Gui322cpg1504e2 PDF
Gui322cpg1504e2 PDF
Gui322cpg1504e2 PDF
Disclosure statements have been received from all contributors. Values: The quality of evidence in this document was rated using the
criteria described in the Report of the Canadian Task Force on
The literature searches and bibliographic support for this Preventive Health Care (Table 1).
guideline were undertaken by Becky Skidmore, Medical
Research Analyst, Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Results: This document reviews the evidence regarding the
of Canada. available techniques and technologies for EA, preoperative and
postoperative care, operative set-up, anaesthesia, and practical
considerations for practice.
Keywords: Endometrial ablation, hysteroscopy, menorrhagia,
heavy menstrual bleeding, abnormal uterine bleeding,
J Obstet Gynaecol Can 2015;37(4):362–376
This document reflects emerging clinical and scientific advances on the date issued and is subject to change. The information
should not be construed as dictating an exclusive course of treatment or procedure to be followed. Local institutions can dictate
amendments to these opinions. They should be well documented if modified at the local level. None of these contents may be
reproduced in any form without prior written permission of the SOGC.
Table 1. Key to evidence statements and grading of recommendations, using the ranking of the Canadian Task Force
on Preventive Health Care
Quality of evidence assessment* Classification of recommendations†
I: Evidence obtained from at least one properly randomized A. There is good evidence to recommend the clinical preventive action
controlled trial
II-1: Evidence from well-designed controlled trials without B. There is fair evidence to recommend the clinical preventive action
II-2: Evidence from well-designed cohort (prospective or C. The existing evidence is conflicting and does not allow to make a
retrospective) or case–control studies, preferably from recommendation for or against use of the clinical preventive action;
more than one centre or research group however, other factors may influence decision-making
II-3: Evidence obtained from comparisons between times or D. There is fair evidence to recommend against the clinical preventive action
places with or without the intervention. Dramatic results in
uncontrolled experiments (such as the results of treatment with E. There is good evidence to recommend against the clinical preventive
penicillin in the 1940s) could also be included in this category action
III: Opinions of respected authorities, based on clinical experience, L. There is insufficient evidence (in quantity or quality) to make
descriptive studies, or reports of expert committees a recommendation; however, other factors may influence
*The quality of evidence reported in here has been adapted from The Evaluation of Evidence criteria described in the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health
†Recommendations included in these guidelines have been adapted from the Classification of Recommendations criteria described in the Canadian Task Force
on Preventive Health Care.51
Benefits, harms, and costs: Implementation of the guideline allow the use of local rather than general anaesthesia. However,
recommendations will improve the provision of EA as an effective both techniques have comparable patient satisfaction and
treatment of AUB. Following these recommendations would allow reduction of heavy menstrual bleeding. (I)
the surgical procedure to be performed safely and maximize
4. Both resectoscopic and non-resectoscopic endometrial ablation
success for patients.
