Senior Citizen's Day - 27 August 2019

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Old but gold


TUN Dr Mahathir Mohamad has proven

again that age is just a number, because at Senior Citizen’s Day,
the age of 93, he is not only leading a
nation, but doing so with elan.
celebrated every year on
“Consider, too, the many other leaders August 21, reminds everyone
who are well over 65, some of whom are in
their 70s or 80s, who are the driving force
that seniors are an integral
behind governments or business and civil part of the community,
service organisations,” says J. Solomon,
secretary-general of Malaysian Trades
and, by including them into
Union Congress. mainstream society instead of
However, our society has failed to value
the knowledge, experience and skills of the
sidelining them, the country
aged population and, instead of treating can benefit immensely.
them as assets, they are mostly seen as a
burden on society.
Senior Citizen’s Day, celebrated every
year on August 21, reminds everyone that
seniors are an integral part of the Malaysia’s National Key Economic Area for
community, and, by including them into health, the country will reach ageing nation
mainstream society instead of sidelining status in just 10 years, with more than 15%
them, the country can benefit immensely. of the population being above 60 years old.
This raises the question – is enough being
A community sidelined done for this group of people? Is the
country excluding the elderly from fully
At first glance, there are various engaging with society?
socioeconomic issues that arise when it One topic of discussion is whether our
comes to the nation’s ageing community. infrastructure caters to the elderly. Our
According to an estimate given by public transport system cannot exactly be
called elderly friendly. It is not unusual
to see train stations without a fully healthcare, which is still an area that would be home by 6pm. Nowadays, when
functioning elevator or easy access to requires much development. parents have to stay with the children after
wheelchair ramps. The idea of retirement homes that their spouses pass on, it is more difficult for
Then there is the issue of elderly provides everything from activities to them to adapt as they are no longer
healthcare for the elderly is just gaining independent. Without someone to talk to,
traction here but many such homes at they can suffer from loneliness.”
present are only within the means of the According to the same report, loneliness
affluent. With most Malaysians not being among the elderly is identified as a major
able to even afford retirement, how can the public health issue. It can increase the risk
aged enjoy such luxuries or find their place of high blood pressure, lead to a weakened
in a constantly changing world? immune system, depression, increased risk
It was different even a couple of decades of heart disease, stroke and dementia.
back when large families were the norm Those who suffer from loneliness are also
and grown children took care of their at risk of premature death.
elderly parents. Now, even if the seniors The situation intensifies especially after
stay with their children, their children’s retirement as seniors believe they are no
busy schedules means they spend most of longer needed.
their time alone at home or in the company While the primary responsibility of
of a caregiver. caring for the elderly still lies with the
In a report titled Battling Loneliness by family in Asian cultures, society cannot
Malaysian Healthy Aging Society, KPJ entirely shirk off its obligation in assisting
Ampang Puteri Specialist Hospital senior in providing this care.
consultant psychiatrist Dr Azhar Zain says,
“Years ago, children had more time as they > TURN TO PAGE 3

