Assessment Templates
Table of Contents
Appendix 2 1
Assessment Task 1 Templates 1
Incident report 1
Injury report 3
Risk assessment form 6
Risk register 8
Assessment Task 2 Templates 10
Action/implementation plan 10
Budget 11
Communication plan (example) 11
Assessment Task 3 Templates 13
Budget 14
Assessment Task 4 Templates 15
Professional development plan 15
Third-party report 18
Assessment Task 1 Template
Incident report
Location: at the emergency exit and stairwell of Commercial office (39 Hunters Road,
1. WHS Committee conduct the observation in the WHS risky area once a week.
2. Arrange WHS training for all staff twice a year to revive the knowledge and raise
concern within company.
4. Ensure that the WHS assessment or management system is well understood by all
managers and agents and make sure that the system is followed by all staff.
6. Consult with staff to find our if there’re any potential risks within the working
areas or not.
Phone: (H) +61 3 4567 1234 _________ (W) 0411 222 333 ______
Address: 195 Huntingdale Road, Huntingdale, VIC 3166 ___________________
Nature of injury (e.g. burn, cut, sprain) Fracture __________________________
Cause of injury (e.g. fall, grabbed by person) Fall down on the stairs __________
Location on body (e.g. back, left forearm) Left Wrist ______________________
First aid given ❑ Yes ❑ No
First aider name: ___________________________________________________
Treatment: ________________________________________________________
Referred to: Royal Women’s Hospital ___________________________________
Risk mitigation
Preventative actions recommended:
Approval details
Supporting documentation:
Total income
Expense Incl. GST Excl. GST
Project initiation Meeting $150 $136.36
Management Team Discussion $150 $136.36
Development on ethics charter $200 $181.82
Current policies and procedures revisions $200 $181.82
Consultation with ACE Consultants $1,140 $1,036.36
-Advertising and promotions consultant
-WHS Consultant
-Anti-discrimination expert
Additional Trainers from ACE Consultants $1,920 $1,745.45
-WHS Trainer
-Anti-discrimination trainer
Off-site training room (catered) with space for ten $3,200 $2,909.09
people by ACE Consultants
Promotions package from ACE consultants $4,000 $3,636.36
Project evaluation $600 $545.45
Subtotal $11,560 $10,509.09
Contingency (+10%) $1,156 $1,050.909
TOTAL $12,716 $11,559.999
- Age Discrimination Act 2004
- Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986
- Disability Discrimination Act 1992
- Racial Discrimination Act 1975
- Sex Discrimination Act 1984
• Various meetings will be conducted to receive ideas and have well communication with
internal groups.
• Consultation with Ace Consultants Company will also be arranged to gain ideas and
suggestions with well communication with external groups and that will also help the
project to run smoothly as expected.
• The marketing promotion will also be utilised with the support from Ace Consultants to
ensure that the public and local community which are concerned as our external groups will
learn and understand what we are doing for better reputation.
Modes of communication
Different but suitable modes of communication will be utilised to match with the different
purposes of each activity as follows:
• All meetings will use the PPT presentation and paper documents as the main mode of
• The information distribution about the change strategy and project include the training will
use the flyers, and posters as the main mode of communication.
• The training for both managers and agents will use the PPT presentation and training notes.
• Public communication will use internet, social media channels and website as main mode of
Time Topics
9:00 – 9:30 AM Welcome, tell workshop objectives to all participants
9:30 – 10:00 AM Specify the topics to be discussed and workshopped
10:00 – 10:30 AM Discuss on WHS legislation, standards codes, etc.
10:30 AM – 12:00
How to use WHS management system
12:00 – 1:00 PM Lunch break
1:00 – 1:30 PM Discuss on Ethics related legislation, standards codes, etc.
1:30 – 2:00 PM Discuss on Ethics charter
2:00 – 2:30 PM Discuss on revised customer service procedures
2:30 – 3:00 PM Discuss on REIV code of conduct to ensure honesty
3:00 – 3:30 PM Discuss on model act in non-dicriminatory manner
3:30 – 4:30 PM Group discussion and information / ideas sharing
4:30 – 5:00 PM Q&A and closing
Project Name:
Income Incl. GST Excl. GST
Budget approval for the workshop $7,500 $6,818.18
Signature: Kim
Date: 20/06/2019______
Workshop Notes
The workshop for implementation of agent training is completed with details of activities on the
workshop that has been achieved as follows:
1. The objectives of the training were informed to all managers and also the objectives
of agent training which referring to WHS and Ethics related outcomes.
2. All managers are well informed on their roles and responsibilities towards the project
and agent training.
3. The WHS and Ethics related legislation, policies and procedures which will also be
presented to the agents of the company are discussed and informed within the
workshop which include:
• MLR WHS Policy and Procedure.
• MLP Anti-discrimination Policy and Procedure
• Work Health and Safety (WHS) Policy
• Anti-discrimination policy
• Privacy Act 1998 (Cwlth)
• Estate Agents Act 1980
• Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic)
• Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004
• AS/NZS 4804:2001 Occupational health and safety management systems
• Age Discrimination Act 2004
• Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986
• Disability Discrimination Act 1992
• Racial Discrimination Act 1975
• Sex Discrimination Act 1984
4. During the workshop, we have used the brainstorming session to gather ideas,
receive suggestions and various information that may be useful for the projects and
this also allowed the managers to freely express their opinions.
5. Discussion towards the WHS management system of the company such as Incident
Report, Risk Assessment and Risk Register that must be informed to the agents in the
future training.
6. Discussion towards the leadership style that will be used during the agent training.
All managers agreed to apply laissez faire style.
7. Budget approval and discussion.
There’re some activities that must be completed to help complete the project as follows:
1. Consultation with the professionals and experts from external suppliers, Ace
Consultants towards the training, WHS and anti-discrimination.
2. Plan for the agent training details and agendas.
3. Develop the documents to be used during the agent training.
4. Revise all relevant documents that will be used during the agent training.
- Communicate with
influence by providing
meaningful feedback,
resolving conflicts and
addressing workplace
- Effectively manage a
diverse workforce
Objective of
Development Details (provider, Timefra Cos
Identified gap development/
activity location, etc.) me t
networking activity
3. Budgeting Manage Provider: Australian - Clarify financial 1 Day $795
and accounting Budget Institute of plans within your
Management organisation to ensure
that documented
Location: Ground outcomes are
Floor, 7 Macquarie achievable and
Place, Sydney NSW contingency plans are
2000 prepared appropriately
- Implement processes
for monitoring
expenditure and
controlling costs in
order to implement
contingency plans as
required to maintain
financial objectives