Gis Capacity in The Government Sector (An Overview On Emerging Technology)

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International Journal of Advanced Computational Engineering and Networking, ISSN: 2320-2106, Volume-2, Issue-2, Feb.




BTECH (C.S.E) Sri College of Engineering &Technology, Punjab Technical University

Email:[email protected]

Abstract— This paper explores the way in which geospatial science and technology can support development, which
describes its structure and scope with a overview of its application which argues that a multilevel approach is required to
examine technology including the global, regional, national government and community levels .It describes each of these
levels and related development in them. Sustainable urban- regional development, a response to urbanization by local
governance actors and one of the most signification global processes today. Sustainable urban development impacted ranges of
development issues including, food water, security, economic development accessibility to infrastructure, shelter and social
services and natural risks. All of these issue have strong geospatial dimension at different jurisdiction levels which makes them
approiate to examine through geographical spatial satellite laves of global position system. In deals with land administration a
field whose government actor so the guarantor of fundamental property rights and land tenture security .Appropriate high
speed and low cost geospatial technology could help developing countries to leapfrog towards sustainable land administration
.Systems in view disaster risk management, it examines the role of GS&T in disaster relief reconstruction and rehabilitation, in
hazard risk management and in disaster prepared which shows how new technology enable large numbers of volunteers to be
mobilized in disaster management. The makes a number of recommendation as for steps to overcome these challenges and
each des on this technology.

Keywords—Geo –spatial technology: Multi level approach: sustainable urban regional developing land administration,
disaster risk management:

I. INTRODUCTION Following the invention of electronic computer

scientists began to transform to data from paper based
Technology advances have in created the ease with copies to electronic forms, trend that has transformed
which communities and citizens can both consume scientific research procedures by allowing for easy
and create geospatial data, making them important shipping and sharing information among society. The
players in the field. Rapid technological advances invention of computer networks in greatly simplified
technology, robotics Nano-scale electronic this sharing of electronic information among society.
engineering, web and wireless technology, laser and And the introduction of emailftp and other electronic
the infrad system and many others. In half of the 20th communication protocols made computer networks a
century, affect mankind and its life. During the part physical infrastructure that transformed how scientist,
1-2 decades new advanced hardware systems and educators, government and the public exchange ideas
sophisticated geospatial processing algorithm have and conduct research. The exploitation and analysis of
been developed, thus affecting dramatically the imagery and geo spatial information to describe assess
traditional method for geospatial data collection and and visually depict physical features and geographical
geospatial data processing with new innovation can be referenced activities on the earth. This is full power for
mentioned. Data collection Technology the integrations and analysis of all capabilities which
(photogrammetric, field surveying and GPS results in more comprehensive tailored intelligence
cartographic digitization and scanning, Radar based products for a wider scope of problems and customers.
system and ifsar imaging, LIDAR technology).Data This might be virtual fly through and walk through
integration (post processing and near real time map mission scenarios or map activities. .it creates a
conflation and data fusion methods of geospatial and common operation by effectively using multiple
semantic heterogeneous diverse information intelligence, multiple data and information. This
sources).2D and 3D DTM/raster data integration of provides innovative, versatile solution for today’s
digital terrain models, and rectified and non-rectified demanding intelligence requirements and predicating
aerial and satellite imagery. Construction of a tomorrow’s future threat environment
seamless geospatial data base, 3D- City Modeling, 1. Framework:
change Detection, urban and tracing people, crime Geo includes multiples categories of resource within a
analysis with help of database .But GS&T in a flexible scalable and expandable frame work cube, this
complex field in which activities table place and consists of 3 components
impart are felt at multiple levels. Earth processing, [A] Function include both generic function and those
such or disaster, epidemics, climate change, are geospatial specific a middleware layer to bridge
deforestation solid degradation and loss of geospatial functions, and resources management
Bio-diversity do not stop at national boundaries. monitoring, scheduling and other system level

GIS Capacity In The Government Sector (An Overview On Emerging Technology)

