"The Benefits of Petroleum": Paper
"The Benefits of Petroleum": Paper
"The Benefits of Petroleum": Paper
Arranged by:
a. Background
b. Problem Formulation
c. Limitation Of Problem
d. Writing Objectives
e. Benefits Of Writing
f. Writing Methode
Thank to the Lord Jesus the Almighty God, because of his blessings and mercy I
can finish this paper well. I thank the parties who helped me in making this
paper. Especially the subject matter teacher who had given the assignment to
I hope this paper can be useful for readers to complete the available sources.
And I realize that this paper far from perfect, so I request criticism and
suggestions from readers so that in the future I can make a better one.
in sedimentary rocks. Derived from the Latin petra, which means stone, and
oleum, which means oil, the word "petroleum" is often interpreted by the word
"oil". Broadly defined, oil includes primary products (raw) and secondary products
organisms so that they are called fossil fuels. Petroleum comes from
microorganisms, dead plants and animals. The remains of the organism settled on
the bottom of the earth and then covered with mud. The mud gradually turns
into sedimentary rock due to the influence of the pressure layer on it.
The process of forming oil and gas takes millions of years. The oil and gas
formed permeated the porous rocks like water in a rock. Oil and gas can also
migrate from one area to another, then concentrated if blocked by an
impermeable layer. Even though petroleum and natural gas are formed at the
bottom of the ocean, many sources of oil and gas are found on land. This
happens because of the movement of the earth's crust, so that some oceans
become land.
In addition to fuel, oil and natural gas are important industrial materials. Materials
or products made from oil and gas are called petrochemicals. Today tens of
Crude oil is one of the most important types of oil which is processed into
various refinery products, but some other oil raw materials are also used to
produce various oil refinery products. There are various kinds of refinery
products produced from crude oil, many of which are for special purposes, such
as gasoline for motor vehicles or lubricants; others are used to produce heat,
such as diesel / diesel oil (gas oil) or fuel oil (fuel oil).
Petroleum has an important role in our lives. It is used for raw materials and
chemical industry raw materials. Motorized vehicles passing by on the road using
bakara from processed petroleum. Petroleum and its derivatives are used to make
drugs, fertilizers, food additives, plastics, building materials, paints, clothing, and for
electricity generation.
Petroleum that has been processed and utilized by humans, for example, such as
The nature and basic characteristics of petroleum are what determine the
subsequent treatment of petroleum itself in its processing. This will also affect
Based on the OWEM (OPEC World Energy Model) model, world oil demand in the
per day (bpd) to 89 million bpd or grow an average of 1.8% per year. Whereas in
the following period (2010-2020), demand rose to 106 million bpd with a growth
of 17 million bpd.
considering that petroleum and natural gas are an energy source that cannot be
renewed, while the use of this energy source in our daily lives is very broad in
scope and sufficiently plays an important role or controls live a lot of people.
Petroleum is a hydrocarbon compound. The nature and basic characteristics of
petroleum are what determine the subsequent treatment to process petroleum. This
will also affect the products produced from the oil processing. So from that the
knowledge of petroleum is very important, considering that the most widely used
SDA cannot be updated so that we must try to find alternatives and try to save
B. Problem Formulation
C. Limitation Of Problem
In this paper only those that are related to the the bennefits of petroleum ?in
E. Benefits of writing
Deepening knowledge about petroleum and its processing and the benefits
environmentally friendly.
F. Writing Method
various sources from the internet,and books that support the writing of the
1. Cover
2. Dedication sheet
3. Validation sheet
4. Table of contents
5. Preface
7. Chapter II Contents
9. Bibliography
10. Attachment
Definition of Petroleum
components are aromatic hydrocarbons, a small amount of alkene, and various carbon
contains sulfur, oxygen and nitrogen and very few components which
containing metal.
Energy sources that are widely used for cooking, motor vehicles, and industry,
come from petroleum, natural gas, and coal. The three types of fuel come from
plants, and animals. The remnants of the organism settled in the bottom of the ocean,
then covered with mud. The mud layer gradually turns to rock due to the influence of
the layer pressure on it. Meanwhile, with increasing pressure and temperature, anaerobic
bacteria decompose the remains of the microorganisms and convert them into oil and
gas. The process of oil and gas formation takes millions of years.
