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The document provides recommendations for the storage and protection of aerosol products from a fire safety perspective.

Aerosol products are classified based on their container material (metal or plastic), contents, and container size.

Factors like occupancy, segregation from ignition sources and adjacent storage, and separation from means of egress are considered for aerosol product storage locations and construction.

FM Global

Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets 7-31

January 2016
Interim Revision January 2019
Page 1 of 60


Table of Contents

1.0 SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Changes .......................................................................................................................................... 3
2.0 LOSS PREVENTION RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................................... 3
2.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 Aerosol Product Classification: Aerosol Products in Metal Containers of 33.8 oz (1000 ml)
or Less ..................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 Aerosol Product Classification: Aerosol Cooking Spray Products in Metal Containers of
33.8 oz (1000 ml) or Less ....................................................................................................... 5
2.1.3 Aerosol Product Classification: Aerosol Products in Plastic Containers of 33.8 oz
(1000 ml) or Less .................................................................................................................... 5 Plastic Aerosol 1 Products ................................................................................................... 5 Plastic Aerosol 3 Products ................................................................................................... 5 Plastic Aerosol X Products ................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Construction and Location ............................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Occupancy ...................................................................................................................................... 11
2.4 Protection ....................................................................................................................................... 12
2.4.1 General ................................................................................................................................. 12
2.4.2 Warehouse Storage of Aerosol Products in Metal Containers ............................................. 14
2.4.3 Warehouse Storage of Aerosol Products in Plastic Containers of 33.8 oz (1000 ml) or Less . 22
2.4.4 Mercantile Locations ............................................................................................................. 23
2.5 Training ............................................................................................................................................ 23
2.6 Human Factor .................................................................................................................................. 23
2.7 Ignition Source Control .................................................................................................................... 23
3.0 SUPPORT FOR RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................. 23
3.1 General ........................................................................................................................................... 23
3.2 Aerosol Products in Metal Containers: Classification by Chemical Heat of Combustion ............... 24
3.3 Fire Hazard ...................................................................................................................................... 24
3.3.1 Fire Protection ..................................................................................................................... 25 Level 1 Aerosol Products ................................................................................................... 25 Rack Storage vs. Palletized or Solid Pile Storage ............................................................. 25 Cartoned vs. Uncartoned Storage ..................................................................................... 25 Mixed Commodities ............................................................................................................ 25
3.3.2 Segregation ........................................................................................................................... 26
4.0 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 26
4.1 FM Global ...................................................................................................................................... 26
4.2 Others ............................................................................................................................................ 26
APPENDIX A GLOSSARY OF TERMS ...................................................................................................... 27
APPENDIX B DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY ...................................................................................... 27
APPENDIX C NFPA STANDARD ................................................................................................................ 29
APPENDIX D AEROSOL PRODUCTS CLASSIFICATION ....................................................................... 29
D.1 Chemical Heat of Combustion Data .............................................................................................. 29
E.1 In-Rack Sprinkler Layouts ............................................................................................................. 32
E.2 Fire Protection Scheme A .............................................................................................................. 50
E.3 Aerosol Product Flow-Through Rack Protection Scheme ............................................................. 55

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7-31 Storage of Aerosol Products
Page 2 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets

E.4 Mercantile Fire Protection Schemes ............................................................................................... 57

List of Figures
Fig. 1. Aerosol product classification ............................................................................................................. 4
Fig. 2a. Design of fencing where adjacent storage is protected with Scheme A ......................................... 8
Fig. 2b. Design of fencing where adjacent storage is not protected with Scheme A .................................. 9
Fig. 3. Example of a labyrinth opening arrangement for a cutoff room opening. ...................................... 10
Fig. 4a. Separation of aerosol product storage from non-aerosol storage using a chain link fence ......... 13
Fig. 4b. Separation of aerosol product storage from non-aerosol storage using a solid vertical barrier .. 14
Fig. 5a. Cartoned Level 2 and 3 aerosol products — single row racks ..................................................... 33
Fig. 5b. Cartoned Level 2 and 3 aerosol products — double row racks ................................................... 34
Fig. 5c. Cartoned Level 2 and 3 aerosol products — multiple row racks .................................................. 35
Fig. 6a. Cartoned Level 3 aerosol products — single row racks up to 25 ft (7.6 m) high storage
in quick-response sprinkler protected building .............................................................................. 36
Fig. 6b. Cartoned Level 3 aerosol products — double row racks up to 25 ft (7.6 m) high storage
in quick-response sprinkler protected building .............................................................................. 37
Fig. 7a. Cartoned Level 3 aerosol products — single row racks ............................................................... 38
Fig. 7b. Cartoned Level 3 aerosol products — double row racks .............................................................. 39
Fig. 7c. Cartoned Level 3 aerosol products — multiple row racks ............................................................ 40
Fig. 8a. Cartoned Level 2 and 3 aerosol products, clearance more than 15 ft (4.6 m) — single row racks . 41
Fig. 8b. Cartoned Level 2 and 3 aerosol products, clearance more than 15 ft (4.6 m) — double row racks . 42
Fig. 8c. Cartoned Level 2 and 3 aerosol products, clearance more than 15 ft (4.6 m) — multiple row racks . 43
Fig. 9a. Uncartoned Level 2 and 3 aerosol products — single row racks up to 20 ft (6.1 m) high storage . 44
Fig. 9b. Uncartoned Level 2 and 3 aerosol products — double row racks up to 20 ft (6.1 m) high storage . 45
Fig. 9c. Uncartoned Level 2 and 3 aerosol products — multiple row racks up to 20 ft (6.1 m) high storage . 46
Fig. 10a. Uncartoned Level 2 and 3 aerosol products — single row racks up to 25 ft (7.6 m) high storage . 47
Fig. 10b. Uncartoned Level 2 and 3 aerosol products — double row racks up to 25 ft (7.6 m) high storage . 48
Fig. 10c. Uncartoned Level 2 and 3 aerosol product — multiple row racks up to 25 ft (7.6 m) high storage . 49
Fig. 11a. Single row rack in-rack sprinkler layout — Fire Protection Scheme A ....................................... 51
Fig. 11b. Single row rack in-rack sprinkler layout — Fire Protection Scheme A ....................................... 52
Fig. 11c. Double row rack in-rack sprinkler layout — Fire Protection Scheme A ...................................... 53
Fig. 11d. Multiple row rack in-rack sprinkler layout — Fire Protection Scheme A ..................................... 54
Fig. 12a. Aerosol product picking area elevation view ............................................................................... 56
Fig. 12b. Aerosol product picking area plan view ...................................................................................... 56
Fig. 13a. Mercantile storage, Option 1 ........................................................................................................ 58
Fig. 13b. Mercantile storage, Option 2 ....................................................................................................... 59
Fig. 13c. Mercantile storage, Option 3 ....................................................................................................... 60

List of Tables
Table 1. Aerosol Product Classification ......................................................................................................... 4
Table 2. Chemical Heat of Combustion for Various Materials ...................................................................... 5
Table 3. Aerosol Product Storage Location Options .................................................................................... 6
Table 4. Hose Demand and Water Supply Duration Design Guidelines ...................................................... 12
Table 5. Palletized and Solid Pile Storage of Level 2 Aerosol Products ................................................... 15
Table 6. Palletized and Solid Pile Storage of Level 3 Aerosol Products ................................................... 16
Table 7. Rack Storage of Cartoned Level 2 Aerosol Products .................................................................. 17
Table 8. Rack Storage of Cartoned Level 3 Aerosol Products .................................................................. 18
Table 8. Rack Storage of Cartoned Level 3 Aerosol Products (continued) ............................................... 19
Table 9. Rack Storage of Uncartoned Level 2 Aerosol Products ................................................................. 20
Table 10. Rack Storage of Uncartoned Level 3 Aerosol Products ............................................................. 21
Table 11. Rack, Palletized, and Solid-Pile Storage of Cartoned Aerosol Cooking Spray Products ............ 22
Table 12. Rack Storage of Plastic Aerosol 3 Products ................................................................................. 22
Table 13. Chemical Heat of Combustion Data ............................................................................................ 30
Table 13. Chemical Heat of Combustion Data (continued) ......................................................................... 31

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This data sheet provides protection recommendations on the storage of Level 1, 2, and 3 aerosol products
stored in metal containers; aerosol cooking spray products in metal containers; and aerosol products in
plastic containers up to a maximum size of 33.8 oz (1000 ml).
This data sheet does not apply to other products consisting of ignitable liquids and flammable or nonflammable
gas propellants stored in larger containers. That guidance is provided in other FM Global property loss
prevention data sheets, including the following:
• 7-29, Ignitable Liquid Storage in Portable Containers
• 7-32, Ignitable Liquid Operations
• 7-50, Compressed Gases in Cylinders
• 7-55, Liquefied Petroleum Gas
• 7-88, Storage Tanks for Ignitable Liquids

1.1 Changes
January 2019. Interim revision. Incorporated guidance for plastic aerosol 3 products. The following changes
were made:
A. Added a definition of plastic aerosol 3 products.
B. Added guidance on construction and location for plastic aerosol 3 products (Table 3).
C. Created a new table with protection guidance for plastic aerosol 3 products (Table 12).
D. Added guidance on mercantile storage of plastic aerosol 3 products.


2.1 Introduction
The classification of aerosol products is critical to providing adequate protection. The classification method
used for aerosol products in metal containers is based on the results for full scale fire tests involving those
types of products. This classification cannot be applied to aerosol products in non-metal containers. A new
classification method for plastic aerosol products has been developed. It is also based on full scale fire testing
The biggest challenge in determining how to adequately product aerosol products is the proper classification
of the products. Not all countries/codes support the classification system used in this standard however, the
system presented here for aerosol products in metal and plastic containers is the only approach tied to
defining adequate protection for the storage of aerosol products in warehouses. In the United States the
transportation code and NFPA 30B, Code for the Manufacture and Storage of Aerosol Products, use the same
classification system presented in this standard. Both codes require the boxes to be properly labelled
including the new labelling for aerosol products in plastic containers.

2.1.1 Aerosol Product Classification: Aerosol Products in Metal Containers of 33.8 oz (1000 ml) or Less Classify aerosol products using one of the following methods:
A. Sum the chemical heat of combustion for the constituent components of the aerosol product (e.g.,
propellant, liquid products) multiplied by their weight fraction. This is represented in mathematical notation
by the following formula:
∆Hcht = Σ xi∆Hchi
Where ∆Hcht = total chemical heat of combustion of the product, Btu/lb [kJ/g]
xi = weight fraction of component i
∆Hchi = chemical heat of combustion of component i
Based on the calculated chemical heat of combustion, use Table 1 to classify the aerosol product.

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Table 1. Aerosol Product Classification

Chemical Heat of Combustion (∆Hch) Aerosol Product Level
0 < ∆Hch ≤ 8600
(0 < ∆Hch ≤ 20)
8600 < ∆Hch ≤ 12,900
(20 < ∆Hch ≤ 30)
∆Hch > 12,900
(∆Hch > 30)
B. Use Figure 1 if the aerosol product’s constituent materials are known and consist of saturated
hydrocarbons, such as propane and isobutane, alcohols such as ethanol or methanol, and inert materials.

Fig. 1. Aerosol product classification

C. Classify the aerosol product as Level 3 if its composition is not known and test results are not available. Determine the chemical heat of combustion for the component materials of an aerosol product using
one of the following means:
A. If the exact aerosol product components and their weight fraction are known, use the chemical heat
of combustion data in Table 13, located in Appendix D of this document.
B. If the exact aerosol product components and their weight fraction are known but the chemical heat of
combustion is not available, use the total heat of combustion as determined by oxygen bomb calorimeter
C. If the exact components of the aerosol product are not known but the product can be broken down
by weight fraction into the generic groups of hydrocarbon (e.g., propellant, non-water-miscible ignitable
liquids), alcohol (e.g., ethanol, isopropanol), and inert (e.g., solids, nonignitable liquids), use the values
shown in Table 2.
D. Conduct an oxygen bomb calorimeter test on the aerosol product mixture, including the propellant.
Note: Consider materials inert if they are nonignitable liquids (e.g., water, liquids without a fire point), solids
(e.g., powders), or nonflammable gases (e.g., carbon dioxide).

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Table 2. Chemical Heat of Combustion for Various Materials

∆Hch ∆Hch
(Btu/lb) (kJ/g)
Hydrocarbon 19,000 44
Alcohol 11,000 25
Inert 0 0 Classify aerosol products in metal containers of 5 oz (150 ml) or less in accordance with Section

2.1.2 Aerosol Product Classification: Aerosol Cooking Spray Products in Metal Containers of 33.8 oz (1000
ml) or Less Classify an aerosol product in a metal container as an aerosol cooking spray product if both of the
following are:
A. The product is designed to deliver a vegetable oil, a solid, or nonignitable liquid to reduce sticking on
cooking and baking surfaces, or to be applied on food, or both.
B. The product has a chemical heat of combustion that is higher than 20 KJ/g (8600 Btu/lb), and no more
than 18% of its contents is a hydrocarbon propellant. If the aerosol cooking spray product has a chemical heat of combustion that is 20 KJ/g (8600 Btu/lb)
or lower, consider it a Level 1 aerosol product. If the aerosol cooking spray has more than 18% hydrocarbon propellant, classify it in accordance
with the product’s chemical heat of combustion.

