Sem 1 - EVS Syllabus

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Semester 1

Paper 1 - Environmental Chemistry (1T1)

Unit I - Fundamentals of Chemistry
General Chemistry:
Solution, Mole concept, Normality, Molarity, Molality, Molar solution, Standardization, Primary standards,
Secondary standards, Blank titration.
Measurement of Temperature, Volume, Density, Viscosity & their Uses.
Basic Concepts from Quantitative Chemistry:
Buffers & pH, Colorimetry, Lambert’s Law, Beer’s Law.
Principles of Colloidal Chemistry, Emulsions, Carbonate and Bicarbonate, Saturated & Unsaturated
Physical Chemistry:
Gibb’s Energy, Chemical Potential, Chemical Equilibria, Chemical Reactions, Solubility Product, Solubility of
Gases in Water, Stoichiometry, Principles of Oxidation and Reduction, Adsorption & Absorption.

Unit II-
Introduction to Environmental Chemistry:
Basic Principles Involved in the Analysis, Various Constituents Present in the Environment, Water Structure
and Anamalous Behavior of Water.
Definition, Scope & Importance of Environmental Chemistry.
Green Chemistry for Sustainable Future:
Reagents, Media, Special Importance of Solvents, Water the Greenest Solvents, Synthesis and Processing
Pathways, Role of Catalyst, Biological Alternatives, Biopolymers, Principles and Application of Green

Unit III-
Soil Chemistry:
Introduction to Soil Chemistry, Composition, Soil Profile, Formation of Soil, Physico- Chemical Properties of
Soil, Soil Reactions (Cation & Anion Exchange Phenomenon), Classification of Soils and their Characteristics,
Major Nutrients of Soil, Nitrogen Pathways and NPK in Soils. Biofertiliser and their Types.
Humus Formation, Nature and Properties of Humus, ClayHumus Complex, Significance of C:N Ratio. Soil
Definition of Soil Pollution, Sources, Consequences, and Control Measures.
Land Use Planning, Soil Surveys in Relation to Land Use Planning, Methods of Site Selection and Evaluation.
Bioremediation and Restoration of Contaminated Soil.

Unit IV-
Industrial Chemistry:
Classification of Industries Based on Environmental Impacts, Criteria for Selection of Site for Establishment
of Industry, Socio-economic and Environmental Impacts of Industries, Legal and Statutory Requirements,
Manufacturing Process and the Sources of Wastes, Characterization & Treatment of Industrial Waste with
respect to Paper and Pulp, Tannery, Textile, Dairy, Sugar, Petrochemical, Pharmaceutical, Oil Refinery and
Power Plants-Thermal, Gas Based and Hydroelectric.
Books for Reference

1. Environmental Chemistry : B. K. Sharma & H. Kaur( Goel Publishing House, Meerut )

2. Industrial Chemistry by B. K. Sharma ( Goel Publishing House, Meerut )
3. Environmental Chemistry : A.K.Dey,(Wiley Eastern Ltd),1987.
4. A Text book of Environmental Chemistry : O.D.Tyagi, M.Mehra (Anand Publications
Pvt,Ltd) 1994.
5. Elements of Environmental Chemistry : H. V. Jadhav ( Himalaya,Publishing House)1992.
6. Water Pollution and disposal of Waste water on Land : U. N. Mahida ( Tata Mc-Grew
Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi )
7. Environmental Chemistry : J. W. Moore and F. A. Moore (Academic press, New Delhi),
8. Global Environmental Chemistry : Parashar, Sharma, Mitra, ( Narosa Publishing House,
New Delhi ), 1998
9. Environmental Chemistry : Samir K. banerji ( Prentice Hall, New Delhi )
10. Environmental Chemistry with Green Chemistry by Asim K. Das. Books and Allied (P)
LTD. Kolkata.
Semester I
Paper II - Atmospheric Science (1T2)
Unit I
Fundamentals of Atmospheric Science:
Composition, Structure & Evolution of Atmosphere, Segments of Environment, Modern Views Regarding
the Structure of the Atmosphere, Earth Radiation Balance, Particles, Ions and Radicals in the Atmosphere.
Temperature inversion and Lapse rate.

Unit II
Definition and Scope, Aims and Objectives of Climatology, Insolation-Factors Affecting the Distribution of
Insolation. Atmospheric Depletion of Solar Radiation.
Process of Heat Energy Transfer- Radiation, Conduction and Convection.
Hydrological cycle, Evaporation, Condensation, Forms of Condensation – Dew, Frost, Fog, Mist, Smog.
Cloud Formation, Classification of Clouds and Role of Clouds in Weather Forecasting.

