Analysis Residual Stress e Distortions in Girth-Welded Carbon Steel Pipe - P. K. Sinha Et Al
Analysis Residual Stress e Distortions in Girth-Welded Carbon Steel Pipe - P. K. Sinha Et Al
Analysis Residual Stress e Distortions in Girth-Welded Carbon Steel Pipe - P. K. Sinha Et Al
Abstract-This article, the weld joint suffers various types of weld- Numerical modelling using the finite element method
induced residual stress fields (hoop and axial) and deformation (FEM) has been used by many researchers to predict
patterns (axial shrinkage, radial shrinkage). In this paper weld residual stresses in complex welded structures.
Three-dimensional finite element modeling of residual To date, most of the finite element analysis[22] for pipe
stresses in a girth-welded carbon steel pipe is presented with
girth welds use the inherent shrinkage modelling
an emphasis on modeling procedures for the global residual
stress characteristics. To precisely capture the distortions and technique that assumes an axisymmetric condition.
residual stresses, computational methodology based on three- This is due to the fact that the three-dimensional,
dimensional finite element model for the simulation of gas nonlinear FEM analysis of girth welds with a moving
tungsten arc welding in thin-walled pipe is presented. Butt-weld heat source is computational intensive and sometimes cost
geometry with single "V" for a 300 mm outer diameter cylinder prohibitive. The inherent shrinkage model is incapable of
of 3 mm thick is used. The complex phenomenon of arc welding predicting the transient residual stress distributions near the
is numerically solved by sequentially coupled transient, non- weld start and stop locations.
linear thermo-mechanical analysis. The accuracy of both the The complex nature of the welding process due to multi-
thermal and structural models is validated through experiments
field (thermal, mechanical, metallurgy etc.) interactions and
for temperature distribution, residual stresses and distortion. The
simulated result shows close correlation with the experimental intricate geometries in real world applications has made the
measurements. prediction of weld-induced imperfections, a truly difficult
and computationally intensive task. However, with the
Keywords: FEM; welding simulations; Distortions; Residual availability of 64 digit computers and refined FE tools,
Stresses; Girth Weld. welding engineers around the world are more biased
towards the computer simulations of complex welding
I. INTRODUCTION phenomenon instead of the conventional trial and error
The distribution of residual stresses in a girth welded pipe is approach on the shop floor. A significant simulation and
complex. Weld shrinkage in the circumferential direction experimental work focusing on circumferential welding is
induces both shearing and bending that result in stress available in the literature [6-13]. As the computer simulation
components in the circumferential direction (hoop of welding processes is highly computationally intensive
stress) and in the axial direction (meridian stress). and large computer storage and CPU time are required, most
Process and geometric related factors that influence of the previous research reduces computational power
residual stresses include welding heat input, pipe requirements by simplifying with assumptions such as
diameter, wall thickness and joint design [1-5].Brust, et rotational symmetry and lateral symmetry in numerical
al. [2], reported high tensile stresses in both axial and simulations [7-10]. These assumptions reduces the
hoop directions on the pipe inner surface using the computational demand at the cost of the accuracy of the
axisymmetric, inherent shrinkage model. However, results because the model was over simplified by limiting
discrepancies in stress magnitude were found between the solution domain to only a section of the whole do-main
the predicted results and the experimentally measured with forced symmetry assumptions which did not prevails.
data, particularly in the axial component in the outer Further, these simplified assumptions are not capable of
surface. capturing the considerable effects of weld start/stop and
weld tack modeling. In this regard an experimental work by
Jonsson and Josefson [16] and some three-dimensional finite
element (FE) studies [12, 13, 15, 24]; reported deviations
from rotational symmetry, especially at the beginning and
end of the welding cycle for circumferential joint in welding
Manuscript received on May, 2013. of pipes with lateral symmetry. Later, by using a full three-
Prabhat Kumar Sinha, Mechanical Engineering Department Shepherd dimensional model for multi-pass welding of pipes, Fricke
School of Engineering and Technology Sam Higginbottom Institute of et al. [16] concluded that residual stresses[21] are by no
Agriculture, Technology and Sciences (Formerly Allahabad Agriculture
Institute) Allahabad 211007, India. means axis-symmetric.
Raisul Islam, Mechanical Engineering Department Shepherd School of In the present analysis, the temperature fields and
Engineering and Technology Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, consequently the weld-induced residual stress fields and
Technology and Sciences (Formerly Allahabad Agriculture Institute) distortion patterns are investigated by numerical simulations
Allahabad 211007, India.
