Sewagepollution PDF
Sewagepollution PDF
Sewagepollution PDF
India is rich in water resources, having a network of as many as 113 rivers (the figure
does not include tributaries) and vast alluvial basins to hold plenty of groundwater. India
is also blessed with snow-capped peaks in the Himalayan range, which can meet a
variety of water requirements of the country. However, with the rapid increase in the
population of the country and the need to meet the increasing demands of irrigation,
domestic and industrial consumption, the
available water resources in many parts Urban environmental management is one of the
of the country are getting depleted and most pressing issues as the urbanization trend
the water quality has deteriorated. In continues globally. Among the challenges faced
India, water pollution comes from three by urban planners is the need to ensure ongoing
main sources: domestic sewage, basic human services such as the provision of
industrial effluents and run-off from water and sanitation. The under-management of
agriculture. domestic wastewater in many southern urban
areas presents a major challenge. The
accumulation of human waste is constant and
The most significant environmental unmanaged wastewater directly contributes to
problem and threat to public health in the contamination of locally available freshwater
both rural and urban India is inadequate supplies. Additionally, the cumulative results of
access to clean drinking water and unmanaged wastewater can have broad
sanitation facilities. Almost all the surface degenerative effects on both public and
water sources are contaminated to some ecosystem health.
extent by organic pollutants and bacterial
contamination and make them unfit for human consumption unless disinfected. The
diseases commonly caused by contaminated water are typhoid, cholera, gastroenteritis,
bacterial dysentery, hepatitis, poliomycitis, amoebic dysentery etc.
of them are located in residential areas, where space is a constraint. Moreover, the
small-scale industries are not having adequate resources to establish treatment
systems. Such industries need to establish common effluent treatment plants (CETPs).
A number of such facilities have been established across the country. It is expected
that establishment of CETPs would reduce the pollution load in the aquatic resources of
the country to a large extent.
10000 9478
Wastewater gen (mld) BOD Generation (t/d) BOD Discharge (t/d)
The urban India has become a massive and perhaps a frightening reality as far as waste
management is concerned. This country can no longer afford to allow urban areas
constituting cities and towns of varying magnitude to take care of them; they need the full
and undivided attention of our planners and decision makers for protection of
environment, aquatic resources and ultimately for better management of health aspects.
The Central Pollution Control Board realised the gravity of water quality deterioration in
water bodies and instituted studies on the wastewater management in India with
changing urban pattern during last three decades and highlighted the need for urban
wastewater management. The comparison of water supply, wastewater generation,
collection and treatment during 1978-79, 1989-90 and 1994-95 indicates that the
wastewater generation has increased from 7,007mld in 1978-79 to 16,622 mld in 1994-95
in class I cities (population one lakh or above). However, the treatment capacity has
increased from 2755.94 mld in 1978-79 to 4037.20 mld in 1994-95, which was only 39%
and 24% of the wastewater generated respectively.
Decadal Trend of water supply and sanitation status in Class I Cities and Class II towns
As per the updated status for the year 2003, out of 22,900 Mld of wastewater
generated, only about 5,900 Mld (26%) is treated before letting out, the rest i.e., 17,100
Mld is disposed of untreated. Twenty-seven cities have only primary treatment facilities
and forty-nine have primary and secondary treatment facilities. The level of treatment
available in cities with existing treatment plant in terms of sewage being treated varies
from 2.5% to 89% of the sewage generated. Treated or partly treated or untreated
wastewater is disposed into natural drains joining rivers or lakes or used on land for
irrigation/ fodder cultivation or disposed into the sea or a combination of them by the
municipalities. The mode of disposal in 118 cities is indirectly but ultimately into the
rivers/ lakes/ ponds/ creeks; in 63 cities to the agriculture land; in 41 cities directly into
rivers and in 44 cities, it is discharged both into rivers and on agriculture land.
The Ganga basin spreads over an area of 8,61,404 Km 2 covering the States of
Uttaranchal, Uttar Pardesh, Haryana, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar,
Jharkhand & West Bengal. There are 223 cities/towns (Municipalities/ Corporations)
generating significant amount of sewage in the Ganga basin. These cities/towns
generate about 8,250 MLD (million litre per day) of wastewater, out of which about
2,460 MLD is directly discharged into the Ganga river, about 4,570 MLD is discharged
into its tributaries or sub- tributaries and about 1220 MLD is disposed on land or on low-
lying areas.
Out of 8,250 MLD wastewater generated in the Ganga basin, the treatment facilities
available for 3,500 MLD of wastewater. Out of 3,500 MLD treatment capacity, 882 MLD
is created under the Ganga Action Plan, 720 MLD is created under the Yamuna Action
Plan by NRCD/MoEF and about 1,927 MLD treatment capacity is created or under
augmentation by the Govt. of Delhi for restoration of water quality in Yamuna river. The
treatment facilities at 48 additional towns along the Ganga river and 23 towns on its
tributaries/sub- tributaries are being created under GAP Phase-II and National River
Action Plan. It is expected that after completion of these plans, an additional capacity of
about 1,500 MLD will be created. However, still there will be a large gap between the
wastewater generation and treatment capacity.
Disposal of Sewage generated in Ganga Basin in million
litres per day
Sewage Generation
1. Total number of towns generating significant amount of sewage 222
( Class I cities and class II towns )
2. Sewage generating from these towns 8,250 MLD
3. Sewage directly disposed into the Ganga River 2,460 MLD
4. Sewage disposed into tributaries of the Ganga River 4,570 MLD
5. Sewage disposed on land or low lying areas 1,220 MLD
Sewage Treatment
1. Sewage Treatment capacity created under Ganga Action Plan Phase-I 882 MLD
2. Sewage Treatment capacity created along the Yamuna 2,647 MLD
3. Additional towns where sewage treatment capacity is being created under 48 (600 MLD)
GAP Phase-II
4. Number of towns where sewage treatment capacity is being created on 23 (750 MLD)
tributaries of the Ganga
About 60% of the world population live within 60 km of shoreline. India, by virtue of its
geographical location, is having 8118 km long coastline. The coastal area
accommodates about 25% of country‘s total population. The wastewater generated from
the townships and cities finds its way into the coastal waters including estuaries, creeks,
bays etc.
The municipal wastewater constitutes the largest single source of coastal marine
pollution. 87 cities and towns located in the coastal areas of the country generate
5560.99 mld of wastewater, which is almost 80% of their total water supply. This
quantity is almost 33.37 % of the total quantity of the wastewater generated by 644
class I cities and class II towns in the entire country. The volume of wastewater has
increased over two and a half times than the quantity generated two decades ago. Out
of this only 78% is collected, while during 1978 the collection was only 46%. About
58.50% of this is generated from the west coast. The State of Maharashtra contributes
about 45% of the total wastewater generated by the coastal cities and towns, while the
state of West Bengal comes second, contributing about 26%. Thus Maharashtra, West
Bengal and Tamil Nadu generate almost 80% of the wastewater among the coastal
states and union territories. Out of 5560.99 mld of wastewater generated only 521.51
mld receives various levels of treatment before letting out to the coastal waters.
Out of the total wastewater generated, 90.62% find its destination into the coastal
waters without any treatment. The coastal waters of Maharashtra state receive
maximum quantity of untreated municipal wastewater, to the tune of 2382.64 mld
followed by the coastal waters of West Bengal, 1466.08 mld from their respective cities
and towns.
Orissa114.9 (2.07%)
Andhra Pradesh 203.9 (3.67%)
Kerala 326.45 (5.87%)
State and Union Territory wise generation of municipal wastewater (mld) in coastal cities
Maharashtra 2382.64
Kerala 298.95
Tamilnadu 262.02
Gujarat 253.06
Orissa 114.99
Karnataka 44.5
Pondicherry 29.94
State and Union Territory wise contribution of untreated municipal wastewater disposed into the
coastal waters
Regarding untreated wastewater disposal, there is a four-fold increase in quantity in a
span of two decades. In 1999 the quantity of untreated wastewater disposed to the
coastal waters was 5039.48 mld, on the other hand it was only 1264.03 mld in 1978.