Healthy gut, healthy you

AS the father of modern medicine, Bifidobacteria in the large intestine. These
Hippocrates, said, “All disease begins in the good bacteria in our gut decrease as we age.
gut” – a quote that still holds true today. The Therefore, dietary supplementation of
gut plays a vital role in our health, probiotics is essential to ensure optimal gut
especially in bowel function, digestion and function.
immunity. Unfortunately, many people tend
to neglect their gut health until they
repeatedly experience gastrointestinal
Natural way to manage bowel
problems such as constipation. movement
According to the American Journal of
Gastroentology, irregular bowel movement Biogrow ProGut is made from all-natural
or constipation affects nearly a quarter of Swedish oat fibre formulated with dual
the world population. Most individuals action from the well-researched Oat BG22
resort to laxatives as a quick fix for bowel fibre powder and Bifidobacterium lactis
irregularity. However, long-term use of BB-12 probiotic strain from Denmark – a
laxatives often results in decreased bowel strain of Bifidobacterium featured in more
function (also known as lazy gut syndrome) than 300 scientific publications and with
and may lead to laxative dependency. over 130 clinical studies carried out on it.
Therefore, prolonged laxative use is One sachet daily provides a synergistic Each sachet contains 2.4g of soluble and probiotics.
highly discouraged and should be replaced effect for improved intestinal function and and insoluble fibres with one billion
with natural food remedies that combine balanced gut microbiota. To consume, mix colony-forming units of live probiotic This article is brought to you by Legosan
dietary fibre with probiotics to maintain one sachet (≈7g) with cold water, fruit juice, cultures. Biogrow ProGut is suitable for all (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.
good gut health. cereal or yoghurt. One or two sachets a day who wish to maintain or improve gut
Research has also shown that people with after meals or whenever convenient is health as it offers a natural way to manage n For more information, call 03-7956 2220
constipation reported lower levels of recommended. bowel movement with the benefits of fibre or email [email protected]
2 Senior Citizenʼs Day THE STAR, TUESDAY 27 AUGUST 2019

Relief from the misery of dry eyes

THE tear film is an important because of an insufficiency in the practitioners, as it often interferes homogenously sequenced and – By Dr Norazlina Bachik Ng,
layer on the eye surface that external lipid layer of the tear with the overall management and sculpted light pulses. The cataract, refractive and
maintains the smoothness of the film secreted by glands in the perceived satisfaction of patients. energy, spectrum and time anterior segment surgeon at
surface for good vision and eyelids, which are known as the There are significant symptoms, period are precisely set to KPJ Pusat Pakar Mata Centre
comfort. It is made up of three Meibomian glands. which are either not treated stimulate the Meibomian glands for Sight
layers: mucin, water and lipid. A Dry eye disease is an effectively or ignored by the eye to restore their normal function.
disturbance in the balance of all unpleasant sensory and care practitioner. Usually, this Each treatment session n For details, visit www.kpjcfs.
three components may lead to emotional experience for happens when there is not much takes only a few minutes, com or call KPJ Pusat Pakar
symptomatic dry eyes. patients. Burdened with time or it is perceived that the during which the patient is Mata Centre for Sight at 03-4022
Dry eye disease is a common discomfort and fear, patients complaint is insignificant or seated comfortably. The 6222 (Kuala Lumpur), 03-7880
pathology affecting more than often feel miserable, not knowing untreatable. ophthalmologist will put 8222 (Petaling Jaya) or 03-6093
20% of the population, with how to precisely describe what Although lubricating eyedrops protective eyewear on the 1051 (Rawang).
symptoms increasing with age. they are feeling, and most will may provide some relief, it is patient to protect the eyes from KKLIU No.2720/2018
Conditions of a modern lifestyle end up feeling exasperated often not enough in more severe the light. A hydrogel will be
(including working on computer because no one understands their conditions. Depending on the applied onto the skin beneath
screens, driving cars, exposure condition. cause, treatment will include the eyes for protection. A series
to artificial light and air Mild conditions can lead to other types of eye drops such as of five flashes is applied under
pollution and wearing of contact frequent visits to eye care cyclosporine, steroidal and lipid- the lower eyelid. The same
lenses) make dry eye syndrome practitioners, whereas moderate based. Manual expression, procedure is then repeated
a more prevalent nuisance. to severe cases are often Meibomian gland probing and a under the lower eyelid of the
Generally speaking, it is associated with significant pain, procedure called Blephex may other eye.
because of an issue with the tear limitations in performing daily also need to be done. IPL doesn’t affect the
film, either caused by activities, reduced vitality, poor The latest addition to the Meibomian glands directly but
insufficient tears or excessive general health and, in some cases, armamentarium of treatment through the stimulation of the
evaporation. It is recognised that depression. modalities is intense pulsed nerves that supply the glands
a large majority of cases are The treatment is particularly light (IPL) therapy. It involves via a series of chemical
caused by evaporation, mainly frustrating to patients and applying perfectly calibrated, reactions after the procedure,
stimulating the secretion and
contraction of the glands and
improving microcirculation.
The treatment effect is
cumulative. It generally lasts
one week after the first
session, two to three
weeks after the
second session, and
six months to two
years after the
third and fourth
sessions – a
promising mode
of treatment to
help alleviate or
negate all those
miseries of dry eyes.

