Methods For Applying The Sigma Ethodology To Reduce Drilling Waste Water Wasteeroperational Treatment in PT. RST (Case Study of Chemical Companies)

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Methods for Applying the Sigma Ethodology to

Reduce Drilling Waste Water Wasteeroperational
Treatment in PT. RST (Case Study of
Chemical Companies)
Tb Dian Hardiansyah, Abby Yazid Bustommy, Fandi Irawan Setioko, Erry Rimawan
Faculty of Engineering, UniversitasMercu Buana, Jakarta

Abstract:- One method is used to improve the process  Identification of problems

and provide to minimize solutions to improvement of the Some of the impacts of the Increase in operating costs in
company's internal standards that are flawed or 2015 of 1.2 billion Compared to 2014 that occurred will
inappropriate and reduce the trend of increasing waste Affect the selling price of products / CP1, Because The
products so that it increases for each period using the Six operational costs of Waste Water Treatment are one of the
Sigma method. Through the implementation of the components that will be converted to Determine the selling
DMAIC cycle (Determine, Measure, Improve, Analyze price of the product. the large operational cost of Waste Water
and Control) in Six Sigma, a problem can be clearly seen Treatment will increase of the selling price of the product per
at the root of the problem and can be fixed structured. kg. There was no change in production capacity in 2014 and
This research was carried out at PT. Tangerang RST, in 2015. In 2014 it produced a total production of 41.197 tons
the Waste Water Treatment section by analyzing the cost with wastewater discharge of 65.753 m3 and total load of 39.4
requirements for wastewater treatment for purposes, tons / m3.
where there were several ineffective and efficient costs so
that it could produce waste on the costs allocated for the Whereas in 2015 the total production was 33.244 tons
operation of Wastewater Treatment during the year 2015 with wastewater discharge of 64 161 m3 and total load of 41.6
From the results of the research that has been carried out tons / m3. But the cost of operational Waste Water Treatment
successfully found several root problems and several is greater in 2015.
solutions have been set to overcome the problem of
wasting operational costs of WWT. At the end of the  Formulation of the problem
study it was also issued which succeeded in reducing the Based on the background underlying this research,
operational costs of Wastewater Treatment by 360 Several issues will be Discussed items, namely:
million in the 6-month Phase of Time Control. a. How do you apply the Six Sigma methodology to reduce
the waste of the operational costs of Waste Water Treatment
Keywords:- Quality Control, Six Sigma, DMAIC, Waste in 2015 in a structured manner?
Water Management. b. What was the root cause of the 2015 increase is in the
operational costs of Waste Water Treatment?
I. INTRODUCTION c. What precautions are taken so that the problem does not
occur again?
In the process of processing wastewater in Waste
Water Treatment, of course, costs for operations are needed  Research purposes
such as electricity, labor, purchasing chemicals for the This study aims to analyze the application of the Six
process, repairing machinery and infrastructure Sigma methodology at PT. RST, so that it can be Obtained:
(maintenance), and other operational support costs. In the a. Knowing how to apply Six Sigma methodology
year 2015 the total operational cost of Waste Water (DMAIC) to reduce waste of operational costs in the
Treatment Reached 5.3 billion a year, a significant increase Waste Water Treatment section of PT. RST company as a
is from operating costs in 2014 of 4.1 billion. This is continuous improvement program.
Considered by the Management of PT. RST problems occur b. Knowing the root problem of a problem that Occurs from
that must be resolved in a structured manner so that things a problem.
like this do not happen later on. From the results of previous c. Establish a good solution to Prevent problems from
studies in the journal written about Six Sigma by Cindy reappearing.
Marika Amalia Wibowo in the year 2013 in the garment
company PT. X managed to reduce the cost of making
products by Rp. 4,877,443 (± 10%) in the period January -
June 2013. Based on this,

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

In accounting, costs are a very important component,

therefore costs must be considered. Cost is Also a
component that is Also very influential in the company, if
the company can control costs to a minimum, the company
can survive and be Able to optimize its revenue. In addition,
with the management of costs, the company is expected to
have the ability to develop and be Able to maintain its
business continuity.