2.1.3 Aerosol Product Classification: Aerosol Products in Plastic Containers of 33.8 oz (1000 ml) or Less Plastic Aerosol 1 Products

Plastic aerosol 1 products are those that meet one of the following criteria:
A. The base liquid product has no fire point when tested in accordance with ASTM D 92, Standard Test
Method for Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland Open Cup Tester, and the propellant is nonflammable.
B. The base product does not exhibit sustained combustion when tested in accordance with (1) Method
of Testing for Sustained Combustibility, Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 173, Appendix H, or
(2) the UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods; and the propellant is nonflammable.
C. The base liquid product contains up to 20% by volume (15.8% by weight) of ethanol or propanol or
mixtures thereof in an aqueous mix, and the propellant is nonflammable.
D. The base liquid product contains 4% by weight or less of an emulsified flammable liquefied gas
propellant within an aqueous base (i.e., the aqueous base is a nonignitable liquid), and the propellant
remains emulsified for the life of the product or is nonflammable. Plastic Aerosol 3 Products

Plastic aerosol 3 products are those than meet one of the following criteria:
A. The base liquid product has no fire point when tested in accordance with ASTM D 92, Standard Test
Method for Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland Open Cup Tester, and there is not more than 10%
flammable propellant.
B. The base product does not exhibit sustained combustion when tested in accordance with (1) Method
of Testing for Sustained Combustibility, Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 173, Appendix H, or
(2) the UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods; and there is not more than 10%
flammable propellant.
C. The base liquid product contains not more than 50% by volume of flammable, water-miscible alcohol
in an aqueous mix, and there is not more than 10% flammable propellant.

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7-31 Storage of Aerosol Products
Page 6 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Plastic Aerosol X Products

Plastic aerosol X products are those that do not meet the criteria in Section or

2.2 Construction and Location

2.2.1 Segregate aerosol product storage in accordance with Table 3.

Table 3. Aerosol Product Storage Location Options

Aerosol Product Sprinkler
Type Storage Array Response Storage Location Options
Level 1 Palletized or rack Any Any location is acceptable.
Level 2 Palletized or rack Any Dedicated building, cutoff room, or dedicated area
defined by a chain link fence
Level 3 Palletized Standard Dedicated building or cutoff room
Quick response Dedicated building, cutoff room, or dedicated area
defined by a chain link fence
Rack Any Dedicated building, cutoff room, or dedicated area
defined by a chain link fence
Plastic aerosol 1 Palletized or rack Any Any location is acceptable.
Plastic aerosol 3 Rack Any Dedicated building, cutoff room, or dedicated area
products defined by a chain link fence.
Palletized Any Detached building or cutoff room; refer to Section 2.2.3.
Plastic aerosol X Any Any Detached building or cutoff room; refer to Section 2.2.3.
Aerosol cooking Palletized or rack Quick response Any location is acceptable

2.2.2 Design cutoff rooms in accordance with the following recommendations:

A. Locate the room outside the building on an exterior wall. A less-desirable alternative is to locate the
room inside the building on an exterior wall with access from the outside.
B. Provide noncombustible partitions, including gypsum wallboard, with a minimum 1-hour fire resistance
as described in Data Sheet 1-21, Fire Resistance of Building Assemblies.
C. Provide impact protection for fire-rated walls constructed of low-impact strength materials. If gypsum
wallboard is used, provide a minimum 22 gauge (0.7 mm) metal facing on the wallboard to provide some
protection against aerosol product can impact. Provide the impact protection for the full height of the walls.
D. Protect necessary interior openings with a normally closed fire door. Locate the fire door on the storage
side of the wall. Arrange doors to automatically close in the event of a fire. The use of a fusible link at ceiling
level, sprinkler water flow alarm, heat detector, or a flame detector are acceptable means of releasing
the door.
2.2.3 For plastic aerosol X products, there is no protection criteria proven by tests to stop the spread of fire.
It is expected that all of the aerosol containers within a room will release their contents, producing a hybrid
ignitable liquid and flammable gas fire. Therefore, store these aerosol products in one of the following areas:
A. A detached, low-value building.
B. An FM Approved prefabricated ignitable liquids storage buildings (PILSB), designed in accordance
with Section 2.2.8. Locate the PILSB outside the main building.
C. If a cutoff room is to be used, design the room in accordance with the recommendations in Data Sheet
7-29. Also design an emergency drainage system for the room in accordance with DS 7-29.
2.2.4 Design dedicated storage areas within general purpose warehouses as follows:

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A. Provide a floor-to-ceiling chain link fence that completely surrounds the designated aerosol product
storage area. Fencing can use the rack structure for support. Alternatively, provide noncombustible
impact-resistant barriers (e.g., minimum 22 gauge [0.7 mm] sheet metal) within the racks.
B. Use fencing that is at least 9 gauge (3.8 mm) steel wire woven into a maximum 2 in. (50 mm) diamond
2.2.5 Where Scheme A is used to protect the rack storage of Level 2 and Level 3 aerosol products located
within a general purpose warehouse, the fencing specified in Section 2.2.4 does not need to be included
in the aisles if adjacent racks are also protected with Scheme A. Fencing is only necessary at the outermost
rack bays. Where adjacent racks are not protected with Scheme A, fencing is necessary around the entire
perimeter of aerosol products storage. See Figures 2a and 2b.

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Solid horizontal barrier

(no gap at longitudinal flue)

Plan View

= Aerosols storage = Longitudinal flue sprinkler

= Non-aerosols storage = Face sprinkler

= Chain link fence

Fig. 2a. Design of fencing where adjacent storage is protected with Scheme A

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Solid Horizontal Barrier

(no gap at longitudinal flue)

Plan View

= Aerosols Storage = Longitudinal Flue Sprinkler

= Non-Aerosols Storage = Face Sprinkler

= Chain Link Fence

Fig. 2b. Design of fencing where adjacent storage is not protected with Scheme A

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2.2.6 For cutoff rooms and dedicated areas in general purpose warehouses, protect openings with normally
closed, automatically closing doors. Arrange doors to automatically close in the event of a fire.
A.The use of a fusible link at ceiling level, sprinkler water flow alarm, heat detector, or a flame detector
are acceptable means of releasing the door.
B.A less-desirable approach is to arrange a normally open door to automatically close when actuated
by a fire inside or directly outside the room or area. An alternative for openings in chain link fence-enclosed areas is to design a doorless opening (e.g.,
a labyrinth or tunnel approach) that does not provide a direct line of sight for a rocketing can to the area
outside the enclosure (see Figure 3).

Cutoff room

Aerosol product
Direct line of sight for
rocketing aerosol can

Fig. 3. Example of a labyrinth opening arrangement for a cutoff room opening.

2.2.7 In cases where aerosol storage directly expose doors in MFL walls, provide a labyrinth style barrier
(See Fig. 3) at the opening in addition to the normally provided fire doors. An acceptable alternative is to arrange the fire doors to automatically close by activation of a flame
A. Arrange one flame detector to provide complete line-of-sight coverage across the front of the opening
(near field).
B. Arrange a second flame detector to provide far field coverage over the top of storage.
C. Arrange doors to automatically close in the event of power loss.
2.2.8 For all detached buildings or cutoff rooms, provide an FM Approved roof covering that consists of a
Class 1 internal fire resistance (see Data Sheet 1-29, Roof Deck Securement and Above-Deck Roofing
Components) and an ASTM E108 Class A-rated external fire resistance (see Data Sheet 1-29). For cutoff rooms that have ceilings below the main building’s roof, provide a ceiling assembly that
has the same fire resistance as the interior walls of the cutoff room. For cutoff rooms that have wooden roof assemblies, isolate the wooden roof with the same fire
resistance as that needed for the interior walls of the cutoff room. Provide sprinklers in any resulting
combustible spaces in accordance with Data Sheet 1-12, Ceilings and Concealed Spaces.
2.2.9 FM Approved prefabricated ignitable liquids storage buildings (PILSB) may be used as an alternative
to a permanently constructed cutoff or detached aerosol products storage room. The PILSB must provide all
of the active and passive protection features recommended in this data sheet (fire rating, automatic fire
protection, etc.).
2.2.10 Special storage arrangements or equipment may be used for small quantities of aerosol products,
including the following:

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A. Store individual cartons or cans inside FM Approved ignitable liquid cabinets. Arrange the cabinets
as follows:
1. If storing plastic aerosol X products, restrict quantities as necessary so the liquid contents of all
stored aerosol containers does not exceed that specified in the cabinet’s FM Approval listing.
2. Cutoff is not needed from storage or nonstorage occupancies.
3. Provide a minimum of 20 ft (6 m) separation between cabinets and storage areas.
4. Do not put cabinets within rack storage arrangements.
5. Provide adequate protection for the surrounding occupancy.
B. Use portable, noncombustible bins to store pallet-load quantities. Enclose the bins on all sides, including
the tops and bottoms. Construct the bins of 18 gauge (1.2 mm) steel with a continuous weld at fixed
seams. Provide access to the container using a hinged door, with only a friction latch arranged in such
a way that the door has to be closed so as not to obstruct the aisle. Individual designs are likely to be
needed for such bins. These storage methods are alternatives to the location recommendations in this data sheet (i.e.,
cutoff room or dedicated area), but they do not alter the sprinkler protection recommendations. If stored in racks, limit these containers to the first tier of the rack, with no combustibles located
below except for the pallet. Provide in-rack sprinklers over such storage in accordance with Section 2.4.
Determine the need for additional in-rack sprinkler protection based on the other commodities in the racks.
2.2.11 Shipping/Receiving Areas For loading docks where aerosol products are staged, provide construction and protection as
recommended by this data sheet. The term ″staged″ in this context excludes continuous movement of
containers from inside the shipping vehicle directly to the storage area. Where small amounts of aerosol product outside of appropriately arranged storage areas cannot
be avoided, such as in staging areas, provide racking in the staging area sufficient for the required amount
of product protected with Scheme A protection. Locate aerosol product storage areas next to shipping/receiving areas to prevent the creation of
an aerosol product fire hazard along transportation routes that are not protected for that hazard. Provide space
in the cutoff rooms for staging products before they are placed in storage or while they are waiting to be

2.3 Occupancy
2.3.1 Maintain only aerosol product storage in designated aerosol product storage areas or cutoff rooms/
2.3.2 Any level of aerosol product in maximum 33.8 oz (1000 ml) metal containers may be stored with ignitable
liquids in metal containers up to 33.8 oz (1000 ml), if the provided fire protection scheme, isolation, and
construction features are fully adequate for both storage types. Refer to Data Sheet 7-29, Ignitable Liquid
Storage in Portable Containers. Do not mix aerosol product storage with ignitable liquid storage beyond this
limit. In all other cases, maintain only aerosol product storage in designated aerosol product storage areas
or cutoff rooms or buildings. Do not mix storage of plastic aerosols with ignitable liquids.
2.3.3 Where Scheme A is used to protect the rack storage of Level 2 and Level 3 aerosol products, mixed
storage within the rack is acceptable if the following criteria are met:
2.3.2 Provide minimum 8 ft (2.4 m) aisles for all rack storage of Level 2 and 3 aerosols.
A. For double-row rack tiers fully protected with Scheme A, provide a vertical chain link fence in longitudinal
and transverse flue spaces to separate aerosol storage from adjacent storage of other commodities as
shown in Figure 4a.
B. For double-row rack tiers protected with Scheme A over aerosol product storage only (e.g., in one side
of the rack), provide a solid vertical barrier in the longitudinal and transverse flue spaces to separate
aerosol product storage from adjacent storage of other commodities as shown in Figure 4b. Protect the

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adjacent storage based on the commodity stored in that area.

C. If aerosol products are stored at the outermost bay, provide a solid vertical barrier or chain link fence
at the end of the bay, as shown in Figures 4a and 4b.
D. A chain link fence is not necessary within the aisles if adjacent racks are also protected with Scheme
A (refer to Section 2.2.5).