These problems stem from over population, poor planning and uncontrolled
development in the nearby coastal watersheds.
It is estimated that out of 3267 mld of sewage generated in Delhi, the treatment capacity
is existing for 2330 MLD of sewage (71% of total sewage generation). However, actual
treatment is received to only about 1478 mld (63%) of sewage in terms of BOD load. Out
of 480 tonnes/day of BOD load generated in Delhi, 264 tonnes/day (or 55%) is reduced
due to treatment.
There are 30 STPs located at 17 locations in Delhi. The total combined treatment
capacity of all the STPs is 2,330 mld. The actual treatment of sewage during November-
December 2003 was observed only 1478 mld, about 63% of the installed treatment
Out of total STPs, 20 STPs were running under capacity, 5 STPs were running over
capacity, 3 STPs were non functional while only 2 STPs are running to their capacity. An
attempt was made to evaluate the performance of the STPs in terms of percent reduction
in pollution load. Average reduction in BOD, COD and TSS load computed based on the
study was 87%, 81% and 92% respectively.
Sl. STP’s Capacity Design Actual Type of STP Present Status
No. (MGD) capacity flow
Process (ASP)
10. Okhla STP‘s
(12) 54.55 39.09 All the plants Under- utilized
(16)) 72.73 40.91 designed on Under- utilized
(30) 136.38 136.98 Activated Sludge Running in capacity
(37) 168.20 159.11 Process (ASP) Under-utilized
(45) 204.57 181.84 Under-utilized
Pollution From Small Rural Hamlets/Villages: Almost as a rule these would neither have
running water supply nor sewered sanitation. In many developing countries (as is the
case of India) most people would use open fields for defecation, with a few using pit-
latrines or septic-tanks. Much of the bathing and washing (clothes, utensils etc.) shall be
in or near the water-body reducing abstraction and transport of water but causing in-situ
diffuse pollution. Generation of liquid effluents would be minimal and all wastewater
generated shall soak into the nearby land. A careful materials-balance as also field
experience would show significant quantities of various types of pollutants including
salts, nutrients, organics and micro-organisms from such hamlets and rural areas
reaching ground or surface water bodies through leachate and as washings in the storm
run-offs. On the basis of various experiences, the Central Pollution Control Board
estimated an average 15g BOD per capita per day of the rural population reaching the
major river draining that particular basin and used this as a basis of computations in its
"Basin Sub-Basin Inventory of Water Pollution" series (CPCB 1982-1995).
Corresponding loads of salts, nutrients, micro-organic and other pollutants would also
be reaching streams and rivers, while the amounts of pollutants percolating to ground
waters may be much larger.
Wastewaters and Pollutants from Unsewered Towns: For improving standards of life,
running water- supply has been established in most of the towns over the past three
decades. This has, in turn, led to flush- latrines and much large use of water in homes
for bathing, washing of clothes utensils etc, generating significant amounts of
wastewaters. Use of soaps and detergents and amounts of various food materials going
to the sink have also grown with improved life standards. Unfortunately, sewerage or
improved sanitation does not bring the same political dividends in developing countries
as running water-supply does. Hence sewerage has lagged far behind the water supply.
A large number of the cities/towns either do not have any sewerage system or the
sewerage system is overloaded or defunct. All this resulted in large amount of
wastewater uncollected. The bulk of pollution shall get retained on land to percolate,
leach or get washed-off to streams or groundwater.
Sewage, Sullage and Pollutants from Urban Areas with Inadequate or Faulty Sewerage
and/or Sewage Treatment System: With exponential growth in urbanisation through
migration of the poorest section of populations to cities in search of livelihood, it would
be difficult to name many cities or urban areas in developing countries that have
adequate and effective sewerage. According to CPCB (1995) only about 40-50% of the
populations of the major Indian metro-cities of Delhi, Bombay Calcutta, Madras and
Bangalore are served by sewer systems. Even where sewers exist, they often leak or
overflow, releasing their contents to storm-water or other surface drains or to percolate
in to soil to reach ground-water or streams.
The design of a sewage treatment works will be dependent on the quality and quantity
of the waste to be treated. The following are some of the important characteristics of
domestic sewage:
Organic Matter : Organic matter is the most important polluting constituent of sewage
in respect of its effects on receiving water bodies. It is mainly composed of proteins,
carbohydrates and fats. Organic matter is commonly measured in terms of BOD and
COD. If untreated sewage is discharged into natural water bodies, biological
stabilization of organic matter leads to depletion of oxygen in water bodies.
Nitrogen & Phosphorus : Nitrogen and phosphorus are also very important polluting
constituents of sewage because of their role in algal growth and eutrophication of water
bodies. Nitrogen is present in fresh domestic sewage in the form of proteinaceous
matter urea (i.e. organic nitrogen). Its decomposition by bacteria readily changes it into
ammonia. In aerobic environments ammonia nitrogen is oxidized into nitrites and
nitrates. Nitrates can be used by algae to form plant proteins. Nitrogen is commonly
measured as TKN (organic + ammonical) as sewage characteristics. Nitrate and nitrite
forms of nitrogen are also measured when quality of receiving/affected water (streams,
underground water) is monitored.
Suspended Solids : Suspended solids represent that fraction of total solids in any
wastewater that can be settled gravitationally. Suspended solids can further be
classified into organic (volatile) and inorganic (fixed) fractions. Organic matter is present
in the form of either settleable form or non-settleable (dissolved or colloidal) form. If the
organic fraction of suspended solids present in sewage is discharged untreated into
streams, it leads to sludge deposits and subsequently to anaerobic conditions.
Dissolved Oxygen : Dissolved oxygen, as such, does not have any significance as a
sewage characteristics. However, it is the most important pollution assessment
parameter of the receiving water bodies. Stabilization of organic matter, when
discharged untreated or partially treated in receiving waters, leads to depletion of their
dissolved oxygen. Nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) addition due to discharge of
untreated or treated sewage may lead to algal growth in streams. During day time,
algae undergo photosynthesis process and the oxygen released by this process is
much more than their respiration requirements resulting in a net addition of dissolved
oxygen to water. However, during night time photosynthesis process is stopped
whereas respiration requirement continues. This leads to depletion of dissolved oxygen
in waters. Thus, it is observed that all the polluting constituents of sewage explained
above have their direct or indirect effect on dissolved oxygen of receiving waters.
Bacterial Parameter ( Fecal Coliform ) : Although organic matter, in dissolved as well
as suspended form, is the most important parameter of sewage as far as ecology of
receiving water bodies is concerned, Bacterial parameters, such as Fecal Coliform (FC),
which serve as indicators of fecal pollution are also very important when human health
is the prime concern.
Sewage from large and small towns is discharged either into a water body, which is
used for various purposes such as source of drinking water supply and bathing or
discharged on land for irrigation, where human beings come in contact with it.
Population consuming water from such sources which receive sewage discharges and
persons involved in agricultural activities where sewage is applied become vulnerable to
infection from pathogenic organisms (mainly bacteria and viruses) which are discharged
by human beings who are infected with disease or who are carriers of a particular
disease. Thus, to check quality of receiving waters for various uses and to assess
acceptability of degree of treatment given to sewage, assessment of bacterial quality
also becomes important. Because specific identification of pathogenic bacteria is
extremely difficult, the coliform group of organisms is used as an indicator of the
presence in wastewater of pathogenic organisms. Coliform bacteria are found in
intestinal tract of human beings. Each person discharges about 100 to 400 billion
coliform bacteria per day. Presence of coliform organisms is taken as an indication of
presence of pathogenic organisms and absence of coliform organism is taken as an
indication that water is free from disease producing organisms.