A. Elements of Operational Costs

Fig 1:- Tools SixSigma
 Factory cost (factory cost)
Namely all costs incurred and found in the environment The concept in implementing Six Sigma is a
where the production process takes place, consisting of raw continuous effort to Eliminate Waste and Increase the added
material costs (direct material), direct labor wages, indirect value (value 4 added) of products (goods and / or services)
factory costs (factory overhead). in order to provide value to customers (customer value). The
aim is to increase of customer value through a continuous
 Administration costs (administration expense) Increase in the value-to-waste ratio by focusing on
That is, all costs that occur within the corporate identifying and eliminating non-value adding activities in
administration office, as well as other costs that are of the design, production (for manufacturing) or operations (for
nature for the overall administration of the company. Office services), and supply chain management that is directly
insurance costs, are insurance costs for administrative related to customers (Gaspersz & Avanti, 2011).
buildings and office equipment, Activities that consume more than needed resources
are classified as waste and have the opportunity to be
B. Definition of Six Sigma improved. The types of activities contained in the process
Six sigma is a statistical concept that measures a are Described below (Sarkar 2008):
process related to defects or damage. Reaching six sigma 1. Value-added activities Value-added activities
means that the process that runs only produces 3.4 defects 2. Business-value-added activities Business-value-added
per million opportunities, in other words the process runs activities
almost perfectly (Gomez and Nunez 2009). Six Sigma is a 3. Non-value-added activities
Recognized as a problem-solvingmethod that uses statistical
tools forbasic quality and process improvements (Kunal, C. Six Sigma Stages
Ganguli, 2012) .Sigma (18th Greek alphabet letter) is a term
in statistics to indicate standard deviation (Greg Brue, 2002: 1. Define
2) , Six Sigma is the right, focused, and effective Define phase is the initial stage in Determining the
implementation in proving quality principles and problem and provide the limits of the improvement project.
techniques. By freeing elements from the results of The steps taken in this stage include identifying processes
discussions of various quality experts, Six Sigma seeks to that provide added value or not and identifying waste that
create business performance without errors (Pyzdek, 2002). Occurs (Rahman et al, 2010).
Sigma, s, is a Greek alphabet used by statisticians to
measure variability in the process. Company performance is This phase aims to formulate the problem of what
taken by using the sigma level of the company's business happened. In the Define stage, the six sigma tools commonly
processes. Traditional companies receive a performance used is the Project Charter, SIPOC, Project Frame, Specify
level of three or four sigma as standard, According to the Customer Requirements. After a six sigma project is selected,
process required 6,200 to 67,000 questions per one million the first step that must be done is to define the problem by
opportunities. describing the problem and what goals to Achieve. with a
SMART approach (Specific, Measurable, Agreed to,
 DMAIC - (Determine, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Realistic, Time Bound).
Control) is a process
Carried out for further improvement. DMAIC is 2. Measure
systematic, scientific, and fact-based processes (seftyan, This phase aims to find out how big the problem is.
2015). Based on DMAIC the which consists of 5 stages play This process phase focuses on how to measure the internal
items, namely: Determine (D), Measure (M), Analysis (A), processes that Affect CTQ. This requires an understanding of
Increase (I), Control (C). the causal relationship between process performance and the
value of the violations. Six Sigma methodology uses the
terms function in mathematics to describe relationships.

