Senior Citizen's Day - 27 August 2019
Senior Citizen's Day - 27 August 2019
Senior Citizen's Day - 27 August 2019
Time – the
greatest gift
IT has been suggested that the was getting deposited into an
retirement age in Malaysia be account and he can use his
increased to better include the accumulated time credits to
elderly in society. request various services as and
Indeed, increasing the when he requires.
retirement age is one way of This idea of service exchange
getting the elderly to be more is nothing new and has been
involved in society, but it should around in different forms for
not and cannot be the only more than a hundred years, but
solution, as some seniors might it resurfaced as “time banking”
not receive the full benefit when distinguished American
because of health issues. law professor Edgar S. Cahn
However, one concept that can gave the practice structure and
be adopted is time banking, brought it into the limelight in
which is essentially a reciprocity 1980.
system that works against the Apart from Japan, this concept
exchange of time instead of has been successfully
money. Time banked can be implemented in around 34
exchanged for various services, countries, including the United
which can include elderly care, States, the United Kingdom,
childcare, assistance with South Korea, Argentina, Taiwan
household chores and and Greece.
companionship. There is a catch, however.
This concept, known as fureai The concept of time banking is
kippu in Japan, was started in entirely dependent on a reliance
1995 to promote community on other people, since its
bonding and encourage social foundation rests on voluntary
inclusion of the elderly, service. If people cannot buy
unemployed, poor and the into the concept, it becomes
disabled. essentially unworkable.
Joanna (name changed) who It would only be successful if
was travelling in Japan a couple the sense of responsibility
years back, had a unique among the people participating
experience to share. While is strong and there is genuine
speaking to the retired owner of care for the well-being of others,
the homestay she was staying in, in the sense that people give
she learnt that the owner wished back against what they receive.
to spend his retirement by Seeing how this concept will
saving as much time as possible. not only include the elderly in
He went out every day to mainstream society by utilising
provide companionship to a their time, but can teach the
fellow senior who was living value of voluntary service to
with dementia. According to youths, Malaysia should consider
him, the time he spent with her implementing this concept.
THE STAR, TUESDAY 27 AUGUST 2019 Senior Citizenʼs Day 3
total body workout
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Regular exercise can boost your allows the injured area to move, aiding in displays speed, RPM, distance, time and
energy level, help you maintain your recovery. calories, while transport wheels enable
independence in your senior years, protect quick and easy storage between rides.
your heart and help you manage your
Pedal your injuries away In conjunction with World Heart Day
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6 Senior Citizenʼs Day THE STAR, TUESDAY 27 AUGUST 2019
Suffering in
silence no more
By NGEH CHEE YEN over time, these women start to feel pain.”
The continuance of this occurrence leads
“I STARTED getting chronic pelvic pain to inflammation. An “adhesion” is formed in
during my periods when I was in my late the area, and structures in the vicinity such
teens. At times, I would vomit and have as the uterine tubes, bowel, uterus and
uncomfortable bowel movements. The pain sometimes bladder get stuck to each other
was excruciating, to the point I fainted many and the ovary. This leads to not only pain but
times. The worst part of my ordeal was tubal damage, blockage and affected fertility.
convincing people around me that I was in
pain. Many of them believed I was
exaggerating my pain and trying to seek
Attacked on all sides
attention.” The pain of endometriosis can often be
For Surita Morgan, Persatuan debilitating depending on the extent of the
Endometriosis Malaysia (MyEndosis) disease. Dr Eeson explains that as it becomes
president, these experiences have progressively more severe, a woman’s MyEndosis president Surita Morgan (centre) says lack of awareness and the taboo against
encompassed her life for more than two professional and social life can be affected. speaking up about menstrual health in Malaysia means many women with endometriosis
decades and her experience is only one of He says, “Frequent medical leave or suffer in silence.
many. absenteeism can become the norm. This is
There is no known statistical information hardly a preferred way of building a career.” what is and isn’t normal when it comes to He encourages early treatment, “If there is
about Malaysian women with endometriosis. Cysts, inflammations, adhesions and pelvic menstrual health. If pain prevents a girl an element of infertility, then time is of the
Nevertheless, according to Endometriosis pains may cause painful sexual intercourse, from going to school or university, or a essence. Natural ageing coupled with
UK, worldwide statistics show that which puts a strain on many marriages. woman being productive at work, it is not endometriosis-related issues can all add up
endometriosis affects approximately 176 Infertility is also common in women with normal. She needs treatment,” she says. to a very large fertility problem.”
million or 10% of women globally. endometriosis and the possible amount of Surita sees a need to educate women in
Endometriosis is a condition where the
endometrial tissue normally found only
time spent in fertility clinics can put a
damper on professional life.
Breaking through the schools and universities on endometriosis.
Access to treatment should also be made
within the uterus is also found on the These women must also live with the barriers with community available to those who need it.
ovaries, uterine tubes or around the uterus, stigma and misconceptions society has on MyEndosis seeks to end the silence
depending on severity. endometriosis, which Surita attributes to the Endometriosis can be debilitating and surrounding this debilitating disease and
Dr Eeson Sinthamoney, Obstetrical and fact that it is still a taboo to discuss discouraging. However, it does not mean unite women with endometriosis and their
Gynaecology Society of Malaysia (OGSM) menstrual health in Malaysia. Little is said the end of the world for its sufferers. Dr supporters to take a stand against
president explains that one consequence of about endometriosis in the general public, Eeson says knowledge is the key. The public endometriosis.
this occurrence is that when a woman making awareness of the condition little to needs to be aware that both the pain and Surita shares, “We want to end the silence
undergoes her usual menstrual cycle of none. fertility factor of endometriosis can be and we want this to not only be a women’s
shedding endometrial tissue, the abnormally “The problem here is that the pain is often treated. Women must be educated on issue. Women with endometriosis are wives,
situated endometrial tissue will also bleed. misinterpreted as period pain. Young treatment options, the safety of these mothers, sisters, employees and employers.
He says, “This then causes cysts to form in women, the general population and primary options and the need for compliance to This is definitely a community issue that
or near the ovaries. As these cysts enlarge care providers need to be educated about treatment.” must be addressed.”