the RealPort service on Microsoft Windows NT.
1. From the Start menu, choose Settings > Control Panel > Devices > Digi
2. If the RealPort service has not been started, choose Start.

Verifying the RealPort Service: Windows 2000

Use this procedure to verify the RealPort service (process) on Microsoft
Windows 2000.
1. Right-click on My Computer, choose Properties > Hardware tab >
Device Manager.
2. Expand the Multi-port Serial Adapters list if necessary and select Digi
3. If the RealPort Service (process) is not enabled, right-click and choose

Checking and Changing Port Configuration

Use this topic to ensure that PortServer TS 8/16 serial port configuration is
correct. You can display and change port configuration from either the
command line or the web interface. This topic addresses the command line
only. For information regarding the web interface, access the port from the
web interface and then use the online help.

82 Chapter 17 Troubleshooting
• Specify
set ports dev=rp to define a device type.
• Configure serial line attributes on the RealPort host.
• Configure flow control on the RealPort host.

• For most printers, specify
set ports dev=prn
• Use the set line command to configure serial line attributes that are
consistent with peripheral requirements.
• Use the set flow command to configure flow control attributes that
are consistent with peripheral requirements.

Incoming Modem
• For most incoming modem connections, specify
set ports dev=min
• Use the set line command to configure serial line attributes that are
consistent with peripheral requirements.
• Use the set flow command to configure flow control attributes that
are consistent with peripheral requirements.

Outgoing Modem
• For most outgoing modem connections, specify
set ports dev=mout
• Use the set line command to configure serial line attributes that are
consistent with peripheral requirements.
• Use the set flow command to configure flow control attributes that
are consistent with peripheral requirements.

Two-way Modem
• For both incoming and outgoing modem connections, specify
set ports dev=mio
• Use the set line command to configure serial line attributes that are
consistent with peripheral requirements.
• Use the set flow command to configure flow control attributes that
are consistent with peripheral requirements.

• For most terminal connections, specify
set ports dev=term
Also, if you have configured the port for autoconnection, ensure that
the destination IP address and TCP port (dport) are correct.
• Use the set line command to configure serial line attributes that are
consistent with peripheral requirements.

Chapter 17 Troubleshooting 83
• Use the set flow command to configure flow control attributes that
are consistent with peripheral requirements.

Digi Contact Information

Digi International
11001 Bren Road East
Minnetonka, MN 55343
Customer Service and Support
World Wide Web: http://support.digi.com
email [email protected]
Telephone (U.S.) 1-800-344-4273
Telephone (other
locations (+011) 952-912-3444

84 Chapter 17 Troubleshooting
Chapter 18 Specifications
LED Color State Indicates
On Power detected
Waiting for an IP
Steady blinking
Blinking 1-1-1 Starting the EOS
Power Green
(labeled PWR) Starting the TFTP
Blinking 1-3-1
Configuration returned to
Blinking 1-5-1
factory defaults
Off No power detected
Radio Signal strength relates to
Signal Yellow Varying brightness brightness or dimness of
Strength the light
Physical network
Status detected
(Link) No physical network
Off detected
On Bad initialization
ACT Yellow Off Ready
Blinking Network activity

LED Diagnostics
LED Activity Indication
1-1-1 pattern Starting the EOS.
1-3-1 pattern TFTP boot process started
Tells you that configuration has been return to the factory
1-5-1 pattern configuration. See "Managing the OS and Configuration"
on page 71.
Device seeking an IP address from DHCP server. If a
Steady blinking static IP address has been set, go to Configure Network,
click Submit, and reboot the device.
On Digi One RealPort and PortServer TS 2/4 devices, this
means the boot completed sucessfully.

