Assessment of Surface Water Model Maintenance and Support Status-EPA
Assessment of Surface Water Model Maintenance and Support Status-EPA
Assessment of Surface Water Model Maintenance and Support Status-EPA
September 2018
Prepared by
Tetra Tech, Inc.
10306 Eaton Place, Suite 340
Fairfax, VA 22030
Prepared for
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Water Modeling Workgroup
This report was prepared by Tetra Tech, Inc. under Contract #EP-C-14-016, Work Assignment 3-24, for the United
States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) Water Modeling Workgroup. The U.S. EPA made comments and
suggestions on the report, however the U.S. EPA did not contribute otherwise to the production of the report.
The U.S. EPA’s Water Modeling Workgroup consists of members from EPA regions, the U.S. EPA Office of Water
(OW), and the U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD). The workgroup is led by a steering committee
consisting of the following members:
Ashley Allen, U.S. EPA OW
Ben Cope, U.S. EPA Region 10
The views expressed in this report are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views or policies
of the U.S. EPA. Any mention of trade names, products, or services does not imply an endorsement by the U.S.
Government or the U.S. EPA. The EPA does not endorse any commercial products, services, or enterprises.
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................... 1
AGNPS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Aquatox ......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
BASINS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8
BATHTUB ..................................................................................................................................................................... 13
CE-QUAL-ICM ............................................................................................................................................................... 16
CE-QUAL-W2 ................................................................................................................................................................ 19
CORMIX........................................................................................................................................................................ 22
EFDC............................................................................................................................................................................. 25
HAWQS ........................................................................................................................................................................ 30
HSPF ............................................................................................................................................................................. 32
LSPC ............................................................................................................................................................................. 36
QUAL2KW .................................................................................................................................................................... 38
SPARROW .................................................................................................................................................................... 41
SWAT ........................................................................................................................................................................... 44
SWMM ......................................................................................................................................................................... 48
SWTOOLBOX ................................................................................................................................................................ 50
VISUAL PLUMES ........................................................................................................................................................... 52
WASP ........................................................................................................................................................................... 55
Summary...................................................................................................................................................................... 57
The United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Water Modeling Workgroup (WMW) provides support
for core surface water quality modeling tools used in Clean Water Act programs. The WMW identified a set of 18
separate surface water modeling applications that are currently applied to support development of Total
Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) plans, assess permit conditions for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) facilities, evaluate policy and water quality effects of potential actions, and conduct other water quality
analyses. The WMW directed Tetra Tech to perform an assessment of the current maintenance and support status
of each modeling tool to facilitate the identification of gaps in support or other activities that might warrant future
WMW activity.
This report summarizes the findings of Tetra Tech’s review of the maintenance and support status of the following
modeling applications.
Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution Model (AGNPS) is a modeling tool for use in evaluating the effect of
predominantly agricultural management decisions impacting water, sediment and chemical loadings within a
watershed system. The model predicts (1) water; (2) sediment by particle size class & source of erosion; and (3)
chemicals-nitrogen, phosphorus, organic carbon, & pesticides. The pollutant loadings are generated from land
areas and routed through stream systems on a daily basis. Special land use components such as feedlots, gullies,
field ponds, and point sources are included.
AGNPS was developed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service (ARS).
USDA continues to provide support for the model.
Ron Bingner is the ARS project manager responsible for the distribution of AGNPS. Ron Binger can be contacted at
[email protected] or (662)232-2966.
The model name “AGNPS” has been replaced with Annualized AGNPS (AnnAGNPS) and refers to a system of model
components which can be used to estimate annualized loads and load reductions. The single event version known
as AGNPS was discontinued in the mid-1990’s. Several versions that integrate the model with geographic
information system (GIS) and Windows-based graphical user interfaces are available.
The most recent version of AnnAGNPS (version 5.45) is dated December 2016. AnnAGNPS versions 5.0 and later
incorporate enhanced features for many input and output options including ephemeral gullies, automated
calibration for pollutants, actual or potential evapotranspiration climate files, and the ability to enter unlimited
climate stations with any naming convention.
AnnAGNPS is a batch-process, continuous-simulation, surface-runoff, pollutant loading computer model written in
standard ANSI FORTRAN 2015.
The model (current version 5.45) is a non-proprietary, public domain model with an open source code that can be
accessed and downloaded by any individual at the following web site:
The AnnAGNPS User’s Guide for Input Files & Formats Version v5.45 (August 2016) is included in the model
installation package
The AGNPS Continuous Simulation Model Processes page provides additional helpful user information such as
descriptions of how specific processes are modeled (listed below).
Zema, D.A., Denisi, P., Taguas Ruiz, E.V., Gomez, J.A., Bombino, G., & Fortugno, D. (2016). Evaluation of surface
runoff prediction by AnnAGNPS model in a large Mediterranean watershed covered by olive groves. Land
Degradation & Development, 27: 811-822. DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2390
AQUATOX is an ecological simulation model that predicts the impacts of various environmental pollutants on
aquatic ecosystems and aquatic organisms including fish, invertebrates and aquatic plants. The aquatic ecosystems
that can be modeled include streams, rivers, lakes, reservoirs and estuaries. Hydrodynamics are not simulated
within AQUATOX and must be supplied as model inputs. AQUATOX predicts the response of these aquatic
ecosystems to multiple stressors including nutrients, organic loadings, sediments, organic chemicals and
temperature. AQUATOX is known as a process-based or mechanistic model because it simulates the transfer of
biomass, energy and chemicals from one compartment of the ecosystem to another by simultaneously computing
each of the most important chemical or biological processes.AQUATOX can be run as a point model, a stratified
model (for lakes), and as a two- or three-dimensional model with linked segments depending on the modeling
Maintenance Status:
AQUATOX is maintained by EPA Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM).
AQUATOX was developed in 2002 and has undergone major updates since the initial release, as summarized in
Table 1. The model was developed and compiled in Delphi. AQUATOX release 3 is integrated into the BASINS
modeling system with a MapWindow interface.
Table 1. Version History
Only Release 3.1 Plus version of AQUATOX is available for download from EPA: AQUATOX 3.1 Plus Download Page.
Release 3 is included in the BASINS 4.1 package Release 3.2 is expected in September 2018.
The source code is available for download through the About Screen under Help.
The source code language is Delphi, and the AQUATOX model must be compiled with Delphi 2007 Professional.
User Manuals
A user manual and four technical documents comprise the theoretical and computational documentation for
Additional Documentation
Additional documentation including guidance on setup and application and parameter sensitivity.
Training Materials
EPA has hosted training opportunities and the course material is available on the EPA’s AQUATOX Training
Workshops webpage. Training materials include an option for a one-day short course or three-day course. The
one-day course materials discuss the capabilities of AQUATOX and provide examples of application. The three-day
course materials provide more extensive details of the model and a hands-on example.
Recent Application/Reports
AQUATOX coupled foodweb model for ecosystem risk assessment of Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in
lake ecosystems (2014)
Assessment of improvement scenario for water quality in Mogan Lake by using the AQUATOX Model (2015)
Establishing nearshore marine injuries for the Deepwater Horizon natural resource damage assessment using
AQUATOX (2017)
Food web modeling of a river ecosystem for risk assessment of down-the-drain chemicals: A case study with
AQUATOX (2015)
Simulation of a water ecosystem in a landscape lake in Tianjin with AQUATOX: Sensitivity, calibration, validation
and ecosystem prognosis (2016)
BASINS is a GIS-based Decision DupportSystem that serves as an interface to several models, including HSPF, SWAT
and AQUATOX, that was designed to facilitate the completion of watershed and water quality studies by local,
state and regional entities. It uses a geographic information system to bring together key data sets that are
utilized by many different modeling applications. It provides for easy access to national environmental data in the
application of a number of proven water quality models and assessment tools.
The GIS foundation for BASINS 4.0 and subsequent versions was provided by Map Window GIS. Map Window GIS
was developed by Utah Water Research Laboratory at Utah State University, and is maintained and supported by
Idaho State University and Utah State University. Various plug-in elements of BASINS have been developed by a
range of entities, as outlined in Table 3.
Table 3. BASINS’ plug-in development/contribution
Plug-In Development/ Contribution
AQUA TERRA in conjunction with EPA Athens
Hydrological Simulation Program - FORTRAN (HSPF)
Laboratory and the USGS Office of Surface Water.
Jeyakanthan Veluppillai and Daniel P. Ames at Idaho
OpenSWAT State University in cooperation with R. Srinivasan at
Texas A&M University
SWAT USDA Agricultural Research Service
SWMM Lew Rossman of the US EPA
USGS Surface Water Statistics (SWSTAT) U.S. Geological Survey
WASP Tim Wool at EPA Region 4
Chris Wilson of Wilson Engineering and Tim Wool at
Watershed Characterization System (WCS)
EPA Region 4
Hydrologic Analysis Software Support Program of
the United States Geological Survey, Water
Resources Division.
WDMUtil Note: WDMUtil is a standalone program and cannot
be used within BASINS4.1. BASINS4.1 has its own
advanced data management system that can also
open WDM files
Maintenance Status:
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) funded model setup for HSPF and updates to HSPFParm software.