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
This phase aims to find out the root of any problem that
causes problems to occur. Six sigma tools commonly used in After all the required the data is collected, the Data will
this phase are Fishbone / cause effect diagrams, 5 time why, be processed through five phases in Six Sigma called the Six
Hypothesis Analysis, Statistical analysis. The main Sigma Improvement Framework or Six Sigma Breakthrough
disadvantage to most problem solving approaches is the lack Strategy. To analyze the waste that Occurs in the Waste
of emphasis on sharp analysis. Often what happens is that we Water Treatment department of PT. RST using Six Sigma
jump directly to Certain solutions without fully methodology must be included in the research phase
understanding a problem and identifying the source, or the According to the DMAIC Six Sigma methodology (Define,
root cause of the problem. This phase focuses on the Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control). Before the research
question of why excessive defects, errors or variations occur. Began, the Gemba was estimated to be a temporary estimate
of waste that resulted in waste of operational costs Waste
4. Improve Water treatment. Looking for the process flow and the
After the root of the problem can be understood, the opening of the SAP reports in 2016. Gemba, who has pain
analysis or the team that handles it must gather ideas to from the process. The process owner Also Gives an input to
Eliminate or solve the problem and improve the cause problems during the year2016 so get the initial guess
measurement performance of the variable X, thereby as follows:
improving CTQ. This phase of gathering ideas is an activity - High electricity consumption
that desperately needs creativity, Because most solutions - Solid Content of press cake is low
are not Clearly visible. One of the Difficulties of this task is - High chemical consumption for process and adjustment
the spontaneous instinct to assess ideas before fully - Maintenance costs are high
evaluating them.
From the above estimates can be used as an initial
5. Control reference so that it can focus and prioritize research. But
The control phase focuses on how to keep Because this is only the initial sigma, it is a defective
improvements in progress, Including incorporating the measure, DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve,
device in place to Ensure that the main variables Werner Control). The following are the results of analysis and
within the maximum area that can be received in the discussion using Six Sigma methodology and statistical
process being modified. Determining Reviews These tools:
improvements can include new standards and procedures,
conducting training for employees, and establishing a A. Define
control system to Ensure that repairs are timeless (James R. Define phase aims to explain what problems occur in
Evans and William M. Lindsay, 2007: 50-51). the Six Sigma project. Performed background deflation of the
problem that occurred, what was the problem, what was the
III. DATA ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES purpose, how long the timeline was and set a team member
who would assist in completing the project included in the
Data analysis is done using Several six sigma tools, project charter. Team members come from related processes
Including the following: Because they are expected to be Able to provide input and
1. Pareto diagrams are used to identify the costs Reviews ideas from the existing processes that are being done. The six
largest to the smallest so that in getting 80% of sigma tools used in the define phase acre project charter,
operational costs to be spread more focused in doing SIPOC diagram, and TOOL 1 customer needs.
repairs. a. Business case / Background: Cost is what is very important
2. Project charter is used to Briefly explain what is the for the company's operationsincluding the Waste Water
background of the problem, the real thing is like and what Treatment section. Waste water treatment requires a cost for
goals you want to Achieve. chemical purchases, sludge disposal, machine repairs,
3. SIPOC is used to Determine the process started and the employee costs, purchase of spare parts and electricity
final process of a process that will be Carried out payments. But the use must be Carried out Effectively and
research. efficiently Because It will have an impact on the price of the
4. Fishbone is used to find the root cause of the problem that products produced Because The Waste Water Treatment cost
Occurs. is one part that is converted to the selling price of the product.
5. The third tool is used to analyze the root cause of the In 2015, the operational cost of the Waste Water Treatment
problem whether it is valid or not before the solution is department spent 5.3 billion per year, a significant increase of
Decided. Compared to 2014 of 4.1 billion. There was no change in
6. The Operational Definition is used to explain what is the production capacity in 2014 and 2015. In 2014 it produced a
measurenment output so that it is clear and agreed upon. total production of 41.197 tons with wastewater discharge of
Aim so that there is no difference in perception about the 65, 753 m3 and total load of 39.4 tons / m3. Whereas in 2015
the data and measurements. the total production amounted to33,244 tons of waste water
with discharge64,161 m3 and total load of 41.6 tons / m3.
But in the operational cost of Waste Water Treatment is
greater in 2015. It is Necessary to

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
b. TOOL I (one) Customer Needs The next tool in the Define From the Pareto chart above, 80% of the highest costs
phase is the first tool, commonly called customer need. This were used in the Waste Water Treatment operation in 2015,
is important Because it will be known what the customer's out of a total of 30 cost elements there were 4 roomates
desires will be fulfilled for the achievement of his biggest costs will be focused in the later analysis phase.
satisfaction. But based on research conducted by the Waste takes a long time and is not efficient. 4 the cost elements of
Water Treatment, it does not directly relate to maleinkan the large-identified uses are:
business customers, the customer is related to the a) General ecology charge
management or process owner who has pain Because It offer b) PMMaintenancecharge
section with business. CTB (critical to business) is c) Env. cost of waste water
Formulated from the voice of stakeholders or commonly d) Electricity charge
called the VOB (voice of business). The formulation can be
seen from the picture below. C. Analyze
After what the problem is and how much it has been
found in the previous phase, in this phase it aims to find the
potential root cause and verify the root of the problem so
that it can be really determined - the root cause of the
problem. The six sigma tools used is Fishbone (causal
diagram). ISHIKAWA Fishbone or is used as a first step to
accumulate the root potential of problems by brainstorming
and brainwriting involving all team members who work
daily. The root of the problem will be explored as deeply as
possible to really find a clear root cause using the 5x why
the method so that it can be visualized between the problem
Table 1 and the root cause. Specific problems have been set to fill-in
the head of the fish "why does the operational cost of Waste
B. Measure Water Treatment in 2015 reach 5.3 billion?" The root cause
Phase Measure aims to find out how much the problem of the problem comes from the team members who work
occurred. Provisional Data that can be previously validated everyday, the project leader's task is to only lead the
in this phase. Statistical tools are important to use Because in Fishbone workshop and verify Whether the root of the
this phase a lot of the data is related. Six Sigma tools that are problem is Expressed According to the problem or not. In
used are Tool II, Operational Definition, Measuring System Determining the root of the problem can also be
Analysis, Data Collection Plan, Process Performance. It is Categorized into three parts items, namely:
important to use all the tools above so that what has been a.C = Constant
measured is validated Correctly before going to the Analyze bN = Noise
phase. c.X = Variable