Coliform group of bacteria include genera Escherichia and Aerobacter. Aerobacter and
certain Escherichia can also grow in soil and, therefore, use of coliform group of
bacteria as indicator of human waste becomes complicated. Difficulty in determining
E.coli. to the exclusion of the soil coliform led to use of entire group of coliform as
indicator of fecal pollution. Separate determination of Total Coliform (TC), Fecal
Coliform (FC) and Fecal Streptococci (FS) is now possible. Presence of FC and
pathogenic organism together is well established and FC is the widely used bacterial
parameter as indicator of fecal pollution. Determination of FS in waters and
wastewaters is also in practice because FC/FS ratio further helps in identification of
source. FC/FS ratio for human beings is more than 4, whereas FC/FS ratio for
domestic animals is less than 1. Thus FC/FS ratio can be used to find whether
suspected contamination of water is derived from human or animal waste. When FC/FS
ratio is obtained between 1 to 2 interpretations become difficult. Incidentally, the rate of
removal or death of coliform bacteria in waters and wastewaters is parallel to the
respective rates for pathogenic intestinal bacteria which makes the use of coliform
organisms as indicator of fecal pollution very important. FC is therefore a very
important parameter in determing bacterial quality of waters and wastewaters.
A detailed study of all the sewage treatment plants located in Delhi was carried our
during November – December, 2003. The analysis of raw sewage (influent to Sewage
Treatment Plant) presents a systematic view of its chemical characteristics.
Characteristics of Sewage in Delhi
(As on November-December, 2003)
Influent Quality
Treatment Plants PH TSS COD BOD Cond.
Cor. Pillar(10) 7.2 179 317 112 908
(20+10) 6.44 342 172 48 1700
Keshopur(12*) Not operational
(20) 7.3 404 560 282 1390
(40) 7.3 404 560 282 1390
Okhla(12) 7.3 498 517 204 1440
(16) 7.4 291 486 207 1510
(30) 7.4 647 551 222 1480
(37) 7.3 480 515 249 1590
(45) 7.3 480 515 249 1590
Narela (10) 7.4 426 447 100 1720
Y. Vihar (Ph.-I 10, 7.1 391 505 174 1110
Ph.-II 10) 7.2 405 538 199 1020
Timarpur O.P -(6) 6.7 412 272 106 1650
Najafgarh (5) 7.4 165 205 54 810
Nilothi (40) 7.7 432 328 90 2340
Dr. Sen N.H.(2.2) 7.5 370 585 236 1680
Delhi Gate (2.2) 7.5 263 605 147 1020
Papankalan (20) 7.6 142 275 103 2190
Kondli Ph.-I (10) 7.3 363 507 241 1390
Ph.-II (25) 7.3 604 588 261 1550
Ph.-III (10) 7.3 519 615 237 1530
Mehrauli(5) 7.8 251 326 126 1090
Rithala {(40 Old) 7.2 330 399 205 1260
(40 New)} 7.2 330 399 205 1260
Vasant Kunj (2.2) 7.5 379 460 323 1710
(3) 7.4 479 565 306 1400
All organic materials or wastes can be broken down or decomposed by microbial and
other biological activity (biodegradation). Although some inorganic substances are
included in this category, most are organic compounds that can exhibit a biochemical
oxygen demand (BOD) because oxygen is used in the degradation process. Oxygen is a
basic requirement of almost all aquatic life except anaerobic microbes. If sufficient oxygen
is not available to the aquatic life, the ecosystem will be adversely affected. Typical
sources of organic pollution include sewage from domestic and animal sources; industrial
wastes from food processing, paper mills, tanneries, distilleries, sugar and other agro-
based industries.
This category of pollution becomes a problem when the oxygen required for
biodegradation due to organic pollution is greater than the available oxygen in the water
body. Natural systems do have a limited capacity to accommodate self-purification through
biodegradation by employing re-oxygenation processes. However, in many situations the
anthropogenic pollution overwhelms the given system.
Effect of Nutrients
The nutrients are always present in water and thus it supports aquatic life. Here the
primary focus is on fertilizing chemicals such as nitrates and phosphates. While important
for plant growth, too much of nutrients encourage the overabundance of plant life and can
result in environmental damage called ―eutrophication‖. This can occur at both
microscopic level in form of algae or macroscopic level in form of larger aquatic weeds.
The diurnal change in dissolved oxygen is of serious concern. During day time oxygen
remain supersaturated due to photosynthetic contribution of oxygen. But during night the
oxygen is depleted as the algal mass consumes significant amount of oxygen. Nitrates
and phosphates contributed through anthropogenic sources such as sewage, agricultural
run-off and run-off from un-sewered residential areas.
As water is best solvent known on the earth, it can dissolve variety of substances to which
it come in contact during hydrological cycle. In natural waters, the dissolved solids mainly
consist of bicarbonates, carbonates, sulphates, chlorides, nitrates and phosphates of
calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium with traces of iron, manganese and other
minerals. The amount of dissolved solid is important consideration in determining its
suitability for irrigation, drinking and industrial uses. In general, waters with a total
dissolved solids <500 mg/l are most suitable for drinking. Higher dissolved solids may
leads to impairment in physiological processes in the human body. For irrigation water
dissolved solid are very important criteria due their gradual accumulation resulting in
salinization of soil, thus, rendering the agriculture land non-productive.
Dissolved solids are undesirable in industrial water due to many reasons. They form
scales, cause foaming in boilers, accelerate corrosion, and interfere with the colour and
tastes of many finished products.
The toxic Pollutants are mainly heavy metals, pesticides & other industrial xenobiotic
pollutants. The ability of a water body to support aquatic life, as well as its suitability for
other uses depends on many trace elements. Some metals e.g. Mn, Zn and Cu present in
trace quantity are important for the life as it helps and regulates many physiological
functions of the body. The same metals, however, causes severe toxicological effects on
human health and the aquatic ecosystem. Water pollution by heavy metals resulting from
anthropogenic impact is causing serious ecological problems in many parts of the world.
This situation is aggravated by the lack of natural elimination processes for metals. Thus,
metals shift from one compartment of environment to another, including the biota, often
with detrimental effects. Where sufficient accumulation of the metals in biota occurs
through food chain transfer, there is also an increasing toxicological risk for man. As a
result of absorption and accumulation, the concentration of metals in bottom sediments is
much higher than in the water above, which may cause secondary pollution problem. The
toxicity of metals in water depends on the degree of oxidation of a given metal ion together
with the forms in which it occurs. As a rule, the ionic form of a metal is the most toxic form.
However the toxicity is reduced if the ions are bound into complexes with, for example,
natural organic matter. Under certain conditions, metallo-organic, low-molecular
compounds formed in natural waters exhibit toxicities greater than the uncombined forms.
An example is the highly toxic alkyl-derivatives of mercury (methylmercury) from inorganic
mercury by aquatic microorganisms. A famous episode of Minamata disease occurred in
Japan in fifties due to consumption of fish contaminated by methyl mercury. Metals in
natural water can exist in truly dissolved, colloidal and suspended forms. The proportion of
these forms varies for different metals and for different water bodies.
Many thousands of organic compounds enter water bodies as a result of human activities.
Monitoring every individual compound is not feasible. However, it is possible to select
priority organic pollutants based on their prevalence, toxicity and other properties. Mineral
oils, petroleum products, phenols, pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and
surfactants are examples of such compounds. However, these compounds are not
universally monitored because their determination requires sophisticated instrumentation
and highly trained personnel. Therefore, they are evaluated in terms of toxicity as a
summary parameter. Many of these compounds are highly toxic and sometimes are
carcenogenic and mutagenic in nature. Some selected compounds are measured by gas
chromatography method.
Ecological Health
A large number of areas in our aquatic environment support rare species and
ecologically very sensitive. They need special protection. Since, the Water Act, 1974
provides for maintenance and restoration of ―wholesomeness‖ of aquatic resources,
which is directly related to ecological health of the water bodies, it is important that
ecological health of the water bodies is given first priority in the water quality goal.
