PGT Lesson Plan#1

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Name: Bart Satao Date: 21/05/2018 Time: 1:10pm-1:30pm

School: Goroka Secondary School Grade/Class: 10 D Subject: Science

Unit: 10.4 - Communication Topic: Telecommunication Sub-Topic: Electromagnetic Waves

Learning outcome: By the end of the lesson students should be able to;
• Define electromagnetic waves
• Identify the properties of electromagnetic waves
• Describe how electromagnetic waves work
Materials & Resources: Chart, Handout, Blank papers

Time Content Introduction Teacher Activities Students Activities/Learning Resources

5 mins Explain Ask students to define Students give the meaning to Chart
telecommunication electromagnetic wave and the word electromagnetic
and make relation to give examples of its use in wave.
electromagnetic practical everyday life. Students put hands up and
waves. Give a catching question for answer the question.
discussion during class Students pay careful attention
activity. during lesson presentation.
7 mins Explain Illustrate and provide clear Students take note and follow Chart
electromagnetic wave examples of electromagnetic through with their handout. Handout
and its eight wave and its categories.
categories. Group students and explain
5 mins Group work: Identify task. Students discuss in groups
the electromagnetic Give blank paper to students and write down their answer.
wave with the lowest to write their answers Blank papers
frequency and the one Ask if anyone can answer the
with the highest catching question. Students put hands up and
frequency. answer the question.
3 mins Summarise all the Give homework task: identify Students write homework
activities on and write corresponding questions and ask questions if
electromagnetic waves electromagnetic spectrum necessary.
and its benefits I part, that is used in the
today’s world. following. A) Absorbed by the
ozone layer. B) Passes
through thick solids. C) Is
beamed to satellites. D) Is
used in photosynthesis. E)
Absorbed much more by bone
than soft tissue. F) Is felt as
heat. G) Detects forgeries.

Sighted: ……………………………………………………………………………… Date: ……………………………………………

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