2.4 Protection

2.4.1 General Protect small propane cylinders up to 17 oz (500 ml) [nominal 1 lb (450 g) cylinders] with protection
criteria suitable for Level 3 aerosols with all of the following limitations:
A.Store containers with the relief vent in the vapor space.
B.For palletized storage use only quick response storage sprinkler protection criteria.
C.For rack storage use either (1) quick response storage sprinkler protection criteria at the ceiling or (2)
standard response storage sprinklers at the ceiling plus in-rack protection criteria. Use a wet, preaction, or deluge sprinkler system. For information on the design of deluge and preaction
systems, refer to Sections and, respectively. A dry system is acceptable if the sprinkler operating area is equal to the room’s footprint as defined
by its walls, and water is delivered to the most remote sprinkler within 30 seconds of activation in a fire. Install sprinklers in accordance with Data Sheet 2-0, Installation Guidelines for Automatic Sprinklers. Arrange sprinklers on a maximum 100 ft2 (9 m2) spacing. Arrange sprinklers with a maximum spacing of 10 ft (3.0 m). A variation of ±1 ft (0.3 m) is permitted
on either dimension to avoid obstructions by structural elements. Base the in-rack sprinkler water demand on the simultaneous operation of the most hydraulically
remote sprinklers as follows:
A. Eight (8) sprinklers where only one level of in-rack sprinklers is provided.
B. Twelve (12) sprinklers (six [6] sprinklers on two [2] levels) where only two (2) levels of in-rack sprinklers
are provided.
C. Eighteen (18) sprinklers (six [6] sprinklers on the top three [3] levels) where more than two (2) levels
of in-rack sprinkler are provided. In-rack design flows are provided in Tables 7 through 10. The end-sprinkler discharge pressure should
be at least 15 psi (1 bar) regardless of sprinkler type. When recommended per Tables 7 through 10, install in-rack sprinklers in accordance with Figures
5 through 10. Stagger in-rack sprinklers vertically where indicated in the figures. Ensure the water supply is capable of providing the combined sprinkler system (ceiling protection
and, if provided, in-rack sprinklers) and hose stream demands at adequate pressure for the durations listed
in Table 4.

Table 4. Hose Demand and Water Supply Duration Design Guidelines

No. of Sprinklers in Ceiling Hose Demand,1
Sprinkler Type by Spacing Design gpm (L/min) Duration, minutes
Standard spacing Up to 12 250 (950) 60
13 to 19 500 (1900) 90
20 or more 500 (1900) 120
Extended-coverage Up to 6 250 (950) 60
7 to 9 500 (1900) 90
10 or more 500 (1900) 120
Provide 250 gpm (950 L/min) for buildings or rooms with a floor area of 2000 ft2 (185 m2) or less, regardless of the ceiling protection.

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Solid horizontal barrier

(no gap at longitudinal flue)

Plan View

= Aerosols storage

= Non-aerosols storage

= Chain link fence

= Longitudinal flue sprinkler

= Face sprinkler

Fig. 4a. Separation of aerosol product storage from non-aerosol storage using a chain link fence

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7-31 Storage of Aerosol Products
Page 14 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets

Solid horizontal barrier

Plan View
= Aerosols storage Note: Provide in rack
automatic sprinklers as
necessary for the non-
= Non-aerosols storage aerosols storage.

= Solid vertical barrier

= Automatic sprinkler

Fig. 4b. Separation of aerosol product storage from non-aerosol storage using a solid vertical barrier Space detectors for interior deluge systems (pilot sprinkler, electric, or pneumatic) as follows:
A. Install pilot sprinklers on the same spacing as sprinklers.
B. Install electric or pneumatic devices under smooth ceilings in accordance with the manufacturer’s
specifications, the requirements listed in the Approval Guide for the particular model, and Data Sheet 5-48,
Automatic Fire Detection. Space detectors for preaction systems (pilot sprinkler, electric, or pneumatic) as follows:
A. Install electric or pneumatic detectors at a spacing of one-half the listed linear detector spacing, or
the full sprinkler spacing, whichever is greater. For design purposes, treat preaction systems with this
detector spacing the same as wet systems (e.g., if a detector is FM Approved for 30 ft by 30 ft [9.1 m by
9.1 m] and allowable sprinkler spacing is 100 ft2 [9 m2], then maximum allowable linear detector spacing
is 15 ft by 15 ft [4.6 m by 4.6 m]).
If a preaction system has a detector spacing greater than the above spacing, consider it a deluge system
for design purposes. Refer to the Approval Guide for the maximum allowable spacing.
B. Install pilot sprinklers on the same spacing as the sprinklers. For design purposes, treat preaction
sprinkler systems that use pilot sprinklers the same as dry systems, regardless of detector spacing. Provide portable extinguishers in areas (interior and exterior) where aerosol products are stored.
Use carbon dioxide, dry chemical, or AFFF extinguishers. Refer to Data Sheet 4-5, Portable Extinguishers,
to determine effective sizes and locations for the extinguishers.

2.4.2 Warehouse Storage of Aerosol Products in Metal Containers Protect Level 1 aerosol products in accordance with the recommendations for a Class 3 commodity
in Data Sheet 8-9, Storage of Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and Plastic Commodities. Protect palletized or solid-pile storage of Level 2 and Level 3 aerosol products in accordance with
Tables 5 and 6.

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Storage of Aerosol Products 7-31
FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Page 15 Protect rack storage of Level 2 and Level 3 aerosol products in accordance with Tables 7 through
10 and Figures 5 through 10. Protect rack, palletized, and solid-pile storage of cartoned aerosol cooking spray products in
accordance with Table 11. Protect uncartoned aerosol cooking spray products as Level 2 or Level 3 aerosols based on the
product’s chemical heat of combustion. Where aerosol products are segregated by fencing in a general purpose warehouse, provide a
consistent level of sprinkler protection throughout the dedicated area. Provide protection for the most
hazardous classification of products present. Extend the recommended ceiling protection 20 ft (6.1 m) beyond
the fence if it is more stringent than the ceiling sprinkler requirement for the adjacent occupancy.

Table 5. Palletized and Solid Pile Storage of Level 2 Aerosol Products

Maximum Maximum Ceiling Sprinkler Protection (Note 1)
Ceiling Storage Response, Nominal K-Factor (Note 2) Design, # Sprinklers @
Packaging Height Height Temperature Rating, and gpm/psi1/2 Pressure
Type ft (m) ft (m) Sprinkler Orientation (l/min/bar1/2) psi (bar)
Cartoned 25 (7.6) 18 (5.5) SR, Ordinary, Upright 11.2 (161) 15 @ 50 (3.4)
20 (6.1) QR, Ordinary, Pendent 14.0 (202) 12 @ 50 (3.4)
16.8 (235) 12 @ 35 (2.4)
22.4 (314) 12 @ 25 (1.7)
25.2 (363) 12 @25 (1.7)
30 (9.1) 5 (1.5) SR, High, Any ≥11.2 (≥161) 25 @ 7 (0.5)
15 (4.6) QR, Ordinary, Pendent 14.0 (202) 12 @ 50 (3.4)
16.8 (235) 12 @ 35 (2.4)
22.4 (314) 12 @ 25 (1.7)
25.2 (363) 12 @ 25 (1.7)
Uncartoned 25 (7.6) 15 (4.6) QR, Ordinary, Pendent 14.0 (202) 12 @ 50 (3.4)
16.8 (235) 12 @ 35 (2.4)
22.4 (314) 12 @ 25 (1.7)
25.2 (363) 12 @ 25 (1.7)
30 (9.1) 15 (4.6) QR, Ordinary, Pendent 14.0 (202) 12 @ 75 (5.2)
16.8 (235) 12 @ 52 (3.6)
22.4 (314) 12 @ 45 (3.1)
25.2 (363) 12 @ 25 (1.7)
1. SR = Standard response; QR = quick response.
2. The FM Approved K19.6 (282) sprinkler is not acceptable for the protection of palletized and solid pile storage of Level 2 aerosol products.

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Page 16 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets

Table 6. Palletized and Solid Pile Storage of Level 3 Aerosol Products

Ceiling Sprinkler Protection (Note 1)
Response, K-Factor Design, #
Nominal (Note 2) Sprinklers @
Temperature gpm/psi1/2 Pressurepsi (bar)
Maximum Ceiling Maximum Storage Rating, and (l/min/bar1/2)
Packaging Height Height Sprinkler
Type ft (m) ft (m) Orientation
Cartoned 20 (6.1) 5 (1.5) SR, High, Any ≥11.2 (≥161) 25 @ 7 (0.5)
10 (3) SR, Ordinary, 11.2 (161) 15 @ 75 (5.2)
25 (7.6) 15 (4.6) QR, Ordinary, 14.0 (202) 12 @ 50 (3.4)
Pendent 16.8 (235) 12 @ 35 (2.4)
22.4 (314) 12 @ 25 (1.7)
25.2 (363) 12 @ 25 (1.7)
30 (9.1) 5 (1.5) SR, High, Any 11.2 (161) 25 @ 29 (2.0)
14.0 (202) 25 @ 18 (1.2)
16.8 (235) 25 @ 13 (0.9)
25.2 (363) 25 @ 7 (0.5)
15 (4.6) QR, Ordinary, 14.0 (202) 12 @ 75 (5.2)
Pendent 16.8 (235) 12 @ 52 (3.6)
22.4 (314) 12 @ 45 (3.1)
25.2 (363) 12 @ 25 (1.7)
Uncartoned No Protection Criteria Available
1. SR = Standard response; QR = quick response.
2. The FM Approved K19.6 (282) sprinkler is not acceptable for the protection of palletized and solid pile storage of Level 3 aerosol products.

©2016-2019 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.

Table 7. Rack Storage of Cartoned Level 2 Aerosol Products

FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets

Storage of Aerosol Products
Ceiling Sprinkler Protection (Note 1) In-Rack Sprinkler Protection (Note 1)
Response, K-Factor Design, Layout, Response, K-Factor, Discharge Flow,
Nominal (Note 2), # Sprinklers @ Pressure See Figure Nominal gpm/psi1/2 gpm
Maximum Maximum Temperature gpm/psi1/2 psi (bar) Temperature (L/min/bar1/2) (L/min)
Ceiling Storage Minimum Aisle Rating, and (L/min/bar1/2) Rating (Note 3)
Height, Height, Width, Sprinkler
ft (m) ft (m) ft (m) Orientation
25 (7.6) 20 (6.1) 4 (1.2) QR, Ordinary, 14.0 (202) 12 @ 50 (3.4) NA NA NA NA
Pendent 16.8 (235) 12 @ 35 (2.4)
22.4 (314) 12 @ 25 (1.7)
©2016-2019 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.

25.2 (363) 12 @ 25 (1.7)

30 (9.1) 15 (4.6) 4 (1.2) QR, Ordinary, 14.0 (202) 12 @ 50 (3.4) NA NA NA NA
Pendent 16.8 (235) 12 @ 35 (2.4)
22.4 (314) 12 @ 25 (1.7)
25.2 (363) 12 @ 25 (1.7)
20 (6.1) 8 (2.4) SR, High, Any ≥ 11.2 (161) 25 @ 7 (0.5) 5a-c QR, Ordinary ≥8.0 (≥115) 30 (114)
25 (7.6) 8 (2.4) QR, Ordinary, 14.0 (202) 12 @ 50 (3.4) 5a-c QR, Ordinary ≥8.0 (≥115) 30 (114)
Pendent 16.8 (235) 12 @ 35 (2.4)
22.4 (314) 12 @ 25 (1.7)
25.2 (363) 12 @ 25 (1.7)
8 (2.4) SR, High, Any 11.2 (161) 25 @ 13 (0.9) 5a-c SR or QR, ≥8.0 (≥115) 30 (114)
14.0 (202) 25 @ 8 (0.6) Ordinary
≥ 16.8 (235) 25 @ 7 (0.5)
Unlimited Unlimited 8 (2.4) Any Any See Scheme A See Scheme A
For storage up to 25 ft and building heights greater than 30 ft, use the same level of protection as outlined in Table 8 for Level 3 aerosol products or Scheme A.
1. SR = Standard response; QR = quick response. See Appendix E for an explanation of fire protection schemes.
2. The FM Approved K19.6 (282) sprinkler is not acceptable for the protection of rack storage of cartoned Level 2 aerosol products.
3. Where IRAS with k-factors greater than those listed in the table are used, the end-sprinkler discharge pressure must be at least 15 psi (1 bar).

Page 17
Table 8. Rack Storage of Cartoned Level 3 Aerosol Products

Page 18
Ceiling Sprinkler Protection (Note 1) In-Rack Sprinkler Protection (Note 1)
Maximum Maximum Response, Nominal Temperature K-Factor Design, Layout, Response, K-Factor Discharge
Ceiling Storage Minimum Rating, and Sprinkler Orientation (Note 2) # Sprinklers See Figure Nominal (Note 3), Flow,
Height, Height, Aisle Width, gpm/psi1/2 @ Pressure Temperature gpm/psi1/2 gpm (L/min)
ft (m) ft (m) ft (m) (L/min/bar1/2) psi (bar) Rating (l/min/bar1/2)
25 (7.6) 15 (4.6) 4 (1.2) QR, Ordinary, Pendent 14.0 (202) 12 @ 50 (3.4) NA NA NA NA
16.8 (235) 12 @ 35 (2.4)
22.4 (314) 12 @ 25 (1.7)
25.2 (363) 12 @ 25 (1.7)
©2016-2019 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.

