Alligator Production: Breeding and Egg Incubation
Alligator Production: Breeding and Egg Incubation
Alligator Production: Breeding and Egg Incubation
May 1993
Alligator Production
Breeding and Egg Incubation
Michael P. Masser*
Alligator farming requires specific This publication addresses the difficult. Exact environmental, so-
culture techniques and specialized care of adult alligators, their breed- cial and dietary needs of adult alli-
knowledge on the part of the pro- ing, and the collection, incubation gators are poorly understood. The
ducer. The commercial produc- and hatching of alligator eggs. For following discussion is based on
tion of alligators can be divided information on grow-out of juve- the limited amount of research
into 3 phases: nile alligators to market size see available and from personal com-
■ management of adult alligators
SRAC Publication No. 232, Alliga munications and observations
tor Production: Grow-out and Har- with both researchers and commer-
■ egg collection, incubation, and vest. cial producers.
Adult alligators that have been
■ grow-out of juvenile alligators Management of breeding reared entirely in captivity/con-
to market size alligators finement behave very differently
In Louisiana, Florida and Texas from wild stock. Farm-raised alli-
Maintaining adult alligators and gators accept confinement and
eggs and/or hatchlings maybe achieving successful and consis-
taken from the wild under special crowding as adults much better
tent reproduction is extremely
permit regulations. In all other
states it is illegal to take eggs or
hatchlings from the wild (in 1993).
Therefore, prospective alligator
farmers must either purchase eggs
or hatchlings from other produc-
ers or produce their own. Louisi-
ana law makes it illegal to sell
alligator eggs outside of Louisiana.
Hatchlings can be purchased from
existing farms or hatcheries in Lou-
isiana, Florida and Texas. The
price of hatchlings changes yearly
due to the laws of supply and de-
mand. In 1990 hatchlings sold for
$30 each or more. In 1992 the
price had fallen to about $20 each,
largely due to the low market
price for hides.
be performed between September can be very aggressive toward mating occurs just after sunrise in
and January. each other during the breeding sea- deep water, and repeated copula-
son. Wild males have been known tion is commonly observed. The
Alligators are extremely shy ani- mating sequence from precopula-
to kill rival males during the breed-
mals and are easily stressed. tory behavior through first copula-
ing season, and wild females will
Stress reduces growth rates, fertil- tion takes approximately 45
kill, or not breed with, unaccept-
ity rates and probably predisposes
able males. Alligators raised in minutes.
the animals to disease and infertil-
captivity are less territorial and ag- Nest building and egg laying
ity. Farms should be located in
gressive towards each other, par- occur at night. The nest is built
areas where outside disturbance
ticularly if they have been penned from natural vegetation (e.g.,
can be minimized. Producers must
together before they are 3 years broomsedge, bullwhip, cutgrass,
try to limit all stressful contact
old. wiregrass and available annuals),
with people and other animals
(see section on stress in SRAC Pub- Courtship and breeding occur be- hay (if provided), and soil. Nests
lication No. 232, Alligator Produc- tween April and July depending are built into a round, mound-type
tion: Grow-out and Harvest). on temperature/weather condi- structure. A female may start sev-
tions. Courtship is a time of eral nests before a single nest is
Courtship and breeding heightened activity by both sexes. successfully completed. Eggs are
This activity includes vigorous deposited at the top of the mound
Courtship and breeding activity is swimming and bellowing. Bellow- and then sink to the center form-
extremely important. Alligators ap- ing is the most common activity as- ing layers with vegetation. Fi-
pear to develop a social structure sociated with courtship, although nally, the eggs are covered with
within a group. Wild alligators limited bellowing can occur at approximately one foot of vegeta-
which are captured and penned other times. Most courtship and tion. All nesting activity usually
occurs within a two week period.
T0 T1 T3 T5
T7 B7 T30 T52
Figure 1. Opaque banding of alligator eggs from day laid through day 52 of incubation (Ferguson 1981).