Formed oil and gas seep in the form of porous rock like water in a rock. Oil and
gas can also migrate from one area to another, then be concentrated if it is blocked by
impermeable layers. Although oil and natural gas are formed on the ocean floor, there
are many sources of oil and gas found on land. That happened because of the movement
This problem was answered in Scientist magazine in late November 2003. The author of
the article, Jeffry S. Dukes of the University of Utah, through the results of calculations
from the existing industrial and geochemical and biological data: 1 gallon of American
petroleum, apparently requires 90 tons of ancient plants as material, meaning 1 liter of
petroleum comes from 23.5 tons of ancient plants. Then how many plants can reach
23.5 tons? The results of the calculations found, that it is equivalent to 16,200 square
meters of wheat, including leaves, stems and all roots.
Why do we need ancient creatures in such large quantities that they can turn them into
petroleum? The reason is that petroleum must be under high-temperature pressure so
that it can only produce petroleum, then after ancient living things die, if burial is not
fast, it will decay and decompose.
Viewed from another perspective, geological data shows that the earth in ancient times
was absolutely impossible to be bigger in size than the earth today, and also the amount
of oxygen content in air and air temperatures in ancient times was approximately 30%
higher than the earth today, or in other words, the rot speed of living things is faster than
now. If petroleum came from the bodies of living things through carbon circulation,
even though the shape of the body of an ancient creature was larger, if the burial ratio
was faster and the large scale was very low it would also be very difficult, this is what
can be known from imperfect dinosaur fossils. and there are not many of them, which
we can only explore now. An individual fossil of such a dinosaur is not easy to store.
Petroleum Formation
Energy sources that are widely used for cooking, motorized vehicles and industry come
from petroleum, natural gas, and coal. These three types of fuel come from weathering
the remnants of organisms so they are called fossil fuels. Petroleum and natural gas
come from micro-organisms of the oceans, plants, and animals that died about 150
million years ago. The remains of the organism settle to the bottom of the ocean which
is then covered by mud. The mud layer gradually turns to rock due to the influence of
temperature and pressure of the layer above it. Meanwhile, with increasing pressure and
temperature, anaerobic bacteria decompose the remains of the microorganisms and
convert them into oil and gas.
The process of oil and gas formation takes millions of years. Oils and gases that form
have seeped in porous rock like water in a rock. Dangas oil can also migrate from one
area to another, then concentrated if it is blocked by impermeable layers. Although oil
and natural gas are formed on the ocean floor, there are many sources of oil and gas
found on land. This happens because of the movement of the earth's crust, so that part of
the ocean becomes land.
Discussing the identification of petroleum cannot be separated from the
discussion of the theory of petroleum formation and its formation conditions which
make petroleum to be specific and not the same between petroleum with other
There are many hypotheses about the formation of petroleum which were put forward
by experts, some of which are:
Macquarie (France, 1758) was the first person to put forward the opinion that petroleum
came from plants. Then M.W Lamanosow (Russia, 1763) also stated the same thing.
Opinions above are also supported by other scholars such as Nem Beery, Engler, Bruk,
Bearl, Hofer. They said that "oil and gas derived from marine organisms that died
millions of years ago and formed a layer in the bowels of the earth."
b. Theory of Abiogenesis (Inorganic)
Berthelot (1866) stated that in petroleum there is an alkali metal, which is a free state
with high temperature will come in contact with C02 to form acetylene. Then
Mendeleyev (1877) suggested that petroleum was formed due to the effect of the
working of steam in metal carbides in the earth. Even more extreme is the statement of
some experts who suggest that petroleum began to form since prehistoric times, long
before the earth was formed and together with the formation of the earth.
Oil from exploration (drilling) is still in the form of crude oil or crude oil. This crude oil
contains various gaseous, liquid and solid chemicals. The main components of
petroleum are hydrocarbon compounds, both aliphatic, alicyclic, and aromatic. The
level of carbon in petroleum can reach 50% -85%, while the rest is a mixture of
hydrogen elements and other elements. For example, nitrogen (0-0.5%), sulfur (0-6%),
Straight aliphatic hydrocarbon compounds are usually called alkanes or normal bowls of
paraffin. These compounds are found in natural gas and petroleum which have short
1. Methane CH4
hydrocarbon compound has the same molecular formula as an alkene, but does not have
a double bond and forms the structure of the clinician. In petroleum, these cyclic
hydrocarbon compounds.
