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Appendix 2

Assessment Templates
Table of Contents
Appendix 2 1
Assessment Task 1 Templates 1
Incident report 1
Injury report 3
Risk assessment form 6
Risk register 8
Assessment Task 2 Templates 10
Action/implementation plan 10
Budget 11
Communication plan (example) 11
Assessment Task 3 Templates 13
Budget 14
Assessment Task 4 Templates 15
Professional development plan 15
Third-party report 18

Assessment Task 1 Template
Incident report


Name: Kim Sweeney _____________________________________________________________

Position: Operational General Manager Job Title: Operational General



Date: 05/05/2019. Time:10:00 AM

Location: at the emergency exit and stairwell of Commercial office (39 Hunters Road,

Describe what happened and how:

1. Client left the building through emergency exit and stairwell.

2. She fell down.

3. Her wrist was broken.

4. Exit door was blocked by boxes of paper.

5. The agent managed to open the door and helped her.

6. The client was taken to the Royal Women’s Hospital by ambulance.


1. WHS Committee conduct the observation in the WHS risky area once a week.

2. Arrange WHS training for all staff twice a year to revive the knowledge and raise
concern within company.

3. Place warning signs in various areas especially the risky areas.

4. Ensure that the WHS assessment or management system is well understood by all
managers and agents and make sure that the system is followed by all staff.

5. Regularly conduct WHS committee meetings to address risk across organisation.

6. Consult with staff to find our if there’re any potential risks within the working
areas or not.


Name: Susan Hunter ____________________________Job title: Commercial Agent

Name: Lin Waan _______________________________ Job title: Business Owner
(Tenant)Name: Gracie Jiu _________________________ Job title: Business Owner
Injury report
Status: ❑ Employee ❑ Contractor ❑ Other
Outcome: ❑ Near miss ❑ Injury
Name: Minh Chi __________________

Phone: (H) +61 34515 8009 (W)+61 5 4235 4776

Address: 1/4 Rigby Avenue, Carnegie, Vic 3163 ____Sex: ❑ M ❑ F
__________________________________________ Date of birth: 04/11/1988 _
Job Title: Business Owner ____________________________________________
Start time: 10:30 ________________________________❑ am ❑ pm
Work arrangement: ❑ Casual ❑ Full-time ❑ Part-time ❑ Other
Date: 05/05/2019_______________________ Time: 10:00AM
Location: 39 Hunters Road, Preston (Commercial Office) ___________________
Describe what happened and how: The client decided to use emergency exit and
stairwell to exit the building. She fell down and broke her wrist.______________
Name: Susan Hunter _______________

Phone: (H) +61 3 4567 1234 _________ (W) 0411 222 333 ______
Address: 195 Huntingdale Road, Huntingdale, VIC 3166 ___________________
Nature of injury (e.g. burn, cut, sprain) Fracture __________________________
Cause of injury (e.g. fall, grabbed by person) Fall down on the stairs __________
Location on body (e.g. back, left forearm) Left Wrist ______________________
First aid given ❑ Yes ❑ No
First aider name: ___________________________________________________
Treatment: ________________________________________________________
Referred to: Royal Women’s Hospital ___________________________________


❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, state date: 05/05/2019 _______ Time: 10:00AM
❑ Treated by doctor ❑ Hospitalised ❑ Workers compensation claim
❑ Returned to normal work ❑ Alternative duties ❑
7. INCIDENT INVESTIGATION (comments to include causal factors):
1. Inspect and observe the incident place and found that the emergency exit is
blocked by boxes of paper. ________________________________________
2. Consult and discuss with one client and she told that she noticed strange odour
and oily substance on the stairwell and verbally reported to Commercial Realty
3. Interview with other witnesses.
Likelihood of recurrence: High
Severity of outcome: Major
Level of risk: High
Action By whom By when Date completed
1) Arrange the HR Manager 30 June 2019 N/A
WHS Training for
agents and
2) Arrange the WHS committee 30 June 2019 10 May 2020
workshop or
training to inform
on WHS
3) Place warning Managers of 31 July 2019 Completed
signs at the risky Residential Realty
areas and Commercial
4) Arrange the Managers of 31 December 2019 Completed on
WHS assessment Residential Realty weekly basis
on weekly basis and Commercial
5) Arrange WHS Committee 31 December 2019 Completed on
meetings with staff monthly basis
on monthly basis
to consult on
potential hazards