BASINS is maintained by EPA Center Exposure Assessment Models (CEAM).
BASINS 4.1 is the only version fully supported by EPA. BASINS 4.1 interface has changed from BASINS 4.0, but the
main functions have remained the same. BASINS 4.1 includes updates to automatic watershed delineation tools,
separation of GenSen and WDMUtil, and includes DFLOW. EPA Region 4 is currently looking at updating BASINS
and HSPF.
EPA BASINS 4.11 is a maintenance release containing HSPF 12.2. The current plan is to synch the BASINS and HSPF
versioning (BASINS 4.5 and HSPF 12.5) and host them on the EPA web site.
AQUA TERRA (now part of RESPEC) has released BASINS 4.2 that includes HSPF 12.4. BASINS 4.2/ HSPF 12.4 are
BETA versions and are not yet available for public release from EPA.
The version history is summarized in 4 and hardware requirements are presented in Table 5.
Table 4. Version history
Version Release Date Non-proprietary Available for download
The EPA’s BASINS support team is available to provide any additional information.
User Manuals
There is a user manual as well as multiple technical documents that make up the documentation for BASINS.
• Technical Note 09: Web Based HSPF Toolkit to Support Low Impact Development LID and Other Urban
Stormwater Modeling Applications (2007)
• Technical Note 10: Using the BASINS Meteorological Database Version 2006 (2008)
• Technical Note 11: Infiltration BMP Tutorial for HSPF (2009)
Training Materials
RESPEC and AECOM are hosted a BASINS/HSPF Training Workshop at Research Triangle Park (RTP), North Carolina
in April 2018.
The EPA has developed a series of BASINS lectures and exercises. The lectures and exercises were created for
BASINS 4.0, the lectures and exercises are compatible with the BASINS 4.1.
The website hosts 17 lectures including the following topics:
• Water quality calibration
• Modeling alternative scenarios, BMPs, and TMDLs
• HSPFParm Tool
Recent Application/Reports
A Watershed Modeling System for Fort Benning, GA Using the US EPA BASINS Framework (2013)
An integrated modeling system for estimating glacier and snow melt driven streamflow from remote sensing and
earth system data products in the Himalayas (2014)
Estimating impact of rainfall change on hydrological processes in Jianfengling rainforest watershed, China using
BASINS-HSPF-CAT modeling system (2017)
Integration of an energy balance snowmelt model into an open source modeling framework (2015)
Land use and its effects on water quality using the BASINS model (2014)
BATHTUB is a steady state, empirically based receiving water model appropriate for simulation of morphologically
complex lakes and reservoirs. It applies a series of eutrophication models derived from lake monitoring data from a
number of northeastern U.S. lakes to perform steady-state water and nutrient balance calculations that account
for advective and diffusive transport, and nutrient sedimentation, as well as internal pollutant sources.
Eutrophication-related water quality conditions are predicted by BATHTUB and expressed as total phosphorus,
total nitrogen, chlorophyll a, transparency, organic nitrogen, ortho-phosphorus, and hypolimnetic oxygen
depletion rate. BATHTUB can be configured for simultaneous application to collections or networks of reservoirs to
provide regional perspectives on reservoir water quality.
Maintenance status:
Dr. David Soballe distributes the Bathtub model on an informal (i.e., unfunded, volunteer) basis. The U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers has discontinued any formal maintenance or support for the BATHTUB model. Minnesota
Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) hosts the model, but they provide no formal commitment to support the model.
BATHTUB was developed in 1996 and has undergone multiple updates, as summarized in 6.
Table 6. Version History
There is no community portal.
Dr. David Soballe email: [email protected]
Walker, W.W. (1982) Empirical Methods for Predicting Eutrophication in Impoundments - Report 2: Model Testing,
prepared for Office, Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, Washington, D.C., Technical Report E-81-9, U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, September 1982. Not available online
Walker Jr, W. W. (1985). Empirical Methods for Predicting Eutrophication in Impoundments. Report 3. Phase II.
Model Refinements. Report E-81-9, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Walker Jr, W. W. (1985). Empirical Methods for Predicting Eutrophication in Impoundments. Report 4. Phase III.
Applications Manual. Report E-81-9, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Walker Jr., W.W. (1996) Simplified Procedures for Eutrophication Assessment and Prediction: User Manual [Version
3]. Instruction Report W-96-2. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS
Water quality and hydrology of Silver Lake, Oceana County, Michigan, with emphasis on lake response to nutrient
loading (PDF), 2015
Water quality, hydrology, and simulated response to change in phosphorus loading of Butternut Lake, Price, and
Ashland Counties, Wisconsin, with Special Emphasis on the Effect of Internal Phosphorus Loading in a Polymictic
Lake (PDF), 2008
DRAFT Nutrient TMDLs for Sanibel Slough (WBIDs 2092F1 and 2092F2) and Documentation in Support of the
Development of Site-Specific Numeric Interpretations of the Narrative Nutrient Criterion (PDF), 2017
Water Quality Improvement Plan for Windmill Lake Taylor County, Iowa (PDF), 2016
Sample cases are provided on William W. Walker's Bathtub main page, under the sample cases contents. The
sample cases include five instructional cases: (1) single reservoir, spatially averaged, (2) single reservoir, spatially
segmented, (3) reservoir embayment, segmented, (4) segmented reservoir, multiple scenario, and (5) collection of
reservoirs, spatially averaged. The sample cases also include four real application files: (1) Keystone Reservoir,
Oklahoma - two tributary arms & several segments, (2) Beaver Reservoir, Arkansas - one tributary arm, (3) Lake
Memphremagog, Vermont/Canada - natural lake with longitudinal gradient, and (4) Lake Champlain,
Vermont/New York / Canada - natural lake with multiple bays & transport channels.
CE-QUAL-ICM was first developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Engineer Research and Development
Center (ERDC) as a three-dimensional eutrophication model for Chesapeake Bay and its major tributaries. It
continues to be applied for eutrophication studies in rivers, lakes, reservoirs, estuaries and coastal areas around
the world. It is capable of simulating biogeochemical cycles, including the aquatic carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle,
phosphorus cycle and oxygen cycle as well as physical factors, including salinity, temperature and suspended
solids. It does not simulate hydrodynamics. Its technical underpinning is analogous to the finite-volume numerical
method and the model simulates the transport and fate of pollutants in well-mixed cells that can be arranged in 1-,
2-, or 3-dimensional configurations. Simulated constituents include algae, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, silica,
dissolved oxygen, zooplankton, submerged aquatic vegetation, epiphytes, and benthic algae.
A newly developed "ICM-Lite" version is designed to run on a PC and with an excel user interface. This is available
from [email protected].
The source code is open to users. The distribution packet includes FORTRAN code, a compiled version executable
on a Windows PC, and a user’s guide.
The full featured version is housed on a Corps of Engineers server that is not accessible to the general public. As
noted above this version may be obtained by contacting the Chesapeake Bay Program at the contact listed.
Standard Version
ICM-Lite Version
United States Corps of Engineers
Jodi Ryder, [email protected]
Available with download of the model and also at the following link: User's Guide to the CE-QUAL-ICM Three-
Dimensional Eutrophication Model Release Version 1.0 (1995) by Carl F. Cerco and Thomas Cole.
R-04-004. JULY 2004.
Cerco, Carl F., Mark R. Noel, and Sung-Chan Kim (2004). Three-Dimensional Eutrophication Model of Lake
Washington, Washington State Environmental Laboratory, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development
Center, Vicksburg, MS. ERDC/ELTR-04-12. August 2004.
Cerco, C., Noel, M., and Kim, S‐C. (2006). “Three‐dimensional management model for Lake Washington: (II)
Eutrophication modeling and skill assessment,” Journal of Lake and Reservoir Management, 22(2), 115‐131.
Cerco, C., and Noel, M. (2007). “Can oyster restoration reverse cultural eutrophication in Chesapeake Bay?”
Estuaries and Coasts, 30(2), 331‐343.
Dortch, Mark S., Mansour Zakikhani, Mark R. Noel, and Sung-Chan Kim (2007). Application of a Water Quality
Model to Mississippi Sound to Evaluate Impacts of Freshwater Diversions. U.S. Army Engineer Research and
Development Center, Environmental Laboratory, Vicksburg, MS
St. Johns River Water Management District (2012). Water Supply Impact Study Technical Publication SJ2012-1.
St. Johns River Water Management District, Palatka, FL.
St. Johns River Water Management District (2012). Water Supply Impact Study Appendix 8.D. CE-QUAL-ICM
Setup, Calibration and Withdrawal Scenario Results. John C. Hendrickson, SJRWMD St. Johns River Water
Management District, Palatka, FL.
• none
CE-QUAL-W2, commonly referred to as W2, is a 2-dimensional (vertical/longitudinal) hydrodynamic and water
quality model. It is configured as a user defined grid and its mathematical structure is based on a set of differential
equations that define conservation of mass and energy in each horizontal layer. The model includes variable cell
spacing allowing for greater resolution where needed with simulation algorithms based on hydrostatic
approximation (i.e. negligible vertical accelerations) and eddy coefficients used to simulate turbulence. Also
included are numerical algorithms for pipe, weir, spillways, and pump flow. Simulated water quality includes
nutrients, eutrophication kinetics, and a single algal compartment. General quality constituents can also be
simulated using user-defined decay rates, settling rates, and temperature correction coefficients. It is best suited
for long, narrow rivers, lakes, reservoirs and estuaries because it assumes lateral homogeneity.