4. Aromatic Hydrocarbon Compounds
Petroleum is found together with natural gas. Petroleum that has been separated from
natural gas is also called crude oil. Crude oil can be divided into:
1. Light crude oil which contains low levels of metals and sulfur, has a bright color and
2. Heavy crude oil which contains high levels of metals and sulfur, has a high viscosity
Petroleum is usually located 3-4 km below the surface. Petroleum is obtained by making
a drill. The crude oil obtained is captured in tankers or piped to the tank station or an oil
Crude oil (crude oil) is in the form of a thick black branch and smells unpleasant. Crude
oil cannot be used as raw material or other needs, but it must be processed first. Crude
oil contains about 500 types of hydrocarbons with several C-1 atoms up to 50.
Petroleum processing is carried out by stratified distillation, where crude oil is separated
Petroleum processing begins with heating crude oil at 400oC, then flowing into the
fractionation tower where separation will occur based on differences in boiling points.
Components with a higher boiling point will remain liquid and go down, while those
with a lower boiling point will evaporate and rise to the top through the hoods called
bubble caps.
Meanwhile, the higher the temperature, the lower the temperature, so that every time a
component with a higher boiling point rises, it will condense and separate, while
components with lower boiling ducks will continue to rise to the higher top. So that the
component that reaches the top of the tower is a component that is at room temperature
gas. Component in the form of gas was called proteleum gas. Through compression and
Crude oil contains various hydrocarbon compounds with various physical properties. To
obtain materials that are of good quality and my needs, it is necessary to carry out the
processing stages of crude oil which includes the process of distillation, cracking,
differences in the boiling points of the components making up the mixture. Although the
Crude oil or crude oil before entering into the fractionation column (separation column)
The heated crude oil then enters the fractionation column in the flash chamber (usually
in the lower third of the fractionation column). To maintain the temperature and
pressure in the column, it is assisted by heating with steam (hot water steam and high
Because of the different boiling points of each hydrocarbon component, the components
will separate themselves, wherein the light hydrocarbons will be at the top of the
column followed by heavier fractions below. In the tray (bulkhead in the column) the
At each level or fraction that is collected and then pumped out of the column, cooled in
a cooling tub, then accommodated in their respective product tanks. This product cannot
Cracking is the breakdown of long-chain organic compounds into two or more shorter-
that are more needed by consumers, namely to get more gasoline from lubricating oil.
Examples of cracking are diesel oil (C16-C24) and lubricating oil (C20-C30) which are
broken down into gasoline (C4-C10) and other compounds that are more widely used.
The hot method (thermal cracking), is the process of cracking using high temperatures
The catalytic method (catalytic cracking) is the process of cracking using a catalyst
3 Reforming reaction
The conversion reaction is a reaction from petroleum materials into industrial base
materials by utilizing inexpensive materials into materials needed so that they are of
(straight carbon chains) into better quality gasoline (branched carbon chains).
4 Polymerization
molecules into large molecules). Polymers consist of natural polymers and synthetic
polymers. Polymers are large molecules consisting of repeating small units (monomers).
Monomers are organic compounds that have double bonds and these double bonds open
to form bonds with other monomers to the desired amount (synthetic polymers). Natural
polymers form compounds naturally, for example, natural polymers namely latex (from
rubber trees), carbohydrates (corn cassava), proteins, cellulose, resins. While examples
The polymer formation process consists of three stages, namely the formation of free
causes three forms of structure namely regular (isotactic) structure, irregular structure
(atactic), mixed (syndiotactic). The structure of the polymer is very influential on the
5. Treating
Treating is the process of refining petroleum by removing impurities. Ways to Treat the
process as follows:
2. Acid treatment
3. Desulfurizing (desulfurization)
6. Blending
Gasoline is an example of petroleum products that are widely used in the world. To get
good quality gasoline blending (mixing), there are about 22 mixing ingredients
differences in boiling points. Fractionation can also be referred to as the process of oil
purification in producing petroleum products that are ready to use, such as LPG, LNG,
boiling routes, where the length of the hydrocarbon chain is directly proportional to the
boiling point and its density. The longer the hydrocarbon chain, the boiling route and
the greater the density. The number of carbon atoms in a hydrocarbon chain varies. To
be used as fuel, they are grouped into several fractions or levels in the following simple
8 petroleum fractions are formed from the process of distillation of crude oil. From the
furnace height, the fractions will enter into different pipes to be further processed to
produce oil products that are ready for use. The eight petroleum fractions include:
1. Gas
The first fraction of petroleum formed was gas. Gas from the distillation of petroleum is
a raw material from Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) that we usually use for gas stoves.
