21.JMM Promotion and Management, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals

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the execution of legitimate governmental functions, the preservation of the State, the public health and welfare

21.JMM Promotion and Management, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals and public morals. According to the maxim, sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas, it must of course be within the
legitimate range of legislative action to define the mode and manner in which every one may so use his own property
G.R. No. 120095. August 5, 1996.* so as not to pose injury to himself or others.
JMM PROMOTION AND MANAGEMENT, INC., and KARY INTERNATIONAL, INC., petitioner, vs. HON. Same; Same; So long as professionals and other workers meet reasonable regulatory standards no such
COURT OF APPEALS, HON. MA. NIEVES CONFESOR, then Secretary of the Department of Labor and deprivation exists.—Locally, the Professional Regulation Commission has begun to require previously licensed
Employment, HON. JOSE BRILLANTES, in his capacity as acting Secretary of the Department of Labor and doctors and other professionals to furnish documentary proof that they had either re-trained or had undertaken
Employment and HON. FELICISIMO JOSON, in his capacity as Administrator of the Philippine Overseas continuing education courses as a requirement for renewal of their licenses. It is not claimed that these
Employment Administration, respondents. requirements pose an unwarranted deprivation of a property right under the due process clause. So long as
Constitutional Law; Police Power; The latin maxim salus populi est suprema lex embodies the character of professionals and other workers meet reasonable regulatory standards no such deprivation exists.
the entire spectrum of public laws aimed at promoting the general welfare of the people under the State’s police Same; Same; The equal protection clause of the Constitution does not forbid classification for so long as such
power.—The latin maxim salus populi est suprema lexembodies the character of the entire spectrum of public laws classification is based on real and substantial differences having a reasonable relation to the subject of the particular
aimed at promoting the general welfare of the people under the State’s police power. As an inherent attribute of legislation.—The equal protection clause is directed principally against undue favor and individual or class
sovereignty which virtually “extends to all public needs,” this “least limitable” of governmental powers grants a privilege. It is not intended to prohibit legislation which is limited to the object to which it is directed or by the
wide panoply of instruments through which the state, as parens patriae gives effect to a host of its regulatory territory in which it is to operate. It does not require absolute equality, but merely that all persons be treated alike
powers. under like conditions both
Same; Same; Police power concerns government enactments which precisely interfere with personal liberty 322
or property in order to promote the general welfare or the common good.—Thus, police power concerns government
enactments which precisely interfere with personal liberty or property in order to promote the general welfare or 322 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
the common good. As the assailed Department Order enjoys a presumed validity, it follows that the burden rests
upon petitioners to demonstrate that the said order, particularly, its ARB requirement, does not enhance the public JMM Promotion and Management, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
welfare or was exercised arbitrarily or unreasonably. as to privileges conferred and liabilities imposed. We have held, time and again, that the equal protection
Same; Same; The Artist Record Book requirement and the questioned Department Order related to its clause of the Constitution does not forbid classification for so long as such classification is based on real and
issuance were issued by the Secretary of Labor pursuant to a valid exercise of the police power.—A thorough review substantial differences having a reasonable relation to the subject of the particular legislation. If classification is
of the facts and circumstances leading to the issu- germane to the purpose of the law, concerns all members of the class, and applies equally to present and future
______________ conditions, the classification does not violate the equal protection guarantee.

*FIRST DIVISION. PETITION for review of a decision of the Court of Appeals.


320 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
Don P. Porciuncula for petitioner.
JMM Promotion and Management, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
ance of the assailed orders compels us to rule that the Artist Record Book requirement and the questioned KAPUNAN, J.:
Department Order related to its issuance were issued by the Secretary of Labor pursuant to a valid exercise of the
police power.