(EA) have low complication rates. Uterine perforation, fluid
Conclusions: EA is a safe and effective minimally invasive option for overload, hematometra, and cervical lacerations are more
the treatment of AUB of benign etiology. common with resectoscopic EA; perioperative nausea/vomiting,
uterine cramping, and pain are more common with non-
Summary Statements resectoscopic EA. (I)
1. Endometrial ablation is a safe and effective minimally invasive 5. All non-resectoscopic endometrial ablation devices available in
surgical procedure that has become a well-established alternative Canada have demonstrated effectiveness in decreasing menstrual
to medical treatment or hysterectomy to treat abnormal uterine flow and result in high patient satisfaction. The choice of which
bleeding in select cases. (I) device to use depends primarily on surgical judgement and the
2. Endometrial preparation can be used to facilitate resectoscopic availability of resources. (I)
endometrial ablation (EA) and can be considered for some non- 6. The use of local anaesthetic and blocks, oral analgesia, and
resectoscopic techniques. For resectoscopic EA, preoperative conscious sedation allows for the provision of non-resectoscopic
endometrial thinning results in higher short-term amenorrhea EA in lower resource-intense environments including regulated
rates, decreased irrigant fluid absorption, and shorter operative non-hospital settings. (II-2)
time than no treatment. (I)
7. Low-risk patients with satisfactory pain tolerance are good
3. Non-resectoscopic techniques are technically easier to perform candidates to undergo endometrial ablation in settings outside the
than resectoscopic techniques, have shorter operative times, and operating room or in free-standing surgical centres. (II-2)
8. Both resectoscopic and non-resectoscopic endometrial ablation
are relatively safe procedures with low complication rates. The
ABBREVIATIONS complications perforation with potential injury to contiguous
AUB abnormal uterine bleeding structures, hemorrhage, and infection. (II-2)
GnRH gonadotropin releasing hormone 1. Preoperative assessment should be comprehensive to rule out
any contraindication to endometrial ablation. (II-2A)
HSG hysterosalpingogram
2. Patients should be counselled about the need for permanent
LNG-IUS levonorgestrel intrauterine system contraception following endometrial ablation. (II-2B)
NSAIDS non-steroidal anti-inflammatories
3. Recommended evaluations for abnormal uterine bleeding,
RCT randomized control trial including but not limited to endometrial sampling and an
costs of EA are about half that of hysterectomy, it seems Table 2. Indications and contraindications to EA
that the costs of the 2 procedures become equivalent at 4 Indications
years because some women with EA will need additional • AUB of benign origin
treatment. Age < 40 years, prior tubal ligation, and • EA may be considered as a primary intervention in
preoperative dysmenorrhea are independent predictors of circumstances such as intolerance to or failure of medical
EA failure and subsequent re-intervention.9,10 therapy, or patient preference
• EA may be considered for patients who refuse or are poor
Summary Statement surgical candidates for hysterectomy
1. Endometrial ablation is a safe and effective Absolute contraindications
minimally invasive surgical procedure that has • Pregnancy
become a well-established alternative to medical • Desire to preserve fertility
treatment or hysterectomy to treat abnormal uterine • Known or suspected endometrial hyperplasia or cancer
bleeding in select cases. (I) • Cervical cancer
• Active pelvic infection
Recommendation • Specific contraindications related to non-resectoscopic
1. Preoperative assessment should be comprehensive techniques*
to rule out any contraindication to endometrial *See “Special Considerations”
ablation. (II-2A)
amenorrhea rates at 12-month follow-up were 39% for
PREOPERATIVE AND POSTOPERATIVE CARE endometrial preparation with GnRH agonists compared
with 34% for danazol, 26% for medroxyprogesterone
Preoperative Care acetate, and 18% for D&C.14
The work-up of patients with AUB and the algorithm for
decision-making have been previously described.11 The use of endometrial preparation prior to non-resectoscopic
EA will depend on the product monograph for each individual
Patients must not desire future fertility as serious maternal– device. Meta-analysis of a few randomized trials on second-
fetal complications have been reported in pregnancies generation devices (radiofrequency ablation and balloon
following EA (uterine rupture causing maternal death, devices) suggest that preoperative endometrial thinning does
limb defects, premature labour).12 Therefore, women must not improve postoperative rates of amenorrhea.13
be counselled that EA is not considered a sterilization
method. Women must also be appropriately counselled No RCTs have yet supported or refuted the role of
about realistic expectations of ablation outcomes. The antibiotic prophylaxis before EA by any technique.15
goal of EA is to reduce bleeding symptoms; amenorrhea,
although possible, cannot be guaranteed. Postoperative Care
Patients can usually be discharged within 1 to 3 hours
Endometrial preparation can be considered preoperatively of EA depending on the type of anaesthesia used. They
as a thin endometrium can improve visualization for the can resume their normal activities progressively, but are
resectoscopic techniques and improve patient outcomes. advised to abstain from sexual intercourse for one week.