The gas fraction itself is a short-chain hydrocarbon between C1 - C5. Because of the
short number of carbon chain bonds, the boiling point of the gas fraction becomes very
2. Nafta
After the gas fraction, the second fraction will be formed, namely naphtha. Nafta has a
carbon chain that is also short, C5 - C7 with boiling points between 30 oC - 90 oC.
Nafta is usually used as a raw material for the petrochemical industry such as plastics,
synthetic rubber, detergents, drugs, paints, synthetic fibers, cosmetics, and gasoline
3. Gasoline (Gasoline)
The next fraction of petroleum is gasoline or gasoline. This fraction is only formed at
the boiling point of 30 oC - 200 oC because the carbon chain that starts is quite long
familiar in our society. This fraction is commonly used as fuel for motorcycles, cars and
light engines.
4. Kerosene (Kerosene)
275 oC. This fraction is a long chain hydrocarbon with a total C bond of C12 - C16.
Kerosene has become extinct from circulation and is no longer being traded
domestically. Whereas in the past it was widely used as fuel for oil lamps and oil stoves.
5. Solar (Diesel)
400 oC. This contraction is a long chain hydrocarbon with a C15-C18 number of C
bonds. hydrocarbon chains that have 8 to 21 carbon (solar) atoms will not evaporate.
Diesel fuel is commonly used as fuel for cars, heavy equipment, and heavy machinery.
6. Lubricant (Oil)
Oil or lubricant is the result of the distillation of petroleum after asphalt. Petroleum will
that have boiling points below 350 oC will evaporate and those that have boiling points
above will form oil. Oil is used as lubricants/lubricants for vehicle engine components.
7. Paraffin
Paraffin or wax is a fraction of petroleum that settles at the bottom of the furnace. This
fraction is a hydrocarbon chain whose length is more than C20. Paraffin is used as a raw
Asphalt is a petroleum residue and is obtained when petroleum first enters the
distillation tower and is heated at temperatures over 500 ° C. Petroleum fraction which
has a boiling point below 500 ° C will evaporate onto the distillation tower and reheat it.
Whereas those with boiling points above 500 ° C will accumulate into residues which
Residue or asphalt formed from the furnace process can also be used for the daily life of
humanity. The residue, for example, is used as asphalt or raw material in the
materials leak
properties such as boiling point and viscosity, as well as their chemical properties.
a. Clothing
PTA (purified
is kerosene (kerosene).
The shape is benzene compound (C6H6), but there are two methyl groups on the C1 and
C3 atoms of the benzene molecule. The xylene is then oxidized using air to become
PTA (see the map of the petrochemical process above). Now from PTA which is shaped
like a detergent flour is then reacted with methanol into polyester fiber. This polyester
ester fiber becomes synthetic yarn that looks like yarn. Almost all the uniforms that you
wear may be made of polyester. To facilitate its introduction can be seen from the price.
The price of clothing made from synthetic polyester yarn is usually relatively cheaper
than clothing made from basic materials of cotton, silk or other natural fibers. The
fineness of the material made from polyester fibers is influenced by additives (additives)
producers in Indonesia is in Pertamina Processing Unit III with the type of product and
designation here. There are other polymers that are also used to make finer or softer
synthetic fibers. For example fiber for the contents of the sanitary napkin. The polymer
is made of polyethylene.
b. Board
Building materials derived from hydrocarbons are generally plastic. The plastic base
furniture, home interior equipment, car bumpers, tables, chairs, plates, etc.
c. Art
For matters of art, especially painting, the main role of hydrocarbons is in oil ink/paints
and their solvents. Maybe you know the thinner used to thin paint. Meanwhile, for
matters of sculpture, many sculptures are made of plastic or trophies, etc ...
Art also includes aesthetics. But maybe even broader with the addition of cosmetics. So
material is
aesthetics is
wax. For
(removal of
e. Food
carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. The simplest form of a carbohydrate molecule
of glucose will be like the picture below. Many carbohydrates are polymers composed
of sugar molecules that are arranged into long chains and branch off. Carbohydrates are
an important food ingredient and a source of energy found in plants and animal flesh.
fibers, such as cellulose, pectin, and lignin. Carbohydrates provide the basic needs that
The body uses carbohydrates like a car engine uses gasoline. Glucose, the simplest
carbohydrate flows in the bloodstream so that it is available to all body cells. These
body cells absorb glucose. This sugar is then oxidized (burned) by cells with the help of
oxygen that we breathe into energy and CO2 gas in the form of respiration/respiration.