Time – the
greatest gift
IT has been suggested that the was getting deposited into an
retirement age in Malaysia be account and he can use his
increased to better include the accumulated time credits to
elderly in society. request various services as and
Indeed, increasing the when he requires.
retirement age is one way of This idea of service exchange
getting the elderly to be more is nothing new and has been
involved in society, but it should around in different forms for
not and cannot be the only more than a hundred years, but
solution, as some seniors might it resurfaced as “time banking”
not receive the full benefit when distinguished American
because of health issues. law professor Edgar S. Cahn
However, one concept that can gave the practice structure and
be adopted is time banking, brought it into the limelight in
which is essentially a reciprocity 1980.
system that works against the Apart from Japan, this concept
exchange of time instead of has been successfully
money. Time banked can be implemented in around 34
exchanged for various services, countries, including the United
which can include elderly care, States, the United Kingdom,
childcare, assistance with South Korea, Argentina, Taiwan
household chores and and Greece.
companionship. There is a catch, however.
This concept, known as fureai The concept of time banking is
kippu in Japan, was started in entirely dependent on a reliance
1995 to promote community on other people, since its
bonding and encourage social foundation rests on voluntary
inclusion of the elderly, service. If people cannot buy
unemployed, poor and the into the concept, it becomes
disabled. essentially unworkable.
Joanna (name changed) who It would only be successful if
was travelling in Japan a couple the sense of responsibility
years back, had a unique among the people participating
experience to share. While is strong and there is genuine
speaking to the retired owner of care for the well-being of others,
the homestay she was staying in, in the sense that people give
she learnt that the owner wished back against what they receive.
to spend his retirement by Seeing how this concept will
saving as much time as possible. not only include the elderly in
He went out every day to mainstream society by utilising
provide companionship to a their time, but can teach the
fellow senior who was living value of voluntary service to
with dementia. According to youths, Malaysia should consider
him, the time he spent with her implementing this concept.
THE STAR, TUESDAY 27 AUGUST 2019 Senior Citizenʼs Day 3

Should the retirement age be raised?