All available versions of W2 are non-proprietary and the source code is publicly available.
The W2 model is in the public domain and its source code is available for download.
There is also a blog where model updates and code changes are described.
Contacts associated with the Army Corps of Engineers as well as PSU are provided below.
Version 4.1 User’s Manual—October 2017
Wells, S. A., Wells, V. I., and Berger, C. (2012). “Impact of Phosphorus Loading from the Watershed on Water
Quality Dynamics in Lake Tenkiller, Oklahoma, USA,” Proceedings World Environmental and Water Resources
Congress, EWRI, ASCE, Albuquerque, NM, pp. 888-899.
Wells, V. I. and Wells, S. A. (2012). “CE-QUAL-W2 Water Quality and Fish-bioenergetics Model of Chester Morse
Lake and the Cedar River,” Proceedings World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, EWRI, ASCE,
Albuquerque, NM, pp. 2756-2767
Zhang, H., Culver, D. A., and Boegman, L. (2008). "A two-dimensional ecological model of Lake Erie: Application
to estimate dreissenid impacts on large lake plankton populations." Ecological Modelling, 214(2-4), 219-241.
PSU periodically holds a 4 ½ day Workshop on W2. The next is scheduled for June 18-22, 2018 in Portland, OR.
An Internet search revealed a Wiki page for first time users, source not known. (2013)
CORMIX is a mixing zone model and decision support system for environmental impact assessment of regulatory
mixing zones resulting from continuous point source discharges. The system emphasizes the role of boundary
interaction to predict steady-state mixing behavior and plume geometry.
CORMIX contains systems to model discharges where initial mixing zone characteristics are desired. Discharge
types that can be modeled include power plant cooling waters, desalinization facility or drilling rig brines, and
municipal wastewater. The effluents considered may be conservative, non-conservative, heated, brine discharges
or contain suspended sediments. CORMIX can be applied across a variety of waterbodies ranging from estuaries,
deep oceans, rivers, to stratified reservoirs and lakes. CORMIX makes near-field and far-field plume trajectory,
shape, concentration, and dilution predictions and visualizations within these waterbodies.
CORMIX development began in 1986 with Dr. Robert Doneker at Cornell University under a contract with the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (Environmental Research Laboratory, Athens, GA; Dr. Thomas Barnwell, Program
CORMIX is no longer distributed or supported by the U.S. EPA. Information on a Windows version of CORMIX is
available at CORMIX software is licensed and distributed solely by MixZon Inc. Contact MixZon Inc. or
Dr. Robert Doneker ([email protected]) of Oregon Graduate Institute (OGI) Department of Environmental
Science and Engineering for technical information and support.
The current model versions are10.0G (General Release), 10.0GT (Advanced Tools), 10.0GTH (Advanced Tools
Hydraulics), 10.0GTS (Advanced Tools Sediment), 10.0 GTD (Advanced Tools Design), and 10.0 GTR* (Research
Tools Release). The feature comparison of the different versions of CORMIX v10.0 can be found at
CORMIX v10.0 was released in 2016 and is available for purchase and download at
Previous versions are not available for download.
CORMIX is composed of mathematical models to predict geometry and dilution characteristics of mixing zones
within computer-aided-design (CAD) interface. CORMIX is coded in NEXPERT object, an “expert systems shell”,
C++, and FORTRAN. NEXPERT is for the logical reasoning and FORTRAN for mathematical computations.
The version history of the CORMIX model is provided in Table 7.
Release Proprietary/
Version Developer
Date Non-Proprietary
DOS Version 1.00 Cornell University 1989 Non-Proprietary
DOS Version 2.00 Cornell University 1992 Non-Proprietary
DOS Version 2.10 Cornell University 1993 Non-Proprietary
DOS Version 3.00 Cornell University 1994 Non-Proprietary
DOS Version 3.10 Cornell University 1995 Non-Proprietary
DOS Version 3.20 Cornell University 1996 Non-Proprietary
Oregon Graduate
CORMIX-GI Version 4.00 1999 Proprietary
Oregon Graduate
CORMIX-GI Version 4.1E, 4.1G, 4.1GT, 4.1GTR 2000 Proprietary
Release Proprietary/
Version Developer
Date Non-Proprietary
CORMIX Version 4.2E, 4.2G, 4.2GT, 4.2GTR MixZon, Inc. 2002 Proprietary
CORMIX Version 4.3E, 4.3G, 4.3GT, 4.3GTR MixZon, Inc. 2004 Proprietary
CORMIX Versions 5.0E, 5.0G, 5.0GT, 5.0GTS,
MixZon, Inc. 2007 Proprietary
CORMIX Versions 6.0E, 6.0G, 6.0GT, 6.0GTS,
MixZon, Inc. 2009 Proprietary
6.0GTD, 6.0GTR
CORMIX Versions 7.0E, 7.0G, 7.0GT, 7.0GTH,
MixZon, Inc. 2011 Proprietary
7.0GTS, 7.0GTD, 7.0GTR
CORMIX Versions 8.0E, 8.0G, 7.0GT, 8.0GTH,
MixZon, Inc. 2012 Proprietary
8.0GTS, 8.0GTD, 8.0GTR
CORMIX Versions 9.0E, 9.0G, 9.0GT, 9.0GTH,
MixZon, Inc. 2014 Proprietary
9.0GTS, 9.0GTD, 9.0GTR
CORMIX Versions 10.0E, 10.0G, 10.0GT, 10.0GTH,
MixZon, Inc. 2016 Proprietary
10.0GTS, 10.0GTD, 10.0GTR
The model executable can be downloaded from once a MixZon user’s account is
created. A User Name and Password is required to download the model. The minimum system requirements are
Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10, active internet connection with access to, 1 GHz or faster 32-bit or
64-bit processor, 1 or 2 GB RAM, and minimum of 250 MB free hard disk space
The source code is not available.
CORMIX1 Technical Report (1990) Expert System for Hydrodynamic Mixing Zone Analysis of Conventional and
Toxic Submerged Single Port Discharges (CORMIX1) - [EPA/600/3-90/012]
CORMIX2 Technical Report (1991) CORMIX2:An Expert System for Hydrodynamic Mixing Zone Analysis of
Conventional and Toxic Multiport Diffuser Discharges - [EPA/600/3-91/073]
CORMIX3 Technical Report (1996) CORMIX3:An Expert System for Mixing Zone Analysis And Prediction of Buoyant
Surface Discharges - [CR 818527]
CORMIX Tidal Applications Technical Report (1995) Buoyant Discharges into Reversing Ambient Currents -
Jonathan D. Nash Thesis
The CORMIX User’s Manual Rev. (2017) is available for download in Adobe Acrobat - PDF format using the
user’s MixZon account information. The User’s Manual is also part of the CORMIX installation
( The citation for the user’s manual is:
Doneker L. R. and H.G. Jirka. 2014. CORMIX User Manual. A Hydrodynamic Mixing Zone Model and Decision
Support System for Pollutant Discharges into Surface Waters. EPA-823-K-07-001 (December 2007).
Yang, Y., Y. Qiao, X. Pan, Y. Liu, F. Liu, A. Zhang, B. Wang and C. Zhang. (2014). Research of Water Body Diffusion
Condition in Near Field of Inland Nuclear Power Plants in China. Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 955-959, pp.
Simulation of Sediment Discharge during an Outfall Dredging Operation (2016)
MixZon Inc. provides a web-based, online CORMIX training series that covers introductory CORMIX topics
( The training series consists of four two-hour Introductory Classes that focuses
on regulatory background, definition of Mixing Zones, Mixing Processes and the CORMIX Mixing Zone model
application and use with illustrative case studies. In addition to the online training course, MixZon offers CORMIX
Technical Support via a subscription service called CorSupport. Current software licensing is required for access to
The Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC) is a public domain, open source, linked hydrodynamic and water
modeling system, which also includes modules for sediment transport and fate and transport of toxic
contaminants fully integrated in a single source code. Model simulations can be fully coupled where
hydrodynamics, sediment, and contaminant transport are executed simultaneously or be done using saved
hydrodynamic transport data. EFDC can represent water bodies in one, two and three dimensions using a finite
difference methodology. Model cells are represented using a curvilinear or Cartesian grid with two options for
vertical cell spacing: Sigma-z or GVC (general vertical coordinate). Water column transport includes 3-dimensional
advection and vertical and horizontal turbulent diffusions. EFDC also incorporates a eutrophication water quality
model, functionally equivalent to CE-QUAL-ICM and can represent multiple size classes of cohesive and non-
cohesive sediments, associated deposition and resuspension processes, and bed geomechanics. Toxics are
transported as both dissolved and sediment associated in the water column and bed. Other model features include
representation of drying and wetting, hydraulic structures, vegetation resistance, and Lagrangian particle tracking.