A thin endometrium can be achieved by scheduling Pain can be managed with NSAIDS or opiates, and will
the procedure in the immediate post-menstrual phase, usually resolve within 24 hours. Light vaginal bleeding or
performing curettage prior to the procedure or administering pinkish discharge is usual and can last up to several weeks
of preoperative hormonal therapy. A systematic review following the procedure. Patients are counselled to seek
suggested that preoperative endometrial thinning with GnRH medical care if they have fever, intense pain, or profuse
agonists and danazol resulted in higher rates of amenorrhea vaginal bleeding.
at 12 and 24 months than placebo/no treatment.13 Whether
or not this difference is maintained beyond 24 months is Summary Statement
uncertain. GnRH agonists and danazol also had a beneficial 2. Endometrial preparation can be used to facilitate
effect on the intrauterine operating environment with resectoscopic endometrial ablation (EA) and can be
respect to shorter operating time and reduced absorption of considered for some non-resectoscopic techniques.
distention media. The disadvantages of these agents include For resectoscopic EA, preoperative endometrial
the costs and side effects. Randomized data assessing the thinning results in higher short-term amenorrhea
value of progestins in preoperative endometrial thinning rates, decreased irrigant fluid absorption, and
prior to EA are scarce. In a study of resectoscopic EA, shorter operative time than no treatment. (I)
Efficacy of Resectoscopic EA serum sodium, it is less likely to cause cerebral edema than
Early studies reported high rates of improvement in heavy the absorption of hypotonic media.
menstrual bleeding and high rates of patient satisfaction.
O’Connor and Magos reported a 20% repeat surgery rate Fluid absorption increases significantly when intrauterine
including a 9% hysterectomy rate over 5 years follow-up in a pressure exceeds mean arterial pressure. For every 100 mL
group of 525 patients undergoing endometrial resection.21 of non-electrolyte solution absorbed, serum sodium falls
Martyn and Allan reported similar results with a repeat by 1 meq. Electronic fluid management systems provide an
surgery rate of 19.2% including an 11.6% hysterectomy accurate measurement of fluid deficits and can safeguard
rate at 5 years of follow-up.22 The presence of fibroids and against complications of excess absorption. Excess absorption
dysmenorrhea did not increase the risk of failure. of isotonic solutions may be less dangerous than absorption
of hypotonic solutions because there is a smaller chance of
A meta-analysis of 21 randomized trials comparing cerebral edema. Excessive fluid absorption may be prevented
different resectoscopic techniques of endometrial by pre-treatment of the endometrium,14 intracervical
destruction showed no difference in rates of amenorrhea injection of pressor agents (vasopressin, epinephrine) and the
and subsequent hysterectomy.16 First-generation techniques use of distension pressure less than that of the patient’s mean
showed improvement in bleeding in 72.5% to 79.5% at arterial pressure. Electronic fluid monitoring systems, which
1-year follow-up and high patient satisfaction rates. allow regulation of the flow rate, infusion pressure, outflow
suction, and fluid deficit may be more accurate in calculating
Advantages and Disadvantages of Resectoscopic EA fluid deficits than traditional gravity infusion systems and
Compared with the non-resectoscopic techniques, the manual estimation of fluid deficit.
resectoscopic EA offers certain advantages. It allows for
accurate assessment of uterine pathology with directed Non-resectoscopic EA
biopsies, documentation with photography, and concurrent Currently various energy sources are used in 6 non-
treatment of intracavitary pathology. It can also be used resectoscopic EA devices approved by Health Canada:
in patients who have had previous EA or transmyometrial bipolar radiofrequency ablation(NovaSure), cryotherapy
surgery. However, resectoscopic EA is a skill-dependent (Her Option),23 heated fluid freely circulated in the uterine
procedure that requires an operative room environment cavity (Hydro ThermAblator), and fluid contained in a
and has a higher complication rate than non-resectoscopic balloon (Thermachoice, Thermablate EAS, and Cavaterm).