T = top view; B = bottom view; numbers= days of incubation.
Baby alligators hatching from eggs.
The female guards and protects obstacle to face prospective breed- while collecting eggs. If the female
the nest but predation from rac- ers. is not aggressive then do not an-
coons and other animals is com- tagonize her. Many times an ag-
mon. Nests can also be destroyed Egg collection gressive animal can be chased
by other females trying to build away or kept at bay using a long
nests if pen density is too high or The method and timing of egg col- sturdy pole.
if vegetation for nest building is lection is very important. Alliga- During collection place 8 to 12
scarce. Farm-raised females have tor embryos are very sensitive to inches of nesting material or grass
been known to lay eggs in the handling (mechanical injury) from hay (moisten several days in ad-
same nest, again demonstrating 7 to 28 days after they are laid. vance) in the bottom of the collec-
the breakdown of territoriality that Many embryos will die if handled tion container to support the eggs.
is common to wild alligators. during this period. Current recom- Place the marked eggs in a single
mendations are either to collect layer in the container and in the
Nesting success in captive alliga-
eggs within the first week or wait same position that they were in
tors has been highly variable. until the fourth week of natural in-
Wild versus farm-raised origin, the nest. Cover the eggs with 2 to
cubation. Collecting eggs within 3 inches of nesting material. Trans-
pen design, density, development
the first 24 hours after being laid port very gently!
of a social structure within the
has several advantages:
group, and diet all impact on nest- Age of the eggs and developmen-
ing success. Nesting rates for Eggs are not easily damaged be- tal progress can be observed by
adult females in the wild average cause the embryo is not yet at- changes in the opaque banding
around 60 to 70 percent where tached to the shell. that occurs during incubation. Fig-
habitat and environmental condi- Egg collection allows the farmer ure 1 shows the sequence of band-
tions are excellent. Nesting rates to separate good eggs from in- ing associated with proper egg
in captivity are usually much fertile or dead eggs. development.
lower, depending on the manage-
ment skill of the farmer. If farm- Eggs that were laid upright can
raised animals are selected and be repositioned. Incubation and hatching
grouped together at an early age, It eliminates losses caused by Artificial incubation, compared to
pens are constructed properly, sex predation and/or bad weather. wild nesting, improves hatching
ratios are near three females to rates because of elimination of pre-
each male, densities are around 20 It eliminates losses in breeding
pens when more than one fe- - dation and weather-related mortal-
alligators per acre or less, and ity. The best hatching rates for
stress is eliminated, then diet be- male tries to lay eggs in the
same nest. eggs left in the wild is less than 70
comes the most important factor percent. Hatching rates for eggs
in reproductive success (see sec- After 4 weeks of incubation the taken from the wild and incubated
tion on diets). A few good manag- embryo has developed enough to artificially average 90 percent or
ers have achieved nesting rates of resist most damage from handling. higher.
70 percent of the adult females
nesting each year. Most alligator eggs cannot be Eggs should be transferred into in-
turned or repositioned when taken cubation baskets and placed in an
Clutch size varies with age and from the nest (unlike bird eggs). incubator (environmental cham-
condition of the female. Large and Eggs should be marked with an ber) within 3 or 4 hours after col-
older females generally lay more “X” across the top before remov- lection. Air circulation around the
eggs. Clutch size should average ing them from the nest so that they eggs during incubation is critical.
