Design of Monitoring of Egg Incubator Machine Based On Internet of Things With ESP8266 and Web Server
Design of Monitoring of Egg Incubator Machine Based On Internet of Things With ESP8266 and Web Server
Design of Monitoring of Egg Incubator Machine Based On Internet of Things With ESP8266 and Web Server
x, Oktober 20xx:xxx-xxx .
Abstract – The abstract consists of 150-200 words written in a single paragraph. It should be clear,
informative, descriptive, and provide a clear statement of the problem, the proposed approach or
solution, and point out major findings and conclusions. The abstract should be written in the past tense.
Standard nomenclature should be used and abbreviations should be avoided. No literature should be
cited. Abstract should be accompanied by keywords (keywords) below. This guide as a reference is
required for the writing and delivery of writings Journal SINERGI. This guide is written as a standard
format for ease Journal SINERGI and guidelines in softcopy format can be directly used as a template
for writers (Abstract 10 Italic).
Keywords: guidance; writing; format; title (consist of 3-5 words, separate with semicolon, 10 Italic)
in this section are equipped with image captions. Multipliers can be especially confusing. Write
Image captions are placed to be part of the figure “Energy (kJ)” or “Energy (103 J).” Define
caption instead of being part of the picture. abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are
used in the text, even if they have been defined in
Methods the abstract.
The methods used in the completion of the Number equations consecutively with equation
research is written in this section. Method includes numbers in parentheses. Flush with the right
research chronological, including research design, margin, as in (1).
research procedure (in the form of algorithms,
E mc 2 (1)
Pseudo code or other), instruments, and analysis
techniques used in solving problems. The Symbols of equation should be defined before the
description of the course of research should be equation appears or immediately follows. Use
supported references, so the explanation can be “(1),” not “Eq. (1)” or “equation (1),” except at the
accepted scientifically. beginning of a sentence, for example: “Equation
(1) is …”.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Tables are presented center, as shown in Table 1
Results and Discussion should be an objective and should be cited in the manuscript. Table
description of the results and should be in relation heads should appear above the tables. Insert
to the purposes of research. The discussion also figures after they are cited in the text.
needs to be supported by the reference list.
Results can be presented in figures, tables and Tabel 1. Contoh penulisan nomor dan judul tabel
others that make the readers understand easily. Conversion from
Figures may include images, charts, diagrams, Symbol Quantity Gaussian and CGS
EMU to SI a
maps and photographs. Large figures and tables
magnetic flux 1 Mx 108 Wb =
may span both columns. Figure captions should 108 V·s
be centered below the figures while table captions 4M magnetization 1 G 103/(4) A/m
should be located at the top left of the tables. They m magnetic moment 1 erg/G = 1 emu
should be written in Times New Roman 10pt. 103 A·m2 = 103
Avoid placing figures and tables before their first J/T
m magnetic moment 1 erg/G = 1 emu
mention in the text. See the examples in Fig.1.
103 A·m2 = 103
4M magnetization 1 G 103/(4) A/m
m magnetic moment 1 erg/G = 1 emu
103 A·m2 = 103
j magnetic dipole 1 erg/G = 1 emu
moment 4 1010 Wb·m
Source: (Adriansyah, 2015)
The conclusion is a summary of the results and
discussion and should be written in paragraphs
instead on numbering. Moreover, it can also be
added the prospect of the development of
research results and application prospects of
further studies into the next (based on result and
Figure 1. Number and Figure Caption
Source: (Adriansyah, 2015) discussion).