This is important to do so that it is more conceptual

and focused on finding solutions to the variable problems.
The root problem of priority that will be determined by the
solution is the root of the problem variables taking into
account the effort and benefit. The root of the problem
Formulated Also Refers to 5M items, namely materials,
methods, machines, money, mother nature.

Fig 2:- Pareto diagram

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
No Methode Man Material Mother Nature
No Solutions Which root cause is impacted
maintenance has There are still many The collection of pit Make WI to dosing
No work There is no work intruction
not been wastewater treatment wastewater is not
instructions for 1 chemicals into the
1 introduced to the processes in closed so that for chemical dosing
chemical dosing waste process
waste water continuous process rainwater enters the
(variable x1)
treatment operator (noise 4) WWTP (noise 3) Trickling filter
(variable x3) shutdown and only Trickling filters are still
Trickling filter is 2 use aeration tanks operated even though there
still operated even Maintenance costs
Low solid content
for biological are aeration tanks
though there is have never been processes
2 filter press cake
already an reviewed regularly
aeration tank (variable x2)
(Noise 2) Maintenance costs
(Noise 1) are reviewed every
Maintenance costs have
Too much sample 3 month and discussed
3 checking
never been reviewed regularly
every monthly
(Variable x5)
Too fast change of
4 filter press cloth Autonomous
(variable x6) maintenance training Autonomous maintenance has
Improper for all waste water not been implemented at the
adjustment of PH treatment operators WWT department
so that wasteful
use of chemicals
Processing there is still a lot of doing
for processes 5 wastewater only in waste processing in a
(variable x7) manual treatment continuous process
Repeat change the shift the shift system doesn't
6 system from 6 - 2 to change even though there are
6 conducted by lab
analyzer (variable 5-2 job changes
x4) Table 3:- Solution
the shift system
does not change From the solutions the agreed upon above, the
despite changes in
objective will be implemented a Gradually to focus on
work (Noise 5)
implementing the solution and its control, before entering
Table 2:- root potential problems into the control phase of the solution implemented a must be
properly evaluated. It takes Approximately 3 months in the
D. Improve Repair evaluation to prepare carefully Whether there is anything
Improve phase or phase improvement is related to the that needs to be made, purchasing new tools, Investigating
determination and implementation of solutions based on the the possibility of other problems will Arise and of course
results of the analysis that has been done before in the must be Discussed with safety if there is anything related to
Analyze phase. In this study, the activities Carried out in the safety issues by making MOC (management of change).
improve phase are the determination of solutions or actions Later, before entering into the Control phase project leader,
to Overcome the high cost problems in the Waste Water it must Ensure that all the solutions above the agreed upon
treatment department. On this stage the author Provides input will align well. This is important to do so that other
regarding the Efforts to improve the process based on the problems do not Arise.
results of the analysis that has been Obtained from the
previous stage. In the project implementation of DMAIC E. Control
analysis after knowing what actions can be taken, the action Phase Control or control phase is the stage that aims to
will be implemented a as an effort to solve the problem that continuously Evaluate and monitor the results of the previous
occurred. stage of implementation or the results that have been Carried
out in the improve phase. Also This stage aims to Ensure that
the conditions that have been repaired can take place
continuously or continuously, and do not run in a short time.
After the solutions are implemented a in the improve phase to
improve process performance, the control phase keeps the
performance from falling back down. In this phase the author
tries to provide input to the company about how to control
and monitor the process. Activities Carried out at this stage
are checking the performance measurement standards used,
and checking the required documents or reports.