Some 60% of all infant mortality is linked to infectious and parasitic diseases, most of
them water-related. In some countries water-related diseases make up a high
proportion of all illnesses among both adults and children. In Bangladesh, for example,
estimated three-quarters of all diseases are related to unsafe water and inadequate
sanitation facilities. In Pakistan one-quarter of all people attending hospitals are ill from
water-related diseases.
Providing clean supplies of water and ensuring proper sanitation facilities would save
millions of lives by reducing the prevalence of water-related diseases. Thus, finding
solutions to these problems should become a high priority for developing countries and
assistance agencies.
Water-Borne Diseases
Water-borne diseases are "dirty-water" diseases—those caused by water that has been
contaminated by human, animal, or chemical wastes. Worldwide, the lack of sanitary
waste disposal and of clean water for drinking, cooking, and washing is to blame for
over 12 million deaths a year.
Water-borne diseases include cholera, typhoid, shigella, polio, meningitis, and hepatitis
A and E. Human beings and animals can act as hosts to the bacterial, viral, or protozoal
organisms that cause these diseases. Millions of people have little access to sanitary
waste disposal or to clean water for personal hygiene. An estimated 3 billion people lack
a sanitary toilet, for example. Over 1.2 billion people are at risk because they lack
access to safe freshwater.
Where proper sanitation facilities are lacking, water-borne diseases can spread rapidly.
Untreated excreta carrying disease organisms wash or leach into freshwater sources,
contaminating drinking water and food. The extent to which disease organisms occur in
specific freshwater sources depends on the amount of human and animal excreta that
they contain.
Diarrheal disease, the major water-borne disease, is prevalent in many countries where
sewage treatment is inadequate. Instead, human wastes are disposed of in open
latrines, ditches, canals, and water courses, or they are spread on cropland. An
estimated 4 billion cases of diarrheal disease occur every year, causing 3 million to 4
million deaths, mostly among children.
Using contaminated sewage for fertilizer can result in epidemics of such diseases as
cholera. These diseases can even become chronic where clean water supplies are
lacking. In the early 1990s, for example, raw sewage water that was used to fertilize
vegetable fields caused outbreaks of cholera in Chile and Peru. In Buenos Aires,
Argentina, a slum neighbourhood faced continual outbreaks of cholera, hepatitis, and
meningitis because only 4% of homes had either water mains or proper toilets, while
poor diets and little access to medical services aggravated the health problems.
Toxic substances that find their way into freshwater are another cause of water-borne
diseases. Increasingly, agricultural chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, and industrial
wastes are being found in freshwater supplies. Such chemicals, even in low
concentrations, can build up over time and, eventually, can cause chronic diseases
such as cancers among people who use the water.
Health problems from nitrates in water sources are becoming a serious problem almost
everywhere. In over 150 countries nitrates from fertilizers have seeped into water wells,
fouling the drinking water. Excessive concentrations of nitrates cause blood disorders.
Also, high levels of nitrates and phosphates in water encourage growth of blue-green
algae, leading to deoxygenation (eutrophication). Oxygen is required for metabolism by
the organisms that serve as purifiers, breaking down organic matter, such as human
wastes, that pollute the water. Therefore the amount of oxygen contained in water is a
key indicator of water quality.
Pesticides such as DDT and heptachlor, which are used in agriculture, often wash off in
irrigation water. Their presence in water and food products has alarming implications for
human health because they are known to cause cancer and also may cause low sperm
counts and neurological disease. In Dhaka, Bangladesh, heptachlor residues in water
sources have reached levels as high as 0.789 micrograms per litre—more than 25 times
the WHO-recommended maximum of 0.03 micrograms per litre. Also, in Venezuela a
study of irrigation water collected during the rainy season found that the water was
contaminated with a number of pesticides. Examination of pregnant women in the area
found that they all had breast milk containing DDT residues—toxins that can be passed
to an infant.
The seepage of toxic pollutants into ground and surface water reservoirs used for
drinking and household use causes health problems in industrialized countries as well.
In Europe and Russia the health of some 500 million people is at risk from water
pollution. For example, in northern Russia half a million people on the Kola Peninsula
drink water contaminated with heavy metals, a practice that helps to explain high infant
mortality rates and endemic diarrhoeal and intestinal diseases reported there.
Improving public sanitation and providing a clean water supply are the two steps
needed to prevent most water-borne diseases and deaths. In particular, constructing
sanitary latrines and treating wastewater to allow for biodegradation of human wastes
will help curb diseases caused by pollution. At the least, solids should be settled out of
wastewater so that it is less contaminated. It is important that a clean water supply and
the construction of proper sanitary facilities be provided together because they reinforce
each other to limit the spread of infection.
Many studies link improvements in sanitation and provision of potable water with
dramatic reductions in water-related morbidity and mortality. A review in 1991 of over
100 studies of the effects of clean water and sanitation on human health found that the
median reduction in deaths from water-related diseases was 69% among people with
access to potable water and proper sanitation.
Providing clean water and sanitation greatly reduces child mortality. According to a
review of 144 studies from the 1980s, infant and child deaths fell by an average of 55%
as a result of providing clean water and sanitation. In a study of countries where infant
mortality rates dropped dramatically—as in Costa Rica, where the decline was from 68
deaths per 1,000 live births in the 1970s to just 20 per 1,000 in the 1980s—researchers
attributed three-quarters of the mortality decline to water and sanitation projects
provided as part of rural community health programs.
While the cost of building freshwater supply systems and sanitation facilities is high, the
costs of not doing so can become staggering. In Karachi, Pakistan, for example, a study
found that poor people living in areas without any sanitation or hygiene education spent
six times more on medical care than people who lived in areas with access to sanitation
and who had a basic knowledge of household hygiene.
Water-Based Diseases
Aquatic organisms that spend part of their life cycle in the water and another part as
parasites of animals cause water-based diseases. These organisms can thrive in either
polluted or unpolluted water. As parasites, they usually take the form of worms, using
intermediate animal vectors such as snails to thrive, and then directly infecting humans
either by boring through the skin or by being swallowed.
Some water-development schemes have started disease control programs along with
construction of facilities. In the Philippines, for example, where the development of
water resources is a high priority, the National Irrigation System Improvement Project in
Layte, begun in 1979, included specific provisions and funding to control
schistosomiasis. As a result of these measures, the prevalence of water-based
diseases fell from 24% in 1979 to 9% in 1985. Because fewer people fell ill, the average
increase in productivity was an estimated 19 days of work per person per year, worth an
additional US$1 million in wages.
Millions of people suffer from infections that are transmitted by vectors—insects or other
animals capable of transmitting an infection, such as mosquitoes and tsetse flies—that
breed and live in or near both polluted and unpolluted water. Such vectors infect
humans with malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever, sleeping sickness, and filariasis.
Malaria, the most widespread, is endemic in about 100 developing countries, putting
some 2 billion people at risk. In sub-Saharan Africa malaria costs an estimated US$1.7
billion annually in treatment and lost productivity.
Lack of appropriate water management, along with failure to take preventive measures,
contributes to the rising incidence of malaria, filariasis, and onchocerciasis. Construction
projects often increase the mosquito population, as pools of stagnant water, even if they
exist only briefly, become breeding grounds. For example, in West Africa an epidemic of
Rift Valley fever in 1987 has been linked to the Senegal River Project. The project,
which flooded the lower Senegal River area, enabled the type of mosquito that carries
the virus to expand so much that the virus was transmitted to humans rather than
remaining in the usual animal hosts.
Alternative techniques to control these diseases include the use of bednets and
introducing natural predators and sterile insects. In Gujarat, India, for example, an
important part of an integrated project to control disease vectors was breeding
guppies—fish that eat mosquito larvae—in bodies of water, while eliminating the use of
insecticides altogether. An inexpensive approach to controlling insect vectors involves
the use of polystyrene spheres floating on the top of bodies of static water. Because the
spheres cover the surface of the water, the mosquito larvae die from lack of air.