35 to 40 eggs (range 2 to 58). Egg can be maintained during trans- Egg baskets or trays are best made
fertility can vary from 70 to 95 per- port and incubation in the same from PVC coated 1 x 1/2 inch steel
cent. Embryo survival can also position as they were laid. Eggs wire mesh or 1/2 inch heavy duty
vary from 70 to 95 percent. Hatch- that are laid upright in the nest plastic mesh. Top, bottom and
ing rate varies from 50 to 90 per- (long axis perpendicular to the sides of the baskets should be
cent. Egg fertility, embryo ground) will die unless reposi- made from the mesh material to
survival, and hatching rate of eggs tioned correctly (long axis parallel enhance air circulation. Dimen-
taken from the wild and incubated or laying on its side and not on sions for egg baskets can vary (1
artificially are 95, 95, and 90 per- end) before artificial incubation. foot x 2 feet, 2 feet x 2 feet and 2
cent, respectively. Captive repro- This repositioning can only take feet x 3 feet are common) but
duction can and should approach place in the first few hours after should be 6 inches in depth to ac-
these values. nesting. commodate eggs and nesting mate-
Reproductive success of captive Some captive alligators will aggres- rial. Eggs must be completely
alligators has been the most diffi- sively guard their nests. Use cau- surrounded by nesting material.
cult problem for producers to over- tion collecting eggs. It is a good
come and is probably the greatest idea to work with another person
The decomposition of the nesting tion media should be moistened hours the hatchlings are removed
material aides in the breakdown of with warm water as necessary to from the egg baskets, sorted into
the egg shell. Without this natural maintain dampness. uniform size groups, and moved
decomposition, hatching alligators into environmentally controlled
Incubation temperature is critical
will have a difficult time breaking grow-out facilities. Closely sizing
to survival and proper develop-
out of the shell and some may die. the alligators is very important.
ment. It also determines the sex of
Fresh, natural nesting material Smaller, weaker individuals will
the hatchlings. Temperatures of
composed mostly of grasses is 86°F and below produce all fe- not be able to compete with their
best. If natural nest material is not males while temperatures of 91°F larger siblings.
available, use grasses which have
and above produce all males.
been soaked for about a week.
Temperatures much above 91° or
Sphagnum moss can also be used
below 86°F, however, cause abnor-
as incubation material. Producers
mal development usually result-
with captive breeders dip the eggs
ing in high mortality. Both sexes
and incubation substrate in an anti-
are produced at temperatures be-
fungal agent like chlorhexadine di-
tween 86°F and 91°F. The critical
acetate before incubation to reduce
temperature period for sex deter-
potential disease problems. Wild
mination is around 20 to 35 days
eggs are seldom treated before in-
after the eggs are laid. Most pro-
ducers now incubate eggs at 88° to
Hatching baskets are set on 90°F. This produces a mixed sex
shelves or brackets about 3 inches population with good survival
above the water in an incubator. and growth.
The temperature, humidity and
Hatchling alligators make peeping
water level are controlled in the in-
or chirping sounds after hatching.
cubator. Figure 2 is a construction
When 10 to 15 percent of the A few producers specialize in pro-
diagram of a small environmental
clutch has hatched many produc- ducing hatchlings for resale to
chamber developed at the Rocke-
ers carefully open unhatched eggs. other farms. Most hatchlings are
feller Wildlife Refuge at Grand
Eggs are cracked and opened at not sold until they are actively
Chenier, LA. The cost to build this
one end to free the baby alligator, feeding. Once they are actively
environmental chamber was ap-
but care must be taken not to de- feeding they are ready to be
proximately $5,000. Other produc-
tach or damage the umbilical moved to grow-out facilities.
ers use separate buildings with
cord. If the umbilical cord is bro-
temperature and humidity control For information on the grow-out
ken the hatchling is likely to bleed
or small tanks housed inside a tem- of alligators see SRAC Publication
to death or develop an infection.
perature-controlled grow-out No. 232, Alligator Production: Grow-
Hatchlings are retained in their
building. Relative humidity out and Harvest.
hatching baskets for 24 hours to
should be kept above 90 percent
allow the shell and umbilical cord
within the chamber, and incuba-
to separate naturally. After 24
The work reported in this publication was supported in part by the Southern Regional Aquaculture Center through Grant No. 89-38500-4516 from the United
States Department of Agriculture.