Tecnical Analysis
Tecnical Analysis
Tecnical Analysis
Insights from the interviews with leading technicians In their quest to quantify technical analysis, academics have
Given the lack of standardisation of technical analysis, learning turned, too, to the most controversial of its techniques: patterns.
about it from books is a daunting task: the contradictory advice Finding patterns in price charts is a subjective endeavour that
and loose and frequent use of qualifiers such as “often” and relies on the natural smoothing filter of the human eye; a main
“probably” throws the uninitiated into ambivalence and confusion. challenge therefore in quantifying the patterns lies in modelling
Learning about technical analysis from its leading practitioners is the way in which eyes smooth the data they view. The pioneering
more inviting; after all, that is how this intricate craft survived till works by Chang and Osler (1994, 1999) and Lo, Mamaysky, and
our time-not through books, but through the word of mouth. Wang (2000), as well as the recent extension of the latter by the
author (Hasanhodzic, 2007), take on this challenge by smoothing
If a single word could summarise the interviews we conducted, it the data using statistical filtering techniques, such as kernel
would be “diverse,” as it captures both the intriguing beauty of this regression and neural networks. They then develop algorithms to
craft and the troubles that plague it. Spanning a striking variety of identify automatically technical patterns in that data, and finally
styles in their practice of technical analysis, our interviewees range evaluate the information content of the patterns thus found.4
from short-term traders (Raschke, Weinstein) to educators (Murphy, These works, too, find proof of the validity of technical analysis.
Acampora), long-term investors (Desmond, Deemer), artist
technicians (McAvity), highly eclectic technicians (Dudack), historians The observation that human nature never changes, and that
(Shaw), long-term market theme writers (Farrell), and those who consequently technical indicators designed to measure the
insist on being labeled market rather than technical analysts (Birinyi). reflection of human nature in market prices never change either, is
a notable argument in favour of technical analysis, but one that at
Diverse, too, are their interpretations of technical analysis, a telling the same time underscores its main shortcoming: technical analysis
illustration of which is provided by their responses to the question has not kept up with technological advances. Of course, charting
“does the lack of hard and fast rules in technical analysis ever and data collecting have become automated, but most popular
bother you,” which varied from “that’s exactly what bothers me” to patterns and heuristics of today were developed in the pre-
“but there are hard and fast rules in technical analysis.” The computing age when calculating a simple moving average was a
interviewees do agree however on one point, and that is the formidable task. For example, a 10-day moving average became
significance of the role intuition plays in their decision making. As popular because it was easy to compute-one could divide by ten
Murphy puts it, “I’m not sure I could explain to you how I do what I simply by moving the decimal place to the left-not because it was
do. I look at many things in a short interval of time and come to a statistically optimal, and it remains commonly used to this day.
conclusion.” That elusive skill may explain why these practitioners
do not have a problem with sharing their knowledge, the tools Suboptimal parametrisation is only a symptom of a chronic disease
they develop, or the strategies they pioneer. There is no single right afflicting technical analysis: its static nature cannot account for the
way to put it all together. Everyone does it in slightly and ever-changing character of financial markets. In the past, when
sometimes widely different ways. Some technicians operate best in execution was manual and costly, and financial systems far less
complete isolation from the outside world-Linda Raschke, who connected and complex, “static” used to be a prerequisite for
does not watch TV or read The Wall Street Journal, is a prime implementability, now it is a condition for failure. As markets
example-others prefer to complement their technical perspectives evolve and trading strategies become more sophisticated, the
with fundamental, economic, and political ones. need for new, dynamic indicators becomes apparent. Never has
this need been more urgent than now, when in the light of the
The palpable heterogeneity among leading technicians that events of last year’s August, one can no longer deny that hedge
emerges from our interviews yields a potential explanation for the funds have become a paramount force: it is not the feeling of the
lack of impact that technical analysis has had on the broader crowd but the action of a single gigantic hedge fund that
financial community. Without a unified, standardized, and broadly precipitated the crisis continuing to this day. This is echoed by
recognised body of knowledge in which every practicing many of our interviewees, including Walter Deemer who finds
technician must be conversant, it is difficult to see how technical ingenious ways of tracing the hedge-fund activity indirectly, via
analysis can spread. The advent of the Chartered Market certain mutual funds: “I am convinced that these 6 or 7 billion
Technician program by the Market Technicians Association is a step dollars of assets in Rydex funds reflect the general hedge-fund
in the right direction but, as our interviews underscore, there is still trading activity which is the driving force in the market,” he notes.