methods. Specifications of each of these devices are compared in
Table 3. Future technologies such as the Aurora ablation
Distending Media for Resectoscopic EA system (radiofrequency energy and heated Argon gas
Distending media provide uterine distension and irrigate forming plasma energy) have promising preliminary results.24
blood and tissue fragments from the surgical field. A non-
electrolyte solution is required for monopolar resectoscopic In the absence of large differences in effectiveness and
surgery, but normal saline can be used with bipolar systems. with low complication rates for each of the devices, the
The following are common distending media: choice of which to use depends primarily on the following
practical issues and patient factors:
Conductive solutions (electrolytic/crystalloids)
•• availability of scientific evidence
•• Normal saline (290 mOsm/L): isotonic/isonatremic
•• cost effectiveness
Non-conductive (non-ionic, non-electolytic) •• surgeon preference
•• mannitol (275 mOsm/L): isotonic/hyponatremic, •• ease of use in outpatient/clinic setting
induces diuresis
•• requirement of endometrial preparation
•• glycine 1.5% (200 mOsm/L): hypotonic/hyponatremic;
acidic with a pH of 6.1 •• uterine cavity characteristics (size, cavitary pathology)
•• sorbitol 3.3% (165 mOsm/L): hypotonic/
• For safety and appropriate intracavitary device placement,
•• cystosol (mannitol 0.54% and sorbitol 2.7%): pre- and post -procedural diagnostic hysteroscopy or
isotonic/hyponatremic intraprocedural ultrasound guidance may be considered.
Her Option Cryo-ablation 5.5 10 to 18 Minimal anaesthesia Long treatment time After cervical dilatation to Hegar 5–5½ (15 fr), a
at −90°C disposable 4.5mm cryoprobe is used to form an
Minimal or no cervical Variability of outcome
dilatation data23 elliptical freezing zone starting at both cornua.
Concurrent trans-abdominal ultrasound allows
Able to treat larger cavities Requires ultrasound visualization of the freezing process. Frequently
guidance and hormonal additional applications are necessary to treat the
endometrial preparation lower uterine body.
Hydro- Saline at 90°C 7.8 3 to heat Direct visualization of Requires hormonal After cervical dilatation, a disposable sheath that
Therm- circulated freely fluid, 10 treatment effect endometrial preparation adapts to a 2.7–3.0 mm hysteroscope is inserted.
Ablator to treat The fluid is heated to target temperature for 3 min
Able to treat irregular Safety: fluid leaks may
followed by a 10 min treatment time under direct
cavities (fibroids) cause burns
visualization. Loss of more than 10 mL of fluid
Short learning curve Long treatment time (through the cervix or the Fallopian tubes) will shut
the system off automatically.
Hot liquid-filled silicone balloon devices
Therma- 5% dextrose 5.5 8 Short learning curve Cramping from balloon The cervix is dilated, the cavity is measured, and the
choice III at 87°C distention pear-shaped balloon catheter is inserted. Automated
Long-term safety and
treatment maintains a pressure of 180 to 185
effectiveness data Long treatment time
mmHg. Safety features monitor and prevent excess
temperature and pressure. Endometrial preparation
(hormonal/mechanical) is optional.
Thermablate Glycerine 6 2.2 Short learning curve RCT results not yet Fluid takes 8 min to heat prior to catheter insertion.
EAS at 173°C available During the treatment, the balloon undergoes serial of
Rapid treatment time
pressurizations (200 mmHg) and depressurizations.
Fluid pressure is monitored by transducers that
react to contractions or relaxations of the uterus.
Endometrial preparation (hormonal/mechanical)
is optional.
Cavaterm 1.5% Glycine 8 10 Simple to use Cramping During the treatment, the fluid is maintained at
at 75°C to 80°C approximately 200 mmHg. A safety mechanism
Adjustable balloon length Long treatment time
will stop the procedure if it exceeds 250 mmHg.