International Journal of Advanced Computational Engineering and Networking, ISSN: 2320-2106, Volume-2, Issue-2, Feb.-2014

function for geospatial data, knowledge, mining and [F] Benefits of Gis are better information management
geospatial function to provide various analytical with higher quality analysis improve project
function for end users. efficiency, able to detect frequency, wave and
detonation of concealed weapons even helpful in
[B] The community represents the virtual organization finding missing of kidnapped person by anti
and end user interactions within specific communities social element.
including geographic environment of earth and other
science domains. The dimension also provides
feedback channels for knowledge collection functions [G].GIS geographic information system in also
to leverage scientific community and citizen known as a geospatial information systems which
participation. is for capturing, storing, analyzing and managing
[C] Enabling technologies provide technological data and associated attributes which are spatially
support to invent, mature and maintain all functions, referenced to the earth. It is a computer based
such as collecting data through observation and information system used to digitally represent and
collecting and utilization knowledge. analyze the geographic feature present on the
earth surface and the events that talking place on
2. Enabling technologies’: it. This can be used for scientific investigation,
[A]Earth observation and sensor networks provides resource management, cartology criminology,
data collection capabilities to feed peta bytes of resource amendments, carpology criminology
data sensor network also utilized to support etc…This may also helps us to calculate
evolution from passive logging systems to an emergency response in time natural distress. It
intelligent sensors networks that actively send allows as to view and analysis of multiple cases if
data sensors. spatially related information associated with
geographical regain. My focus or geo information
[B] Vector data modeling gives us precise technology, that includes geographical
representation of points, boundaries and linear information system location based services and
features. It is helpful in analysis tasks that require remote sensing image processing geo information
accurate position for defining spatial relationship technology is a key technology for developing
between coverage’s feature (topology), important nation with its most range of applications in areas
for network and detonation analysis. But such as urban management, deforestation, crime
boundaries are discrete whereas in reality the map fighting etc…….
polygons may represent continuous graduation or These are three main drivers’ for innovation in GI
changes. technology

[C] Raster data modeling is a fine work for {a}Evolution of DBMS to handle spatial temporal
representing indistinct boundaries, and thematic data types.
information on soil types, moistures, vegetation {b} The availability of new germinations of earth
ground temperatures. Aerial surveys user raster observation satellites.
scanner, which \can be directly incorporated into {c} The recent advances in geographical information
Gis. Higher the grid resolution, the larger data sciences..
files is going to be.
[D] Spatial data storage is that to determine the SYSTEM
potential power of the system, also affect the type
of analysis work, hybrid approach to storing It is a powerful tool for showing, modeling structuring
graphical and attribute information within and analyzing the geo-spatial data .The position of
standard data base optimized tools for data explosive are continuously monitored by the sensor
handling, which will tend to be very efficiencies and the co-ordinates are constantly developed by the
at handling files. open source application(Geo server open layer,
Geoevt, JavaScript and postgreSQL).the latitude and
[E] Geospatial analysis is deriving new information longitude from the embedded system will be updated
from existing data, which can help us to in database and same time the geom. Updated in
manipulate data to solve many problems, like database with the aid of PHP scripting language .So
detecting standoff/ on bombs, missing person, automatically plotted the points which makes them
anti social work, natural disaster victims, because to trace the explosive from the origin to pass
development works in urban area as well as many the designation .Mean while they can also find the
more works .Increasing use is made of the nearest because to pans the information .Google
analytical capabilities of Gis, but many Gis service will be called so that the because can track the
project only use to manage geo graphical data. explosives along with goggle streets map for easy
references .We can traces details are phone, address

GIS Capacity In The Government Sector (An Overview On Emerging Technology)

International Journal of Advanced Computational Engineering and Networking, ISSN: 2320-2106, Volume-2, Issue-2, Feb.-2014

and route to the nearest bureau will tracking the III. MATHEMATICAL APPROACH TO
explosive which will help bureau to reach before DETECT/ TRACE:
explosive reaches this have done with help of dijstra
Algorithms. Sample of 1,3,5 tirinitro- 1,3,5triazacylohexane RDX
1 Proposed system:-
All this explosive has its own parameters and made of Advance in recent years have turned this technique
chemical compound. The system concentrates on the based on coherent anti-strokes Raman scattering has
integration millimeter radar, ground sensors and web given a unique and powerful tool used worldwide to
GIS to have an accurate detection of concealed probe structure and function of molecule or composite
explosive. materials in biology ,neurobiology, pathology and
pharmacology. This is expected to have potential
applications in the field of standoff detection of
foreign substance in soil/ gas or with movable objects:
pump laser beam—Ws: with laser mixing a coherent
beam resembling of the theory by calculation on asset
of polyarematic hydrocarbons.

[A] Imaging system is convents to character isecence

by radiometric temperature of the objects it contains,
object email thermal radiation with an emissivity €
compared with an ideal black body radiation. They
also reflect a fraction r of any incident radiation, which
is called the reflectivity an object, may transmit a
proportion t of radiation incident on it from behind the
transmissivity. For incoherent sources theses
contributions are additive temperature or received
temperature of an object’s =rT1+€T2
=tT3:T1= Temperature of illumination, T2=
temperature of object, T3= Temperature of
background, r= frequencies, t= polarization, €= angle
of incidence.