a considerable amount of art and subjectivity in the practice of
technical analysis. Directly tracking hedge-fund activity is of course what one would
want, but this is problematic if not infeasible for, shrouded in
Towards a science of technical analysis secrecy, hedge funds are notorious for their inaccessibility and
For too long languishing in the murky waters of part art-part infrequent reporting. A possible way to circumvent this problem is
science, technical analysis is finally starting to develop a more jointly proposed by the author (Hasanhodzic and Lo, 2007), and
rigorous approach. Big strides, indeed, have been made towards consists of replicating hedge funds in a transparent and publically
the standardization of technical analysis in recent years, such as by available format. Starting from the empirical observation that a
Aronson (2007) and Kirkpatrick and Dahlquist (2006). The impetus large portion of hedge-fund returns can be obtained by passive
for statistically evaluating technical analysis naturally comes from exposure to certain common risk factors-such as those captured by
academia, with studies yielding evidence of its validity in wide- stocks, bonds, currency, commodity, and credit markets-we show
ranging areas, such as moving averages (Brock, Lakonishok, and how hedge-fund returns can be expressed in terms of returns
LeBaron, 1992), genetic algorithms to discover optimal trading realized in those markets, via a linear regression model. Based on
rules (Neely, Weller, and Dittmar, 1997), and the Dow Theory (Brown, this idea, a number of prominent asset-management firms have
Goetzmann, and Kumar, 1998), to name a few. recently launched mutual funds that aim to replicate hedge-fund
20 Issue 63 – January 2009 MARKET TECHNICIAN
factor exposures. Unlike hedge-fund returns, the returns of these Lo, A. and J. Hasanhodzic, 2009, The Heretics of Finance:
funds are public and updated daily, and can be used as an indicator Conversations with Leading Practitioners of Technical Analysis.
of the aggregate performance of the hedge-fund sector. Moreover, New York, NY: Bloomberg Press.
assets flowing in and out of these mutual funds are publically Lo, A. and J. Hasanhodzic, forthcoming, Tales of Future Past: The
available, which raises the possibility of using them to gauge the Fascinating Story of Technical Analysis. New York, NY: Bloomberg
investors’ sentiment shifts. Press.
Lo, A. and J. Hasanhodzic, forthcoming, A Quantitative Approach to
Technical Analysis. New York, NY: Bloomberg Press.
In this article we presented some of our perspectives on technical
analysis spanning past, present, and future. Our historical Lo, A., Mamaysky, H. and J. Wang, 2000, “Foundations of Technical
exploration reveals that technical analysis was a force throughout Analysis: Computational Algorithms, Statistical Inference, and
centuries and across cultures. Our interviews with the present-day Empirical Implementation,” Journal of Finance 55, 1705-1765.
masters of technical analysis help us understand what technical Lufrano, R., 1997, Honorable Merchants: Commerce and Self-
analysis is, and armed with that understanding we can move Cultivation in Late Imperial China. Honolulu, HI: University of
towards the future, which in our view consists of standardisation and Hawaii Press.
development of new indicators to measure fast-changing market Nison, S., 1994, Beyond Candlesticks: New Japanese Charting
environments. Although the fortress walls separating technicians Techniques Revealed. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.
from the adherents of modern finance still stand tall, they are not
Neely, C., Weber, P. and R. Dittmar, 1997, “Is Technical Analysis in the
insurmountable, and we hope that the growing volume of in-depth
Foreign Exchange Market Profitable? A Genetic Programming
examinations of technical analysis will awaken the sceptics and open
Approach,” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 32,
the door for the dialogue between the two communities to begin.
Slotsky, A., 1997, The Bourse of Babylon. Bethesda, MD: CDL Press.
As documented by Slotsky (1997).
As quoted by Nison (1994). Jasmina Hasanhodzic, Ph.D. is a research scientist at AlphaSimplex
As quoted by Lufrano (1997). Group, LLC. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those
It is important here to distinguish between evaluating of the author only, and do not necessarily represent the views and
“profitability” of technical trading rules and evaluating the opinions of AlphaSimplex Group, MIT, or any of their affiliates and
“information content” of technical analysis; the former necessitates employees. The author makes no representations or warranty, either
the modelling of the trading implementation and risk expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the
management, whereas the latter detects supply/demand information contained in this article, nor does she recommend that
imbalances regardless of whether or not one can profitably act on this article serve as the basis for any investment decision-this article is
that information. for information purposes only. The research summarized in this article
was supported by the MIT Presidential Fellowship and the MIT Lab for
References Financial Engineering.
Aaronson, D., 2007, Evidence-Based Technical Analysis. Hoboken, NJ:
John Wiley & Sons.
Brock, W., Lakonishok, J. and B. LeBaron, 1992, “Simple Technical
Trading Rules and the Stochastic Properties of Stock Returns,”
Journal of Finance 47, 1731-1764.
Brown, S., Goetzmann, W. and A. Kumar, 1998, “The Dow Theory:
William Peter Hamilton’s Track Record Re-Considered,” Journal of
Finance 53, 1311-1333.
Chang, K. and C. Osler, 1994, “Evaluating Chart-Based Technical
Analysis: The Head-and-Shoulders Pattern in Foreign Exchange
Markets,” working paper, Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
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De la Vega, J., 1957, Confusión de Confusiones. Cambridge, MA:
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Hasanhodzic, J., 2007, “Investments Unwrapped: Demystifying
Technical Analysis and Hedge-Fund Strategies,” Ph.D. thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Hasanhodzic, J. and A. Lo, 2007, “Can Hedge-Fund Returns Be
Replicated?: The Linear Case,” Journal of Investment Management
5, 5-45.
Kirkpatrick, C. and J. Dahlquist, 2006, Technical Analysis: The
Complete Resource for Financial Market Technicians. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: FT Press.