Chandan Prasad, Mechanical Engineering Department Shepherd based on FEM modeling. Tomodel the physics behind the
School of Engineering and Technology Sam Higginbottom Institute of gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process, a sequentially
Agriculture, Technology and Sciences (Formerly Allahabad Agriculture coupled,
Institute) Allahabad 211007, India.
Mohd. Kaleem, Mechanical Engineering Department Shepherd School of
Engineering and Technology Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture,
Technology and Sciences (Formerly Allahabad Agriculture Institute)
Allahabad 211007, India.
Analysis of Residual Stresses and Distortions in Girth-Welded Carbon Steel Pipe
2.1 FE model
For the girth weldingof two pipe with "V" groove [23], a
full 3D FE model along with finite element statistics
developed in ANSYS® is shown in Fig. 2. The element type
in thermal analysis is SOLID70 (linear 8-node brick element
with one degree of freedom, i.e., temperature at each node)
and in structural analysis is SOLID45 (linear 8-node brick Fig. 3. Mesh sensitivity analysis based on maximum temperature
element with three degrees of freedom at each node: attained.
translations in the nodal x, y, and z directions.). Further
details about the selected elements may be found in [17]. 2.2 Thermal analysis technique
High temperature and flux gradients are anticipated in and
A high non-uniform temperature field is generatedduring the
around the fusion zone (FZ) and heat affected zone (HAZ);
welding process resulting in residual stresses in the welds.
therefore, a relatively fine mesh is used within a distance of
The transient temperature distribution is a function of total
10 mm on both sides of the weld line (WL). Away from the
heat applied and heat distribution patterns within the domain
HAZ the element size increases with an increase in the
and is highly sensitive to weldinduced residual stresses. A
distance from WL.In the weld direction, the element size is
detailed and accurate thermal analysis with appropriate
kept constant equal to 1.96 mm. Within the anticipated HAZ
boundary conditions such as heat transfer by conduction,
dimension of 10 mm on each side of the WLin transverse
heat losses due to convection and radiation and heat input
direction, the element size of 1 mm is used.
from the welding torch along with the effects of filler metal
The element size away from the weld region increases with
deposition, is of paramount importance for the
the increase in distance. In the thickness direction there are
determination of realistic temperature profiles. The
total three elements, 1 mm each to facilitate for “V” groove
governing equation for transient heat transfer analysis
modeling.Two tack welds on the start, i.e., 0º and middle,
during welding process is given by Eq. (1).
i.e., 180º of the weld are modeled, each of which is
comprised of 4 elements (7.85 mm) in circumferential 𝝏𝑻
𝝆𝒄 𝒙, 𝒚, 𝒛, 𝒕 = 𝛁. 𝒒 𝒙, 𝒚, 𝒛, 𝒕 + 𝑸(𝒙, 𝒚, 𝒛, 𝒕)…...(1)
direction and 4 and 2 elements (4mm and 2 mm, 𝝏𝒕
respectively) in two layers in thethickness direction. The
used mesh is based on a mesh sensitivity analysis performed where ρ is the density (kg m −3 ) of the material, c is the
for successive mesh refinements. specific heat capacity (J kg −1 K −1 ), T is the current
temperature, q is the vector of heat flux, Q is the rate of
internal heat generation (W m −3 ), tis the time (s), ∇is the
spatial gradient operator and x, y, zare the coordinates in the
reference plane. The non-liner isotropic Fourier heat flux
constitutive equation given by Eq. (2) is employed.
q =−k∇T ..…(2)
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-2, Issue-2, May 2013
by the welding torch for the heat input distribution tothe Table 1. Chemical composition of low carbon steel. % Chemical
welds. The very small variations due to curvature of the Composition
cylinders are not taken into account. The model gives the
Gaussian distribution for circumferential welding and has
C 0.130 V 0.056
excellent features of power and density distribution control
in the weld pool and HAZ. The spatial heat distribution in a Cr 0.026 Cu 0.015
moving frame of reference can be calculated with the Mn 1.418 S 0.007
governing equations Eq. (3) and Eq. (4) [18]. S 0.012 P 0.023
Si 0.346 Sn 0.002
𝒙 𝟐 𝒚𝟐 𝒛 𝟐
𝟔 𝟑𝜼𝑸𝒇𝒇 −𝟑 + +
𝒂𝒇 𝟐 𝒃𝟐 𝒄𝟐
𝒒𝒇 = 𝒆 .……(3)
𝝅 𝝅𝒂𝒇 𝒃𝒄 The spacers were removed after the tack welds were cooled
𝒙 𝟐 𝒚𝟐 𝒛 𝟐 to room temperature. To minimize the initial stress effects
𝟔 𝟑𝜼𝑸𝒇𝒓 −𝟑 + +
𝒒𝒓 = 𝒆 𝒂𝒓 𝟐 𝒃𝟐 𝒄𝟐 ………(4)
𝝅 𝝅𝒂𝒓 𝒃𝒄 prior to welding due to tack welds, the areas in and around
the tack welds were treated with post weld heating to 573K
Where, Q =VI and ff+ fr= 2 (300°C). Conventional gas torch heating with both infrared
and touch probe thermocouples measurement was utilized.