Water related diseases and Causative factors
Another way to control the vectors is species sanitation—using biological methods and
habitat management to reduce or eliminate the natural breeding grounds of the disease
vectors. Such methods can include: filling and draining unneeded bodies of stagnant
water; covering water storage containers; eliminating mosquito breeding sites by
periodically clearing canals, reservoirs, and fish ponds of weeds; installing sprinkler and
trickle irrigation instead of canals; and lining canals to prevent silt deposits from forming
and impeding the flow of water. Also, integrating education about disease prevention
into health services and encouraging community discussion of prevention would help
people to control vectors and to identify and eliminate inconspicuous breeding sites.
Water-Scarce Diseases
Some parasitic diseases not usually considered water-related and previously limited in
their reach have been rapidly expanding as populations grow and water supplies
become more polluted. For example, cysticercosis, a disease usually produced by
tapeworms found in undercooked pork and limited to rural areas, expanded rapidly in
Mexico City in the early 1980s. As the city's population soared, the parasite multiplied in
the highly polluted water of the Tula River, which supplies much of the drinking water for
the makeshift settlements on the city's outskirts. Tens of thousands of people
downstream from the city sewage system were infected.
The monitoring results obtained during year 2003 indicate that organic pollution
continues to be the predominant pollution of aquatic resources. The organic pollution
measured in terms of bio-chemical oxygen demand (BOD) and bacterial contamination
measured in terms of coliform count give the indication of extent of water quality
degradation in different parts of our country. It is observed 67% of the observations, out
of nearly 3000 observations are having BOD less than 3 mg/l, 18% between 3-6 mg/l &
15% above 6 mg/l. Similarly Total & Faecal coliform, which indicate presence of
pathogens in water, are also of major concern. About 45% observations are having
Total coliform and 58% observations show Faecal Coliform less than 500 MPN /100 ml.
The trends of % of observations obtained during year 1994 to 2003 in different levels of
pollution with respect to BOD & Total coliform and Faecal Coliform are presented
ahead, indicating different ranges of BOD and Coliform organisms. It is clear from the
data that there is a increasing trend in percentage of observations having BOD below 3
mg/l. This indicates that there is a gradual improvement in water quality with respect to
organic pollution.
No. of Monitoring Stations
100 57 32
Total No.of Station River Well Lake Other
-------------------------------> Waterbody <--------------------------------
Water Quality Status & Trend from Year 1994 to 2003
90 19
60 BOD >6
50 BOD 3-6
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
60 TC>5000
50 TC 500-5000
40 TC<500
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
60 FC>5000
50 FC 500-5000
20 46
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
BOD: Biochemical Oxygen Demand; TC: Total Coliform; FC: Faecal Coliform
Major Elements of Wastewater Management Systems and Associated Tasks
CPCB has carried out a series of studies on performance of Sewage Treatment Plants
(STPs) in different parts of the country to evaluate their performance. The findings
revealed that a majority of the treatment plants are based on Primary Settling followed
by Activated Sludge Process (PS+ASP) technology (with anaerobic digesters for
sludge), Oxidation Pond or Waste Stabilization Pond (OP or WSP) technology and
UASB followed by Polishing Pond (UASB+PP) technology. Findings have also revealed
that most of the STPs are not being utilized to the full capacity due to various reasons.
It has been found that low capital and low operational cost sewage treatment method
such as Waste Stabilization Ponds (OP or WSP) technology and low operational cost
sewage treatment method such as (UASB+PP) technology are quite effective in BOD
removal as well as Fecal Coliform (FC) removal. Overall efficiency of STPs based on
these low cost technologies in terms of BOD and FC removal can be further improved if
effluent suspended solids (SS) are controlled by improvement in final outlet structures.
These technologies are best suited for towns and small cities.
In such situations where sewage of a large city is discharged into a receiving water
body having insufficient dilution and/or requires to be maintained at high bacteriological
quality, the conventional sewage treatment schemes based on (PS+ASP) technology
need augmentation with tertiary treatment units for further removal of BOD and FC .
Low cost tertiary treatment method such as series of Polishing Ponds is the best option
for tertiary treatment. However if land availability is a constraint then other tertiary
treatment options such as coagulant aided flocculation+tertiary sedimentation (TS),
TS+Filtration, TS+Chlorination may be adopted.
Treatment systems could be classified according to the degree of pollutant removal into
pretreatment, primary, secondary, tertiary and ultimate treatment. They could be classified
according to the means of pollutant removal into biological or physico-chemical treatment.
Essentially, pretreatment and primary treatment involves screening and grit removal,
equalization and the removal of high concentration of solids that might decrease the
efficiency of subsequent treatment processes. The term secondary treatment is commonly
used to describe any of the following biological processes: activated sludge, extended
aeration, trickling filters, aerobic and anaerobic lagoons and anaerobic and facultative
(mixed) ponds. In the typical aerobic process the removal of oxygen-demanding dissolved
organics through microorganisms takes place.
More bacteria
Organic material + Bacteria + Oxygen
CO2 + H2O + Stabilized residual
In an activated sludge process, the incoming waste effluent is continuously fed into
biological reactor (aeration tank) in which bacterial mass, in a desired concentration, is
maintained in suspension. Organic matter in the incoming effluent is partially oxidized by
the bacterial mass and partially converted to excess sludge. The sludge in the out-flow of
aeration tank is then separated in a clarifier. This sludge is continuously recycled back to
the aeration tanks, however, a portion of sludge (excess sludge) is sent to the sludge beds
for drying and in this way a desired concentration is maintained. The conventional type
activated sludge process could remove as much as 85% of the BOD load.
The extended aeration is essentially similar to the activated sludge process, but yields less
sludge for disposal. Through sufficient retention time, biological solids are oxidized, thus
minimizing resultant sludge.
In aerobic lagoons, oxygen is usually supplied through surface aerators that keep solids in
suspension, allowing for about 50 to 60 percent BOD removal.
Trickling filters are packed with rocks, on the surface of which bacteria are allowed to
grow, while wastewater is trickled over through nozzles, allowing for consumption of
dissolved organics by bacteria. The relative effectiveness in BOD removal of trickling filters
is relatively low compared to other secondary treatment systems.
Tertiary treatment aims at further removal of BOD, suspended solids etc., as well as
colour, nitrates, phosphates and other pollutants not adequately removed by secondary
treatment processes. Tertiary treatment could involve carbon adsorption, coagulation and
sedimentation, ion exchange, membrane filtration, and other processes.
Treatment Processes and Purpose of each Process in a Treatment System
Among the high rate reactors for wastewater treatment, the UASB process has gained
popularity in recent years all over the world. Under the Ganga Action Plan, this system is
installed at Kanpur and Mirjapur. Several distilleries in the country have also adopted
UASB treatment system because of its advantage over the conventional treatment. In the
last 20 years, over 150 UASB units have been built in the world for treating high BOD
industrial wastes (distilleries sugar, milk etc.). Since 1982, their use has been extended to
include typical municipal sewage which has a relatively low BOD of only 200-300 mg/l.
The world's first full-scale demonstration plant for municipal sewage was built in Kanpur,
India in 1989 (5 mld capacity) under the Indo-Dutch project. This is working successfully.
Subsequently, under the same project, a 14 mld unit was designed and built in Mirzapur
(UP) and another 36 mld unit is commissioned for Kanpur to treat sewage mixed with
tannery wastes. A similar plant of 50 mld capacity is being designed for Hyderabad City
sewage as a part of its master planning for Hyderabad with the World Bank funding. The
advantages and contraints of UASB system are as follows:
Advatnages :
The hydraulic retention time is only 8-10 hrs,No prior sedimentation is required, The
anaerobic unit does not need to be filled with any stones or other media, The upflowing
sewage itself forms millions of small "granules" which are held in suspension and thus
provide large surface area, No mixer or aerators are required, thus conserving energy and
operation cost,the gas produced can be collected and used, Daily operation of UASB
requires minimum attention, No special instrumentation is necessary for control, and
Surplus sludge is easy to dry. The UASB has already secured acceptance in the new
edition of CPHEEO's Manual of Sewerage & Sewage Treatment Practice (1993) and it is
expected to pick-up faster. It will depend on the success of plants already installed and
acceptance by those who have been accustomed to waste water treatment plants with
sizable investment in construction. The UASB system is uncommonly simple and it does
not require elaborate equipment and construction activities.