Signed (Manager): Kim Sweeney ______________________________________
Title: Operational General Manager Date: 30/05/2019 ___
❑ Feedback to person involved Date: 30/05/2019 ___
WHS committee / staff meeting: Regularly conduct WHS committee meetings to
address risk across organisation. _________________________________________
Reviewed by site Manager (signed): Arpal Patel _____________ Date: 31/05/2019 _
Reviewed by Health and Safety Rep. (signed): Nick Molvalis __ Date: 01/06/2019 _
Risk assessment form
Name: Kim Sweeney _________________________________________________

Position: Operational General Manager _________________________________

Risk details
Risk ID: RK05

Raised by: Kim Sweeney

Date raised: 10 May 2019

Description of risk:
The possible risk that can happen in various buildings is slips, trips and falls risk at
the emergency exit and stairwell. We have found that there’s the strange odour and
oily substances around the area. This can cause the slips making any persons to fall
down the stairs in the future. The results of the risk can be varied from broken the
body parts or small injuries.

Likelihood of risk: 
 Impact of risk: 

Likelihood of the risk is medium as it’s The impact of the risk is high as it can
not the main stairs that people use for cause from small injury to hospitalised
getting in and out of the building. injury.

Risk mitigation
Preventative actions recommended: 

1. Arrange WHS training for agents and relevant staff.

2. Arrange daily WHS observation around all buildings.
3. Make sure all staff knows the WHS management system.
Contingency actions recommended: 

1. Place the warning sings around the building.

2. Distribute the information, newsletter or leaflet to inform towards the WHS
policy for tenants and agents.

Approval details
Supporting documentation: 

1. Interview with relevant agents

2. Incident report
3. Injury report from the previous months
4. Building inspection report

Signature: Kim Sweeney

Date: 10/05/2019
Risk register

Likeliho Risk response 


Risk od
 (contingency Responsible
(H/M/L) strategies)
- Prepare good job
Failure to recruit vacancy advertisement
qualified real estate and also distribute them
agents due to Medium High on online channels. HR Manager
competition. - Hire recruitment
- increase properties
Failure to realise advertisement
revenue gains due Sales
High High - Provide better
to recent slump in Manager
real estate prices services to attract

Inadequate - Compare insurance

insurance cover with other companies
Low High Financial
and also the experts for

-Consult with WHS

experts or relevant
Non-compliance organisation
on anti- Medium High HR Manager
discrimination - Conduct training to
raise concern of staff
towards anti-
discrimination policy
-Arrange training for
Perception of all agents
discriminatory HR Manager
practice reducing Medium High - Seek feedbacks or
client and tenant provide easy methods
base for tenants to lodge
comments to company
Poor organisational -Arrange training or
culture, low level staff outing or staff
of staff Medium Medium party to strengthen HR Manager
engagement and relations and increase
morale level of engagement
-Always seek feedback
Loss of knowledge
from all staff to make Operational
and capability
Low High sure that they are happy General
through departing
working with the Manager
-Arrange WHS training
-WHS committee to
Failure to meet conduct the WHS
occupational health inspection WHS
Low High
and safety Committee
requirements occupational health and
safety requirements
directly to staff email
-Place the warning
signs around the
Slips, trips and -Distribute the and
falls at emergency Medium High information, newsletter Residential
exit and stairwell or leaflet to inform Managers
towards the WHS
policy for tenants and
-Conduct inspection
without previous notice
in any buildings to
ensure that the system
Staff can not is followed. WHS
accurately follow Committee
Low High -Conduct the coaching and HR
WHS Management
System and mentoring to any manager
agents or managers
who seem not to follow
the WHS management
Assessment Task 2 Templates
Action/implementation plan