Same; Same; The welfare of Filipino performing artists, particularly the women was paramount in the The limits of government regulation under the State’s police power are once again at the vortex of the instant
issuance of Department Order No. 3.—Clearly, the welfare of Filipino performing artists, particularly the women controversy. Assailed is the government’s power to control deployment of female entertainers to Japan by requiring
was paramount in the issuance of Department Order No. 3. Short of a total and absolute ban against the an Artist Record Book (ARB) as a precondition to the processing by the POEA of any contract for overseas
deployment of performing artists to “high-risk” destinations, a measure which would only drive recruitment further employment. By contending that the right to overseas employment is a property right within the meaning of the
underground, the new scheme at the very least rationalizes the method of screening performing artists by requiring Constitution, petitioners vigorously aver that deprivation thereof allegedly through the onerous requirement of an
reasonable educational and artistic skills from them and limits deployment to only those individuals adequately ARB violates the due process clause and constitutes an invalid exercise of the police power.
prepared for the unpredictable demands of employment as artists abroad. It cannot be gainsaid that this scheme The factual antecedents are undisputed.
at least lessens the room for exploitation by unscrupulous individuals and agencies. Following the much-publicized death of Maricris Sioson in 1991, former President Corazon C. Aquino ordered
Same; Same; Apart from the State’s police power, the Constitution itself mandates government to extend the a total ban against the deployment of performing artists to Japan and other foreign destinations. The ban was,
fullest protection to our overseas workers.—In any event, apart from the State’s police power, the Constitution itself however, rescinded after leaders of the overseas employment industry promised to extend full support for a program
mandates government to extend the fullest protection to our overseas workers. The basic constitutional statement aimed at removing kinks in the system of deployment. In its place, the government, through the Secretary of Labor
on labor, embodied in Section 18 of Article II of the Constitution provides: Sec. 18. The State affirms labor as a and Employment, subsequently issued Department Order No. 28, creating the Entertainment Industry Advisory
primary social economic force. It shall protect the rights of workers and promote their welfare. More emphatically, Council (EIAC), which was tasked with issuing guidelines on the training, testing certifi-
the social justice provision on labor of the 1987 Constitution in its first paragraph states: The State shall afford full 323
protection to labor, local and overseas, organized and unorganized and promote full employment and equality of
employment opportunities for all. VOL. 260, AUGUST 5, 1996 323
Same; Same; Protection to labor does not indicate promotion of employment alone.—Obviously, protection
JMM Promotion and Management, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
to labor does not indicate promotion of employment alone. Under the welfare and social justice provisions of the
Constitution, the promotion of full employment, while desirable, cannot take a backseat to the government’s cation and deployment of performing artists abroad.
constitutional duty to provide mechanisms for the protection of our workforce, local or overseas. Pursuant to the EIAC’s recommendations,1 the Secretary of Labor, on January 6, 1994, issued Department
321 Order No. 3 establishing various procedures and requirements for screening performing artists under a new system
of training, testing, certification and deployment of the former. Performing artists successfully hurdling the test,
VOL. 260, AUGUST 5, 1996 321 training and certification requirement were to be issued an Artist’s Record Book (ARB), a necessary prerequisite
to processing of any contract of employment by the POEA. Upon request of the industry, implementation of the
JMM Promotion and Management, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals process, originally scheduled for April 1, 1994, was moved to October 1, 1994.
Same; Same; A profession, trade or calling is a property right within the meaning of our constitutional Thereafter, the Department of Labor, following the EIAC’s recommendation, issued a series of orders fine-
guarantees.—A profession, trade or calling is a property right within the meaning of our constitutional guarantees. tuning and implementing the new system. Prominent among these orders were the following issuances:
One cannot be deprived of the right to work and the right to make a living because these rights are property rights, 1. Department Order No. 3-A, providing for additional guidelines on the training, testing, certification and
the arbitrary and unwarranted deprivation of which normally constitutes an actionable wrong. deployment of performing artists.