[B] Gravitation radiation source:

2. Embedded System
Software is used to receive data which is capture from
Electrical Nano, Neuron Radiation Detection as
shown in flow charts here every Sensor are connected
with computer with hyper speed and controller whose
program is with them in CCS complier which, makes
our system connected with real time detection .It
shows the amount of chemical exposed. It will plot the
data in goggle earth view embedded in the software
itself according to the movement of the explosive
continuously and the same time it will alarm all the
nearest police station………

GIS Capacity In The Government Sector (An Overview On Emerging Technology)

International Journal of Advanced Computational Engineering and Networking, ISSN: 2320-2106, Volume-2, Issue-2, Feb.-2014

method for detection of very small mole of explosive

as well as big amount of explosive compound, even
can be used effectively detect chemical warfare agents
in a variety of environments conditions. Geospatial
revolution is the back bone of present technology
which can depict or various way to trace anything in
presence of his spatial capabilities to show the motion
and detection of any object through advanced
computer architecture and cartography.


Conducting research in this area will face two

challenges .The first is to ensure that their research is
multidisciplinary and includes insights from the social
sciences and economics as well as physics in field of
quantum physics and metaphysics, such
multidisciplinary approach will be essential to
understand and how its application and use can be
improved. An second is to handle data and their flow
i.e. speed of data collection as well as complexity of
circuits to detect and transfer detonation in particular


To address current gaps in knowledge, significant

research challenges need to be tackled at nexus of
geospatial and citizen knowledge. Crowd sourcing
application, detection/ trace application are new, and
understanding and explaining its successes and
failures so that theses can be learnt from will be
challenging .Interdisciplinary is essential in research,
overcoming legal in situational and broader issues
requires scientists, spatial planners to work with
scholars from public and engineering colleges study
earth and organized structure. Conference and seminar
events can become more ubiquitous.


All these performance varies from user, how used the

time for the sensor to respond to mass changing the
selective polymer coating lass than a millisecond,
basically time depends on user how he acquainted or
sampled the vapor, hardly will it take 20-120 seconds
to give true response. Saw is the effective and reliable
GIS Capacity In The Government Sector (An Overview On Emerging Technology)

International Journal of Advanced Computational Engineering and Networking, ISSN: 2320-2106, Volume-2, Issue-2, Feb.-2014

The methodology described above is an intergraded

one which is not still followed even n developed
countries. If the project is designed perfectly and
comes into real-time, will bring out a new revolution
in the field of Remote sensing, embedded system and


[1] Existing and Standoff Explosives Detection Techniques by

National Research Council.
[2] IWEDs –An Intelligent explosive Detection and Terrorists
Tracking system Using Wireless Sensor Network by Balaji
Hariharan and Arjun Sasidharan (Amrita University), Kolam,
CONCLUSIONS Kerala, India.
[3] Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Technology for the Detection
Concealed Threats- A review by McHale C Kemp. Iconal
This paper dealt with the complete methodology to Technology ltd, St John’s innovation Center, Cambridge
detect the explosives. Since it’s a real-time mission United Kingdom
and radar base done, government authorization and [4] Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) by David Tin Win,
involvement is necessary. We laid radar systems in the Faculty of science and Technology. Assumption University,
Bangkok, Thailand.
coastal zone to acquire the weather. To validate the [5] RADAR Imaging for combating terrorism by Hugh
work, real-time radar data is required .Since that is not D.Griffiths and chris JBaker, Department of Electronic and
that much easy to have. only the methodology is Electrical Engineering, University college Landon, UK.
discussed I this paper. Limitations are also takes place
R.W. McMillan, U.S Army Space and Missile Defense
in the such as ground based sensor can be disturbed by Command Huntsville, Alabama. USA
people as it be located at road sides and Confusing [7] D.Sheen, D Mum akin and T>E Hall “Combined illumination
gents like crackers and liquid explosives can also be cylindrical millimeter-wave imaging technique for concealed
weapon detection’, SDI Cookbook
detected as explosive. But the above limitations can be
[8] My Research report of geospatial technology.
controlled by adopting proper designing of the project. [9] Report of implementation of my research submitted to
Even though this kind of study is very popular in B.C.E.S.T Patna.
foreign countries: they only adopted radar systems to
find out the explosives.


GIS Capacity In The Government Sector (An Overview On Emerging Technology)


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