Endometrial preparation (hormonal/mechanical)
is optional.
Endometrial Ablation in the Management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
Comparing the Efficacy of Non-resectoscopic Devices compared resectoscopic and non-resectoscopic techniques
Patient satisfaction and re-intervention rates may be and reported similar amenorrhea rates at 1 year (37% vs.
more clinically meaningful than absolute amenorrhea 28%) and at 2 to 5 years (53% vs. 48%).16 Because women
rates in comparing outcomes of procedures using non- who suffer from menorraghia are likely to be satisfied with
resectoscopic devices. All of these devices work well and either hypomenorrhea or normal menses, satisfaction rates
lead to high levels of patient satisfaction, as demonstrated for both types of ablations are high.32 In the Cochrane
by the FDA’s pivotal trials that showed satisfaction rates of meta-analysis, satisfaction rates were also comparable at 1
86% to 99% at 1 year.25 year (91% vs. 88%) and at 2 to 5 years (93% vs. 87%).16 In
an updated analysis of 25 RCTs with over 4000 patients,
Direct comparisons of non-resectoscopic devices are the rates of amenorrhea and patient satisfaction were not
scarce, and differences between trials with respect to significantly different, even up to 10 years after surgery.33
outcome measures, preoperative endometrial preparation, The surgical re-intervention rate (repeat ablation and/or
practice settings, and follow-up times make it challenging hysterectomy) for AUB has been reported to be similar
to compare outcomes accurately. NovaSure radiofrequency between techniques (21% vs. 25% at 2 to 5 years).16
ablation has been the most studied in randomized trials However, analysis of studies with longer follow-up shows
comparing it with Hydro ThermAblator and the hot liquid that non-resectoscopic EA has a lower re-intervention rate
balloons Thermachoice and Cavaterm. (RR 0.6, 95% CI 0.38 to 0.96) than resectoscopic EA.33
NovaSure versus Hydro ThermAblator Although clinical outcomes between techniques were
At 12 months’ follow-up, NovaSure had significantly higher comparable, non-resectoscopic procedures required
rates of patient satisfaction (87% vs. 68%) and amenorrhea shorter surgical time, were more likely to be performed
(47% vs 24%) than Hydro ThermAblator.26 This benefit under local anaesthesia, and resulted in patients’ quicker
persisted at 5 years, with NovaSure having significantly return to normal activity.32,33 The overall perioperative
higher satisfaction rates (81% vs. 48%), higher amenorrhea complication rate was low with both techniques (< 2.5%
rates (55% vs. 37%), and fewer surgical re-interventions each), but the non-resectoscopic procedures had a
(15% vs. 35%).27 lower incidence of uterine perforation, fluid overload,
hematometra and cervical laceration.32,33 These advantages
NovaSure versus Thermachoice were offset by increased nausea/vomiting and uterine
At the 5-year follow-up, both groups had similar cramping in the perioperative period.33 A higher incidence
improvements in health-related quality of life measures of equipment failure of second-generation devices was
and no significant differences in amenorrhea rates (48% reported in earlier trials, but this is becoming less of a
vs. 32%) and surgical re-interventions (10% vs. 13%).28 concern with updated models.
Resectoscopic ablation is frequently performed under The most common adverse events following EA are
general or regional anaesthesia in the operating room. pelvic pain, cramping, and nausea/vomiting. These will
However, in the appropriate setting, it can also be safely and generally resolve within 12 to 24 hours of the procedure.
