153 Schuppan, Rohan
153 Schuppan, Rohan
153 Schuppan, Rohan
Rohan Schuppan
BEng (Hons), BSc
URS, Victoria, Australia
An area of current interest and discussion for metropolitan railways is: What should the signalling system of
the future be? In many cases, this decision has focussed on whether to adopt ERTMS (European Rail
Traffic Management System) or CBTC (Communication-Based Train Control). Sydney, Melbourne,
Brisbane, Perth and Auckland have recently been grappling with this decision and each system has its
attractions and potential draw-backs.
The aim of this paper is firstly to provide some background information on ERTMS and CBTC; the stage at
which each of the metropolitan railways are at in selecting a preferred system for the future and the
generally accepted strengths and weaknesses of each system.
The paper then puts forward a business-case based approach as a rigorous means to help select the best
future system for a particular railway. It describes in detail the key elements of such a business case and
provides some guidance on how to measure each of these elements.
Finally, the paper provides an illustrative example where a business-case approach was used with an
example outcome. The paper draws some insights from this example around the key drivers that influence
the selection of a preferred system.
INTRODUCTION The decision for a preferred new system that takes
all of these factors into account is a complex one
Metropolitan railways around Australia and New
and this paper provides some guidance around
Zealand have recently been either considering,
how such a decision may be made using a
conducting feasibility studies for, or implementing
business case approach.
New Generation Signalling (NGS) systems. These
systems typically augment or replace the NOTATION
traditional signalling utilising ‘lights on sticks’
ATO – Automatic Train Operation
alongside the track with equipment within the train
CBTC – Communication Based Train Control
to guide and/or enforce the safe movement of
ERTMS – European Rail Traffic Management
trains. This can range from a screen inside the cab
informing the driver if he or she needs to start
GPRS – General Packet Radio Service
braking to full driverless operation.
GSM-R – Global System for Mobile
As they include a supervisory Automatic Train communications - Railway
Protection (ATP) function which ensures a train NPC – Net Present Cost
does not over-speed or pass a red signal, they NGS – New Generation Signalling
have historically been considered largely in the NWRL – North West Rail Link
context of their safety benefits. However, these PSD – Platform Screen Door
systems can also support the operation of trains at
closer headways, shorter turn-back times at
stations and other operational benefits. Given that
Government and rail operators are increasingly 1. Categories of Signalling Systems
looking for ways to do ‘more for less’, there has
There is no specific definition for New Generation
been an increased focus on these other benefits.
Signalling systems, however the term in Australia
These can include greater network capacity,
improved operational efficiency, and a reduction in is generally used to describe systems that employ
equipment maintenance. some form of technology support beyond
traditional signalling which involves wayside signal
Trains separated by
Safety Overlap
braking distance plus
Figure One: Existing Signalling System margin only
however Level 2 implementations on suburban There are a range of CBTC suppliers including
networks (as opposed to longer distance high- AnsaldoSTS (CBTC), Alstom (Urbalis),
speed lines) are still uncommon. Bombardier (CITYFLO), Siemens
(TrainGuard/Sirius) and Thales (SelTrac).
A number of suppliers are involved in the Although the systems implemented by these
development and writing of the ERTMS/ETCS suppliers share similar attributes, unlike ERTMS,
technical specifications, the largest of which the focus of CBTC has not been inter-operability
include AnsaldoSTS, Alstom, Bombardier, and as such rail networks tend to use the same
Siemens and Thales. supplier for the entire network.
The following table broadly summarises the ERTMS Level 3 (a Moving Block system)
author’s and other contributor’s view on the is currently under development for a low
generally accepted attributes of each system: traffic implementation (ERTMS Regional).
This is currently being tested in Sweden.
CBTC ERTMS 5. A highly complex decision
Proven to support high Not yet proven in high Given the complexity around some of the issues
levels of capacity of 26 capacity urban discussed above, making a decision on which
trains per hour plus. applications future signalling system to adopt can be highly
challenging. It can be difficult to trade off each of
Each implementation is Open specification now the factors that influence the decision due to their
generally single supplier well understood by varied nature.
major signalling and
rolling stock suppliers Some example trade-offs and questions that
Integrates with ATO, Interface with ATO, decision makers need to deal with include:
PSDs and other tunnel PSDs and tunnel
systems systems yet to be Should a system that can provide greater
proven capacity but with a higher implementation
risk be preferred over a lower risk, lower
Interface with level Has been implemented capacity solution?
crossings is unproven with level crossing
interfaces Should a system with minimal wayside
equipment requiring little maintenance but
Train regulation, energy Regulated only by more on-board rolling stock equipment be
management and driver advisory systems, preferred over the opposite alternative?
headway management which the driver can
can be implemented ignore When is the right time to phase-out the
existing system?
Less examples of Strong track-record of
retrofit of existing rolling retrofitting existing 6. Introducing a Business Case Approach
stock rolling stock To help deal with this complexity URS has
Figure Eight: Attributes of CBTC versus successfully employed a business case approach
ERTMS where each of the elements of the decision are
‘monetised’ to provide a consistent benchmark for
It is important to note that these systems are each of the issues.
rapidly evolving and the distinction between each
system is becoming increasingly blurred. Some To further simplify this, URS employed a cost only
important developments to bear in mind when based approach. This avoided having to consider
comparing the systems include: the complexity of trying to determine whether the
improved capacity or reliability of various systems
would generate additional patronage demand and, It is important to include appropriate risk-
if so, how much. adjusted contingency as discussed above.
The premise of this approach is that the future Capacity Enhancement Schemes
network will need to support a target level of The NPC of required additional
capacity and reliability no matter which system is infrastructure to support demand. This
adopted. These targets are generally relatively may be additional track and rolling stock
easy to obtain as future peak period train number for example new cross-city rail corridors
growth profiles and on-time reliability targets. The when the capacity of the existing
long term development of the rail network is then constrained inner-city lines through the
scoped out (at a high level) to ensure that these network are exhausted.
targets are met. Signalling system options that
provide less capacity will require more supporting Below Rail Opex
infrastructure earlier than those that provide more The NPC of maintaining wayside
capacity and this will be reflected in the Net equipment. Although some NGS have less
Present Cost (NPC) of that system. For example, a complex wayside equipment (e.g. balises
system that supports 24 trains per hour may instead of signals) there may be more
require a new rail corridor through the CBD 5 equipment to maintain. Ratio-based
years earlier than a system that supports 26 trains maintenance costs can be used from other
per hour. operating railways.
URS utilised the above process to help guide the This paper firstly introduced the concept of New
selection of the preferred long-term signalling Generation Signalling (NGS) systems and the
system for a metropolitan railway. The outcomes broad types of systems available.
are shown illustratively in Figure Eight below. It then described:
Implementation Cost
ERTMS and CBTC systems specifically
Where each metropolitan railway in
Safety Risk Cost Australia and New Zealand was placed in
Net Present Costs ($bn)