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Statistical tools are needed in this phase such as a run so that the desired results can be Achieved. DMAIC stages are
chart to Evaluate the results that have been done in Carried out in a structured manner with a clear timeline, and
improving the Six Sigma project. Everything that has been in each phase of six sigma tools are used to Facilitate the data
repaired in the previous phase is included in the SOP and collection, the data analysis or to Determine the root of the
monitored for 1 year to Ensure that the Waste Water problem and the solutions Obtained from the meeting
Treatment costs are no longer a problem. Here are the results workshop. a. Define phase is the beginning of the
of the control in the run chart for the first 3 months of the implementation of Six Sigma starting with explaining the
project implementation that has been documented. background of the project, formulating problems and
objectives, Determining the project team and time
clear lines summarized in the project charter SIPOC then form
the which aims to find out the initial description of the process
to be Analyzed and the customer needs to be Achieved.
b. Measure phase is the stage of the data collection that aims
to understand how much the problem occurred. In this phase
all the collected Data is Analyzed using the Pareto diagram of
six sigma tools to find out what costs the most in Contribute
Waste Water Treatment cost center.
c. The third phase is Analyze, in this phase Several roots are
Fig 4:- Run Chart Improvement Obtained from the Fishbone problems workshops with the
team and champion the project. After the potential root
From the chart above explain the results of problems are collected then in the cluster to prioritize the root
improvement that have been done and documented in the of any problem that will be Followed first as a priority.
chart. The average cost spent in the Waste Water Treatment d. The fourth phase is Improve, this phase sets out solutions -
department in 2015 was 441 million / month, the reduction solutions to Overcome the root problems that have been
target of 10% per month (44 million / month) to max 397 collected and agreed upon by all teams.
million / month. But the achievement results are better, the e. The last phase is Control, this phase is the stage where all
which is less than the target of max. Up to 6 months the the improvements that have been made in the control of all the
benefits claimed control the hard phase is 326 million. solutions that have been set and benefits - benefits that have
Reviews These results will continue to be monitored until been Obtained. If there is a discrepancy, the project leader will
the next 12 months / end of 2017. If the results are still conduct an evaluation by compiling an action list if the repair
consistent, the six sigma project undertaken has succeeded, performance decreases or the repaired problem returns again.
but if there is a problem, the project leader must Evaluate
and react to the problem. Some of the action plans that have 2. It is well known that all the root causes of the waste are
been specified in the Control phase are: the operating costs of Waste Water Treatment from Fishbone
1. If the maintenance costs are high, then check the workshop with all the teams Involved. The root of the
notifications that have been made Whether they are in problem that has been collected is then divided into three
accordance with the budget or exceed. If Appropriate, criteria items, namely Constant, Noise, Variable. Then
check uploading documents from the Finance in the cost grouped into 5 parts Man, Method, Machine, Material,
center. If it exceeds, it is seen that there is a modification Maother Nature.
or breakdown of the engine or pump. 3. Solutions have been set up to follow up on the root of the
2. If the electricity costs are high, then check the actual problem that was collected and agreed upon by all teams.
electricity consumption in the Utility section SCADA. If The implemented a solution is expected to be Able to solve
Appropriate, check the upload of documents posted by the problems that occur regarding the waste management of
Finance. If it exceeds, then check for any activity that the operational costs of Waste Water Treatment so that in the
Occurs in Internal Waste Water Treatment. future the problem will not occur again in the future.
3. If the cost of purchasing chemicals is high then check the
chemical consumption used for the process in Waste SUGGESTION
Water Treatment. If Appropriate, check the document
posted by Finance. If it exceeds the check for discharge of Based on the results of the research Obtained Several
wastewater that goes into Waste Water Treatment and its things can be suggested as follows:
parameters. a. Team members can do yellow belt training as a basisand
full understanding ofcontinuous improvement.
V. CONCLUSION b. Increasing awareness and involvement of Waste Water
Treatment operators in controlling operational costs.
Based on the research that has been done at PT. RST c. Integrate continuous improvement programs with employee
regarding the application of Six Sigma to reduce waste of rewarding programs so that they feel more ownership and
operational costs can be summed up as follows: are motivated to do something better
1. It is well known and Clearly defined about how to apply d. Having a system and involving all operators to Overcome
the Six Sigma methodology in a structured manner to reduce excessive maintenance costs, doing more internal training
the waste of the operational costs of Waste Water Treatment involves representatives from the Engineering team.

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
e. Further research is needed to verify some of the root
problems that have not been found a solution with other six
sigma tools.


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