effectively performed using a local paracervical block with Other problems that can develop post-procedure are
intravenous sedation. hematometrium, pyometrium, or endometritis. More
severe complications are rare with both techniques of
Local, regional, or general anaesthesia can be used for non-
EA, but can include injury to contiguous pelvic structures
resectoscopic EA. A main advantage of non-resectoscopic
procedures is that they may be conducted under local such as pelvic blood vessels, the bowel, and urinary tract
anaesthesia in a lower resource-intense environment than the anatomic components. Procedural complications such as
operating room. Performing such procedures in the operating severe pain, bleeding, uterine perforation, and infection
room rather than through a hysteroscopic procedure in may require emergent surgical management.16
another setting adds significant instrumentation costs but no The FDA has a reporting system for non-resectoscopic
value to the patient. ablation complications, and bowel injury is the most
In addition to local anaesthesia by paracervical block, oral common complication reported to its Manufacturer and
or intravenous conscious sedation may be used depending User Facility Device (MAUDE) database.36 Other major
on patient pain tolerance and surgeon preference. NSAIDS complications reported more infrequently are urinary
can be administered preoperatively and are moderately tract injuries, immediate hysterectomy, gas embolism,
effective in diminishing uterine contractions during and necrotizing fasciitis, and death. The incidence of such
after the procedure.34 complications is unavailable from such databases as
the denominator (total number of cases) is not known.
Procedure Room Versus Operating Room Setting However, the majority of these adverse events were
In the United States non-resectoscopic EA is frequently an associated with non-compliance with the manufacturers’
office-based procedure, and provider payment processes instructions for use. To mitigate the risk of injury with
promote these less resource-intense environments.35 non-resectoscopic procedures, surgeons may consider
Currently no mechanisms in the Canadian health care system post-dilatation hysteroscopy or concurrent ultrasound
compensate providers for non-resectoscopic EA in such a surveillance during the procedure.
setting. EA performed in a hospital-based procedure room or
a free-standing surgical centre rather than an operating room Serious Complications of EA
offers the advantages of a patient-centred environment, Uterine perforation has been reported in 0.3% of non-
easier scheduling, and reduced costs per case. Appropriate resectoscopic EA procedures and 1.3% of resectoscopic
low-risk patient selection and a satisfactory pain management ablations or resections.16 If uterine perforation is suspected
strategy are critical in this environment. Procedure rooms to have occurred during cervical dilatation or with the
must have appropriate emergency equipment available and resectoscope (without electrosurgery), the procedure should
all personnel must be trained in appropriate adverse event be abandoned and the patient should be closely monitored
protocols. A systematic review comparing non-resectoscopic for signs of intraperitoneal hemorrhage or visceral injury.
EA performed in the outpatient setting to resectoscopic EA If the perforation occurs while using electrosurgery or if
in the operating room, showed varying amounts of cost- the mechanism of perforation is uncertain, abdominal
savings.31 In the Canadian setting, an estimated savings of exploration is warranted to obtain hemostasis and rule out
$562 per patient receiving EA has been attributed to the visceral injury.