Maintenance status:
There is no current federally supported program to maintain, support or enhance the model. Project- and client-
specific efforts to customize the model have resulted in multiple customized versions developed by various entities
among government, academia and consulting firms.
Funding source:
None ongoing for the EPA version of EFDC.
For purposes of this summary, the publicly available, EPA version of EFDC will be referred to as EPA-EFDC. Other
entities have also developed versions of EFDC based on the 2007 EPA-EFDC. These versions are technically “newer”
versions and have undergone various customizations, sometimes significant, depending on specific program needs.
For example, the Philadelphia Water Department maintains its own version of EFDC, which was based on the 2007
EPA-EFDC version but has been significantly customized to support the needs of the department. Likewise, the St.
Johns Water Management District in Florida also maintains a version of EFDC for the St. Johns River.
Sandia National Laboratories 1 developed SNL-EFDC, an open-source tool to support the marine renewable-energy
industry by enabling simultaneous evaluation of array power production and environmental effects. They
Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and
Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC., a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S.
Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration.
subsequently incorporated the module into an open-source version of the DELFT-3D application called SNL-DELFT-
Dynamic Solutions-International (DSI), developed a Windows-based GUI (interface) for pre- and post-processing of
the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC). The interface is commercially known as EFDC-Explorer and their
version of the EFDC model is called EFDCPlus. DSI’s version of EFDC includes a multi-thread function as well as new
variables such as CO2. DSI’s website provides links for downloading EFDC_Plus as well as the EPA-EFDC version.
The user must register to download all files from the website. EFDCPlus, EFDC-Explorer and the grid generator are
all proprietary. They provide the source code for only their single-thread version to licensees upon request.
In recent years, Tetra Tech developed Visual EFDC (VEFDC), a user-graphical interface for creating and editing
curvilinear orthogonal grids for EFDC as well as for creating and manipulating input data files and model output
results. VEFDC is not open-source but Tetra Tech distributes the interface to clients and upon request. In addition
to the above EFDC model versions and GUIs, other pre and post processing GUI tools for EFDC are commercially
available (e.g., grid generation tools and post processing tools to support various graphics packages). Funding to
support development of these tools has come from various sources so they are not all necessarily publicly available
or their source code may not be available.
The version history of EPA-EFDC and others is summarized in Table 8. All of the non-EPA versions are derived from
the EPA version. Executables are presented in Table 9.
Table 8. Draft Version History
Table 9. Executables
Model executable is downloadable from EPA
Source code is available from EPA’s Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM).
Phone: 706-355-8403
E-mail: [email protected]
Model executables (all available versions) available at
Source code is not available for the multi-thread version of the EFDC_Plus model. Otherwise, source code is
provided upon request to clients and users with a paid license.
Executable and source code are available. Must submit order request-- or download from the following location:
Possible Contact: Jesse Roberts – [email protected]
Installation package available upon request.
Contact: [email protected]
User Manuals and Theoretical Documentation
Multiple Theoretical and Academic EFDC References:
A user manual and three separate volumes comprise the theoretical and computational documentation for EPA-
• EFDC user manual EPA ver 101 (PDF)
• EFDC Hydrodynamics Mass Transport Manual (PDF) (60 pp, 411 K)
• EFDC Sediment Contaminant Transport Manual (PDF) (96 pp, 631 K)
• EFDC Water Quality Manual (PDF) (90 pp, 606 K)
Documentation is available here:
• Model User Manual
• Sediment Transport User Manual
• pH Effects User Manual
o EPA’s modeling workgroup sponsored the “Introduction to EFDC” webinar in February 2017
(available at
o EPA Region 3 supported a multi-day training that included EFDC topics (2010)
Overview of Receiving Water Modeling
Introduction to EFDC
Grid Generation
EFDCView Preprocessor/Model Setup
Linkage to LSPC
EFDCView Model setup
Hydrodynamic Calibration
o EPA Region 6 sponsored a Dissolved Oxygen modeling training in which EFDC was discussed but
QUAL2K was the main model focus (2007)
• EFDC-Explorer – 32 hour training course offered. (link)
• SNL-EFDC – none
• VEFDC - none
Camacho, R. A., Martin, J. L., Watson, B., Paul, M. J., Zheng, L., & Stribling, J. B. (2014). Modeling the factors
controlling phytoplankton in the St. Louis Bay Estuary, Mississippi and evaluating estuarine responses to nutrient
load modifications. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 141(3), 04014067.
Chen, Yan, R. Zou, H. Su , S. Bai , M. Faizullabhoy , Y. Wu and H Guo. (2017). Development of an Integrated Water
Quality and Macroalgae Simulation Model for Tidal Marsh Eutrophication Control Decision Support. Water 2017,
9, 277; doi:10.3390/w9040277.
Tetra Tech. (2015). South Saskatchewan River In-Stream Water Quality Model. Prepared for Alberta Environment
and Parks, Calgary, Alberta. December 2015.
Tetra Tech. (2015). Final Report: Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Modeling Report for the Savannah Harbor,
Georgia. Prepared for Department of the Army, Savannah District, Corps of Engineers. Final Report, Version 3;
October 30, 2015.
Tetra Tech. (2014). Sheep River In-Stream Water Quality Model Modelling. Prepared for Alberta Environment and
Sustainable Resource Development, Calgary, Alberta. June 2014.
The Hydrologic and Water Quality System (HAWQS) is a web-based interactive water quantity and quality
modeling tool that uses the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) as its core model. HAWQS provides users with
interactive web interfaces and maps; pre-loaded input data; SWAT outputs that include tables, charts, and raw
output data; and online development, execution, and storage of a user's modeling projects.
The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Water supports and provides project management and
funding for HAWQS. The Texas A&M University Spatial Sciences Laboratory and EPA provide ongoing technical
support including system design, modeling, and software development.
HAWQS Version 1.0 is a non-proprietary modeling tool that was released in September 2017. Future versions will
be released based on user needs. There are no previous versions.
The model code language for the SWAT model within HAWQS is FORTRAN.
HAWQS is run entirely on a server, therefore personal computing requirements are minimal. HAWQS requires a
web browser, such as the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, or Safari, Internet Explorer 11 or Microsoft Edge.
HAWQS can be accessed at
The source code for the SWAT model used in HAWQS is available for download at
The HAWQS v1.0 User Guide was released in September 2017 and can be downloaded
Fant, C., R. Srinivasan, B. Boehlert, L. Rennels , S. Chapra, K. M. Strzepek, J. Corona, A. Allen and J. Martinich.
(2017). Climate Change Impacts on US Water Quality Using Two Models: HAWQS and US Basins. Water 9 (118).
Yen, H., Daggupati, P., White, J.M., Srinivasan, R. Gossel, A., Wells, D., and Arnold, G. J. (2016). Application of
Large-Scale, Multi-Resolution Watershed Modeling Framework Using the Hydrologic and Water Quality System
(HAWQS). Water 8 (164).
There are no training materials available besides the User Manual ( and step-by-step use-
cases. For assistance with training, users can contact [email protected].
The Hydrologic Simulation Program FORTRAN (HSPF) is a comprehensive model for the simulation of watershed
hydrology and water quality for both conventional pollutants and toxic chemicals. It enables simulation of both
land based runoff, temperature, and pollutant loading with instream hydraulic and pollutant fate and transport
processes in 1-dimensional stream channels. Watershed hydrology simulations are based on the Stanford
Watershed Model and consists of a water balance method that defines the water storage for surface and soil
layers. Water storage is modified by interception, infiltration, evapotranspiration, and losses to inactive
groundwater with outflows simulated from surface and subsurface (interflow and groundwater outflow) layers.
Sediment is simulated as cohesive (silt and clay) and non-cohesive (sand) fractions with loading based on
detachment/scour and transport algorithms. Other pollutant loads can be simulated generally using build-up
washoff functions and instream transport and fate processes or using agricultural and eutrophication modules that
explicitly represent the application, transformation, interaction, and fate of nutrients, phytoplankton, gases, pH,
and pesticides. HSPF also includes a special action block for simulating management activities.
HSPF was originally developed by Crawford et al. (1966) as the Stanford Watershed Model—a hydraulic and
hydrologic model. Development of a FORTRAN version, which included water quality processes, was funded by the
Athens, GA, Research Lab of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and released in 1974 under its current
name Hydrologic Simulation Program, Fortran (HSPF). In the 1980s, pre- and post-processing software, algorithm
enhancements, and use of the USGS binary Watershed Data Management (WDM) system were developed jointly
by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and EPA. This included work performed by HydroComp, Inc. and included the
development of the original user’s manual as part of the Version 5.0 release. Since 1980, all model code changes
have been maintained by AQUA TERRA Consultants (now a subsidiary of RESPEC), under contract with EPA and
USGS. During the mid to late 1990s, Tetra Tech, Inc., under contract with EPA developed the BASINS system and
Non-point Source Model (NPSM), resulting in the first Windows-based interface for the HSPF model.
The current supported model release is Version 12.2, distributed with BASINS 4.1 as the WinHSPF model interface.