Item Milestone date Responsibility

Change strategy project 10/05/2019 Operational General
initiation meeting Manager
Discuss on the project with 10/05/2019 Operational General
managers and management Manager
Make development of an ethics 17/05/2019 Operational General
charter for the business based Manager and HR
on WHS responsibilities and Manager
Real Estate Institute of Victoria
(REIV) Code of Conduct
Complete the revisions on 31/05/2019 HR Manager
existing policies and
procedures to incorporate use
of charter by agents
Discuss and hire external 10/05/2019 Operational General
suppliers, Ace Consultant for Manager
further consultation
Design, plan and conduct the 31/05/2019 Operational General
training for managers and Manager and HR
agents on use of charter, WHS Manager
responsibilities and legal or
ethical responsibilities
Distribute the information 17/05/2019 Operational General
towards the Change Strategy Manager
and Training to managers and
Arrange the training for 31/05/2019 HR Manager
managers and agents
Update project status, make 17/05/2019 Operational General
change and evaluate the project Manager

Project Name: Training for Managers and Agents

Income Incl. GST Excl. GST
Approved budget for change strategy $12,000 $10,909.09

Total income
Expense Incl. GST Excl. GST
Project initiation Meeting $150 $136.36
Management Team Discussion $150 $136.36
Development on ethics charter $200 $181.82
Current policies and procedures revisions $200 $181.82
Consultation with ACE Consultants $1,140 $1,036.36
-Advertising and promotions consultant
-WHS Consultant
-Anti-discrimination expert
Additional Trainers from ACE Consultants $1,920 $1,745.45
-WHS Trainer
-Anti-discrimination trainer
Off-site training room (catered) with space for ten $3,200 $2,909.09
people by ACE Consultants
Promotions package from ACE consultants $4,000 $3,636.36
Project evaluation $600 $545.45
Subtotal $11,560 $10,509.09
Contingency (+10%) $1,156 $1,050.909
TOTAL $12,716 $11,559.999

Signature: Peter Mitchell

Date: 20/05/2019
Communication Plan
What Who Purpose When/ Type/methods
Initiatio All stakeholders. To receive ideas Before starting Meeting.
n and suggestions the project plan
meeting to start the
project and
change strategy
Brainst All stakeholders. -Seek the -Before project Project plan
orming suggestions and kick-off meeting distributed and
and relevant -Before project posted onto
Distribu information start date company
ting from website or
project stakeholders for intranet storage.
initiatio the project.
n plan -Distribute the
project plan to
gain buy-in from
Project All stakeholders. -inform the At or near Meeting.
kick-off plans to project start
stakeholders. date.
-inform the roles Within 1 week
and before starting
responsibilities the project.
of relevant
-Support and
initiate the
within team.
Status All stakeholders Update Weekly Circulate
reports and project stakeholders on through email
officer. progress of the and arrange
project. weekly or
What Who Purpose When/ Type/methods
Team Project team -Discussion Weekly Meeting.
meeting officers towards the
s progress of
project and
corrections that
should be made.
Sponsor Sponsors and -Before start the Monthly Meeting.
meeting management project and
s team request for
budget approval
-Update the
status of project
suggestions and
ideas towards
the projects and
its status.
Media Marketing Team -Discussion on Weekly Internet
and and ACE the suitable Magazine
commu Consultants promotion Radio
nity Marketing Team campaign to
promoti promote the
on project. Website
-Promote the
benefits of the
project to
community and

Draft of Evolving Planning Document Appropriate leadership style

The Leisess-faire leadership style will be utilised during the strategy implementation in
order to support and encourage others to express suggestions, ideas and information which will help
the project team to deal with the issues and develop the situation within the workplace easier and
better. In addition, using the Leisess-faire leadership style will provide higher chance to
stakeholders to express ideas that will make them feel valued and be a part of the project and they
will generate support to the project for better outcomes too.
Plans and budget discussion to gain support from stakeholders
Before starting the projects, the implementation and budget will be designed and informed
to all stakeholders. The initiate and meetings before starting the project will mainly use
brainstorming techniques to gain support from stakeholders as they will feel that the project receive
the cooperation from various stakeholders and that it will be conducted to value all stakeholders
instead of only the company. In addition, the budget will be discussed with Chief Financial Officer
before launching to the stakeholders to ensure that it’s trustable and there’s not fault within the
budget planning. Moreover, we can ensure with all stakeholders that he project is trustable and
reliable as we will also seek the consultation and support16 from our preferred external suppliers
which is Ace Consultants who have various experts and professionals that will help us accomplish
objectives as planned.