introduction of balloon devices in the outpatient setting.31
Perioperative hemorrhage has been reported in 1.2% of women
Summary Statements
undergoing non-resectoscopic ablation and 3.0% of those
6. The use of local anaesthetic and blocks, oral undergoing resectoscopic ablation.16
analgesia, and conscious sedation allows for the
provision of non-resectoscopic EA in lower Hematometra have been reported in 0.9% of women
resource-intense environments including regulated undergoing non-resectoscopic ablation and in 2.4 of
non-hospital settings. (II-2) those undergoing in resectoscopic ablation.16 Although
7. Low-risk patients with satisfactory pain tolerance intrauterine scarring is an expected result of EA,
are good candidates to undergo endometrial hematometra will occur when areas of the endometrium
ablation in settings outside the operating room or are adherent and there is endometrial bleeding behind
free-standing surgical centres. (II-2) the occlusion. Hematometra and cervical stenosis may be
often non-resectoscopic procedures such as NovaSure, < 4 cm reported an amenorrhea rate of 39% with the
Thermachoice, Thermablate, HydroThermAblator.45 HydroThermAblator treatment. However, amenorrhea rates
In most cases, both procedures were reported to be were significantly higher for patients with normal cavities
successful for the ablation and placement of the implants (62% at 30 months’ follow-up).48 Rates of re-intervention
at rate of 83% to 89%. The NovaSure requires placement were also significantly higher in patients with distorted
of implants after the procedure, while balloon thermal cavities.48 Women with types 1 and 2 submucosal fibroids
transfer and circulating saline could be performed before < 3 cm who were followed prospectively following treatment
or after hysteroscopic tubal sterilization. with NovaSure had amenorrhea rates of 69% at 1 year.49
Thermachoice also demonstrated a decrease in menstrual
Problems with combined Essure placement arise from the flow in 4 women with submucosal myomas < 3 cm.50
FDA’s mandatory requirement of confirming postoperative
tubal occlusion by HSG at 3 months. Obliteration of the Despite encouraging results showing that non-
uterine cavity following EA may make confirmation of tubal resectoscopic EA may be beneficial in treating AUB in
occlusions by HSG difficult. However, in other countries women with small (< 3 cm) submucosal fibroids, further
including Canada, HSG is not mandatory following research is still required. Where possible, hysteroscopic
hysteroscopic sterilization and many articles advocate myomectomy/polypectomy combined with resectoscopic
using three-dimensional US and X-ray to confirm bilateral EA should be used to treat women with symptomatic
placement and the non-migration of the tubal inserts.46 intracavitary pathology.
non-resectoscopic EA techniques. These procedures 3. Cooper K, Lee A, Chien P, Raja E, Timmaraju V, Bhattacharya S.
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Endometrial ablation is an alternative surgical procedure for heavy menstrual bleeding. It attempts to destroy or remove the
endometrium—the lining of your uterus. This can replace hysterectomy in many cases.
This is a day surgery procedure. The technique varies depending on the method used to destroy the endometrium.
Most EA procedures can be done in an outpatient surgical centre while others must be performed in an operating room. Factors such
as the size of your uterus, presence of fibroid tumours, and experience of the surgeon will help determine which endometrial ablation
method is best for you.
While medications are typically recommended as first line treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding, endometrial ablation may be an
option if medications don’t help or you decline to try them.
Endometrial ablation is not recommended for women who: Endometrial ablation risks may include:
• wish to become pregnant in the future, • perforation of the uterine wall,
• have cancer of the uterus, • damage to nearby organs, and/or
• have large fibroid tumours in the uterus, and/or • pain, bleeding, or infection.
• have had recent pelvic infection.
Future pregnancy
Many women stop having periods after endometrial ablation, but pregnancy is still possible in some women. Most of these pregnancies
will have an abnormal outcome. Women who wish to become pregnant in the future should not consider endometrial ablation.
Some women may choose to undergo a sterilization procedure at the time of endometrial ablation or consider other forms of reliable
contraception to prevent pregnancy. Concomitant laparoscopic tubal ligation would usually require general anaesthetic.
The procedure
Endometrial ablation can be performed in your doctor’s office, but some types of endometrial ablation are performed in a hospital
operating room, especially if you will need general anaesthesia.
The cervix is dilated to allow for the passage of the instruments used in endometrial ablation. Endometrial ablation procedures vary by
the method used to destroy your endometrium.
• Electrosurgery. This method uses a small hysteroscope to view the uterine cavity during the procedure. An electrode is used to
resect or destroy the lining of the uterus.
• Free-flowing hot fluid. Saline fluid heated to 80°C to 90°C is circulated within the uterus for about 10 minutes.
• Heated balloon. A balloon device is inserted through your cervix and then inflated with fluid heated to 87°C for about 2 to
10 minutes.
• Bipolar radiofrequency. This uses a bipolar wire mesh electrode that contacts the uterine cavity. The instrument transmits high
frequency electrical energy that vaporizes the endometrial tissue in about 90 seconds.