> FROM PAGE 1 valuable asset that can be used to position. Tun Zaki is also the chairman who work longer would also enable the
contribute to the development of younger of Astro’s Nomination and Corporate Government to delay paying out pensions.
The greater benefit workers through the transfer of
Governance Committee and chancellor
at Multimedia University and Mahsa
By continuing to work, seniors would
also receive mandatory medical coverage
A way to include seniors in mainstream Speaking on the talent shortage in University, as well as pro-chancellor at as well as Social Security Organisation
society and keep them engaged is by keeping Malaysia, Solomon says, “A simple and less University Science Islam Malaysia. (Socso) coverage when they are in the
them in the workforce. However, many costly solution to this issue is to increase Keeping seniors in the workforce for private sector. This means employees are
people are against having seniors in the the retirement age and make use of the longer would also benefit the country far entitled to partial injury and invalidity
workforce, claiming that if older people do many senior workers who have ample more than it would senior citizens. With coverage from their company, therefore
not retire, the younger generation will not experience and developed skills but are better access to healthcare, advances in reducing Government spending when
get the opportunity for growth in their forced to leave the workforce early.” preventive medicine and the adoption of treating retirees, who pay only a minimal
professional careers. Take, for example, the 2012 appointment active and healthier lifestyles, Malaysians fee for healthcare at public hospitals.
Solomon refutes the claim and says, “Older of Tun Zaki Azmi to pay television service are generally living better and longer. In Some people contest senior citizens
people can play a dual role by continuing to Astro’s board of directors as independent fact, according to the Statistics Department, working after the age of 60, saying that
do their normal work while also helping non-executive chairman. His years of a baby born in 2018 is expected to live to physical strength declines with age and
mentor and train younger workers. Their experience in the judicial and legal services be 75, up from 72.2 in 2000. hence it is the duty of society to ensure
wealth of knowledge and experience is a made him the ideal person for this These statistics do not spell good news seniors get the retirement they so deserve.
for the economy of the country, as “Physical strength clearly declines with
Solomon elaborates, “With the age, but it is not crucial for most jobs,
proportion of seniors in the particularly in a service-based economy.
population increasing, it is not viable What matters in today’s workplace is the
for people who can still be mix of skills, experience and character that
economically active to retire and seniors bring to the table,” says Solomon.
allow the decreasing number of
younger people to support them
and be the main providers of
Not the only solution
economic growth. It will put Even though Solomon supports
a strain on government increasing the retirement age, he also
revenue.” agrees that it cannot be the only solution
By working longer, because there are people whose health
workers will be paying would not permit them to work.
taxes and adding to Hence, it is important that the
government revenue. Government takes note and focus on
Moreover, developing more elderly-friendly
employees in the infrastructure. From developing affordable
public sector senior care homes to bringing in more
versatile manpower to care for the elderly,
as well as making healthcare more widely
available and cost-effective for the senior
population, there is a lot yet to be done.
Seniors are, after all, an integral part of
our society and played crucial roles in
developing our communities. Not to
mention that this is a matter that
concerns all of us as we will all be in
their shoes one day.
4 Senior Citizenʼs Day THE STAR, TUESDAY 27 AUGUST 2019

Combat muscle and bone loss

Nature’s Way THE musculoskeletal system includes all absorption and utilisation of calcium, while
Red Krill Oil muscles, bones and joints in the body. vitamin K2 aids in bone mineralisation by
contains 100% In addition to supporting your body effectively depositing calcium to bones and
krill oil harvested weight, bones work together with muscles to teeth for proper storage and helps to prevent
from Antartic support body movement and maintain body calcium loss from the bones.
ocean krill position. However, as we age, our body’s According to journals published by the
biomass. composition changes and we experience a European Food Safety Authority, vitamin K2
decrease in muscle and bone mass, thus (menaquinone, MK-7) is a highly bioavailable
lessening our strength and mobility. This form of vitamin K that helps maintain
may result in a higher risk of falls and healthy bones.