WinHSPF is a standalone application, however, and can be run outside of the BASINS platform. The version 12
series includes a number of new options and enhancements, as well as bug fixes. AQUA TERRA Consultants also
offer Version 12.4 (containing increased array bounds and minor bug fixes) as a standalone download, although it
is still a beta version under internal peer review. HSPF Version 12.4 or 12.5 is anticipated to be included in the
forthcoming release of BASINS 4.5.
HSPF Version 12.2 is distributed with BASINS 4.1, with an initial release in 2013. WinHSPF Version 3.0 beta and
Version 2.3 are distributed with BASINS 4.1 as GUI’s for the underlying HSPF algorithms and can be downloaded at
Model executables for the WinHSPF versions distributed with BASINS 4.1 are available as Version 2.3 and Version
3.0, both of which run HSPF Version 12.2. HSPF Version 11.0 available from USGS at the link above.
Source code for Version 11.0 is available from the USGS at the link above. Code for newer versions is maintained in
a GitHub repository at
User support is provided by AQUA TERRA (now part of RESPEC) at annual HSPF workshops with schedules posted
at USGS also provides user training on an annual and
upon-request basis as detailed at
U.S. Geological Survey point-of-contact is:
U.S. Geological Survey
Hydrologic Analysis Software Support Program
437 National Center
Reston, VA 20192
[email protected]
The WinHSPF/BASINS point of contact is:
Glenn Fernandez
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 4
61 Forsyth Street SW
Atlanta, Georgia30303
Bicknell, B.R., Imhoff, J.C., Kittle, J.L., Jr., Donigian, A.S., Jr., and Johanson, R.C. 1997. Hydrological Simulation
Program--FORTRAN, User's Manual for Version 11. EPA/600/R-97/080, prepared for the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, National Exposure Research Laboratory, Athens, GA.
HSPF user’s manual (Bicknell et al. 1997) for Version 11.0 is available from the USGS at and includes model theory documentation for the included simulation
HSPF user’s manual (Bicknell et al. 2005) for Version 12.2 is available as part of the BASINS 4.1 download package
available at and includes
model theory documentation for the included simulation algorithms.
Bicknell, B.R., Imhoff, J.C., Kittle, J.L., Jobes, T.H., and Jr., Donigian, A.S. 2005. HSPF Version 12.2 User’s Manual
User's. Prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Exposure Research Laboratory, Athens,
Recommendations for the application of HSPF are contained in the following article:
Duda, P.B., P.R. Hummel, A.S. Donigian, Jr., and J.C. Imhoff. 2012. BASINS/HSPF: Model use, calibration, and
validation. Transactions of the ASABE, 55(4): 1523-1547.
HSPF tutorials are included as part of the BASINS software distribution and are available at The BASINS website also
contains a series of Technical Notes, many of which focus on different aspects of the construction and calibration
of HSPF models. See
Mishra, A., B.R. Bicknell, P.B. Duda, A.S. Donigian, Jr. and M. H. Gray. (2017). HSPEXP+: An enhanced expert system
for HSPF model calibration—A case study of the Snake River Watershed in Minnesota. Journal of Water
Management Modeling, 25:C422
Dudula, J., and T.O. Randhir. (2016). Modeling the influence of climate change on watershed systems: Adaptation
through targeted practices. Journal of Hydrology, 541(B): 703-713.
Stern, M., L. Flint, J. Minear, A. Flint, and S. Wright. (2016). Characterizing changes in streamflow and sediment
supply in the Sacramento River Basin, California, using Hydrological Simulation Program—FORTRAN (HSPF). Water,
8(10): 432; doi:10.3390/w8100432.
M.E. Berndt, W. Rutelonis, and C. P. Regan. (2016). A comparison of results from a hydrologic transport model
(HSPF) with distributions of sulfate and mercury in a mine-impacted watershed in northeastern Minnesota, Journal
of Environmental Management, 181: 74-79.
Luo, C., Z. Li, K. Jiang., X. Chen, and H. Li. (2017). Comprehensive study on parameter sensitivity for flow and
nutrient modeling in the Hydrological Simulation Program Fortran model. Environmental Science and Pollution
Research, 24(26): 20982–20994.
Tetra Tech, Inc. 2013. Root River Model Calibration. Prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region
5 and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency by Tetra Tech, Inc., Research Triangle Park, NC .
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2010. Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for
Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sediment. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 3, Chesapeake Bay Program
Office, Annapolis, MD.
Tetra Tech, Inc. 2012. Santa Maria Watershed TMDL – Salt Modeling. Prepared for the Central Coast Regional
Water Quality Control Board and U.S. Environmental Protection Region 9 by Tetra Tech, Inc., San Diego, CA.
Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). 2009. Final TMDL Report, Nutrient TMDL for the
Caloosahatchee Estuary (WBIDs 3240A, 3240B, 3240C). Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Division
of Environmental Assessment and Restoration, Bureau of Watershed Restoration, South District, Tallahassee, FL.
Loading Simulation Program in C++ is a recoded version of the Hydrologic Simulation Program FORTRAN (HSPF).
Like HSPF, LSPC is a comprehensive model for the simulation of watershed hydrology and water quality for both
conventional pollutants and toxic chemicals. It enables simulation of both land based runoff, temperature, and
pollutant loading with instream hydraulic and pollutant fate and transport processes in 1-dimensional stream
channels. Watershed hydrology simulations are based on the Stanford Watershed Model and consist of a water
balance method that defines the water storage for surface and soil layers. Water storage is modified by
interception, infiltration, evapotranspiration, and losses to inactive groundwater with outflows simulated from
surface and subsurface (interflow and groundwater outflow) layers. Sediment is simulated as cohesive (silt and
clay) and non-cohesive (sand) fractions with loading based on detachment/scour and transport algorithms. Other
pollutant loads can be simulated generally using build-up washoff functions and instream transport and fate
processes or using the eutrophication modules that explicitly represent the transformation, interaction, and fate of
nutrients, phytoplankton, and gases. LSPC is the Loading Simulation Program in C++, a watershed modeling system
that includes a streamlined subset of Hydrologic Simulation Program FORTRAN (HSPF) Version 11.0 algorithms for
simulating hydrology, sediment, and general water quality on land as well as a detailed stream transport model.
There is no inherent limit on the size of the watershed that can be represented in LSPC and it simulates land and
instream processes simultaneously.
LSPC was developed by Tetra Tech, Inc. with funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The
initial public release (Version 1.0) was made available in 2002.
Tetra Tech , maintains and distributes the most recent, currently supported version of the model (Version 5.0).
Jon Ludwig
Tetra Tech
Tel: 703-385-6000
[email protected]
The most current model version is Version 5.0, released in 2015. The model executable, database, and source code
are distributed and maintained by Tetra Tech.
Selected versions of LSPC are non-proprietary
The available LSPC model executables include Version 5.0 and Version 4.1. Version 5.0 is available from Jon
Ludwig, Tetra Tech, 4, whose contact information is provided above.
Jon Ludwig
Tetra Tech
Tel: 703-385-6000
[email protected]
The Version 3.1 model user manual (Tetra Tech 2009) is available for download from the Los Angeles County
Department of Public works at
Tetra Tech. 2009. Loading Simulation Program in C++ (LSPC) Version 3.1 User’s Manual. Developed for the County
of Los Angeles Department of Public Works Watershed Management Division, Alhambra, CA.
The Version 5.0 model user manual (Tetra Tech 2017) is available upon request from Jon Ludwig.
Tetra Tech. 2017. Loading Simulation Program in C++ (LSPC) Version 5.0 – User’s Manual. Developed for the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency and the Montana Department of Environmental Quality under EPA Contract #
EP-R8-12-04. December 6, 2017.
Tetra Tech. 2009. Final Roanoke River PCB TMDL Development (Virginia). Prepared for the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Region 3 by Tetra Tech, Inc., Pasadena, CA.
QUAL2Kw, is a one-dimensional river and stream water quality model that simulates temperature, dissolved
oxygen nutrients, pH, periphyton, macrophytes, phytoplankton, and sediment diagenesis. Based on QUAL2K
(Chapra and Pelletier 2003), it includes additional processes and options relative to QUAL2K. Both models are
modernized version of EPAs QUAL2E model, incorporating more recent science and allowing for application to
shallow, upland streams. QUAL2E, QUAL2K, and QUAL2Kw have historically been applied to steady state
representation of stream responses with diel variability in boundary conditions. Version 6 of QUAL2Kw now allows
continuous simulation with non-steady, non-uniform flow using kinematic wave flow routing. The model
framework includes a genetic algorithm to automate the calibration of kinetic parameters and provides capabilities
for Monte Carlo simulation investigation of uncertainty and sensitivity. Water quality simulations include nutrient
dynamics, algal production, dissolved oxygen with the impact of benthic and carbonaceous demand, pH, and
Version 6.0, July 2015– for non-steady, non-uniform flow using kinematic wave flow routing
QUAL2Kw is provided by the State of Washington Department of Ecology at:
The model uses Microsoft Excel as the user interface. The Excel interface calls a compiled dynamic link library to
perform numerical calculations, with results returned to the Excel interface.
VBA source code is available and unlocked in the Microsoft Excel developer windows. The Fortran source code is
not supplied on the Ecology server.