30 (9.1) 15 (4.6) 8 (2.4) QR, Ordinary, Pendent 14.0 (202) 12 @ 75 (5.2) NA NA NA NA

16.8 (235) 12 @ 52 (3.6)
22.4 (314) 12 @ 45 (3.1)
25.2 (363) 12 @ 25 (1.7)
25 (7.6) 8 (2.4) QR, Ordinary, Pendent 14.0 (202) 12 @ 50 (3.4) 6a-b QR, Ordinary ≥8.0 (≥115) 45 (170)
7a-c SR or QR, ≥8.0 (≥115) 30 (114)
16.8 (235) 12 @ 35 (2.4) 6a-b QR, Ordinary ≥8.0 (≥115) 45 (170)
7a-c SR or QR, ≥8.0 (≥115) 30 (114)

Storage of Aerosol Products

22.4 (314) 12 @ 25 (1.7) 6a-b QR, Ordinary ≥8.0 (≥115) 45 (170)

FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets

7a-c SR or QR, ≥8.0 (≥115) 30 (114)
25.2 (363) 12 @ 25 (1.7) 6a-b QR, Ordinary ≥8.0 (≥115) 45 (170)
7a-c SR or QR, ≥8.0 (≥115) 30 (114)
8 (2.4) SR, High, Any ≥11.2 (≥161) 25 @ 7 (0.5) 7a-c SR or QR, ≥8.0 (≥115) 30 (114)
40 (12.2) 25 (7.6) 8 (2.4) SR, High, Any 11.2 (161) 25 @ 29 (2.0) 7a-c SR or QR, ≥8.0 (≥115) 30 (114)
14.0 (202) 25 @ 18 (1.2) Ordinary
16.8 (235) 25 @ 13 (0.9)
25.2 (363) 25 @ 7 (0.5)
Table 8. Rack Storage of Cartoned Level 3 Aerosol Products (continued)

FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets

Storage of Aerosol Products
Ceiling Sprinkler Protection (Note 1) In-Rack Sprinkler Protection (Note 1)
Maximum Maximum Response, Nominal Temperature K-Factor Design, Layout, Response, K-Factor Discharge
Ceiling Storage Minimum Rating, and Sprinkler Orientation (Note 2) # Sprinklers See Figure Nominal (Note 3), Flow,
Height, Height, Aisle Width, gpm/psi1/2 @ Pressure Temperature gpm/psi1/2 gpm (L/min)
ft (m) ft (m) ft (m) (L/min/bar1/2) psi (bar) Rating (l/min/bar1/2)
>40 (>12.2) 25 (7.6) 8 (2.4) SR, High, Any ≥11.2 (≥161) 25 @ 7 (0.5) 8a-c SR or QR, ≥8.0 (≥115) 30 (114)
(Note 7) (Note 4) Ordinary
Unlimited Unlimited 8 (2.4) Any Any See Scheme See Scheme A
©2016-2019 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.

1. SR = Standard response; QR = quick response. See Appendix E for an explanation of fire protection schemes.
2. The FM Approved K19.6 (282) sprinkler is not acceptable for the protection of rack storage of cartoned Level 3 aerosol products.
3. Where IRAS with k-factors greater than listed in the table are used, the end-sprinkler discharge pressure must be at least 15 psi (1 bar).

Page 19
Table 9. Rack Storage of Uncartoned Level 2 Aerosol Products

Page 20
Ceiling Sprinkler Protection (Note 1) In-Rack Sprinkler Protection (Note 1)
Response, K-Factor Design, Layout Response, K-Factor Discharge Flow
Nominal (Note 2) # Sprinklers @ See Figure Nominal gpm/psi1/2 gpm (L/min)
Temperature gpm/psi1/2 Pressure Temperature (l/min/bar1/2)
Maximum Maximum Rating, and (l/min/bar1/2) psi (bar) Rating (Note 3)
Ceiling Height Storage Height Minimum Aisle Sprinkler
ft (m) ft (m) Widthft (m) Orientation
30 (9.1) 15 (4.6) 4 (1.2) QR, Ordinary, 14.0 (202) 12 @ 75 (5.2) NA NA NA NA
Pendent 16.8 (235) 12 @ 52 (3.6)
22.4 (314) 12 @ 45 (3.1)
©2016-2019 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.

25.2 (363) 12 @ 25 (1.7)

20 (6.1) 4 (1.2) QR, Ordinary, 14.0 (202) 12 @ 50 (3.4) 9a-c QR, Ordinary ≥8.0 (≥115) 45 (170)
Pendent 16.8 (235) 12 @ 35 (2.4)
22.4 (314) 12 @ 25 (1.7)
25.2 (363) 12 @ 25 (1.7)
8 (2.4) SR, High, Any ≥11.2 (≥161) 25 @ 7 (0.5) 10a-c QR, Ordinary ≥8.0 (≥115) 45 (170)
8 (2.4) SR, High, Any 11.2 (161) 20 @ 29 (2.0) 9a-c QR, Ordinary ≥8.0 (≥115) 45 (170)
14.0 (202) 20 @ 18 (1.2)
16.8 (235) 20 @ 13 (0.9)

Storage of Aerosol Products

25.2 (363) 20 @ 7 (0.5)

FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets

25 (7.6) 4 (1.2) QR, Ordinary, 14.0 (202) 12 @ 50 (3.4) 10a-c QR, Ordinary ≥8.0 (≥115) 45 (170)
Pendent 16.8 (235) 12 @ 35 (2.4)
22.4 (314) 12 @ 25 (1.7)
25.2 (363) 12 @ 25 (1.7)
8 (2.4) SR, High, Any ≥11.2 (≥161) 25 @ 7 (0.5) 10a-c QR, Ordinary ≥8.0 (≥115) 45 (170)
Unlimited Unlimited 8 (2.4) Any Any See Scheme A See Scheme A
1. SR = Standard response; QR = quick response. See Appendix E for an explanation of fire protection schemes.
2. The FM Approved K19.6 (282) sprinkler is not acceptable for the protection of rack storage of uncartoned Level 2 aerosol products.
3. Where IRAS with k-factors greater than listed in the table are used, the end-sprinkler discharge pressure must be at least 15 psi (1 bar).
Table 10. Rack Storage of Uncartoned Level 3 Aerosol Products

FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets

Storage of Aerosol Products
Ceiling Sprinkler Protection
(Note 1) In-Rack Sprinkler Protection (Note 1)
Response, K-Factor, Design, Layout, Response, K-Factor, Discharge Flow,
Nominal gpm/psi1/2 # Sprinklers @ See Figure Nominal gpm/psi1/2 gpm (L/min)
Temperature (L/min/bar1/2) Pressure Temperature (L/min/bar1/2)
Maximum Maximum Minimum Aisle Rating, and (Note 2) psi (bar) Rating (Note 3)
Ceiling Height, Storage Height, Width, Sprinkler
ft (m) ft (m) ft (m) Orientation
30 (9.1) 20 (6.1) 4 (1.2) QR, Ordinary, 14.0 (202) 12 @ 75 (5.2) 9a-c QR, Ordinary ≥8.0 (≥115) 45 (170)
Pendent 16.8 (235) 12 @ (2.4)
©2016-2019 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.

22.4 (314) 12 @ 25 (1.7)

25.2 (363) 12 @ 25 (1.7)
8 (2.4) SR, High, Any 11.2 (161) 20 @ 29 (2.0) 9a-c QR, Ordinary ≥8.0 (≥115) 45 (170)
14.0 (202) 20 @ 18 (1.2)
16.8 (235) 20 @ 13 (0.9)
25.2 (363) 20 @ 7 (0.5)
8 (2.4) SR, High, Any ≥11.2 (≥161) 25 @ 7 (0.5) 10a-c QR, Ordinary ≥8.0 (≥115) 45 (170)
25 (7.6) 4 (1.2) QR, Ordinary, 14.0 (202) 12 @ 75 (5.2) 10a-c QR, Ordinary ≥8.0 (≥115) 45 (170)
Pendent 16.8 (235) 12 @ 35 (2.4)
22.4 (314) 12 @ 25 (1.7)
25.2 (363) 12 @ 25 (1.7)
8 (2.4) SR, High, Any ≥11.2 (≥161) 25 @ 7 (0.5) 10a-c QR, Ordinary ≥8.0 (≥115) 45 (170)
Unlimited Unlimited 8 (2.4) Any Any See Scheme A See Scheme A
1. SR = Standard response; QR = quick response. See Appendix E for an explanation of fire protection schemes.
2. The FM Approved K19.6 (282) sprinkler is not acceptable for the protection of rack storage of uncartoned Level 3 aerosol products.
3. Where IRAS with k-factors greater than those listed in the table are used, the end-sprinkler discharge pressure must be at least 15 psi (1 bar).

Page 21
7-31 Storage of Aerosol Products
Page 22 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets

Table 11. Rack, Palletized, and Solid-Pile Storage of Cartoned Aerosol Cooking Spray Products
Ceiling Sprinkler Protection
Response, K-Factor, Design,Number of
Nominal gpm/psi1/2 Sprinklers @
Temperature (L/min/bar1/2) Pressure
Maximum Ceiling Maximum Storage Minimum Aisle Rating, and psi (bar)
Height, Height, Width, Sprinkler
ft (m) ft (m) ft (m) Orientation
30 (9.1) 25 (7.6) 8 (2.4) QR, Ordinary, 14.0 (202) 12 @ 75 (5.2)
Aerosol cooking spray products can be adequately protected using the protection criteria provided for Level 2 and 3 aerosol products. Protect picking areas that contain Level 2 and Level 3 aerosol products as follows:
A. For picking in standard configuration single-row and double-row racks, locate aerosol product storage
on the first and second tiers of the rack. Install fire protection Scheme A over the picking area (see Section
E.2). Provide a chain link fence or similar restraint at the edges of the aerosol product storage area. For
example, if the aerosol product storage is located only on one side of a double-row rack, install vertical
barriers down the longitudinal flue space and at each end of the storage rack (refer to Section 2.3.3).
B. For picking in ″flow-through″ racks (those with shelves consisting of slanted rollers spaced less than
1 ft (0.3 m) apart so product loaded on one side rolls to the other), store and protect the aerosol products
in accordance with the aerosol product flow-through rack protection scheme described and illustrated
in Section E.3. Protect aerosol product storage in automated rack storage warehouses that are higher than 30 ft
(9.1 m) with aisle widths of 4 ft (1.2 m) or more as follows:
A. Limit aerosol product storage to the bottom tiers of the racks.
B. Provide chain link fencing or noncombustible vertical barriers around the limits of the aerosol product
storage. The rack face does not need to be enclosed (refer to Section 2.3.3).
C. Provide fire protection Scheme A over all aerosol product storage within the racks. If aerosol products
are stored above the bottom two rack tiers, protect all tiers below the aerosol product storage using
Scheme A as well.

2.4.3 Warehouse Storage of Aerosol Products in Plastic Containers of 33.8 oz (1000 ml) or Less Protect plastic aerosol 1 products using the protection criteria provided for Class 3 commodities in
Data Sheet 8-9, Storage of Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and Plastic Commodities. Protect plastic aerosol 3 products in accordance with Table 12.

Table 12. Rack Storage of Plastic Aerosol 3 Products

Maximum Maximum Minimum
Ceiling Storage Aisle
Height, Height, Width,
ft (m) ft (m) ft (m) Ceiling Sprinkler Protection In-Rack Sprinkler Protection
Response, K-factor, Design, # Response, K-Factor, Discharge
Nominal gpm/psi1/2 Sprinklers Nominal gpm/psi1/2 flow, gpm
Temperature (L/min/ @Pressure Temperature (L/min/ (L/min)
Rating, and bar1/2) psi (bar) Rating bar1/2)
Unlimited Unlimited 8 (2.4) Any Any See See Scheme A
Scheme A

©2016-2019 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.

Storage of Aerosol Products 7-31
FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Page 23 Currently there are no proven protection criteria available for plastic aerosol X products. Ideally, limit
the quantity of these products stored in a single area and locate the area well away from important buildings. Protect plastic aerosol X products located in a cutoff room with a wet, dry, or deluge sprinkler
systems designed to provide 75 psi (5.2 bar) discharge pressure for all of the sprinklers in the cutoff room.