Same; Same; No right is absolute, and the proper regulation of a profession, calling, business or trade has 2. Department Order No. 3-B, pertaining to the Artist Record Book (ARB) requirement, which could be
always been upheld as a legitimate subject of a valid exercise of the police power by the state.—Nevertheless, no processed only after the artist could show proof of academic and skills training and has passed the required tests.
right is absolute, and the proper regulation of a profession, calling, business or trade has always been upheld as a 3. Department Order No. 3-E, providing the minimum salary a performing artist ought to receive (not less
legitimate subject of a valid exercise of the police power by the state particularly when their conduct affects either than US$600.00 for those bound for Japan) and the authorized deductions therefrom.
4. Department Order No. 3-F, providing for the guidelines on the issuance and use of the ARB by returning 5Id., at 708-709.
performing artists who, unlike new artists, shall only undergo a Special Orientation Program (shorter than the 326
basic program) although they must pass the academic test.
In Civil Case No. 95-72750, the Federation of Entertainment Talent Managers of the Philippines (FETMOP), on 326 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
January 27, 1995 filed a class suit assailing these department orders, principally contending that said orders 1)
violated the JMM Promotion and Management, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
_______________ between 1987-1991, exceeding this proportion (58%) by the end of 1991,6 the year former President Aquino
instituted the ban on deployment of performing artists to Japan and other countries as a result of the gruesome
death of Filipino entertainer Maricris Sioson.
1EIAC, Res. No. 1. It was during the same period that this Court took judicial notice not only of the trend, but also of the fact
324 that most of our women, a large number employed as domestic helpers and entertainers, worked under exploitative
conditions “marked by physical and personal abuse.”7 Even then, we noted that “[t]he sordid tales of maltreatment
suffered by migrant Filipina workers, even rape and various forms of torture, confirmed by testimonies of returning
workers” compelled “urgent government action.”8
JMM Promotion and Management, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
Pursuant to the alarming number of reports that a significant number of Filipina performing artists ended
constitutional right to travel; 2) abridged existing contracts for employment; and 3) deprived individual artists of
up as prostitutes abroad (many of whom were beaten, drugged and forced into prostitution), and following the
their licenses without due process of law. FETMOP, likewise, averred that the issuance of the Artist Record Book
deaths of a number of these women, the government began instituting measures aimed at deploying only those
(ARB) was discriminatory and illegal and “in gross violation of the constitutional right . . . to life, liberty and
individuals who met set standards which would qualify them as legitimate performing artists. In spite of these
property.” Said Federation consequently prayed for the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction against the
measures, however, a number of our countrymen have nonetheless fallen victim to unscrupulous recruiters, ending
aforestated orders.
up as virtual slaves controlled by foreign crime syndicates and forced into jobs other than those indicated in their
On February 2, 1992, JMM Promotion and Management, Inc. and Kary International, Inc., herein petitioners,
employment contracts. Worse, some of our women have been forced into prostitution.
filed a Motion for Intervention in said civil case, which was granted by the trial court in an Order dated 15 February,
Thus, after a number of inadequate and failed accreditation schemes, the Secretary of Labor issued on August
16, 1993, D.O. No. 28, establishing the Entertainment Industry Advisory Council (EIAC), the policy advisory body
However, on February 21, 1995, the trial court issued an Order denying petitioners’ prayer for a writ of
of DOLE on entertainment industry matters.9 Acting on the recommenda-
preliminary injunction and dismissed the complaint.
On appeal from the trial court’s Order, respondent court, in CA G.R. SP No. 36713 dismissed the same.
Tracing the circumstances which led to the issuance of the ARB requirement and the assailed Department Order,
respondent court concluded that the issuances constituted a valid exercise by the state of the police power. 6 Source: National Statistics Office, 1992.
We agree. 7 Philippine Association of Service Exporters, Inc. v. Drilon, 163 SCRA 386, 392 (1988).
