In The First Part and To Finish Off Now I'd Like To Move Onto The First Part of My Presentation

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Presentation: Civil engineering.

Good afternoon, my name is Lucas

Supporting and enhancing the student experience from first contact through to becoming alumni is
critical to success in higher education today for both the student and the institution.

In my presentation today, I'm going to talk about some support services which offer the
University of Canterbury.
Basically, I've divided this presentation into two parts.
In the first part, I'll talk about the academic service.
And to finish off. I’ll focus on jobs and careers advice.

Now I'd like to move onto the first part of my presentation, the academic support include a
wide variety of instructional methods, educational services, provided to students in the effort to
help them accelerate their learning progress, catch up with their peers, meet learning standards, or
generally succeed in the university. Some of these service are,

In the final part, I’ll focus on jobs and careers advice. if you need advice on your future
career, are looking for a job , or you’re an employer wanting to recruit students and
graduates, the university service can help you by providing the enough support for you to
make the best decision.
That concludes my presentation. Are there any questions?

Many students, including those receiv

ing special education services, require more
academic support than their peers to be suc
cessful in school. Fortunately, a wide variety
of strategies to provide this support have been
developed and empirically evaluated in the aca-
demic literature. Educators are encouraged to
implement strategies such as tutoring (includ
ing adult tutoring, peer tutoring, and cross-age
tutoring), mentoring programs, smaller learn-
ing communities, and before and after school
programs. Additionally, strategies to increase
motivation and provide more effective behav
ior management can be helpful in improving
academic outcomes.

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