Constraints :
The most difficult problem with the UASB system is corrosion. Hence, all construction
materials used to be carefully chosen. The UASB is not yet widely used in India. Its
application for treatment of municipal wastewater is only 6 years old and the manipulates
are not geared to adopt new technologies. However, its applications in industry are
increasingly rapidly. Through the Ganga Action Plan, a begining has been made which
will be consolidated in the National River Action Plan.
The two stage, aerobic Unitank system and the tri-stage, anaerobic-aerobic Unitank
system with biological nitrogen removal (3SU - N System) has been developed in Europe.
This is a cost-effective alternative to conventional activated sludge systems. The main
advantages are reduction in capital and operational costs, flexible and reliable operation
and high process performance. After the preliminary treatment (screening, grit removal
equalization, no primary settling) the wastewater is first treated in a high loaded combined
aeration-sedimentation stage. The BOD reduction is about 80-85%. The partially purified
water then flows by gravity to a low loaded combined aeration-sedimentation stage where
the residual BOD is removed to obtain a high quality effluent resulting in more than 98%
removal of BOD.
(a) Less capital costs, No primary
settling, Less total aeration volume, Natural or naturally based wastewater treatment
No separate sedimentation tanks, technologies are defined as those that employ
natural processes (biological, physical or solar
No sludge scraping, No sludge
elements) to achieve a desired level of treatment.
recycling facilities Rectangular Naturally-based approaches usually have one or
tanks, compact construction more of the following characteristsics:
possible, full use of available land, - Achieving acceptable level of treatment
cheaper and easier to construct as - Requiring low capital investment
compared to circular tanks, - Requiring low ongoing operation and
economical lengths of connecting maintenance costs
pipes and channels, Compact - Requiring less-skilled operator knowledge than
system: smaller land area required. many conventional technology
- Potentially having longer life-cycles than
conventional electro-mechanical technology
(b) Less operational costs, Less energy for aeration, No energy for sludge recycle,
Less maintenance costs (less moving parts).
(c) Better process performance, High treatment efficiency, Control of sludge bulking,
Simple and reliable process, reduced need for supervision.
(e) Flexible operation, Flexibility of temporary operation with half capacity, Restoration
of full capacity without long time lag, Possible applications, brewing and malting
wastewater treatment, Municipal wastewater treatment, Food processing
wastewater treatment, Industrial wastewater treatment, Aerobic post treatment of
anaerobic effluents from distilleries.
The process is a natural way of treating industrial or domestic wastes. The method
developed in Sixties in Germany, is now commercialized for treatment of domestic and
industrial wastewater, economically and efficiently. It has got three integrated
components; reeds, reed bed and microbial organisms. In this system, contaminated
water is allowed to flow underground through the root zones of especially designed reed
beds. The reeds and the reed bed on the soil the surface provide an efficient treatment
system. The reed bed serves as the host for more than 2000 species of bacteria and
thousands of fungal species. These microbial organisms oxidise the organic matter both
aerobically as well as anaerobically. Phosphate, sulphur and carbon compounds,
nitrogenous materials reduce to their elemental forms. Heavy metals precipitate from
solution and are bound into the soil matrix. Due to the high biodiversity of microbes, the
root-zone system is capable of shock loads.
The root zone system is suitable for concentrations from a few mg/l upto 20,000 mg/l of
COD & 4000 mg/l of nitrogen. It can be built for effluent throughout from about lm3/day to
more than 10,000 m3/day. For domestic sewage the land requirement is around 0.2
m2/person. But for the larger area requirement as compared to conventional methods, the
root zone treatment system offers an ideal option for biological effluents because of its
simplicity and ruggedness. Even in areas where land is a constraint, the system could be
adopted with innovations like vertical treatment facility.
water matrix. Partially treated waste water can be further treated through land application
and land can serve as a 'living filter' comprising interaction of soil, vegetation cover and
soil micro-organisms.
The various purposes for which land application could be resorted are :
Depending on the methods of application and percolation, the land treatment of wastes
may be of three types viz : Slow Rate System, Rapid Infiltration System and Overland
Flow System.
Land Application of Wastewater
Broadly, land application can be defined as a technique which utilizes the interaction
between natural soil, vegetation and wastewater to upgrade the quality of wastewater.
The traditional sewage farming with innovations to suit location specific conditions could
be a cost effective method for treatment and utilization of waste water. The value of
wastewater as a substitute of organic manure in agriculture (also of water in arid regions)
has been recognized for over a century but its use has been restricted by the constraints
of social acceptability and the high incidence of diseases in human beings. The municipal
sewage has very high economic value. In our country, nearly half of the sewage generated
is used for irrigation. The major constraints in sewage farming practices are as follows :
(a) Application of raw (untreated) sewage on land causes serious problems of stinking
odour, water logging and mosquito breeding.
(b) Long term application of sewage effluents and/or sludge results in accumulation of
chlorides, sulphates and toxic elements like cadmium, Nickel, copper, chromium,
manganese, arsenic and mercury in the soil, and consequently reduce crop growth.
Irrigation generally results in gradual building up of salinity and this is accelerated
by the use of municipal wastewater. Changes in soil texture and consequent water
logging also may occur in certain areas.
(c) Depending upon the soil texture and the flow velocity of water through the soil
layers, the nutrients (especially nitrates), organic toxic substances and also the
pathogens (bacteria and viruses) move to the groundwater.
Human population engaged in agriculture and fish farms supplied with municipal
wastewater and sludge are directly exposed to
the pathogens which cause different diseases. Nutrients in Human Waste Compared to
Nutrients in Commercial Chemical
Several reports show that upto 70% of the
Fertilizers (Mid 1990s)
farm workers suffer from helminth infection.
Further risks to human health arise from the Country Nutrient equivalent in
consumption of food contaminated with commercial fertilizer
pathogens and toxic substances directly or (percent)
through the food chain. Kenya 136
Tunisia 25
Studies show that the municipal sewage can Indonesia 49
be used profitably provided that the treatment Zimbabwe 38
procedures ensure that the sludge and Columbia 31
municipal wastewater do not contain Mexico 31
significant amounts of pesticides, detergents, South Africa 29
heavy metals and pathogenic organisms. Egypt 28
Conventionally, treated sewage appears best India 26
suitable for raising tree plantations,
horticultural use (watering public gardens and roadside trees) and growing such plants
which are tolerant to various pollutants and are not consumed directly by humans and
The effects of using municipal wastewater in forestry are not well known and therefore,
long term studies are required on the impacts of sewage application on the tree growth,
other biota and soil characteristics.
The utilization of sewage is also limited by the climate and soil types. Whereas sewage
irrigation can be readily recommended in areas with limited water resources seasonally or
throughout the year, it is not possible to utilize the effluents in high rainfall regions and
during the rainy season elsewhere. Soils prone to salinity and water logging are not
suitable whereas many wastelands can possibly be reclaimed with the sludge and sewage
Another major problem in sewage utilization is that of the long distances to which the
sewage or the treated effluents have to be transported as the areas under agriculture and
forestry are far off from the urban centers. Decisions about the location of treatment plants
have to take into account a number of factors like the location of the urban centers and
their physiographic features. The periodic failure of the treatment plants as well as their
overflow during the rainy season also create problems in the utilization, and hence, better
management of the treatment facilities is essential.
Use of Sewage in Pisciculture
Sewage contains all the essential major and minor fertilizing elements normally used in
fish culture. Being in a digested and hence available form, its nutrients promote rapid
growth of fish food organisms, which in turn results in greater production of fish per unit
area. Fish spawn immediately after stocking needs plentiful supply of natural food in the
form of planktons of restricted size, preferably rotifers and cladocerans. Unfortunately, fish
culture has not yet been regarded as a means for recycling sewage effluents. It is
extensively used in certain parts of the country as a convenient and cheap means of
fertilizing the ponds and as such little money is spent on proper treatment. Sewage fed
fish culturing is still to gain popularity on a wider scale although these are in the
experimental stage at various research centres.