af is the length of the front ellipsoidal (m) ar is the length However, the stress data after the tack welds and after the
of rear ellipsoidal (m)b is the width of heat source (m) cis post weld heating was not recorded and the effects are
the depth of heat source (m) ff is the fraction of heat in front ignored. Further, as these cylinders were linearly seam
ellipsoidal fr is the fraction of heat in rear ellipsoidal Q is welded after roll forming of sheet metals, the effects of the
the total heat input (watts) V is the welding voltage (volts) I linear seam weld was also not considered in this work. The
is the welding current (amperes) furnace stress relieving prior to circumferential tack welds is
a reasonable justification for not considering these effects.
III. EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION The nodal temperature distributions from the thermal
The appropriate way to ensure the reliability of thenumerical analysis are used as a basic input for the sequel structural
simulations and to extend the utilization of the research analysis. Therefore, experimental data correlation for the FZ
work for shop floor applications is by conducting full-scale and HAZ dimensions or alternatively some nodal
experiments with proper instrumentation for data temperature verification for accurate pre-dictions of
measurement. For arc welding experiments, automatic subsequent stress fields and distortion patterns is a
welding setup with minimum human intervention and skill prerequisite. The latter technique by using the
is considered as mandatory for the proper validation of thermocouples and data acquisition system with computer
numerical results due to the variations associated with the interface is adopted for the thermal model validation in the
skill of the operators and rotary synchronization problems. present study. Thermocouples at four different locations
Similarly, the careful data acquisition during the were placed and temperature recorded through the data
experiments is of critical importance and demands a proper logger after every 10 seconds of time interval for
data measurement and analysis system. In the present comparison with FE results. A quantitative comparison of
research, to ensure the reliability of the FE models, GTAW measured and predicted transient temperatures at
experiments on two thin-walled pipe with similar geometric thermocouple locations is presented in Fig. 5. The
and welding process parameters from the finite element thermocouples TC1, TC2 and TC3 show close agreement
models are conducted. Low carbon steel equivalent to AH36 with the FE data. Whereas, thermocouple TC4 shows
with chemical composition as shown in Table 1 having comparatively higher variation of predicted and measured
slight variations in chemical composition from the material temperatures. Overall, the results are within the maximum
model used in the simulation is utilized. Similar variation of 8% and are reasonably accept-able. Residual
approximations were made in the past by [22] with stresses are measured at some specified points for
comparable measured and predicted results. In addition to comparison through the predicted results for structural
the FE parameters, argon with 99.999% purity was used as model validation.
shielding gas with flow rate of 15 liters/min. Commercially
available high-tech, fully automatic SAF GTAW welding
equipment along with rotary positioners and welding
fixtures was used to reflect the desired structural boundary
conditions. Single pass welding equipment along with rotary
positioners and welding fixtures was used to reflect the
desired structural boundary conditions. Single pass butt-
weld geometry is used with single "V" groove having
included angle of 90o and 2 mm root opening as shown in
Fig. 4. The welding specimen consists of two 150 mm outer
diameter and 3 mm wall thickness cylinders. Two tack Fig. 4. Butt-weld joint geometry (not to scale).
welds starting from 0° (weld start position) equally spaced
at 180°, each with length of ~ 8 mm were placed. These tack A center hole drilling strain gauge method is used to
welds were also used to create a root opening prior to measure the residual hoop and axial stresses at specified
welding by insertion of additional spacers of 2 mm at some locations, i.e., points P1 to P3 on cylinder outer surface and
appropriate locations during tack welding. P4 to P6 on cylinder inner surface. Refer to the gauge
location from P1 to P6 in Fig. 6. The details of the hole
drilling residual strain measurement method can be found in
Analysis of Residual Stresses and Distortions in Girth-Welded Carbon Steel Pipe
Straingaugelocation P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6
DistancefromWL(mm) 10 15 20 10 10 10
Anglefromweldstart(0) 30 30 30 45 125 225
Fig. 6. Computed and measured residual stress values for different
locations at pipeouter surface.
