2 Awareness On Personal Health
2 Awareness On Personal Health
2 Awareness On Personal Health
I. Introduction
Health is the state of a living organism or one of its organs wherein they
function or words normally. Awareness is the ability to know and understand the
situations around you. The impact of health to a human being has a little value,
unless disorders or diseases of the organs and or system have occurred. Health
has been referred to as the responsibility of the medical and dental personnel. It
Personal health is the state of one’s health and the overall condition of the
person’s body; it is affected by the decisions made by that person. It not only
refers to the physical state of an individual but it also comprises the emotional,
intellectual, social, economic, spiritual state and other areas of life. Human health
is like a bank account— unless you contribute to it regularly, you get very little
from it. Although the ingredients of good health are simple to understand and
simple natural laws which demand a change in their entrenched unnatural habits.
People do not live in order to be healthy-they do not seek health for health
sake. They seek it along with many other necessities, as a means to achieve and
most people is how they will work and pay for housing, food, clothing, education,
Each individual is faced with decisions and actions that require careful
avoid introducing radical charges to his pattern of living habits. Often these have
been established at a very early age, prior to the development of the brain so that
Haro, l Personal Health (1977 pg.6-7)
Habits are the pattern by which most of creation lives. It provides the formula
for reaction, but rarely for action. Habit is an automatic following along a known
course, with rarely a thorough investigation into whether such a course is wise.
characterized by action, not reaction. In that manner, it contrasts with the lives of
other creatures. When man lives objectively, an intense satisfaction attends his
Yet man, is common with all creatures, has the vital ability of adaptation at his
towards his good. Man will do almost anything to avoid introducing radical
changes to his pattern at living habits. Often these have been established at a
very early age, prior to the development of the brain so that it could engage in
creative thoughts. The information of habits preceded any creative effort on the
part of their performer, implying that they are hand-downs from parents whose
Phillips D. New Dimensions in Health(1983 pg. 1-3)
Health behavior refers to the beliefs and actions of a person on their health and
wellbeing. Health related behavior has three sections; health behavior, illness
1. Health Behavior
2. Illness Behavior
Illness Behavior is any activity undertaken by people who feel ill to define the
stage of their health and discover a suitable remedy. The principal activities here
are complaining and seeking consolation from relatives, friends and those trained
in matters of health.
3. Sick-Role Behavior
for the reason of getting well. It includes receiving treatment from appropriate
behavior engage in by a woman who assumes that she is healthy, but wants to
detect early any abnormal changes in her breasts. Should she discover an
the physician confirms that something is wrong and finally does diagnose cancer,
the woman will probably engage in the appropriate sick-role behavior (submitting
In the years ahead there will be a concerted effort to alert the public to the
fact that the gap between the ability of medical science and the public’s use of
that ability to achieve optimum health can be narrowed. Education for health,
leaving towards the improvement of the quality of life for all, involves an
devised to promote health for the individual and for the community by furnishing
facts and by motivating people to take positive action for their health, however,
If, when, and in what form national health is adopted, what impact will it have
on our existing health and medical care resources? According to one study,
Haro, M. Personal Health (1977 pg. 2-5)
services. The answer to these and many other questions are the subject of
health insurance, in whatever form it takes, will not be the panacea for all our
wellness, consider the following distinction between health care and medical
care. The word health comes from a stem meaning “whole” whereas medical is
derived from the Latin root meaning “to heal”. Health care involves an ongoing
profession after disease and also associated illness have become fact.