A number of field and experimental studies, particularly in West Bengal and Tamil Nadu
have demonstrated that the utilization of the nutrients in the domestic sewage by
aquaculture is profitable, and that using a favourable fish species, with judicious
management and correct harvesting techniques, very high yields of fish can be obtained.
Though considerable effort has been made towards the utilization of municipal wastewater
and sludge in natural forests as well as plantations in North America (Cole et al. 1986), it
has received hardly any attention in India. Often suggestions have been made for
applying sludge and irrigation with sewage effluents in tree plantations, orchards, gardens,
lawns, golf courses and similar areas (Shende 1982, Kali and Swaminathan 1980), there
is no information on the suitable species, their responses at different growth stages and
adverse impacts, if any. A study in Haryana showed that sewage with a high
concentration of heavy metals can be better used in forestry (Baddesha and Chhabra
1985) as the woody species normally grown are sturdy and the problems of toxicity, heavy
metals and salinity stress are relatively negligible. As these are not consumed directly by
humans or animals, no major hazards to life should be expected. Eucalyptus, Leuacnea
and Poplar species have been recommended for plantation under sewage irrigation
through ridges and trenches where water is not allowed to stagnate (Chhabra 1988).
Recently, verticulture technology (use of earth worms for bioconversion of wastes) has
been used for the management of garbage, kitchen wastes, organic wastes from food
industries etc. The effect of organic matter on earthworm populations and the ability of
earthworms to promote the decomposition of organic matter have been described for
decades. A combination of recycling and resource recovery through biogas and
vermiculture could yield fuel (methane fertilizer (biogas plant effluents and nutrient rich
vermucasts (and feed (worm biomass). Recently, the Central Pollution Control Board
sponsired a project on development of design criteria for a small community sewage
treatment plant based on vermiculture technology. The project was carried out by the
Bhawalkar Earth Research Institute, Pune. According to the findings of the project, for
sewage with less than 700 g/m3 COD, a vemiflter can be designed with a hydraulic
loading of only 0.5 m3. For dilute waste water, hydraulic loading is the controlling factor
governing the requirement of vernifitter area. On the other hand, for strong waste water
containing more than 500 g/m3 organics (equivalent to 700 g/m3 COD), the area
requirement is to be governed by the organic loading. This needs further research to
optimize the technical & economical aspects.
The development of zero-discharge urban wastewater management strategies will
contribute to a reduction in the pathogenic contamination of surface and groundwater
and aid in protecting the vitality of urban dwellers. Organic waste recovery can result in
production inputs for urban agriculture, enhance food security and link different sectors
of local economies. De-centralised, organic waste recovery systems that integrate the
best available low-technology in the recovery of urban domestic wastewater flows are
essential and appropriate components in the promotion of a comprehensive urban
ecosystem health strategy.
In the case of domestic wastewater, individual household are the polluters, and as per
the concept of "polluter pays", every polluter should accept the burden of wastewater
treatment. In the decentralised treatment system, a balance between the advantages of
large scale treatment in terms of economics of scale and individual responsibility for
domestic wastewater treatment can be obtained by providing colonywise/sectorwise
treatment system. It does not necessarily mean the low cost treatment systems like root
zone treatment, stabilization ponds, septic tanks and imhoff tanks, wherein installation
cost and operation and maintenance cost of such treatment system are low in
comparison with conventional energy intensive treatment system. Sometimes high-tech
systems are also required for such projects. Each treatment technology has got its
advantages and disadvantages and any technology for treatment should be selected
after taking all necessary considerations.
Merits & Demerits of Different Low-cost Wastewater Treatment Systems
Type Kind of Use for type of Advantages disadvantages
treatment wastewater
compared to anaerobic
Root Aerobic Suitable for domestic High treatment High space requirement,
Zone facultative – wastewater where efficiency when great knowledge and care
Treatm anaerobic settleable solids and properly constructed, required during
ent degradation of most suspended pleasant landscaping construction, intensive
System dissolved and solids already possible, no maintenance and
fine suspended removed by pre- wastewater above supervision during first 1-2
solids, treatment ground, no nuisance of years
pathogen odour
Anaero Sedimentation, Domestic and strong Simple in construction, Wastewater pond
bic anaerobic and medium flexible in respect to occupies open land, there
pond degradation wastewater degree of treatment, is always some odour,
and sludge little maintenance can even be stinky,
stabilization mosquitoes are difficult to
Aerobic Aerobic Pre-treated domestic Simple in construction, Large space requirement,
pond degradation, wastewater reliable in performance mosquitoes and odour
pathogen if proper dimensioned, can become a nuisance if
removal high pathogen removal undersized, algae can
rate, can be used to raise effluent BOD
create an almost
natural environment,
fish farming possible
when large in size and
low loaded
Duck- Anaerobic Sullage or Pre- Simple in construction, High space requirement,
weed except aerobic treated sewage Revenue generation possibility of odour can
Pond at top, through pisciculture, not be ruled out, proper
Degradation of suitable for rural and harvesting of duckweed is
Suspended and semi–rural area must.
Solids, Nutrient
In many situations, on site treatment and storage systems (e.g. anaerobic treatment-
technologies and septic tanks) can be effectively used for the management of
wastewater, but they require periodic emptying and the sludge must be transported to
agro production units, In Calcutta wetlands are more than 3,000 ha in size, and are the
site of the world largest traditional system for treating domestic wastewater and
fertilizing fish production ponds is purified through a variety of nature forces (chemical ,
physical and solar), which act synergistically to achieve waste water treatment. A series
of shallow ponds act as stablisation lagoons, while water hyacinth act to accumulate
heavy metals and multiple forms of bacteria, plankton and algae act to further purify the
Most recently the term ecological engineering has been used is describe the treatment
of waste water in ecologically based "green machines" or "living machines". The
development of solar technologies and an increased understanding of the role of
organisms in water purification process is providing both economic and environmental
benefits. In these systems, enclosed greenhouses enhanced the growth of algae, plants
& bacteria which in turn, act to degrade the biological and pathogenic components of
waste water effluent.
Natural treatment technologies are considered viable because of their low capital costs,
their cost of maintenance, their potentially long life cycle compared to electro-
mechanical solution and their ability to recover a variety of resources.
Policy and Rules for Promoting Decentralised Sewage Treatment System (DTS)
and pollution control authorities who would also be responsible for monitoring
after commissioning of the system.
2. Consent to establish to be made mandatory for new townships or residential
colonies, on the line of industry.
3. Use of EIA/EMP tool for township and residential colonies also to be encouraged.
4. For new piped water supply project, corresponding capacity of sewage treatment in
terms of Decentralized Treatment System (DTS) or augmentation of STP
capacity should be associated as part of the project.
5. Special standards for DTS under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986/ the Water
(Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 may be considered.
6. Provision for DTS by developers may find place in municipal bylaws and Municipal
7. Town planning in respect of sewerage and drainage network should be planned in
such a way that it has scope for DTS.
8. Decentralized treatment should form part of development plan for all new settlement
9. The designers and builders for sewerage/drainage systems should be made
responsible for the treatment & utilization of wastewaters on long-term basis.
10. AICTE may consider including courses on DTS, Diffused Pollution Control,
Environmental Protection and Pollution Control Rules & regulations in Degree &
Diploma curricula.
1. Demonstration plants using onsite DTS should be promoted/funded throughout
the country for which progressive builders and Resident Welfare Associations
may show the way.
3. The development authority like DDA may install DTS at two colonies. Based on
the experience, policy may be made for implementation in other colonies in
1. Sewage fed lakes/ponds in urban centers may be converted to DTS so that water
quality of lakes and ponds are improved.