Unit III
Definition, and Scope, Aims and Objectives of Meteorology.
Primary Meteorological Parameters and their Measurement—Temperature, Wind Direction and Wind
Secondary Meteorological Parameters and their Measurement—Humidity, Relative Humidity, Absolute
Humidity, Pressure and Solar Radiation.
Collection and Analysis of Wind Data, Wind Roses, Plotting of Wind Roses and Pollution Roses.
Effects of Meteorological Parameters on Air Pollution.

Unit IV
Global Climate Change:
Introduction, Sources and Effects of Green House Gases- O2, O3, H2O, NH3, N2, NO, NO2, NO3, CH4 and
Atmospheric Ozone, Mechanism of Ozone Depletion, Effects of Ozone Depletion, Climatic Effects and
Environmental Disturbances due to Ozone Depletion, Advance Research to Protect the Ozone Layer,
Antarctic Ozone Hole and Consequences.
Green House Effect, Effect on Global Climate, Consequences & Control.
Implications of Climate Change, Monitoring, Assessment, Research and Prediction Programs, El-Niño and
Books for Reference

01. General Meteorology: H. R. Byers, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, New Delhi
02. Climatology: Fundamentals and Applications: Mater J. R.
03. Climatology: Selected Applications: Henry D. Foth
04. Introduction to weather and climate: Trewartha
05. The Atmosphere: An Introduction to Meteorology: Fedrik K. Lutgen, E. J. Tarbuck
06. General Meteorology: H. R. Byers (Tata Mc Grew – Hill Publications, New Delhi)
07. Meteorology: Dr. S.R. Gadekar, Agromate Publishers, Nagpur 2000
08. Environmental Analysis: M.M. Saxena, Agrobotanical Publisher, Bikaner 1994
09. Climatology: D.S. Lal, Shraddha Pustak Bhavan Alahabad, 2001
10. Atmosphere, Weather and Climate: K. Sidddhartha, Kisalaya Publication Pvt. Ltd
Paper III - Environmental Biology (1T3)

Unit I
Introduction to Ecology:
Definition, Scope, Branches of Ecology, Application and Significance, Ecological Landmark, Ecological Status
in India.
Environmental Factors:
Abiotic and Biotic, Limiting Factors, Leibig’s Law, Shelford’s law.
Ecological Indicators.
Ecological Relationship:
Intraspecific Relationship and Interspecific Relationship, Neutralism, Commensalisam, Mutualism,
Antagonism, Antagonistic Relationship, Symbiosis, Competition, Prediction, Parasitism and Symbiotic

Unit II
Population Ecology:
Basic Concepts and Characteristics of Population, Population Dynamics, Biotic Potential, Pray- Predator
Relationship, Concept of Carrying Capacity and Distribution of Population, Dispersion and Migration of
Population, Factors Affecting Dispersion and Migration, Environmental Resistance.

Unit III
Community Ecology:
Definition, Composition, Functions and Characteristics, Stratifications, Periodicity, Fluctuations, Eco-tone
and Edge Effect, Ecological Niche, Eco-types, Classification, Structure, Features, Stability and Evolution of
Community, Role of Plants, Animals and Microorganisms.
Ecological Succession, Types of Succession, Process, Pattern and Significance, Models of Succession.

Unit IV
Environmental Toxicology:
Definition & Principle, Dose – Effect and Dose-Response Relationship- Frequency and Cumulative
Response, Synergism and Antagonism, Lethal and Non Lethal Effects, LD50, Factors Influencing Toxicity-
Biological, Chemical and Ecological.
Biotransformation and Bioconcentration of Degradable and Non Degradable Toxic Substances, Food Chain
and Biomagnifications, Environmental Fate of Pollutants- Dispersion and Circulating Mechanism of
Toxicity Testing: Principles and Procedure- Bio-assays, Aquatic Toxicity Test, Stastical Test, Statistical
Concept of LD50.
Chemical Toxicology:
Toxic Chemical in the Environment (Air, Water and Soil), Impact of Toxic Chemicals on Enzymes,
Biochemical Effects of Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead and Mercury.
Biochemical Effects of Pesticides and Cyanides: Carcinogens, Mutagens and Tetrogens.
Books for Reference

01. Fundamentals of Ecology: Eugene P. Odum, ( Natraj Publishers, Dehradun.)

02. Principles of Ecology: P. S. Verma, V. K. Agarwal (S. Chand and Co. New Delhi)
03. Environmental Biology: P. D. sharma ( Rastogi Publications, Meerut )
04. Ecology and Environment: P. D. sharma ( Rastogi Publications, Meerut )
05. Principles of Environmental Biology : P. K. G. Nair ( Himalaya Publishing House,
New Delhi )
06. Environmental Biology: M. P. Arora ( Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi)
07. Ecology and Field Biology: Robert Leo Smith (Harper Collins college publication)
08. General Ecology: H. D. Kumar (Vikas Publishing house, New Delhi)
09. Toxicology – Principles & Methods: M. A. Subramanian, MJP, Publishers,
Chennai (2004).
Paper IV - Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology (1T4)

