Measurement of The Ferrite Content With The FERITSCOPE FMP30
Measurement of The Ferrite Content With The FERITSCOPE FMP30
Measurement of The Ferrite Content With The FERITSCOPE FMP30
Chemical, utility and other processing plants are often The FERITSCOPE® measures the ferrite content in aus-
exposed to heat, aggressive media and high pressure. tenitic and duplex steel according to the magnetic
These circumstances require corrosion and acid resistant induction method. All magnetic components of the
steel that is mechanically resilient even at high tem- otherwise non-magnetic structure are recognized, that
peratures. If the ferrite content is too low, the weld is is, in addition to delta ferrite and other ferritic compo-
susceptible to cracking under heat, if the ferrite content nents transformation martensite is also recognized.
is too high, the weld loses its toughness and ductility. The instrument is suitable for measurements according
For duplex steel, a lack of ferrite in the area of the weld to the Basler Standard or according to DIN 32514-1.
seam is an indicator of susceptibility to cracking under Areas of application are on-site measurements, e.g.,
tension or vibration. of austenitic claddings as well as weld seams in stain-
less steel pipes, containers, boilers or other products
made of austenitic or duplex steel.
Determination of the ferrite content in the area of weld seams using the FERITSCOPE® FMP30
Figure 2:
of the ferrite content
at a weld seam