Krill oil for health

fractures. Biogrow HPF-5 PLUS is a new-and-
Therefore, keeping your muscles and improved formula with a blend of plant
bones strong during early adulthood is protein and digestive fibre and fortified with
crucial to protecting your mobility and calcium, magnesium, vitamin D3 and
independence. vitamin K2 for stronger muscles, bones and
Protein is an essential nutrient and helps body. It contains no added sugar and is low-
preserve muscle and bone strength by fat, cholesterol-free and lactose-free.
OUR health becomes ever more important ethyl esters. This difference impacts the way stimulating muscle protein synthesis and Biogrow HPF-5 PLUS is suitable for all ages
as we grow older. It is influenced by many these fats are incorporated in our tissues and calcium metabolism. and vegetarians. One scoop of Biogrow
behavioral and dietary factors. However, used by the body. Apart from protein, calcium also serves a HPF-5 PLUS (≈16g) daily can provide:
some health concerns can be alleviated Triglycerides are mainly used as either vital role in maintaining bone structure and l ≥ 61% of plant protein (non-GMO soy
through regular doses of eicosapentaenoic energy or as energy storage in fat tissues. providing integrity and density to our and pea protein) complete with all nine
acid (EPA) and docasahexaenoic acid When omega-3 fatty acids are delivered in skeleton. Along with nutrients such as essential amino acids for protein synthesis.
(DHA). These omega-3 fatty acids can help triglyceride form, some of the omega-3 fatty magnesium, vitamins D3 and K2 can l Synergistic effect with magnesium,
develop and maintain cellular health. acids are burned as energy or stored in the improve bone health as magnesium and vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 for better
One source of omega-3 fatty acids is krill body’s fat reserves and, as a result, the dosage vitamin D3 both absorption, retention, utilisation and
oil extracted from Euphausia superba, an of triglyceride omega-3 oils must be large facilitate the deposition of calcium.
Antartic krill species. Because krill feed on enough to compensate for that loss to ensure l ≥ 18% of digestive fibre to
marine algae that can produce omega-3 that sufficient omega-3 fatty acids are regulate bowel movement.
fatty acids, they accumulate these fatty available at the cellular level.
acids in their eggs and body. The omega-3 Recent studies have shown that This article is brought to you by
fatty acids can be harvested from krill in phospholipid omega-3 fatty acids may be more Legosan (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.
the form of krill oil. desirable compared with triglyceride omega-3
Since the algae the krill feed on can fatty acids as less phospholipid omega-3 n For more information, call
synthesise the powerful antioxidant fatty acids are required to reach equal 03-7956 2220 (Monday to Friday,
astaxanthin, this carotenoid is also equally accumulation in the body’s cells and organs. 9am to 5pm) or email info@
taken up by krill and protects the omega-3 Nature’s Way Red Krill Oil contains 100%
fatty acids from oxidation. The latter is krill oil harvested from Antartic ocean krill
also the reason for the characteristic deep- biomass. It is available in leading pharmacies
red colour of krill oil. nationwide.
Most importantly, in krill oil the majority
of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA This article is bought to you by Nature’s Calcium needs to work in
are bound to a particular type of fat, called Way. synergy with other essential
a phospholipid, whereas in other marine vitamins and amino acids to
oils, omega-3 fatty acids are bound to other n For more information, call 03-7932 2138 or benefit your bones.
forms of fat, usually either triglycerides or visit
THE STAR, TUESDAY 27 AUGUST 2019 Senior Citizenʼs Day 5

total body workout
PHYSICAL activity is the top contributor to provides a good option for exercising design displaces air effectively for an
longevity and can add extra years to your safely and can be a great tool for infinite number of resistance levels.
life. This holds true even if you only began rehabilitation as it provides safe Its BioConnect Feedback features a
exercising in your senior years. movement with virtually no impact. It also simple-to-use LCD computer that
Regular exercise can boost your allows the injured area to move, aiding in displays speed, RPM, distance, time and
energy level, help you maintain your recovery. calories, while transport wheels enable
independence in your senior years, protect quick and easy storage between rides.
your heart and help you manage your
Pedal your injuries away In conjunction with World Heart Day
on Sept 29, Fitness Concept is going all out
If you’re an older adult looking to The Schwinn Airdyne AD2i harnesses all to get you started on your health journey.
establish an exercise routine, you should, the benefits of wind-resistance technology Get your fitness fix with “Fitness Must
ideally, be able to incorporate 150 minutes for an intense upper-and-lower-body Haves” starting from RM12, choose package
of moderate endurance activity into your workout right at home. Built with the deals that offer you a combo with free gifts
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doing a total body workout on an air bike, expect from Schwinn, the streamlined Terms and conditions apply for prices
which is a great way for older adults to get AD2i features comfort, control and and promotions above and are only
started with strength training as the incredible results. available while stocks last.
exercises focus on building total body The Schwinn Airdyne AD2i delivers a
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balance, stability and flexibility. feature cools down your workouts and our 45 Fitness Concept stores nationwide,
Air bike-based exercise is a great keeps you going, as the air flow from the or call 03-7726 7787 (IPC Shopping
alternative for those who are unable to do unique fan provides a comfortable, cooling Centre store) or 03-2282 3200
other forms of cardio such as running on effect. Its BioDyne Performance allows you (Mid Valley Megamall store).
a treadmill or using an elliptical. For to perform synchronised arm and leg Alternatively, email enquiries@
example, if you have a rolled ankle or a motions, which simulates natural human or visit
quad or hip flexor strain, an air bike movement, while its patent-pending fan