Greg Pelletier, Environmental Engineer
Department of Ecology
P.O. Box 47600
Olympia, WA 98504-7600
[email protected]
Version 6.0
No documentation accompanies the download with Version 6.0. While this version contains some features that
are not in Version 5.1, the 5.1 materials are applicable to Version 6.0.
Gikas, G.D. (2014). Water quality of drainage canals and assessment of nutrient loads using QUAL2Kw.
Environmental Processes, 1(4): 369-385.
Kannel, P.R., S. Lee, Y.-S. Lee, S.R. Kanel, and G.J. Pelletier (2007). Application of automated QUAL2Kw for water
quality modeling and management in the Bagmati River, Nepal. Ecological Modeling, 202: 503-517.
Sharma, D., A. Kansal, and G. Pelletier (2017). Water quality modeling for urban reach of Yamuna River, India
(1999–2009), using QUAL2Kw. Applied Water Science, 7(3): 1535-1559.
Turner, D.F., G.J. Pelletier, and B. Kasper. (2009). Dissolved oxygen and pH modeling of a periphyton dominated,
nutrient enriched river. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 135(8): 645-652.
North Fork Palouse River TMDL (
EPA Modeling Workgroup Water Quality Modeling Webinar #4: Nooksack River QUAL2Kw Temperature Model and
Climate Change Scenarios.
The model co-developer, Greg Pelletier, may offer training on QUAL2Kw.
The SPAtially Referenced Regressions On Watershed attributes (SPARROW) model applies statistical methods to
relate measured water quality with local landscape characteristics. The model uses a multi-variable regression
equation to relate instream water quality measurements to those characteristics, including land use, point sources,
soil type, precipitation, and other environmental measures. The model also explicitly considers factors that affect
the timing and delivery of pollutants. This statistical approach to non-conservative transport allows the model to
estimate loads in ungaged basins, assuming that the explanatory datasets are available to characterize the area
under examination. Empirical estimates of relative source contributions are also included. In general, model output
is used to describe water quality loading and concentration conditions representative of long-term averages.
SPARROW was developed by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Richard Smith, Gregory Schwarz, and
Richard Alexander are the original developers of SPARROW. The national and regional SPARROW contacts are
summarized in Table 10.
Table 10. National and regional SPARROW contacts
Maintenance status:
The USGS is in the process of developing an R based version of SPARROW, and should be available in late 2018.
Also, they are developing a web-based mapping system to illustrate and explore SPARROW model results, a beta
version of the web portal is available (
SPARROW decision support system (DSS) is no longer available as of July 31, 2017. Contact Steve Preston
([email protected]) with questions. The site provided access to all publicly available calibrated SPARROW models
and would allow the users to display scenario results.
Funding source:
SPARROW is maintained by USGS National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) to address the changing water
quality in response to human and natural factors. The current cycle for NAWQA is planned to run through 2022.
The version history of SPARROW is summarized in 11.
Table 1. Version History
System requirements include: SAS version 8.0 (or higher), Windows 95 or Windows NT Version 4.0 (or higher), 64
megabytes of memory, and minimum hardware configuration of Intel or Inlet-compatible Pentium class processor.
The model execution requires the following SAS components: Base SAS, the SAS statistical procedure (SAS/STAT)
and SAS/IML. The SAS Geographic Information System (SAS/GIS) component is optional.
The SPARROW model code is written in SAS macro language, with statistical procedures written in the SAS IML.
The source code is available within the download package. The control files for specific models would only be
available from the model developers.
User Manuals
A user manual and journal article represent the theoretical documentation for SPARROW.
Recent Applications/Reports
• A Regional Modeling Framework of Phosphorus Sources and Transport in Streams of the Southeastern
United States (2011)
• Calibration and Uncertainty Analysis Using the Sparrow Model for Dissolved-Solids Transport in the Upper
Colorado River Basin (2015)
• Enhanced and updated spatially referenced statistical assessment of dissolved-solids load sources and
transport in streams of the Upper Colorado River Basin (2017)
• SPARROW Modeling of Nitrogen Sources and Transport in Rivers and Streams of California and Adjacent
States, U.S. (2015)
• Source and Delivery of Nutrients to Receiving Waters in the Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic Regions of the
United States (2011)
No training materials available.
The objective of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model is to predict the effect of management
decisions on water, sediment, nutrient and pesticide yields with reasonable accuracy in moderate to large scale
watersheds. SWAT is widely used in assessing soil erosion prevention and control, nonpoint source pollution
control and regional management in watersheds, especially agricultural watersheds. SWAT incorporates the EPIC
plant growth model. Runoff is generally simulated using a modified Curve Number approach, although Green-
Ampt infiltration can also be used, while sediment yield is based on the Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation
(MUSLE). Instream simulation uses a daily time step.
The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is a watershed model jointly developed and maintained by the U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and Texas A&M AgriLife Reasearch, which is
part of The Texas A&M University System.
The current model version is SWAT2012 rev. 664, released in December 2016.
The model code language is FORTRAN (including sections in both FORTRAN 77 and FORTRAN 90 styles).
SWAT undergoes frequent revisions. The major version history of the SWAT model is provided in Table 13, which
includes all versions currently available for download. SWAT99.2 and SWAT98.1 are no longer available for
download. For information about these earlier versions, contact Jeff Arnold ([email protected]) or Nancy
Sammons ([email protected]).
Table 13. Model versions for SWAT
Version Release Date
SWAT2000 2000 Non-Proprietary
SWAT2005 2005 Non-Proprietary
SWAT2009 2009 Non-Proprietary
SWAT2012 2012 Non-Proprietary
SWAT2012 rev. 664 2016 Non-Proprietary
The model executable for SWAT2012, SWAT2009, SWAT2005 and SWAT 2000 can be freely downloaded from
The source code for each of these versions is also available for download at the same site.
In addition to the SWAT executables, there are also several SWAT extensions and supplementary programs
available for download:
• ArcSWAT is an ArcGIS-ArcView extension and graphical user input interface for SWAT and is available for
download at
• QSWAT is an interface for SWAT using the open source QGIS geographic information system software and
is available for download at
• SWAT-CUP is a calibration/uncertainty or sensitivity program interface for SWAT and can be downloaded
• SWAT-MODFLOW is an integrated hydrological model that couples SWAT land surface processes with
spatially-explicit groundwater flow processes and can be downloaded at
• VIZSWAT is a visualization and analysis tool developed by Baird & Associates for SWAT model output.
VIZSWAT analyzes results from SWAT 2000, SWAT 2005, and SWAT 2009 versions as well as AVSWAT and
ArcSWAT (ArcGIS-SWAT). VIZSWAT can be purchased and downloaded from
• MWSWAT is an interface to SWAT using the open source MapWindow geographic information
system. MWSWAT can be downloaded at
• SWAT Check reads model output from a SWAT project and performs a variety of parameter range and
mass balance checks to identify potential model problems. SWAT Check can be downloaded at
• The Soil-Landscape Estimation and Evaluation Program (SLEEP) helps users generate a spatially
interpolated soil property database (required as an input to SWAT). It is particularly useful for applications
outside the U.S. where spatial soils databases are not readily available and can be downloaded at
• SWAT Bflow is a baseflow filter program that offers a Web Interface to determine runoff/baseflow
fraction in streamflow and the baseflow alpha factor required in SWAT .gw files. SWAT Bflow can be
downloaded at
• The potential heat unit program estimates the number of heat units required to bring a plant to maturity.
This information must be entered in the SWAT management input file for each plant simulated in an HRU.
The potential heat unit program can be downloaded at
The current version of the user’s manual, (Arnold et al. 2012) as well as older versions can be found at
Bai, J., Z. Shen, T. Yan, J. Qui and Y. Li. (2017). Predicting fecal coliform using the interval-to-interval approach and
SWAT in the Miyun watershed, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 24(18): 15462–15470.
Carvalho-Santos, C., A.T. Monteiro, J.C. Azevedo, J.P. Honrado and J.P. Nunes. (2017). Climate change impacts on
water resources and reservoir management: Uncertainty and adaption for a mountain catchment in northeast
Portugal. Water Resources Management. 31(11): 3355–3370.
Jung, C.G. and S.J. Kim. (2017). SWAT modeling of nitrogen dynamics considering atmospheric deposition and
nitrogen fixation in a watershed scale. Agricultural Sciences. 8: 326-340.
Kundu, S., D. Khare and A. Mondal. (2017). Past, present and future land use changes and their impact on water
balance. Journal of Environmental Management. 197: 585-596.
Thodsen, H., C. Farkas, J. Chormanski, D. Trolle, G. Blicher-Mathiesen, R. Grant, A. Engebretsen, I. Kardel and H.E.
Andersen. (2017). Modeling nutrient load changes from fertilizer application scenarios in six catchments around
the Baltic Sea. Agriculture. 7(5):41.
Douglas-Mankin, K.R., Srinivasan, R. and Arnold, J.G., (2010). Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model:
Current developments and applications. Transactions of the ASABE. 53(5):1423-1431.
Gassman, P.W., M. R. Reyes, C. H. Green, and J. G. Arnold. (2007). The Soil and Water Assessment Tool: Historical
Development, Applications, and Future Research Directions. Transactions of the ASABE. 50(4): 1211-1250.