2.4.4 Mercantile Locations In locations that display and sell aerosol products in areas of less than 8 ft (2.4 m), such as
supermarkets and department stores, remove the aerosol products from their combustible packaging.
Typically, this involves the removal of at least the tops and parts of the faces and sides of the combustible
cartons. Provide protection based on the surrounding occupancy. Many retail occupancies, such as superstores or “big box” stores, display aerosol products in picking
shelves or racks. Additional bulk storage of aerosol products is often located in racks above the display areas.
Provide the following protection for these arrangements:
A. Limit the bottom 8 ft (2.4 m) to the display of aerosol products that have been removed from their
combustible packaging per Section
B. Maintain storage of aerosol products located in upper tiers within cartons. Do not exceed a storage
height of 18 ft (5.5 m).
C. Store and protect the aerosol products in accordance with Appendix E.4.
D. Limit uncartoned plastic aerosol X product on display shelves to a single case. Do not store aerosol
3 products in bulk storage area above display shelves. Consider aerosol products that are not on display as described in Sections or (i.e.,
back-stock storage areas) as warehouse storage of aerosol products. Provide segregation and protection in
accordance with this data sheet. Alternatively, relocate these aerosol products to one of the areas
recommended in Sections 2.2.8 and 2.2.9. Do not store plastic aerosol X products in back-stock areas. Provide segregation and protection
in accordance with Sections 2.2.8. and 2.2.9.

2.5 Training
2.5.1 Train facility personnel in accordance with Data Sheet 7-29, Ignitable Liquid Storage in Portable
Containers. Instruct and train operating employees and members of the Emergency Response Team in the
hazards of aerosol products and butane and propane containers, and in the emergency procedures to follow
in the event of an accident. Alert the public fire service to the hazards and to the fire protection provided.

2.6 Human Factor

2.6.1 Establish an emergency response plan in accordance with Data Sheet 7-29, Ignitable Liquid Storage
in Portable Containers.

2.7 Ignition Source Control

2.7.1 Control ignition sources in accordance with Data Sheet 7-29, Ignitable Liquid Storage in Portable


3.1 General
The typical aerosol container is a small, welded-joint, high-strength container (design pressures are as high
as 240 to 400 psi [16.5 to 27.5 bar]) used to package a wide variety of consumer, industrial, and
pharmaceutical products. A partial list of products includes air fresheners, starches, cleaners, shaving creams,
furniture polishes, hair sprays, deodorants, spot removers, insecticides, lubricants, engine degreasers, and
paints. Aerosol cans have capacities up to one (1) qt. (1 L), containing up to 16 oz (475 ml) of liquid.
Propellants include propane and butane, which are highly flammable, and other gases such as nitrogen,
carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide. Although nitrous oxide is a stable nonflammable gas, it is an oxidizer.

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7-31 Storage of Aerosol Products
Page 24 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets

Nonflammable chlorofluorocarbons have been eliminated in the United States for almost all uses in
compliance with federal regulations, and have been replaced with mixtures of propane and butane.
Propellants in aerosol containers are 0.5% to more than 90% of the weight of the contents.
Aerosol products stored in metal containers have been grouped into Levels 1, 2, and 3. Level 1 aerosol
products represent the lowest fire hazard. Level 3 represents the highest fire hazard.
Level 1 aerosol products include shaving cream, spray starch, window cleaner, alkaline oven cleaner, rug
shampoo, some air fresheners, and some insecticides. The storage hazard of Level 1 aerosol products is
about the same as ordinary combustible goods in cartons. Storage should be arranged and protected
When a Level 1 aerosol product can fails, the nonflammable product has a quenching effect on the flammable
contents. Some products have very small quantities of flammable product. These products will have an
overall chemical heat of combustion that is low.
Level 2 aerosol products include many personal care products such as deodorant (except for oil-based
antiperspirants), hair spray, antiseptic, and anesthetic. Other products include some furniture polishes and
windshield deicers.
Level 3 aerosol products include many automotive products (engine and carburetor cleaner, undercoat), home
products (some wood polishes), paint and lacquer, lubricants, some insecticides, and oil-based
A separate aerosol classification has been created for cooking sprays stored in metal containers. Historically,
cooking sprays were classified as Level 1 aerosols due to the use of high flash point vegetable oils in the
products. However, based on full-scale fire testing, aerosol cooking spray products have been shown to
represent a fire hazard somewhere between a Level 1 aerosol product and a Level 2 aerosol product.
The use of plastic containers as a packaging method is a recent development in the aerosol industry. While
the level of protection necessary for aerosols in metal containers has been established for over 30 years,
protection methods do not currently exist for aerosols in plastic containers. Recent testing has indicated that
the fire hazard increases when the aerosols are stored in plastic containers. As such, aerosols in plastic
containers cannot follow the same classification scheme (i.e., Levels 1, 2, and 3) as aerosols in metal
containers. Research and testing is ongoing in an effort to develop a classification scheme and corresponding
fire protection criteria for aerosols in plastic containers.

3.2 Aerosol Products in Metal Containers: Classification by Chemical Heat of Combustion

Test data indicates the overall fire hazard of an aerosol product in a metal container is a function of the
chemical heat of combustion. The chemical heat of combustion is the product of the theoretical heat of
combustion and a combustion efficiency. Typical chemical heats of combustion are provided in Table 13 in
Appendix D. A typical combustion efficiency is 95%. Research conducted at FM Global correlated the chemical
heat of combustion with results of various 12-pallet tests to provide a classification methodology based
exclusively on chemical heat of combustion. Figure 1 in this data sheet is based on this methodology.
Some aerosol cans are labeled ″Flammable″ or ″Extremely Flammable″ in accordance with the Federal
Hazardous Substances Act, but these designations have no relation to the classification of the aerosol
product. The test for determining the label involves spraying an aerosol product can toward an ignition source
and measuring the flame extension. This test will not predict the classification of the aerosol product.
Solids (e.g., powders), nonflammable gases (e.g., carbon dioxide), and nonignitable liquids (e.g., water, liquids
without a fire point) are considered inert.

3.3 Fire Hazard

The initial aerosol product storage fire is driven by the packaging. However, once the aerosol products become
involved, the fire severity increases significantly. As an aerosol can is heated, the interior pressure increases
until the can ruptures. The rocketing can allows the fire to spread and impedes firefighting efforts.
Alternatively, the aerosol product may fail at the valve, allowing the contents to leak and creating an equally
challenging pool fire scenario. It is not possible to differentiate between aerosol products that vent and those
that rupture. For this reason, this standard accounts for both failure modes, and the proper segregation and
sprinkler protection of aerosol product storage is critical.

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Plastic aerosol product storage fire hazards is also driven by the packaging. In this case, the plastic bottle
will fail quickly when exposed to fire and release the liquid content plus the propellant. Unpressurized, the
plastic bottle and ignitable liquid content produces a known severe fire hazard. The addition of a flammable
propellant to the liquid-bottle combination produces a fire hazard that has not been fully quantified but will at
least be as severe as the ignitable liquid-plastic bottle combination and likely more severe.

3.3.1 Fire Protection Level 1 Aerosol Products

Fire testing on Level 1 aerosol products indicated they could be adequately protected in accordance with
the criteria in Data Sheet 8-9, Storage of Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and Plastic Commodities. Rack Storage vs. Palletized or Solid Pile Storage

Initial fire testing revealed that palletized storage of Level 2 and 3 aerosol products in excess of one pallet
high could not be protected using standard-response sprinklers, even with a 0.6 gpm/ft2 (24 mm/min) density.
Palletized storage of aerosol products protected in this manner should therefore be located in a cutoff room.
The use of a chain link fence is not appropriate, as the level of fire control is marginal, resulting in an
exposure to commodities stored beyond the chain link fence.
Subsequent testing demonstrated that palletized storage of aerosol products exceeding one pallet high could
be protected using a K11.2 (K161), standard-response, ordinary temperature-rated, upright sprinkler.
Similarly, adequate protection can be achieved for this storage configuration using quick-response sprinklers.
These protection options are provided in Tables 5 and 6 of this data sheet.
These early fire test programs revealed that the key to providing adequate protection for aerosol products
is to provide prompt cooling for aerosol products exposed to fire. Therefore, even though adequate fire
protection was established for palletized and solid pile storage, the storage of aerosol products in racks is
preferable, as in-rack sprinklers can provide water to quickly cool the aerosol products. Further, fire tests
demonstrated that the used of face and flue in-rack sprinklers provided better protection than tests using
in-rack sprinklers in the longitudinal flue space only. Fire protection options for the rack storage of Level 2 and
3 aerosol products are provided in Tables 7 through 10 of this data sheet. Cartoned vs. Uncartoned Storage

Cartoned storage of aerosol products includes cans that are packaged in at least a single layer of corrugated
cardboard, where the cardboard covers at least the bottom, top, and two complete sides of the unit. The
remaining two sides are at least 80% covered with corrugated cardboard. Uncartoned storage of aerosol
products is any arrangement that does not meet the definition of cartooned storage, such as aerosol product
arranged on slip sheets or trays, or stacked on a pallet and shrink wrapped.
Cartoned aerosol products promotes initial fire growth and sprinkler operation, providing sprinklers an
opportunity to control a fire prior to involvement of the aerosol containers. The corrugated cardboard
segregates the aerosol cans, and provides good insulation against heat when wet. Conversely, uncartoned
aerosol products have slow fire growth, allowing the aerosol cans to be heated and become involved in the
fire before sprinkler operation. Uncartoned storage provides no segregation or insulation of cans.
For these reasons, when properly protected, cartoned aerosol products represent a less severe fire hazard
than uncartoned aerosol products. It is important to note that completely removing aerosol products from
their combustible packaging and displaying them in mercantile locations is different than uncartoned storage.
Mercantile locations have a large variety of aerosol products in storage and on display. Products on display
in selling areas do not present an unusual fire hazard in sprinklered buildings if they are removed from their
combustible packaging. Mixed Commodities

It is not recommended that aerosol products be mixed with other commodities, such as ignitable liquid storage
or unexpanded plastics, in the same storage array. Previous experience with mixed commodities has shown
that test results are worse than for each commodity by itself. In the early stages of a fire, before can ruptures
begin to increase in frequency, the exposure fire of the bottom tier to the tiers above is intermittent and is
essentially a cardboard fire. Replacing the bottom tier or tiers with plastics is expected to create a more
intense and prolonged fire exposure to the tiers of aerosol products above, with unknown results.

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Section 2.3 of this data sheet outlines specific instances of where the storage of mixed commodities is
tolerable. Aerosol Products in Plastic Containers

The use of plastic containers as a packaging method will increase the fire hazard associated with the aerosol
product. The aerosol industry in the US is working with FM Global to determine what types of aerosol products
in plastic containers can be protected. The first step was confirming that aerosol products with non-
flammable propellants and non-ignitable liquid content did not create and unexpected fire hazard. Testing
has shown that these products can be protected with protection criteria for Class 3 commodities and have
been labeled “plastic aerosol 1 products.”
Plastic aerosol products that consist of ignitable liquids or flammable propellants do not have proven
protection schemes available. These products are labeled “plastic aerosol X products.” The aerosol industry
continues to work with FM Global to define content-propellant combinations that can be protected in plastic
Guidance exists in this document for plastic aerosol 1, plastic aerosol 3, and plastic aerosol X products. The
aerosol industry has not yet defined the extent of formulations that plastic aerosol products might comprise.
As such, a decision was made in the development of the 2019 edition of NFPA 30b to leave the plastic
aerosol 2 designation open for potential future products that represent a higher fire hazard than plastic aerosol
1 products, but not to the level represented by plastic aerosol 3 products. Currently there are no plastic
aerosol 2 products being produced and a definition of, and protection for, plastic aerosol 2 products will be
developed as part of future work as and when required.

3.3.2 Segregation
Even a single pallet load of a Level 3 aerosol product in a general purpose warehouse (as they are usually
protected) constitutes a potential serious loss. The rocketing cans, regardless of contents, could severely
hamper manual firefighting efforts, and thick, black smoke will quickly obscure visibility.
This data sheet recommends storing Level 2 and 3 aerosol products in cutoff rooms having one-hour fire
resistance, which is in accordance with FM Global basic philosophies of confinement for low flash point
ignitable liquids. In lieu of a cutoff room, FM Global has concluded the provision of a chain link fence enclosure
can be accepted under certain conditions, provided the rack storage is protected with longitudinal flue and
face sprinklers, and ceiling protection is provided.
As described in Section, the use of a chain link fence enclosure is not acceptable for palletized or
solid pile Level 3 aerosol products unless quick-response sprinklers are provided at the ceiling. With
standard-response sprinklers, the degree of control is not as pronounced as it is with quick-response ceiling
sprinklers or with in-rack sprinklers. If a chain link fence was used with standard-response ceiling sprinklers,
there would be a greater exposure to the commodities stored beyond the chain link fence. Furthermore, the
heat release from an aerosol product storage fire is significant. If a chain link fence was used with
standard-response ceiling sprinklers, additional sprinklers would be expected to operate and potentially
deplete the water supply. Fire testing demonstrated that an area protected with standard-response sprinklers
produced enough heat to operate sprinklers installed in an area of the test building 50 ft (15 m) away.