Safe and easy cleansing

PARENTS usually use a normal dishwashing
liquid to clean their baby’s accessories,
including drinking cups, feeding bowls,
spoons and toys. However, if these
accessories are not thoroughly rinsed, the
baby may end up ingesting the dishwashing
liquid residue, which can be harmful to his
Pureen Liquid Cleanser is carefully
formulated with plant-based surfactants
that are safe, mild and gentle. Parents can
rest assured that Pureen Liquid Cleanser
effectively washes away milk fat and stains
on baby accessories. It can be rinsed off
easily without any leaving harmful residue
on baby accessories.
The formulation is gentle so the parents’
hands will be protected against dryness and
chapping, which may happen with the use
of normal dishwashing liquid. Just add half
a teaspoon Pureen Liquid Cleanser to one
litre of water, immerse the accessories in
the solution then rinse thoroughly with Pureen Liquid Cleanser is a mild and
clean water. gentle formulation that is ideal for cleaning
Another use for Pureen Liquid Cleanser is baby accessories, fruits and vegetables. The
washing off certain pesticides found on product comes in three variants – No
fresh vegetables and fruits, which can cause Flavour, Orange Flavour and Mint Flavour.
adverse health effects in humans, especially It is also available in refill packs of 600ml.
babies. To use Pureen Liquid Cleanser to Look out for Pureen Liquid Cleanser in
remove the chemical residue on fruits and leading hypermarkets, supermarkets,
vegetables, simply mix a quarter of a departmental stores, medical halls and
teaspoon of Pureen Liquid Cleanser to five pharmacies.
litres of water, immerse fruits and
vegetables for about five minutes, then n For more information, visit www.pureen.
rinse with clean water.

Pureen Liquid Cleanser is carefully formulated with plant-based surfactants that are safe,
mild and gentle.
6 Senior Citizenʼs Day THE STAR, TUESDAY 27 AUGUST 2019

Natural way to maintain heart

health in your golden years
AGE is often correlated with an increased glucose stabilising benefits. Therefore, it is healthier life, especially during their golden reduce serum LDL cholesterol in humans: a
risk of developing cardiac and other imperative for general consumers to find out years, can look to Biogrow Oat BG22, which randomized clinical trial, published by The
metabolic disorders. Before the age of 50, whether their choice of oat product provides is sourced from quality Swedish oat bran American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in
men’s total cholesterol levels tend to be high-quality and clinically tested oat beta- and subjected to a sophisticated processing 2010.
higher than women of the same age, but glucans. technology that ensures the integrity of the l Two scoops daily provide the
after the age of 50, the opposite happens. Other health claims for oat beta-glucans, product while retaining the beta-glucans’ recommended 3g of bioactive oat beta-
That’s because with menopause, women’s approved by EFSA and the Health Ministry, high molecular weight, for enhanced glucan for optimal health benefits.
low-density lipoproteins (LDL) or “bad” include its ability to lower blood glucose viscosity and absorption upon consumption. l Laboratory-tested to be low on the
cholesterol levels often rise. absorption levels, provided it is not Providing health benefits in a small and Glycaemic Index (<55), suitable for pre-
Keeping cholesterol levels in check consumed together with other foods, and its easy-to-consume serving size, Biogrow Oat diabetic and diabetic patients.
ensures a healthy heart, but good heart ability to contribute to the reduction of BG22 offers: l High in fibre, protein, magnesium, iron
health also requires a stable blood glucose glucose absorption after meals. l Clinically-tested bioactive oat beta- and zinc.
level. According to a 2013 finding by the Individuals concerned with living a glucans with more than 20 published human
International Diabetes Foundation, studies for cholesterol-lowering and Biogrow Oat BG22 contains no added
people with elevated blood glucose levels blood glucose-regulating effect, sugar, artificial additives or preservatives. It
are two to six times more likely to including Physicochemical properties provides an effective and natural way of
develop cardiovascular disease than of oat β-glucan influence its ability to managing cholesterol and blood glucose
normal people. Regular exercise and a diet levels. Remember, healthy cholesterol and
rich in oat beta-glucans can go a long way blood glucose levels are key to
to staving off the worst symptoms of healthy ageing.
Though there are many types of soluble This article is brought to
fibres, beta-glucan from oats is the most you by Legosan (Malaysia).
extensively studied, with a large body of
documented human trials. A Health n For more information, call
Ministry study shows that consuming 3g of 03-7956 2220 (Monday to
oat beta-glucans a day can significantly Friday, 9am to 5pm) or email
reduce total cholesterol and LDLs in the [email protected]
bloodstream, improving stamina, mental
acuity and physical function.
However, not all oat beta-glucans are According to EFSA and the
produced equally. According to the Health Ministry, oat beta-
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in glucans can lower blood
a 2011 guide by its Panel on Dietetic glucose levels, provided it is
Products, Nutrition and Allergies, it is the not consumed together with
increased viscosity produced in the gut other foods, and contribute
by bioactive oat beta-glucans that can to the reduction of glucose
confer cholesterol-lowering and blood absorption after meals.
THE STAR, TUESDAY 27 AUGUST 2019 Senior Citizenʼs Day 7