Gassman, P.W., Sadeghi, A.M. and Srinivasan, R., (2014). Applications of the SWAT model special section: overview
and insights. Journal of Environmental Quality. 43(1):1-8.
Neitsch, S.L., J.G. Arnold, J.R. Kiniry, J.R. Williams, 2011. Soil and Water Assessment Tool Theoretical
Documentation Version 2009. Texas Water Resources Institute Technical Report No. 406, Texas A&M University
System, College Station, Texas.
Neitsch, S.L., J.G. Arnold, J.R. Kiniry, R. Srinivasan, J.R. Williams. 2002. Soil and Water Assessment Tool User’s
Manual Version 2000. Texas Water Resources Institute Technical Report No. TR-192, Texas A&M University
System, College Station, Texas.
Neitsch, S.L., J.G. Arnold, J.R. Kiniry, R. Srinivasan, J.R. Williams. 2004. Soil and Water Assessment Tool
Input/Output File Documentation Version 2005. USDA-ARS Temple, Texas.
Neitsch, S.L., J.G. Arnold, J.R. Kiniry, R. Srinivasan, J.R. Williams. 2005. Soil and Water Assessment Tool Theoretical
Documentation Version 2005. USDA-ARS Temple, Texas.
Pfannerstill, M., K. Bieger, B. Guse, D. D. Bosch, N. Fohrer and Jeffrey G. Arnold. (2017). How to Constrain Multi-
Objective Calibrations of the SWAT Model Using Water Balance Components. Journal of the American Water
Resources Association (JAWRA). 53(3):532-546.
The Grassland, Soil and Water Research Laboratory and Blackland Research Center in Texas cosponsor workshops
periodically. The SWAT development team also collaborates with other agencies/firms to set up workshops outside
of Texas. The site provides summaries of the different types of workshops provided
and a list of upcoming events. In addition to the workshops, there are also training videos available that enable
online instruction for SWAT users (see
The Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) is a dynamic rainfall-runoff simulation model used for continuous
simulation of runoff quantity and quality from primarily urban and suburban watersheds. The runoff component of
SWMM operates on a collection of subcatchment areas that receive precipitation and generate runoff and
pollutant loads. The routing portion of SWMM transports this runoff through a system of pipes, channels,
storage/treatment devices, pumps, and regulators. SWMM tracks the quantity and quality of runoff generated
within each subcatchment, and the flow rate, flow depth, and quality of water in each pipe and channel during a
simulation period comprised of multiple time steps. SWMM flow simulations include fully dynamic flow routing
that allows for backwater, surcharging, pressurized flow, and looped connections. SWMM is also capable of
simulating a variety of Low Impact Development (LID) practices (such as bio-retention cells, permeable pavement,
and green roofs) as well as more traditional storage-based BMPs (such as detention ponds). It has been widely
applied for more than 40 years for the assessment of urban stormwater systems, including combined storm
sewers. SWMM is the engine for EPA’s National Stormwater Calculator software.
SWMM was first released in 1971 with funding from the Water Quality Office of the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) with development led by Metcalf & Eddy, Inc., the University of Florida, and Water Resources
Engineers, Inc. During the 1980’s and 90’s the model was periodically updated by the University of Florida, Oregon
State University and CDM-Smith with funding and oversight provided by the EPA Research Lab, Athens, GA. In 2002
a CRADA was established between the EPA National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL) and CDM-
Smith to re-write the entire SWMM computational model in object-based C and provide it with a modern graphical
user interface. The result of this effort, SWMM 5, was released in 2005. NRMRL has continued to develop SWMM
in-house, by adding new features such as LID modeling and making numerous other improvements.
The current version of SWMM (5.1.013) was released in 2018.
The SWMM computational engine is coded in C and exists as both a dynamic link library (DLL) and a stand-alone
command line executable. SWMM’s graphical user interface is written in Delphi-Pascal for the Windows operating
system and is used in conjunction with the engine’s DLL to run a simulation.
EPA’s version of SWMM is non-proprietary, open source, and public domain.
In addition to non-proprietary versions of SWMM, there are numerous examples of developers layering custom
“wrappers” onto the SWMM algorithms to streamline the model setup for users, as well as provide enhanced
functionality, as well as management and visualization tools. Two of the most used of these non-proprietary
versions include PCSWMM developed by Computational Hydraulics International (CHI) and XPSWMM developed
by XP solutions. Information for these model versions can be accessed from their respective websites at:
The SWMM Model Version 5.1.012 executable and source code is available at
research/storm-water-management-model-swmm#downloads. The executable and source code for other 5.1.X
versions, as well as Versions 4.4, 4.31, and 4.3 are available from
The EPA NRMRL point of contact for SWMM is:
[email protected]
US EPA Research
National Risk Management Research Laboratory
Mail Code: 689
26 W. Martin Luther King Blvd.
Cincinnati, OH 45268
Rossman, L. A. 2015. Storm Water Management Model User’s Manual Version 5.1. National Risk Management
Laboratory of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH. EPA/600/R-
Rossman, L. A. and Huber, W.C. 2016a. Storm Water Management Model Reference Manual Volume I – Hydrology.
National Risk Management Laboratory of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Cincinnati, OH. EPA/600/R-15/162A
Rossman, L. A. and Huber, W.C. 2016b. Storm Water Management Model Reference Manual Volume III - Water
Quality. National Risk Management Laboratory of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Cincinnati, OH. EPA/600/R-16/093
Rossman, L. A. 2017. Storm Water Management Model Reference Manual Volume II – Hydraulics. National Risk
Management Laboratory of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH.
Example SWMM applications are included in the Storm Water Management Model Applications Manual (Gironas
et. Al. 2009) available for download from
swmm#documents. Publications of recent SWMM model applications include:
Niazi; M., C. Nietch, Mahdi Maghrebi, N. Jackson; B. R. Bennett, M. Tryby; and A. Massoudieh (2017). "Storm
Water Management Model: Performance Review and Gap Analysis." Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built
Environment, 3(2).
Philadelphia Water Department. (2013). Tributary Water Quality Model for Bacteria, Consent Order & Agreement
Deliverable VI, City of Philadelphia Combined Sewer Overflow Long Term Control Plan Update. Submitted to the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection by the Philadelphia Water Department,
Philadelphia, PA.
City of North Miami. (2012). Stormwater Master Plan Update, Final Report. Prepared by CDM Smith for the City of
North Miami, Miami, FL.
Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services. (2010). Pohick Creek Watershed
Management Plan. Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services - Stormwater Planning
Division, Fairfax, VA.
Gironas, J., Roesner, L. A., and Davis, J. (2009). Storm Water Management Model Applications Manual. EPA/600/R-
09/077, National Risk Management Laboratory of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Cincinnati, OH.
Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services. (2007). Cameron Run Watershed
Management Plan. Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services - Stormwater Planning
Division, Fairfax, VA.
D.C. Department of Health (DDOH). (2004). Final Total Maximum Daily Load for Metals in Rock Creek. D.C.
Department of Health Environmental, Health Administration, Bureau of Environmental Quality, Water Quality
Division, Washington, DC.
The Surface Water Toolbox (SWToolbox) combines EPAs DFLOW program and USGS’ SWSTAT tool into a single tool
designed to facilitate easy import of USGS NWIS streamflow data and user-defined text files. SWToolbox contains a
set of procedures for statistical analysis of time-series data to support water-quantity and water-quality modeling.
It is primarily geared toward conducting n-day frequency computations (e.g., 7Q-10 flows) as well as computing
biologically critical flows. SWToolbox can specifically perform flow-duration analysis; compute an n-day high or low
annual time series; perform frequency analysis using the log-Pearson Type III distribution; perform Kendall Tau
analysis for trend; and compute duration hydrograph tables and curves.
The SWToolbox was developed in partnership with U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) with technical support provided by RESPEC.
SWToolbox was publicly released in early 2018. The Watershed Academy is hosting a webcast for the Surface
Water Toolbox on February 8th, 2018.
The tool can be downloaded from
The software is a windows desktop application that is built on the BASINS system. The tool is built on the open-
source MapWindow GIS software.
Visual Plumes is a Windows-based computer application that estimates dilution of outfall discharges. Visual
Plumes supersedes the DOS PLUMES (Baumgartner, Frick, and Roberts 1994) mixing zone modeling system. Visual
Plumes is used for simulating plumes in all waterbody types. It assists in the preparation of mixing zone analyses
for NPDES permits. Visual Plumes simulates single and merging submerged plumes in arbitrarily stratified ambient
flow and buoyant surface discharges.
Visual Plumes incorporates a suite of models including: DKHW model that is based on UDKHDEN (Muellenhoff et
al. 1985), the surface discharge model PDS (Davis 1999), the three-dimensional UM3 model based on UM, and the
NRFIELD model based on RSB. These models can be run consecutively and compared graphically to help assess
performance and uncertainty.
