Guia Instalacion Informix 4gl
Guia Instalacion Informix 4gl
Guia Instalacion Informix 4gl
Version 7.50
IBM Informix
Version 7.50
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page B-1.
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-3
Software Dependencies
This publication is written with the assumption that you are using IBM Informix
Dynamic Server 10.00, 11.10, or 11.50 as your database server.
The examples in this publication are written with the assumption that you are
using the default locale, en_us.8859-1. This locale supports U.S. English format
conventions for date, time, and currency. In addition, this locale supports the ISO
8859-1 code set, which includes the ASCII code set plus many 8-bit characters such
as é, è, and ñ.
If you plan to use nondefault characters in your data or your SQL identifiers, or if
you want to conform to the nondefault collation rules of character data, you need
to specify the appropriate nondefault locale.
For instructions on how to specify a nondefault locale, additional syntax, and other
considerations related to GLS locales, see the IBM Informix GLS User’s Guide.
Demonstration Database
IBM Informix 4GL includes a demonstration database called stores7. For
information about how to build this sample database and examples, see IBM
Informix 4GL by Example. If you are also installing a database server, you will need
to install your database server after you have installed IBM Informix 4GL. For
more information, check the Administrator’s Guide for your database server.
| Demonstration Programs
| Demonstration programs for Informix 4GL Web services are available from the
| $INFORMIXDIR/demo/soa/en_us/0333 directory.
Additional Documentation
For additional documentation about IBM Informix 4GL, including release notes,
machine notes, and documentation notes, go to the online product library page at Alternatively, you
can access or install the product documentation from the Quick Start CD that is
shipped with the product.
Feedback from both methods is monitored by those who maintain the user
documentation. The feedback methods are reserved for reporting errors and
omissions in our documentation. For immediate help with a technical problem,
contact IBM Technical Support. For instructions, see the IBM Informix Technical
Support Web site at
Introduction vii
viii IBM Informix 4GL Installation Guide
Informix 4GL Installation
These topics guide you through the steps necessary to prepare your environment
and install the IBM Informix 4GL (4GL) product software.
The 4GL product has two different implementations, each of which includes the
4GL Interactive Debugger component.
v The IBM Informix 4GL C Compiler uses a preprocessor to generate IBM
Informix ESQL/C source code. This code is preprocessed in turn to produce C
source code, which is then compiled and linked as object code in an executable
command file.
Beginning with 4GL 7.50.xC2, this implementation includes the Apache Axis2/C
and Apache Axis2/Java packages. Details on these packages are available at
v The IBM Informix 4GL Rapid Development System (RDS) uses a compiler to
produce pseudocode (called P code) in a single step. You then invoke a runner
to execute the P-code version of your 4GL application.
The following table indicates how much RAM is required, based on the number of
Table 1-1. RAM Requirements per Users
Number of Users RAM Requirements
Small multiuser (1-10 users) 8 megabytes
Large multiuser (11 plus users) 16 megabytes or more
The following table lists the memory requirements of the various 4GL components.
See your platform-specific Machine Notes for more exact requirements.
Table 1-2. Memory Required for 4GL Components
4GL Component Memory Required
IBM Informix 4GL C Compiler
The following table lists the disk-space requirements of the various 4GL
components. See your platform-specific Machine Notes for more exact
Order of Installation
Many IBM Informix products must be installed in a specific order. Before you
install 4GL, review the order of installation for your 4GL components.
If you install more than one Informix product (for example, 4GL and Informix
Dynamic Server), you must install each product in the following order:
1. Application development tools
Install application development tools in chronological product order, from the
oldest to the newest versions.
2. SQL application programming interfaces (APIs)
Install SQL APIs in chronological product order, from the oldest to the newest
3. Database servers
Install database servers in chronological product order, from the oldest to the
newest versions.
Generally, a database server should be installed in the same directory as any
SQL API or application development tools that use it. Therefore, verify that
$INFORMIXDIR is set to the common directory before you install these types
of products.
4. Additional products
Install remaining interface and documentation products in chronological
product order, from the oldest to the newest versions.
User informix is a user account with main authority over an Informix instance.
The user informix is the database equivalent of the UNIX® root account, so anyone
logged in as informix can completely access any Informix products and databases.
Make sure you keep the password for user informix confidential.
Group informix must exist on the system for the user accounts required to install
and administer an Informix product. IBM Informix products use group informix
internally to control database access. Make user informix the only member of
group informix. If you make a user of an Informix product a member of group
informix, you can cause unintended and uncontrolled database access.
To create the user informix, group informix, and informix product directory:
1. Create a new group called informix in the group file (/etc/group on most
UNIX-based systems).
Generally, you should provide a unique group number that is greater than or
equal to 100. If necessary, see your system administrator or operating-system
manual for assistance.
2. Add a new user called informix to the /etc/passwd file and assign the user to
the group informix.
Generally, you should provide a user ID number greater than or equal to 100
for that user and include a password for user informix.
3. If you are using a network, propagate the new user name to all systems on the
network. For example, you (or the network administrator) might need to run
the ypmake utility.
4. By default, the software is installed in /usr/informix . If you decide to use a
different directory, substitute that directory path and name throughout this
documentation whenever you see /usr/informix. Create a new directory for
your 4GL software by entering a command such as the following:
mkdir /usr/informix
For more information about setting IBM Informix environment variables, see the
IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Reference and the IBM Informix 4GL Web Services
Administration Guide.
You must run the environment variables in the windows from which you are
running an IBM Informix product. You can then source the file to set the
environment variables.
Before you begin your 4GL installation, you will need the following:
v IBM Informix 4GL software product media or downloaded files
v Your device name
Important: To run the 4GL compiler, you must have a C compiler installed on
your computer. A C compiler is not included with this product.
where pathname is the full path to the .tar file for the product on the CD.
For example:
The following table provides the specific .tar file names for your 4GL product:
Table 1-4. 4GL Product .tar file names
Product .tar File Name
4GL C Compiler c4gl
4GL Interactive Debugger 4glid
4GL Rapid Development System 4glrds
5. Enter the installation command for the first 4GL product that you want to
For example, to install the 4GL C Compiler, enter the following command:
The following table provides the specific installation command for your 4GL
Table 1-5. 4GL Product Installation Commands
Product Installation Command
4GL C Compiler ./install4gl
4GL Interactive Debugger ./install4db
4GL Rapid Development System ./install4gp
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Accessibility features help a user who has a physical disability, such as restricted
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You can view the publications for IBM Informix 4GL in Adobe® Portable Document
Format (PDF) using the Adobe Acrobat Reader.
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Notices B-3
B-4 IBM Informix 4GL Installation Guide
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