Easing joint pain woes

MR Arumugam is 73. His knees started
acting up a few years ago. A former football
coach, he enjoyed coaching a team even in
his retirement, but had to stop as he found
himself increasingly unable to stand or
walk for long.
His daughter Santhi has tried to help her
father by searching for joint supplements,
heat rubs and knee guards to ease his
condition. Even though these helped for a First introduced in the
while, Arumugam’s knee problems would
always come back. Feeling increasingly 1970s, Biolane is an active
burdensome to the family because of his New Zealand green-lipped
restricted mobility, he wonders whether he
should resort to a joint replacement surgery.
mussel extract with more
than 40 years of research
An old age problem? history.
More and more people are experiencing
joint problems as they age. However, what
most people do not realise is that joint for their joint problems may still need to
problems are not a natural part of ageing. continue with their pills before the benefits
The answer to joint degeneration is of Biolane kick in. Once patients experience
biochemical. recovery in their joint capabilities, they may
In certain people, joint degeneration find themselves able to be less reliant on
happens at an express rate, which leads to painkillers.
joint problems manifesting earlier. All this
points to the level of a certain enzyme
called joint-ageing enzymes (known
Sustained results
scientifically as matrix metalloproteinases, Santhi managed to persuade her father to
or MMPs). The reason these enzymes take Biolane. Although he did not feel any
increase in certain individuals leading to change after a month, Arumugam
joint problems is unknown. What is known continued to take it diligently, accepting that
is that an abundance of these MMPs causes the process would take time.
joints to break down faster than they can One morning, a little more than three
rebuild, leading to inflamed, swollen and months later, Santhi was surprised to see
painful joints. her father walking down the stairs unaided.
Over the months, Arumugam found that he
Natural joint healing formula Arumugam, like many older Malaysians, experiences restricted mobility because of joint
was gaining the capacity to walk further
and further each day and has called the
First introduced in the 1970s, Biolane is problems, but does not realise that joint problems are not a natural part of ageing. school to ask whether he could begin
an active New Zealand green-lipped mussel coaching once more, much to his daughter’s
extract with more than 40 years of research antioxidant and marine mineral healing to severe arthritis experienced delight.
history. It is a natural MMP inhibitor that actions, making it a multifunctional joint improvements in their joint condition after
specifically targets the destructive MMPs in formula that can address the various taking two Biolane capsules twice daily for This article is brought to you by the
joints. Through its ability to counter the pathologies involved in joint degeneration. at least three months, according to findings Nuvaceuticals Division of Nuvanta Sdn Bhd.
damaging effects of MMPs, Biolane can It should be noted that joint recovery published in the July 2000 issue of
complement other joint therapies at various takes time since this restorative process Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients. n For more information, call 03-5636
stages. involves tackling the root of the problem. Biolane is not a painkiller substitute. 3758/1300 881 712 or e-mail pharmacist@
Biolane also has anti-inflammatory, Seventy per cent of patients with moderate Patients who are on long-term painkillers
8 Senior Citizenʼs Day THE STAR, TUESDAY 27 AUGUST 2019