4.1 FM Global
Data Sheet 1-21, Fire Resistance of Building Assemblies
Data Sheet 2-0, Installation Guidelines for Automatic Sprinklers
Data Sheet 7-29, Ignitable Liquid Storage in Portable Containers
Data Sheet 8-9, Storage of Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and Plastic Commodities

4.2 Others
Green, Don W. and Robert H. Perry, eds. Perry’s Chemical Engineering Handbook. McGraw-Hill. 2008.
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Code for Manufacture and Storage of Aerosol Products. NFPA

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Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE). SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering. 4th edition.
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). 2008.


Aerosol product: A combination of a container, a propellant, and a material that is dispensed.
Aerosol container: A metal can or plastic container up to a maximum size of 33.8 oz (1000 ml).
Aerosol propellant: The liquefied or compressed gas that expels the content from and aerosol container
with the valve is actuated. The propellant may be flammable for non-flammable gas.
Aerosol product packaging - cartoned: Aerosol cans packaged in at least a single layer of corrugated
cardboard. The cardboard must cover at least the bottom, top, and two complete sides of the unit. The other
two sides must be at least 80% covered.
Aerosol product packaging - uncartoned: Aerosol cans arranged on slip sheets or trays that are stacked
on a pallet and shrink wrapped, and packaging that does not meet the definition of cartoned.
Base product (concentrate): The contents of an aerosol container, excluding the propellant.
Aerosol cooking spray product: An aerosol product designed to deliver a vegetable oil, solid, or nonignitable
liquid to reduce sticking on cooking and baking surfaces, or to be applied to food, or both. These products
have a chemical heat of combustion greater than 8600 Btu/lb (20 kJ/g) and contain not more than 18% by
weight of flammable propellant.
Emulsion: An emulsion is a stable mixture of two or more immiscible liquids held in suspension by small
percentages of substances called emulsifiers.
FM Approved: Products and services that have satisfied the criteria for FM Approval. Refer to the Approval
Guide, an online resource of FM Approvals, for a complete listing of products and services that are FM
Ignitable liquid: Any liquid or liquid mixture that is capable of fueling a fire, including flammable liquids,
combustible liquids, inflammable liquids, or any other term for a liquid that will burn. An ignitable liquid is one
that has a fire point.
Prefabricated ignitable liquid storage building (PILSB): A structure designed to provide a safe, secure
storage area with secondary containment for chemicals and hazardous waste materials. They are designed
for the indoor and outdoor storage of hazards such as aerosols and ignitable liquids. FM Approved buildings
are normally of noncombustible construction, and some are of fire-rated construction. Additional details are
provided in the Approval Guide.
Water-miscible liquid: A liquid that mixes in all proportions with water. When water-miscible ignitable liquids
are mixed with water, a homogeneous solution is formed. The flash point, fire point, heat of combustion,
and heat release rate of the solution will be different from the pure ignitable liquid. The flash point and fire
point of the solution will increase as the water concentration increases. At a certain water concentration (which
varies for different ignitable liquids), the fire point will no longer exist and the solution will no longer present
a fire hazard (e.g., 15% ethyl alcohol in water, 15% acetone in water).


January 2019. Interim revision. Incorporated guidance for plastic aerosol 3 products. The following changes
were made:
A. Added a definition of plastic aerosol 3 products.
B. Added guidance on construction and location for plastic aerosol 3 products (Table 3).
C. Created a new table with protection guidance for plastic aerosol 3 products (Table 12).
D. Added guidance on mercantile storage of plastic aerosol 3 products.
April 2016. Interim revision. Editorial changes were made.
January 2016. The following major changes have been made:

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Page 28 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets

A. Replaced references to “flammable” and “combustible” liquids with “ignitable” liquids throughout the
B. Reorganized the document to provide a consistent format with other data sheets.
C. Removed guidance on the storage of small liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) containers, such as butane
cigarette lighters (0.2 oz [6 ml]).
D. Provided guidance for protecting propane cylinders up to 17 oz (500 ml) [nominal 1 lb (450 g) cylinders].
E. Deleted a recommendation to consider liquids with flash points higher than 500°F (260°C), such as
some vegetable cooking oils, as inert materials when classifying aerosol products. New guidance has been
provided for aerosol cooking spray products.
F. Added information on the storage and fire protection of aerosol products in plastic containers.
G. Updated Table 3, Aerosol Product Storage Location Options, to include new sprinkler terminology,
aerosol cooking spray products and aerosol products in plastic containers.
H. Provided additional details on the proper storage of aerosol products protected using Scheme A.
I. Provided additional details on the appropriate design of cutoff rooms, including roof construction.
J. Added a figure to demonstrate the appropriate design of a “labyrinth” or “tunnel” approach to protect
openings in fenced aerosol product areas.
K. Provided recommendations on the storage of small quantities of aerosol products in FM Approved
ignitable liquid storage cabinets and buildings.
L. Clarified the recommendations related to shipping and receiving areas.
M. Added guidance on the mixing of aerosol products and ignitable liquid storage.
N. Provided additional general information on the design of sprinkler systems, including guidance on
spacing and sprinkler system types.
O. Changed all ceiling sprinkler recommendations to provide a K11.2 (K161) or larger sprinkler in
accordance with the requirements of NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems.
P. Renumbered, edited, and reformatted all fire protection recommendations to improve consistency, clarity,
and alignment with the pressure/number of sprinklers approach used in Data Sheet 8-9, Storage of Class
1, 2, 3, 4, and Plastic Commodities.
Q. Clarified fire protection recommendations for mercantile locations.
R. Reorganized Section 3, Support for Recommendations, for improved clarity.
S. The section on fire test data has been consolidated.
January 2012. Terminology related to ignitable liquids has been revised to provide increased clarity and
consistency with regard to FM Global’s loss prevention recommendations for ignitable liquid hazards.
May 2003. Minor editorial changes were made for this revision.
January 2003. The following changes were made for this revision:
1. Added new protection criteria for uncartoned aerosol storage.
2. Added new protection criteria for Suppression Mode sprinklers.
3. Revised all of the protection tables into a consistent format and provided figures for determining in-rack
sprinkler layout.
4. Revised the text to be consistent with the new tables.
5. Eliminated allowance for unrestrained Level 2 aerosol storage to ensure a consistent application of aerosol
6. Revised protection criteria for aerosol picking racks.
7. Revised protection criteria for aerosol storage in automated storage and retrieval warehouses.

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September 2000. This revision of the document has been modified to provide a consistent format.
January 1998. Minor technical revision (uncartoned aerosol information added).
May 1983. Full technical revision.


The fire protection recommendations in this data sheet are nearly identical to those provided in NFPA 30B,
Code for the Manufacture and Storage of Aerosol Products, 2011 Edition. The main differences are as
A. NFPA 30B allows unlimited roof heights for the rack storage of cartoned Level 2 and 3 aerosol products
without the use of barriers (i.e., without the use of Scheme A protection).
B. NFPA 30B allows limited quantities of aerosol products to be stored in various locations without
protecting them based on their classification as aerosol products. For example, up to 1000 lb (454 kg),
500 lb (227 kg), and 100 lb (45 kg) of Level 2, Level 3, and plastic aerosol X products, respectively, are
permitted in occupancies other than warehouses or mercantile locations without any special fire protection.
Also, up to 2500 lb (1135 kg), 1000 lb (454 kg), and 250 lb (115 kg) of Level 2, Level 3, and plastic aerosol
X products, respectively, are permitted in general purpose warehouses regardless of protection level
C. Subject to the approval of the AHJ NFPA 30B allows up to 12,000 lb (5450 kg) of solid pile or palletized
storage of Level 2 and/or Level 3 aerosols in a general purpose warehouse without any separation such
as a chain link fence. Similarly, NFPA 30B allows up to 24,000 lb (10,900 kg) of rack storage of Level
2 and/or Level 3 aerosols in a general purpose warehouse without any separation.
D. Where aerosol storage is segregated from other commodities by fire walls or a chain link fence, NFPA
30B limits the floor area of the segregated aerosol storage to a percentage of the total floor area of the
warehouse. Data Sheet 7-31 does not limit the floor area of aerosols in this manner.
E. NFPA 30B limits the density of aerosol storage in mercantile occupancies (i.e., product weight per unit
area). Data Sheet 7-31 does not include this limitation.
F. NFPA 30B allows the storage of aerosols in plastic containers up to 4 oz (118 ml), regardless of the
container contents. Data Sheet 7-31 allows the storage of aerosols in plastic containers up to 33.8 oz (1000
ml), provided the contents are considered nonignitable in accordance with Section


D.1 Chemical Heat of Combustion Data

The following table was generated by FM Global at the request of aerosol product manufacturers. It is not
considered an all-inclusive table, but does contain many commonly used materials. The table will be updated
as additional materials are tested. The table footnotes may be used as an additional source of information.

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Table 13. Chemical Heat of Combustion Data

Theoretical Heat of
combustion Chemical Heat of
(Note 1) Combustion Efficiency Combustion
∆Hc (Note 2) ∆Hch
CAS# Material Name (kJ/g) χch2 (kJ/g)
75-37-6 1,1-Diflouroethane 18.1 0.35 (Note 3) 6.3
(HFC 152a)
95-63-6 1,1,1- 41.0 0.67 (Note 3) 27.5
1717-00-6 1,1-Dichloro-1- 8.4 0.35 (Note 3) 2.9
110-71-4 1,2-Dimethoxyethane 26.7 (Note 2) 0.97 25.9
75-68-3 1-Chloro-1,1- 9.3 0.35 (Note 3) 3.3
Diflouroethane (HCFC
108-65-6 1-Methoxy-2-Propanol 32.2 (Note 2) 0.96 30.9
111-76-2 2-Butoxyethanol 30.8 (Note 2) 0.96 29.6
110-80-5 2-Ethoxyethanol 26.7 (Note 2) 0.97 25.9
111-15-9 2-Ethoxyethyl Acetate 32.2 (Note 2) 0.96 30.9
75-28-5 2-Methylpropane 45.5 0.94 42.8
67-64-1 Acetone 28.6 0.97 (Note 3) 27.7
8052-42-4 Asphalt 30.2 (Note 4) 0.75 22.7
7727-43-7 Barium Sulfate 0.0 0.0
106-97-8 Butane 45.6 0.95 (Note 3) 43.3
85-68-7 Butyl Benzl Phthalate 37.1 (Note 2) 0.85 3.15
1317-65-3 Calcium Carbonate 0.0 0.0
124-38-9 Carbon Dioxide 0.0 0.0
1308-14-1 Chrominum Hydroxide 0.0 0.0
8001-30-7 Corn Oil 36.8 (Note 4) 0.96 35.3
5989-27-5 d-Limonene 45.2 0.88 39.8
123-42-2 Diacetone Alcohol 37.3 (Note 2) 0.94 35.1
112-34-5 Diethylene Glycol 34.4 (Note 2) 0.96 33.0
Methyl Ether
115-10-6 Dimethyl Ether 28.8 0.92 26.5
34590-94-8 Dipropylene Glycol 33.5 (Note 2) 0.96 32.2
Methyl Ether
64-17-15 Ethanol (95.6 25.6 0.92 23.6
64-17-15 Ethanol 26.8 0.92 24.7
763-69-9 Ethyl 33.3 (Note 2) 0.96 32.0
100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 40.9 0.71 29.0
107-21-1 Ethylene Glycol 16.9 0.97 16.4
111-55-7 Ethylene Glycol 33.3 (Note 2) 0.96 32.0
107-41-5 Hexylene Glycol 29.7 0.96 28.5
1309-37-1 Iron Oxide 0.0 0.0
78-83-1 Isobutyl Alcohol 32.7 0.91 29.8
108-21-4 Isopropyl Acetate 26.0 0.98 25.5
67-63-0 Isopropyl Alcohol 30.1 0.91 27.4
142-91-6 Isopropyl Palmitate 38.8 (Note 2) 0.96 37.2
110-27-0 Isopropyl Myristate 38.2 (Note 2) 0.95 36.2
1332-58-7 Kaolin Clay 0.0 0.0
(Aluminum Silicate

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Table 13. Chemical Heat of Combustion Data (continued)