The energy produced and not used will be stored under the skin tissue in the form of fat.
Oil refineries are factories / industrial facilities that process crude oil into petroleum
products that can be directly used or other products that become raw materials for the
petrochemical industry.
1. Air pollution
Air pollution is related to the pollution of the earth's atmosphere. The atmosphere is a
layer of air that envelops the earth to an altitude of 300 km. The source of air pollution
Air pollution is related to the pollution of the earth's atmosphere. The atmosphere is a
layer of air that envelops the earth to an altitude of 300 km. The source of air pollution
The source of air pollution in each region or region is different. Sources of air pollution
1 Carbon dioxide (CO2) Use of fossil fuels (petroleum or coal), burning of natural gas
2 Sulfur dioxide (SO2) nitrogen monoxide (NO) Use of fossil fuels (petroleum or coal),
3 Carbon monoxide (CO) Use of fossil fuels (petroleum or coal) and exhaust gases from
4 Koro Fluoro Carbon (CFC) Air conditioners, refrigerators, and equipment that use
aerosol sprayers.
At the micro or local scale, air pollution has an impact on human health. For example,
air polluted with carbon monoxide (CO) gas if inhaled someone will cause poisoning if
the person is helped too late can result in death. The impact of macro-scale air pollution,
for example, the phenomenon of acid rain on a regional scale, while on a global scale is
The burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas has long been done to meet
human needs for energy. For example for various household, industrial, and agricultural
purposes. When the fuel is burned, carbon dioxide is released into the air. The data
obtained shows that the amount of carbon dioxide released into the air continues to
Carbon monoxide (CO) gas is a gas that is odorless, tasteless, and unstable. Carbon
monoxide in large cities mostly comes from the disposal of motorized vehicles whose
combustion gases are incomplete. Also, carbon monoxide can come from burning fossil
Carbon monoxide in the human body binds to hemoglobin faster than oxygen. If there is
carbon monoxide in the air, oxygen will lose fast and bind to hemoglobin.
Some people will suffer from oxygen deficiency in their tissues when their blood
Oxygen deficiency in the body can cause a person to suffer from headaches and
dizziness. The carbon monoxide content which reaches 0.1% in the air can disrupt the
metabolism of the body of the organism. Therefore, when heating the vehicle engine in
the garage, the garage door should be opened so that the CO gas that is formed does not
Sulfur dioxide
Sulfur dioxide is released into the air when fossil fuel combustion and melting of metal
ore. The permissible SO2 concentration is between 0.3 to 1.0 mg m-3. However, in
areas close to heavy industry, the concentration of these compounds is higher, at 3,000
mg m-3.
humans, especially causing bronchitis, pneumonia, and heart failure. These particles are
usually difficult to clean when they reach the alveoli, causing irritation and disrupting
gas exchange.
Sulfur pollution (sulfur oxide) around the copper melting area can cause damage to
vegetation to a distance of several kilometers away. Plants absorb sulfur dioxide from
the air through stomata. High concentrations of sulfur dioxide in the air often cause
Nitrogen Oxide
formed in soot often irritates the eyes and lungs. Also, these pollutants can damage
2. Acid rain
The two gases produced from the combustion of vehicle engines as well as diesel and
plants are
nitrogen dioxide (NO2). The resulting gas reacts in the air to form acids that fall to earth
along with rain and snow. For example, sulfur dioxide reacts with oxygen to form sulfur
2 SO2 + O2 2 SO3
Sulfur trioxide then reacts with water vapor to form sulfuric acid.
This acidic water vapor becomes part of the cloud which eventually descends to earth as
acid rain or acid snow. Acid rain can cause damage to forests, crops, and plantations.
Acid rain will also cause rust of metal objects, such as bridges and railroad tracks, and
damage to various buildings. Also, acid rain will cause a decrease in soil pH, rivers and
lakes, thus affecting the life of soil organisms, water, and human health.