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-2, Issue-2, May 2013
Analysis of Residual Stresses and Distortions in Girth-Welded Carbon Steel Pipe
stresses. The trend for the hoop stress also agreed well with • On the outer surface, the low magnitude hoop stress (-76
the previous research [7, 10, 12, 14, 15]. The quantitative MPa to 77 MPa) remains almost constant. Some exceptions
variation is again attributed to different welding parameters, atweld start/end and tack weld locations (0° and 180°) are
heat source parameters and material properties in the present observed. At these locations, almost a zero hoop stress is
and referred research work, respectively. Some important observed. Slight variation in magnitude and trend is
aspects are as follows: observed for hoop stresses on the inner surface. The stress
• Hoop residual stresses are also symmetric due to varies from -70 MPa to 140 MPa, with some exceptions on
symmetry across the WL. weld start/end and tack weld locations. Again, at tack weld
• Near the FZ high tensile stresses (130 MPa on outer and locations, stress values close to zero are observed.
313 MPa on inner surface) are predicted. Away from the • On the outer surface, a compressive axial stress profile is
HAZ region (about 17 mm from WL), both on outer and shown in Fig. 14. The compressive stress varies from 114
inner surfaces a compressive residual stress of 200 MPa MPa to 361 MPa. A low magnitude, stable stress profile
is observed. from weld start to weld end with some exceptions in and in
• Hoop stresses are dependent on the circumferential vicinity of weld start/end and tack locations is observed. The
location from weld start to weld end. From Fig. 12 and significant effects of weld start are observed for axial stress
Fig. 13 it is obvious that hoop residual stresses on outer on inner surface. Also at tack weld points, the effect is
and inner surfaces at three different cross sections (50°, prominent. The stress varies from -200 MPa to about 340
90°, and 250°) vary in magnitude, with almost similar MPa in magnitude. A dip of about 472 MPa and 150 MPa is
trend. This is also in close agreement with the previous shown at the weld start of 0° and tack weld locations of 180°
research [7]. respectively.
4.2.4 Stress contour plots
From previous discussion it is evident that due to weld
start/end and tack welds, the residual stress varies
significantly along the entire periphery. Fig. 10 and Fig. 11
for cylinder outer and inner surfaces, respectively, presents
axial residual stresses at four different cross sections from
weld start position at 0o. No presentable variation is
observed because the data shown is away from the weld
start/end and tack weld orientations. Similarly, slight
variation in hoop residual stress patterns is observed from
Fig.12. Residual hoop stresses (MPa) on outer surface at different cross Fig. 12 and Fig. 13 for outer and inner surfaces,
sections from the weld start position respectively. Again, the data at weld start/end and tack weld
location(s) ismissing in this case. In order to get a better
insight of the stress variation along the hoop co-ordinates,
hoop residual stress fields on outer and inner surfaces are
shown in Fig. 15 and Fig. 16, respectively.From Fig. 15, on
outer surfaces the stress pattern on the whole periphery is
strongly affected by the weld start/end and tack weld at
180°. Highly fluctuating stress patterns along the entire
periphery, transverse to welddirection (axial direction) are
obtained. Pronounced localized stress reduction in and
around the weld start/endand tack weld locations is
Fig.13. Residual hoop stresses (MPa) on inner surfaceat different cross shown.However, these effects are slightly less significant at
sections from the weld start position the weld end location. Transverse to weld direction andaway
from the weld line, stress reversal is shown along the entire
4.2.3 Axial and hoop residual stress fields along the
periphery with some exceptions at weldstart/end and tack
Comparison of axial and hoop residual stress distribution for weld positions.Hoop residual stress fields from Fig. 16 on
outer and inner surfaces, on a circumferential path at the inner surface reveals that the effect
WLis shown in Fig. 14. Again, the stress profiles are
generally in agreement with the previous research. Some
important observations are:
Fig. 14. Axial and hoop residual stress fields on pipe outer and inner Fig. 15. Hoop residual stress fields on pipe outer surface .
surfaces on a circumferential path at the WL
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-2, Issue-2, May 2013
Analysis of Residual Stresses and Distortions in Girth-Welded Carbon Steel Pipe