Chapter 18 Specifications 85
Device Server EIA 232/422/485 Switch Settings

Switch Settings
1 2 3 4
EIA-232 Up Down Down Down
EIA-422/485 Full-duplex Down Up Down If up, termination.
EIA-485 half-duplex Down Down Up If down,
no termination

DB9 Pinouts

DB9 EIA-422/485 EIA-485 Half-

Pin Full-Duplex Duplex
1 DCD CTS- Not used
2 RxD RxD+ RxD+
3 TxD TxD+ TxD+
4 DTR RTS- Not used
6 DSR RxD- RxD-
7 RTS RTS+ Not used
8 CTS CTS+ Not used
9 NA TxD- TxD-

WARNING: To prevent electric shock, do not remove the cover of this

module while unit is powered up. There are no user-serviceable parts
inside. Refer servicing to qualified personnel.
CAUTION: This unit has two power inputs. For total isolation from electrical
shock and energy hazard, disconnect both power inputs. The device is
intended to be mounted in an indoor only type system.

86 Chapter 18 Specifications
Standard Models Specifications

Power Requirements
(Standard Models)

2-contact barrel
+9 to +30 VDC 525 mA (max)
external power supply

RJ-45 Powered
+30 to +60 VDC 100 mA (max)


Ambient tem- 0 to 50° Celsius

perature 32 to 131° Fahrenheit

Relative humid-
ity 5% to 90% non-condensing

0 to 12,000 feet
0 to 3,658 meters


13.33 centimeters
5.25 inches

8.25 centimeters
3.25 inches

1.90 centimeters
.75 inches

.227 Kilos
8 ounces

Chapter 18 Specifications 87
Specifications for Extended Temperature Models

Power Requirements
(Extended Temperature Models)

2-contact barrel
+9 to +30 VDC 525 mA (max)
external power supply


Ambient tem- -35 to 70 °Celsius

perature -31 to 158 °Fahrenheit

Relative humid- 5% to 90% non-condensing


0 to 12,000 feet
0 to 3,658 meters


13.33 centimeters
5.25 inches

8.25 centimeters
3.25 inches

1.90 centimeters
.75 inches

.227 Kilos
8 ounces

FCC Part 15 Class A

Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) (FCC 15.105)
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for
Class A digital devices pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference
in a residential environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can
radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance
with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try and correct
the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that
to which the receiver is connected.

88 Chapter 18 Specifications
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Labeling Requirements (FCC 15.19)

This device complies with Part 15 of FCC rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful
interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Modifications (FCC 15.21)
Changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by Digi
may void the user's authority to operate this equipment.
Cables (FCC 15.27)
Shielded cables must be used to remain within the Class A limitations.

ICES 003 Class A

This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise
emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference
Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Le present appareil numerique n'emet pas de bruits radioelectriques
depassant les limites applicables aux appareils numeriques de la class A
prescrites dans le Reglement sur le brouillage radioelectrique edicte par le
ministere des Communications du Canada.

Digi Contact Information

Digi International
11001 Bren Road East
Minnetonka, MN 55343

Digi Contacts
World Wide Web: http://digi.com
email [email protected]
Telephone (U.S.) 1-952-912-3444
Telephone (other locations (+011) 952-912-3444

Chapter 18 Specifications 89
90 Chapter 18 Specifications
C configuring 43
command line
configuring access to 48 R
computer connections RealPort
configuring 28 features 15
configuration remote configuration 71
remote 71 routing
configuring dynamic routes 42
D configuring static routes 41
DB9 pinouts 86
configuring a host file 56 security
introduction to 55 configuring access to inbound ports 47
Domain Name System configuring access to outbound ports 48
introduction to 55 configuring access to the command
domain name system line 48
configuring a host file 56 using RADIUS 49
setting the line interface 86
Ethernet interface, configuring 13 introduction to 57

inbound ports
configuring access to 47
IP address, configuring the Ethernet
interface 13

line interface, setting 86

MEI switch settings 86

newpass command 52

operating system
updating 71
updating 71
outbound ports
configuring access to 48

issuing 52
pinouts, DB9 86
configuring 29
configuration considerations 19
Proxy ARP

Index 91

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