3. Greenhouse effect
In a greenhouse, sunlight can easily enter into it. Some of the sunlight is used by plants
This reflected light cannot come out of the greenhouse and experience repeated
reflection. The energy produced increases the temperature of the greenhouse so that the
On earth, heat radiation coming from the sun to the earth is likened to penetrating a
greenhouse wall. The heat radiation is not absorbed entirely by the earth. Some
radiation is reflected by objects that are on the surface of the earth into space. The heat
radiation reflected into space is infrared. Some of this infrared radiation can be absorbed
gases in the atmosphere are H2O and CO2. Like glass in a greenhouse, H2O and CO2
cannot absorb all infrared radiation so some of that radiation is reflected earth. This
situation causes the temperature on the surface of the earth to increase or is called global
Rising temperatures cause melting of icebergs in the north and south poles. This
condition results in rising sea levels, causing various cities and seafront areas to sink,
while arid regions become drier. The greenhouse effect causes climate change, for
The ozone layer (O3) is a layer of gas that envelops the earth at an altitude of ± 30 km
above the earth. The ozone layer is located in the atmosphere layer called the
stratosphere. This ozone layer has the function of holding 99% of UV radiation emitted
CFC gas (Chloro Fluoro Carbon) derived from aerosol products (spray gas), cooling
stratosphere, it will bind with ozone. CFCs that bind to ozone cause decomposition of
ozone molecules resulting in damage to the ozone layer, in the form of ozone depletion.
The depletion of the ozone layer in some places has formed holes like those over
Antarctica and the North Pole. This hole will reduce the function of the ozone layer as a
barrier to UV rays. UV rays that reach the earth will cause damage to life on earth. The
damage includes disturbances in the food chain at sea, as well as damage to crops,
Living things have long been the object of various forms of radiation. For example,
solar radiation containing ultraviolet light and infrared waves. Apart from coming from
the sun, radiation can also come from outer space, in the form of cosmic rays and
radioactive minerals in rocks. However, the form of radiation due to human activities
The forms of radiation in the form of nuclear bomb testing activities and the use of
nuclear bombs by humans can be in the form of electromagnetic waves and subatomic
particles. Both types of radiation can threaten the life of living things.
The impact of radiation can be seen at the genetic level and body cells. The genetic
impact on interphase causes changes in genes in AND, also known as gene mutations.
Somatic impact (body cells) is that a person has a brain that is smaller than normal size,
2. Water pollution
Water pollution includes pollution in inland waters, such as lakes and rivers, as well as
sea waters. Sources of water pollution, such as sand dredging, household waste,
industry, agriculture, river widening, offshore oil mining, as well as oil tanker leakage.
Household waste
detergents, organic and inorganic waste containing microorganisms can cause disease,
especially for people who use the river as a source of daily life. The process of
decomposing garbage and detergent requires oxygen so that the oxygen content in the
water can be reduced. If the oxygen content of water drops to less than 5 mg per liter,
Agricultural waste
Agricultural activities can cause water pollution mainly due to the use of artificial
herbicides can poison aquatic organisms, such as plankton, fish, animals that drink the
water and also humans who use the water for their daily needs. Pesticide residues such
as DDT that accumulate in the bodies of fish and other biotas can be carried in the food
Besides, the entry of agricultural fertilizers, rubbish, and sewage into dams, lakes, and
the sea can cause increased nutrients in the waters. This increase resulted in the rapid
Growth of algae or water hyacinth that is fast and then dies requires a lot of oxygen to
break it down. This condition results in a lack of oxygen and encourages the life of
Mining waste
Oil pollution at sea is mainly caused by offshore oil mining waste and leakage of oil
tanker transporting oil. Each year the estimated number of leaks and oil spills from
tankers to the sea reaches 3.9 million tons to 6.6 million tons. Oil spills damage lives at
sea, including birds and fish. Oil attached to the feathers of birds and fish gills results in
Petroleum (fossil) fuel is estimated to last about 60 years. if exploited on a large scale.
To slow down and reduce dependence on petroleum fuels, one of which is by using
biodiesel fuel, which has very large raw materials to develop. One of the raw materials
that can be used as biodiesel is coconut oil. in one coconut oil molecule consists of 1
And 3 (three) units of fatty acids from the long carbon chain are triglycerides (fats and
oils). The glycerin component has a high boiling point that can protect the oil from
evaporation (volatilizing). In biodiesel, the fatty acid composition of the oil is converted
to another element called an ester. Glycerine and fatty acids are separated by the
esterification process. Plant oil reacts with alcohols and catalysts, if plant oil is
methanol and coconut, and the reactant component is alcohol it will produce coco
methyl esters. Coco methyl ester is the chemical name of coco biodiesel. The success
rate in the process of making biodiesel is influenced by the stirring cycle, heating
temperature, and catalyst content and water content when making sodium methoxide.