The latin maxim salus populi est suprema lex embodies the character of the entire spectrum of public laws 8 Id.
aimed at promoting the general welfare of the people under the State’s police power. As an inherent attribute of 9 Department Order No. 28 vests the EIAC with the following

sovereignty which virtually “extends to all public needs,” 2 this “least limitable”3 of governmental powers grants a 327
wide panoply of instruments through which the state, as parens patriae gives effect to a host of its regulatory
powers. VOL. 260, AUGUST 5, 1996 327
Describing the nature and scope of the police power, Justice Malcolm, in the early case of Rubi v. Provincial
Board of Mindoro 4 wrote: JMM Promotion and Management, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
__________________ tions of the said body, the Secretary of Labor, on January 6, 1994, issued the assailed orders. These orders embodied
EIAC’s Resolution No. 1, which called for guidelines on screening, testing and accrediting performing overseas
Filipino artists. Significantly, as the respondent court noted, petitioners were duly represented in the
2 Noble State Bank v. Haskel, 219 US 112 (1911). EIAC,10 which gave the recommendations on which the ARB and other requirements were based.
3 Smith, Bell and Co. v. Natividad, 40 Phil. 136 (1919). Clearly, the welfare of Filipino performing artists, particularly the women was paramount in the issuance of
4 39 Phil. 660, 708 (1919).
Department Order No. 3. Short of a total and absolute ban against the deployment of performing artists to “high-
325 risk” destinations, a measure which would only drive recruitment further underground, the new scheme at the very
least rationalizes
VOL. 260, AUGUST 5, 1996 325
JMM Promotion and Management, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
“The police power of the State,” one court has said . . . “is a power coextensive with self-protection, and is not inaptly principal functions:
termed the ‘law of overriding necessity.’ It may be said to be that inherent and plenary power in the State which
enables it to prohibit all things hurtful to the comfort, safety and welfare of society.” Carried onward by the current
of legislation, the judiciary rarely attempts to dam the onrushing power of legislative discretion, provided the 1. a)recommend to the DOLE policies, plans and programs for the development of the entertainment
purposes of the law do not go beyond the great principles that mean security for the public welfare or do not industry, local and overseas, including but not limited to talent training and upgrading, employment
arbitrarily interfere with the right of the individual.” 5 standards and other internationally acceptable trade practices;
Thus, police power concerns government enactments which precisely interfere with personal liberty or property in 2. b)promote ethical business standards and dignified workplaces;
order to promote the general welfare or the common good. As the assailed Department Order enjoys a presumed 3. c)act as the coordinating body for all training programs and technical assistance to the entertainment
validity, it follows that the burden rests upon petitioners to demonstrate that the said order, particularly, its ARB industry;
requirement, does not enhance the public welfare or was exercised arbitrarily or unreasonably. 4. d)advise the DOLE on the institutionalization of an internationally acceptable system of manpower
A thorough review of the facts and circumstances leading to the issuance of the assailed orders compels us to development, talent protection and welfare;
rule that the Artist Record Book requirement and the questioned Department Order related to its issuance were 5. e)assist the appropriate agencies, private or public in the implementation of a trainors training and
issued by the Secretary of Labor pursuant to a valid exercise of the police power. upgrading program;
In 1984, the Philippines emerged as the largest labor sending country in Asia dwarfing the labor export of 6. f)review existing issuances on the industry including the system of training, testing and accreditation
countries with mammoth populations such as India and China. According to the National Statistics Office, of performing artists/talents and recommend to the Secretary such measures or schemes as are
this diaspora was augmented annually by over 450,000 documented and clandestine or illegal (undocumented) deemed necessary for its proper compliance
workers who left the country for various destinations abroad, lured by higher salaries, better work opportunities xxx x x x.
and sometimes better living conditions.