Healthcare and medical care are independent. In the first place, many
determinants of health hazards are closely related to lifestyle variables and only
example, atherosclerotic heart disease is the leading cause of death for adults
Haro M. Personal Health (1977 pgs. 225-245)
cholesterol, high blood pressure, and family history. Likewise, the determinants
of homicide suicide, cancer of the lung, cirrhosis, and motor vehicle and other
how cautious and prevention minded we are, illness and injury will occur. If and
when high quality of life is compromised, medical care will, in many cases, be
needed Health care and medical care tend to complement each other, and the
quality of a person’s life depends upon how well he or she understands and
behalf of the public at large through healthy agency and governmental public
indirectly by others under the direction of the physician to individuals for the
Hart, E. (1977 pg. 225)
health. These other functions are assessment and certification of health status,
helping to cope with the problems of illness- the caring function Medical care
deals not only with problems of disease and injury, but also with problems of
birth, death, and living- problems that are separate from disease or injury.
illness. However, curing and prevention are not the only purposes intended by
important to the patient than those that benefit health, are assessment of health
status, separation of the ill from the well, and caring, which can also be described
as helping to cope with illness. Examples of medical care activities serving these
custodial nursing care, care of limited illnesses and care of terminal illnesses.
programs. 7
Today’s world is a busy world. There are tasks to do and goals to achieve.
You must stay healthy in order to carry out your responsibilities at home, in
school and in the community where you live. Staying Healthy does not only
mean that you eat good food. It also demands that you practice proper Health
Habits in order to be acceptable to the members of your family and to the people
you meet as you perform your daily activities. Personal hygiene should always be
a part of one’s daily habits. The idea about hygiene should not only be thought of
as the best way to keep away illness. It is also the way by which one can be
acceptable to others. Having clean hands before eating is very much about
keeping healthy. Taking a bath also keeps the body clean and healthy.
1. Body Odor
Body Odor is caused by bacteria that are trapped in the dead layers of the
skin. Some of these bacteria make chemicals like methane and hydrogen sulfide
which give off unpleasant odors. Body odor is also due to things that the body
should get rid of such as garlic and alcohol. Washing with clean water and mild
soap can stop body odor, but only for a while. The use of deodorants and
antiperspirants is advisable.
Most illnesses are caused by germs in our hands when we put food in our
mouth. Some germs are transmitted when other people’s dirty hands touch the
food we eat. As often as you move your hands to your mouth the chances for
infection increase. It is important to wash your hands after using the toilet, before
preparing and eating food and after handling dogs or other pets.
Hygiene does not stop with cleanliness of the body but it extends to the
surroundings. A clean and orderly place promotes well-being. Keeping the house
clean is important for good health. We can avoid catching germs that could make
us sick by sweeping the floor, dusting the furniture, scrubbing the walls and
1. Solo Practice
The use of the term solo practice is carried over from the past. Today, the
that they are in strictest sense, solo, independent of other colleagues. Other
2. Cooperative Practice
3. Group Practice
provide medical care, consultation, diagnosis and treatment through the joint use
IV. Conclusions
care for them-selves and to stop or prevent the decline of their health condition.
They should hold responsibility to all the activity that might affect their overall
health. Through the use of health practices they can prevent or minimize the
raise and promote awareness about personal health. In conclusion, people need
to become aware and cautious about their own health, to always be in optimum
condition for surviving in life. As life in this world starts to become more and more
our bodies cannot keep up. That is why we must be aware of our condition.
Health is wealth; a sound soul dwells in a sound body and a sound mind.
Hart, E. (1977 pg. 222-223)
own health, because in this generation there were so many people start to
of an individual and they will also organize a fund raising, benefiting the
community and also the campaign. We will also do our best in making some
signage; encouraging and letting people know to be aware of their own health.
We would like to get the attention of the people who is not aware of their own
health by the means of useful messages like life experience that we shared and
alerting them or encouraging them to join the program via the local officials. The
impact of this awareness to everyone is it improves the way you perceive at life
We would like to advice those people who have been aware of their health,
maintain it and keep up what you are doing. You should maintain, to take care of
your health by eating healthy foods and having a healthy diet, proper hygiene
aware of your own health, helps you to become better and stronger.
Balgan C. 1991
Physical Education Health and Music
FNB Educational Inc.
Haro M. et al 1977
Personal Health
Hoghton Mifflin Company
Pp.2-13, 225-245
Phillips D. 1983
New Dimensions in Health
Angus and Roberton Publishers
Retrieved from:
Health Science Journal