Suffering in
silence no more
By NGEH CHEE YEN over time, these women start to feel pain.”
The continuance of this occurrence leads
“I STARTED getting chronic pelvic pain to inflammation. An “adhesion” is formed in
during my periods when I was in my late the area, and structures in the vicinity such
teens. At times, I would vomit and have as the uterine tubes, bowel, uterus and
uncomfortable bowel movements. The pain sometimes bladder get stuck to each other
was excruciating, to the point I fainted many and the ovary. This leads to not only pain but
times. The worst part of my ordeal was tubal damage, blockage and affected fertility.
convincing people around me that I was in
pain. Many of them believed I was
exaggerating my pain and trying to seek
Attacked on all sides
attention.” The pain of endometriosis can often be
For Surita Morgan, Persatuan debilitating depending on the extent of the
Endometriosis Malaysia (MyEndosis) disease. Dr Eeson explains that as it becomes
president, these experiences have progressively more severe, a woman’s MyEndosis president Surita Morgan (centre) says lack of awareness and the taboo against
encompassed her life for more than two professional and social life can be affected. speaking up about menstrual health in Malaysia means many women with endometriosis
decades and her experience is only one of He says, “Frequent medical leave or suffer in silence.
many. absenteeism can become the norm. This is
There is no known statistical information hardly a preferred way of building a career.” what is and isn’t normal when it comes to He encourages early treatment, “If there is
about Malaysian women with endometriosis. Cysts, inflammations, adhesions and pelvic menstrual health. If pain prevents a girl an element of infertility, then time is of the
Nevertheless, according to Endometriosis pains may cause painful sexual intercourse, from going to school or university, or a essence. Natural ageing coupled with
UK, worldwide statistics show that which puts a strain on many marriages. woman being productive at work, it is not endometriosis-related issues can all add up
endometriosis affects approximately 176 Infertility is also common in women with normal. She needs treatment,” she says. to a very large fertility problem.”
million or 10% of women globally. endometriosis and the possible amount of Surita sees a need to educate women in
Endometriosis is a condition where the
endometrial tissue normally found only
time spent in fertility clinics can put a
damper on professional life.
Breaking through the schools and universities on endometriosis.
Access to treatment should also be made
within the uterus is also found on the These women must also live with the barriers with community available to those who need it.
ovaries, uterine tubes or around the uterus, stigma and misconceptions society has on MyEndosis seeks to end the silence
depending on severity. endometriosis, which Surita attributes to the Endometriosis can be debilitating and surrounding this debilitating disease and
Dr Eeson Sinthamoney, Obstetrical and fact that it is still a taboo to discuss discouraging. However, it does not mean unite women with endometriosis and their
Gynaecology Society of Malaysia (OGSM) menstrual health in Malaysia. Little is said the end of the world for its sufferers. Dr supporters to take a stand against
president explains that one consequence of about endometriosis in the general public, Eeson says knowledge is the key. The public endometriosis.
this occurrence is that when a woman making awareness of the condition little to needs to be aware that both the pain and Surita shares, “We want to end the silence
undergoes her usual menstrual cycle of none. fertility factor of endometriosis can be and we want this to not only be a women’s
shedding endometrial tissue, the abnormally “The problem here is that the pain is often treated. Women must be educated on issue. Women with endometriosis are wives,
situated endometrial tissue will also bleed. misinterpreted as period pain. Young treatment options, the safety of these mothers, sisters, employees and employers.
He says, “This then causes cysts to form in women, the general population and primary options and the need for compliance to This is definitely a community issue that
or near the ovaries. As these cysts enlarge care providers need to be educated about treatment.” must be addressed.”

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