Unit I
Introduction to Environmental Microbiology:
Introduction, Scope, Importance of Environmental Microbiology, Structure of Microorganisms-Fungi,
Bacteria, Virus, Classification of Microorganisms, Microbial Diversity.
Role of Microorganisms in Air, Water and Soil for Microbial Qualities, Environmental Aspects of Infectious
Diseases (Water Born Diseases), Bioremediation and its Role in Environmental Management, Control of
Pest and Disease by Microorganism.
Role of Microbes in Sewage (Trickling Filter, Activated sludge Process and Oxidation Pond Process).

Unit II
Microbial Methods:
Types of Culture, Sterilization and Disinfection, Techniques used of Enrichment of Culture,
Method of Pure Culture, Preparation, Maintenance and Preservation of Microbial Culture (Pour plate,
Streak plate and Spread plate).MPN and SPC.

Unit III
Environmental Biotechnology:
Introduction, Basic of Environmental Biotechnology, Definition and Scope of Biotechnology,
Biotechnological Approach of Environmental Pollution, Energy Management and Abatement
Bioremediation, Reclamation and Restoration.

Unit IV
Environmental Biotechnology for Environmental Protection:
Scope of Biotechnology in Pollution Control, In-situ and Ex-situ Bioremediation, Phytoremediation- Metal
Phytoremediation, Organic Phytoremediation, Microbes used in Pollution Mitigation, Environmental
Biotechnology and Sustainability, Bio-control Agents- Bio-Pesticides, Bio-Insecticide, Mushroom
Cultivation and Vermiculture.
Bioethics and Biosafety.
Books for Reference
01. General microbiology Volume I & II : C. B. Powar & H. F. Daginawala ( Himalaya
publishing House, Mumbai ), 2002
02. Fundamental principles of Bacteriology (TMH Edition): A. J. Salle, (Tata McGraw-
Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi), 1974
03. Microbiology : P. D. Sharma ( Rastogi publication Meerut )
04. Microbiology: Pelizer, Reid & Chan (Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited,
New Delhi ),
05. Hand book of Microbiology: Yu. S. Krivashein ( Mir Publishers Mascow )
06. Microbiology for Environmental Engineering : M. C. Kinnery ( Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi ),
07. Applied Microbiology: Vimta Kale & Kishore Bhusari ( Himalaya Publishing House,
Mumbai )
08. Soil Microbiology: Martin Alexander, Wiley Eastern Limited, 1981
09. Environmental Biotechnology: S. N. Jogdand, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai
10. A Textbook of Biotechnology: R. C. Dubey, S. Chand & Company, New Delhi (2002).
Environmental Chemistry And Atmospheric Science (1P1)

1. Laboratory concepts: Rules and regulation, preparation of standard solutions.

2. Weighing capacity and sensitivity of balance –care and use of balance.
3. Water sampling and storage techniques.
4. Examination of water quality with respect to following parameters
a. pH, conductivity, density, viscosity, turbidity, colour.
b. Acidity, Alkalinity, TDS & DO
5. Study of adsorption of colour on activated charcoal and verification of freundlictis
6. Determination of Iron 1:10, O- Phenanthroline method
7. Physical properties of soil: Determination of textured and particle size distribution
(sand, silt and clay) porosity, water holding capacity, electrical conductivity and
infiltration rate.
8. Metrology of air pollution :
a. Determination of wind velocity and direction by anemometers
b. Determination of relative humidity by psychomotor

Environmental Biology, Environmental Microbiology And Biotechnology (1P2)

1. Estimation of primary productivity by light and dark Bottle method

a. Study of macrophytes lake
b. Effects of light/pollutants on photosynthetic activity
2. Analysis of lakes ecosystem with special reference to their conservation and
3. Isolation of bacteria from soil water & air
4. Collection and handling of water sample for bacterial analysis with respect to
a. Standard plate count at 370c
b. Coli form count by MID & MPN technique
c. MF Techniques for coli forms
5. Bioassay test with fish/snail Determination of LC-50 value using pollutants (heavy
metals/ instructions, acute and chronic toxicity to study the effects of toxicity
6. Identification and enumeration of Phytoplankton in surface water
7. Identification and enumeration of Zooplankton in surface water.
8. Collection of affected leaves from road side plantation and its comparison with
reference plants.

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