3. ‗Polluters Pay Principle‘ should be adopted for O & M of the treatment plants.
5. Resource recovery like energy should be part of technology to make the system
2 3
(a) (b) (c) (d)
1. Colour and odour See 6 of - See 6 of See 6 of
Annexure-I Annexure-I Annexure-I
2 3
(a) (b) (c) (d)
19. Copper (as Cu) 3.0 3.0 - 3.0
mg/l, max.
20. Zinc (as Zn) 5.0 15 - 15
mg/l, max.
21. Selenium (as Se) 0.05 0.05 - 0.05
22. Nickel (as Ni) 3.0 3.0 - 5.0
mg/l, max.
23. Cyanide (as CN) 0.2 2.0 0.2 0.2
mg/l, max.
24. Fluoride (as F) 2.0 15 - 15
mg/l, max.
25. Dissolved phos- 5.0 - - -
phates (as P),
mg/l, max.
26. Sulphide (as S) 2.0 - - 5.0
mg/l, max.
27. Phenolic 1.0 5.0 - 5.0
compounds (as C6H50H)
mg/l, max.
28. Radioactive materials:
-7 -7 -8 -7
(a) Alpha emitters 10 10 10 10
micro curie mg/l, max.
-6 -6 -7 -6
(b)Beta emitters 10 10 10 10
micro curie mg/l
29. Bio-assay test 90% survival 90% survival 90% survival 90% survival
of fish after of fish after of fish after of fish after
96 hours in 96 hours in 96 hours in 96 hours in
100% effluent 100% effluent 100%effluent 100% effluent
30. Manganese 2 mg/l 2 mg/l - 2 mg/l
31. Iron (as Fe) 3mg/l 3 mg/l - 3 mg/l
32. Vanadium (as V) 0.2 mg/l 0.2 mg/l 0.2 mg/l
33. Nitrate Nitrogen 10 mg/l - - 20 mg/l
1. 6 of Annexure I states that “all efforts should be made to remove colour and unpleasant odour as far as practicable”
2. These standards shall be applicable only if such sewer leads to a secondary treatment including biological
treatment system otherwise the discharge into sewers shall be treated as discharge into inland surface waters.
* Don‘t hose down your lawn or corridor to clean it. Sweep it off.
* Run your dishwasher, washing machine, and dryer only when you have full
* When it comes time to buy or replace the one you already own, consider a front-
loading washing machine. Front loaders will use up to 40 per cent less water
than a comparable top-loading model.
* Fix leaks promptly. A dripping joint can waste more than 76 litres of water a day.
* Take showers instead of baths. Showers use less water - if you limit them to five
* Turn off the tap! Running the tap while shaving, brushing teeth, or washing
dishes wastes about 10 litres of water every minute.
* Install a `greywater‘ tank to reuse some household water that might otherwise go
down the drain.
* Cut down on pesticide use in the lawn and garden - only one per cent of
pesticides actually reach a pest. Consider using organic pesticides.
* `Xeriscape‘ your lawn. The term refers to a method of landscaping that uses the
least amount of water. Plant grass, shrubs and flowers that require little water
and use other techniques that conserve water.
* Do not leave food in the plate – this may help reducing BOD load of
Yamuna by 40 tonnes per day in Delhi alone.
Activated Sludge: Flocculent sludge produced by the growth of bacteria and other
organisms in raw or settled sewage, when it is continuously aerated.
Biological Filter: A bed of relatively inert material to promote or assist natural aerobic
degradation of sewage.
Biological Treatment: This is a stage in the treatment of sewage or other effluents
which biologically treats the pollution frequently by the natural aerobic degradation of
the pollutant.
Chemical Oxygen Demand: The amount of oxygen used in the chemical oxidation of
the matter present in a sample by a specified oxidising agent under standard conditions.
Colloidal Material: The finely divided solids which will not settle but which may be
removed by coagulation.
Dosing Chamber: A small tank which receives settled sewage until the desired quantity
has accumulated, when it is discharged automatically to the distributor of a biological
Drains: These are usually the smaller pipes that serve a single property, and they join
up to form a Drainage System. There may be foul water, and surface water drains,
which are usually in separate systems. Many queries are caused by drainage problems,
and odours or smells from these systems.
Filter medium: The material of which the biological filter is formed and on which a
biological film (or biomass) containing bacteria and fungi develops.
Membrane: New technology has been developed whereby the pollutants in liquids can
be removed by the use of ultra fine membranes, such as the Reverse Osmosis method
in the treatment of fresh potable water, or membranes in the treatment of polluted water
or effluents.
Odours: Sewage by its very nature will produce odours, and these can sometimes be a
problem at sewage pumping stations or sewage treatment works.
Primary Settlement Tank: A tank, in which the majority of settleable solids are
removed from the crude sewage that will flow into it.
Reed Beds: These are usually specially constructed beds which contain reeds
(frequently the Phragmites Australis reed ) to biologically treat sewage and other
effluents. Many natural reed beds exist in wetland areas.
Secondary Settling tank: A tank in which settleable solids or humus is separated from
the effluent flowing through it, from biological filters or other biological treatment units.
Septic Tank: A type of settlement tank in which the sludge is retained for sufficient time
for the organic matter to undergo anaerobic decomposition.
Settling (or Sediment) Tank: This is a tank which is used in the treatment of sewage
or effluents to settle out the suspended solids contained in the liquids. The tank may be
sited near the works inlet as a 'primary settlement tank' or alternatively after biological
treatment as a final (humus) settlement tank.
Sewage Treatment Works: The site which contains all the necessary plant for the
treatment of sewage.
Sewage Treatment Plant: The items of equipment or structures which treat the
Sludge: A mixture of solids and water produced during the treatment of waste water or
sewage. This will frequently have to be removed from the treatment system by de-
Storm Sewage (or Surface Water Sewage): Sewage flowing to a treatment works in
wet weather or discharged from storm overflows when the sewage is diluted with
Suspended Solids (SS ): Solids in suspension in sewage liquors as measured by
filtration through a filter paper followed by washing and drying.
Tertiary Treatment: There are many differing types of tertiary treatment of effluents,
the most common being, Grass Plots, Reed Beds, Upward flow Clarifier. Rapid Gravity
Sand Filter, Microstrainer, Sand Filter, Drum Filter, Lagoons, Nitrifying Filter.
Toxicity : This usually refers to the toxic element of waterborne wastes, and the toxic
elements may comprise of metals, pesticides, or other chemicals which cause pollution
of streams, watercourses, rivers, beach's, or ground water.
Water Quality: This term is used to describe the quality of water in rivers, lakes,
streams or watercourses, as well as the quality of Potable or Drinking Water
Wetlands: Many natural wetland areas exist throughout the world and these are
frequently found where this is some form of pollution that they use as a nutrient feed. In
some areas these natural wetlands have been constructed by man to treat sewage or
other forms of effluent pollution.
PROBES/83/2001-02 Status Report on Dinapur Sewage Treatment Plant and
COPOCS/27/2002-03 Municipal Sewage Pollution Along Indian Coastal Waters
MINARS/21/2002-03 Water Quality Status & Trends (2000)
PCLS/2/1992 Pollution Control Acts, Rules & Notifications issued thereunder
PCLS/4/1994-95 Environmental Standards for Ambient Air, Automobiles Fuels,
Industries and Noise
ADSORBS/32/99-00 Water Quality Status of Yamuna River
CPCB Annual Report Various Years
CPCB Highlights Various Years
Published By : Dr. B. Sengupta, Member Secretary, Central Pollution Control Board, Delhi – 32
at ENVIS Centre – 01
Text : Dr. R.C. Trivedi, Sh. R.M. Bhardwaj, Dr. S. Agrawal, Sh. Nazimuddin, Ms. Kokil Malhotra
and Sh. Mahendra Pandey
Printing Supervision & Layout : P.K. Mahendru, Anamika Sagar and Mohd. Javed
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Printed at : NISCAIR