After testing diesel engines with vegetative oil and diesel oil it was found that with
vegetative oil had greater efficiency and engine power compared to diesel oil because
the exhaust gas temperature produced was lower but the quality of the heating value
vegetative oil has a much higher rate of methane (average cetane rate of diesel oil 45,
biodiesel 62 for palm oil-based, 51 for jatropha and 62.7 for the vegetable-based
coconut) will get a shorter ignition when compared to diesel oil. The existence of a
shorter ignition (ignition delay) the power generated is large and effective, it will
diesel oil. The viscosity of vegetative oils ranges from (2.3 - 6) CST and (2.6 - 4.8).
1. Biodiesel oil sourced from coconut oil can be made easily by reacting (mixing)
coconut oil with methanol and NaOH catalyst which will produce biodiesel and
2. Coconut oil biodiesel fuel has great potential to be applied as a substitute fuel for
diesel oil/diesel. The flashpoint of coconut biodiesel is lower than diesel fuel.
The calorific value of coconut oil biodiesel fuel is equivalent to diesel fuel.
2. Natural gas
consist of a mixture of various flammable and non-hydrocarbon gases such as N2, CO2,
H2S and noble gases such as He and Ar, there are also water vapor and sand. Generally,
the gas formed is mostly from methane CH4, and can also include ethane C2H6 and
propane C3H8. Natural gas obtained from deep wells under the earth usually combines
with oil. This gas is referred to as associated gas. Some wells specifically produce gas,
Although in the short term, natural gas can indeed solve the problem, but in the long
run, what is experienced by oil will also occur in natural gas. Based on data from the
Natural Gas Fundamentals, the Francais Du Petrole Institute in 2002, proven reserves of
world natural gas were around 157703,109 m3. This amount of reserves, at the current
level of natural gas consumption, can only last for a few decades.
3. Biogas
Biogas is a process of producing biogas from organic material with the help of bacteria.
anaerobic digestion. The gas produced is mostly (more than 50%) in the form of
methane. organic material collected in the digester (reactor) will be broken down into
two stages with the help of two types of bacteria. The first stage of organic material will
be degraded into weak acids with the help of acid-forming bacteria. This bacterium will
break down waste at the level of hydrolysis and acidification. Hydrolysis is the
After the organic material turns into acidic acid, the second stage of the anaerobic
digestion process is the formation of methane gas with the help of methane-forming
The development of the Anaerobic Digestion process has been successful in many
applications. This process can process waste/waste that is abundant and useless becomes
a more valuable product. Anaerobic digestion applications have been successful in the
treatment of industrial waste, agricultural waste, livestock waste and municipal solid
waste (MSW).
Biogas mostly contains gs of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2), and some
small amounts of it include hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and ammonia (NH3) and hydrogen
The energy contained in biogas depends on the concentration of methane (CH4). The
higher the methane content, the greater the energy content (heat value) of biogas, and
vice versa the smaller the methane content the smaller the heat value. The quality of
sulfur, water content and carbon dioxide (CO2). Sulfur hydrogen contains poisons and
substances that cause corrosion if biogas contains these compounds it will cause
dangerous gases so that the maximum allowable concentration is 5 ppm. When gas is
burned, hydrogen sulfur will be more dangerous because it will form a new compound
together with oxygen, namely sulfur dioxide/sulfur trioxide (SO2 / SO3). this compound
is more toxic. At the same time, it will form Sulfur acid (H2SO3), a more corrosive
compound. The second parameter is to eliminate carbon dioxide content which has the
aim to improve quality so that gas can be used to fuel vehicles. The water content in
biogas will reduce the ignition point of biogas and can cause corrosive
Petroleum is formed from the remains of living fossils that were buried millions of years
ago. Oil extraction is carried out at oil refineries. Then it is fractionated according to its
boiling point. Petroleum has an important role in life, both as an energy source and as a
Petroleum is a natural resource that cannot be expanded. Now its existence is almost
gone. Therefore, its use must be saved. The use of refined petroleum ingredients also
has side effects. Like exhaust gas from machines that use refined petroleum materials.
The smoke is an indication of air pollution and worsens the condition of the world