Plans to meet organisational legal requirements

The implementation plan of this new project and change strategy will always concern
towards the WHS and Ethics related policy and procedures of the company which also concern with
various legislation as follows:


- Equal Opportunity Act 2010

- Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004
- AS/NZS 4804:2001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems


- Age Discrimination Act 2004

- Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986

- Disability Discrimination Act 1992

- Racial Discrimination Act 1975

- Sex Discrimination Act 1984

Communication plan accounts for needs of internal and external groups

Referring to the implementation plan and communication plan, they’ve shown that we are
really concerned towards many stakeholders which include both internal stakeholders like managers
and agents as well as the external stakeholders like Ace Consultants to ensure that the project will
be well accomplished as follows:

• Various meetings will be conducted to receive ideas and have well communication with
internal groups.
• Consultation with Ace Consultants Company will also be arranged to gain ideas and
suggestions with well communication with external groups and that will also help the
project to run smoothly as expected.

• The marketing promotion will also be utilised with the support from Ace Consultants to
ensure that the public and local community which are concerned as our external groups will
learn and understand what we are doing for better reputation. 

Modes of communication 

Different but suitable modes of communication will be utilised to match with the different
purposes of each activity as follows:
• All meetings will use the PPT presentation and paper documents as the main mode of
• The information distribution about the change strategy and project include the training will
use the flyers, and posters as the main mode of communication.
• The training for both managers and agents will use the PPT presentation and training notes.
• Public communication will use internet, social media channels and website as main mode of

Plans align to organisation risk management plans

Referring to the implementation plan, we have also planned for the project update, project
evaluation and project change which shows that we will follow the organisation risk management
plans. We will definitely conduct the weekly meeting to consult within team and relevant
stakeholders during the project implementation to seek for ideas whether any issues are found or not
so that we can arrange the suitable corrections for the project to have better outcomes as planned.

Consultation with managers

It’s quite cleared that we will conduct various consultation with managers as we can see
from the implementation plan that there’ll be lots of meeting with management team that will seek
suggestions form them from gathering information before starting the project, project discussion
and evaluation for change. All consultation with managers will provide lots of benefits to the project
which will help us to concern on the overlooked issues and deal with them immediately that will
provide better project results.
Assessment Task 3 Templates
Workshop Agenda
Workshop Title: Implementation of Agent Training Workshop
Date: 1 July 2018

Time: 9.00 AM – 5.00 PM

Location: Meeting Room 1
Training Objectives:


1) Identify relevant legislation, standards codes, etc.

2) Fill out incident reports

3) Perform risk assessment

4) Fill risk register


5) Identify relevant legislation, standards codes, etc.

6) Use ethics charter: ensure clients, tenants, etc. are aware of charter (Revised customer service
procedures mandate agents must ensure awareness).

7) Follow REIV code of conduct: ensure honesty.

8) Act in non-discriminatory manner with clients tenants.


1. Riz Mehra Chief Financial Officer

2. Kim Sweeney, Operations General Manager
3. Les Goodale, Human Resources Manager
4. Sam Lee,Manager Residential Realty
5. Pat Mifsud, Manager Commercial Realty
6. Peter Mitchell, Manager Investments 


Time Topics
9:00 – 9:30 AM Welcome, tell workshop objectives to all participants
9:30 – 10:00 AM Specify the topics to be discussed and workshopped
10:00 – 10:30 AM Discuss on WHS legislation, standards codes, etc.
10:30 AM – 12:00
How to use WHS management system
12:00 – 1:00 PM Lunch break
1:00 – 1:30 PM Discuss on Ethics related legislation, standards codes, etc.
1:30 – 2:00 PM Discuss on Ethics charter
2:00 – 2:30 PM Discuss on revised customer service procedures
2:30 – 3:00 PM Discuss on REIV code of conduct to ensure honesty
3:00 – 3:30 PM Discuss on model act in non-dicriminatory manner
3:30 – 4:30 PM Group discussion and information / ideas sharing
4:30 – 5:00 PM Q&A and closing