Theoretical Heat of
combustion Chemical Heat of
(Note 1) Combustion Efficiency Combustion
∆Hc (Note 2) ∆Hch
CAS# Material Name (kJ/g) χch2 (kJ/g)
8008-20-6 Kerosene (Kerosine) 46.0 (Note 4) 0.90 (Note 5) 41.4
Liquids, Non- 0.0
Liquids, Nonignitable 0.0
14807-96-6 Magnesium Silicate 0.0 0.0
67-56-1 Methanol 20.0 0.95 (Note 3) 19.0
78-93-3 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 31.5 0.97 (Note 3) 30.6
563-80-4 Methyl Isopropyl 33.1 0.94 31.1
110-43-0 Methyl n-Amyl Ketone 37.2 (Note 2) 0.94 35.0
75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 6.0 0.35 (Note 3) 2.1
12001-26-2 Mica (Mica Silicate) 0.0 0.0
64742-47-8 Mineral Spirits 44.8 0.92 41.2
(Petroleum Distillate)
8012-95-1 Mineral Oil 41.5 (Note 4) 0.76 (Note 5) 31.5
64742-88-7 Mineral Spirits 44.8 0.92 41.2
(Petroleum Distillate)
134-62-3 N,N-Diethyl-m- 38.1 (Note 2) 0.74 28.2
Toluamide (Deet)
123-86-4 n-Butyl Acetate 28.2 0.98 27.6
142-82-5 n-Heptane 44.6 0.92 (Note 3) 41.0
110-54-3 n-Hexane 44.7 0.92 (Note 3) 41.1
113-48-4 n-Octyl 38.0 (Note 2) 0.79 30.0
64742-48-9 Naphtha, VM&P 44.8 0.92 41.2
(Petroleum Distillate)
8030-30-6 Naphtha (Petroleum 44.8 0.92 41.2
8052-41-3 Naphtha (High Flash 44.8 0.92 41.2
64742-95-6 Naphtha, VM&P 44.8 0.92 41.2
(Petroleum Distillate)
64742-94-5 Naphtha, VM&P 44.8 0.92 41.2
(Petroleum Distillate)
7727-37-9 Nitrogen 0.0 0.0
109-66-0 Pentane 45.0 0.93 (Note 2) 41.9
64741-65-7 Petroleum Distillate 44.8 0.92 41.2
51-03-6 Piperonyl Butoxide 37.2 (Note 2) 0.86 32.0
74-68-6 Propane 46.3 0.95 (Note 3) 44.0
57-55-6 Propylene Glycol 21.4 0.96 20.5
78-92-2 sec-Butyl Alcohol 32.9 0.91 39.9
Silica (Crystalline) 0.0 0.0
7631-86-9 Silica, Amorphous 0.0 0.0
Solids, Non- 0.0
Solids, 0.0 0.0
1338-39-2 Sorbitan Monolaurate 39.5 (Note 2) 0.96 37.9
26266-57-9 Sorbitan 39.5 (Note 2) 0.96 37.9
16252-10-5 Tin Oxide 0.0 0.0

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Table 13. Chemical Heat of Combustion Data (continued)

Theoretical Heat of
combustion Chemical Heat of
(Note 1) Combustion Efficiency Combustion
∆Hc (Note 2) ∆Hch
CAS# Material Name (kJ/g) χch2 (kJ/g)
13463-67-7 Titanium Dioxide 0.0 0.0
108-88-3 Toluene 40.5 0.70 28.4
102-76-1 Triacetin 36.9 0.96 35.4
7732-18-5 Water 0.0 0.0
1330-20-7 Xylene 40.9 0.67 (Note 3) 27.4
1314-13-2 Zinc Oxide 0.0 0.0
Note 1. Except as noted, theoretical heat of complete combustion (net) was determined from heat of formation or heat of combustion data
assuming all products in the vapor phase per the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 73th ed., David R. Lide, ed., CRC Press, Boca
Raton, Florida, 1992.
Note 2. Except as noted, chemical combustion efficiency was determined by correlations based on chemical structure as given in Smoke
Point Height and Fire Properties of Materials, Tewarson, A., NTIS P889-141089, May 1988.
Note 3. Chemical combustion efficiency reported in ″Generation of Heat and Chemical Compounds in Fires,″ Tewarson, A, Chapter 1-13
in SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, P. J. DiNenno, ed., 1st ed., National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, Massachusetts,
Note 4. Heat of complete combustion (net) as measured by oxygen bomb calorimetry described in Test Method for Heat of Combustion
of Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calorimeter, ASTM D240-92.
Note 5. Chemical combustion efficiency measured under simulated fire conditions using the method described in ″Generation of Heat and
Chemical Compounds in Fires,″ Tewarson, A, Chapter 1-13 in SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, P. J. DiNenno, ed., 1st ed.,
National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, Massachusetts, 1988.


E.1 In-Rack Sprinkler Layouts

Figures 5 through 10 show in-rack sprinkler layouts.

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5 ft. (1.5 m)
8 ft (2.4 m)


Plan View

Deflector Clearance Minimum of 6 in. (15 cm) NOTE:

In-Rack Sprinklers must be Staggered Vertically
Line-up In-Rack Sprinklers with Transverse Flue Spaces

5 ft. (1.5 m)
15 ft (4.6 m) Approx

10 ft (3.0 m) Approx

5 ft. (1.5 m) Approx.

Elevation View
Flue Sprinkler

Fig. 5a. Cartoned Level 2 and 3 aerosol products — single row racks

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8 ft (2.4 m)

9 ft. (2.7 m)

Plan View

Deflector Clearance Minimum of 6 in. (15 NOTE:

In-Rack Sprinklers Must be Staggered Vertically
Line-up In-Rack Sprinklers with Transverse Flue Spaces

5 ft. (1.5 m)
15 ft. (4.6 m) Approx.

10 ft. (3.0 m) Approx.

5 ft. (1.5 m) Approx.

Flue Sprinkler
Elevation View

Fig. 5b. Cartoned Level 2 and 3 aerosol products — double row racks

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Loading Aisle

8 ft. (2.4 m)
8 ft. (2.4 m)

Loading Aisle
Plan View
@ 15 ft (4.6 m) Level

Deflector Clearance Minimum of 6 in. (15 cm)

5 ft. (1.5 m) Approx.

15 ft. (4.6 m) Approx.

10 ft. (3.0 m) Approx.

5 ft. (1.5 m) Approx.

Elevation View
Flue Sprinkler
Face Sprinklers (Aisle View)

Line-up In-Rack Sprinklers with Transverse Flue Spaces
Provide Face Sprinklers at 15 ft (4.6 m) Vertical Level
Stagger In-Rack Sprinklers Vertically and Horizontally

Fig. 5c. Cartoned Level 2 and 3 aerosol products — multiple row racks

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4 - 5 ft.

5 ft. (1.5 m)
(1.2 - 1.5 m)

Plan View

Deflector Clearance Minimum of 6 in. (15 NOTE: Line-up In-Rack Sprinklers with Transverse Flue

5 ft. (1.5 m)
15 ft. (4.6 m) Approx.

5 ft. (1.5 m) Approx.

Flue Sprinkler Elevation View

Fig. 6a. Cartoned Level 3 aerosol products — single row racks up to 25 ft (7.6 m) high storage
in quick-response sprinkler protected building

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9 ft. (2.7 m)
4 - 5 ft.
(1.2 - 1.5 m)

Plan View
(typical tier)

Deflector Clearance Minimum of 6 in. (15 Line-up In-Rack Sprinklers with Transverse Flue

5 ft. (1.5 m)
15 ft. (4.6 m) Approx.

5 ft. (1.5 m) Approx.

Elevation View
Flue Sprinkler

Fig. 6b. Cartoned Level 3 aerosol products — double row racks up to 25 ft (7.6 m) high storage
in quick-response sprinkler protected building

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5 ft. (1.5 m)
8 ft (2.4 m)


Plan View

Deflector Clearance Minimum of 6 in. (15 cm) In-Rack Sprinklers must be Staggered Vertically
Line-up In-Rack Sprinklers with Transverse Flue Spaces

5 ft. (1.5 m)
15 ft. (4.6 m) Approx.

10 ft. (3.0 m) Approx.

5 ft. (1.5 m) Approx.

Flue Sprinkler Elevation View

Fig. 7a. Cartoned Level 3 aerosol products — single row racks

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8 ft (2.4 m)

9 ft. (2.7 m)
8 ft (2.4 m)

Plan View
(typical tier)
All In-Rack Sprinklers Must be Staggered Vertically
Line-up In-Rack Sprinklers with Transverse Flue Spaces Deflector Clearance Minimum of 6 in. (15 cm)

5 ft. (1.5 m)
15 ft. (4.6 m) Approx.

10 ft. (3.0 m) Approx.

5 ft. (1.5 m) Approx.

Face Sprinkler
Flue Sprinkler
Elevation View

Fig. 7b. Cartoned Level 3 aerosol products — double row racks

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(Typical Tier)

Fig. 7c. Cartoned Level 3 aerosol products — multiple row racks

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5 ft. (1.5 m)
8 ft (2.4 m)


Plan View (Typical Tier & Below Barrier)

Deflector Clearance Minimum of 6 in. (15 cm) NOTE:

In-Rack Sprinklers must be Staggered Vertically
Line-up In-Rack Sprinklers with Transverse Flue Spaces

Solid Barrier over Top Level of Storage

5 ft. (1.5 m)
15 ft. (4.6 m) Approx.

10 ft. (3.0 m) Approx.

5 ft. (1.5 m) Approx.

Flue Sprinkler Elevation View

Fig. 8a. Cartoned Level 2 and 3 aerosol products, clearance more than 15 ft (4.6 m) — single row racks

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8 ft (2.4 m)

9 ft. (2.7 m)
8 ft (2.4 m)

NOTE: Plan View

All In-Rack Sprinklers Must be Staggered
(Typical Tier & Below Barrier)
Line-up In-Rack Sprinklers with Transverse
Flue Spaces
Deflector Clearance Minimum of 6 in. (15 cm) Barrier Over Top Level of Storage

5 ft. (1.5 m)
15 ft. (4.6 m) Approx.

10 ft. (3.0 m) Approx.

5 ft. (1.5 m) Approx.

Face Sprinkler Elevation View

Flue Sprinkler

Fig. 8b. Cartoned Level 2 and 3 aerosol products, clearance more than 15 ft (4.6 m) — double row racks

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(Typical Tier & Below Garrier)

Fig. 8c. Cartoned Level 2 and 3 aerosol products, clearance more than 15 ft (4.6 m) — multiple row racks

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4 - 5 ft.

5 ft. (1.5 m)
(1.2 - 1.5 m)

Plan View

NOTE: Line-up In-Rack Sprinklers with Transverse Flue Spaces

Deflector Clearance Minimum of 6 in. (15 cm)

5 ft. (1.5 m)
15 ft. (4.6 m) Approx.

10 ft. (3.0 m) Approx.

5 ft. (1.5 m) Approx.

Flue Sprinkler Elevation View

Fig. 9a. Uncartoned Level 2 and 3 aerosol products — single row racks up to 20 ft (6.1 m) high storage

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8 -10 ft.
(2.4 - 3 m)

9 ft. (2.7 m)
4 - 5 ft.
(1.2 - 1.5 m)

Plan View
(typical tier)
Face Sprinklers Are NOT Staggered Vertically
Line-up In-Rack Sprinklers with Transverse Flue Spaces

Deflector Clearance Minimum of 6 in. (15 cm)

5 ft. (1.5 m)
15 ft. (4.6 m) Approx.

10 ft. (3.0 m) Approx.

5 ft. (1.5 m) Approx.

Face Sprinkler Elevation View

Flue Sprinkler

Fig. 9b. Uncartoned Level 2 and 3 aerosol products — double row racks up to 20 ft (6.1 m) high storage

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8 - 10 ft.
Loading Aisle
(2.4 - 3 m)

(1.2 - 1.5 m)
4 - 5 ft.
4 - 5 ft.
(1.2 - 1.5 m)

Loading Aisle
Plan View
Flue Sprinkler (Typical Tier)
Face Sprinklers

Face Sprinklers Are NOT Staggered Vertically
Line-up In-Rack Sprinklers with Transverse Flue Spaces

Deflector Clearance Minimum of 6 in. (15 cm)

5 ft. (1.5 m)
15 ft. (4.6 m) Approx.

10 ft. (3.0 m) Approx.

5 ft. (1.5 m) Approx.

Elevation View
Flue Sprinkler
Face Sprinklers

Fig. 9c. Uncartoned Level 2 and 3 aerosol products — multiple row racks up to 20 ft (6.1 m) high storage

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4 - 5 ft.

5 ft. (1.5 m)
(1.2 - 1.5 m)

Plan View

Deflector Clearance Minimum of 6 in. (15 cm) NOTE: Line-up In-Rack Sprinklers with Transverse Flue Spaces

5 ft. (1.5 m)
15 ft. (4.6 m) Approx.

10 ft. (3.0 m) Approx.

5 ft. (1.5 m) Approx.