Of the hundreds of thousands of workers who left the country for greener pastures in the last few years, 10 The EIAC is chaired by an Undersecretary of Labor and is composed of 3 representatives from the
women composed slightly close to half of those deployed, constituting 47%
government, 2 representatives from the employers’ sector, one representative from the talent developers, 2
representatives from the workers’ sector and one representative from the Non-government Organizations.
of course be within the legitimate range of legislative action to define the mode and manner in which every one
328 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED may so use his own property so as not to pose injury to himself or others.13
In any case, where the liberty curtailed affects at most the rights of property, the permissible scope of
JMM Promotion and Management, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals regulatory measures is certainly much wider.14 To pretend that licensing or accreditation requirements violates the
the method of screening performing artists by requiring reasonable educational and artistic skills from them and due process clause is to ignore the settled practice, under the mantle of the police power, of regulating entry to the
limits deployment to only those individuals adequately prepared for the unpredictable demands of employment as practice of various trades or professions. Professionals leaving for abroad are required to
artists abroad. It cannot be gainsaid that this scheme at least lessens the room for exploitation by unscrupulous ________________
individuals and agencies.
Moreover, here or abroad, selection of performing artists is usually accomplished by auditions, where those
12 Phil. Movie Workers’ Assn. v. Premier Productions, Inc., 92 Phil. 8423(1953); National Labor Union vs.
deemed unfit are usually weeded out through a process which is inherently subjective and vulnerable to bias and
differences in taste. The ARB requirement goes one step further, however, attempting to minimize the subjectivity Court of Industrial Relations, 68 Phil. 732(1939).
13 Case vs. Board of Health, 24 Phil. 250, 280 (1913).
of the process by defining the minimum skills required from entertainers and performing artists. As the Solicitor
14 Ermita Malate Hotel and Motel Operators vs. City of Manila, 20 SCRA 849 (1967).
General observed, this should be easily met by experienced artists possessing merely basic skills. The tests are
aimed at segregating real artists or performers from those passing themselves off as such, eager to accept any 331
available job and therefore exposing themselves to possible exploitation.
VOL. 260, AUGUST 5, 1996 331
As to the other provisions of Department Order No. 3 questioned by petitioners, we see nothing wrong with
the requirement for document and booking confirmation (D.O. 3-C), a minimum salary scale (D.O. 3-E), or the
JMM Promotion and Management, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
requirement for registration of returning performers. The requirement for a venue certificate or other documents
pass rigid written and practical exams before they are deemed fit to practice their trade. Seamen are required to
evidencing the place and nature of work allows the government closer monitoring of foreign employers and helps
take tests determining their seamanship. Locally, the Professional Regulation Commission has begun to require
keep our entertainers away from prostitution fronts and other worksites associated with unsavory, immoral, illegal
previously licensed doctors and other professionals to furnish documentary proof that they had either re-trained or
or exploitative practices. Parenthetically, none of these issuances appear to us, by any stretch of the imagination,
had undertaken continuing education courses as a requirement for renewal of their licenses. It is not claimed that
even remotely unreasonable or arbitrary. They address a felt need of according greater protection for an oft-
these requirements pose an unwarranted deprivation of a property right under the due process clause. So long as
exploited segment of our OCW’s. They respond to the industry’s demand for clearer and more practicable rules and
professionals and other workers meet reasonable regulatory standards no such deprivation exists.
guidelines. Many of these provisions were fleshed out following recommendations by, and after consultations with,
Finally, it is a futile gesture on the part of petitioners to invoke the non-impairment clause of the Constitution
the affected sectors and non-government organizations. On the
to support their argument that the government cannot enact the assailed regulatory measures because they abridge
the freedom to contract. In Philippine Association of Service Exporters, Inc. vs. Drilon, we held that “[t]he non-
VOL. 260, AUGUST 5, 1996 329 impairment clause of the Constitution . . . must yield to the loftier purposes targeted by the government.” 15 Equally
important, into every contract is read provisions of existing law, and always, a reservation of the police power for
JMM Promotion and Management, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals so long as the agreement deals with a subject impressed with the public welfare.