Roles and responsibilities

Role Name/s Responsibilities Signature/s

(if required)
Workshop planning and Kim Sweeney, -Plan the objectives of Kim Sweeney
managing Operational the workshop
General -Choose the topics to
Manager be discussed
-Distribute the roles
of each member
-Evaluate the results
of the workshop
-Facilitate the
Workshop sponsor Riz Mehra, -Review the projected Riz Mehra
Chief Financial budget
Officer -Approve the budget
for workshop
Workshop Coordinator Les Goodale, -Book the room Les Goodale
Human -Prepare documents
Manager -Invite participants
-Prepare workshop
Information preparation Les Goodale, -Prepare relevant Les Goodale
Human information such as
Resources revised policies and
Manager procedures with WHS
or Ethics related
information to be
discussed in the
-Prepare information
on WHS management
Workshop Participant Kim Sweeney, -Discuss and share Kim Sweeney,
ideas within the
Riz Mehra, Riz Mehra,
Sam Lee Sam Lee,
Pat Mifsud, Pat Mifsud,
Peter Mitchell Peter Mitchell

Project Name:
Income Incl. GST Excl. GST
Budget approval for the workshop $7,500 $6,818.18

Total income $7,500 $6,818.18

Expense Incl. GST Excl. GST
Managers Cost (8 hours for 6 managers) $5,760 $5,236.36
Training rooms for 8 hours $800 $727.27
Documents for workshop (approx. 20 pages for each $60 $54.55
Projector $100 $90.91
Subtotal $6,720 $6,109.09
Contingency (+10%) $672 $610.909
TOTAL $7,392 $6,719.999

Signature: Kim
Date: 20/06/2019______

Workshop Notes
The workshop for implementation of agent training is completed with details of activities on the
workshop that has been achieved as follows:

1. The objectives of the training were informed to all managers and also the objectives 

of agent training which referring to WHS and Ethics related outcomes.
2. All managers are well informed on their roles and responsibilities towards the project 

and agent training.
3. The WHS and Ethics related legislation, policies and procedures which will also be 

presented to the agents of the company are discussed and informed within the 

workshop which include:
• MLR WHS Policy and Procedure.
• MLP Anti-discrimination Policy and Procedure
• Work Health and Safety (WHS) Policy
• Anti-discrimination policy
• Privacy Act 1998 (Cwlth)
• Estate Agents Act 1980
• Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic)
• Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004
• AS/NZS 4804:2001 Occupational health and safety management systems
• Age Discrimination Act 2004
• Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986
• Disability Discrimination Act 1992
• Racial Discrimination Act 1975
• Sex Discrimination Act 1984 

4. During the workshop, we have used the brainstorming session to gather ideas, 

receive suggestions and various information that may be useful for the projects and 

this also allowed the managers to freely express their opinions.
5. Discussion towards the WHS management system of the company such as Incident 

Report, Risk Assessment and Risk Register that must be informed to the agents in the 

future training.
6. Discussion towards the leadership style that will be used during the agent training. 

All managers agreed to apply laissez faire style.
7. Budget approval and discussion. 

There’re some activities that must be completed to help complete the project as follows:

1. Consultation with the professionals and experts from external suppliers, Ace 

Consultants towards the training, WHS and anti-discrimination.
2. Plan for the agent training details and agendas.
3. Develop the documents to be used during the agent training.
4. Revise all relevant documents that will be used during the agent training. 

Some improvements are necessary to be completed as follows:

1. The methods to inform the agents and staff within the company towards the future 

training as well as the benefits they will receive from the training to gain the 

contribution on the project.
2. Procedures to test the knowledge of the agents towards WHS and Ethics related 

information after the training. 

Assessment Task 4 Templates
Professional development plan

Name Kim Sweeney

Date of 08/06/2019 Date to be 08/08/2019
development reviewed

□ Discussed with mentor/colleague □ Discussed with manager

Name:Riz Mehra Name: Jack Morgan


Timeframe My personal goals are: My professional goals are:

These should relate to or support These should relate to objectives to
professional goals maintain current competence in the job
role or future career paths.
Next 12 months -Understand better on the overall process -Attend at least 2 trainings to develop the
This will depend and knowledge within coffee cafe industry IT or legal knowledge, or accountancy and
on type of towards budget management
activity priority/ -Develop knowledge towards WHS -Develop ability to assess training needs
importance of legislation and standards within Coffee and arrange suitable trining for staff within
undertaking it Cafe Industry the coffee cafe
-Attend at least 2 training and networking -Develop complex problems solving skills
workshop in the next 12 months to develop
WHS knowledge, leadership skills and
management skills
-Develop my skills to handle difficult
situations and conflict management
Next 5 years -Ability in widely and correctly apply -Receive promotion to be Cafe Manager
This will depend WHS and standards within the Coffee Cafe -Receive at least 2 certificate related to
on type of industry
Coffee Cafe industry.
activity priority/ -Can answer all questions from any
-Ability to arrange suitable training for
importance of persons towards the Coffee Cafe industry
staff and help increase productivity and
undertaking it
-Be the member of at least 1 networking customer satisfaction for the cafe.
within Coffee Cafe industry
-Ability to reduce operational costs for the
-Satisfy all relevant stakeholders when cafe to increase profit
make decisions on the difficult situations
or conflicts
Strengths and Weaknesses
Timeframe Personal Professional
Required Knowledge:- Knowledge:-
skills • English language knowledge (speaking, • Business Management knowledge
writing and listening) including budgeting, accounting, sales
and marketing
• Australian WHS legislation and
• required
standards • Health, Safety and Food hygiene
regulations and procedures
• job description • Psychology
• Food and drink preparation and
• service plans • Understanding of licensing and
and employment laws
frameworks. Skills:- • Human Resources Management
• People Management
• Budgeting and accounting
• Interpersonal communication
• Sales and marketing
• Complex problem solving
• Training needs analysis
• Time management
• Catering preparation
• Persuasive
• Competitor’s analysis
• Negotiation
• Quality control
Strengths • Since I have graduated from • I used to work as the Assistant Director
Consider: International University then I have high of Sales and Marketing making me to
ability in communication in English and gain higher skills in sales and marketing.
• your views
have very well ability in using English in
• recent tests/ • I have worked in the hospitality industry
daily life and in business.
for more than 2 years which helped me
• I have high ability to maintain good to understand the service industry as
• other people’s
relationship within team as I always seek well.
views. feedback and opinions from members.
• I like to help my co-workers to look and
• I love to treat people and work in analyse on which skills or knowledge
hospitality industry and love to satisfy they can work to improve their abilities
customers’ needs and expertise.

• I have very good time management skills

to complete all the assigned tasks within
specified deadlines.
Timeframe Personal Professional
Gaps/barriers/ • I should develop my WHS knowledge • My knowledge and skills towards
obstacles and and skills as the WHS related legislation budgeting and accounting need
solutions and standards are very important in immediate development as it will be
• gaps in Australia and I should have very well very important when I will be promoted
knowledge/ understanding and ability to apply in real as Cafe Manager.
skills life.
• As the trend within coffee Cafe keeps
• changes to
• As I am aiming to be promoted as Cafe changing and I should develop my
systems/ Manager, the skills managing people as catering skills to be trendier with more
services very important and need immediate creative ides to arrange the catering for
requiring new development customers.
• what will help
you to
progress in
your role,
Professional Development and Networking Activity
Objective of
Development Details (provider, Timefra Cos
Identified gap development/
activity location, etc.) me t
networking activity
1. WHS related WHS Provider: Safety -To understand of the 1 Day $300
legislation and Awareness Australia Group safety work approach to
standards safety issues in the
-Full Day Location:655 York
Training Street, Melbourne VIC
3000 -To understand of the
safety legislation with a
Tel: 1300 585 128
focus on duties and
Email: obligations
admin@safetyaustraliagr -To understand the risk management process
Objective of
Development Details (provider, Timefra Cos
Identified gap development/
activity location, etc.) me t
networking activity
2. People Manage People Provider: Australian - Use emotional 3 Days $2,475
Management Effectively Institute of Management intelligence to improve
Location: Ground Floor, self-awareness, self-
7 Macquarie Place, management, social
Melbourne VIC 3000
awareness and
Tel: (03) 9956 3030 relationship
Email: management
[email protected]
Web: http:// - Develop trust and confidence while
courses/manage-people- managing the
effectively development and
maintenance of
networks and
relationships within
your organisation

- Communicate with
influence by providing
meaningful feedback,
resolving conflicts and
addressing workplace

- Effectively manage a
diverse workforce
Objective of
Development Details (provider, Timefra Cos
Identified gap development/
activity location, etc.) me t
networking activity
3. Budgeting Manage Provider: Australian - Clarify financial 1 Day $795
and accounting Budget Institute of plans within your
Management organisation to ensure
that documented
Location: Ground outcomes are
Floor, 7 Macquarie achievable and
Place, Sydney NSW contingency plans are
2000 prepared appropriately

