VIP Score

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3M™ Tegaderm™ I.V.

VIP score should be evaluated during each shift and
V. I. P. Score (Visual Infusion Phlebitis Score) documented on the observation chart

I.V. site appears healthy ­

0 No signs of phlebitis
■ o b s e r v e cann u l a

1 Possible first signs of phlebitis

One of the following is evident:
 light pain near I.V. site or slight redness
near I.V. site ■ OB S E R VE C A N N UL A

Two of the following are evident:

● Pain near I.V. site ● Erythema ● Swelling 2 Early stage of phlebitis
■ r e sit e cann u l a

ALL of the following are evident: Medium stage of phlebitis
● Pain along path of cannula
● Erythema ● Induration ■ resite cannula ■ consider treatment

All of the following are evident & extensive: Advanced stage of phlebitis or start of thrombophlebitis
● Pain along path of cannula ● Erythema
● Induration ● Palpable venous cord ■ resite cannula ■ consider treatment

All of the following are evident & extensive: Advanced stage of thrombophlebitis
● Pain along path of cannula ● Erythema
● Induration ● Palpable venous cord ● Pyrexia ■ initiate treatment ■ resite cannula
Developed by Andrew Jackson, Consultant Nurse Intravenous Therapy and Care, Rotherham General Hospitals, NHS Trust.
3M Tegaderm IV Score Card A6 2012.indd 1 07/03/2012 11:37
Veins of the hand and forearm
Veins of the hand 1 2 Veins of the forearm
1 Digital Dorsal veins 3 1 Cephalic vein
2 Dorsal Metacarpal veins 2 Median Cubital vein
2 3 Dorsal venous network 5 3 Accessory Cephalic vein

4 Cephalic vein 4 Basilic vein

5 Basilic vein 5 Cephalic vein
6 Median Antebrachial vein
4 5

For more information on 3M I.V. products,

3 please visit our website:
3M Health Care Limited 3M Ireland Limited
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Leicestershire LE11 1EP Dublin 18, Ireland
Tel: 01509 611611 Tel: 01 2803555 3M and Tegaderm are trademarks of the 3M Company.
Fax: 01509 237288 Fax: 01 2803509 © 3M Health Care Limited 2012. GF294

3M Tegaderm IV Score Card A6 2012.indd 2 07/03/2012 11:37

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