whole, they are aimed at enhancing the safety and security of entertainers and artists bound for Japan and other A last point. Petitioners suggest that the singling out of entertainers and performing artists under the assailed
destinations, without stifling the industry’s concerns for expansion and growth. department orders constitutes class legislation which violates the equal protection clause of the Constitution. We
In any event, apart from the State’s police power, the Constitution itself mandates government to extend the do not agree.
fullest protection to our overseas workers. The basic constitutional statement on labor, embodied in Section 18 of The equal protection clause is directed principally against undue favor and individual or class privilege. It is
Article II of the Constitution provides: not intended to prohibit legislation which is limited to the object to which it is directed or by the territory in which
Sec. 18. The State affirms labor as a primary social economic force. It shall protect the rights of workers and promote it is to operate. It does not require absolute equality, but merely that all persons be treated alike under like
their welfare. conditions both as to privileges conferred and liabilities imposed. 16 We have held, time and again, that the equal
More emphatically, the social justice provision on labor of the 1987 Constitution in its first paragraph states: protection clause of the Constitution does not forbid classification for so long as such classifi-
The State shall afford full protection to labor, local and overseas, organized and unorganized and promote full _________________
employment and equality of employment opportunities for all.
Obviously, protection to labor does not indicate promotion of employment alone. Under the welfare and social justice 15Supra, note 6, at 397.
provisions of the Constitution, the promotion of full employment, while desirable, cannot take a backseat to the 16Itchong, etc., et al. vs. Hernandez, 101 Phil. 1155 (1957).
government’s constitutional duty to provide mechanisms for the protection of our workforce, local or overseas. As 332
this Court explained in Philippine Association of Service Exporters, Inc. (PASEI) v. Drilon,11 in reference to the
recurring problems faced by our overseas workers: 332 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
What concerns the Constitution more paramountly is that such an employment be above all, decent, just, and
humane. It is bad enough that the country has to send its sons and daughters to strange lands because it cannot JMM Promotion and Management, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
satisfy their employment needs at home. Under these circumstances, the Government is duty-bound to insure that cation is based on real and substantial differences having a reasonable relation to the subject of the particular
our toiling expatriates have adequate protection, personally and economically, while away from home. legislation.17If classification is germane to the purpose of the law, concerns all members of the class, and applies
_____________ equally to present and future conditions, the classification does not violate the equal protection guarantee.
In the case at bar, the challenged Department Order clearly applies to all performing artists and entertainers
destined for jobs abroad. These orders, we stressed hereinbefore, further the Constitutional mandate requiring
government to protect our workforce, particularly those who may be prone to abuse and exploitation as they are
beyond the physical reach of government regulatory agencies. The tragic incidents must somehow stop, but short
330 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED of absolutely curtailing the right of these performers and entertainers to work abroad, the assailed measures enable
our government to assume a measure of control.
JMM Promotion and Management, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals WHEREFORE, finding no reversible error in the decision sought to be reviewed, petition is hereby DENIED.
We now go to petitioners’ assertion that the police power cannot, nevertheless, abridge the right of our performing SO ORDERED.
workers to return to work abroad after having earlier qualified under the old process, because, having previously Padilla (Chairman), Bellosillo, Vitug and Hermosisima, Jr., JJ., concur.
been accredited, their accreditation became a “property right,” protected by the due process clause. We find this Petition denied.
contention untenable. Note.—Police power subordinates the non-impairment clause of the Constitution. (Philippine National Bank
A profession, trade or calling is a property right within the meaning of our constitutional guarantees. One vs. Remigio, 231 SCRA 362 [1994])
cannot be deprived of the right to work and the right to make a living because these rights are property rights, the
arbitrary and unwarranted deprivation of which normally constitutes an actionable wrong.12 ——o0o——
Nevertheless, no right is absolute, and the proper regulation of a profession, calling, business or trade has
always been upheld as a legitimate subject of a valid exercise of the police power by the state particularly when
their conduct affects either the execution of legitimate governmental functions, the preservation of the State, the
public health and welfare and public morals. According to the maxim, sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas, it must

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