Visual Plumes was developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Center for Exposure
Assessment Modeling (CEAM) and is a Windows-based model that replaces DOS PLUMES developed by
Baumgartner, Frick and Roberts in 1994. Various entities have contributed in the development of the modeling
system, namely the National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL) of the U.S. EPA in Athens, Georgia; CH2M HILL
in Corvallis, Oregon; Brown and Caldwell in Atlanta, Georgia, University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona and Alaska
Department of Environmental Conservation in Juneau, Alaska.
The application is non-proprietary and is updated periodically; it was updated in August 2018. The latest version
(Plumes18c.exe) is available for download from the State of California Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) at Original versions (Plumes.exe, 2001; and
Plumes60.exe, 2003) remain available from the EPA CEAM’s website at
assessment-models/visual-plumes. However this site does not include recent updates to Visual Plumes; the latest
versions can be obtained from the SWRCB site.
The Visual Plumes application coding language is Delphi (a Pascal derivative including the Visual Component
Language, or VCL). Visual Plumes runs on Windows versions up to and including Windows 10.
Since the release of Visual Plumes version 1.0 in 2001, numerous changes have been made to the application to
improve its performance. Major changes to the Visual Plumes modeling system include:
• Contouring
• Far-field progressive vector diagram (PVD) plume tracking
• Plume morphology in small streams beyond the fully-mixed region
• Arbitrary source location
The U.S. EPA Visual Plumes model can be downloaded and installed from the SWRCB Ocean Division:
( On this page, search for and click on the link
to “Visual Plumes Model (ftp site).”
The source code for the various models is not supplied at the U.S. EPA CEAM or SWRCB website.
The author of Visual Plumes, Dr. Walter Frick, retired from EPA. He continues to update the model through Visual
Plumes Consultants along with Dr. Philip Roberts, Professor Emeritus at Georgia Tech. They can be reached at:
[email protected]; [email protected]
The user’s manual can be downloaded at
effluent-discharges-visual-plumes-4th-edition. The manual is titled Dilution Models for Effluent Discharges 4th
Edition (Visual Plumes) (Frick et al. 2003).
Frick, W.E. (2004). Visual Plumes Mixing Zone Modeling Software. Environmental Modelling &
Software. 19(2004):645–654.
Frick, W., A. Ahmed, K. George, A. Laputz, G. Pelletier and P. Roberts. (2010). On Visual Plumes and associated
applications. MWWD 2010 6th International Conference on Marine Waste Water Discharges and Coastal
Environment, C. Avanzini, ed. Langkawi, Malaysia.
Muellenhoff, W.P., A.M. Soldate, Jr., D.J. Baumgartner, M.D. Schuldt, L.R. Davis, and W.E. Frick, (1985). Initial
mixing characteristics of municipal ocean outfall discharges: Volume 1. Procedures and Applications. EPA/600/3-
85/073a. Environmental research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Narragansett, RI.
Palomar, P., Lara, J. L., & Losada, I. J. (2012). Near field brine discharge modeling part 2: Validation of commercial
tools. Desalination. 290:28–42.
Palomar, P., Lara, J. L., Losada, I. J., Rodrigo, M., & Alvarez, A. (2012). Near field brine discharge modelling part 1:
Analysis of commercial tools. Desalination. 290:14–27.
Once the Visual Plumes installation package is installed, instructional material can be found in the folder entitled
"Mixing zone course units". The materials are based on the California State Water Resources Control Board mixing
zone course (February 2000, presented by Walter Frick and Debra Denton) and subsequent similar courses. These
materials are intended as classroom visual aids; however, they can also be used as training for individual users.
The Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP8) is a dynamic compartment (or segment)-modeling
program for aquatic systems, including both the water column and the underlying benthos. WASP can be linked to
free surface hydrodynamic models (e.g., EFDC) to allow the user to investigate water quality dynamics in 1, 2, and
3 dimensional systems (streams, rivers, lakes and estuaries). The hydrodynamic models provide WASP information
related to flows, depths, velocities, temperature and salinity. The constituents that can be modeled by WASP
include conventional water quality variables (nitrogen, phosphorus, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand,
sediment oxygen demand, algae and periphyton), organic chemicals, metals, mercury, pathogens and
temperature. WASP can also be linked with watershed models, which allows for multi-year analysis under varying
meteorological and environmental conditions.
The WASP model was first developed in 1981 by Dominic Di Toro, James Fitzpatrick and Robert Thomann of
Hydroscience, Inc., now HydroQual, Inc.
Current funding and maintenance of the WASP model is provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s
(EPA) Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM). Tim Wool at EPA Region 4 maintains the latest version of
WASP ([email protected]).
The current model version is WASP 8.1, released in July 2017.
The model code language is FORTRAN and the model interface is in C++.
Previous versions of WASP include WASP7.52, 6, 5.1, 5 and 4. WASP6 was the first version with a windows
interface; however, the source code is no longer available. The WASP versions still available for download are
presented in Table 15.
Version Release Date
WASP 8.1 July 2017 Non-proprietary
WASP 8.0 August 2016 Non-proprietary
WASP 8.1 can be downloaded from There is a 64 Bit Windows Installer, 64
Bit Mac OS X (Yosemite or Higher) and 64 Bit Linux (Built on Ubuntu) installer. WASP 7.52 can be downloaded at
The source code for WASP 8.1 is available from Tim Wool of EPA Region 4 upon request.
Wool, Tim A., Robert B. Ambrose, James L. Martin, Edward A. Comer. (2006). Water quality analysis simulation
program (WASP). User’s Manual, Version 6.
In addition to the main user’s manual, there are also eight model theory and user’s guide documents that are
intended as supplements to the WASP manual. The eight supplemental documents can be downloaded at and are listed below.
Ambrose, R.B. and T. Wool. (2017). WASP8 Stream Transport - Model Theory and User's Guide. U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency Office of Research and Development. Washington, DC.
Authors Unknown. (2017). The Solids Module – Draft.
Wool, T.A., R.B. Ambrose, J.L. Martin. (2017). WASP8 Multiple Algae - Model Theory and User's Guide. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Development Washington, DC.
Martin, J.L., R.B. Ambrose and T.A. Wool. (2017). WASP8 Macro Algae - Model Theory and User's Guide. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Development Washington, DC.
Martin, J.L. and T.A. Wool. (2017). WASP Sediment Diagenesis Routines: Model Theory and User's Guide. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Development Washington, DC.
Wool, T.A., R.B. Ambrose, J.L. Martin. (2008). WASP8 Temperature Model Theory and User’s Guide. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Development Washington, DC.
Author and date unknown. pH and Alkalinity. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and
Development Washington, DC.
Authors Unknown. (2017). The Light Module – Draft.
Hosseini, N., K. Pan Chun and K. Lindenschmidt. (2016). Quantifying Spatial Changes in the Structure of Water
Quality Constituents in a Large Prairie River within Two Frameworks of a Water Quality Model. Water. 8(158).
James, R. T. (2016). Recalibration of the Lake Okeechobee Water Quality Model (LOWQM) to extreme hydro-
meteorological events. Ecological Modelling. 325:71-83.
Lee, I., H. Hwang, J. Lee, N. Yu, J. Yun and H. Kim. (2017). Modeling approach to evaluation of environmental
impacts on river water quality: A case study with Galing River, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. Ecological
Modelling. 353:167-173.
Information on WASP workshops and registration for workshops can be found at
Multiple video tutorials can be found at The tutorials are meant to help the
user understand and apply the model and its associated tools.
A two-hour “Introduction to WASP” webinar was sponsored by EPA’s water quality modeling workgroup on July
12, 2017 (link not yet available, will be posted at ).
Table 16 summarizes key support status characteristics of each model surveyed. While there are proprietary
versions of several of the models reviewed, the only fully proprietary model in the list is CORMIX. Source codes
are made available for most models with the exceptions being BATHTUB, CORMIX, VISUAL PLUMES and WASP.
Levels of current funding and support activities vary. BATHTUB currently is only available for download through the
MPCA website but there is no support or maintenance. EFDC can be downloaded from the listed website however
there is no current support or update/maintenance program supported at the federal level.
Table 16. Summary of Model Status and Support Characteristics
Model Language Open Code Supported Recent Version and Date
Source Availability
QUAL2KW FORTRAN 95; Excel VBA-Yes VBA Yes Version 5.1, July 2008f
VBA interface Fortran- Included in Version 6.0, 2015g
Yes download
on request
SPARROW SAS Macro Yes Included in Yes Version 2.9, October 2007
Language download
SWAT FORTRAN Yes Included in Yes SWAT2012 rev. 664, 2016
SWMM C Yes Included in Yes Version 5.1.013, 2018
SWTOOLBOX MapWindow GIS Yes NA Yes Not yet available
VISUAL DELPHI, VB Interface No Not Yes Plumes 18c, 2018
PLUMES available
WASP FORTRAN, C++ Yes On request Yes WASP 8.1, July 2017
a. Only fully supported EPA version with non-Beta HSPF, newer versions in the pipeline
b. Proprietary
c. EPA-EFDC is open source, proprietary versions source code is not necessarily available
d. Not currently supported for general use and maintenance by a public agency, though it is available for download.
e. Newer versions in the pipeline for release
f. for simulating steady flow
g. for non-steady, non-uniform flow using kinematic wave flow routing