Flue Sprinkler Elevation View

Fig. 10a. Uncartoned Level 2 and 3 aerosol products — single row racks up to 25 ft (7.6 m) high storage

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8 -10 ft.
(2.4 - 3 m)

9 ft. (2.7 m)
4 - 5 ft.
(1.2 - 1.5 m)

Plan View
(typical tier)

Face Sprinklers Must be Staggered Vertically
Deflector Clearance Minimum of 6 in. (15 cm) Line-up In-Rack Sprinklers with Transverse Flue

5 ft. (1.5 m)
15 ft. (4.6 m) Approx.

10 ft. (3.0 m) Approx.

5 ft. (1.5 m) Approx.

Elevation View
Face Sprinkler
Flue Sprinkler

Fig. 10b. Uncartoned Level 2 and 3 aerosol products — double row racks up to 25 ft (7.6 m) high storage

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8 - 10 ft.
(2.4 - 3 m)

(1.2 - 1.5 m)
4 - 5 ft.
4 - 5 ft.
(1.2 - 1.5 m)

Plan View
(Typical Tier)
Flue Sprinkler
Face Sprinklers NOTE:
Face Sprinklers Must be Staggered Vertically
Line-up In-Rack Sprinklers with Transverse Flue Spaces

Deflector Clearance Minimum of 6 in. (15 cm)

5 ft. (1.5 m)
15 ft. (4.6 m) Approx.

10 ft. (3.0 m) Approx.

5 ft. (1.5 m) Approx.

Elevation View
Flue Sprinkler
Face Sprinklers

Fig. 10c. Uncartoned Level 2 and 3 aerosol product — multiple row racks up to 25 ft (7.6 m) high storage

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E.2 Fire Protection Scheme A

A. Provide plywood (minimum 3/8 in. [1 cm]) or sheet metal (minimum 22 gauge [0.7 mm]) barriers and in-rack
sprinklers installed in accordance with Figures 11a, 11b, 11c, and 11d. Use a maximum vertical spacing of
12 ft (3.7 m) between barriers.
B. Install FM Approved K8.0 (K115) or K11.2 (K161), 165°F (74°C) rated, quick-response in-rack sprinklers
below each barrier level. Design the in-rack sprinklers to provide a minimum flow of 57 gpm (216 L/min)
out of the hydraulically most remote six (6) sprinklers (three on two lines) if one barrier level, or the most
remote eight (8) sprinklers (four on two lines) if two or more barrier levels are provided.
C. If there are adjacent bays of rack arrays not dedicated to aerosol product storage, provide a
noncombustible, solid vertical barrier (e.g., 22 gauge (0.7 mm) sheet metal) in each longitudinal and
transverse flue space to separate the aerosol product storage from adjacent bays (see Figure 4b). For double
row racks with aerosol products storage on only one side of the rack, treat the side devoted to the storage
of aerosol products as a single-row rack, with fire protection provided according to Figure 11a. Protect the
adjacent side based on the commodity stored in that area.
D. A vertical chain link fence may be used in lieu of a solid vertical barrier if the entire rack is protected with
Scheme A (see Figure 4a).
E. Ceiling sprinkler demand does not need to be included in the hydraulic calculations for in-rack sprinklers.
Calculate the water demand at the point of supply separately for in-rack and ceiling sprinklers. Provide a
500 gpm (1900 L/min) hose stream allowance in the hydraulic calculations for the in-rack sprinkler protection.
Provide the combined fire protection water demand for a 1-hour duration.
F. Design ceiling sprinklers to protect the surrounding occupancy, but not less than 7 psi (0.5 bar) using twenty
(20) K8.0 (K115) sprinklers. If the aerosol product storage does not extend to the full height of the rack, protect
the other commodities stored above the barrier in accordance with appropriate data sheets as if the entire
rack height was filled with that commodity. If in-rack sprinklers are required for the other commodities, each
level of barrier and in-rack sprinklers can be given credit as a level of in-rack sprinklers.

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Solid Barrier

5 ft. (1.4 m)
4 - 5 ft.
(1.2 - 1.5 m)

Minimum 8 ft. (2.4 m) Between Maximum 3 in. (76 mm) Gap

Gaps. at Uprights

Plan View

Deflector a Minimum of 6 in. (15 cm)

Deflector a Maximum of 7 in. (23 cm) Below Barrier Above Top of Storage

12 ft. (3.7 m)
12 ft. (3.7 m)

In-Rack Sprinkler Elevation View

Fig. 11a. Single row rack in-rack sprinkler layout — Fire Protection Scheme A

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Solid Barrier

5 ft. (1.4 m)
4 - 5 ft.
(1.2 - 1.5 m)

Minimum 8 ft. (2.4 m) Between Maximum 3 in. (77 mm) Gap at

Gaps. Uprights

Plan View

Deflector a Minimum of 6 in. (15 cm)

Deflector a Maximum of 7 in. (23 cm) Below Barrier Above Top of Storage

12 ft. (3.7 m)
12 ft. (3.7 m)

In-Rack Sprinkler Elevation View

Fig. 11b. Single row rack in-rack sprinkler layout — Fire Protection Scheme A

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Solid Barrier
(no gap at longitudinal flue)

8 -10 ft.
(2.4 - 3 m)

9 ft. (2.7 m)
4 - 5 ft.
(1.2 - 1.5 m)

Maximum 3 in. (77 mm)

Gap at Uprights
Plan View
Deflector a Minimum of 6 in. (15 cm)
Deflector a Maximum of 7 in. (23 cm) Below Barrier Above Top of Storage

12 ft. (3.7 m)

12 ft. (3.7 m)

Longitudinal Flue Sprinkler

Elevation View
Face Sprinkler

Fig. 11c. Double row rack in-rack sprinkler layout — Fire Protection Scheme A

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Solid Barrier
(no gap at flue)

4 - 5 ft.
(1.2 - 1.5 m)

Plan View
Deflector a Minimum of 6 in. (15 cm)
Deflector a Maximum of 7 in. (23 cm) Below Barrier Above Top of Storage

12 ft. (3.7 m)

In-Rack Sprinkler Elevation View - First Barrier Level

Fig. 11d. Multiple row rack in-rack sprinkler layout — Fire Protection Scheme A

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E.3 Aerosol Product Flow-Through Rack Protection Scheme

A. Install solid 3/8 in. (10 cm) plywood or 22 gauge (0.7 mm) sheet metal barrier at the 12 ft (3.7 m) level.
The barrier must completely cover the longitudinal flue space. A 3 in. (76 mm) gap is permitted over the
transverse flue spaces at the rack uprights. (See Figures 12a and 12b.)
B. To prevent potential horizontal fire spread within the roller racks, provide one the following:
1. Maintain a nominal 3 in. (76 mm) gap between rows of cartons. This would create at least 2 in. (51
mm) of free space between cartons (i.e., 3 in. [76 mm] space between cartons - 1 in. [25 mm] carton guide
angle = 2 in. [51 mm] open space). It is recognized that the gaps between cartons will be inconsistent
and not vertically aligned. However, limiting the number of carton spaces between rack uprights creating
the potential for a nominal 3 in. (76 mm) gap will ensure adequate openings for in-rack sprinkler discharge
to penetrate through the roller racks and prevent excessive horizontal spread of fire within the picking
2. If the 3 in. (76 mm) gap between rows of cartons cannot be provided, install vertical barriers every
24 ft (7.3 m) horizontally. Ensure the barrier spans from the floor to the bottom of the horizontal barrier.
The barrier may be constructed of either 3/8 in. (1 cm) plywood or 22 gauge (0.7 mm) sheet metal. Since
the barrier will be located next to in-rack sprinklers, install additional in-rack sprinklers on both sides of
the barrier.
C. Install in-rack sprinklers in accordance with Figures 12a and 12b. Use FM Approved, K ≥ 8.0 (115), 165°F
(74°C) rated, quick-response in-rack sprinklers. The number of lines of in-rack sprinklers is dependent on
the rack width.
D. Locate face sprinklers a maximum of 6 in. (15 cm) from the rack face.
E. Design the in-rack sprinklers to provide a minimum discharge pressure of 50 psi (3.5 bar) out of the
hydraulically most remote of the following:
1. Twelve (12) sprinklers (i.e., four (4) sprinklers operating on each of three (3) lines) for three or more
lines of in-racks, or
2. Eight (8) sprinklers if only two lines of in-racks are provided (i.e., four (4) sprinklers operating on two
(2) lines), or
3. Six (6) sprinklers if only one line of in-rack sprinklers is provided
F. Ceiling sprinkler demand does not need to be included in the hydraulic calculations for in-rack sprinklers.
Calculate the water demand at the point of supply separately for in-rack and ceiling sprinklers. Provide a
500 gpm (1900 L/min) hose stream allowance in the hydraulic calculations for the in-rack sprinkler protection.
Provide the combined fire protection water demand for a 2-hour duration.
G. Design ceiling sprinklers to protect the surrounding occupancy, but not less than 7 psi (0.5 bar) using
twenty (20) K8.0 (K115) sprinklers.

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Fig. 12a. Aerosol product picking area elevation view

Fig. 12b. Aerosol product picking area plan view

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E.4 Mercantile Fire Protection Schemes

A. Provide a plywood (minimum 3/8 in. [1 cm]) or sheet metal (minimum 22 gauge [0.7 mm]) barrier at the
top of the picking area, at a maximum height of 8 ft (2.4 m).
B. Install in-rack sprinklers in accordance with Figures 13a, 13b, or 13c. Use FM Approved K8.0 (K115) or
K11.2 (K161), 165°F (74°C) rated, quick-response in-rack sprinklers below the barrier level. Design the in-rack
sprinklers to provide a minimum flow of 57 gpm (216 L/min) out of the hydraulically most remote six (6)
sprinklers (three on two lines) if one barrier level, or the most remote eight (8) sprinklers (four on two lines)
if two or more barrier levels are provided.
C. Where indicated (Figure 13c), provide a noncombustible, solid vertical barrier (e.g., 22 gauge (0.7 mm)
sheet metal) in the longitudinal and transverse flue spaces to separate the aerosol product storage from
adjacent areas.
D. Where aerosol products are stored above the display area, maintain storage in upper tiers within cartons
and limit the total storage height to a maximum of 18 ft (5.5 m).
E. Provide Scheme A fire protection for the cartoned storage located within the upper tiers.
F. Design ceiling sprinklers to protect the surrounding occupancy, but not less than 7 psi (0.5 bar) using twenty
(20) K8.0 (K115) sprinklers. If the aerosol product storage does not extend to the full height of the rack, protect
the other commodities stored above the barrier in accordance with appropriate data sheets as if the entire
rack height was filled with that commodity. If in-rack sprinklers are required for the other commodities, each
level of barrier and in-rack sprinklers can be given credit as a level of in-rack sprinklers.
G. Ceiling sprinkler demand does not need to be included in the hydraulic calculations for in-rack sprinklers.
Calculate the water demand at the point of supply separately for in-rack and ceiling sprinklers. Provide a
500 gpm (1900 L/min) hose stream allowance in the hydraulic calculations for the in-rack sprinkler protection.
Provide the combined fire protection water demand for a 1-hour duration.

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Solid barrier
(no gap at longitudinal flue)


9 ft. (2.7 m)

Maximum 3 in. (77 mm)

Plan View - Aerosols Storage
gap at uprights

Solid horizontal barrier

(no gap at longitudinal flue)
= Aerosols removed
from their
= Aerosols storage

= Non-aerosols

= Longitudinal flue
Plan View - Display Area sprinkler
Note 1: Provide in-rack automatic sprinklers as necessary for the non-aerosols storage. = Face sprinkler

10 ft (3m)

8 ft (2.4m)


Elevation View

Fig. 13a. Mercantile storage, Option 1

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Solid barrier
(no gap at longitudinal flue)


9 ft. (2.7 m)

Maximum 3 in. (77 mm)

Plan View - Aerosols Storage
gap at uprights

Solid horizontal barrier

(no gap at longitudinal flue) = Aerosols removed
from their
= Aerosols storage

= Non-aerosols

= Longitudinal flue
Plan View - Display Area = Face sprinkler
Note 1: Provide in-rack automatic sprinklers as necessary for the non-aerosols storage.

10 ft (3m)

8 ft (2.4m)


Elevation View

Fig. 13b. Mercantile storage, Option 2

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Solid barrier
(no gap at longitudinal flue)


9 ft. (2.7 m)

Maximum 3 in. (77 mm)

Plan View - Aerosols Storage
gap at uprights

Solid horizontal barrier

= Aerosols removed
from their
= Aerosols storage

= Non-aerosols

Plan View - Display Area = Longitudinal flue

Note 1: Provide in-rack automatic sprinklers as necessary for the non-aerosols storage. = Face sprinkler

= Solid vertical

10 ft (3m)

8 ft (2.4m)


Elevation View

Fig. 13c. Mercantile storage, Option 3

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