Tel: (02) 9956 3030
 - Disseminate details

Email: of the financial plans
[email protected] while providing
Web: https:// support to ensure that team members can
competently manage
finances where

- Implement processes
for monitoring
expenditure and
controlling costs in
order to implement
contingency plans as
required to maintain
financial objectives

- Collect data on the

effectiveness of
financial management
processes and
improvements in line
with the objectives of
your organisation
Objective of
Development Details (provider, Timefra Cos
Identified gap development/
activity location, etc.) me t
networking activity
4.Catering A day in the Provider: William Blue - Get a behind-the- 1 Day Free
Management life: College of Hospitality scenes tour of our
Skills Hospitality
and Management training restaurant,
-Sydney William Blue Dining
Location: 1 Hickson
Road, The Rocks , - Get involved in
Sydney practical workshops

Tel: +61 2 9492 3200 - Meet our current


Web: - Network with
industry leaders
http:// - Meet with our
au/about/eve nts-and- experienced industry
workshops/a-day-in- engaged lecturers and
the-life- hospitality- academics
Third-party report 1
Name of observer: David Fitcher _____________________________________________________

Position: Trainer __________________________________________________________________

Contact details: Australian Institute of Management

Location:- Ground Floor, 7 Macquarie Place, Melbourne, Vic 3000

Tel: (03) 9956 3030

Skill Description of how candidate demonstrated skill/knowledge.
Provide example.
Demonstrates interpersonal This trainee always listens very well to trainers and other
skills to communicate and members of the training. Active listening skills are always
inspire the trust and utilised to show respect and support confidence of others.
confidence of others, and
ensure their cooperation and
Demonstrates networking Have very friendly and positive perception on others.
skills to ensure support from Never argue with others when sharing ideas or opinions
key groups and individuals but will discuss with reasons.
for concepts/ideas/ products/
Applies business ethics. Respect others without discrimination.
Ensures performance is After finish the training, the trainee keep good contact
continuously improved with me and ask various questions to verify the
through participation in knowledge and understanding form the training.
professional development,
networking, etc.

Signature: David Fitcher________________________________________

Date: 10/02/2019
Third-party report 2
Name of observer: Paul Barton ______________________________________________________

Position: Trainer __________________________________________________________________

Contact details: Australian Institute of Management

Location:- Ground Floor, 7 Macquarie Place, Melbourne, Vic 3000

Tel: (03) 9956 3030

Skill Description of how candidate demonstrated skill/knowledge.
Provide example.
Demonstrates interpersonal Utilise good interpersonal communication skills when
skills to communicate and attending the training and communicate with others but
inspire the trust and listening very well, pay full attention and ask questions.
confidence of others, and
ensure their cooperation and
Demonstrates networking Make the good contact, be friendly and make friend with
skills to ensure support from other trainees. Also provide good support for others to
key groups and individuals maintain good relationship and networking.
for concepts/ideas/ products/
Applies business ethics. Respect other trainees equally.
Ensures performance is Keep good records during the training and keep good
continuously improved contact with trainer and ask questions to ensure that the
through participation in knowledge or understand are correct.
professional development,
networking, etc.

Signature: Paul Barton________________________________________

Date: 15/03/2019
Third-party report 3
Name of observer: Emma Pondi _____________________________________________________

Position: Coffee Cafe Manager ______________________________________________________

Contact details: The Grounds of Alexandria

Location:- 7A/2 Huntley St, Alexandria NSW 2015

Tel: (02) 9699 2225

Skill Description of how candidate demonstrated skill/knowledge.
Provide example.
Demonstrates interpersonal This person is very friendly and has good communication
skills to communicate and
skills. Pay full attention while others are speaking and
inspire the trust and
confidence of others, and support with ideas and suggestions with good response.
ensure their cooperation and

Demonstrates networking Provide good response and support to team members.

skills to ensure support from
key groups and individuals
for concepts/ideas/ products/
Applies business ethics. Treat people equally and respect other’s ideas.
Ensures performance is Keep good note and ask questions periodically during the
continuously improved training and always discuss with colleagues to find ideas
through participation in and suggestions.
professional development,
networking, etc.

Signature: Emma Pondi_______________________________________

Date: 05/04/2019

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